My Draggy Cub is Born

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#6 of RolePlay

This roleplay is the idea of killjoyrule. We collaborated to create this work.

On a stormy day on a beach, Something falls from the sky, and I become a daddy.

My Draggy Cub Is Born

A storm is quickly rolling in on the shore of a small beach town. Clouds, increasing in darkness from a light grey to a midnight black, begin covering the blue sky and stretch out to the horizon as proof of the rough night to come to the Island and its populace. A chubby, teenage hybrid with curly brown fur stands on the sandy beach and looks out to the rapidly approaching storm. Everyone else is safe indoors, but the tanuskidoodle finds himself entranced by the thundering clouds. He's seen this scene hundreds of times during his quiet life on this island; however, something about this one is different. Just as he is about to pull himself away, something catches his eye: A blue streak in the darkening sky heading for a nearby section of the beach.

Azronical is an ancient dragon. He has spent several thousand years roaming the world trying to find new stuff. It is a deep need of his to know everything the world has to offer and find out his biggest question: Where any of his kind still alive? It is a desperate search for him for another dragon. Long ago, a sickness had befallen dragons, like a plague. Their eggs became infertile more and more often each year until every egg had become as useless as dirt. His race disappeared from the world only to be known as myth and legend. Today he has decided to check out an island he had seen earlier and is nearing the shore when a storm runs in so suddenly and fast he didn't have time to escape it. It doesn't take long for the winds to start throwing him off tilt and making his flying erratic until he roars out in annoyance. Almost as if answering the roar, lightning strikes his wing, paralyzing him and causing him to plummet into a nearby forest. Each tree he hits snaps in half, shredding his wings and body until he hit the dirt with a soft whine.

Upon hearing the strange, unfamiliar noise and the sudden bolt striking the unknown object, I flinch momentarily. The sound of a loud impact upon the sandy shore snaps me out of his instinctual paralysis. I run in the direction of the impact, observing the state of the trees as I pass. My canid nose picks up on the scent of blood, prompting me to double my efforts to find out what has happened. My fatty body slows me down, but I manage to make it to the location of the crash. The site of a deep crater meets my eyes.

I whimper quietly as I lay there, dark purple blood leaking from wounds all over my body and causing me to shiver. Everything hurts in my body, leaving it weak and jittery. I hear the sound of someone approaching, and I try to crawl my way there slowly, each movement hurting more than the last. Soon, I see the figure and stare at him with one working eye. Draconic vocal cords weren't meant to speak in his way but I manage. ""

Frozen by uncertainty, I look upon the bleeding dragon as he crawls slowly out of the crater. "I'm...I'm Alexander." My reply is accented with my trembling voice as fear of the approaching creature seizes me. I've only ever seen such a beast in movies and books. I manage to back away slowly, in an attempt to run; however, I lose my footing and fall backwards onto my rear.

"It's...ok. I'm...going to...die. But...first, do...something for an old...dragon?" I say before coughing up blood. "Take...good care...of this...please?" Slowly I move my claw to my heartstone hooking along it before ripping the egg shaped gem from my chest. It's about the size of a medium sized dog. "It's..." At that point, though, my body starts shaking uncontrollably and my eye shuts before I still. Dead.

Sensing the stillness of death on the dragon, I slowly approach the posthumous scale. My paws slowly reach out for the egg, which seems to glow softly with a warmth that I can't quite place. Before I can touch the stone, lighting clashes in the sky above, and I quickly take the red stone and rush home just as rain starts to fall. When I get home, I place the stone in on my bed and go to my bookshelf. "Now where is it?...There you are." I pull out a book on dragonic lore from my father's old collection of historical and mythological texts. Eyes and paws flying through the pages, I find an obscure entry about dragonic rebirth and begin reading from the old tome. "Some dragons can go through a process of rebirth and regeneration. When certain species sense death is approaching, they can forcibly remove their heartstones, rock like eggs that carry the dragon's essence. If properly taken care of by another dragon, these crystalline structures will...Achoo!" My sneeze forces me to drop the book to the ground, and I begin shivering. "I need a warm bath." I look to the red, egg-shaped gem. "Well the book said that it needs to be taken care of. I suppose a bath couldn't hurt it." I quickly run the water and settle in the warm, lightly steaming water with the egg floating in front of me. I gently run a rag over the egg in hopes of warming and cleaning it. "I hope I'm doing this right." I wait for some kind of reaction form the strange rock.

Darkness...That's all I can sense. I feel my memories slipping free of my mind and leaving me clueless as to my past. Struggling in the egg, I chirp out in frustration, pushing to get out. I sense warmth, and I am very hungry! Plus, I need to find mommy. Instinct drives my actions as I bite at the shell with my single egg tooth, chipping away at the inside. It doesn't take long for my tiny body to make a lil hole in it, and I widen it until I can stick my head out to see a giant creature. I eeep in fear, hiding back in the safety of the egg.

My eyes widen at the site of the dragon popping its head out of the sudden hole in the egg. After the cub pulls its head back into the egg, I reach a comforting paw into the egg. "It's ok, little fella. I'm not going to hurt you."

I sniff the paw shaking in fear, but, after it doesn't hurt me for a bit, I give it a small lick. I gain my confidence and rub against it, purring, wondering if this creature was my mommy.

I gently run my padded paw over the dragon's head as I get out of the tub. I pull the paw away long enough to towel off and wrap my towel around my waist. I carry the egg to the kitchen and set it on the table. "You must be hungry...Now let's see, what do I have that you can eat?" As I look through my refrigerator, lightning and thunder suddenly sound in a loud crash in the sky as rain beats hard against the house.

I purr really loudly when I feel the paw rub my head, releasing happy chirps in reply and looking a little sad when it leaves. I wait in the egg eagerly for food my tail wagging until I hear the lightning outside and I squeal pushing out of the egg and landing on my back, belly up, as I frantically move my paws trying to get up and whining.

Seeing the dragon struggle on the table, I quickly scoop him up in my arms and cradle him as I continue to search the fridge. "Let's see...cubs like milk, but how do I...Oh, wait." I remember my baby sister's unused milk bottles in the kitchen cabinet. Using one hand, I retrieve one and fill it with milk from a jug I had bought earlier in the day as the other arm continues to cuddle the scalie cub. I hold the nipple of the bottle to the feral's maw.

I whimper before feeling myself picked up and cuddled, wrapping my paws around you as far as I can and holding on for dear life. After a bit, I return to my happy self-purring from the cuddles, my tail hanging off to the side and wagging. As soon as the bottle comes close, I smell a sweet scent from it and my eyes widen before I latch on, suckling as much milk as fast as my body would allow me, pushing against it with eagerness.

I chuckle softly at the baby's willing enthusiasm. I go to the living room and sit in the red recliner, laying back and letting the dragon rest on my moobs and belly. I look at the cub and realize that his body is very similar to the dragon that crashed on the beach: Light blue scales with red gems here and there. I notice that your scales are soft, especially around your tummy. I trace a paw over your ears as you continue to suckle cutely on the bottle.

I, very quickly, drain the bottle and let go of it, purring louder and louder to the rubs until I lick up at your face; but I am too tiny, only managing to lick the air above me. My tail wraps around the arm holding me and my wings hang off to the side as I had yet to learn how to fold them on my back.

I lean in and kiss your forehead lovingly in response to your attempted licks. "Oh wait, you're naked. Well, I can fix that." I get up, keeping you tight in my arms, and head to the nursery. I gently pull my arm away from your tail and lay you on the diaper changing table. I make sure the rails are secure before I get a diaper from the drawer. "I wonder if he even knows what this is."

I giggle out as I am kissed trying my hardest to give you plenty draggy kisses whilst you're in range and tilting my head when I hear you make all kinds of strange sounds. Looking around the strange room I feel myself put down in a cage and my curiosity gets the best of me, crawling around it to explore.

I giggle at your curiosity. "Ok, little guy, now I'm going to put this on you." I pick you up and lay you on your back gently before fastening the diaper to your draggy body. It's snug and soft around your legs. I turn you over and pull your tail though the tail loop before fastening it secure to you. "There. How does that feel?" I ask with a smile.

I smile as I'm picked up but chirp out in curiosity to the feeling of you wrapping something soft around me that feels actually really good. I purr happily and am very glad when I'm put back on my feet so I can go back to roaming around. My tail wags wildly after it's pulled out and I place my front paws on the railing trying to reach you.

I pick you up and hold you to my chest, allowing your head to lie on my shoulder. I walk to the crib, filled with toys, as I run my paw over your back. I place you on your feet in the padded, blanket lined crib. "There should be something in here you like. Every cub needs a favorite toy."

I hug you back as you hold me just glad to be close to who now I realize to be daddy since I scent you to be a male. Finding myself in a crib shortly after I will around in the padding, giggling loudly at how soft it feels to my scales, but my attention gets stolen by something else. I rush hyperly, and trip a couple times, to a big plushie of a green draggy and hug onto it purring as I snuggle the plushie.

I smile at you when you snuggle with the plushie. While you are distracted, I take the moment to retrieve the book I was looking at earlier. I return to the room and sit in the rocking chair, thumbing through the book's contents about baby dragons. Everything is clam until another crashing sound comes from the sky.

I snuggle to the plushie as close as I possibly can, loving the feel of it against my scales. But I wonder why the other dwaggy feels so weird and didn't react. But soon my peace was interrupted as I hear another loud boom, and I squeal out as loud as I can, scrambling around until I hit my head against one of the walls and makes me sit down crying.

I put the book down and get up from the rocking chair. I pick you up in my furry arms, before sitting back down. "Shhhhhhh. Shhhhhh. It's ok. Daddy is here." I cradle you to my moobs and hum to you as I rock you back and forth.

I whimper, scared of the loud noises as you hold me; but, soon, the soft sound of your voice calms me and leaves me less frantic. I curl up tightly and lick you as a small way of showing I appreciate your attention. Soon, I start sucking on one of my paws.

I sigh, relieved, when you calm down. "Now, what should I do? The book says that dragon's regain all their previous memories after time. I need to take care of you, but the truth is I know very little about dragon care and raising. I wonder if you can even understand me." I look down at you.

I watch you talk as I suckle on my paw still before tilting my head and looking around the colorful room curiously to see all of the new sights and sounds it had to offer.

"I'll take that as a no. I wonder if you can talk at all." I stand up and walk back to the crib, picking up the plusie you hugged before. I hold it out to you and talk in a cartoonish voice while moving it slightly. "Hello there, little guy. My name's Dra-kun, and I'm happy to meet you. Let's be best friends!" Re-assuming my usual voice. "This is Dra-kun. Can you say Dra-kun?"

I watch you as you pick up the toy and my eyes immediately get really large as I try desperately to reach it. As I hear the silly voice I giggle and try to copy you. I wanted to be like my daddy after all! "Dwak!" I attempt reaching for it and repeat the same thing.

I make Dwak kiss you on the cheek before handing him to you. "Well, I know now that you can begin to talk at least. I raise you with both paws, put my face in your soft tummy and motor boat it.

I chirp out in excitement, grab Dwak, and kiss him excitedly before eeping as I'm picked up. I give a chirp of curiosity as you put your face to me before breaking out in uncontrollable laughter and giggling, squirming like crazy. During this, I get so excited that my bladder releases itself, and I feel a soft warmth around my crotch as I wet myself.

My snout catches the scent of urine. "Someone needs changing." I take the dragon cub to the diaper changing station and lay him down. I get the diaper from the drawer and undo the soiled one. I poke your tummy. "Don't worry; I'll have this fixed in a jiff." I smile at you.

I wiggle in your arms chirping out as you carry me all riled up. I wiggle as much as I can, trying to escape you and explore the table around me. I giggle from the poke and lick at you hyperly.

I take off you solid diaper, whipping you with a baby wipe and putting a light amount of baby powder, before replace it with a new one, remembering to fasten the tail-loop first. "There, nice and dry." I nuzzle your belly before taking you and Dwak to the crib to play with the toys.

I wiggle my laughing only getting louder and louder as you wipe and powder me, it tickling tremendously. I look at the pretty patterns on the diaper and tilt my head before you bring me to the crib. I wrestle around with Dwak romping around the crib.

I walk back to the rocker and pick up the book. Before going back to reading I observe you. "He hatched about an hour ago, and already he can walk, grasp, respond, and begin verbal communication. He has matured much faster than a normal cub." I thumb through the book for dragon maturation and begin reading. "Dragons, although maturing faster than other beings, grow at different rates. This is not only true for different species but for the individual dragon as well. Some grow physically quicker while others grow faster mentally. Still, there are some who display natural instincts and abilities before others. In rare cases, hatchlings have shown parallel development, displaying a steady growth in physicality, mental awareness, instincts, and abilities together..."

I trip over a little ball and turn back to watch it roll. Obviously, this fascinated me because I pushed it around everywhere hearing a soft ringing from inside it.

I watch your interaction with the ball. "I think a few tests are in order." I close all other doors in the hall way. I place a colorful ball on the other end before getting you and Dwak from the crib. I sit you down in the hallway and point the ball out to you. "Let's see if he crawls, walks, or runs."

I eep when I'm picked up but realize it's just daddy and purr as you take me somewhere. I look eagerly at all the new stuff and feel excited to see all of this. Seeing the ball, I start crawling towards it but impatience drives me to try and stand. After a few failed and funny attempts, I get on my feet and start walking there making decent progress. When I get there, I have already sped up as I get use to the movement and proceed chasing the ball.

I watch your interaction with the ball, smiling widely. "Well, he seems to be very adaptive. He quickly figured out how to stand, walk, and run. From this, I can gather that his mental awareness of his body is very high for his age. He has shown no powers or instincts. The book did say that dragons who can reincarnate or rebirth develop the same in every life they have. I wonder what he was. A scientist? A scholar? Well, I'll figure that out in time...Wait, I don't even know is name."

I look around after a bit of chasing the ball before pushing it back to you and looking up chirping out happily. I wanted to play with daddy! I was bored of playing alone at the moment.

"I get it. You want Papa to play with you." I sit on the floor and roll the ball to you with a smile.

I jump on the ball chirping out excitedly before grabbing it and growling. I push it back before hyperly running a circle in place.

I giggle after catching the ball. "I think I know a good name for you. Hypier, come and sit down so daddy can roll the ball to you."

After chasing my tail for a bit just realizing I had one I soon sit down eagerly staring at the ball with wide eyes.

I roll the ball back to you. "Now, roll it back to Papa." I think to myself, "I wonder if he can tell I'm a completely different species."

I do so eagerly but this was getting old so I ran over and wriggled into your hands and purr loudly my love. I smile up at you before giving a few licks. But soon my eyes were getting droopy, and I let out a large yawn.

I giggle softly. "Someone is sleepy." I take you into my room and lay with you in my bed, placing you onto my tummy as I trace a gentle claw over your head and back. "Hush little draggy, don't say a word..."

I drop in your arms as you walk me to bed and lay me down. I give a soft purr as you touch me and it doesn't take long at all until I'm soon out cold.

After letting you sleep a few minutes, I pick you up and creep to the nursery. I lay you gently in bed with Dwak, pulling the covers over you both and tucking you two in. I creep out of the room, picking up the book on my way out. I lie in bed and thumb through the book looking for anything I may need to know about my dragon cub. I get caught up reading the section on reproduction, my face turning redder as I read through.

I dream of you a lot in my dreams always of me playing with you and my favorite toy. Most of the dreams happy and cheerful but some of them scare me. Dreams of things in the dark and my daddy getting hurt.

I hear the dragon whimpering, so I go to the room to comfort him. I use my magic to turn into a feral puppy and hop up into the crib with you. With my smaller body, I curl around you, embracing you in a fluffy ring of love and warmth.

I subconsciously hug you and purr in my sleep my dreams getting better as I sleep soundly and happily.

It's morning, and the sun peeks through the blinds. I hop out of the crib and return to my nude anthro form. I go to the kitchen and fill up a bottle of milk for when you wake up. As a treat, I put some strawberry syrup in and mix it up.

It doesn't take long for me to wake up, and I make quite the racket. After last night, I was so worried daddy was missing. I cry out and chirp loudly. I also feel my diaper was heavy.

I rush into the room and pick up the crying cub. "Good morning, my little draggy." I kiss you on the forehead before laying you down on the diaper table. I hand you the bottle. "Start drinking this, and I'll take care of this heavy diaper."

I cry until I feel daddy's arms wrap around me. I kiss back with my little tongue when I'm kissed, but it takes no time for me to smell the milk. But when I start suckling on it, my eyes nearly bulge at the taste, and I nuzzle into the bottle so hard I nearly knock it from your hands in my eagerness.

"So cute." I blush as I use my free hand to take off the diaper, wipe and powder you, and fasten a new one on you. I pick up the still suckling cub and walk to the living room. I flip on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

I purr and nuzzle like mad, my tail wind milling below me in joy. When I finish the bottle, I look at it sadly but soon notice the tv and stare at it raising a paw towards it trying to touch the ponies.

I watch you at the tv. I notice how curious you are about the ponies. "Pony. Po-ny. Can you say pony?"

I look up at you and tilt my head but once again I try since you seemed intent on me when you said that word. "P...po...pony?" I say trying my hardest to please you.

"That's right. Such a smart boy!" I give you a rewarding pet on your scalie head. I point to me. "Papa...Papa."

I yip and nearly jump for joy when you praise me, doing circles in your lap, before I hear the next word, and it did seem like you where referring to yourself. "Papa!" I lick you and nuzzle. "Papa! Papa! Papa!" I yelp out.

"Good Boy!" I nuzzle the little dragon happily. I poke your belly. "Now, say your name. Hypier. Hy-pi-er."

I yip out enjoying my moment with my papa as I knew him now to be. I giggle to the poke and realize he's trying to tell me who I am! "Hypi... hypr" I struggle to word a little difficult then the rest, but I get really determined. "Hyp... Hypier!" I wiggle my whole body with my tail now.

"Good boy! Look how smart you are!" I hug the wiggling little scale and give him butterfly kisses on the cheek. I decide to test your memory. "Where is Dra-kun?"

I wiggle as I hug back and give as much kissies as I have ever given. "Dwak?" I say looking around. I get worried and start panicking, looking for Dwak and wriggleing in your grip towards the nursery worried for my friend.

I let you go. "Go get him."

I run off quickly to the nursery, but I see one problem! It was so high up! I pace nervously back and forth in front of the crib before seeing that there was a slide near it, and I run to it slowly. After several, attempts make it to the top. I could see the cribs inside from up here but not Dwak! I eep as I accidently lose my balance and slide down the slide, but the tip was curved to stop little ones from sliding off it. The problem is I slide straight onto the curve, and it sends me flying. Luckily, I landed in the crib, and, after panicking, I look under the blanket and find Dwak and snuggle him.

I walk into the room to see you in the crib. My eyes widen with astonishment. "How did you?...But...You are a smart little guy." I pick you up and talk with Dwak's voice. "Yes he is. He saved me from the blanket monster!"

I wiggle in delight at the tone of your voice and giggle at the voice, huggling you tightly and purring, looking at the slide.

I notice your look. "So you used the slide to get into the crib. Papa is very proud, but you need to be careful. Ok?" I pet the little scale's head.

I smile widely and lick you before looking out the window nearby watching all the things outside with interest.

I take you to the window. "Do you see anything that interests you, Hypier?" I process what I have seen. "He can figure out solutions to complex problems and his ability to recall information is excellent. He is defiantly a mental bloomer."

I look out but just by chance a butterfly lands on the window. I look at it with large eyes and try to touch it but find the glass in my way.

I point to it. "Butterfly. Bu-tter-fly."

I try so hard, and it frustrates me to no end; but, no matter what I try, I can only pronounce it as butafwy.

I pet the frustrated cub as I smile. "It's ok. You'll learn it and many other words. Papa is proud of you for trying." I scratch your belly.

I yip out to you and lick, glad you weren't mad and taking a second to enjoy the scratches.

"If you are growing mentally, then going outside would expose you to a lot. The problem is that a feral dragon would stick out in this small town. If only I could figure out a way to take you out without being noticed." I continue scratching the draggy's belly.

I purr happily completely innocent to your problem. All I wanted was to be with you. Although, I do wonder quietly to myself, "Where is my mommy?"

I pick the cub up in my arms and walk out of the nursery. In the hallway, I pick up the phone and dial a number with my free paw. Placing the phone between my head and shoulder, I bring the draggy into my neckfur and scratch his head. "Hey, Arnie...I need you to come over. No, everything's fine. I just need help with something...Sure...Ok, I'll see you in a few...bye." I put the phone up on the cradle before looking down at the dragon. "You're about to meet someone very special to Papa." I smile.

I huggle as tight as I can, almost becoming a living tie around your neck. It confuses me greatly when you talk into a small thing as if it was someone else, so I sniff it. Finding it boring I look back at you and paw at your chest. "Papa?"

"Yes, Hypier, what is it?" I walk with you to my bedroom.

I point my paw as best as a feral can to the room with the milk.

"You're hungry? Ok, little guy." I walk to the living room and get the bottle off the floor. I put you down on the kitchen floor. "Now, you stand right there while I wash this out. Can you do that for Papa?"

"Hungwy!" I yip out holding my paws eagerly towards the bottle but staying put.

I rinse the bottle thoroughly. I then walk to the fridge and pour the milk into the bottle. After closing the door, I add in some chocolate syrup and put the nipple on the bottle. I walk to the yipping feral and say, "Good boys say please when they want something. Can you say "please"?"

"Pwease!" I yip out jumping towards the bottle excitedly as I hear a noise outside.

I pick up the draggy in my arms and give him the bottle. I go to look out of the window.

It didn't take long for me to latch on, and, if anything, I attacked this bottle ten times as viciously as the last, making every attempt and effort to get the milk with some of it leaking out of my mouth.

"It's Arnie." I got to the living room and open the door.

We are greeted by a grey anthro dragon the same age as me. He is wearing a tank top and miniskirt with a blond wig and pink lipstick, to accentuate his feminine appearance. "Alex!" the dragon exclaims in excitement. "I'm here what is it you..." His eyes widen at the site of the feral cub in my arms. I quickly pull him in and lock the door behind us.

I continue my vicious assault of the bottle that was between me and that delicious tasty irresistible, perfect milk! I needed every drop!

I tell him about everything that has happened and all that I have seen you do. After recovering from the shock, the grey anthro speaks. "Well, Alex, what is it you think I can do."

I reply to him, "Well...I was hoping you could help me make him look like an anthro cub so that I can take him outside..."

After a bit I finish my bottle and finally notice the newcomer. This one smelled different but seemed friendly enough. Looking at him I raise my paws towards him my tail wagging excited to meet him!

The grey dragon picks up you from my arms and nuzzles your belly madly. "Oh, he is so cute! Whose an adorable little draggy? You are. Yes, you are." He turns his attention back to me. "He doesn't seem so far along the that he can't pass for an anthro cub if you dressed him and didn't let him draw too much attention."

I eep as I feel myself picked up from Papa by the stranger and nuzzled. I giggle and squall out loudly, wriggling from all the tickling nuzzles and licking the dragon like mad until he stops. I curl up close to him purring loudly. Was this mommy?

"You watch him while I get dressed. I haven't even been able to do that; he's had me so busy." I walk off to my room.

Arnie, looks down at the little scale in his arms and takes your wing in his claw. "If you are going out you need to learn how to hold those in." He stands you up and lets his wings pop out of his back. He folds them back in. "Try to copy me." He repeats his motion with his wings.

"Papa!" I yell after you trying to squirm towards you. I pout when you leave the room, but I'm quickly distracted by the other dragon. I wiggle when he holds my wing. Standing for him, I watch your wings intently wanting to be a good boy and do as I'm shown. Trying really hard, I finally find the muscles for my wings and scrunch my face up cutely in concentration as I practice moving them and finally fold them up.

"Good boy." He unfolds his wings out and folds them back in. "Now try it again. You want to show papa what a big boy you are, right?"

I chirp out excitedly and practice folding my wings like crazy, running in a hyper frenzy everywhere as I do so due to the chocolate's sugar getting to me as I couldn't stop moving nearly bouncing off the walls literally.

Arnie reaches out and catches you. "Calm down, little guy. Now, look at me." He folds his wings behind his back. They nearly disappear behind his head, he folds them so tight. "Now, try that. Show Auntie Arnie how tight you can fold them."

I wretch and squirm in your grip but manage to focus one second and fold my wings perfectly tight, but that didn't last as I went into a sugar induced, squirming hissy fit to be let down.

He lets you down. To focus your energy, he decides to give you a task. Bending down to your level, he says, "Show me where you sleep."

I don't understand the words yet, my vocabulary still only a few simple ones, so I continue racing around in circles after my tail until I accidently run into a wall. But immediately I'm back at it.

Arnie chuckles. "He's still just a cub after all. Since he is on two legs, it should be simple to disguise him. Hey, I wonder what Alex is doing." He calls you attention. "Hey, little guy, where's your Papa?"

"Papa?" I start looking around before running to the bedroom door and bouncing off it hyperly.

"I'm coming." I open the door.

I run around in between your legs with a new level of excitement running it like a racetrack.

I'm dressed in baggy, blue shorts and a t-shirt with a broken heart on it. I scoop the feral cub up in my arms and carry him to the nursery, giving him little butterfly kisses on the side of his muzzle. Arnie walks in, and I turn to him. "I'm not good with this. All I have are my little sister's old clothes. Maybe you could help him?" "Ok," the femmy grey dragon says before he pulls out a few clothes. "Let's see what he likes."

I chirp as I'm carried and kissed, giggling loudly and squirming. I watch all the clothes get laid out and immediately gravitate towards a beautiful pink skirt and top yipping out. In my excitement though I start to wet my diaper from all the fluids I had drunk.

"Someone needs a change," I say with a smile. "Oh, lemme do it!" Arnie says excitedly as he quickly takes you from my arms. He walks you to the diaper changing station and peels off the diaper. He carefully wipes and powders you before slipping on a pink, sparkly, floral print diaper. "There, all clean." He leans in and motorboats your draggy tummy.

I giggle as I'm picked up licking auntie hyperly before feeling my diaper being undone. I chirp out happily as I see the new diaper thinking it pretty and wagging my tail as it is slipped on. I loved it! And my smile showed just how much. my giggles rising through the roof, as I'm played with.

I come up with the clothes. "OK now, time to get dressed." I slip the skirt up the dragon's pretty diaper. Then, I stand you up and pull the pretty dress over the little draggy's body. As a final touch, I add a sunhat with a glossy white ribbon on top of the scale's head. "How do you like it, Hypier?"

I wiggle but not uncontrollably much as you dress me, purring and giggling, loving the attention so much. I look at myself and my face brightens up happily as I give him all kinds of thank you kisses.

Arnie holds you while I get the princess stroller out of the closet. He straps you in and gives you a kiss. "Do we need anything?" he asks me.

I wiggle as I'm placed in the stroller looking around, but I do find the seat to be quite comfy. So, I rest, content to watch papa and aunty talk. My hyperness had worn down.

"We need Dwak, but I don't know where he's been left. Arnie, can you fix a bottle of strawberry milk for him?"

At the mention of Dwak, I hyperly point at my crib chirping out. I wiggle happily at the idea of bringing my friend.

Arnie goes to make a bottle as I fish the toy out of the crib. I bring Dra-kun to you. I take his voice and say, "Hello there, Hypier! Let's have fun today!" I make him attack you with kisses before letting you hold him.

I smile when I see him raising my paws to grab him. I can help but squirm and laugh as you make him attack me before snuggling my friend tightly and purring content.

Arnie returns with the bottle of strawberry milk. He offers it to you. "I know you need this after all your bouncing around." He smiles.

I smile widely saying quietly before I get it like a good one, "Pwease!" before suckling on it a little calmer than usual.

We stroll outside of the house, looking like a happy family. We pass by other townspeople, some with their cubs. Arnie covers for us, saying that you are his little cousin, and we are watching you.

I wiggle around occasionally, pointing at the pretty buildings and people telling papa to look as I stare fascinated. A butterfly lands in my crib, and I giggle watching it. "Buttfwy!" I yip out happily.

Arnie giggles at your reaction. "He really is an enthusiastic cub. And he's not even twenty-four hours old yet."

I look down at you. "I know. I'm happy to have him. I wonder if this is what mom and dad felt about me and my sister." I stop, remembering my dead parents and sister. I frown, turning away from you. "Arnie, can you take him to the playground over there? I need a minute." He nods to me and strolls you over to a nearby baby swing.

I giggle studying the butterfly with my eyes watching each detail. It was so pretty yet small. I was afraid to even breathe to hard in fear of hurting it. Soon, it flies off, and I look around me at the surroundings.

Arnie picks you up out of the stroller and carries you to the baby swing. He sits you in the little harness and gently swings you.

I wonder why I'm being picked up for a bit looking around before feeling myself being strapped up in the swing, and, when swung, I chirp and yip out like crazy as if it's the best thing in the world raising my paws up.

Arnie catches you and pulls you back a bit. "Up, up, and away!" He lets you go.

I squeal in delight loveing the view, but, as I look for Papa, I can't see him...I get a little worried about that papa never left me long for anything...was he ok?

I come walking within your site. I smile at my little cub as I see him swinging happily on the swing. "I'm back. Thanks for watching him."

I yip happily for a bit longer before reaching my hands out to Papa wanting to go home now. That, and I almost oddly enough felt a deep strong and wiser than me instinctual pull that said I needed to comfort him.

Arnie catches you, and I take you out of your swing. I hug you tight to me. "Arnie, can you go to the store and get me two gallons of milk? I promise to pay you back when we get back to my place." He nods. "I'll get them for you. Don't worry about paying me back." he walks towards the store on the opposite end of the street, as I continue to hug my cub.

I hug you tighter than I've ever done before that strange instinctual feeling hitting me again. I feel the need to say something that my mind somehow by some way knew exactly what the words meant, eventhough I never heard them. "Wuv you, Papa," I purr.

I sit there speechless, having just heard what the feral dragon has just told me. I hold the draggy and his toy and cuddle him in my arms. "Papa loves you too." A single tear manages to escape my eye.

I smile widely and lick the tear from Papa's eyes gently, strangely calm in the serious moment and cuddling back, my body vibrating from the force of my loving purrs.

I huggle you. "It seems that at least a little of your former self is still inside of you. How else could you know what to say?...I love you, Hypier." I kiss the dragon on his muzzle as Arnie returns with the milk.

I kiss back and giggle as the calm demeanor breaks and I'm back to my normal jumpy self, kissing you like crazy before looking back at auntie and purring.

I strap you into the stroller, giving you a kiss before starting on the way home. I tell Arnie what happened as we walk, and he looks down at you in amazement.

I giggle as I'm in the stroller playing with Dwak, but, soon, I get really sleepy and my head droops until I'm asleep.

We arrive home. Arnie takes you out of the stroller and takes you to the crib. I go to my room and lay in bed reading the book. The grey dragon comes into bed with me, snuggling to my chubby, warm body as I read on in the book. "Uh oh...If the heartstone is placed in water that is too warm, there is a high likelihood of incontinence for the hatchling...I think he's..."

A claw from the ashen scale is placed at my lips. In a loving, soothing voice, Arnie says, "He's still your cub, no matter what. Hypier is still a very special little guy."

I sleep quietly for a few hours till I wake up with a soggy diaper and wanting attention from Papa. I look around the room and don't see you; I cry out for you. "Papa!"

I come into the nursery and scoop you in my arms. "Shhhh. Shhhhhh. It's ok. Papa is here for his little guy." The scent of urine hit's my nose. "Let's go take a nice warm bath together. How does that sound?"

I tilt my head and snuggle to you trying to get close to your body heat shivering a bit from a cold diaper the heat long gone from it.

I take you to the bathroom and fill the tub part way with warm water, being sure to add a little bubble bath solution into the flow. Smiling, I take the wet diaper off of you. I quickly discard my clothes. Now, nakie with my cub I pick him up, get into the tub, and ease us into the water and suds.

I watch the tub, my eyes wide with curiosity and tilting my head. When you get me into the water though it instantly starts to warm me up, so I giggle splashing it with my wings and tail and my muzzle gets covered in suds.

Arnie comes into the bathroom, with nothing on. His wig and lipstick are even gone. The grey, anthro scale looks down at us in the bath. "Is there room for one more?" I move back, letting him get into the big, hexagonal tub with us. He sits across from me and looks at you with a giggle. "Oh, he looks like a little Santa with those bubbles on his muzzle."

I watch Auntie come in and tilt my head curiously splashing towards him as he gets in the tub giggling when it hits him. I smile widely as I watch a sud on him.

With a noticeable nervousness in my voice, I ask Arnie, "Are you sure this is ok?"

He picks you up and huggles you tightly. "It's perfectly fine," he replies. "Family baths are a common tradition in dragon culture. My family has done it since I was a hatchling. I don't see why being a feral would make it any different for my little Hypy."

I smile as I'm picked up wiggling in the grip until I'm close enough that I could hug the draggie tightly to my body. It felt so good, the texture of the scales.

I put my nervousness aside and use a loofah to scrub your back scales and tail. Arnie kisses you on the side of the muzzle.

I purr happily the scrubbing super pleasant to feel and nice. I give the biggest kiss I can to Arnie and lick his cheek.

"Let me hold him." I gently pull you away from the older dragon and huggle my son. Arnie smiles at us as he takes the loofah and washes your belly and face.

I chirp out excitedly, "Wuv papa!" before giggling and squirming as I'm cleaned my sensitive belly scales, especially ticklish.

"There, all clean." I kiss the feral cub on the forehead. "Papa loves his Hypy." I let you down to splash in the water. Arnie's foot creeps over and pokes on my padded hindpaw, causing me to giggle.

I swim in place in your arms happily and giggling. I heard your giggle and look up at you curiously. Papa sounded funny when he giggled. It made me giggle back.

"Arnie, quit!" I keep giggling from his repeated footsie play.

I get excited and jump all over you and licking in a mad frenzy.

I giggle louder form the dual attack of dragon foot and tongue.

I crawl quietly up your body and curl around your neck smiling. I found it quite funny watching you.

I lick my cub's face as I tickle him. Arnie stands up and steps out of the tub, grabbing a towel from the counter. Be begins toweling off as he heads to the door. "I'll let you two have some quality time while I get lunch ready."

I raise my paws towards Auntie, a little sad to see him go, but it doesn't take long for the tickling to distract me as I giggle uncontrollably and squirm.

I tickle my cub for a bit longer before leaning back against the tub and snuggling you into my belly.

I squirm until you stop tickling me. Resting on your belly I purr contently until my little tummy growls hungrily.

"Is someone hungry?" I pick you up and nuzzle your tummy.

"Pwease! Pwease, pwease!" I give such a tiny and little roar it was quite pitiful.

"Ok, but first we need to dwy off." I get out of the tub and stand you on the floor. I take a towel and quickly towel you off.

I wiggle desperately trying to escape the towel not liking the confined space like crazy. I didn't like it much.

"Someone's being fussy." I take the towel off of you and start drying myself off. Go find Auntie; He has your bottle."

I run off like crazy trying to find Auntie and get a new diapy on, missing the feel of the soft padding on me.

Arnie scoops you up and gives you a bottle of milk. "Drink up, Hypy, and I'll get you diapered." He carries you to the nursery and lays you in the diaper changing station.

I purr quietly my eyes going wide as I stare at the bottle. Quickly latching on I violently and nearly attacking the bottle of milk.

The grey scale takes a moment to diaper you up. This time, it has a puppy pattern on it. He kisses your belly.

I wiggle as I'm diapered drinking as he kisses my belly making me smile. Finishing the bottle, I look at my adorable girly diaper, nuzzling and smiling.

I come into the room, still nude like Arnie. He is nuzzling the draggy. "What's for lunch?"

He looks at me and says, "I haven't made it yet...I found this frilly pink, cub sized apron and got caught up in the thought of Hypy helping me with lunch. I was lost in the adorableness."

I wiggle trying to reach Papa glad to see him. I wiggle my diapered rear in the air hyperly at the mention of my name, eager to do something!

I pick up my little cub. "Wow, you downed that milk, buddy. Is your tummy all full?" I kiss your tummy rapidly as I follow Arnie to the kitchen.

"Here it is!" He excitedly holds up the rose pink, frilly apron for you to wear.

I wiggle, yelping and squirming into the kisses and trying to escape. As soon as we reach the kitchen, I look around until I see the pretty apron and raise my paws towards it.

I put you on the floor and he practically pounces on you to slip it over your shoulders. He ties it behind your back. "Oh, look how pretty you are! Do you want to help Auntie make lunch?"

I squeal out in pure delight as I am dressed, jumping towards him and giggling. I was rather excited knowing something was going on, and I wanted to be in the middle of it

He picks you up and takes you to the table. I bring a loaf of sandwich bread, ham and cheese, and mayonnaise and sit with the both of you. I pull eight pieces of bread. Arnie hands you a plastic knife and helps you spread the mayo on each slice.

I chirp out when I reach the table watching all of the action as the bread was placed around and giggled as I helped with it my paw being moved by him and such. I find it fun, even though I had trouble holding it, my paw not designed to grasp stuff.

He puts the ham and cheese in the sandwiches. "All done!"

I kiss you on the forehead and say, "And it's all thanks to my little assistant chef."

I love the attention, jumping up and down happily. I purr from the kiss and look around for something to do. Hyperness drove my actions now.

I carry you to the crib and lay you in with all the toys. Arnie and I eat our sandwiches while sitting on the floor.

I chirp from my crib watching you two before getting bored as I run around before finding a ball and chase it around before resting in a corner.

Arnie and I giggle at your antics. We look in your crib after we finish eating.

I look up at my parents before standing up on my back paws and resting my front on the crib walls. I sneeze shaking my head before "Wuv Papa! Wuv Auntie!" I say excitedly.

"Awwww! Our cub is so cute!" We say in unison as we reach out and each caress a side of your face.

I purr loudly rubbing into the paws and jumping up and down. I wanted out to play with them!

"Let's play hide and go seek." Arnie says enthusiastically. I immediately turn into a feral pup and scamper away into the house.

I chirp out in confusion when you change forms, but my little mind easily gets distracted as I look for you.

To give me time to hide, Arnie distracts you by playing peek-a-boo. He covers his face with his femmy claws.

I giggle loudly as I watch Arnie, jumping up and down in excitement when he reveals himself. I notice the claws, and my eyes go wide. Why can't my claws look pretty like that!

His shiny, yellow claws shimmer as he continues to play peek-a-boo with you. After a couple of minutes, he picks you up and places you on the carpet. "Go find Papa!" He points to the hall way.

I run a bit away looking really hard under stuff. I search through the kitchen around corners and soon end up in Papa's room looking under the bed.

Arnie follows you around the house to make sure you don't get hurt. He giggles, seeing your enthusiasm for finding me. "No Papa here. Now, where could he go?"

I eep out in frustration before scampering off wildly to the living room, looking under each couch and furniture.

I, in my puppy form, prowl around a nearby table waiting for my chance to pounce on the unsuspecting feral.

I scurry on by giggling as I search looking under another a table, my padded behind raised high up in the air, waggling.

I get low to the ground, raising my tail in the air. I focus my gaze on the diapered butt of the feral draggy, wiggle my butt, and pounce on the cub.

I eep out rolling over from the pounce and trying to escape whatever is attacking me.

I gently pin the cub on his back before attacking his face with hyper puppy licks. Arnie laughs at the cute scene of a feral puppy licking a dragon cub.

I eep out licking back and hyperly nuzzling and yipping out in delight, nipping at him.

The pup hops of the cub and scampers about the room. He is sure to avoid tables and furniture as he entices the azure scale to chase him.

I yip rolling to my feet before chirping out and chasing you, my tail wind milling behind me and tongue hanging out.

After scampering around, I trip over clumsy puppy feet and roll under the couch.

I giggle, following you before licking you like mad my whole butt wiggling.

I nuzzle with my boy as he licks at me. Arnie calls to us from outside of the couch. "Hey, you two left Auntie alone." I poke my head out and look up at him.

I giggle before I go out from under the couch but after I exit it I whimper as I start wetting myself.

Arnie picks us both up and carries us to the nursery. I hop out of his arms as he places you on the changing station. I return to being a nude anthro. "I wanna change him this time."

In response, Arnie declares, "Can I wash his adorable clothes?" I nod and he excitedly takes off your apron and goes to start the laundry. I look down at you.

"It's time to get rid of the wet diapie." I lean in and place butterfly kisses on your belly.

I purr loudly as I'm picked up, the warm diaper making me crunch my nose up. It was stinky! I giggle uncontrollably as I'm kissed uncontrollably, wetting the diapie more. It was quite apparent that I indeed was incontinent because of how heavily I wet myself.

Feeling a tinge of guilt for being careless with my egg, I take off the diaper and toss it in the trash with the rest. I wipe and powder the cute, little, cubby behind before slipping and strapping on a pastel yellow diaper on you.

I wiggle and squirm the whole time glad to be free of the soggy diaper and have new pleasant padding under me. I loved diaper changes because of how good it felt. Licking Papa, I giggle, smiling.

I pick up my cub and hug him. I kiss you on the forehead as a small, single tear trails down my cheek.

I hug tightly but find myself confused after the kiss. Why was Papa crying? "Papa?"

My ears perk up at the sound of my cub's voice. I don't even notice the tear as I look to you, wanting to keep you safe, secure, and loved. "What is it, Hypier?"

I looked worried as I take a single claw and poke the tear. "Wuv Papa..."

"I love you too, my cub." I cradle you close to me, my body warming with your love for me. I raise a quick paw to wipe away the tear. I want to tell you what I feel, but I know you are far too young to understand.

I hug my papa, purring loudly and reassured now that he was ok, giving my best to make him feel loved nuzzling him.

I carry you to the living room and cut on the tv. Arnie joins us, having finished the laundry.

I wiggle around after we reach the couch jumping between Papa and Auntie's laps not able to decide which I want.

Arnie giggles as he watches you. "He's so cute!" The grey scale picks you up, lays his head in my lap, and holds you up to the sky.

I let out an excited squeal when picked franticly moving my legs until instinct kicks in and I flap my wings like wild, yipping out.

Arnie and I laugh playfully. I look at my frantic cub and say. "I think he is going to fly."

Arnie replies, "Dragon's fly really young. He's gonna really be a handful."

I continue my frantic wingbeats as I'm held giggling and chirping out to the world staring up at the roof.

I point to your wings. "Hypier, say wing. Wing."

"Wing, wing, wing!" I chirp after papa flapping my wings even faster.

"He's a smart boy," Arnie states. Holding you with one hand, he points to himself. "Auntie"

I take a break from flapping watch him before repeating "Auntie? Wuv you!"

"Oh, I wuv you too, you adorable little tyke." He pulls you in and kisses you before huggling you tight. I smile as I see both of you getting along.

I giggle loudly and kiss back snuggling as tightly as I can to Auntie, happily licking each scale I can.

As Auntie distracts you, I get a distant look in my eyes. I remember how I, my little sister, and my parents used to play like this before the tragedy happened, and I was left alone in the world.

I jump up and down against Auntie, trying my hardest to lick Auntie's muzzle. I was quite hyper after fake flying.

Arnie notices the look in my eyes. "Hey, Alex, I think Hypier wants to play. He needs to burn off some energy." He looks to you and says, "Hey, Hypy, want to play with Papa?"

I giggle quietly before licking Papa. It seems all I want is attention as I lay curled in your lap, smiling and purring.

I think for a moment. "I know, How about a story? Arnie, go get a book from the nursery." Without a word, the grey dragon fetches a book for us.

I smile widely as I relax on Papa's lap wiggling into the perfect position to be in and licking Papa.

Arnie brings me a book and snuggles up to me as I open it. I hold it in front of you, using both hands. "Long ago there was a prince who ruled over a big kingdom." The first page has a picture of a young lion, still without his mane, dressed in royal attire.

I look at the book giggling as I listen to your voice before pawing at the lion.

"That's a lion. Can you say lion?"

"Wion! Wion!" I eep out trying my hardest.

"Very good." I pet the draggy cub and turn to the next page. "The prince was very lonely. Then, one day, he met another prince from a neighboring kingdom." This picture is of a wolf dressed in princly garb. "Can you say wolf?"

"Wuf, wuf!" I excitedly squirm in the lap excited to learn more words! I loved learning!

"Very, very good! The two princes became the best of friends, and their kingdoms prospered...Can you say castle?"

I giggle pointing at the pretty building and jumping up and down before repeating. "Casty! Casty!" I yip running in circles.

I giggle, "Sit down if you want Papa to finish the story, little guy."

I wiggle a bit longer before relaxing.

"The two princes were friends for many, many years. Their children were even friends." I point to a picture of a lion and wolf cub. "Say cub...Cub."

I look at them wide eyed as I say, "Cub." But then immediately point back at myself "Cub?" It showed I was a smart little one to be able to recognize that I was one to.

"Yes! Very good, Hypy. You are a cub too." I smile.

I giggle hugging Papa and kissing your fur.

I kiss the cub before reading. "One day, the princes decided to play together in the deep, dark woods, where they found a lost kitty." I point out the cat, tress, and flowers to you.

I watch with wide eyes becoming very concentrated and unusually quiet for myself.

"The lion prince picked up the kitty and cuddled him as the wolf sniffed around for its family. They decided the cat was a stray and took it back to the lion's kingdom."

I giggle as I listen, burying myself in your furr and giving deep loving purrs, wrapping my tail against you.

"When they arrived to the lion's castle they sneaked the little kitty into his bed chambers and poured him a small bowel of milk." I look to the little draggy in my lap. "Milk is what you drink. Say milk, milk."

I giggle as I watch the picture book and see the milk and eep out licking to book before looking disappointed when I realize it was fake. "Mik!" I yip looking at it.

I giggle at your reaction to the milk. "Are you hungry? Should Auntie get you a bottle?"

I jump up and lick your face before squirming around and running circles around you, chirping and yelping out, tongue hanging out cutely.

Arnie gets up. "Ok, I'll get you some milk. Now, sit in Papa's lap so he can read to you."

I huggle Papa purring out my love to him and smile like the happy little one I was for such awesome parents.

Arnie goes to make you a bottle. I continue reading. "After the kitten ate it's fill of milk, it curled up under the prince's bed. The Lion and the Wolf climbed on top of the bed and snuggled"

I tilt my head cutely as I listen looking very concentrated for a little one watching the pages.

I hug the dragon on my lap. "Snuggle...Can you say Snuggle?"

"Snuggies!" I reply hugging you as tightly as my little body could possibly manage.

Arnie comes back with your bottle of milk. "I wanna join!" He practically pounces on us, snuggling with the both of us.

I eep out as auntie scares me with the sudden appearance and almost in a scolding tone I say, "Auntie!"

"Auntie loves his little cubby!" Arnie squeezes both of us tightly.

I squeal as I gasp for air the hugs a little too tight before I give an annoyed flick of my tail against Auntie.

He releases us and I take a deep breath before saying, "Sometimes I forget about your dragonic strength. Your body and appearance are very deceptive. I wonder if Hypier will be as strong as you?"

Meanwhile, I give an annoyed set of chirps and grunts towards Auntie before running off to be alone.

Arnie and I chase after you, "Hypy, I'm sorry." He calls for you.

I hide under a desk, pouting just wanting some time alone it seems.

Arnie and I go to the couch and leave you alone.

After a bit of being pouty, I come back in the room, wobbling and hungry.

Arnie holds out your bottle for you.

I get up quietly and latch on drinking for dear life.

Arnie and I giggle at the gusto that you attack the bottle with.

I work on draining it each gulp nearly choking me and milk leaking from my mouth and onto me as I fight the bottle.

I pick you up. "Slow down, Hypier. The milk isn't going anywhere." I cuddle you.

I cuddle back and start drinking slower as I fill up closing my eyes as I drink, enjoying the full pleasure of the milk going down my throat.

I snuggle the affectionate bundle of scales in my lap and reopen the book. Arnie cuddles beside us as I try to remember where we left off. "Hypier, what was the last thing Papa read?"

But your words went unheard as without even pulling the bottle from my mouth I had fallen asleep.

I look at you with a warm loving smile on my face. Arnie asks, "Do you want me to tuck him in?"

I shake my head as I reply, "No. I want to just hold him. Can you put the book away and refill the bottle for him?" He gives an understanding nod and leaves me alone to pet and caress my little draggy. I caress your soft belly, hoping to give you sweet dreams. "Hypier...I...I want to be a worthy Papa for you. I hope that I can give you all the love and attention that you deserve. I don't care if you're incontinent, or if you prefer girl's clothes. I love you, my little cub. Papa loves you." I hold back from crying as I gaze with fatherly affections upon your small, sleeping, frame.

My little body purrs in my sleep as I dream of me and papa at the park playing around on the swings. He swings me, both of us happily laughing and giggling. I felt such deep love and happiness for having my daddy in that dream.

"Hush, little draggy; don't say a word. Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird won't sing, Papa's gonna get you a gemstone ring..."

I sleep quietly for a few hours only the occasional squirming happening before I wake up, groggily opening my eyes with a little yawn.

Arnie and I are surrounding my little draggy cub as we sleep. I'm in my puppy form curled up beside you, and the grey scale is lying on your other side.

I purr, enjoying the comfort of both of you, but, soon, I wiggle free without waking either of you. I feel my diaper is wet, but I don't mind much as I make my way to the nursery and start playing with my toys.

I awake with a cute puppy yawn. Upon not seeing you, I scamper quickly around the house looking for you.

I giggle as I wrestle the bouncy ball before wetting my diaper even more, feeling it get heavy, so I whine out.

My hearing picks up your wines, and I scurry quickly to the nursery. I see you when I enter the room. In my excitement, my clumsy puppy legs trip up, and I roll into a pile of nearby stuffed animals.

I whimper as I watch you really unhappy at the moment. My poor diapy was leaking, and I didn't like it one bit. I bawl my face off in dislike.

I hop out of the pile. I smell the urine and instantly understand what's wrong. Quickly acting, I scamper to the changing table and take a diaper out of the bottom drawer, using my maw. I gently push your belly, motioning for you to lie down.

I lay down obediently but squirm, feeling a rash along my scales and it hurt...

I turn into my anthro form and promptly change your diaper. I put aside the wet one. I'm sure to carefully wipe every wet scale before applying rash cream and powder. I secure the diaper, which is a Dora the Explorer pattern, with its adhesive strips. "There, is that better?"

I cry quietly even after getting cleaned, raising my paws up to Papa. It still hurt some...but was a bit better. I just wanted Papa to comfort me..

I smile as I take you in my arms. I pull you into my warm chestfur and allow your head to rest on my shoulder as I rock you gently. Patting your back, I say, "There, There...Papa is here."

I hug you tightly for comfort and slowly calm down before purring. I lick you before resting quietly.

I lay back, allowing you to rest on my chest and belly. I run my paw over your back as you lay on me.

I giggle wiggling on your belly and lick like mad as I'm pet my mood drastically improved.

"What does my little cub want to do?"

I look towards the bathroom and point. "Papa, pwease!" I ask pretend scrubbing myself.

It takes me a minute to realize what you mean. I decide to let you show me. "Go show Papa"

I yip out before rushing over and giggling. I jump and manage to flap my wings enough that I get my teeth on the handle the door swinging open, and I drop down, racing in. Once inside, I turn the water nobs with my teeth and jump in before squirming out eeping! It was hot!

I quickly scoop you out of the water. "Hypy, are you ok?" I hold you close to me. Arnie comes rushing in, asking frantically, "Alex, What did you do?"

I purr once I'm out of the water, cooling down quickly and licking you trying to reassure you.

I explain to Arnie what happened, and he sets to work running water at a suitable temperature for a dragon cub. It's late in the day. The setting sun peeks over the clouds. The grey scale turns to me and says, "I made the last meal, so it's your turn to cook. I'll wash with Hypy." He looks at you and asks, "How would you like to take a bath with Auntie?"

I listen to both of you with wide eyes as I realized that Auntie would wash me. I wiggle excitedly in the grip and reach out "please!"

"Ok. Ok" I say to the femmy dragon. "Is he old enough for solids yet?" Arnie looks at you and says, "Show Auntie your teeth like this, aaaaaaah!" He opens his muzzle to you, exposing his pointed teeth.

I wiggle even more despite his protests trying hard to wiggle free and into the bath. I open my mouth when told and try to hold back a sneeze, my little teeth showing.

"They are coming in quickly considering his growth. I`d give him another day or two before solid foods. Dragon teeth are very sensitive when they are developing." The grey dragon kisses your belly. "Such a good boy!"

I nod and say, "Be good for auntie while Papa makes dinner ok?"

I lick Auntie happily with my tongue and nuzzle with quite an excited amount of force. I giggle to the kissies and purr in the draggy's grip.

I go to the kitchen as he strips away your diaper. The dragon gets in the tub and places you in the water.

I eep out in excitement as I'm stripped and left in the tub, squirming around in the water and splashing around in joy. The water felt so good on my scales! I even start blowing bubbles underwater.

He starts washing you as you blow bubbles. "Spread you wings for Auntie"

I wiggle for a bit longer in the water before surfacing and spreading my wings as I felt his paw nudge them chirping questioningly.

He messages the soap gently into your sensitive, still developing appendages.

My tongue hangs out as I purr, wiggling my rear happily.

He cubs water in his wings and pours it over your wings to wash the subs away. The older scale hands you a bar of soap, "Now, you wash Auntie."

I eep out loudly as the water hits me, making me shiver before giggling and grabbing the soap. I start rubbing auntie all over where I can reach although I do accidently without knowing it rub across Auntie's crotch.

Auntie eeps out as his teen slit is caressed by the cub. He pushes backward and covers himself up.

I yelp out when he eeps in fear and hide under his leg shivering in fear. I was afraid I had hurt auntie.

"It's ok, Hypy. Auntie was just surprised..." He blushes as his musk begins to feel the room and his loins begin to stir.

I calm down relatively quickly as I purr rubbing against Auntie as he smells really good and get back to being happy again.

His electric blue cock pokes out of his crotch. He thinks to himself, "Its ok. Things like this happen during the family bath. All my brothers and sisters got a good view of mom and dads privates. Now, I just have to let things happen." Although he his, nervous, your loving purs and nuzzles calm him slightly.

I giggle some climbing up you a bit and hugging. The scales felt so good! That, and a very pleasant smell left me wiggling in delight. It doesn't take long for me to notice Auntie's shaft and I look at it, tilting my head. It was a pwetty color!

He notices your curiosity. "Thats Aunties penis...Can you say penis?" In his nervousness, he didn`t know what else to do.

I giggle looking at it more before replying. "Penis!" I yip out before going over to sniff it. The smell is so pleasant. I purr louder and rub it with my cheek.

Arnie murrs in response to the vibration from your purring face against his is electric blue flesh wand. "It's ok," he says to himself. "Dragon cubs are naturally curious sexually, and it's my job as an elder dragon to let him explore. After all, me and my siblings lost our virginity to each other and our parents." He says to you. "V-Very good Hypy. Now, be gentle; it's very sensitive."

I giggle as I smell the surface more. It was so soft and pwetty! I start licking it with my long tongue, liking the texture until I get to the top and purr as I taste a sweet substance on it. It tasted almost like milk! Latching on like I would my bottle I suckle about as hyperly. Maybe Auntie would produce milk for me!

The grey scale--the stereotypical, femmy boy that he is--moans from the enthusiastic suckling that you are giving to him. "So close already!" Just as I come in to see what's happening, my eyes widen at the sight of the teenage scale getting orally serviced, with gusto, from my blue feral cub.

I only suck harder as I get more of the sweet substance, a little impatient with how slow it was coming. I was quite a hungry cub after all!

The grey dragon lets out a long, high-pitched squeal of pleasure as he releases his load into your cubby throat. As I watch this, my cock quickly erects to full mast at the strangely exciting site in front of me.

I swallow each bit of the delicious treat I get! It was one of the tastiest things I've ever had in my life. I lick the shaft clean and purr. "Wuv Auntie!!" I yip out as I lick leftover strands of cum off my lips.

I go over to Arnie and bonk him on the head out of embarrassment and surprise. "Arnie, what the hell just HA-!" I'm cut off by the amours grey scaled teen, lapping at my fire engine red shaft. I begin to blush and open my mouth to protest.

Still riding the pleasure you just gave him, he grabs my shaft, looks up at me, and declares, "It's Auntie's turn to have some milk," before taking the tip into his mouth and teasingly lapping at it with his long, serpentine tongue.

I giggle loudly in the water as I watch Papa and Auntie play with each other. "Papa wuvs Auntie!" I repeat this several times. I swim around happily as I watch.

I tremble, using the wall to hold me up, as the lust-driven Arnie works his expert muzzle on my cock. My knot slowly forms as I moan from his tongue and murring. I look at you, not sure how to react in my heated state.

I giggle as I make my way to sit in Auntie's lap and watch finding it all funny.

My moan echoes in the bathroom as Icum in Arnie's mouth. He greedily sucks dry every rope that I send into his waiting muzzle. He holds you lovingly close to him in contentment.

I smile purring into the grasp as I curl up in a little ball staring outward. "Papa!"

I fall to my knees and reach out a shaky paw to pet the feral with.

I giggle happily and lick the paw, nuzzling it like crazy. "Wuv Papa!" I snuggle the paw.

As you cuddle my paw, I turn to Arnie. "What the hell just happened?"

"Well..." he replies, "Dragons are easily excitable, and dragon musk is a very potent thing.

I giggle licking some cum free from my lips. I let go of your paw and squirm cutely on my back in Auntie's lap.

I notice your little, draggy, purple pecker protruding from your crotch slit. "He can get erections already?"

Arnie nods his head, "Excitement and musk. You joined my family for baths, Alex. You had a good time from what I remember. Now, it's Hypy's turn for a good time." The grey dragon's claw gently caresses the feral cub's penis.

I giggle as I watch Papa and Auntie talk. I look down and see my penis. "Penis!" Eeping when it's rubbed, I get use to the feeling and smile squirming slightly and releasing little moans.

"Arnie, is this ok?" I question the dragon.

He nods his head and continues to lovingly caress your purple wand. "It's part of a dragon's development, and feral dragons mature faster than anthro dragons. Don't worry; I'll watch for any signs of discomfort or dislike from him."

I giggle, but it quickly stops, my moaning growing louder and a little pre leaving my little penis. My tongue hangs out in obvious bliss, and my tail smacks below me. I am loving this!

I reach a shaking paw over to you and pet your head scales behind your ears. Arnie`s claw, slickened by your pre, glides over your cubby shaft. Getting braver, I place my digits at your muzzle for you to suck.

I nuzzle into your paw as you rub, smiling and my shaft throbbing a little, as I feel an odd sensation. I was getting closer and closer to my first orgasm. I lick you before suckling.

Suddenly, the teen scale grabs my paw and uses it to quickly finish you off before I can protest.

I moan loudly as I climax, not a very impressive one but good for my size, and lay down purring in bliss, my tail twitching.

"Well, that just happened." Im worried about what Ive just done with my cub.

Arnie raises one claw to carress my chin and cheek as he uses his other one to rub your tummy. "Its part of a dragons development. You did nothing wrong. Everything is fine. Just look at him."

I look over to you.

I purr in deep bliss, a large, wide smile on my face, as I'm pet, relaxing my eyes shut. My tail wags before wrapping around the paw petting me.

I smile warmly, feeling the tail around my wrist. I lean in and kiss you.

I purr, licking and nuzzling you, a huge smile on my face as we kiss.

"Do you think he's hungry after this?"

I tilt my head repeating. "Hungwy!"

Arnie stands and takes you out of the tub. While he towels you both off, I go to the kitchen and get dinner finished up. When you arrive in the kitchen, I have a nice, cold bottle of milk in my paws for you.

I wiggle in the towel giggling before hugging Auntie and grabbing the bottle, quickly suckling it, feeling strange without my diapy.

Arnie takes you to the diaper changing station and quickly puts you in a daiper with teddy bear print. He walks to the living room, picking up Dwak along the way and joining me on the couch. He holds you as I feed him some pasta I boiled for me and him.

I wiggle as I am diapered resting in Auntie's grip, my tail swaying. I purr, draining the bottle quickly. I let out a loud yawn, snuggling to Dwak and soon falling asleep.

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