I Was a Teenage Porn Star (9)

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#9 of I Was a Teenaged Pornstar


Hello, folks! Here's the next chapter of this ongoing commission for avatar?user=311202&character=0&clevel=2 FriskeCrisps - I hope you have a fun time reading, and I look forward to you comments and feedback!


Crisp woke up with a startle. He lifted his head up from the strange-smelling pillow and a pain immediately shot up his neck and to the behind of his eyes. He squeezed them tightly shut, let his head fall down again, and whimpered. His ears were flat and he let out a groan, waiting for the swimming sensation and the pain his head to disappear. For a moment he wondered if he was going to puke, but the wolf took a few deep breaths and started to feel better, slowly, and he dared to open his eyes again.

It took him a few moments to remember where he was exactly. He was no longer neither at the hospital or the frat house, but instead, it was the house his colleagues had taken him to after...after...

"...hey, you faggot!"

His stomach felt cold upon the memory popping into his mind. He could remember the feeling of rain dropping onto his muzzle and the pain on his neck and things throwing through the air...

He tensed. He felt angry and scared, and confused, and his head hurt, and he felt like he needed to pee.

Crisp realized that he had a boner.

The wolf's tail swished against the bed. He lifted the cover carefully and he saw the baggy T-shirt, for most part, and the legs of a pair of shorts that were mostly covered by the hem of the shirt. Layers of cloths or not, he could still see the bulge there. He realized that he wasn't wearing any underwear beneath those clothes that didn't even belong to him, but to...to...Leo? Wasn't this the lion's room?

Crisp felt himself blush. Getting a boner at this moment was likely the most inappropriate thing possible - borrowed clothes, borrowed bed, and now he was doing...that, too. His tails swapped the sheets and he hoped he wasn't shedding too much fur onto it.

"Wow..." Crisp mumbled, staring at the ceiling where he could see a fancy lamp hanging from a hook.

The room looked really smart to him. It was very comfortable, well decorated and furnished with the young man's possessions. It wouldn't first come to mind that it belonged to someone who did gay porn films, he thought.

"Lol," Crisp told himself. That was such a weird thought. Then again, his roomies hadn't thought he would make them, before they discovered -

And he remembered, that they told him that they'd discovered the copies of the movies at his room, and the clothes from the femboy shoot -

Crisp shuddered, and felt a tear in the corner of his eyes. He couldn't believe that such hate could even exist. He hadn't harmed anyone, had done nothing wrong to anyone, and he'd only done it to get some money. He'd even gotten the nice clothes as a secondary perk, and he hadn't even really worn them after that, not much...

The wolf hugged himself under the covers and hoped that the sad feeling would go away. A few more tears fell from his eyes, over his fuzzy cheeks, and he felt a little better for it, though not for the fact that he had cried. The real difference was that his head didn't really hurt like before.

"Uhh..." he moaned.

He really needed to take a leak, and he also felt thirsty, and a little hungry, even if he'd just felt like puking a moment before. He laid there quietly and heard his stomach grumble. He sure had to be realty hungry, he thought.

Crisp remembered that the guys had promised to keep an eye on him and wondered whether he should shout out for someone to come. He didn't really want to do that, he didn't wish to make them think that something was wrong and he'd need help. They'd obviously had it rough last night, staying up all the time while Crisp had his injuries treated at the hospital. The guys were so sweet, the wolf thought, doing that to someone they'd only known for a little while really.

"How can I ever pay this back to them?" Crisp pondered.

This time he moved as slowly as he could. He lifted his head extra carefully, moved one footpaw at a time, and managed to get to sitting up on the edge of the bed without feeling like he was going to puke. He flicked his tail a bit and stretched his paws up carefully. That caused the sleeves of the shirt to slip down into his armpits.

"Oops," Crisp mumbled.

He tugged on the sleeves a bit and then stood up, found out that he wasn't going to faint, and smiled a bit. He did realize that he was still sporting some wood, though, in the shorts. Why did having to pee do that, anyway? It was really hard to do it if you had a boner. And he wasn't even feeling horny or sexy at all, he just felt tired and hungry and mentally exhausted and unsure of what to do. The pee problem seemed important to sort out at first but he realized that he didn't even know where the bathroom was! He'd have to ask the guys about it.

Crisp tiptoed over to the door, one paw pressed against his belly once he felt that the shorts were in danger of slipping down. The wolf boy got out into the landing of the stairs and looked about, but none of the doors he saw looked like one leading into a bathroom...so WC sign or anything else that'd be a sure sign.

"Lol," the wolf snuffled.

His ears perked at the sound of a metallic clang..._click...click...click..._a rhythmical noise that was coming from downstairs, he could tell. So that meant that someone was downstairs, he thought! That was great. They'd kept the promise and at least one of them was down there waiting for him in case he needed something. That made Crisp feel nice. He started down the stairs, both eyes and ears perked curiously. He saw Roger reclining on the couch with a laptop over his belly, tapping away, while on the other side, Lane was lying down on the weightlifting bench and pumping iron. That was the source of the clanging sound from before, when the otter lowered the bar.

"Oh, hey Crisp!" Lane called out.

Roger looked up from his computer.


Crisp lifted his paw and at that very moment felt the oversized shorts shuffle down along his hips and hit the bottom step of the stairs he was standing on. The cloth rubbed against what he knew to be a still active boner, and when he glanced down, he saw it tent up the hem of the big T-shirt he wore. A massive blush spread over his muzzle, especially once he looked up and saw that both the bear and the otter were now looking at him and could definitely see the bulge on the front.

"Whoops..." Crisp mumbled and hung his head in shame, as he fumbled for the hem of the shorts.

"Heheh," Roger snickered.

"Oh, man, I should've borrowed you something from my wardrobe!" Lane chirped.

"Glad you didn't borrow mine," Roger commented. "My T-shirt would look like a muumuu on you, dude!"

"Sorry..." Crisp finally managed to pull the shorts and clutched the waistband to make sure that they also stayed up. "Lol..."

"How are you, Crisp?" Lane asked. He was now simply sitting on the weight bench and looking at the wolf curiously. "Slept alright?"

"Uh...I guess," Crisp replied. "Did I sleep long?"

"About...three hours?" Roger mused. "Give or take."

"You picked a great time to wake up!" Lane grinned. "Leo just popped out to get us pizza!"

Crisp's stomach buzzed at the idea of a pizza. He was so hungry.


"You alright, kid?" Roger asked. "You still look pretty shaken up."

"My head hurts a bit," Crisp said, "and I guess I feel a bit tired...but I'm also hungry, so...yeah..."

"It's good that you've been resting up, there's no way you can go through something like that and not feel all shaken up," Lane opined. "You could go and lie down before lunch, unless you wanna hang out or something. We're here for you if you need some company."

"Thanks, guys," the wolf said, "but I guess I first need the toilet, lol."

"I'll show you! Lane bounced up from the weightlifting bench and landed to his feet with his tail wagging about.

The otter crossed the room and took Crisp's arm and led the wolf past a smirking bear on the couch and over to one of the doors leading out of the big living area.

"Here you go!" Lane opened the door and flicked on the lights from the switch by it on the wall. "Need any help?"

"Uh..." Crisp started to say, but didn't get to finish up before the otter was already dragging him in.

"We have to get you a toothbrush and your own towel and shampoo and anything you need, but I'm sure we have some spares here you can borrow..." the otter explained in rapid fire speech as he gestured around the room.

"I think I only need the toilet for now..." Crisp said.

"Well, you probably recognize it here, haha!" the otter winked. "But think it looks like you still need some help to me."

"Huh?" Crisp asked. He felt puzzled.

"Well, Leo's clothes are kinda ill fitting on you, might need a paw to keep it off when you do it, unless you wanna strip it all off."

Crisp felt the heat on his cheeks deepen.

"Oh I dunno."

"Come on here!" Lane gestured at the toilet bowl.

"O-okay..." Crisp approached, curious, if a bit wary.

"Now..." Lane stepped behind the wolf, whose tail jumped curiously, but he didn't move away," I'll just help you a bit...take a hold of the shorts with one paw...okay?"

"O-okay..." Crisp kept up his clasp on the waistband.

"And now, pull up the shirt from the front, okay?" Lane suggested. He was speaking into Crisp's ear and it started to feel as hot as the wolf's cheeks did.

"Well, yeah...I can't piss through it..." Crisp said nervously.

He gathered the T-shirt into his other paw and pulled it up so that his belly was revealed, not to even mention the bulge in the shorts. He shivered at the feeling of the otter's paw sliding over his hips and then to his front...and Lane, breathing softly, slipped his paw into the wolf's shorts.


"Just a helping paw..." Lane spoke up.

He handled the wolf's erection gently and popped it out from under the waistband so that both his balls and his sheath were out in the open, along with the very stiff, pink erection that was now held between two webbed fingers.

"There we go..."

"I-I'm not sure I can do it like this, Lane..." Crisp said.

The otter pressed carefully and aimed the wolf's dick onto the toilet bowl.

"I won't let you piss your face," the otter giggled, "no matter how cute that'd be."

"C-cute!" Crisp yelped and knew that his tail had just slapped the otter out of his surprise.

"Heheh," the latrine laughed again, "sorry, dude."

"I really don't' know if this is gonna work..."

"Sure it does, you just need to relax," the otter said, "every guy knows how to pee in a pinch with a boner."

"I...uh...yeah, I guess I've done that but..."

"Well, it's pointing down, you only have to release that little muscle down there and it's gonna just flow free..." the otter said.

"Lol, kinda hard to concentrate, you know!" Crisp complained.

"Don't mind me," Lane chuckled, very nonchalantly despite the fact he was holding Crisp's penis in his paw," just think about how nice it feels to get that relief."

"Uh...yeah, I'm kinda about to burst..."

"Then you know what I'm talking about!" Lane snickered. "Just let it go, dude, we're all guys here...not the first time I've helped someone take a leak..."


"Sure!" the otter grinned. "We all give a helping paw to one another around here, you know..."

Crisp's neck felt hot from the otter's breath on his furs there, washing down into the collar of the big T-shirt. His dick felt super hard despite the very careful, gentle pinch of the otter's paw on him, just two fingers keeping his shaft down and aimed.


"Come on, it's not difficult...just relax...let it flow..."

"I...I said..."

"Just slowly...I'll take care of ya..."

Crisp was pretty sure he could feel a hard lump against his butt, belonging to the otter alright...a sensation distracting enough, that he actually felt the pressure shift and a little bit of his pee splashed into the bowl.

"Look, you're doing it!" the otter sounded jubilant. "Let it all go..."

Crisp wasn't sure it was quite that big an event to be so excited about, but Lane seemed pleased about it. It might've been a bit weird to him, but he didn't want to seem unfriendly.


Maybe it really was the feel of the otter's boner against his backside, but he managed to get it done, in somewhat difficult bursts that eventually did drain his bladder. It sure felt weird, peeing with someone else holding his dick, and especially with a hard-on that sure wasn't going to come down if someone was touching him like that. Lane did feel warm, too, and smelled a bit sweaty from the workout he was having before he started helping out the wolf.

"See?" the otter snickered once Crisp announced that he was done. "It's alright with a buddy."

Crisp started to say something to that, but the otter distracted him by giving his boner a shake to get the final drops out. That tickles and felt sexy, for sure, and Crisp knew that it caused his tail to wag against the otter's hip.

"More than alright..." Lane chuckled.

He finally let the dick slip from his fingers and tugged on the shorts to pull that interesting lupine package back into the pants. Crisp felt relieved that he was covered up again, but also a little bit...disappointed? Lane flushed the toilet and stepped away to wash his paws at the sink.

"Don't have to wash your paws, you didn't touch your willy" the otter said.

Crisp wondered whether any grownup people ever really called their dicks that. The otter murmured happily to himself while he soaped up, ran water over his paws, and then dried them on a fluffy blue towel.

"Do you always...help each other out?" the wolf asked.

"Pretty often," the otter winked. "Come on, let's go and see what Roger is up to, and I'm sure Leo is back soon."

He sauntered past Crisp and gave his butt a little surprise pat before he stepped out of the bathroom. Crisp followed him soon after, boner-bulge leading the way, he knew. Maybe that was how things worked in this strange house populated by sexy porn stars.

With his butt itching and his sheath full and plump, Crisp joined the other occupants of the house. Roger was still to be found from the couch and Lane was leaning against the couch, wagging and grinning up a storm. Crisp wondered if he was telling the chuckling bear about what had happened in the bathroom.

"...hope he comes soon, I'm so damn hungry!" Lane said.

"Oh, me too," Roger said, "I'm so hungry I could eat a Pop tart..."

"Ewww...!" Lane swatted the bear's chest.

"Oh, come on!" the bear snorted at him. "I'm not joking...much!"

"I'll get you a carrot!" Lane grinned.

"Oh, shush, pass me a cucumber...a nice, thick one..." the bear replied.

"Aw, shucks, I might've taken that to my room the other night..." the otter replied.

Both of them snickered dirtily and then looked over at the wolf lingering nearby.

"Come on, come and sit here with papa bear," Roger patted the couch, "just a sec..."

The bear closed the laptop and put it onto a small table by the couch before he swung his thick legs over to make some room.

"Here you go!"

Lane flipped himself over the backrest of the couch and landed on the other side, which left plenty of room on the middle for one young wolf. Crisp wandered over and sat down gingerly so as not to cause any other parts of his body to be accidentally exposed again.

"Hmmm..." Lane murmured.

Crisp sat down and found that the couch was till warm from where the bear's legs were before. That felt kinda funny to him. The bear smiled and put his arm over the backrest and grinned to the wolf, looking happy.

"Hey there," he smiled.


"Feeling okay?" the bear asked. "Nothing too painful?"

"Nope, not really," Crisp said, "though it hurts when I turn my head too quickly..."

"You got a big knock there, but I'm glad you're doing well now!" Roger smiled. "You're a sweet guy, don't wanna anything bad happen to you, kid!"

The bear patted Crisp's thigh, which made the wolf smile, shyly. He'd felt a bit intimidated by the bear, from the beginning when he'd first met him, but he felt a bit more comfortable with him now, being so friendly not only to his friends but to Crisp too.

"Thanks, really," Crisp said, "I don't know where I'd be now if you hadn't come there to stop those guys."

"Do you remember anything more about it?" Lane asked.

"Not sure," Crisp said, "maybe...like...they were calling names?"

"They sure did call us names too," Roger grunted, "but once we put our paws to them, they were just calling for their mommies..."

The bear growled dangerously. Crisp didn't know whether to feel scared or impressed that the bear had apparently fought off a whole bunch of angry frat boys with the help of his friends.

"Don't think about it too much, Crisp," Lane told the wolf, "we beat them up, and they won't be messing around with you anymore, those dickheads."

"Nope," Roger said, "the only one who gets to mess around with you is us, and only in a good way!"

The bear winked, which caused a funny tingling sensation in both Crisp's belly and his butt, and when he glanced at Lane, he could see the otter grinning in that very special naughty way too.

"Lol," Crisp said.

"Hahahah!" Roger laughed and patted Crisp's shoulder. His ears suddenly dropped when he felt a dull pain emanate from where the paw touched him.

"Ow - "

The bear took his paw immediately away and looked at the wolf with concern.

"Did I do that too hard?" he asked quickly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, just...a bit sore..." the wolf mumbled.

"Sorry 'bout that," Roger rubbed the wolf's shoulder. "Hope you get better really quickly, don't wanna see anyone be down because of what some idiots did."

"I'm fine, thanks," Crisp said, "Thanks for taking care of me."

Both the bear and the otter were smiling to him, when the sound of a key being turned roused their attention.


Leo crashed into the room, all shiny furs and swinging tail and four pizza boxes piled on his paws. He closed the door behind him with a kick from his paw, still balancing the pizzas in his grip.

"Damn, I was ready to start eating carrots here!" Roger yelled.

"Anchovies for otters!" Lane chirped.

"You're up too, dude!" Leo was purring when he moved over and the smell of pizza wafted away from him in a thick, invisible cloud of delicious scent that preceded the lion. "I've got one for you too, pepperoni, because I remember one time at the studio, you were having pepperoni pizza from the catering table!"

"Lol, how can you remember something like that?" Crisp asked.

"Because I like pepperoni too, sweetie!" the lion grinned. "Come on, guys, do you think I'm gonna let you show Crisp some bad manners the first day he's here? We're eating at the table like civilized furs, not eating on the couch like...like...on some sitcom!"

"But I wanna be cast on a sitcom about sexy pornstars who do all sorts of funny things when they're not shooting porn and get into embarrassing misunderstandings with their neighbors!" Lane described his desires while Leo disappeared towards the kitchen and the table there.

"Might not be shown even on HBO," Roger mused, "we don't get HBO, by the way, sorry, Crisp, but I know where to pirate all the good shows so you can still watch them."

"Roger, tsk!" Leo chuffed. "Don't' tell him about your dirty secrets!"

Crisp shrugged.

"Lol, I lived in a frat house, "he said, "do you think they had any legal pieces of music or videos there?"

"Lots of bootleg videos of me too, hopefully!" Lane snickered.

"You wish!" Roger snorted.

"I've got the couple you game me," Crisp said, "or, I guess, I did...since my computer's broken..."

"Possibly broken, but we'll see if we can fix it," Roger said, "but now, I need to eat that pizza or I'll..."

"Sit on a carrot to get at least something inside you!" Lane giggled.

"You come and sit on my lap!" the bear replied.

All the guys moved over to the kitchen. Leo went to the fridge and opened it.

"Soda, water, and diet stuff for anyone who wants it!" he announced.

Crisp watched how Roger just sat down, opened his pizza box and dug into it without looking for utensils like a fork and a knife, let alone a plate. Lane settled onto his own butt and did the same. Crisp decided that some things these guys did just like the frat boys in his old place. At least they didn't fart and belch and compete on who did the nastiest one. He found a free seat and grabbed one of the remaining pizzas. It smelled wonderful, and his maw watered at the sight of the pepperoni.

"Sweet," he said, "how much do I owe you for the pizza? I've got money in my wallet."

"Oh, shush," the lion rumbled, "this one's on us. Get your strength back."

"Wow...uh...thanks, guys," the wolf said. He'd already lost count on how many times he'd had to thank his friends about all their kindness over that one day so far.

"No problem!" Leo said. "I'm sure you'd done the same."

"Of course, anything I could," the young wolf replied.

"Did you sleep okay?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, I just woke up, really," the wolf said, "the others told me there's pizza coming so I stayed up."

"And I gave him a paw!" Lane snickered.

The lion looked at the otter and raised his brow.

"Reee-uhll--ley?" he drew it out.

The otter giggled.

"Oh don't look at me like that!"

The lion glanced at the wolf and smirked.

"Lane been a naughty boy again?"

"Not that naughty, I just helped him in the bathroom."

"Helped or helped out?" the lion emphasized.

"I just gave him a little shake," Lane smiled.

"Like the one you gave me the other night?" Roger asked. "With creamy finish on top?"

Crisp blushed. The otter sure seemed to be one naughty guy - after all, it was only last night that he'd sneaked under the table at the restaurant and given the wolf a blowjob while the others were just continuing their chatting and pretending nothing kinky was going on, all the time the wolf was getting his dick sucked! Maybe such naughty occurrences were an everyday thing at the house.

"I like it when you're on top," the otter winked.

Leo and Roger chuckled. Crisp concentrated on chewing on his pizza for a little moment before he spoke up.


They all looked at him, with kind, curious faces. Lane was still smiling friendlily.

"Yeah?" Leo asked.

"So...you all like...do stuff, all the time?" Crisp asked. "Sex stuff...together?"

The three older males shared looks before they all concentrated on Crisp again.




"How do you define 'all the time', you mean?" Leo asked.

Roger snickered. Lane seemed even more cheerful than before. Crisp's tail swished behind him nervously.

"Well, we're pretty casual about it here, you know?" Leo said. "Since none of us have boyfriends or anything..."

"It's just fun!" Lane grinned. "Just something we do because we like each other, and it's a fun way to relax."

"And when you do porn, it's nice to be able to relax and have sex that's not happening on a set," Leo explained, "there's nothing like the real thing, after all."

"Definitely not," Roger grinned. "Good to just let it all flop out and have some good-fashioned fun with your buddies."

"Butt buddies!" Lane winked over to the lion.

"Hahah!" the lion swatted the otter's butt with his paw."Yeah, right."

"It's true!"

Roger looked at Crisp and smiled.

"Don't listen to Lane, he's a perv."

"Am not!" the otter pouted. "I'm just randy!"

"One night he humped my leg while I was sleeping," Leo said.

"You invited me to your bed!" Lane yelped.

"You guys share beds?" Crisp asked.

"Sure, when we feel like it," Lane said, "but nobody has to, if you want it all for yourself, or for a...ah...a visitor..."

He leered at Leo, who puffed out his chest.

"Sometimes!" he said. "But not like every night..."

"Bet Lane's just jealous," Roger said.

"Says the one who got a stalker on Knot'd and had to quit using the app," Leo said.

"Only because he started nagging me for used underwear," the bear replied.

Lane giggled.

"Crisp is already wearing some!" he said.

The wolf almost choked on his pizza.

"Uh?" he mumbled.

"Yeah, you're wearing Leo's shorts!" Lane giggled.

"Uh...yeah," Crisp looked at his plate.

"I thought so!" the lion said. "How're they on you?"

"Big," Crisp replied.


"I'll look something up from my collection," Lane said, "hope you don't mind wearing thongs - "

"Crisp's clothes are in the drier," Roger said, "I'm sure he can wear his own stuff after it's done."

"Except the shoes," the otter said, "couldn't put those into the washing machine."

"But we can sort that out, too," Leo said, "you don't have to worry, dude."

"Okay," the wolf said.

"Just chill out," the lion patted Crisp's back, "if you're worried that we have a full out orgy here every night, that's not true. Sure, some sex happens, but you can always choose whether to join in or not. Like we were all saying, it's all just for fun and to relax."

"Uh, I get that," Crisp said, "just...so not used to that..."

"Well, certainly not with those boneheads," Roger cracked his knuckles.

"Here you can do whatever you like, and be whoever you like," Leo smiled, "we don't judge...we might just...join in, hahah!"

"Wow, yeah, just...uh..." Crisp rubbed his muzzle, "I mean...uh...I mean, not used to seeing sexy stuff or...doing much of it...I mean...so not experienced, if you know what I mean..."

"Well everyone's gotta start some point..." Leo purred while looking at Crisp.

"Uh..." the wolf felt his blush deepen under his cheek furs.

"We just want you to have fun," Roger said, "and if you were wanna have fun with us, we're here."

Crisp's boner, the one that'd slowly deflated during the meal, threatened to come back full force in his sheath. He hoped the guys wouldn't nice that, being more concentrated on the food and the talk, and wouldn't be peeping under the table.

"All of us," Leo said, "you're super cute, you know."

"Like, cute enough to melt ice!" Lane snickered.

"What does that even mean?" Roger asked.

"Well, you know...like, super cute!" the otter said.

"With a nice dick and a cute butt, too," the bear added, "from what I've seen..."

"I can confirm that they both feel nice, too!" Leo said.

"Me too!" Lane grinned.

"Damn, now I feel left out!" the bear chuckled.

Roger looked at Crisp, who returned the look shyly. The others were smiling too.

"You're gonna fit in just right," Leo said.


Thank you for reading! Hope you liked this, and I look forward to your comments!

The Lunt Street Ripper’s Sentence (3)

**The Lunt Street Ripper's Sentence (3)** **\*** Hello, folks! This is the next chapter in [![avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2) Sanmer](https://sanmer.sofurry.com/...

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The Lunt Street Ripper’s Sentence (2)

**The Lunt Street Ripper's Sentence (2)** ** ** ** ** **\*** ** ** ** ** This is a continuing commission for [![avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2)...

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I Was a Teenage Porn Star (8)

**I Was a Teenage Porn Star (8)** Hello, and welcome to the story! This is an ongoing continuation for [![avatar?user=311202&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=311202&character=0&clevel=2)...

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