Deluxe Package: Chapter 1 - Joel's Induction

Story by FelineSleepy on SoFurry

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#2 of The Deluxe Package

Hello there! Life was a bit crazy for me these past few months, but I'm here to give you the continuation to this story of one German Shepherd's experience as a hypnotic pet for a week since I got such positive feedback from the prologue . Anyway, this was very much inspired and proofread multiple times by Skywing with whom this became a lot easier to write. So I'd like to thank him for that. Anyway, on with the continuation of Joel's adventure in getting his mind blown. ;)

I break my hypnotic conquests into three steps. The first is relaxing the subject which is a simple task after a few softly spoken words with my alluring voice. I can and, in fact, have put a man under my influence with my rendition of the local phonebook. Follow that up with a quick glance into my eyes and the subject is putty in my paws.

The second step lies in deepening and the beginning of actual trance. With Joel, I needed just a little more push. He was halfway there already due to his own eagerness. His eyes were looking glassier, further-off, yet staring intently into my own. Over the years, I've developed many methods of induction, but the good old fashioned eyes seem to get the job done quite expertly. No doubt Joel was feeling that pleasant dullness as he gazed deeper into the orbs which held his focus.

At this point, I'd be surprised if he could remember why he'd even want to break eye contact, or who or where he was. Those things weren't worth the energy to recall them. It was so much easier to relax... and let my soft voice take care of all the thinking.

"That's it, feeling heavier and heavier. Relax and listen. Listen to my lovely voice. Every word is allowing you to sink so much deeper into relaxation and bliss."

"Rrrmmmm..." whimpered Joel as a relaxed little smile spread itself across his lips. The color of his eyes shifted ever so slightly so that his blue orbs contained the subtlest of emerald tints. I smiled comfortingly back at him.

"Good boy, deeper and deeper now." The first two words of that sentence elicited quite the response from the shep's trousers. I saw the beginnings of a tent pitching which only broadened my grin. "Yeees, you're a good boy. A good boy who can bask forever in my power; a power you'd do anything to remain in. Isn't that right, good boy?"

"Yes sir..." Already the young male was calling me sir. He truly was a submissive young lad. It made me think of how he acted as a principal for the kiddies. Granted, I had fulfilled the fantasies of many a rich C.E.O. in this first year of business, but it always gave me a thrill to send these normally authoritative boys to their knees begging for domination.

Wrapping an arm around his shoulder, I brought us closer, nose to nose so he would fall ever deeper into my eyes. There would be no escape for him and I knew that was just how he wanted it.

"There is no 'sir' here Joel, you must be mistaken. I'm your Master."

"Yes Master."

My grin widened mischievously as Joel said the words which locked my power over him. He was slack in my arms, his eyes telling me all I needed to know. With the last of his strength he leaned against me in hopes to somehow get even closer to my beautiful, irresistible eyes.

He had given himself to me.

He had surrendered.

He had given up his will in grateful service to my own.

And yes, it was delicious.

"Yes. I am your Master. And that makes you..."

"Your pet, sir," he said without hesitation.

"Good boy." I scratched his ears; an act which was followed by a content growl from my new thrall. "All mine. And that means you'll do whatever I tell you. No thoughts. Just me. And you, of course, my big submissive hypno slut."

I heard the sound of a door opening behind me. I looked over my shoulder to find the lower half of Henry's torso behind the open limo door.

"We've arrived, sir," said the rhino with the conciseness of a soldier.

"Thank you Henry," I praised, drawing out a happy swish of my chauffeur's tail. I turned back to Joel and scritched his chin, prompting more blissful whimpers. "Now, my pet, I will tap your forehead in a moment. When I do, you will remain relaxed and obedient, but you will find yourself able to move your body as you would normally. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master."

"Very well then," I say, pressing a single finger on his forehead. Instantaneously, his lethargic form sprung to action. He sat up straight, but with a dazed look in his eye, ready for further instruction. Though we no longer stared at each other, in his mind, the intense green which submerged his thoughts under my thrilling and relaxing power still burned brightly. "Outside this limousine is a hotel. Approach the front desk and politely tell the nice receptionist you are one of Dapper's boys."

"Yes Master."

I allowed Joel to pass by quickly maneuvering over to the limo's side seat. Languidly and with purpose, Joel exited the limo and strode past Henry with the adorable, dopey grin still across his face. I soon followed, stretching broadly to wake my limbs after the ride. I glanced upwards, face beaming at the sight of the towering, sleek thirty-storey building, covered with brownish red paint. Each floor was lined with several balconies, apart from the top floor, which only had one. However, it was much larger and rounder than the others, easily able to hold a house within its confines. The stone awning above the automatic glass front doors bore the title, "Silken Lights", followed by a crest of a six-pointed star behind a golden "S".

"The penthouse is ready, sir," Henry cheerfully informed me. "Your things have been set up in the usual places."

"Thank you Henry," I said as I reached towards the rhino's handsome face. His confused expression gave way to a blissful smile when I scratched under his chin. Instantly, his eyes rolled back, his head sunk and he looked a tad dazed. I love Henry. He's such a good boy, always reacting to his triggers in record time. "Now, I'd like you to bring the car around to the lot and then come on up to the penthouse. From there, Butler Henry will take over. Understand?"

"Yes Master Dapper," droned the rhino sweetly, "I hear and obey."

"Good boy," I pat his cheek and he came to alertness, smiled at me, and turned to get back in the driver's seat. I grinned and strode confidently towards the hotel, passing through the sliding glass doors with my hands in my pockets.

The red carpet, as was standard for the Silken Lights chain, was quite literally rolled out for me. On either side of the velvet-soft carpet were floors and pillars constructed of posh marble, the lobby containing several circles of soft leather sofas and chairs to encourage socialization. I made my way to the mahogany front desk, winking kindly at the handsome, young, suited, chestnut-furred otter at the front desk. He smiled, blushing at the gesture.

"Hello Mister Dapper," greeted the mustelid, "I've sent him up. He's waiting for you."

"Who's keeping house up there today?" I asked, already plotting in my head what to do with the Shep for his first evening.

"Richard Evergreen, sir."

"Ah, good ol' Dick," I enthused, giggling slightly, "thank you Randy."

"Um sir?" piped up the young man as I turned toward the elevator, "I'd... like to talk to you about the offer you made me last week."

"Hmm? Oh, my, of course! Glad to hear it." I told him honestly. "We can work out the details at your earliest convenience."

"I-I'll be on staff until midnight sir. Your business this evening should be finished by then, right?" the otter asked with a clear, burning desire for this conversation, pants slightly tented behind his desk.

"Yes, my subject should be tuckered out well before the hour strikes. I will certainly give you a shout."

With that, I waved a gentle goodbye to the lovely otter boy and sauntered toward the gold-plated elevator doors, hitting the call button with my thumb. As I waited for it, however, a very familiar voice made itself known, its lumbering shadow appearing behind me.

"Car parked, sir," Henry reported.

"Good boy," I said before reaching around to give his bubbly rhino butt a smack, which warranted a soft grunt of joy, embarrassment, and arousal. "Thank you Henry."

"'Course sir. Anything for you."

The elevator doors slid open and my assistant followed me in. Once inside the mirror-walled elevator, I removed my keys from my pocket, quickly fishing out a gold key with a diamond-shaped handle. Inserting it into its designated hole on the panel next to a button marked, "Penthouse", I turned it and hit the button. The doors shut and returned to Henry's side, anticipation in my heart.

As the box we were in began to ascend, a change took place in Henry. The rhino yawned while the elevator climbed past the first few floors, but then, perhaps without even realizing it, he unbuttoned his jacket and let it slide naturally off his shoulders. I glanced over at him with a grin, leant back against the wall and enjoyed the show.

Henry's face was breaking out in an involuntary grin and I could see he was getting a little out of it as he switched personas. Soon that little grin became an open-mouthed, giddy, tongue-lolling smile as more and more of his clothes were torn off his body. Next came the undershirt which he discarded without a second thought, revealing for me that beautiful torso at last.

I've always loved men as far as I can remember. The strength, the smell, the presence of masculinity- it all left me horny beyond words. But of all the males of the world, the strippers, the Chippendales, the Harlequin Romance Cover Boys, there is no body type I prefer more than the muscle-gut. Henry was quite possibly the best example of this I've ever found. His arms bulged in a surging mass of muscle which his skin struggled to contain. I could see the faintest hint of veins protruding from those biceps, but not enough to make it unsightly. Just smooth, shiny, rhino muscle. His chest was adorned with the tightest, roundest, hardest pair of pecs you could get on a man. Trust me, I've felt them many, many times. And that round, yet unmovable, hard, well-built gut which matched his muscles so powerfully. Mmm, I like a man with a little meat on his bones so long as he fills it all out with muscle. Henry took to these preferences and suggestions so nicely. Every day I suspected he worked so hard to keep this form just for me. What a good boy.

As he took off his pants to reveal his muscular, filled-out legs muscles, I beamed in pride and satisfaction to see that he came dressed in his midnight black speedo which left a round, basketball-sized bulge and it was only expanding further outward as he got hornier, the thin cloth not leaving anything to the imagination in terms of his fine, round ass. He slipped out of his shoes and stood there. Yet, he looked a little distressed.

"Oh, Henry," I said as I knelt next to his discarded pants, removing the most handsome parts of his uniform: The bowtie and his cuffs. I handed him the pieces of cloth which he gratefully took and tied round his neck and wrists respectively. After that, the satisfaction returned to his face. I could hardly ever meet a happier-looking boy.

"Butler Henry is ready to serve, Master," Henry declared, puffing his chest out and staring straight forward at attention.

It took every ounce of my willpower not to fuck him senseless right there.

Fortunately, I held strong long enough for the doors to open again and for the luxurious foyer of the top floor to splay out before me. Stepping out onto the hard wood flooring, I breathed in the scent of a freshly cleaned apartment. The foyer flowed naturally into the living room, featuring an array of linen couches which sat around a stone and glass pillar fireplace sitting just apart from a spiral staircase leading to the second level. The walls to the outside were non-existent, only a set of windows polished to the point of invisibility. This place was meant to host only the most exclusive of parties.

And it does.

From the balcony above I heard hoofsteps trotting down the staircase and I took a peek at who might be coming to greet me.

"Dapper, sir! It's great to see you!" deeply exclaimed a muscular, deep brown-furred boar whose stature and current attire reminded me of Henry. He too was nearly twice as tall as myself, wearing only a speedo, dress socks, cuff links, and a bowtie. He, of course, had well-developed muscles in his arms and legs, though his gut wasn't quite as pronounced as my Henry's. However, I could see he'd been working on it since last time I saw him. I winked at his pale hazel eyes and he beamed at me with pride.

"Likewise, Richard, my good boar," I said, noticing the reaction his grapefruit bulge had to my praise. "Apologies for my long absence. Europe had many a client for me to take care of."

"Just glad you're back with us sir, no apologies necessary. Kinda been achin' for ya," the pig said with a blush, "I got the things you need from your apartment, sir. It's all in the Master bedroom with the client."

I beamed at him. Everything was ready. My shep was lying comfortably on his bed for the next week, I had all the equipment prepared, and most importantly, I had my two eager servants ready to do whatever I say.

Well, after I reached with both hands to scratch the two of them on the chin.

Immediately, their shoulders slacked and my two hunks were willingly dragged under, heads hung in trance.

"Now, my sleepy butlers, I'd like you to head to the weight room and work up a quick sweat. When fifteen minutes have passed, you will report to the bedroom and I want those cocks hard when I see you."

"Yes Master, I hear and obey," they said in perfect unison before sauntering sleepily upstairs. I myself, strutted towards a room adjacent to the stairs cut off by a pair of purple curtains. I pulled them apart and entered the lilac-scented bedroom.

The bamboo shade curtain had been drawn to give the room a comforting effect to the eyes. A single wooden shelf was next to the window for easy placement of belongings. At this particular point in time, however, the only objects which sat on it were a selection of multicolored dildos, each modeled after a unique species. If you could keep your eyes off those beautiful toys, you'd see ball gags of various sizes, a common pet collar, a pair of handcuffs with the appropriate key, and a leather X-harness.

And of course, how could I forget what was waiting for me on the snow white, billowy king-sized bed like a present on Christmas morning? Joel Malone lay spread eagle on the soft mattress, all clothes apart from his plain white boxers tossed in the nearby hamper. He still had that big grin on his face, his cock was tenting high in that thin piece of cloth, and the far-off, empty-headed look in his eye remained, more prominent than ever.

Here we are.

No more hesitation.

"Oh Joel," I whispered, the shep's ears perking at the sound, "how're you doing, puppy?"

"Horny, Master."

"Do you know why, pet?"

"No sir. I...I can't think of why sir."

"Of course you can't. Thinking about things is too hard for a dumb boy like you." I pat his erection. He practically orgasmed right there based on his appreciative spasm. "It's because you're in my power. My control provides this pleasure. So it only makes sense that doing everything I say will bring you even stronger enjoyment."

"Yes Master," he droned dreamily, falling in love with his helplessness more and more.

"Now, how would you like to undress Master?"

"I would like that very much, Master. May I, please?"

"Why of course you may, pet," I chuckled as my words perked his ears as well as his member. He clambered up from the mattress waddling towards me in his hypnotic stupor with the most blissful smile on his face. Clumsily, yet respectfully, the shep unbuttoned my jacket. I lifted my arms and the strong canine carefully slipped the fine fabric off my shoulders. After he hung that deftly upon the coatrack, he got to work removing my shirt, revealing my slim, firm black chest and abdomen. I whirled around just as the zonked stud reached for my pants.

"Kneel," I ordered. The pup complied instantly, dropping to his knees, his sniffing nose mere inches from the bulge in my dress pants. What a happy face he had on. He knew not to touch til the sexy panther told him to.

"Good boy," I continued with a scratch of his ears. He leant into it like a common house pet (which he would become given time). "Who's my good dumb boy?"

"I am, Master," Joel answered, tail wagging eagerly at my dominant tone.

"Indeed pet, now..." I brought my hands to the clasp of my pants, unclipping it and slipping them down to my ankles which left me only in a fine pair of tented, midnight blue boxers. Grasping Joel's chin, I stepped out of my pants and guided the mutt over to the bed, the pooch shuffling along on his knees to keep up.

"Here's your treat, pup," I said as I slowly pulled the waistband of my boxers down. At last, the only part of my body not covered in pure, soft, black fur was revealed. Oh, how Joel's eyes lit up when they saw that thick, pink cock emerging from its sheath. The slowly extending appendage hastily closed the seven inch gap between it and my thrall's muzzle, the tip poking his nose. He breathed in my deep musk, his eyes crossing to stay focused on the beauty of his Master's cock. Or was he looking at the tennis balls hanging tantalizingly underneath it? I couldn't tell for sure. I suppose it didn't truly matter.

"Mrrrr..." Joel whimpered, his undergarments twitching uncomfortably.

"Shhhhhh, there, there, puppy. Patience," I cooed, stroking his face and simultaneously nudging those lips that little bit closer to my dick. What can I say? I love to tease. "Now... I see you're very fascinated by that cock of mine. Now, keep focused on it. Isn't it beautiful?"


"Keep your eyes on it and keeeeeep breathing silly boy. You've probably noticed it by now... my scent has an arousing effect, doesn't it?"

"Mmmrrrr," Joel murred. Whether or not my words were true, they were certainly true in what was left of Joel's mind. The quivering state of his nether regions was proof enough.

"It also has another effect you know. Can you feel it, my dumb boy? Can you feel your mind emptying?"


"That's it, sniff pet... drink it in. Why, you can't even remember your name, can you?"

"Uhhhhh, heheheheh..." His brain was making everything I described real. His grin was open-mouthed. His tongue was lolling. He was desperately grinding his cock against his boxers, hoping for some sort of stimulation, but not daring to touch since he was never permitted to.

"Mmm, there we go. Gooood boy. Who wants a treat?"

"Ruff!" barked the shep enthusiastically.

"Who wants a treat?"


"Well, have at it, dumb boy." It was as if I'd let him off a leash. Ravenously, he lunged forward, reaching around to clasp my buttocks for support as my cock found itself wrapped tightly in a shep's muzzle. I would have lost my balance in a second if that eager boy had not held me up. My hips thrust forward without my consent as several more inches entered his awaiting muzzle. "Ohhhh- Ohhh good boy! Such a gooood boooy!"

His muzzle worked like a machine, providing constant suction on my member as his head pumped forward and back, so eager to be in service. He was either a natural or veteran cock-sucker, but I could not tell as I had lost the capacity to care, along with several other rational abilities.

"Ahhh, ohh, slow dowwwwn boy- slow, slow... there you go..." His autonomous suckling gradually calmed to a more intimate, lustful act. Gradually, carefully, he would drag his tongue up the shaft, savouring every taste, engraining in his mind the taste of true submission before engulfing my rod once more. "Thaaaat's it... gooood." Joel whimpered gratefully around my cock. It was as good as any 'Thank you, Master'. "Master wants to see that ass of yours. Turn around and drop those boxers for him, little one."

Wordlessly complying, the happy puppy separated his lips from my cock with a slurp and stood up. That dreamy look in his eyes forever present, he merrily did as I told and gave me exclusive rights to observe the curves of that cute butt. Speaking of cute things, his obedience was stirring his tail into an endless fit of wagging. Although that made it difficult for him to slip off his undergarments, it didn't ruin the enjoyment of the process at all.

Joel's bum fur was a little bit different from the rest of him. Between Joel's legs and over the crack of his ass I spied some creamy fur which complimented the rest of his brown-furred self quite nicely. It was enticing to look at, like his firm butt was made for a dominant touch. I was more than happy to provide that touch, but I had other things in mind.

My arms coiled around him and the big dog murred in bliss. I craned my neck over his shoulder and grinned at the sight of the canine erection standing proudly in response to his Master's advances. I scratched my shep's chin, eliciting further whimpers of wonder.

"Stay right there."

His arms were at his sides and he stood stiff as a board as ordered. I giggled and slunk over to the nearby shelf and grasped the leather collar sitting ever so teasingly on top of it. I returned to my adorable thrall and dangled the collar before his eyes.

"In a moment, pup, I'll slip this around your neck," I smiled. "Do you know what it is?"

"A...collar...sir?" he answered slowly, not entirely sure of his answer.

"That's right. And do you know what it means?" A bit of drool escaped his muzzle. I took pity on him and answered for him. "As long as you're wearing this, puppy, wide awake or in this sleepy trance, you belong to me and will obey me without question."

"Yes Master." Joel's tail wagged behind him.

"You are not permitted to remove this collar at any time. If you attempt to do so, the deepest, most consuming sense of guilt will wash over you and your hands will fall to your sides. The only way this collar comes off your neck is if I remove it."

"Yes Master."

I smile and reach for Joel's neck, looping the collar around it and snapping the strap of ownership shut.

"How does it feel, pet? Other than so, so very right?" I asked with a smug grin.

"Good, Master." I ruffled his headfurs and he whined enthusiastically.

"I knew it would. Now return to the mattress, kneeling on all fours."

Joel's ears twitched as I whispered his new orders into them. He followed them to the letter, clambering into the center of the mattress and remaining still on his hands and knees. His fluffy tail drooped between his buttocks. I licked my lips. I was considering using lube, but an ass that perfect deserved special attention.

I stepped onto the mattress and knelt behind the pup as he stared ahead into space. I placed my hands on his cheeks and gently pulled them apart.

"Tail up," I commanded. The appendage raised automatically and I bore witness to Joel's winking pink tailhole. My tongue hung out of my muzzle as I brought myself closer and closer to the awaiting musky hole.

When I planted my tongue under his hole, I experienced a taste that could only be described with one word: Man. When a specimen like this drops himself into your lap, it's a time to be savoured. He was a hulking pile of muscle who melted to mush at the simplest touch from his Master. He was, in every sense of the phrase, a good boy and he was about to learn just how much pleasure good boys were permitted to feel.

I plunged my tongue into his crevice and the good boy murred delightfully. He was a tight little thing and I wondered, as I plunged in deeper, if he'd ever been given the chance to bottom before. Given his unfamiliar and surprised moans, the possibility was sounding more and more likely.

I removed my tongue, gripped his thighs and pushed it against the bottom of his taint before slowly and sensually sliding it upward. His back arched and I could see his head lolling back in bliss. "Mmm, such a tight little man. You've never been mated, have you?"

"No Master... always top..." he said between pants, like an eager puppy. "Always... Always wanted to bottom..."


"Such a shame. You're such an empty and obedient subject... well I suppose we'll just have to make up for lost time, won't we my little plaything?"

"Yes please Master! Thank you Master!"

I brought my hips up next to his, positioning my cock gently between his cheeks. He whimpered hungrily at the sensation of my tip entering his special place in which I would be the first to enter.

"Can you feel me, my puppet?"

"Yes Master."

"Mmm, tell me pet, who do you serve?"

"You Master." I pushed against his crevice and the boy cooed.

"And you know that you belong to me, don't you little one?"

"Ohhh, yes Master- yes." He nodded along to my words, never wanting to leave his obedient haze. I grinned toothily and gave him one more reason to be my puppet by pulling out and shoving my length into his delightfully tight anal walls, assisted by my tongue's earlier ministrations.

"There... y'see, you're taking a hard, throbbing member like a champ, my dear boy! Ungh! Feel proud."

"Y-Yes Master."

"You're feeling pride... pride welling up in your chest. That's just how good submission and surrender feel-"

"Sir..." My cock completely hilted inside my pet, I hear the familiar voices of my butlers from the door. My cock twitches inside its new sleeve as I glance over my shoulder to find a pair of sweat-drenched butlers smiling their zonked-out smiles, crotches aching for attention. Their musk wafted into the room, mingling with that of the excited shep. Of course, this only made my own manhood twitch more fiercely inside Joel's anus which, in turn, made the dog's back arch in pained pleasure.

"Ah, boys, good to see you're on time," I struggled for the words, already overwhelmed by how welcoming and tight this boy's ass was. "Henry, come here and- ah- give our puppy here something to suck on. Richard, I'll need you to attend to the pup's neediness down there. It's been sadly neglected and he's been such... ohhh... such a good boy."

My faithful butlers dreamily strode to the bed at my command, Henry approaching the head and slowly pulling down his speedo in front of my pet's eyes with the teasing pace he'd been trained for. I could see the pup drool just a bit at the sight of that large, imposing rhino cock flopping out of its cloth prison flicking a little pre onto his face. He grinned goofily as a good boy should and his eyes gleamed with desire. I wondered if, as a pure top, this dog had ever even had a good, thick cock in his mouth. If not, then that nine inches of rhino pride would be quite the introduction. I chuckled at the thought between the prolonged thrusts of my hips.

As for the boar, he lay down on the bed, beneath our submissive customer and, though I couldn't see his head once he was under the shep, planted his lips around that canine length. Joel gasped and, after a few quick breaths, howled like a wolf. It surprised me, but I kept thrusting deep inside him. He was having so much fun.

Henry, having finished properly undressing, clambered onto the bed, his weight causing all of us to wobble ever so slightly. Once there, he knelt before Joel, his cock dangling just before his eyes and I toyed with the idea that I could drag the pup further under with Henry's cock, but at that point, I was fatigued with waiting. One of my hands still on his hips, I lunged forward, took hold of Joel's head, and pushed his open mouth over the rhino's awaiting head. Henry himself murred at the pleasure, the head on his shoulders craning backward at the sensation as Joel got a mouthful.

"That's it, breathe in through your nose, little one. It'll all feel much better in an instant," I told Joel as I moved my hand off his face. I feel he enjoyed the taste of cock, given that he automatically began to suckle upon the rhino manhood like an infant and a bottle. I thrust into him with every pleasured moan I heard from Henry, Joel and Richard, unable to distinguish whose pleasured cries were whose anymore. "Mmm, you like the taste of cock, puppy?"

"Yeugh muhrr," I chuckled at his happy response.

"What was that?" I smirked.


"Hahaaaaaaaa," my laughs turned into a moan as Joel's ass clenched tightly around me. Whether he was aware or not, this boy knew how to treat his top. I was already so close, so I slowed myself down just ever so slightly. However, Joel's body vibrated, trying to get my cock back in him at an even more rapid pace, as if he were addicted to its presence inside himself. "Mmm, guh-getting close now, are we?"

"Yeugh muhrr!"

"Well, boys, you will have to wait. All of you will wait until my command is that understood?"

"Yeugh muhrr!" answered the boys with cocks in their mouths.

"Yeeeees sir!" Henry responded as his cock was bounced on by that amateur canine muzzle. His tongue was hanging out of his mouth as I suspect Joel's would be if it weren't filled with delicious dick. Joel himself, being bombarded on both sides with cock, could not be more lost in the sheer ecstasy of being dominated in every sense.

As for Richard, why, he was comedically humping thin air as he pleasured my precious customer. I had almost forgotten about the swine, but I was sure to rectify that mistake. Keeping my grip on the pup's tree trunk hip with one hand, I reach with the other to fondle Richard's bulge, the stimulation freeing the boar's member. Once free, I curled my fingers around that round, fleshy rod and rubbed in time with my pelvic thrusts. It was sweaty and easy to stroke, just like the rest of his body.

All four of us moved together like an elaborate, interconnected mechanism- one thrust leading to another from the next in the chain and so on. Soon, a chorus of uninhibited moans broke out, filling my ears with the satisfied wails of my beautiful boys. In, out, thrust, pump, suck- ohhh such good boys as these were one in a million. So ready, so willing, so full and ready to burst!

I heard a grunt, a growl, an oink and a howl as I give the order:

"Alright boys! Feel that ball-swelling pleasure! Put all those useless thoughts of yours into your cocks and CUM!" My balls slap into puppy's backside one last time and I lean back as my body radiates warmth and pleasure, waves upon waves of euphoria wash over me as my pup's insides are filled with my cum. I take my hand off of pup's leg to snap my fingers, signalling my boys to release as well. I felt Richard's cock tense and jerk desperately in my hand as he shot a stream of semen over his belly and chest and slathering pup's underside. Joel convulsed around me as he was shot into from both ends, filling him to bursting with pure masculine essence. My cum oozed out from his tailhole slightly as the pup took in the pleasure of having a hard member in his ass, his mouth and his own cock wrapped in another man's muzzle. Truly, guzzling Henry's cum must've been heaven for the new bottom as Richard noisily gulped up his cum. Once my passionate gasps had calmed, I heard similar gulping from Joel's maw as Henry slowly fell backward onto the pillows, his cock separating from Joel's face with a slurp and splattering the last spurt of cum all over the dog's face.

Joel then collapsed and I fell backward onto my elbows, the ecstasy slowly ebbing away. Our united sensual yowls slowly descended into sharp breaths as we recovered from our couplings.

"Haaah, well, that was certainly something." I glanced over the fatigued forms of my boys and I murred happily as I slid to sit on the edge of the mattress. Looking through the curtains, I saw the last light of the day slowly peer in through the window.

I put a claw to my chin in thought, my boys catching their breath still. I grinned.

"Alright, Henry, Richard, our pup needs his rest for tomorrow. So let him lick you clean while I'm in the shower and take him in once he's satisfied."

"Yes sir," drone the butlers, still a little lost in the afterglow. I smiled and placed a hand over Joel's furry head and he leant into it expectantly.

"And you, my pet, drink up all the sweat and cum you like off these two and make sure to follow what they tell you. Okay, pup?"

"Yes Master..." said pup before he dragged himself over to Henry and began to lick ravenously at the rhino's crotch. I chuckled and left the three to their duties. I strode slightly shakily toward the bathroom. However, before I reached it, my ears twitched at the sound of the room's phone ringing. Curious, I stepped toward the end table next to the lumbering Henry and reached for the phone.

"Now, Randy, you do remember not to disturb me during a session, right?" I told who I assumed was my attractive young otter at the front desk.

"Sorry sir," replied Randy, "but there's someone who's asking for you. Something about a job interview? He says his name is Axel Verndal."

I quirked my brow and then sighed into my free palm once realization came over me. Why was it Elizabeth could never update me to changes in the schedule?

Thanks so much for reading my story!

Votes, faves and feedback are always super appreciated! :3 I'd love to hear what you think!

Deluxe Package: Prologue

**Hey there! I wrote a story about a guy who buys a week of hypnotic enslavement from a very suave hypnotist. Tell me what you think, if you'd be so kind!** **J** Joel Malone brushed his claws through his scruffy, brown head fur nervously. The scent...

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Serpentine Affections

_This story contains 18+ content and has themes of dude on dude sex with a theme involving the hypnosis / mind control fetish. If that's not your thing, then you probably shouldn't read this. That said, it's my first sexual piece so all feedback and/or...

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