Mature Guys (HH)

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#45 of Hockey Hunk Season 6

Mature Guys (HH)


Hello, babies,

and welcome to the fun world of The Hockey Hunk! Hope you have an interesting time reading, as always, and I look forward to hearing your feedback on the story. Your words are always most interesting to read and they do give a boost to the morale when it's most needed, so keep it up! Thank you! Do remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!


Dropping everything after a long day at work seemed much easier when you had somewhere to be afterwards, and what'd be a better location than the hidey hole of a pleasantly muscle-gutted Dobie with a swanky apartment and a lot of hospitality for a weary lion?

Tonight was fantastic. There was food on the table, since Victor had decided to go all Cobb and fry something wonderful on the pan, something that smelled so great and simply...dematerialized in my muzzle while I enjoyed it with helpings of juicy sauce and some beer, even.

That wasn't even to mention the shower, afterwards, because Victor told me that stinking lions make for bad company...I'm sure he was joking with that, and accused him that it was an excuse to get me out of my clothing.

"You think I'd be that wily?" Victor suggested. "Me?"

He flicked his ears and pouted, which looked silly.

"Do I look like a fox? Hmmmm?" he murmured, and his paws were already tugging off my shirt from the waist of my pants. "Victor the wily fox?"

"That's racist," I snickered.

"I blame those old cartoons me and Cobb watched," he said.

"How about we just blame Cobb?" I said.

"Let's not talk about Cobb," Victor said.

He pinned me down against the wall and let his tongue lounge in my muzzle for a while, all the time as his paws made out with my butt and the base of my tail, massaging and stroking the thick muscled bit there that made me murr into his own muzzle and grip onto his sides.

"I can live without Cobb-talk," I told him.

His clothes seemed to disappear as quickly as mine did. We both sported bobbing erections by the time he tugged me into the shower.

"I'll wash your back," Victor winked as he went on his merry way.

I looked at the swaying curve of his musclebutt and felt Rory Jr. stir victoriously.


He turned the water on, let it run for a moment to get it going nice and hot, and then stepped under the relaxed flow of water.

"Come on."

Bedroom voice...shower voice now? The water ran warm and invigorating, melting and relaxing and empowering me simultaneously while it soaked onto my long furs and washed the book dust and the numerous lingering scents of customers away, with a bit of help from Victor's paws stroking along my arms and my sides.

"Feeling nice?" he whispered close to my ear, smiling.

"Yeah," I nodded while I spoke back in an equally low voice.

His paw closed around my shaft and he gave it a few tugs that brought rumbles from me and sent my tail to slap wetly against the tiled wall of the shower. Victor's other paw captured my tail and gave it a long, gentle pull that stretched the tendons and muscles there and felt quite sensual, once the sensation spread down to the more sensitive flesh surrounding my...nether regions. Heh.

"You act like you've got something in mind," I told him with a smile.

"Just might," Victor replied, now rubbing over my belly with that mischievous paw of his, "a thing or two..."

"Will I like them?" I asked him coyly, which was quite the accomplished when someone fondled your rump.

"Nothing wild," he said, "just having fun..."

He pinned me against the wall with his paws, but that was alright. He knelt down smoothly, head tipped down so that water ran over it, making it comfortable for him to dip his muzzle to me.

"Y-yeah..." I moaned when I felt his tongue join onto the sensations caused by the water foaming about my sheath.

He sucked me of my paws pressed against the wall for balance, the other rubbing over his head, because that felt the best thing to do, his ears flicking against my fingers slowly. His fingers did beautiful things to my sheath and my balls, and all I could do was moan and feel the water running over my body and...and him...

He got me right to the edge and then he knew I was there, from the way my shaft tensed and pulsed, his thumb against my taint to feel the deeper muscle contractions.

Quite the sexpert, Victor Holden...smirking like a dirty dog when he stood up from his work and put his arms about me, muzzle to muzzle again. I tasted a bit of myself there, until the copious saliva made that a non-thing and I tasted more of the fleshy mixture of lion and dog that we made in our maws.

My fingers curled around his shaft, about the base so that I was touching his knot, and I nipped on his lip.

"My turn?" I said.

"Never turning down a blowjob," Victor winked.

"You're a true dog," I told him, while applying a strategic squeeze.


That was distraction enough to get him pinned against the shower wall so that I could do some practice on the skin flute. Victor's stout pride was definitely shaped different to my own, but there were many interesting landmarks to explore...or...shall we say, exploit? It was a pleasure to hear him rumble when I squeezed on his knot, for example, or lapped ever so slowly over the bulbous rims of his tip.


It sounded like something between a moan and a bark and a "ruff-ruff". Whatever it was, it sure made it clear that he was enjoying the treatment I was giving to his jaw-stretching manly pride with my questing lion-tongue.

Definitely "ruff-ruff".

When his hips bucked and that noise became louder, I knew that he was close. The glob of pre-juice he squirted onto my tongue was an equal hint.

I let him slip away from my lips with a satisfying plop and decided to give him a messy kiss just like the one before. He murred happily to that, and made sure to plunder my maw good.

"We're spending an awfully lot of water," I told him between kisses.

"Wanna skip that back-washing for now?" he asked. "I'm pruning up, anyway."

He felt pretty solid to me...muscle and fur and skin...nothing wrinkly about him, at least not where sun did shine...heheh...

"Somehow I imagine we'll need another shower soon," I smirked.

"Like that's a bad thing," he said.

Damn. What a confident Dobie today. We made a mess of a couple of his towels and ended up to the bedroom, still moderately damp, but definitely nice and warm and clean for everything we might come up with.

He sprawled me onto the bed and dug his muzzle under my arm, seemingly to take a sniff and a whiff...which was naughty in its own way, but felt quite thrilling, a bit ticklish, but I didn't usually feel weird tickles in my belly and under my balls from having my armpit tickled. His paws made merry with the rest of me, meanwhile, stroking up and down my side and belly and rubbing against my hard nipple with his palm.

He sure was playing with me...and he was in control, and that suited me just fine. When giving up some control felt this good, I could definitely get into it. It felt even better when he rolled on top of me and began to kiss me, and his paws gripped my wrists and pushed my arms over my head so that he was effectively pinning all of me down with his bulk, from head to toe. He was warm and solid and his body rubbed slowly onto mine, when he began to thrust against my belly, thick shaft stroking through fur there and leaving a trail of scent and musk.

"Hope you're as horny as I am," he rumbled deeply, "I'm kinda...pent up..."

Well, when he put it like that...

I bucked my hips up to his and smiled.

"I've been saving myself up, too..." I told him. "Looked forward to it..."

He licked my lips and kissed me deeply, and wetly, before he pulled away and just looked down to me, confident, smiling and handsome.

"So let me do the work for now...okay?"

I nodded.

"Okay "I said.

"Stay put," he winked.

How could I say no? Victor rolled off me, long enough to crawl over to the nightstand to fetch some supplies before he retreated towards the foot of the bed.

"Let me take care of ya," he said, with a lusty grin.

So I did...I even put my paws behind my neck and presented myself as the image of relaxed manliness while Victor slipped down along my body, peppered me with kisses and suckled on me, as if I needed any extra hardness there. At least his saliva made it easy to put the condom on me, and slap a bit of lube on it too.

"Looks like you're all ready..." he looked at my lubed and rubbered shaft, and then gave it a poke. It bounced against my belly.

My cock was straining alright, and he insisted on playing with it still?

"Y-yeah..." I moaned.

He made a move, then, turning about so that while he was still on top of me, he was facing away from me. My eyes feasted on the curve of his ass and his back, arched...lustrously. He glanced over his shoulder and wagged his little stub of a tail at me. He move one of his paw and stroked it down his hip...then over his rump...grabbed one of the ass cheeks and pulled...showing more of the crevice and then a glimpse at his hole.


"Need to prepare myself, too..." he said.

He rubbed himself, up and down from his tailbase to his balls, circling his smoothly furred, dark-skinned opening with the tip of his finger. His pucker seemed to yawn eagerly at the stimulation.

"F-fuck..." I gasped.

"Tsk, bad language," Victor chastised me with a smirk.

He brought up the lube bottle, squeezed out a little so that a fat glob appeared on the tip of the nozzle, and spread that against his hole before that wet thing easily passed inside him. He applied a couple of further squeezed and pulled the bottle out...pushed his finger in place again...making sure to keep his crack wide open with his other paw so that I was having one helluva show to watch while it made my balls churn.

"Did you do some kind of an online porn star course since the last time we did this?" I asked him while he continued his exhibitionist fingering of his own tailhole.

"Sure, it was called 'Dobie Daddy Don Grunt Power Bottoms for the First Time'," he said.

I couldn't tell if that was a joke or a not, it sounded too realistic. It could've gone either way...


His finger was pulled out. His beefy thigh was thrown over my body and he moved forward, grinning eagerly before he leaned in for one more kiss.

"Though I admit, it's not my first time power bottoming," he said, "but I do grunt...when you poke me juuuust right..."

He reached behind himself and lifted me from my belly, to rub my tip against...something...before he wriggled his hips and lined himself up and began to sit down...


"You just...hmm...stay put..." he told me.

He impaled himself with no trouble, his inside muscles squeezing on me from all the right places while he put his weight behind it and made me sink into him until I was balls deep and he was in his own good place, face twisted into a scowl of pleasure, his cock hard and heavy, drooping out from his sheath. He threw his head back and grumbled deeply...squeezing down on me.



My outstretched legs tensed. My hips quivered.

"Let me do the work," he told me again.

Was I gonna refuse the offer? No. I gripped onto his thighs and held onto them loosely while he rocked back and forth, up and down...not just the gentle pumping motion of a typical...penetration, more than that, he was operating in all directions.

"This what you been waiting for all week?" he heckled me.


"Nhhhhyeah..." I growled.


He kept going at a good pace, bouncing about energetically and gaining extra power from the springs of the bed. It got hot very quickly and very...good.

"I won't last," I told him.

"I'm sure you've got seconds in you," he commented without losing a...a...thrust?


"Fuck me, Rory..." he said.

Oh, fuck indeed.

I gripped on his hips and did my best at bucking up to him even while his bulk made it somewhat difficult. Maybe it was exactly what I needed to be pushed over the edge and to spend myself in a series of growls and huffs and humps into Victor's tightness.


He rolled off me, tugged the messy condom away and began to lap at me right away, not really giving me a pause.

"Ow---ow...sensitive!" my tail jumped along the bed while he slurped on me ruthlessly.

He carried on my simply blowing air on it...from between muskily stained lips.

The sight made me stiffen and jerk in the tender grip of his fingers, and I huffed.

"What's gone into you?" I rumbled. "You''re kinky..."

"Just horny," he told me," and I've got a nice lion to play with right here..."

He was on top of me in flash and kissing me with a very much...interesting-flavored tongue, but that was hardly a problem. The making out had me back in full pitch in no time.

"Lemme take that spot on the bed," he told me.

A few moments and another torn condom wrapper later, he was on his belly on the bed, a pillow under his hips and I gave an...enthusiastic repeat performance, I hoped, by pounding his rump until both of us went over the edge, Victor with a little bit of help from one of my paws, but then again, reach-around was one of the sexiest things I could think about.

"You sure didn't joke about being pent up," I told him when I showed him the white globs over my paw, a moment afterwards, when we were still catching our breaths.

"Told you," he grinned, still propped up onto the breeding position, so to speak, with his tail wagging happily, "I did save up a bit. Besides, getting poked back there really puts all the juices flowing..."

My cock twitched once again, despite the fact I'd just popped twice.

"Think we need that shower now, though," he said.

"Yeah," I said.

And he really did wash my back, and I did his, and under his tail, too, which he seemed to appreciate especially much, and then we went to cuddle on the couch, with the TV on, mostly to make some noise, because we were chatting quietly, in our towels and bathrobes.

"...ran into your buddy Haakon at the rink yesterday, by the way," he said.

My pleasantly drowsy ears flicked up.


"Yep," Victor smiled. "He was skating around."

"No game?"

"No, there weren't games last night," he said, "he was just having a good time, like I was. Saw him about and thought I'd say hi."

Well, that was interesting. I wondered what Victor had talked about with the infamous Norwegian fantasy book lover and Facebook photo model.

"So it was just him?"

"Yeah," Victor mused, "just skating around. So we did some of that together, and chatted a bit. He seemed like he needed an ear."

"Oh..." I breathed. I wondered what could have made the lynx moody. Mason had mentioned that Haakon hadn't been quite himself since the terrible things in Norway had shaken him up. Apparently he knew someone who'd been involved, unhurt, but still...I knew I'd be terrified if anyone I knew would have been in such a situation. Family, Peter, Victor...Cobb...anyone. No wonder the lynx wasn't feeling quite as chipper as usual.

"What'd you guys talked about?" I asked.

"This and that," Victor said, "my accident, his school, hockey, a little about us..."

"He asked about me and you?"

"Yeah, he asked how we were doing," Victor smiled, "I told him we're doing fine."

He patted my arm when he said that, and it made me feel good.

"That's...good to hear," I said.

Victor squeezed my arm and then put his paw against my thigh.

"Well, it's the truth, I think," Victor mused.

"Yeah," I smiled a little.

"He said we should all hang out sometime."

Now my ears really bounced up.

"He did?"

"Yeah," he said.

"You two of us and...and...him and...Mason?"

"Well he didn't mention Mason, no," he said, "I presume he only meant the three of us?"

"Hmmm..." I rumbled. "Is that a bit odd?"

"Why would it be?" Victor shrugged. "Maybe he just wants to hang out? See some more mature guys do it?"

I chuckled.

"Mature guys?" I told him, giving him a look, "and 'doing it', huh? Really?"

I nudged him with an elbow.

Victor winked, and licked his lips.

"Well I wasn't inviting him to a threesome, if that's what you're suggesting, you perv," he said.

We both smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry. I'd just thought he'd want to bring Mason, too."

"Well..." he looked at me, "you're not out to Mason...and Mason isn't out to you, so it'd be pretty difficult to have a double date, wouldn't it?"

"I guess," my ears dropped a little, "sorry about that."

"It's not just about you and me," he said, "obviously those two are still early on...whatever they want to call it, how they see it...might not be...might not be how we see it. Maybe there's still question they won't ask."

"You think they could be in denial?" I asked.

Victor leaned back on the couch and shrugged.

"Kids nowadays have it different from us," he said, "they've got much more freedom of thought, too."

"Are you saying that we're stuck in some kind of a mindset?" I chuckled. "That we feel the need to...adapt our kinky, unnatural homosexual relationship to fit into whatever...frame of mind that we need to make it feel like we'll be more accepted?"

"Let's not get all Dr. Phil," he chuckled and ruffled my mane a little, just playfully, "I'm just saying, maybe they just don't want to put a label on it."

"I don't mind my label," I said, ", this 'gay' stamp fits me quite well, don't you think? It makes it easier to date other gay men who are also, you know, gay, and not, for example, 'I'm married but I still want a bit of dick every now and then', or something like that?"

"That's not really what I meant," Victor said, firmly but without ire in his voice, "it could just be that he's shy. Maybe it's new to them. Maybe...maybe they're finding themselves still, you know? It can take a long time, longer than it took for either of us. We didn't go through much denial, did we?"

"I did wonder if I was bisexual for a bit," I said, "but I'm sure that was just the usual teenaged confusion. I've always been pretty solidly gay when it comes to....behavior and emotions and...whatever you want to call belongs to that realm of personality."

"I'm sure we've all wondered," he said, "and it's okay to wonder. Maybe they are still wondering. And that's why we should give them space."

I imagined a shy Haakon leaning against a pine tree in Norway, glancing over at some of the local...whatever jocks did there for sports, weightlifting? Wrestling? Viking activities...well, anything that involved a singlet, really, with Haakon looking at them shyly, maybe with his paws in his pockets and glancing quietly through his glasses at the boisterous jocks and not just wanting to be like them, also wanting to be in them...look at that singlet spandex butt...

Ahem. My imagination still hadn't recovered from my tryst with Victor, it seemed.

"Okay, so we won't badger him about his relationship with Mason," I said, "gotcha."

"You don't sound particularly enthusiastic," he said.

"Uh...I don't know..."I rubbed my muzzle, "I mean, he's really smart and friendly and...yeah, really attractive, too..."

He didn't scold me for that.

"But I don't know what to talk to him!" I chuckled. "No matter he's from another country, I just don't know...I just don't know what to talk to him. I mean, I'm nothing special, I don't' know anything interesting about much...why'd he want to hang out with us?"

"To see how mature guys do it?" Victor said.

I snorted.

"Oh stop that..."

"Didn't you want role models when you were that age?"

At that age, I was happily prancing around with Peter in my beret and waistcoat and trying to one-gay-up Master Nicholas Faye Junior, PhD, OCD, RSVP. I didn't much care about what others thought about me, and I led my own life just like that.

"Wouldn't that be the thing," I smiled, "dating advice from me to Mason, relationship advice from you to Haakon."

"But no live demonstrations," Victor winked.

I snorted and batted his bare footpaws with my tail.

"You really start sounding like you really are interested in that boy's tail," I told him.

"Hey, I knew him longer than you did!" he chuckled. "He's been playing ever since...what...last autumn. Of course I've noticed him. Even shared a locker room a couple times."

Oh my God...had Victor really seen Haakon...naked?


"Are you saying that you're...interested in him?" I said.

"You can't deny he's really cute," Victor said, "and I won't deny it either. But I didn't even know he's interested in guys, and he never checked me out as far as I yeah, I did notice him, but never put much thought to it. You see these cute guys all the time, don't you? It's like the gay version of that big-boobs chick who walks down a street and all the straight guys look after her and walk into lamp posts."

I wondered if seeing Haakon caused Victor to sprout a lamp post in jockstrap...

Jesus, Rory, Jr, give me a break!

"Okay, so now we're objectifying him, too," I chuckled. "What would he say if he knew that we were discussing how hot he is?"

"Maybe he'd think it's a compliment," Victor mused. "Everyone likes to hear they're attractive."

"Even coming from...mature guys like us?" I suggested.

Victor chuckled.

"You're not gonna let me live down that comment now will you?" he said.

"Nope," I said.

"Then I'll just have to make you forget," he rumbled.

Good thing we weren't wearing any clothes...just the towels, that were easy to slip off...



Thank you for reading my story! I hope you had a fun time reading, and I look forward to your comments! Do remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to read and enjoy as well!

See you next Monday for the next chapter!

The Storm (The Getaway)

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