The Teacher's Pet Project: What If It Was Set at a Normal Boarding School? (On hold for now)

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#26 of Writing Prompt Group Submissions

Submission for the Writing Prompt Group. This submission's prompt is rewriting a story--history, pop culture, or previous work--with a "What If" scenario that changes the entire flow of events in the story.

This is a rewrite of "The Teacher's Pet Project". This alternate version of the story is set at a normal all boy's boarding school rather than a magical one. This changes the story complete because Magic and mana exchange play such a huge role in the original. Another change is that Alexander's circle of friends has already formed when he begins his therapy with SilverrFox; on the other hands, in the original version of the story, Alexander is building his circle of friends over a couple of days. Also, Lucirious, in this story, has a Southern accent.

The Teacher's Pet Project: What if it was set at a Normal Boarding School?

"There is no way in Hell I am wearing that." The chubby tanuki's voice was not loud but full of agitation and distain. Things have changed so much for the teen in the course of twenty-four hours. The previous day, he was living in his own room in the school's first class dormitory, with the higher ranked, gold level, students at Grandiere's Advanced Academy for Boys, and at the top of his class; however, now he is in the double decker motel building of the bronze level students, which is reserved for transfer students, underachievers, and generally lower class students. He does not even get to have his own room or bed. Rather, he is sharing a room and bed with the teacher he lost a bet with.

The fox behind him takes a moment for the boy's shock to subside before talking. "I'm afraid you have no choice, Alexander. Classes will start soon, and your new uniform hasn't arrived yet. This is the only thing we have in your size for the time being." The greying, black canid smiles stoically as he adjusts his eye glasses. He looks at the irritated tanuki's night time attire--silk, blue plaid sleep pants with matching, long-sleeve, button-up top. "That is unless you want to attend class in your sleepwear. I, as your new mentor and dorm father, cannot allow you to do that."

The student, remaining unmoved from the bed, refuses to even get up. "Or I can just not attend class at all, like I usually do," the plump, brown adolescent retorts as he crosses his arms, and legs, looking at the instructor with a glare of defiance in his black masked, blue eyes. Disrespect of authority and skipping class were among the young duelist's rap sheet of infractions. Being born into a rich, upper crust family, the boy has always gained what he wanted with little to no effort. It is also the reason he has seen himself as being above the majority of the other students at the academy. The final straw, the one that lead to yesterday's fateful duel with the elder canid, is the prank that he pulled last week: stealing a golf cart and joyriding around the campus grounds when, of course, he was supposed to be in class.

The patient, witty fox's voice and expression are unchanging. In his fifty plus years of life on the mortal plane, he has met his fair share of young males in dire need of proper attention and guidance. He knows how to deal with every situation that can arise when a hormonally driven, rash, and headstrong youth is acting out. This particular situation, he believes, requires a certain amount of finesse. In the blink of an eye, the vulpine quickly sets to work, pulling off the tanuki's shirt, pushing the boy onto his back, and swiping off his pajama bottoms and underwear. As the boy tries to recover, the elder male pulls the lad by the arm off of the bed and uses the momentum to send the choppy youth running out the door.

The ring tailed boy tumbles out of the room onto the lush, green grass before he attempts to pick himself up and rush back inside. The elder male locks the door, leaving his pupil exposed to the elements of the sunny, cloudless day. Hearing a door on the upper level open, the tanuki begins to urgently pound on the door with both of his young fists. "Let me in! Someone is coming! I don't want to be seen like this." His brown fur begins to turn red with embarrassment. Someone is approaching the stairs and is about to walk down to where he is. He begins to plead more fervently. "Come on. I can't be seen." Tears of anxiety begin to form in his eyes and he starts whimpering audibly. "Please." The door opens and he falls in, the fox closing the door behind him. A young, athletic flying fox--wearing khaki pants, black loafers, and a white long-sleeve button up dress shirt with bronze accents around the collar and cuffs--walks down the stairs and passed the dorm father's room. The tanuki quickly wipes away is tears in hopes that the vulpine will not see him shaken. He looks up when the fox speaks to him.

"Well boy, I think it is clear that you will be going out into the world one way or another. So, you can go naked and exposed, or you can put on this spare uniform and deal with it for the duration of the day. It's Friday and your new uniform will be here by Monday. What do you say, now?"

The plump teen mutters something under his breath as he turns away from the elder, but shorter male.

"What was that, boy?"

"I'll wear it."

"You'll wear it what?"

"Sir...I'll wear it, sir"

"Good lad. Now' before class, you'll need to go to the infirmary for your medical inspection. It's required of all transfer students both within and without the academy."


"I can't believe this shit," the flustered tanuki mutters to himself. "First, I'm forced to transfer to that third rate dorm; now, I'm walking the halls in this old girl's uniform from when the school was co-ed." The chubby boy looks laughable in the white dress shirt and short khaki skirt, which barely reaches halfway to his knees. A bronze sailor tie glistens slightly in the light of the hallways. "At least everyone's in class, and I can't be seen in this thing. It's the summer uniform. Not only did he strip me and toss me out the door, but that blasted old fox couldn't even get the right season of outfit. What the hell am I supposed to learn from a nonsensical, dominating, perverted man like him anyways?" Just as the boy approaches the door to the medical office, it opens.

A tall, muscular, brown appaloosa, in a long, white, short-sleeved lab coat that exposes his built arms, stands in the doorway and greets the younger male. "Well, hello there, buddy. I'm Lucirious, the schools physician." The man's voice is inviting, friendly, and lightly Southern. "Com'on in and take a seat on the bed."

After the tanuki does as prompted, the horse begins the examination by asking, "I looked over yer medical records, and ya seem to be in good health. Are there any recent changes ya need ta tell me about?"

"None that I am aware of." The boy's answer is quick and apathetic.

"Yer record shows no history of any illnesses or conditions, so that's an expected response. What about sex? Are ya still a virgin?"

The canid looks at the doctor in disbelief. "Why would you need to know that?"

In a reassuring voice, the equine answers the boy in the same manner as he greeted him. "Well, this is an all boys school, and, of course, ya adolescent males have hormones actin' on yer minds and bodies. It's no secret that a lot of thin's happen in on the campus--in the dorms, showers, and woods. It is mah job as the campus physician ta ensure the health and well-bein' of every student on the campus grounds. I know it can be embarrassin' ta..."

"Ok," Alexander interrupts the elder man, "I get it...No...I'm still a virgin."

"Good. Now, it's time fer the next part of the examination. Take off yer clothes."

Without another word, the teen disrobes, particularly glad to be out of the girl's uniform. Lucirious takes all the usual vitals: height, weight, blood pressure. The muscular medic puts on a pair of tightfitting gloves on his hands and takes the young man's baseball sized balls in his hoof. Alexander yips slightly from the cool touch on his private parts before coughing on the elder male's prompting. The horse takes down the notes on his clipboard as the canid reaches for his clothes, believing the examination to be finished.

"Hold up, buddy," the equine declares, causing the boy to look to him. "We're not quite done yet. There is still one more part ta our examination."

"Look, I've gone through every one of the usual procedures for the school physical. I think I am done." The takuni's voice holds his typical tone of defiance and refusal to cooperate. "Besides I should be in class now."

The brawny, brown fur clears his throat. "Since ya want ta be blunt, I'll tell ya what's goin' on." As he continues speaking, the horse's voice still holds his general good nature and affability. "A search was performed on yer room in the gold dorm, and a stash of drugs was found. Before ya say anything else, I am aware that ya shared the room with two other boys who are not fans of yers. SilverrFox has requested me ta give you a cavity search in order ta verify yer possible innocence in the matter. Now, ya can protest and let the suspicion stand, or ya can cooperate, and both of us can vouch for ya. The choice is yers, buddy."

The teen looks at the horse and, for the first time today, has nothing to say. He can't believe the how the day is turning out. He has lost his clothing and pride, and now his anus is going to be explored by an older man holding all the power in the situation. He is so caught up in the indignity of everything that he can only close his eyes, look away in disdain, and nod to signal his acceptance of the procedure.

"Excellent." The equine's voice has gained a note of enthusiasm. "Now, get up on the examination table and get on yer back." As Alexander climbs onto the tan, padded, tabletop, the physician opens detaches and extends the stirrups from the end of the table. The elder male guides the canid's legs into the padded leg holdings, which extend up to the tanuki's shin's, and gently, buckles the boy's hind limbs into the foam lined frames. "These will keep ya rear exposed and allow ya ta rest yer legs and keep yer body loose. Now, stretch yer arms outwards on both sides of yer body so that I can secure those." The adolescent, not wanting to risk his innocence being questioned, complies, and the horse secures his arms in the padded arm frames.

Lucirious walks over to the sink and washes his hands in soap and warm water. After thoroughly draying his hooves, he opens a drawer on the side of the examination table and places a bottle of clear solution onto a nearby medical tray. "Before we begin, is there anythin' I can do to help ya relax, buddy?"

"Just make it quick." Alexader's response, though prompt, shows signs of trepidation.

"Bless your heart, I can't do that, buddy. I got ta be thorough in mah search. You teens have gotten crafty since mah days as a student here at the academy. Besides, the more in depth mah search, the better I can vouch for ya. There's also the fact that ya could get hurt if I go ta fast."

After a moment of mortified silence, the tanuki replies, "Could you at least talk me through it as you go?"

"Now, that I can do." The doctor, keeping his hands over the medical tray, takes the bottle in one hoof and drenches the other in the colorless solution. As he rubs his hands together, he beings speaking to the nervous teen. "Now, this lubricant is specifically made ta loosen the anus and rectum for sexual intercourse with equines, so ya should feel yer tailhole relaxing after a minute or so. It would really help if ya don't tense up yer body. Feel free ta talk ta me during the procedure. Any questions?" Upon seeing the tauki shake his head, eyes shut in embarrassment, the medic declares, "Then, let's begin."

The horse, using one, thick, white digit of his big hoof, gently pushes inward. The fat canine grunts softly in discomfort; then, the boy yips loudly, tenses his body instinctively, begins to hyperventilate, when the prodding finger delves into his virgin entrance with one stroke. Lucirious wastes no time in slowly circling his inside of the anxious teen. "Calm down, buddy. The more ya overreact, the harder this is going to be fer both of us." The older man's voice and erotic gesture reach the tanuki's ears, and his breathing begins to subside. With a reassuring smile, the horse says, "Good lad. I know this may sound strange, but I have a feelin' that this will be an enjoyable experience fer both of us. Ya just need ta keep calm and let me do all the work. Okay, buddy?" Since his mind is still processing everything that his happening, Alexander can only nod in response.

Lucirious pulls out so only the tip of his digit is still inside the teens adjusting hole. The doctor brings up another digit and carefully pushes the tip of it in, stretching out the student's tight anal sphincter. The man pushes both fingers in slowly, an action which elicits and close muzzled moan from his plump patient, as he unbuttons his white lab coat, exposing his shirtless, toned chest and stomach. When the exploring digits reach their bottom knuckles, Alexander moans loudly from a new sensation and he feels a stirring in his sheath. "It's ok ta be aroused, buddy," the physician says, sensing the boy's thoughts, as he slowly and gently caresses one particular area of the boy. Soft sounds of please escape the boy's mouth, and his young torso and plump stomach twist from the sensation. "This area I'm massagin' now is called the prostate. Specifically, it secretes fluid that increases the volume of sperm and provides protection against the acidity of the vaginal tract. It also controls the amount of semen that is expelled durin' orgasm as well as relaxes the rectum. Stimulatin' the prostate can also cause and enhance erections." The head of the tanuki's fire engine red member emerges from its fleshy shelter. "Speak of the devil," the horse declares with a chortle.

Alexander opens his eyes to be greeted by the site of his ever hardening boyhood. His face flusters red from the embarrassment her feels. However, his muzzle's moans and tailholes loosening continue and the lubricant gives his entire ass a warm, relaxing sensation. "Take a look at this." Lucirious uses his free hoof to undo his pants, letting them fall to the floor, and pulls out his massive, black with light gray blotches manhood, laying it on the teen's belly. The boy's eyes lock onto the intimidating staff, the head of which is resting right in between his moobs. Audible whimpers mix with his moans as a combination of unexpected fear and excitement fill his young spirit. "Don't worry, buddy. I'd put this inside a student; not on his first time at least." The medic winks coyly at the lustful lad as his digits resume their stroking of the boy's tailhole, now with no resistance.

"Now, I'm about ta put more in. Don't worry. Yer loose enough, and you'll only get looser as I go deeper. Are ya ready?" The youth nods franticly from the increasing atmosphere of lust and desire, and the doctor removes his fingers, balls up his fist, and begins to gently, yet firmly, push back into the student, leaning his thumb toward the quivering anus. Alexander lets out a long, slow, crescendoing moan as his tailhole slowly gives way to the brawny man's closed hoof. With an audible pop, the equine's entire hand is engulfed and the tanuki's young, hot, somewhat still tight entrance. As the trembling canine adjust to the new mass in his body, the horse uses his free hand to grab the bottle of solution and pour the lubricant on his forearm. After setting the container down, he uses that same hoof to spread the thick substance over the area of his entire arm up to the elbow.

"Dr. Lucirious!" The pleasantly porcine teen's call came as a surprise to the horse.

"Ya can call me Lu, buddy," The physician replies in his typical warm, friendly manner.

"Lu, can I please have my arms free?!" The boy's voice possesses a tone of pleading and need he has never before shown to a faculty member. Without a word, Lucirious reaches over the student's body with his free hoof and undoes both of the arm restraints, and the tanuki leans in and wraps his arms around the older man's equine rod, eliciting a manly neigh of lust to arise from the doctor. "Thank you, Lu," the tanuki respectfully declares with a look of confusion and lust in his eyes.

The older man pushes his arm forward, causing his patient to tighten his hold on the horse's manhood, clenching it into his flabby pecks. With his spare hoof, the physician lifts the canid youth's chin until their gazes meet. The man speaks softly and lovingly to the teenager. "I can tell that ya can't take much more, so I'll finish go ahead and finish up. Don't worry, buddy. Once I tell Sil how cooperative and well behaved ya were, I'm sure he'll let ya come back for another check-up. He'll probably even attend next time." An almost hopeful need glosses over the boys eyes as the equine resumes working his bulky arm in and out, all the way to his wrist, of the boy's loosened love tunnel, delving deeper with each long, loving thrust.

Alexander runs his inexperienced paws over the head of Lucirious' circumcised third leg as unknown pleasure radiates form his full rectum and tailhole. The equine man cannon on the boy's body begins to profusely leak musky pre onto the boy's body, coating the brown, chubby, canine's plump chest and belly. The tanuki feverishly gyrates his own needy, leaking cock against the underside of the doctor's sizable, fleshy staff. This same action helps drive the horse's hoof further into the newly explore depths of his wanting body.

"Oh, buddy, I'm about ta bust!" The sudden increase in the volume of Lucirious' voice was a clear sign of his impending orgasm. "Here it comes!" The man grunts in the edging milliseconds of his climax. " AAAAAAAAAAH!" The older male's horsehood fire's shot after shot of thick, manly, love juice just as Alexander moves back his head and releases the equine's member from fear of what my happen. While rope after rope of perm is shot from the elder fur's cannon, the adolescent's eyes widen from the phenomenon of what, to him, is a wonderful event in his life.

As a small bit of white man milk dribbles from the head, the tanuki gathers his courage and opens his mouth, expecting to get a taste. Just then, the medic pulls his shaft out of the boy's reach. The lad pants heavily from the physical exhaustion and whimpers softly from the denial of the horse's cream. "Relax. I'm pullin' out now." Lucirious gently withdraws his arm from the teen's stretched tailhole as the student moans and murrs from the slow loss of the mass in from his love tunnel. With another pop, the chubby youth yips then relaxes his body.

As his body's fatigue gives way to sleep, the horny teenager's paw reaches for his release hungry member. The horses' hand gently grabs it and gently pulls it away, prompting the juvenile to whimper in protest. A hoof retakes the plump boy's chin as the horse speaks in his typical friendly manner. "Sorry, buddy. It's yer mentor's orders. Don't fret. You'll get plenty of chances from now on ta experience what we just did and so much more." The equine's other hoof, the very one that was just assaulting the tanuki's tailhole, gently caresses the youth's cheek. "Right now, ya need to rest. Sil mentioned that ya didn't sleep very well in bed with him last night, and I know the examination has taken a lot out of ya."

Alexander's eyes become heavy, proving the equine's words. The phone hanging beside the entrance rings. "That's probably Sil now." The bare-chested physician walks to the wall and answers the telephone. "Hello...Hey Sil...Yes, he's just finished the examination...No, I didn't find anythin' durin' the cavity search, and he showed no signs of drug use or intoxication. He was actually quite cooperative, all things considered. I think we can vouch very strongly for him...Ya were right, he enjoyed the examination a lot...He's actually about to fall asleep now...It's no problem at all if he naps here...Sure, I'll have him cleaned, dressed, and re-virginated before I bring him back to ya...Yeah, I'll be sure to put on the special item ya requested on him...See ya in a couple hours...Later."

The horsed hangs up the phone and notices a questioning look on the lad's increasingly unconscious face. The physician runs a caring hoof in the teen's headfur. "Don't worry about any of that. Just remember everything fer yer therapy is fer yer ultimate benefit." The equine's soothing voice and tender ministrations lull the tanuki into a deep, lust and fatigued induced slumber.


It is now early in the afternoon, and the doctor is walking the tanuki back to the bronze dorm building. Since it is after lunch, classes are still in session. Alexander, still in the girl's uniform he has to wear, strolls beside Lucirious as he hugs onto the arm that was exploring his virgin insides earlier in the day. The reason he gives is that he feels dizzy and needs to lean on the elder man for balance. The equine looks at the teen, who's face is slightly red and presenting its usual scowl stoicism, and chuckles knowingly. Every few steps the, youth momentarily tightens his hold on the brawny physician's arm. The special equipment the boy has on along with the re-virginating solution the horse injected into the lad's tailhole for his therapy is causing the boy slight discomfort. Lucirious assures his patient that he will be used to it in a few hours. When they arrive at the dorm, SilverrFox is standing out in front of the dorm to receive his new charge. The medic bids goodbye to the vulpine and the canine, after exchanging a few words and promising to meet see them later on in the evening.

Upon entering the fox's bedroom, the dorm father instructs the younger male to strip. The adolescent is challengingly reticent, at first. However, the middle aged, greying canid reminded him of the morning's incident, and the student quickly takes off his bronze sailor tie and white dress shirt. His flabby pectorals and belly exposed, the teenager's paws stop at the top of his skirt as his face turns a deep red, from a mix of embarrassment and indignity. The elder man looks at the boy, without moving or saying a word; he knows the lad is trying to get himself to cooperate. After a few moments, the tanuki undoes his skirt and lets it fall to the ground, exposing a tight, rose pink jockstrap. The garment's front pouch and cup can barely contain his sheath and massive testicles, and the elastic bands around his waist and under his glutes pinch and slightly push out his plump ass cheeks.

The boy looks at the floor in mortification, with an undertone of arousal. He never imagined that he would be in this position. A part of him wants to cry from the humiliation, but another part seems to be enjoying this for some reason. Before the boy can get too deep in his thoughts, his mentor calls for his attention and commands the boy to undress him.

The vulpine stands erect as he waits for the lad to set to work. The tanki's nervousness and lust increase, causing his heart to pound, as his black padded, brown paws undo the man's tie. Then, he slowly undoes the fox's shirt, and the elder canid lets the garments cascade off his frame to fall onto the ground. Alexander freezes when it's time to undo the button and zipper to the older male's pants. To emphasize his growing impatience, the athletically fit Siverrfox steps toward the teen, bends his elbows, places his hands on his waist, and slightly pushes his pelvis towards the boy. The chubby, taller canine resigns himself and unfastens the khaki slacks. The brown furred adolescent's eyes widen at what greets them: a form-fitting red athletic supporter adorns the dorm father's toned, slim body.

The fox gives his new protégé a rewarding pat on the head and scratch behind the ears, causing the teen to instinctively close his eyes and lean his head in. The fox stoically chortles as the teen begins to knead his paws into the red carpet. The youth tries to fight against what he is doing, but it is in vein. The silvery vulpine is bringing out something that is both scary and comforting to the boy. When the teacher ceases his actions, the adolescent tanuki stops his own and resumes his reluctant scowl, in an attempt to save face. Then, after the elder male gives the boy a few praising yet emotionless words for his behavior today so far, the two set to work on their next task: the daily chore of cleaning the dorm rooms on the second floor.

The pump teen thinks that cleaning will be the first ordinary thing he has done today. He is wrong. The elder canine takes every chance--vacuuming, dusting, window cleaning, bed making--to bend over and rise is tail, nonchalantly exposing is inviting pucker. The man's erotic display is emphasized by the obviously choreographed movements of his legs, pelvis, and chest; all of which drive the hormonal teen's mind into a frenzy of lust and desire. The boy tries to hide his interest by looking away and making small talk, but his stammering voice and wondering gaze betray him. During the whole affair, the vulpine tells his pupil about his future dorm mates.

To Alexander's surprise, only four students stay at the bronze dorm with SilverrFox. A flying fox, who is a member of the gardening club, stays in the room with a ficus in the corner and posters of botanical diagrams all over the walls. The domicile with musical compositions written on the walls and a violin case sitting neatly upon the hurriedly made bed belongs to a quetzalcotal in the academy's band. Pictures of famous, historical actors and play writes decorate the walls of the residence of a butterfly from the academy drama club. Finally, in the room, with a standing easel by the window and sketches of famous paintings and sculptures on the desk, lives a vulline, a fox/cat hybrid, on the campus' art club. By themselves, the rooms, which all open to the outside walkway, are not impressive. Rather, as the tanuki expected, each is small with just the bare minimum of accommodations: three outlets, twin bed, closet, wall mounted shelving, desk and chair. However, the eclectic collection of the dorm's inhabitants intrigues the tanuki, though he won't admit it and keeps up his disaffected front towards the elder canid.

There is one more room that the fox only cleans once a week. No one lives there, but he hopes to have that fact change sometime soon. The vulpine has his charge clean the room instead. Alexander vacuums the floor, dusts the furniture, and washes the windows as SiverrFox looks upon the teen's husky body. The sensation of the man's eyes running over his being fill the tanuki with a mix of thrill and humiliation. After the room is spotless, both canids go to the recreation room, where the dorm father has the student's textbooks and assignments waiting for the lad.


"I won't do it!" Alexander's voice, in its typical defiant tone, almost echoes through the recreation room. He has caught up on the day's class material that he had missed without so much as a small fuss. Now, he couldn't believe the conversation he was having with his new dorm father. "There is no reason for it. I've been a good boy and done everything that I have been told."

The fit, greying vulpine, very matter of factly, looks at the taller, wider, younger male. "Have you?" The elder fur raises his hand to his chest and counts off digits as he speaks. "You didn't get dressed and tried to refuse attending classes this morning; you showed resistance during your medical examination with Dr. Lucirious; you didn't undress us when you were told to do so. That's three cases of insubordination and disrespect in one day. It is true that you eventually acquiesced to do the right thing in each situation. However, you did so only under threats of embarrassment and possible expulsion. I think some preemptive punishment is just the thing to straighten you out."

The tanuki's voice lowers and ears drastically in response, unable to argue facts with the fox.. "I'm not a cub, so I don't see why I need a spanking, of all things."

The fox closes his eyes, lowers his head, and places his paw on his forehead. "Alexander, one thing you need to learn in life is that acting like a spoiled cub gets you treated like a spoiled cub. By-the-by, your present moment of resistance and nonparticipation in your preventative discipline is not making you seem any more mature."

The tanuki is wearing down. The evidence is mounted against him, and the judge, jury, and executioner of his therapy is unrelenting. In an almost inaudibly timid, the teen says, "But...does it really be...a spanking?"

"In the time you've spent refusing to cooperate, the punishment could have been behind you by now, boy." SiverrFox takes a seat on the edge of the cushy, brown couch and pats his knee. "Speaking of behind, present yours, now, and I give my word that it'll be over before you know it."

The younger, fatter canid does as he is told, bending his knees and laying his big belly across the vulpine's legs. The boy clenched his eyes in anticipation of pain as he feels the confining, pink jockstrap tighten around his husky frame, pinching out his chubby ass. He can feel his elder grab his tail with one paw and lay the same arm over his back, pinning him down and removing any obstruction to the intended target. The ashen colored fox smacks the teen's behind with the back of his forepaw, causing his young charge to yelp. The blow is lighter than the student had expected it to be; he knows that the reynard has greater strength than he put into the first hit. The tanuki prepares himself for a harder strike, but he is greeted by the sensation of the man's paw caressing his slightly stinging ass cheeks in circles.

The very tips of the mentor's digits complete a slow, wide ring around the lad's rear, immediately delivering another back-handed blow across the diameter. Alexander yelps again, but, to his surprise, the sound from his mouth is a strange tone of pain mixed with pleasure. SilverrFox continues this same pattern of loving caresses and decisive smacks as he begins to talk to the yipping, increasingly aroused adolescent. "Did you know that erogenous zones exist under the buttocks? They are buried under body fat and require a practiced hand to properly stimulate. Knowing the right technique, even a disciplinary spanking can become quite the erotic experience."

The tanuki's sounds become higher in pitch as he begins to feel a warm, enjoyable sensation overcome him, reducing the hurt to a mere undertone. His cock slowly emerges with every strike from the older man's paw. Soon, the cup of the snug jock is forcing the pup's erect flesh staff to strain against is plastic and fabric prison. The youth hasn't even realized that the fox as let go of his tail and lifted the arm off of his back, leaving the tail to unconsciously keep itself rose. Alexander's ears twitch and perk up at the sound of the instructor's voice as the man increases the intensity of his smacks. "You feel it don't you, little one: the sweet heat of pleasure and the slight sting of pain cascading over your entire rear and down to your young, virile boyhood?"

"YES, SIR!" The adolescent himself is surprised by the pleasure and emotion his suddenly loud voice holds.

In response to the boy's prompt and lustful reply, the vulpine licks his lips. "You're hard, are you not?"

" YES, SIR!" The tanuki is hardly able to contain the newfound sexual excitement that the older canid has arisen in him.

With that, the dorm father bends forward, leans his muzzle to the boy's ear and whispers, "So am I, Alexander. I'm so hard that my jock is about to snap and shoot off of my body. Would you like to see it?"

Suddenly, the tanuki sits up on his knees, looking into the fox's eyes with a pleading gaze. " PEASE, SIR, MAY I SEE YOUR ERECT MANHOOD?!"

The silvery fur quickly stands and turns his fit, toned gluteus to the chubby, wanting teen and points to a nearby corner of the recreation room. "Go stand over there, face the corner, and don't move from that spot until I tell you to do otherwise. Only good boys get to see my cock, pup." His voice is not loud, yet it holds his utmost authority.

The youth is devastated by the sudden denial of affection by the fox. After a the lad had experienced an arousing, new thrill of emotional high, the elder man pulled the rug from under his hind paws. Without a word, the dejected adolescent, on the verge of tears, immediately stands and walks to the prescribed corner as the fox leaves the room.


Alexander loses all interest in the passing of time. He is far too caught up in the constant push and pull of conflicting emotions that he is feeling from deep within himself: sadness from the lack of love he feels; anger at himself putting himself in this situation; loneliness from the empty, soundless room he has remained in since the elder canid commanded him to stand in the corner. The chubby lad, unable to process his thoughts, falls to his knees, and tears begin streaming, like cascading waterfalls down a mountain, over his flushing face. The tanuki leans forward, burying his head in the corner, as he crosses his arms and cradles his head in his forearms.

The husky boy's entire body freezes as he hears the sliding door to the rec room open. He wants to move, to yell, to disappear, to do something. However, mental congestion keeps him from acting on his fight or flight instincts. The thought of being found in this state--curled up in a corner, crying, with his ass exposed and sticking out--only adds to his mounting trepidation as he hears footsteps on the carpeted floor. Alexander's breath quickens just before a voice sounds from behind him.

"You must be or new dorm mate." The deep voice sounds too young to be that of an instructor. In a very courteous and inviting manner, the student behind the plump teen continues to speak. "SiverrFox told us to keep you company for a few minutes while he finishes the preparations for tonight. I'm Apollo, the guy who lives in room two; and my handsome friend here is Florian, who lives in room one. We hope that we can be your new friends."

Alexander stays in his curled up position, unresponsive to the other students. The canid does not want to be seen. Everyone in the academy knows him as the troublemaker, who no one wants to associate with. However, there is more to what he is feeling. His privileged life has lead him to be a loner. The brown anthro has never been in this situation before: not in control with other boys wanting to be friends with him.

The other student, who has remained silent until now, speaks in a confidently mature tone. "I think the tanuki is shy. What do you say Apollo? Shall we see if we can make him come out of his shell?"

"Well, we have a couple more minutes to kill." Alexander feels a hand begin to rub und and down the length of his back. "I say we do it. After all, I don't think we have to fear him rejecting us. Judging by how red his rear is, I think our dear dorm father as shown him the price of resistance." Apollo's words elicit whimpering from the disconcerted tanuki.

Suddenly, Florian's voice takes a chastising tone as the canid feels loving skritches behind his ears. Alexander starts feeling a sensation of warmth and security overcomes his whole body. "Don't scare the poor guy. He's already anxious enough, as it is. Plus, you're making my SilverrFox out to be some kind of monster."

"I'm only stating that our mentor has shown our new dorm mate how important it is to better yourself. That is all. Besides, Florian, he's not just your SilverrFox; he belongs to all of us."

"Only until I graduate. Then, I'll show him how much of a man I am and live happily ever after with him. Don't worry; the rest of you can visit us in our love cabin deep in the woods."

"You're spending too much time in the greenhouse. I think the pollen is causing you to have delusions of grandeur. Get your mind out of your fantasies of the future and focus on the present task."

From then on, no words were spoken for a while. The two boys, who Alexander has yet to lay eyes on, continue their loving strokes and add their free hands to the undertaking. The chubby tanuki unconsciously murrs from the feel of the four strong hands working on his back and ears. Soon, the canid is too hot, and he has to stand to relieve himself of the mounting heat. Immediately after he repositions himself, Alexander feels the hands on his head moving down to his shoulders and the hands on his back sliding down to his ass. Both sets of digits begin kneading and working their new areas as the brown furred raccoon dog leans forward on the wall to support himself. A never before experienced sensation washes over the plump teen's body, causing him to whimper like a newborn puppy. Just as their new dorm mate's congested mind begins racing, the other two youths plant light, affectionate butterfly kisses on the tanuki's neck and derriere. Whimpers become moans as the husky canid becomes lost in the ecstasy of simple massage and kisses while the new feeling inside of him becomes too much to hold in.

To the unsuspecting tanuki's surprise, the two other students are able to turn his body around in one swift, unified, motion. Alexander looks upon the boys, who are scantily clad, that he is sharing this milestone moment with: an athletically toned flying fox, with an orange face and black body, wearing an orange jockstrap; and, in a dark blue jockstrap, a pale blue quetzalcoatl with a trail of dark red feathers starting at the top of his head and ending at the very tip of his tail. Both boys have wings that are attached to their arms and taloned hands. Alexander is speechless as he gazes upon his fellow students.

The avians take the opportunity to nuzzle into the canid's body. The quetzalcoatl embraces and rubs his face over the tanuki's sizable belly, and the flying fox nestles his head in Alexander's moobs as he wraps his fore limbs under the tanki's arms. Alexander is again momentarily frozen by unfamiliarity, but he soon reciprocates by embracing the flying fox with one arm and caressing the hybrid's face with the other paw. In a slightly trembling voice he speaks. "I...I'm Alexander."


"Where are we going," the blindfolded tanuki ask his new friends as they walk through the outdoors in only their jocks. The avians flank the chubby canid, with Florian to his right and Apollo to his left. Each boy has a firm hold on one of Alexander's flabby glutes, and Alexander's paws grip a butt cheek each of the boys guiding him. The nervous canine squeezes the objects in his paws for comfort.

"We are almost there," Florian begins as he and the quetzalcoatl lead their new dorm mate into and old but well-kept building.

"Don't be so anxious; we know you're gonna love it." Apollo gently kneads his claw in Alexander's soft ass and gives him a reassuring kiss on the side of his muzzle, eliciting a nervous but anxious chuckle from the tanuki.

The sound of SilverrFox's voice cuts though the boy's shared moment of intimacy. "Welcome, boys." The graying vulpine, clad in only is red jock, looks upon the three lads with a smile on his face. "Alexander, it seems that you have become well acquainted with Florian and Apollo. I'm heartened to see that. Make way, you two, and let your new friend meet his other dorm mates."

The two avians quickly move away from the husky adolescent. Alexander slightly whimpers from the sudden loss of warmth. Two more sets of arms embrace is large frame, and he instinctively wraps his arms around the two unknown students, who are now nuzzling into his moobs. The butterfly's white body--green nipples, antennae, and compound eyes, copper colored wings, and orange jock--stands in stark contrast with the nior body of the vulline--purple jock, eyes, pads, and died to match fox tail tip.

"Boys," the instructor speaks, "introduce yourselves to your new dorm mate."

"My name his Skye, and I live in room three." The short, feminine framed insect unfurls his proboscis and places gentle kisses behind the tanuki's ear.

The black furred hybrid pulls himself up and shyly licks the chubby canid's cheek. "I'm...I'm Kuroi. My room is number four." The short, slender fox-cat continues his light laps as he continues supporting himself, and Alexander begins to giggle.

Florian and Apollo, not wanting to miss out, both embrace the new addition to their dorm family from behind. The blue scaled, red feathered hybrid nips lightly on Alexander's free ear, and the flying fox runs his taloned claws gently on the tanuki's plump belly. The troublemaker, increasingly feeling the love and warmth from the four other youths around him, wishes for the moment of newfound comradory to never end.

After allowing the teens to have their fun, SilverrFox regains their focus. "Boys, don't you have something to say to Alexander?"

"Okay, everyone," Florian's starts. "One...Two...Three..."

" WELCOME TO THE BRONZE DORM!" all fourboys shout in unison around the smiling tanuki. Alexander is so full of happiness from being so readily accepted by everyone in his new dorm that he loses his balance, causing everyone to fall onto the floor with him. All five teens share a laugh as they keep the cuddle orgy going for a few minutes as the elder fox looks upon this with an unseen smile.

"Well, y'all youngns look like yer havin' a ball," a familiar voice says in a light southern style. Lucirious--with his brown, white splotched, brawny body, clad in only a glossy, golden jock--stands in the doorway of the old barn, holding a bottle of his special lube in hoof. "Reminds me of mah days here at the academy in the bronze dorm."

SilverrFox walks over to the six foot tall equine and reaches out his paw, puling the younger male into a passionate, tongue wrestling kiss. "Fond memories," the vulpine declares after he breaks the kiss. "And to think, you and I were the same height when you were my student. My little colt has grown up.

"You're just in time for Alexander's welcoming celebration, Lu. Go ahead and get ready for the proceedings."

"Alrighty, Sil." Lucirious calls out to the students. "Com'on, boys, it's time to get lubed up. Remove yer jocks and get ready for a good time."

After giving the tanuki simultaneous kisses and tight embraces, the four dorm dwellers run over to the doctor. As Alexander stands, the eldest fur in the room runs a loving paw over the chubby pups head. The teen smiles from the love he feels in the gesture.

"Now, young man, are you ready to fully consent to your therapy?" The fox's voice is serious but not unkind.

The husky youth's reply is quick and enthusiastic. "Yes, Sir!"

"Are you willing to do what I ask without so much as a question?"

"Yes, Sir!" Alexander smiles gleefully.

"Then, lay on your back, pup, and just let things happen."

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The Teacher's Pet Project: Day 4

**The Teacher's Pet Project: Day 4** \*Silverrfox and his new protégé are getting ready for a day out of the room and out on the academy's grounds. It'll be the tanuki's first day outside since his recovery therapy began; the prospect fills him with...

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