
Story by FelineSleepy on SoFurry

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This is a quick little thing I drew up for Hypno Bear Week over on FurAffinity. Just now posting it here because why not?

This one is different from my other work. I filled it with as many kinky hypno clichés as possible to make sure it's as silly and over the top as could be. It's a second person story for all you boys who are ready to submit to a dominant hypno bear. >:3 Yeah, I think it's alright, even if I did rush it for the deadline. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.

You awake feeling warm and comfortable. The blankets surrounding you curve around your body so snugly and the mattress beneath your back has a texture the puffiest of clouds could only dream of mimicking. Your drowsy mind can only think of one issue with this situation.

You are definitely not in your own bed.

The first red flag which jolts your eyes open is the smell of another man which waft from the sheets like steam from a kettle. Your eyes flash open and you find yourself in a bedroom filled with cool, relaxing colours. The lights are dim and the blinds are drawn, shrouding the king-sized bed in a shade that your eyes are forced to adjust to. Once you can see, your attention is immediately drawn to the immense television which dominates the far well. The massive screen buzzes with power, though it remains blank for the moment.

You are alone. You don't remember how you came to be here and, most distressing of all, you find yourself as naked as the day you were born. Worst of all, you feel leather cuffs binding your wrists and ankles beneath the blankets which cover all but your face.

Panic strikes you. Yet, despite your predicament, you feel intense arousal and incredibly pent up as if you hadn't been touched for weeks.

You struggle and pull against your bonds in the vain hope that they are not as tight as they feel. The clattering of chains strikes your ears as your body wiggles helplessly in your restraints.

Just as you consider shouting for help, an image flashes onto the television in front of you. Surprised, it takes you one moment for your eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness. Once they do, however, you see the very bedroom you are bound in on the screen. The camera, in fact, faces the bed you currently occupy. After a few moments of ominous silence, a pair of shadowy figures enter the frame. One has the towering frame of a polar bear who stands feet above the other. The bear is naked apart from a leather cap and x harness that seemed to have been plucked straight from the kinkiest of porn films.

The second figure is, shockingly enough, you. You walked next to the imposing ursine figure on all fours toward the mattress. You were naked as well. Most peculiar of all, you had a goofy, uninhibited grin plastered across your face, your eyes staring up adoringly at the bear pulling you along via a leash and collar coiled around your neck like a common puppy.

You don't remember these events, but that is most definitely you whimpering needily toward the bear, your cock proudly erect in his presence. And at that realization, your present arousal intensifies ever more.

The bear grinned down at you in the recording mischievously and your past self just sat there beaming. Your handler sat on the side of the bed, the mattress creaking under his weight. He yanked you roughly toward him and said one word:


Instantly, the you onscreen obeyed. You wrapped your lips around the tip and begin slowly bobbing your head as you both moaned blissfully. In the present you watch, enrapt, as the dominant bear grasped your head and yanked you onto his cock, back arching as he relished his complete control over you. Like it or not, you find that you cannot look away from the image of you debasing yourself so willingly as if someone had reached inside your brain and locked your focus into place. You have no choice but to watch the show of humiliation and listen to every lustful groan which escaped your lips. You have no choice but to hear the bear assert the he had over you.

"Yeah there ya go, boy. Suck that dick like the fucking slut you are."

As you lie in that bed watching these events unfurl, you realize that the more you here that voice, the less your body seems to struggle against your bonds. The more obscenities that masculine bass pours into your ears, the more comfortable the leather shackles feel around your limbs. Unknowingly, a happy smile grows over your face, your gaze locked on that hunky ursine male.

"Aww, yeah fucking suck it like the slutty cock whore you are." He thrust his hips and viciously fucked your past self's muzzle. All that proud slave did was gurgle his owner's precum in appreciation.

'What a fine cocksucker he makes,' you think to yourself as you absentmindedly hump the sheets of the bed, your attention glued to the screen.

"Aww, the little boy's so hungry- unh- for a real man's dick! Who loves cock like a good fucking slut?"

'I do!' blares your inner voice. Your recorded image moaned while suckling on that beautiful bear meat as if to answer similarly, but no. He would keep his lips wrapped tightly around the bear's cock. Because as superior beings, ursine cocks must be attended to by a properly trained slut.

For a moment, your mind toys with the ridiculous notion that you shouldn't think of yourself as a slut. However, another command from the recorded polar bear silenced that silly voice.

"Yeah, boys like you aren't complete with a big fat cock filling you up nice and good. Especially a bear's dick. You live for the touch of a bear, don't you bitch?" As he explained this, the bear tugged you off his cock and knelt down to wrap his arms under your thighs. He stood, lifting your body effortlessly. Your ass dangled inches above the bear's erection and, in the present, you lick your lips in anticipation. Surely you were worthy. You had been good. Surely you deserved to be penetrated and ravished by this Godly being.

The bear grinned toward the screen, toward you. You melt. His stare is wonderful. His eyes fill you with joy and the desire to serve him. As a cock slut, you must obey a superior male. It is one of the laws of the world Sir had decreed during your training.

Then, at long last, you see your recorded self fulfill his purpose as Sir dropped your hungry ass onto his raised, dripping dick. You screamed in pleasure both in the past and in the present. You can almost feel Sir's cock sliding between your cheeks, filling you, rewarding you, reaching deep inside you to give you the intense, burning pleasure only a good boi deserves the privilege of feeling. The need for lube was nonexistent, your acceptance of Sir's pulsing rod unquestionable as Sir bobbed you up and down his dick like the cocksleeve you are.

Suddenly, the display shuts off and you feel a sense of emptiness. You miss Sir's presence.

"That's enough telly for you, boy." Your expression instantly brightens. You glance to the side of the bed and Sir is there smirking at you as always. He's got his harness strapped across his thick chest and belly. "You remember your place now, boi?"

You nod.

"And what is your place, boi?"

Your lips part and you speak automatically: "Your hypnotized cock sleeve, Sir!"

"What do you want most in this world right now, boi?"

"Your big hard cock inside me, Sir."

"Have you been good, slutty boi?"

"Yes sir. Haven't touched myself since our last meeting." You answer without thought or hesitation as though you have no control over your own vocal cords.

In all fairness, you didn't.

"Heheh, that's one dedicated slut," Sir says as he pulls back the covers, revealing your naked body and painfully erect cock. Your wrists and ankles are strapped in tightly by leather cuffs as you suspected.

You love your cuffs.

You love them because Sir told you to love them.

"One whole month without touchin' yerself. You might just be the best bear bitch I've ever trained." Sir's words flow effortlessly through your ears and engrave themselves in your mind where they become undeniable fact. All because Sir says so.

Sir grins and his heavenly hand takes hold of your erect cock. His touch ignites a flame of passion that scorches every nerve of your body to cinders in a back-arching ecstacy that never seems to end.

"Heheh, so pent up. But you know not to cum 'til I say. Such a good bear bitch." Sir praises you and you thrust into his hand in reply.

"Thank you Sir," your body speaks. You never stop staring at Sir's beautiful body. You can vividly remember now how Sir approached you at the bar with a winning smile that shattered all your barriers instantaneously. The two of you talked... well, he talked and you listened intently. He quite literally had you at hello. Sir had a presence about him. He placed his hand on your shoulder and you melted. He emanated a calmness that set you at ease. You looked deep into his eyes, attentive to every word He said. His deep voice weaved through your brain. You became tired but being tired made it all the easier to listen to all of Sir's brilliant suggestions. It was so easy to become lost in His eyes... feel His presence... stop thinking...

...and dance to His words like the bear bitch you were born to be.

Now here you were: on your back, stripped naked, held down and helplessly enthralled to this handsome, divine creature.

You are not simply a slave to Sir. Sir had long since showed you the superiority of all bears to ordinary men such as yourself. Merely glancing at an ursine male would pull your mind back down to your true, submissive self. You will serve. You will obey.

Sir approached the foot of the bed and began to remove the shackles round your ankles. However, even when freed, you knew not to move your feet without Sir's permission. Even so, your hands were still bound by both straps and Sir's will. You would be motionless for Sir.

The big sexy polar bear takes your ankles and lifts them up as He clambers onto the bed. You happily look into His eyes as He shuffles toward you. You can see His dripping, fat, tantalizing cock approach your awaiting boi hole at a torturously slow rate. He spreads your legs like a turkey ready for its filling. The tip of His cock touched the opening between your ass cheeks, causing a vibration of bliss to rock your body.

For a moment, delirious with pleasure, you wonder if Sir would be using any lube, but that silly thought is driven from your head. Everyone knows a good boi will accept a cock in his ass, lube or no.

"From the moment I saw you, I knew you'd be perfect for my battalion of bear bitches, boi." Sir declares, pulling your hips closer to Him so that His beautiful member hot dogs between your cheeks. You feel His warmth already entering you, making you whole. "But fuck, bitch. You got such a nice ass I might just have to keep you like this. Bet you'd like that, wouldn't ya boi? Wouldn't ya like to obey me for the rest of your slutty life?" He chuckles. "'Course ya would, ya horny bitch."

You can only nod and agree with Him. His words are all and you wish to always be at His beck and call.

"Well that's for the future, boi," Sir continues grinning at you handsomely. "Right now, there's just you and me and my dick. Time to do what you're meant for. Open wide now..."

And with that, Sir pulls back and surges inside you. Your senses reel and you spiral deeper and deeper into servitude. His first thrust slams into your prostate like a wild bull striking a matador. You cry out in ecstasy as He pulls back just to pound your ass with even more masculine fervor. You writhe and moan in His grip. He likes it when you moan. The pain of his large manhood penetrating you holds no sway over the amount of pure happiness it sends surging throughout your body. As he thrusts, he pulls himself upward, thick, hard bear belly brushing against your front as he ravishes you. You feel him bite at your shoulder and your head falls back naturally as you exhale in pleasure.

You wiggle helplessly. You are trapped in this obedient state... trapped as a mindless slave as you are rocked back and forth like a sex toy on Sir's cock. The way He invades your boi whole, pushing back the walls of your anus with such strength and fervor, leaves you a moaning, helpless mass of sexual desire.

"Awwww yeah, scream for me boi. You're mine now." He redoubles his efforts, pulling in and out at a pace that rivals a locomotive. Your poor empty head can barely process it. You scream, you moan, but no primal noise your body makes can possibly express the levels of joy you are experiencing in Sir's thrall. You wish for it to never end.

This is your life now. No thinking, just obeying the majesty of the ursine form. Who knows what you were in for? Perhaps He would release you soon to give His fellow bears a spin on you. Perhaps He would keep you locked up as His sex slave for the rest of your wonderfully submissive life. Perhaps He would tamper with your memories and make you into anyone He desires. Truthfully, you can't know because you no longer know anything just as a good boi shouldn't. There is only one certainty. When He says-


Well, you know the rest. Heheh...

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed my story. Leave a comment to tell me how I did. X3

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