Foot Fetish Stream Story 6: Reverse Hypnosis

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Looks like I didn't quite manage to win this game...

Reverse Hypnosis for DrakeHavok by Draconicon

Havok chuckled as he saw the black dragon making his way down the street. Turning away from the window, the white dragon sat down on his couch, kicking off his socks in preparation for a little bit of fun.

"You don't know it yet, Draconicon, but today isn't going to be as easy for you as all those other visits."

He didn't have to wait for long until he heard the knock at the door.

"It's open."

The door opened and shut quietly, but the white dragon was used to that. His friend was quite discreet when he needed to be, and this was one of those times. For the both of them, really, considering that his roommates could come back pretty much any time.

Tap, tap, tap. The footsteps were as loud as they always were, but they were the only ones in the house, so for now it was fine.

Havok put his feet up on the table in front of the couch, curling his toes towards the opening into the living room. The leading statue of the other dragon was just passing through, so he would be -

"Hey, Hav- Heh...nice view."

Chuckling, Havok gestured at the couch. Draconicon, already having shed his own shoes, joined him. They were right across from each other, their feet almost touching in the center of the table as they looked at each other.

He was always surprised at how big Draconicon was. The black dragon was seven feet tall, more than a full foot taller than him, and was a little thicker in the arms and chest as well. Neither of them were very muscular, admittedly, but both of them had enough fitness to not be fat, either. The black dragon had wings, though, while he didn't.

Their toes brushed against each other, and Havok noticed that the black's were a bit more sweaty than usual. Probably had a long walk. Probably thinks he has the advantage today, too.

Considering their usual playtimes, Draconicon would have had a bit of an advantage. Would have, if Havok hadn't prepared a bit.

"So, did you enjoy our last playtime?"

"You know I did, Havok. You were as tight and eager as ever."

"Heh, and you just as big. But I think I'm going to win this time."

"Heh, and why do you think that? You're looking -"

"- right at my feet already."


The black dragon blinked, even as the white slipped forward, resting his heels on the other dragon's toes.

"Yeah, you're looking right at my feet. It's not like you've ever really looked at anything else, right, foot loving friend of mine? And why should you? They are very nice feet, aren't they? The scales so smooth, the undersides so shiny?"


"Yeah, go ahead and keep looking, Draconicon. You know you want to look at my feet. Look at how they shimmer in the light, how they catch it and look so lovely."

Havok smiled as the other dragon was caught, beginning to sway his feet from side to side. He saw the black dragon's eyes follow them, and he knew he had already won.

"Yes, that's it. Just keep looking. You know you like seeing my feet, watching them sway back and forth. Isn't it a beautiful pair? Aren't you enjoying what you're seeing?"

"Yeah...I guess..."

"It's better than anything else in here. And so soothing, and so relaxing. It helps you relax so much, doesn't it? Do you know why that is?"


"It's because all of your stress, all those thoughts that make you so tired and stressed out, are going all the way down to one little spot. Do you know what that spot is?"

"....My cock?"

"Very good, Draconicon, very good." He leaned forward more, pressing the dragon's legs apart, letting them fall to the floor again. "Why don't you take it out for me? Take out your cock, and let me see just how tense you are."

The black dragon seemed to hesitate, and Havok worried that perhaps he was pushing too fast. He had prepared for this, yes, but he didn't know how good his foot hypnosis would be. The only reason it was working so far was because the black dragon's foot fetish was even stronger than his, but that would only go so far.

To his relief, Draconicon did as he was ordered, reaching into his pants and slowly pulling out his cock.

Havok always marveled at it. It was a pretty massive piece of meat, and definitely bigger than his. Draconicon's foot long length had been inside him more than a few times, and each time he remembered it for days afterwards. It was just too huge to take without leaving a lot of marks behind, and his hole was still a bit loose from having it inside him last time.

But today the dragon wouldn't get to use it. Not in the way that he expected, anyway. Havok smiled, moving to scoot a bit closer to the dragon, sitting on the table with his white feet in front of Draconicon's face.

"Now just stare at my feet, and do exactly what I say..."

It was so hard to think, but it was so easy to stroke himself, and that was what Draconicon did. His hand moved lazily up and down his shaft, just as the masterful white dragon instructed him to do.

A very small, very quiet part of him knew just what had happened. He was trapped by the hypnosis of the other dragon's feet, and in his own fetish. The knowledge, however, was no defense against what had happened to him, and he stared helplessly at the smooth soles that danced back and forth in front of him. His eyes followed them, head bobbing limply from side to side in helpless fascination.

They were beautiful. Smooth and slick, and with a soft musk that he could smell from where he sat. He moaned under his breath, stroking himself a little faster for a second before he felt wrong, that he had to slow down. He did; he didn't want to disappoint whoever was telling him to slow down.

The feet pressed against his face, nudging his cheek. He felt the moisture on the scaly surface, and he moaned, nuzzling it back. It rubbed him gently, almost like the caressing hand of a lover, and he realized that was how it felt. He giggled a bit at the thought, but just kept nuzzling the sole, enjoying the feeling of it against his face, and the scent that it brought with it.

Slowly, those feet drifted down, heading to places more sensitive, and the dragon leaned back to enjoy it. He looked down, seeing nothing but the pair of feet floating in front of him. They kept his attention, moving closer and closer to his crotch. He almost didn't want to watch them go there; after all, it was where all the tension and bad stuff was. But the voice said to look, and he did.

As soon as they touched him, he thrust up to meet them. It was like getting the best blowjob ever, in a way, though the feet were much drier than a mouth would be. They had about the same pressure on his cock, however, and bobbed up and down at the same speed. He moaned, thrusting hard between them before he was forced down again, made to sit still as the feet rubbed him.

"That's a good dragon. You are a good dragon for feet, aren't you?"

Yes...very good dragon...very good dragon for feet...

"You love the feeling of a pair of feet on your cock. You want to feel it all the time. It's almost an addiction for you, isn't it, to get footjobs, making your friends give them, so you can cum all over their feet. You like that, don't you, foot-dragon?"

Yes...Oh god...

He moaned. He remembered trying to hypnotize other people, and so often he played with their feet above other things. Even when he had the option to go further in other ways, he wanted that more.

He really was a foot dragon. He blushed, though he barely felt it through the hypnotic haze.

"Yes, that's it. Enjoy the feeling of my feet, foot dragon. Enjoy the feeling of my feet on your cock, feeling them milk away all the tension you have. You can feel it, can't you? With each stroke of my feet, you feel that much better, that much more relaxed. You feel like you are getting lighter, less weighed down. You love it, just like you love my feet.

"I want you to focus on that. Getting lighter and lighter. Getting happier and happier with each stroke of my feet. You love the feeling of my feet. You love the feeling of feet. You love feet.

"What are you?"

"I am...a foot dragon."

"Say it again."

"I am...a foot dragon..."

"One more time."

"I am a foot dragon..."

"Yes you are, and you always will be. This fetish will be your favorite for as long as you can enjoy anything, won't it?"

Draconicon nodded. It had always been a favorite of his, but it was the top of the list now. Feet were supreme in kink, and they always would be.

"That's it. Good to know you agree. Now, focus on my feet again. You see them going up and down your cock? You see them teasing you? You're almost ready to cum on them, aren't you?"

Yes, he was. It was so hard to avoid it when the voice mentioned it, as though he had been close for hours but hadn't known it. He shuddered, groaning, his arms thumping against his seat.

"Then cum, foot dragon, and start your new life."

Havok grinned as Draconicon covered his feet in cum. He doubted that the hypnotic command would stick that long; it never did with the other dragon. Still, with that hard a climax, he doubted Draconicon would want anything but foot action for weeks, and that would let his ass have a chance to recover if the other dragon won their game anytime soon.

The End

Foot Fetish Stream Story 7: Beware Bothered Bears

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