I Was a Teenage Porn Star (8)

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#8 of I Was a Teenaged Pornstar

Crisp is zoning out, and his friends have to fill him in on just what happened to the young wolf. Story continues!

I Was a Teenage Porn Star (8)

Hello, and welcome to the story! This is an ongoing continuation for avatar?user=311202&character=0&clevel=2 FriskeCrisps charting his fursona's interesting new career choices. *chuckle* Do tell me what you think, and remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

Have a fun read!


Crisp woke up with a huge yawn that kinda hurt his jaws. The little wolf blinked and realized that his muzzle had been resting against the window of a car, which probably wasn't the best idea, especially since he felt sore all over.

He blinked again and looked about him. He was sitting on the back, and he could see golden furs and round ears on whoever was driving the car. Next to him, when he looked to his right, sat Lane, the otter gently looking ahead of himself. Roger the bear completed the population of the car, riding shotgun at the front.

"Hmmmh..." Crisp breathed out.

Lane's ears perked and he looked over to the wolf, and smiled a little.

"Hey!" the otter chirped. "You're awake again! Guys, Crisp is up!"

The wolf felt a little blush creep to his cheeks, especially once Lane put his paw onto the wolf's arm and squeezed it.

"How're you doing, buddy?" Lane asked.

"Feeling any better?" Roger asked.

"Uh..." Crisp huffed, "I guess....it's just...it's just really hazy..."

"The doc said you've got a concussion," Leo told from the driver's seat, "they say it might take a while for you to get all your memories back."

"Concussion?" Crisp mumbled.

"Yeah, you hit your head pretty badly, remember?" Lane questioned the wolf.

"Uh...not really...uh...sorry," Crisp said. He looked down to his knees and realized that he was only wearing some strange thin hospital pants that looked like they were made of paper or something. They rustled when he shuffled his legs from side to side.

"It was horrible," Lane moaned, "I cried afterwards at the hospital, it was so awful."

"Had to give him a big ol' cuddle," Roger said, "no wonder. That was some messed up shit."

"What...what happened?"

"You sure you don't remember?" Roger asked.

Crisp wondered about everything he remembered. He could remember going out with the guys, yes, all sorts of interesting stuff happened during that meal...and then...hadn't he been in the car again? And...something about rain and...and his head hurt, it throbbed somewhere behind his eyes.

"Not really," I said, "I remember we went out for dinner and then it's all a bit hazy."

"The doc did say that you might've forgotten bits about what happened just before and after the attack," Lane said.

"A-attack?" Crisp yelped, and it made his jaw hurt again.

"Yeah," Lane shook his head, "your roomies got pissed off and threw you out."

Crisp's belly clenched. He thought about the burly frat boys he lived with and...and...what he had sometimes thought they might do if they knew he was gay...let alone actually doing gay porn, some of it quite...niche interest, too. But he'd been so careful, really discreet, he hadn't given anyone trouble or any idea what he did...had they...had they found out what he did? He tried to remember, but it was all hazy in his mind. Like there was a strange...glow in his head, that kept most things hard to remember.

"They really did that?" he said.

"I'm afraid so, kid," Roger said, "it was pretty ugly. Called names and stuff."

"You'll have to talk to the police again once you remember more about it, too, but for now, you'll be with us," Leo told him, "no more going to that stinkhole."

"W-what?" Crisp whimpered. "The police?"

"They beat you up, dude, that's a hate crime," Lane grunted, uncharacteristically angry for the otter, "they're gonna go to jail, I bet."

"They ganged up on you and threw all your stuff out of the house," Roger said, "we picked it up but they did a big mess out of it, sorry, dude..."

"My stuff?" Crisp asked.

"They threw it all out," Lane said, "we picked up what we could but it was raining and..."

Crisp looked out through the window. The sky was still grey, but it wasn't raining at the moment.

"What...what happened to them?" he asked.

"They're in jail," Roger grunted, "at the police station."

"Why?" Crisp asked.

"Because they beat you up, man!" Leo snorted.

"It looked like they'd tried to kill you or something, you were just lying there on the ground unconscious when we came over and..."

"I...I don't remember," Crisp whimpered, "and...and...but why were you there, anyway?"

"You forgot your wallet into the car. We were coming to give it back to you and we found you there." Lane said, "I've got it here..."

He put his webbed paw into his pocket and brought out the wolf's wallet.

"It should be in order, I just had to show your ID and stuff at the hospital," Lane said, "they gave it back to me afterwards, I said I was going to give it to you and take care of it before that."

"Uh...thanks," Crisp took the wallet into his paw and held it weakly.

"I don't think they're going to bother you for a long time," Roger said, "the cops said that they're going to be held for the investigation, and they'll be charged with assault."

"So...uh...my roomies might go to jail?" Crisp asked.

"I'm not sure, but what's sure is that you won't have to be alone," Lane smiled as he took the wolf's small paw into his own, "we're gonna take care of you."

"Uh...really?" the wolf whispered.

"You're staying with us, bro," Leo rumbled from the front of the car," at least until you get everything in order, and maybe after that, too, if you don't mind sharing an apartment with a few other guys, heheh."

"Uh...few other guys?"

"With us, silly!" Lane chirped. "You're gonna move in with me, Leo, Roger and Marco!"

"Really?" Crisp yelped.

"Sure do, kid!" Roger rumbled deeply. "We're gonna clean that room right up for you, and you can stay there for as long as you like. It's decided."

"We all agreed on it," Leo said, "you don't need to worry about rent or anything, you can pay later on if you like but now you just have to take it easy, man."

"I...I don't know..:" Crisp mumbled, "I mean...really?"

"You don't have a home anymore, Crisp," Lane told the wolf quietly, "those bastards threw you out, and it wouldn't be safe for you to go back there anymore. They beat you up...they're assholes."

Crisp sniffled. It was all getting too much for him. He was feeling so strange, and now hearing all of this...it made his eyes start to tear up. He just couldn't believe that it all had happened, and in such a short period of time, too. Just yesterday his biggest worry had been which shoes to buy from the supermall the next time he was going to go there for a fun shopping trip with his new porn star friends. And now he didn't have a home...and from what they were saying, he didn't have stuff, either?

"And...they...threw out my stuff too?"

"It was all over the place," Lane said, "we picked as much of it up as we could but..."

"It's in the trunk," Roger said, "we can try sorting it out later if you like."

"Uh..." Crisp's ears drooped, "yeah, I...I guess..."

"How are you holding up?" Lane's eyes were as worried as his voice, "you look tired."

"I..." Crisp said, "I don't know...I just...I can't remember much and..."

"We'll help you," Lane told the wolf seriously, "you don't have to be afraid of anything with us. You don't have to be alone."

"You...you're really gonna do that?" Crisp asked.

"You're our buddy, dude, of course we'll take care of ya," Roger smiled. "Nobody needs to go through some shit like that alone."

"What he was saying, bro," Leo said.

Crisp sniffled.

"I can't believe you're so nice to me..." he said, "nobody ever was before..."

"Gotta watch out for our buddy," Lane said, with a big smile.

Crisp felt teary-eyed and shy, but he managed to smile and mumble a "thanks" while Lane kept holding his paw. The guys on the front seats started talking about how they had beaten up "that cougar" or "that big ass horse" and Crisp wondered whether they really had kicked his frat boy housemates' ass like that. Some of then looked like bodybuilders, after all, and had really bad tempers, it didn't surprise Crisp at all that they'd pick up a fight with some porn stars who'd come over to the house. He could imagine them cracking knuckles and shooting dirty looks...probably saying all sorts of stupid things, too.

"T-thanks, guys," Crisp's voice trembled.

"We've all been young and a bit lost," Leo said, "wish I'd had someone to watch over my back when I was your age."

"Me too," Roger grumbled. "But at least we turned out alright, eh, Crisp?"

"You guys are the b-best..." Crisp whispered.

"You're sweet," Lane giggled before he pecked the wolf's cheek. Crisp felt himself blush intensely. He still felt a bit weird and drowsy, and his head hurt, but he also felt good, in a way. Whatever bad had happened, he was going to survive it, and his friends were going to help him through it all. If only he could remember everything...it was still so hazy, and he could only remember little bits, and it hadn't become any clearer yet. Even the stay at the hospital, that must've been only less than an hour ago, he could only remember vaguely, flashes of white-coated furs, and a strange smell and stinging over his face and his head. He lifted a paw to feel it up and it hurt. He winced.

"They had to put stitches there," Lane said, "you should be careful with it."

"Oh...okay," Crisp felt ashamed, "explains why it hurts..."

"Are you in pain?" Lane's face furrowed into worry, "I've got your pills here, the doctor said you can take one every four hours for the pain whenever it gets worse..."

He started patting his pockets, but Crisp shook his head. Even that hurt a bit.

"I think I'm okay...I feel like I'm gonna fall asleep sitting up, lol..."

"And you already did about as soon as we left the hospital," Roger chuckled, "that's some heavy stuff there, it knocks you right out. You're lightweight."

Crisp huffed.

"I've never done drugs," he said.

"Good," Leo said, "because we don't need druggies or alcoholics in our house."

"We run a tight ship," Roger said, "we might be laid back guys but sharing a house means there's responsibility too."

Leo snickered.

"What Roger wants to say is that everyone has to do chores and adhere to the rules," he said.

"R-rules?" Crisp asked.

"Don't worry about any of that, they're just being silly," Lane told the wolf with his calm, comforting smile, "we can talk about it once you've gotten some rest. You just need to relax now, okay? We're almost there, anyway."

Roger yawned.

"Really glad I'm not doing anything today, I'm spent."

"We all stayed at the hospital," Lane said, "Eric and Marco had to go to work in the morning, but we stayed. Wanted to make sure you're okay."

"Wow...you...you haven't slept at all?"

"We did a bit," Roger said, "mostly we just sat there. We all had to talk to the police, too, so it was good we were there with you."

"Oh...okay...thanks, guys," Crisp said shyly.

"No problem," Lane patted his shoulder, "I'm sure you'd done this for any of us."

"I...yeah, sure," Crisp whispered. He couldn't believe how friendly the guys were being, so ready to take him under their wing when he really was needing it. The worst thing was that he couldn't even remember properly everything that was going on. From what they said, things had gotten really bad, though. How else he'd gotten his head full of stitches?

"You're a good kid," Roger said.

"Are you hungry?" Leo said. "I think we all need a huge breakfast. I'm starving."

"You're saying?" Roger grumbled.

Crisp's stomach churned. He did feel kinda hungry, but his tummy felt weird.

"Not really," he said, "maybe later."

"Whenever you need it, dude," Lane said, "one of us will be at home all the time today to make sure you've got someone to look after you if you need anyone to talk to or anything like that."

"Thanks, guys," Crisp felt himself blush again.

They pulled up the car to a free spot in front of an old city building that was probably once a grand townhouse for someone very well to do, but it had since been renovated and let out, carved up into apartments. Crisp's neck felt funny when he looked up at it, from the pavement up to the slanting roof.

"Welcome home, dude," Leo patted the wolf's back as they piled out of the car.

"I'll get the stuff," Roger said, "or what's left of it."

"Just wait till you see the inside," Lane grinned.

The front door led into a big wooden staircase which they descended to the first floor. Leo and Roger both carried plastic bags with them, bulging with stuff they had picked up from the yard outside Crisp's old frat house.

"Home sweet home!" Lane declared when he opened the door.

Crisp thought it looked really nice. There was a living area and a kitchen, joined together, a big TV, a game console, gym equipment, and a door led into another room and from one corner, stairs descended up onto the upper floor.

"Got a big bathroom and three bedrooms up those stairs," Lane told him excitedly, "and there's another bedroom over there with its own bathroom."

He pointed at the door near the kitchen, and made a little circle standing in one place then.

"What do you think?" he asked.

"It looks really super nice," Crisp mumbled. "Really cozy..."

"And the price ain't bad either, but you needn't worry about that," Leo purred from behind the young wolf.

"What do you want to do with all this stuff?" Roger asked, waving his bags around.

Crisp looked at the plastic bags with curiosity. He could see the sleeve of a shirt hang out from one of them, and recognized it as a green hoodie he liked to wear sometimes. It was all rumpled and had dirt stains on it.

"It's pretty much all we found," Leo said," there's school stuff, books, clothes, your computer..."

"But I think that's pretty smashed up, I'm sorry to say," Roger growled.

Crisp gasped.

"I had everything in it..." he sniffed, "my photos and games and..."

"Don't worry about it," Lane patted the wolf's shoulder before he put an arm about him and pulled him close to his side, "I know an old high school buddy who is a real wizard with electronics, I'm gonna call him and see what he can do about it, okay?"

"And maybe we can save some of this stuff, even if it got wet," Leo said, "we better look at it."

"T-thanks, guys," Crisp whispered.

"We'll take care of it," Roger said, "You just make yourself home."

"I..." Crisp said, "I think I'd just want to...maybe sleep a bit? I feel so tired."

"Oh, sure," Lane smiled, "but you need something to wear to bed first, I mean, those scrubs aren't very comfortable-looking!"

Crisp looked down his body at the rustling pants and shirt and started to think the same.

"Where are my clothes, anyway?" he asked.

"The police took them for evidence," Leo the lion said, "They've got all sorts of marks on them from the fight, they can figure out who did what to you."


"CSI stuff, man!" Roger snickered.

"Okay..." Crisp replied.

"Go upstairs to my room," Leo said, "the spare room isn't really ready for anything, and I've got the biggest bed, I'm sure Crisp will be cosy there."

"That's a good idea," Lane said, "come on, Crisp, I'll help you out if you like."


Crisp's head felt oddly swimming when he climbed the stairs with the otter, who kept holding onto his paw throughout. The room they entered from the landing was decorated with anime posters and was well equipped with a computer, a TV, and some nice clothes lying around, there was even a whole shelf of shoes on one of the walls. It made Crisp wonder what happened to his shoes, mildly, because his mind seemed to be working very slowly.

"Can you take your clothes off?" Lane asked. "If it hurts, I can help you out."

"I'll try..."

Crisp winced when he lifted his arms over his head, it felt funny in his neck, but he managed to remove the thin shirt off and drop it to the bed. He even forgot to feel properly shy about stripping up in the otter's presence when he took the pants off, too. Lane seemed to be preoccupied at the moment, anyway, going through some drawers in a chest of them.

"Heheh...it's Leo's clothes so it's probably a bit big for you, do you mind? I could go and find something from mine if you like."

"Lol, it's okay," Crisp replied, "I'd just rather put something on and get to bed, I'm so tired."

"Hah, alright," the otter smiled. He pulled out a big blue T-shirt, and held it out, "think this'd be okay?"

It looked relatively huge, but Crisp wasn't going to start complaining.

"It's fine."

He pulled the shirt on with Lane's help, and also got a fresh pair of boxers that barely held up around his waist, but they smelled and felt clean and felt alright on him once they were on.

"There...like wearing nice pajamas," Lane smiled.

"Thanks for the help."

"No worries," Lane smiled, "let me put you to bed?"

Nobody had done that to Crisp since he was a pup...it felt almost weird, to have someone pull the covers and then help him into the bed, to fluff the pillows and push the blankets over him and fuss around with everything.

"There...all bundled up!" Lane smiled. "You comfortable?"

"Yeah, thank you," Crisp said.

The otter smiled and pecked the wolf's forehead, and brushed his thumb against an ear.

"You sleep well," Lane smiled, "and just yell if you need anything, okay?"

"Sure, okay."

"We'll be just downstairs, making breakfast. We'll be quiet."

Crisp just nodded. The otter left, with his tail swinging behind him. Crisp didn't have the energy to watch it for a long time. He already felt so tired...he was sure that he was going to float back into sleep soon.

He wasn't even sure when he did.


Thank you for reading! I hope you had a fun time, and I look forward to hearing your comments! Cheers!


I Was a Teenage Porn Star (9)

**\*** Hello, folks! Here's the next chapter of this ongoing commission for [![avatar?user=311202&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=311202&character=0&clevel=2) FriskeCrisps](https://friskecrisps.sofurry.com/...

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Mature Guys (HH)

** ** **Mature Guys (HH)** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **\*** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Hello, babies, and welcome to the fun world of The Hockey Hunk! Hope you have an interesting time reading, as always, and I look forward to hearing your...

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