Nothing Like a Bro Hug

Story by FelineSleepy on SoFurry

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#1 of Nothing Like a Bro

Hey everyone! Just a quickie while I work on the big stuff. Anyway, this story's got some Mind Control / Hypnosis, Straight-to-Gay, and muscle worshiping themes. Enjoy!

Coming home early. Sometimes that's all it takes to destroy everything you worked toward

Opening our bedroom door triggered it, but maybe we hadn't been doing well for a while. All I knew was I couldn't stay there anymore when I saw Steph six inches deep on that orca with such bliss on that muzzle of hers I'd never seen before. I don't think I could have been more humiliated than when I passed by the framed picture of us at our prom. A happy pair of Dobermans with the names 'Stephanie' and 'Mike' written below their smiling faces. I remember that night. I'd saved up for months to buy that tux that fit well over my slim, toned body. I smashed it on my way out. I couldn't help it. My fist moved on its own.

I'm an idiot, plain and simple.

"Here's the next round," I heard the voice of my new roommate break me free from my train of thought as a striped, feline hand clopped a mug of Guinness on the table in front of me. The inverted triangle of rippling muscles sat next to me in the booth as my eyes slid toward the glass between my hands. Sounds of furs enjoying the bar around me rippled the contents of my glass as the Bengal tiger gripped my shoulder firmly. I looked at his cheery face and into his ocean-blue eyes. "If you ask me, you're better off without her."

"Well, of course you'd say that," I shot back, giving my best effort at replicating his eternal smile that curved with the stripes across his face. The glass in front of me being my fifth didn't help much. "Given that you always hated her."

"No... well, yes, but she was also a cheating bitch."

"Mmm," I sighed and glowered back at the drink between my hands as if it had miraculously transformed into my old girlfriend. "I'd feel better about it if she didn't do it in the apartment."

"Heh, well look on the bright side," said Blake as his cement-brick arm wrapped around my shoulders and dragged me into a headlock. "Thou hath been freed from the Succubus and art free to hang out with me and actually have some fun!"

I chuckled. "You know women aren't, in fact, inherently evil, right Blake?"

"Ah, no y'see, you've been blinded by the straight propaganda." The tiger explained in a know-it-all tone after freeing me from the headlock. "I'm sure you think that women are people like you and me, but the truth is, they spawn from the deepest ring of hell to manipulate the weak-willed men of the world into serving them. They can read your mind, strike at your weak points, and nag until you're nothing more than their glorified puppet."

"Uh-huh," I humored him as I sipped my beer.

"C'mon man. Name one woman in your life who didn't take advantage of your trust." Blake continued, smirking confidently.

"I could name a few men who've been just as awful, y'know."

"Can't think of one chick, can ya?"

"Doesn't mean they don't exist." I nursed my drink and felt the familiar stinging feeling in my throat that accompanied all alcoholic substances.

"Well man, tonight you move in with your bro. And under my roof, you ain't gettin' any of that girly shit."

"Girly shit?" I tilted my head. "What kind of girly shit do you think I'm into?"

"What? You're into the girliest of all things," Blake said, sounding completely honest. "Girls."

I groaned. "Can you not do this right now."

"Sorry, sorry, but I can't help but try to get you to see it my way."

"To be fair... I almost wish I could see it your way," I murmured quietly as I stared out the window into the summer night's sky. "I had so many years to figure out she wasn't happy... really, it's probably my fault. I couldn't understand what she needed."

Blake's knuckles rapped against the back of my skull painfully. I glared at his smug grin. "If that were the case, it's her fault for stringing you along and going out with who knows how many guys behind your back. It's her fault, man. Her fault for being so underhanded- her fault for using you- and her fault for choosing to sleep with another guy."

"Look, she may not have been happy but..." I snarled at him before calming down and glancing back at my drink. I took another swig before I kept going. "...I was. I liked being with her. Yeah, she asked me to do stuff a lot, but I never considered it nagging. She needed me. I'm a guy. I like being needed. I thought we had something, but... maybe only I had something."

I felt a set of tiger fingers grip my shoulder again. "I'm sorry, dude."

"S'not your fault either," I placed my head in my hands and shut my eyes. "It's mine."

"Ugh, y'stupid- C'MERE!" My pity party was effectively cut short as my body was coiled by a pair of bulging, inescapable tiger arms. My head was thrust into the crook between his open golf shirt, my ear smooshed against his hard, furry pectorals. I could hear his heart beat as he purred soothingly. Feeling weak and alone, I shut my eyes, sobbed, and gave into his embrace. Tears were forming at the corners of my eyes, despite my promise to myself not to look this pathetic in public. I didn't care anymore. His fur was soft and comfy to rest my head upon and I just could not give a shit about the opinions of others at this point. His arms felt good around me. Not in a romantic way of course, but Blake was always here for me and I'd be heartless to reject a hug from someone who never stopped caring about me.

"I just..." I hiccupped, my voice more hoarse than I thought it might be. I cried into his warm chest without shame. "I-I loved her."

"I know bro. I know." His gigantic hand stroked the back of my head comfortingly. It felt nice... nicer than I care to admit. Fuck it, I was drunk, lonely, and sad. I could afford to cry into my best friend's comfy fur for a while. My arms wrapped around his back as I actively sought his warmth. I normally wasn't this touchy-feely, but I couldn't help it if Blake's embrace just felt that damn good.

"Sorry," I said as I began to push away, realizing how long I was hanging onto him for. He must've felt so awkward, hugging his straight friend so closely. However, his arms held fast and my face was ground into his chest even more tightly. Somehow, he began to feel even warmer and my arms went right back around him automatically.

"Nah, you just stay there bro. I think you need it," Blake's voice whispered in my ear, deep and convincing. My brain told me I was imposing, but I told it to shut up. I was drunk. Blake was sober and he was probably right. I just needed to stop thinking. Let him hold me for a bit. Besides, it felt good; great, in fact. The sensation soothed my sobs and left a gentle whimpering in their place.

I was actually becoming a tad drowsy. This position felt cozier by the second and the alcohol in my system was making me sluggish. I really hoped Blake didn't mind. I couldn't have him leaving me too. But it was so warm and snug resting up against him. Eventually, I heard him speak up and despite the fatigue washing through my head, his voice was really easy to listen to.

"Feeling good there?" I nodded against his warm, chiseled chest. I couldn't even remember what I was so sad about. I just knew it felt good to rest. "Atta boy. Times like this y'just need to shut off that brain o' yours, y'know."

Yeah... Blake was right. Thinking was just too much trouble right then. It felt so good to laze on this soft fur in this relaxing embrace and just... be.

"Yeah, my fur's pretty soft, ain't it?" I nodded. It was silky, warm and easy to nuzzle. "Why don't'cha open up my shirt a bit more? You'll get even warmer that way."

Oh, yeah, that made sense. Heheh, what a great idea. Sleepily and with a smile, I brought my fingers up towards his collar and dragged my finger down his chest, undoing his shirt one button at a time. After an uncomfortably long trek, his shirt opened and my hands were free to explore. I pressed myself against his exposed torso and marvelled at the hard feeling of his muscles. Damn, it felt... really satisfying to lean into those firm, immovable muscles. I found myself relaxing more and more, finding the idea of falling asleep right here all the more appealing.

"Heheh, atta boy." My tail wagged. Blake was so nice hugging me all nice and snug and telling me I was doing good. "Yeah, sometimes it feels nice to just relax and let someone else take care of things, innit?"

"Mmm," I sighed, nodding and yawning. He chuckled.

"Yeah, you rest your head. You've had a long day. I'll hold 'ya a while longer, so don't worry."

The corners of my lips arced upward on their own. Blake is awesome.

"I know it's hard to think, but hey. No need to worry. I'm here to think for 'ya so you don't have to." He was being really generous. It kinda was difficult to...use my brain. Ah well, nothing to use my brain for right now anyway. "I'm not the kind of guy to make you think too hard when you don't feel like it. You can just relaaaax and let me take the wheel. Does that sound good?"

"Ohhh yeaaah," I droned, totally limp in my cocoon of tiger muscle.

"Hahaha, atta boy. Yeah, it's totally cool to just chill in your bro's arms. Feeling his nice and hot fur is inviting, ain't it?"

So inviting.

"Yeah, your bro's always here for you. You can tell your bro anything and he'll listen. Of course, right now you should just listen to your bro real closely. He's gonna tell you the truth, straight up. He ain't like that broad of yours who only ever thought about herself."

Who? Oh yeah, he must be talking about Steph. Wasn't there something about her I was upset about? Meh, not worth thinking about. I couldn't afford it with that steady calming heartbeat and that rumbling voice which demanded my attention. I didn't have any choice but to listen to these sounds- so captivating.

"We guys know how to look out for each other. Women only look out for themselves. 'Waah waah waah, it's all about me!' Getting involved with women is just a headache, isn't it? Y'gotta give, give, give and never get. You know I'm right. Hell, I'm always right."

"Yeah..." I agreed without thinking. He had a good point. All my girlfriends made me give up everything to be with them: time with my guy friends, who knows how much money and all my energy to keep them happy. I never felt that way with Blake. Blake is great. Blake is right. Blake is always right.

"Mmm, yeah, you don't have to worry 'bout' those awful women while you're here with me, enjoying your bro's company. How you feelin' right now up against all those strong, warm muscles, huh?"

"Guuuuh..." My head wouldn't form words as I opened my mouth goofily, allowing a trail of drool to fall out my muzzle. I shut it again and giggled as I nuzzled against the aforementioned strong and rippling muscles that wrapped me in their comfort. All around me- no escape- felt so nice.

"I'll take that as yes, champ," Blake chuckled and I felt myself snickered along too. I dunno why, but he must've found something funny. "Nuthin' like a bro hug, huh? All those manly muscles keepin' ya real safe and washin' all that lady-stink off ya. There's nuthin' better."

"Nuthin...better..." I repeated dreamily, my head feeling so fluffy an lax.

"No puny girl can give you that, let me tell you that much. Man, it's a good thing we don't have to worry about that, 'uh?"

"Eheh... whu...?" I didn't quite understand what he meant, but it just felt good to smile and let Blake take care of everything. He knew best. He was always right, after all.

"Heheh, don't think I don't feel you snuggling my pecs there. Go ahead and sniff 'em a bit. I know you want to."

"H...Huh?" Something about that sounded wrong. He wanted me to... smell him?

"Come on, I worked out reaaaal hard today. It's natural for guys to take a sniff of each other. Help me out here. Take a whiff and tell me how hard I worked today."

Oh, he just wanted an evaluation... or something. Yeah, that made sense. Good, I didn't have to think. It was so hard to do that right now. I traced my nose down his shoulder and over his chest next to his armpit. I drew in my breath long and slow to properly register how much sweat he worked up. His scent, thick and musky, entered my nostrils and overwhelmed my olfactory senses. My body convulsed automatically from the sheer force of that stink. My body went rigid and yet I couldn't pull my nose away. Even though it was a guy's pit... it smelled rich and alluring. It smelled great as a matter of fact. I...I wanted more. I leant in and brought my muzzle underneath his arm where the scent was strongest. Mmm, he smelled so good. I felt my muzzle open wide with a giddy smile as I nosed his fluffy armpit hair.

Was I supposed to be doing something? Sniff. Never mind.

"How you doing?" Blake's voice boomed into my ears loud and clear. Had to listen. He knew what I should do. Blake was always right.

"Mhhhmmmh..." I attempted to communicate but the words just wouldn't come. Blake laughed so I assume he didn't mind.

"Yeah, really get in there. It's nice and ripe for you. Smells good, am I right?"


"Yeah, that funk is real heavy. It's funny, I once knocked out a dude just by making him smell me. But you shouldn't think about that. Just breathe in real deep."


"Heh, like I said, it's nice for guys to give each other a sniff now and again. Hell, since you like 'em so much, why not taste my muscles too? Might be fun."

"Hrmm?" Wait, he wanted me to lick his-

'Of course' went my mind as the logic clicked. He smelled soooo good so he must taste even better! What a smart voice Blake has. My tongue slipped out of my muzzle naturally and I dragged it slowly over Blake's mountainous bicep, revelling in the hard texture. It tasted thick and a little spicy on my tongue- just like his scent but somehow even more potent. God, he was delicious. I felt a large hand on my head which pushed my head downward, my tongue dragging along his furred muscle as that hand guided my tongue to his abdominals which I began to lick with fervor. I felt something fall over my head which was long and cloth-like.

"Heheh, just gonna throw this over ya. We don't wanna get interrupted." No of course not. Blake is so smart. "Yeah those muscles taste good. It's a sign of my strength- of how much stronger I am compared to you. It's nice to be with someone stronger. Someone who can take care of you and keep you safe."

He was so right. It felt fantastic to be taken care of by this strong masculine guy.

"Getting looked after just feels so good. That's what we guys are supposed to do for each other. It's what we always do for each other. Hell, that feeling's why we both love guys so much, am I right?"

Yeah, I love... guys... wait what?

"Huh?" I said. There was definitely something wrong with that statement. I didn't like guys. I liked girls. "I don't... wait... I'm not..."

"What's the matter? Don't I taste good? Don't you like how a real man tastes?"

"I... I do...but..." But this was wrong. I wasn't gay. I was straight. I slowly began to pull my tongue back, but, still under the tablecloth, I felt that same large, undeniable hand from before grasp my headfurs and thrust me downward. I felt my nose fall between two hard forces that clenched my nose between them. I strugged to break free but the hand held fast, drawing it up between what I assumed to be Blake's denim-covered thighs, breathing in and-


"I think you just need to relax buddy and let me help you remember the truth." I breathed deeply. That scent was so manly. That smell proved Blake was only taking care of me and looking out for my best interest. He was right. "You love men. Only men."

"Mrff. Ornry mrff..." I repeated, muffled by his strong thighs restraining my muzzle.

"Hell you couldn't get a boner looking at a chick to save your life. They're so weak and needy and get so pissed over the simplest things. Men are strong and generous. They help each other. Look out for each other. Don't hold stupid grudges. Men just look so handsome too. You just want to be like guys stronger than you, y'know? Worship 'em a bit? Know what I'm sayin'?"

"Yeff..." I hungrily breathed in more of that enticing smell that permeated my brain and made me ache for more.

"Yeah, remember in high school during every gym class I'd have to shield you cuz you were always getting boners in the locker room? Man, just being near guys made you so damn hot 'n bothered. It was funny seeing you get so embarrassed."

Did that happen? It must've. Blake said it did. Already the memory was beginning to form. I felt the humiliation from that story well up inside me as my face grew hot. I... remembered...

"But it was cool. I don't judge. Hell, I liked being the one you trusted with that sort of thing. It's kinda funny now, but I was totally checking you out back then. Sure you don't mind though, right? You had it bad for everyone on the football team, especially me. I remember catching you jerking off to our shirts during practice. I didn't tell you that, did I? No worries, it's just between us. I know how it is. We were both horny teenagers once. When you're around hot guys all day it makes it hard not to risk some quick release."

I could see it vividly in my mind: my canine cock clasped in my left hand and Blake's used jersey in my right pressed firmly against my nose. God it smelled fantastic. His scent sent shivers down my spine and tingles go through my limbs. And of course, I remember how strong the waves of pleasure that passed through my body were. I recalled it so clearly now! Blake had found me? Heheh, he's such a nice guy, not embarrassing me like that. He's so understanding unlike that girl I used to hang out with. What was her name again? Sniff. Never mind.

"You've always been kinda shy. I remember how red your face was when you asked me to prom. It was too fuckin' cute."

I frowned. I asked Blake to prom? At that point, Blake's legs squeezed clamped against my muzzle a little harder, grinding me deeper into that smell that made me writhe in giddiness.

"Oh, it was just adorable. You were starin' at yer feet the whole time and stutterin'. I had to take pity on 'ya after your third attempt to ask the question and just kissed 'ya. And you whimpered like a puppy 'cuz it was so good. 'Course, we were too impatient to wait for prom and did it right there in my room. You were so horny, man. Fuck, I was horny too. Couple 'a pent up seniors alone in the house together? How could anyone help themselves?"

The memory was forming in my mind. I remembered how nervous and sheepish I felt when asking him, unable to look him in the eye. When he kissed me, I melted into his embrace and let him explore my muzzle all he desired. I allowed him to carry me over to his bed and I could see in my mind the grin on his face when he saw my naked body. I had subconsciously tried to cover myself, but he wouldn't let me. I could almost feel the moment when he put that beautiful maleness inside my ass. He was so gentle and it felt so filling. It made me feel complete and safe- a feeling only a true man like Blake could provide.

"You were still shy during the prom too, even though I woulda beaten the shit outta anyone who made fun. I practically had to drag you to the dance floor. Took some doing, but you mellowed out enough for a slow dance. Didn't complain too much when I groped your cute butt a bit, so I considered it a success."

That's right, I was so nervous going to prom with another guy. A few people gave us looks, but since Blake was the most imposing and built guy in school, it was impossible for anyone to do anything about it. It felt so nice to be looked after and guided through the dance in the feline's warm, embrace. That slow song was the epitome of that: he brought me close to him, his hand on my hip (and eventually my butt). In the end, I leant into his chest and let him lead me. I felt... safe.

"Anyway, enough reminiscing, right? We should get back to celebrating." Only then did I feel his big welcoming hand guide my upward and allowed me to taste fresh air for the first time. It tasted oddly stale after such a long time breathing in... whatever that was. "Another toast to us movin' in together. Then we'll get home and have us some good ol' sloppy drunk sex."

"Right, right...moving in together..." My vision was blurry, my eyelids heavy. Gradually, the sounds of the surrounding patrons flowed back into my ears. In a daze, my head fell against Blake's shoulder and the corners of my muzzle tugged into a grin. I felt happy and confused, but Blake's such a great guy I knew he'd be okay with it. "W...Why exactly?"

"You had one too many there, bro?" chuckled the tiger as he ruffled my headfurs with his warm palms. "We're finally getting a place together after all these years of dating."

"Oh yeah... 'course..."

"Here, it's all on my tab so whaddya say we just get outta here? You ain't lookin' so hot and you'll feel much better when we get home. We'll give you a taste of yer favourite tiger meat when we get back and call it a night."

"Mmmmkay..." I heard his plans for the night but I couldn't find myself moving anytime soon. My limbs were filled with tingly relaxation and I felt like a chilled out sack of concrete. Luckily, my burly tiger was kind enough to curl my into the crook of his arm and tug me smoothly out of the booth. That done, looped his powerful arms under me and lifted me up bridal style. I looked up into his studly face and beamed back at his toothily grinning face. "Thanks Blake."

"No problem, babe," bellowed Blake as he carried me out of the bar. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled in close to breathe in my boyfriend's masculine scent. He boomed in my ear: "Just lookin' out for yer best interests."

Thanks so much for reading my story! Your feedback is very much appreciated!

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