The Teacher's Pet Project: Day 4

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#5 of Teacher's Pet Project (On hold for now)

A Tanuskidoodle and SilverrFox rp.

It is day four of the tanuki's recovery therapy, and the vulpine instructor decides to put the student through his emotional paces.

The Teacher's Pet Project: Day 4

*Silverrfox and his new protégé are getting ready for a day out of the room and out on the academy's grounds. It'll be the tanuki's first day outside since his recovery therapy began; the prospect fills him with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. The geomancer is in the next room, fetching the boy's clothes from his magically sealed and protected safe. The kit, whose shape changing chastity device is now in the shape of a thong, is sitting on the bed in the fox's chambers as his thoughts buzz through his mind.* *He looks at his new arm, freshly attached and formed. It perfectly matches the rest of his body, fur and all. However, he's still trying to get a handle on using it because his body has not completely accepted the new appendage yet. It feels awkward to move around and doesn't always do what he tries to make it do. Drawing attention is the last thing he wants to do today, but that's not the only thing that he is afraid of.* *He has been out of classes for the last few days due to his recovery, which SilverrFox has been facilitating. He has not got to train or fix his puppets; they are going out into the campus grounds to do those things. Alexander wonders how far along he is in his recovery therapy and if he's meeting expectations. He's also wondering what all the other boys in school would say once word got out that he was in recovery. All of this is strange to him; just four days ago, before his recovery began, he would never worry about such things. * *As soon as the elder mage walks through the door, the younger mage's onslaught of questions begins.* "Master Mage, what should I do if I get strange looks form the other boys? What if I'm asked questions about where I've been theses last couple of days? What if they want to see how my skills improved? I haven't really got to train, and I'm still getting used to my new arm. What if I'm asked about our intimacy?" *The fox firmly raises his paw, prompting the lad to discontinue his questioning.*

*Silver's stern and foreboding look is enough to silence the boy and make him stand at attention. The mage is silent for a moment; all sound seems to leave the room in breathless anticipation of what he may or may not say.* "You will be with me all day, young man. Do you think that any student would have the audacity to ask such questions in my presence?" "No, Master Mage." "Just so. The only questions, I expect, will all come from you. You may ask any question you like of me today. Whether or not I answer it will depend on the question. We have a full schedule of events today, so we will waste no time. Here are your clothes to wear today." Silverr hands the boy the traditional shorts, loose shirt, robe and sandals that students wear about campus. "There is no need for you to stand out any more than you already will with that new arm. Speaking of which, I have some training exercises that should help you develop the motor coordination to effectively use that arm." *Alexander picks up his clothes and starts to put them on, but Silverr stops him again with a raised paw. The tanuki is confused as to why if the master is in such a hurry.* "You are going to get very sweaty from this workout, young pup. No need for any clothes." Silverr removes all of his clothes until he is naked except for two metal wristbands. He leads the tanuki to a private courtyard located adjacent to his quarters. There is an open sand circle about 40 feet in diameter surrounded by a brick patio. He leads the tanuki to the center of the sand pit. His wristbands transform into twin katanas. They are not the same blades that he had used in their combat. The blades on these are dull. They are practice swords. *For the next hour, Silver leads the kit through a series of strenuous poses and maneuvers that seem specifically designed to test the limits of his new arm while simultaneously torturing the rest of his body. If the training had not been so hard and demanding, the whole experience of moving his body in concert with the nude fox's body would have been incredibly erotic. As it was, it took all of his concentration and effort just to keep up with Silverr and meet his demands, and the chastity device made sure he couldn't get a hard on even if he was able to.* *He was drenched in sweat and physically exhausted when they were done, but he did feel more competent in the use of his new arm, though the connection ached terribly. Silverr had him shower during which he momentarily retracted the chastity device, but did not allow the pup to clean himself. Silverr did that for him. The pup was still too sore and tired to respond to the attentions of the elder vulpine. As usual, Silverr was prepared, and had the pup drink a special potion he and Lucirius had devised specifically for the pup. The aches vanished and the pup soon felt refreshed. After a light meal in silence, they dressed, and went outside.* *It was a beautiful clear morning, yet Silverr had not told the pup where they were going or why.*

*The tanuki struggles his way through the rigorous exercises, but he manages to keep up with the vulpine's instructions and poses. He enjoyed the fox's touch in the shower, though he couldn't reciprocate. During the silent meal, the boy began to reflect and think on what has happened the last few days.* "So much has happened. Master Mage has really brought out about me. I don't mean in terms of magic, although I can feel a difference in the construction, flow, quality, and quantity of my mana. I see that he is worthy of respect and am starting to seriously doubt my outlook on this school. I suppose it was very foolish of me to think of all the students and faculty as being the same as those two...And, after seeing what Master Mage and Lucirious have, I want that. The...The...The level of closeness...and comradery...and respect that they share. I want that. Not just with Master Mage, but with other students and my teachers...That is...if it's not too late for me to..." *As if sensing the teen's thoughts, the elder mage gets up from the dinner table and heads towards the door, prompting his protégé to follow him.* *As the sun beams down upon the campus from the nearly cloudless sky, the two casters walk side by side. SilverrFox has promised to let the kit work on is puppets today, but he also says there is urgent business that needs to be taken care of first. The tanuki looks back at the vulpine's dwelling and notices the true stature of the tower as they continue to walk towards the campus proper.* *It is quite the walk from the fox's home to the campus, and Alexander's mind is still full of questions about a lot of things, namely the nature of his and the fox's relationship. The geomancer has given his permission for questioning. The younger canid is afraid to approach the subject, but knows that these things have to be understood and out in the open.* "Master Mage," the kit begins, prompting a sideways glance from the older male before continuing, "I know that I am in your charge until my recovery is through, and I was wondering how long will my therapy will last? And, when it is over, so is our relationship?"

"The length of your therapy is up to you, young mage. It can be long or short. I will let you know when it is over, but ultimately, you control the pace." The tanuki looked skeptically at the fox, who smiled enigmatically in return. "You are not happy with that answer. You think this is like a class where we teach a subject in a predefined increment of time. Life is not like that, boy. Learning does not stop at the end of the class. There is no end to it, just as there is no end to your therapy." Seeing the tanuki's ears droop, he continues, "I will call an end to it when you are close enough to move forward on your own. Just remember that you must continue your journey after that as your own mentor and guide. "As to your second question, the answer is essentially the same. It is up to you. Relationships do not have to end just because we move on to a new phase of development. They may end. They may not survive changes depending on the people in the relationship and their circumstances. I will give you hope, though. Lucirius was like you once; a student with problems and promise. Think on that a while, and you may find your answer."

*The tanuki is caught off guard by such a detailed and unclear answer. However, he is also glad that the elder mage is giving an honest answer while keeping his feelings into account at the same time. As sharp as his tongue can be, his mentor is a noble fur.* Not wanting to waste the vulpine's time, he continues his questioning by asking, "What does it mean to be a Master Mage? What does it take? And," Alexander pauses and looks down shyly before finishing, "do you think...I could be one?"

"What does it mean? It means great responsibility. It is not something to take lightly or to desire for frivolous reasons. To become one, you must of course pass your classes and graduate from this school, but that is not a guarantee in and of itself. There is much more. One must demonstrate an extraordinary level of magical accomplishment. One must demonstrate respect for oneself and respect for others. One must demonstrate the ability to follow the rules and bend them when it is necessary. That is good judgment. One cannot be a Master Mage without it. Great power brings great responsibility, little tanuki." Silverr is silent for a moment as they walk a path alongside a gently flowing brook. Before he resumes, he takes the boy's paw in his so that they are walking paw and paw. "Could you be a master mage?" Alexander waits expectantly for the answer. "Yes. You could. Will you? That is up to you. I will help you any way that I can, but as I said when we started this therapy, it will be a hard and difficult journey for you. I cannot take the steps of this journey for you. I will offer guidance and direction, but you must have the will to walk this path."

"Will?" the tanuki thinks to himself as he looks downward. "Something I'm in short supply of. Wouldn't having my own will mean doing what I wish to do and not following along with what someone else says I should. But Master Mage also said that one must follow rules and bend those rules when necessary...This is all so confusing..." The boy's heart quickens while he continues in thought, "Do I even want to become a Master Mage?...I don't know...Maybe. "Things just seem to be happening so fast these last few days. I thought this recovery would be like a visit to the psychiatrist, but it's more like a nonstop mentoring session. I've been forced to face some questions about myself that I didn't even know I had; I've got a new arm that will actually conduct mana better than my prosthetic; I'm beginning to want to treat my teachers and fellow students better; I'm feeling things that I never thought I ever had to feel again." *So caught up in his thoughts, the kit doesn't even realize that he is beginning to squeeze the elder caster's paw or that his light brown face is turning a shade of red. Alexander stops in his tracks; SilverrFox stops two steps in front of the teen, having realized the pup has stopped walking. He takes a deep, trembling breath before asking his next question.* "Why me? Why save a nameless, nobody student like me? I'm sure that there are far more talented, powerful, promising students than me? What makes me worth saving?"

Silverr gets a distant and almost forlorn look on his face before replying. "What makes anyone worth saving, eh? That is a deep and powerful question. Isn't everyone worth saving, Alexander? Aren't those who seem the least worthy most in need of the help of others? It is in the best interest of society if everyone reaches their full potential. I think you have potential."

*Alexander suddenly pulls the vulpine into him and embraces him tightly. He buries his head into the neck and shoulder of the shorter fur. Soft sobs emanate from the tanuki's muzzle as tears run down his eyes and stain the older male's fur and clothing.*

*Silverr thinks it inappropriate to show such affection between a student and a mage in public, but they are in a private place on the edge of some beautiful cultured gardens. Besides, this display of emotion and affection is a positive indicator of the pups' forward progress. He is capable of forming strong emotional attachments to others. The mage is heartened.* *He is also conflicted. He has brought the boy here for a purpose, and it will likely not be to the tanuki's liking. Silverr is still struggling to break the pup's code in his journal, but in the parts that were not encrypted, he found an event that must be reconciled and brought to a satisfactory close. Alexander clearly has not found closure with the other boy he injured by dislocating his arm. His journal entries indicate a profound lack of remorse for the event.* *These gardens are the work of that other boy. Silverr is taking the tanuki to see him now. It could wait a little while longer, though. The boy needs to work though his current emotional turmoil before encountering more.*

*The lad does not know why he is crying. Something inside of him is welling up and refusing to stay down. The tanuki descends from his height of his emotions when he finds himself wanting to do something.* *After he feels the elder male rub his back lovingly, Alexander moves his face. The student leans into the older male and plants a sudden, closed mouth kiss upon the vulpine's lips as his trembling hands grip the crimson cloak of his mentor and new found object of desire.*

*Alexander is dismayed at first as Silverr seems to stiffen at the contact, but then finds himself in blissful heaven as the mage hugs him tightly and returns the kiss. Mana, though faint and relatively weak, plays about their heads and muzzles like St Elmo's fire on the mast of a sailing ship. During the few moments that they embrace so passionately, Alexander finally feels he is in a world where he belongs and is loved.* *Too soon, the contact is broken by Silverr, who looks deep into the tanuki's eyes. "We should keep these expressions of affection for private places. Though a relationship between you and I is not forbidden, especially considering your status as under my unrestricted control, we do not want to stoke the jealousy of other students who may wish for similar attention." The mage looks about as though checking to see if anyone else is around. It is an act.* "I happen to know this place is as private as my own quarters." Having said that, he kisses the tanuki again and gently strokes his back. "There will be time for more of that later depending on how well you do today. As I said earlier, we have much to do, and we are here at the site of our first task. Come with me." *Silverr leads the boy by his paw through a circular garden whose outer ring is full of red roses that encircles an inner ring of multicolored day lilies that form a rainbow around a circular glass greenhouse.* Stopping at the door to the greenhouse, Silver asks, "Do you know whose workshop this is?"

"No, Sir, I don't." The tanuki responds. "I've never seen a workshop so big. I can only imagine It belongs to an S ranked student." "Shall we knock on the door to see who it belongs to?" Silver motions for the tanuki to walk towards the entrance to the green house, stopping only for a moment to admire the flowers. When they arrive at the entrance, the vulpine waits for the tanuki to take the hint and knock on the door. *Three minutes later, Alexander raps on the door. A flying fox answers the door and scowls at the puppeteer. Although Alexander did not know the student's name, he recognized him as the student whose arm he dislocated a few weeks prior to his battle with the elder mage. The young canid slinks back in anxiety, only to be held in place by SilverrFox's paw on the small of his back.* The bat's scowl turns into an enthusiastic smile as he turns his attention to the geomancer. "Master SilverrFox, please come in, Sir. You and can come right in." SilverrFox return the student's smile and replied, "Dear Florian, thank you so much for accepting my request for an audience on such short notice. My case could learn a thing or two from you about how to properly respect his elders." The Master Mage walks into the greenhouse behind the avian. "My case," he addressed the tanuki, "please be so kind as to close the door behind me, should you decide to come in." *The fat teen could feel the verbal sting placed in the word "case" that the bat and the fox uttered. He look down to the lush grass, resisting all urge to run away from what was about to happen, and walked in after the teacher, closing the door behind him.*

*Inside the greenhouse the air was warm and moist, but not unpleasant. Many exotic tropical plants with large colorful flowers grew about on benches and shelves. Alexander did not recognize many of them, but some familiar types such as orchids he was able to identify. When they reached the center of the greenhouse, Silverr stood between the two students, but off to the side.* "Florian, this is Alexander." Florian nods towards the tanuki with a frown on his face and says nothing. "Alexander, this is Florian." Alexander tries to smile, but it comes off more like a grimace of pain. He also says nothing. "I understand that you two have met before and the outcome of that meeting was unfortunate." Both boys try to make their case for what happened at once, but Silverr silences them with a spell. "I already know the facts of the matter. Determining who was right and who was wrong is not our goal. Our goal is reach closure on this issue so that both parties can move on from it. Alexander, you are in the wrong. Though you may not have known it at the time, Florian was attempting to help you..." "But, Master Mage, he attacked my puppets with his vines..." Silver silences him abruptly with a wave of his paw and a scowl. "You interpreted his actions as an attack, young pup. You were attempting very difficult magic, and one of your own puppets was about to strike you from behind when Florian intervened to stop it. Is this not correct, young Sir?" "Yes, Master Mage. That is true. Before I could explain why I did what I did, he went into a rage and attacked me and dislocated my wing." "Was Master Lucirius able to heal you?" "Yes, sir. It is much better now." "So, Alexander. What do you have to say to Florian now?"

*Alexander's tone of voice shows his refusal to apologize. He feels that he did nothing wrong and acted only in self-defense, which is something he feels was perfectly understandable.* "I had everything under control. I knew the puppet was behind me and was about to cement my control over the other two before turning around to deal with it. There was really no need for anyone to interfere with my training. Anyway, one of his vines struck me from behind. What reason did I not have to think I was being attacked?" *As the flying fox listens to his underclassman, his orange face maintains the frown. Florian Demeterous, who is six feet tall, is taller than Alexander. His body is also built, toned, and strong. In fact, the puppeteer only managed to injure the avian by wrapping mana strings around his wrist and quickly jerking his arm to the side. Then, Florian pulled his body in the opposite direction, making the dislocation easier.* Florian takes a deep breath before saying, "Alexander, if my vine did strike you, it's only because the puppet was that close to you and possibly doing more damage to you. However, that was no reason to maliciously attack and injure me without a proper assessment of the situation." The bat's tone becomes more gruff as he starts to lose his own temper, proving that he himself was not completely over the incident. "Honestly, it's students like you, with their unresolved issues and angst, that risk giving noble institutions like Grandere's a bad name." "Who the hell are you to make any statement about my issues?" Alexander's voice instantly changes from resistance to anger. "You don't know anything about me or what I've been through, so you can take your high and mighty attitude and shove it up your..." *Alexander is cut-off by a loud clap from Silverrfox's paws. Armchairs are constructed from the ground beside the two boys. The two students look to the geomancer's direction and see that he is set upon a throne, which was constructed from the earth behind him.* "Before things escalate any further," the vulpine begins in an authoritative tone, "I have a story you two should hear. Take a seat because it is decently long." *Both young mages sit on an armchair, without protest, as SilverrFox pulls a book from the inside of his red robe. Alexander's eyes widen, realizing what the elder caster has in his paws. Seeing that the tanuki is about to move in an attempt to resist, the Master Mage snaps his fingers, causing restraints to instantly form around the plump canid's ankles and wrists. He also constructs muzzle from a ring of earth to silence the pup.* As Florian watches the geomacer's quick work, SilverrFox chastises Alexander for his disrespect. "Alexander, it's rude to interrupt." The elder mage sits up straight, clears his throat, and opens the tome to the first page to read Alexander's first journal entry. (For its contents read this insert: After SilverrFox finishes his story, he dissolves the restraints and muzzle on Alexander. The vulpine, after a moment of awkward silence, declares, "I think we should hear a few words from the tale's author. Alexander have you anything to say?" *Once again, the student wants to run away, for his secret is now out in the open. He won't, though. He knows that this specter has been following him for the last two years and needs to be laid to rest. Intellectually, the tanuki knows that he acted out of anti-social tendencies stemming from the betrayal of yesterday, and he acted without provocation because of it. Plus, Master Mage would not allow him to leave anyway, so any effort to that end would be futile.* Alexander turns to the flying fox and, looking down a speaking in an embarrassed, sheepish, and honest tone, states, "I'm sorry." The boy places his paws on his shorts and grabs the fabric tightly as he continues talking. "I've let what happened in my past drive me to do some pretty awful things in regards to trusting other students and teachers. The moment your vine hit me, something inside of me broke, and I could only think about protecting myself, with no mind to your the reasons or well-being." His arms tremble as he holds back the tears he feels are inappropriate for the situation. "Again, I'm sorry."

*Florian's mouth hangs open for a few moments. He honestly did not expect the tanuki to apologize. He thought he was nothing but a mental basket case who would soon be thrown out of the academy. Everybody thought this. It was well known he was completely hopeless. However, now that the flying fox knows about the corruption and abominable behavior by the assistant head master, he is forced to reconsider. Maybe the tanuki had a legitimate grievance after all. He grudgingly accepted the possibility he had misjudged Alexander.* *Yet, even if Alexander was not psychotic, Florian still did not like him because he was being granted the attentions of Silverr, whom Florian adored. The flying fox had been trying to get Silverr's attention for quite some time. He knew Silverr had a fondness for gardening, and had been carefully planting and cultivating a formal garden that he knew would appeal to Silverr. He had been doing everything right, and then this messed hybrid dog/whatever mix who does everything wrong suddenly gets to live full time with the sexiest Master Mage in the academy. Rumors have been flying for days concerning what has been going on in Silverr's quarters. The presence of the healing mage there, who is a well-known lover of Silverr's, only fanned the flames of speculation. The avian has been stewing over the injustice of it all for days. Letting go of his ire would be hard. Still, the loser tanuki has brought Silverr here today to give him his best chance to seduce him yet. If nothing else, he has to thank him for that. Certainly, Silverr could not care for the wretched pup. His rough treatment and restraints show that he doesn't trust him. Clearly working with Alexander is an onerous task thrust upon the mage. Perhaps it iss a task from which he would like to be relieved. Florian is now giddy with the prospect of realizing his secret sexual obsession. He could afford to be magnanimous.* Closing his mouth, and stretching his wings out dramatically before offering one taloned paw to Alexander, he says "I accept your apology since it was sincerely given, and I now understand the circumstances behind your actions." He phrases that in a manner that he thinks would appeal to Silverr's sense of order and propriety. *With a subtle flick of one paw Silverr releases the restraints on the tanuki. Alexander rubbs his wrists and watches the bat boy suspiciously before taking his paw and shaking it. This sudden reversal in attitude is puzzling to the tanuki. He feels that some game was afoot here, but he has no idea what it is, until the flying fox begins his obsequious gestures towards the master mage.* Turning away from the tanuki and stepping between him and Silverr, Florian's body language is completely dismissive of Alexander. "Master Mage, now that that issue is settled satisfactorily for everyone, may I show you about my gardens? I think that you will find the mix of European geometric order and Japanese natural formalism quite stimulating. When we are done, I would like to show you some of the more exotic hybrids and specimens that I have acquired and am currently cultivating." Silverr contemplates the offer, then nods his head. "Yes. I do believe that I have time for a brief stroll since this matter has been concluded so quickly. Alexander, are you satisfied with Florian's gracious acceptance of your apology?" *Alexander can only nod mutely as he tries to figure out what is going on.* Florian claps his talons together with joy and his leathery wings flap as he does so. "Excellent. Please, take my talon, Master Mage, and I shall lead you through my garden of delights." *Silverr accepts his gesture, and they to begin to walk towards the door to the greenhouse.* *Florian's tone of voice and manner that implies the tanuki is not important or even present for this discussion and his now obvious attempt to ingratiate himself with Silverr drives Alexander's anger to resurface.*

*The tanuki, not wanting to be left behind, simply follows the other two around as Florian shows off the fruits of his botanical labor to the instructor. At first, the boy sulks, feeling that SilverrFox actually wanted to forget about him for a short while. But then, the puppeteer comes to a realization.* "You bastard," Alexander thinks to himself about the bat, "how dare you? This was all just some rouse to get Master Mage's attention. I've been fucking used again as a stepping stone for someone else's advancement and personal enjoyment. I spill my guts, and you simply give me a fake acceptance of my apology? Then, on top of that, you think so little of Master Mage's view of me that you believe this pathetic act will fool him? "Ok, Alexander. Calm down. You can't let yourself, get enraged. That's part of the reason you are here in Master Mage's charge. However, I'm not taking this one sitting down, either." *As fired up and determined as Alexander is, Florian is just as much so. As they travel along the tree-lined path with the fox, the tanuki and the flying fox go back and forth trying to make each other look bad in front of their elder mage.* *The canid uses geomancy to cause a small patch of ground in front of Florian's feet to sink in. As soon as the amorous bat steps on it, the ground caves, momentarily entrapping the boy's leg. Then, the tanuki remarks, "How imbalanced the garden must be, if the plants are taking so much of the ground's nutrients that the soil is caving in." After the bat pulled his leg out, they continued on the path.* *When they came to a flower clock made of multi-colored roses. Florian, further angered by the fact that the other student had gained geomancy magic from his beloved Master Mage, flicked his talon and caused a root to come out of the ground and make Alexander trip. After the plump teen hit the ground with a loud THUD, the avian said that the canid "should stay more focused on the path ahead of him instead of having his head in the clouds; as should any other student who actually has a chance at achieving their life goals." As not to fall behind, the tanuki quickly recovered and rejoined the other two.* *Alexander stumped Florian with an Earth Science question about his plant's relationship with the earth, then continued to say that all subjects and knowledge are worthy of study; especially one so interrelated to the bat's own botanical magic.* *The bat retaliated by having a plant fire sneezing pollen into tanuki's face, causing the boy to sneeze uncontrollably. The plant mage commented on how allergic the pup must be to something in the greenhouse, and that he should probably wait outside.* *All the while, SilverrFox, seemingly oblivious to the boys' actions, feels every vibration of mana and every word that is thrown about. Then, the boys begin to get confrontational.* "A psychotic delinquent like you," Florian began as he stared down the tanuki, "should have been kicked out of the academy and not allowed to be in the company of such a noble mage." Alexander retorted to the upperclassmen's remark by stating, "Being a psychotic delinquent is what got me in the company of Master Mage. Meanwhile, being pompous, scheming, and all around fake, has gotten you nothing." *The tanuki's sharp words cause Florian to lose his temper. He had had enough of the other student getting in the way of his pursuit of the coveted SilverrFox. In a similar manner, Alexander was through with being pushed to the side by such a careless, lust driven individual. He was also glad his plan to imbalance the flying fox seemed to work. The canid was unconcerned about his own anger; Master Mage has seen the tanuki's bad side before and probably will again in the future.* The avian's voice rang out in anger at his rival for the geomancer's attention as he declared, "Do you really want to feel the sting of my vines, Alexander?! I'll be happy oblige! You won't even have the time to call forth you puppets!" Alexander was just as irate as Florian. He confidently responded to the threat by saying, "I wouldn't sully my creations' in a battle with such an imbalanced person as you. Besides I wouldn't need them; you've experienced first-hand that I don't need my puppets to do any damage." "Just to do any real damage." "You want real damage, then how about I quarter you right now?!" *With vines and strings out, the boys charge on each other. Suddenly, SilverrFox raises his paw, pad up, to raise a wall of solid earth between the two hormonally driven teens. Florian, being in the fit shape he is, stops just short of the construct; Alexander, meanwhile, runs smack into it and falls backward, landing on his back.*

*Silverr allows Alexander time to rise to his hind paws before he dismisses the construct back into the earth. Stepping in between the two young furs who seem determined to start back at each other, he puts a paw in the center of each one's chest.* "Is this old fox getting forgetful, or is there a rule here at Grandiere's forbidding unsanctioned battles?" *Both teens look away from Silverr in embarrassment and shame for their actions.* "So I am not senile, then. That is good to know." Turning to Alexander, he says, "I think you and Florian are fairly equally matched, but do you really think that you had a chance here without your puppets and on Florian's territory?" "No, Master mage," said the pup as he gritted his teeth in frustration over not being better prepared, but secretly happy that Silverr considers him at least Florian's equal. Though Silverr has divined exactly why the boys are fighting over, he pretends ignorance. "Are you two still not over the unfortunate incident of Florian's injury. I thought that was settled. Apparently not." *The two boys stammer and shuffle about nervously, neither one prepared to explain to the fox that they are fighting over him.* "Nothing to say, eh? It seems that I need to give you two boys a less violent outlet for your quarrel. What should it be? An impromptu poetry session, recreating great historical speeches, a complicated mathematical puzzle?" It was clear from the expressions on the two boy's faces that these options were not appealing. "No? Perhaps one of you two has a better suggestion."

*The two boys immediately fire off ideas that would give them the edge. With each response, each boy's building agitation feeds off and into the other's.* "A bouquet design and arrangement contest," Florian suggests as soon as Silverr finished his sentence. The tanuki retorts, "A wood carving competition." "A biology exam," the botanical mage replies, with a note of irritation toward the canid in his voice. "A trap disarming simulation," Alexander comes back, his own irritation mounting. "Insect identification!" "A crochet race!" *The elder mage holds his paws on the teens' chests. Both student's, tiring of each other's company, angrily stare each other down as they grit their teeth, being sure not to step past the geomancer, lest they face punishment. Then, they both shouted out the same idea in unison.* "Drag contest!" As the younger casters look at each other in astonishment, SilverrFox interjects with, "It's settled then. A cross-dressing competition it is. And I know just the mage to aid us in this turn of events." *Now the puppeteer and the botanist give each other flashes of triumphant superiority. Florian, who sees his fit, toned, yet feminine body as an asset, believes that he will trounce the fat tanuki easily. However, Alexander also feels confident in the coming competition, which will give him a chance to really show how creative he can be.*

"A drag contest, eh? I suspect that you two are trying to prove something more than who was right and who was wrong in the dislocated wing incident." He winks at both boys knowingly, and they blush. "What a splendid idea," says the fox mage. "See how you can reach consensus if you try? You boys should learn to not quarrel so easily, but I suppose it can't be helped with all the hormones running through your nervous systems. I guess there is some advantage to being old after all. It certainly allows one to be more in control. "I approve this idea. I suppose you want me to judge this contest?" "Yes, Master Mage," answer the two teen furs simultaneously. "Have you given any thought as to costumes and props?" The boys stutter and stammer about, having no ideas. "I wish we had an Art Department with a theater, Master Mage," says Alexander. "It would give a creative outlet for these types of things. If we had a Drama Department, we would have lots of costumes." "An excellent idea, young tanuki. I will propose that to the headmaster. This school could use more creativity in its curriculum as we discussed earlier, but for now we don't have any such thing." The flying fox and the tanuki are despondent and begin to try to think up other ideas for their contest. "Never fear, though. I have the solution: Master Sasha." "Master Sasha, the illusionist? I don't understand how he can help us," exclaims Florian. "That's because you don't know as much about the people in this school as you think you do, young flying fox." Alexander smiles at Silverr's gentle reprimand of his rival. "Now both of you walk with me, and I shall explain." The teens dutifully follow Silverr as he walks briskly through the gardens to a collection of traditional brick buildings. They walk side by side behind Silverr despite not liking each other. Neither is willing to be further away from the object of their desire than the other, and they exchange many scowls along the way as they listen attentively to the fox's story. "Master Sasha is both an illusionist and a shape shifter, like me. Did you boys not know that? I can assume feral and female form as long as I remain within my vulpine type. Master Sasha has the ability to assume the form of other types. It is very advanced magic, and not possible for just anyone to achieve. However, I digress. The important point is your obvious ignorance of his favorite hobby, which is dressing as a female while in an effeminate male form and performing on stage. He is very good and has hundreds of costumes in various sizes and the ability to alter and tailor those costumes to suit any type and size of fur. "Ah! Here we are." Silverr stops before a large wooden door in front of a small castle like building set next to other old buildings in a square with a fountain. "Before we go in, I must warn you that Sasha is fond of his illusions, and much that you see and feel inside may not be real. It is hard for the untrained to tell the difference, so be prepared." *Silverr pounds on the door using a large iron knocker in the shape of a grinning gargoyle. Two stone statues of knights on either side of the door seem to come to life and lower their pikes menacingly at the trio. The two teens stagger back in fright, but Silverr does not even flinch.* "Who dares disturb the great and powerful Master Sasha?" demands the stone knight on Silverr's right. Sensing the boys fright, Silverr explains, "These are not real. As a geomancer, I would know and sense the magic required to animate stone thusly, and there is none of that here. The statues have not moved; your perceptions of those statues have been tricked. Alexander, reach out with your new found , though limited powers of geomancy and tell me what you sense." Alexander does so, and finds there is no aura of geomancy magic about the statues. As he begins to doubt the illusion, the image becomes fuzzy and indistinct to him. "There is nothing, Master Mage." "Well done, Alexander." Turning his attention back to the door he shouts, "You know damn well who it is you old trickster! I don't have time for your mirages today, so open the door!" *The door flies open as if on his command, and a tall, slender, beautiful, iridescent peacock avian stands in the portal with his tail feathers spread in a spectacular display. The effect is stunning and dramatic. Only the pouty expression on his face mars the overall effect of grace and beauty.* "Old? I am not old. It is you, Silverr, who look grayer every time I see you. You have certainly come to live up to your name, ancient fox." Though the words by themselves seem cruel and harsh, they are spoken in the manner that good friends use to gently tease each other. "My apologies, my friend. You of course, have not aged a minute since last I saw you." The peacock smiles and absently preens and adjusts his feathers. Silver turns to the boys and whispers for only them to hear, "Master Sasha and I were students here together. He is very vain about his appearance. Be complimentary." Turning back to Sasha he says, "I need your help today Sasha. These two students wish to have a drag contest to determine who is more worthy of my attention. Obviously, there is no one on campus with a better selection of costumes and props than you. Would you help us?" *The peacock's feathers literally begin to shimmer and glow at this opportunity so excited is he to have others share his passion. He comes down the entrance steps and hugs Silverr affectionately and kisses him on the snout.* "How simply wonderful!" he exclaims. "I would be delighted and honored to help you, dear friend, but you must let me be a judge. I absolutely insist." *Silverr nods his head in silent acquiescence, knowing that he cannot divert his friend from participating in this event, which is his passion. With a great smile on his beak, the avian mage steps between the two teens and grabs each by an arm/wing with his wings and practically drags them into his quarters.* "Now tell me boys, exactly what each of you have in mind for this contest, and I will provide whatever you need. Oh, this will be so much fun. This may be the first drag contest on Grandiere's since Silverr and I used to compete oh so many years ago." *Both boys are stunned by this revelation about the mage fox, and look upon him with new wonder for a brief moment before they are swept away in the swirling excitement of Sasha's enthusiasm for their contest.*

*When they arrive at the peacock's performance wing, the boys are astounded by the amount and variety of costumes. Aisles upon aisles of outfits stand before them. Along the walls are many items--canes, umbrellas, weapons, brooms, stuffed animals, tuxedo clad dummies, and much more--used to accentuate performances. Along the back wall, the students can see a multitude of different scenery and backstage props that provide ambiance for the viewer's delight. The entire wing is really nothing more than a huge, though organized, closet of a performer's wet dream.* *Sasha directs the boys to two red armchairs and instructs them to sit down. After they settle in, the shape shifter has the boys write down all their ideas on notepads. Both boys spend many minutes writing, scribbling, and sketching anything--song titles, outfit ideas, props--that came to their minds during their allotted time. When the geomancer walks in, he looks with a smile upon the enthusiastic energy that radiates from their faces. It's almost as if the boys have forgotten their rivalry and are reveling in the creative pursuit of their contest.* "Alright, boys, pencils down and notes in," the avian announces after he feels that enough time has passed. "I'll now take your notes for your performances and select the items for you to choose from. Before that though, I would like for you two to close your eyes and take a deep, calming breath; then, I want you to open them." *The flying fox and the tanuki did as they were instructed and almost screamed when they opened their eyes to be greeted nothing but darkness.* "Calm down boys. I simply casted a dark illusion on you two so you can't see each other's ideas. It wouldn't be as much fun for you if you knew what the other was planning. I'm also projecting my voice and muting our talon and paw steps, so you don't know where I am in the wing. The haggard fox and I are already walking around the aisles with dollies for your supplies, so you two just sit tight and relax." "I may be haggard," Silverr's voice interjected, "but that's because I don't put every waking moment into making myself look like I could be my own grandson." "Unlike your fur's sheen, the sharpness of that tongue hasn't dulled after all of these years." "And unlike your personality, your beauty has yet to fade a single bit since we were first at each other's throats in our second year as students at the academy." *The elder mages continue to throw verbal barbs at one another. Despite the words, the tones of their voices prove that they were on more than friendly terms with each other. The fact that two furs could be so close gave Alexander a stronger yearning for such a relationship in his own life.* "I wonder how they became such good friends when they were rivals at one time." The sound of Florian's voice snaps Alexander out of his thoughts. "That is quite the story," SilverrFox's voice startles the boys. "I'm sure you just figured out that Sasha is also projecting your voices, so everyone can hear everyone else." "I'll tell the story," the dazzling avian declared as the boys got over the unexpected sound of the Master Mages' voices. "We met in our sophomore year. We bumped into each other in the hallway, causing us to drop our books and papers all over the floor; and, with both of us blaming the other, we scrapped right then and there. We made quite a mess of the area. A teacher had to break us up, and we had to spend the entire afternoon using our magic to repair the damage to the floor, ceiling, lockers, and doors. We decided to be mature and shake hands, but not without promising to settle our dispute in a less violent way. "When the weekend came around, we had a magical decathlon of sorts: projectile shooting, charming, a melee gauntlet, and the other usual events. When we tied in every competition, we decided to settle things in the way of the Ancient Romans: nude wrestling. To make a long story short, we did start of wrestling, but we ended up passionately exploring each other's mouths with our tongues. I got on top Silvy, who was then completely jet black and one of the most limber students at the school, and he showed me just how much of a man he was. Then, he got on all fours, and I showed him how much of a man I was." "What do you mean by 'was limber'?" the vulpine asked. "You saw those flips and jumps in my battle with Alexander. I doubt a bottom heavy man like you couldn't achieve the acrobatic feats that I can in my advanced age." "As you can tell, boys, this vintage vulpine is still as full of shit as the day I met him." *Both of the elder magicians share a friendly laugh as they walk back toward the unexpecting teens. Sasha releases his illusions on the boys, prompting them to stand up. The dandy illusionist leads the excited teens to their dressing rooms and then leads SilverrFox to his personal performance hall to prepare for the quickly approaching exhibitions.*

Before Silverr lets Alexander walk off with Sasha to be alone in his dressing room, he takes the tanuki aside for a moment of private conversation. He assumes a stern tone with the boy to ensure that he does not forget why he is here and the rules of his rehabilitation. "Do not forget yourself, young man, as you prepare for this competition. Our goals and rules have not changed. If you do well here - and I am not talking about winning the competition but learning from it and growing from the experience - then there will be a reward. Don't disappoint me." "Yes, sir," replied the tanuki feeling his spirits raised at the prospect of some kind of reward. He tried not to dwell on what that reward might be as he went with Sasha to his dressing room to prepare for the contest. He hoped it meant a chance to be intimate with the fox mage again. *When Sasha entered the performance hall after having successfully settled the two teens in their respective dressing rooms, he found Silverr busy using his geomancy to convert the furniture and flooring into a makeshift audience of wood and stone golems and automatons.* Sneaking up behind Silverr and wrapping his arms about the fox's waist, he asks, "What are you doing, dear friend?" *Silver is not surprised by Sasha's presence, having heard the soft but distinctive scrape of the peacock's tail feathers brushing over the wooden floor as he approached Silverr from behind. The fox does not cease his conjuring, but he does lean slightly backwards into the warm, downy embrace of his friend and occasional lover to return the sense of affection.* "I am creating an audience for the boys. I think they will do better if they are not focused solely on you and I as judges. I recommend that half the audience be my constructs and half be yours. I plan to give each golem some individuality, but they will generally mimic my mood and reaction to how well the boys perform. I would be grateful if you would do the same by creating illusionary audience members of your own." "Ha ha! A splendid idea! I will do as you ask and make mine even better than yours. My illusionary audience will be so realistic that the boys will swear they are real people." So happy was Sasha that he spun about humming and dancing as though he was the one on stage performing. Out of nothing, shapes began to materialize in surprising detail. As they coalesced from the air among Silverr's golems, it became evident that the Peacock was not an idle boaster. The realism was uncanny and made Silverr's constructs look even more like the artificial beings that they were. "This is what I love about you Silverr. You are, at heart, a creative genius, even if you don't like to admit it to yourself. You have brought me such creative energy today, that I can hardly contain myself." As he said this, he danced his way back to Silverr and let himself fall dramatically into the fox's arms. Silverr leaned down and kissed him, and as they embraced, the audience came to life. Sasha's collection of realistic furs began to talk and joke with Silverr's golems just as a real audience would do as it waited for a show to begin. "Oh, Silverr," said Sasha in his most inviting voice. "Whatever will the boys think if they find us like this?" "They will think that we are up to our old tricks that you already told them all about, you silly old bird, but you are right. There is time for this later, perhaps after the show, depending on how well it goes." Silverr stood Sasha back up and released him. "I have another favor to ask you Sasha before the show." "Name it, Silverr." "Actually there are two favors." "Go on, you schemer. You know you already have me committed to helping you. Don't play games by trying to subtly add more to your request." "It is hard to hide anything from an illusionist. Very well. My first request is that you give some thought to what a Drama and Arts Department at Grandiere's would look like." The peacock was stunned and overjoyed at the same time. "Are you serious, Silverr? Are you considering proposing such a thing?" "Before, I speak, I must have your word that you will keep this in the strictest confidence and share it with no one else until I say you may." "So secretive, Silverr. You have me now. I am like soft clay in your geomancer paws. You may mold me however you wish to suit your needs." "Always the drama queen, Sasha, but at least I know you well enough to sense the sincerity behind your façade. You know that I have always been a strict proponent of logic, order and discipline when it comes to the application of magic. We all know what happens when chaos intrudes. However, I now believe that we have kept the chaotic/creative side of magic bottled up too long, and some students are suffering and being denied their potential because of it." Suddenly serious, the peacock searched about the room as if worried that there were eavesdroppers, but only their fake audience was present. "That is radical, Silverr, but you can count on me to help. What do you want me to do?" "I want you to develop a concept of what an Art Department would look like. I will need a detailed proposal eventually." "When?" "I don't know. It is just an idea for now. I can't say when the time will be right for such a thing, just that I am convinced it is needed." "Consider it done. What else do you need of me?" "Something much simpler. If the tanuki behaves himself and learns and grows from his experience with Florian and this drag contest without regressing into his bad behaviors, I plan to reward him with some unsupervised time." "If it's unsupervised, what do you need me to do?" "I do not want him to be totally unsupervised. I would prefer that someone be with him. Someone trustworthy, but not a teacher - not a mage. I need you to provide a student that I can trust to keep an eye on him so he is not suspicious that he is being watched." "Hmmm. I think that I can find a suitable student and perhaps one that is compatible with your little tanuki's personality. Consider this also done." Smiling, Sasha dragged Silverr to the comfortable couch where they would preside as judges during the contest and sat down holding each other's hands. "Tell me everything that you have been up to since we last talked, and don't hold anything back. I am especially interested to hear what you and Lu have been up to with this chubby tanuki."

*The lights of the performance hall are dimmed except for those that illuminate the stage, prompting the audience to cease its noise.* *On the raised stone platform, the flying fox walks elegantly out of the back entrance. His long sleeved, red lace dress--with an ankle length bell-shaped bottom, rose-shaped frills on the shoulders, and matching red silk cape--is immobile as its top half clings to his trim, feminine frame. His chest, neck, and face are painted white; his lips are accented by red lipstick; his cheeks are rose colored by blush; his eyes are shadowed by blue powder. A light red wig, topped by a crimson hat, sits firmly atop of his head. White pantyhose and red high heels adorn his legs and foot talons. His foretalons, painted red, twirl a red umbrella. He looks as if life has been breathed into a newly animated porcelain doll.* *As the orchestral music begins to play from the sound system, he lightly skips to the beat, becoming more energetic as the short techno sequence kicks in. As the words to Ali Project's "Watashi no Bara wo Saa Haminasai" ( begin to play, the bat lip syncs in perfect timing with the Japanese lyrics. Closing his umbrella and using it as a cane planted in the ground, he bends backward and raises his talon to the sky.* *At the beginning of the first verse, he erects his body, picks up the umbrella, and uses his mana to produce a pink rose bud on its tip. The bud flourishes on the tip, coming into full bloom, as he raises it to the sky. The petals fall instantly to the ground around him. Then, he gracefully removes his cape with one talon and holds it tight to his body as he looks out to the vulpine on the couch innocently. Shyly approaching the edge of the stage, he offers it to SilverrFox, who understanding the lyrics and gesture, quickly snatches the garment away with a satisfied smile upon his muzzle. He, with his talons over his heart and a whimsical smile, looks up to the sky during the bridge and admires the fake full moon hanging from the ceiling. He closes his eyes and falls backward, being caught by a bed of red roses he produced with his magics.* *The emotional chorus sounds off as something begins to glimmer in the bed of roses. Florian reaches into the flowers with both talons and pulls out a white, shining petal. Holding it to his chest, he looks as if he is warmed by its presence. He spins around the bed of roses in a show joy, stopping at his original position at the edge. He opens his hands to reveal a fully matured white rose. As the chorus ends, he throws the flower to the vulpine object of his affections. During the brief instrumental, the flower bed splits in the middle, allowing him to walk towards the back of the stage.* *He turns as the second verse begins. His muzzle painted with sexual need and lust, he sinks slowly onto his knees, his legs widening as his body descends. His shoulders slightly jerk as if something is being taken from his body. He undoes the ribbons on his front, exposing a little of his pure, white chest. Then, as if offering himself to the fox, he leans backward in a gesture of surrender.*

*Silverr and Sasha watch the first half of Florian's performance with rapt attention. The fox mage is impressed by the flying fox's poise and control, not to mention his excellent technical execution. It certainly helps that he has the figure to match his outfit. The tanuki is up against some stiff competition for certain. Sasha is also impressed and is grinning and grooving to the music as he sits on the couch next to Silverr.* *Their pretend audience mirrors their moods, as predicted. Silverr's golems are a bit stiff like he is, but are clearly paying close attention and enjoying the performance. The more realistic furs projected by Sasha's powers of illusion are swaying in their seats and stomping their feet or clapping their hands to the music.* *When Florian hands the cape and red rose to Silverr, half the audience goes "Awww" and the other half cheers. The response is repeated for the white rose. With his last pose, the entire audience stares with mouths open expectantly awaiting what will come next.*

*The second chorus is accentuated by thorny vines that surround and constrict Florian as he pretends to struggle. A pink glow radiates from his heart, and the bindings seem to wither away from the bat as that light turns into a pink rose bud and sprouts from his chest. He pulls it out and causes the petals to separate, swirl around in the air. When the chorus ends, he peals take the original blossom shape on the geomancer's head, tucked behind his ear.* *The instrumental plays as the flying fox makes the petals of the red roses spin around his red dress clad being. As he freezes in the pose of an innocent maiden: talons interlaced and pulled to his chest, heels together with legs straight, a beautiful and confident smile. After syncing the two more lines he sends the petals high into the air.* *He curtseys as the petals return to the ground, single file, and quickly build a rosen effigy of the vulpine judge. He offers a winged talon to the construct, which takes it lovingly. The closing half of the final chorus is taken up by Florian and the petal golem performing the Waltz, as they gaze into each other's eyes. And, for the last two lines, the avian pulls the construct into his chest and nestles up to it, giving it a long, chaste kiss as the last few seconds of music plays.*

*At the climax, Silverr and Sasha stand and applaud. The audience follows suit and roars its thunderous approval. Sasha's illusory furs jump and stamp their feet, and even Silverr's bulky and staid golems make the hall shake as they stomp their feet and smack their wooden and stony hands together.* *Silverr considers the bat's obvious symbolism. The boy has made his intentions clear. He can feel Sasha's knowing gaze upon him as he debates how to give the boy what he so obviously wants without in any way damaging the tanuki's growth and progress. Much will depend upon how well Alexander handles this challenge.* Sasha leans into Silverr and whispers in his ear. "Florian is very good, Silverr, and he has his heart set on you. Honestly, I don't know what everyone sees in a dour, stern old curmudgeon like you anyway. Ha! Who am I fooling? Of course I do. He he. But how can the tanuki possibly compete against this flying fox. I'm not prejudicing myself against your charge, but this Florian could give me a run for my money." *Silverr says nothing, and only smiles. He has every confidence that the tanuki will not disappoint, and he knows his peacock friend will be the fairest judge anyone could hope to have.*

*After Florian's applause subsides, the petal effigy disappears, and the flying fox walks back up to the edge of the stage and puts out his talon, SilverrFox gingerly takes the boy's hand and helps the young lady off of the stage, carrying the teen princess style to the sofa and placing him in between he and the illusionist. Alexander walks out in his black student cloak; it's closed in the front with the hood over his head so that he can't be seen. He gives a slight nod to signal that he is ready for the music.* *The drums play, prompting Alexander to expand his gate. He starts to sway his hips when the rock guitar riffs join the melody. Seconds before the lyrics begin, he throws off the cloak, tosses it behind him, and strikes a pose: chest out front, ass and tail out behind, hips slightly twisted to the side, legs bent, arms bent with paws at his sides. His outfit, which leaves very little to the imagination, is in great contrast to the bat's. A dark blue tube top, which only covers his fatty chest, with "Head Rest" scrawled across it in red letters; a dark blue miniskirt, barely covering his sizable derriere because of the chastity device pushing it out slightly, with "Spare Head Rest" written in the same manner as the top; and plain flat, white dancing pumps. A wavy, dirty blonde wig stretches down to the top of the miniskirt. His face, adorned with a dirty girl looking for a dirty guy countenance, has only red lipstick and red eye shadow. The fur of his flabby arms, fat stomach, and meaty legs is in plain view for the audience, without a shred of covering. Instead of a chaste maiden, the stage is graced by a plus-sized party girl, a hefty harlot, a stout stripper, a paunchy porn star.* *When the lyrics to "D City Rock" from the Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt soundtrack ( start, Alexander resumes movement as he lip syncs perfectly with the lyrics of the song. Introducing himself to the audience, he places a confident paw to his chest and shakes his head when he declares that he is "not dumb." The paw traces over his moobs and down his massive tummy, barely brushing his junk, before looking over at the judges and his rival, giving all three of them a come hither look. He mouths the word "fucking" at the beep and licks his lips after syncing the word "delicious." He turns, runs to the center of the stage, and, when the drums and riffs pulsate, dances sexily as multi-colored lights switch on and off, casting his shadow all around the stage at different angles.* *When the chorus begins, the tanuki spins around to look out into the audience and opens his muzzle wide to declare in lip sync with the lyrics, "Anarchy!" Instantly four, illusionary clones of the plump canid appear, each in a generic color of his outfit: one red, one green, one yellow, one orange. The copies dance in unison with him. Swaying hips; reaching out paws and using a beckoning digit; shaking their asses like salt shakers. After the lyrics stop and the instrumental begins, an illusory dressing screen appears in front of the puppeteer, whose curved silhouette can be seen through the erected barrier. The audience sees him using his swift arms and paws to change outfits for the next verse.*

*Florian covers his snout with his paw to stifle a laugh. He is sure that the mages see that the tanuki cannot compare to him in physical attractiveness or poise. He is beside himself with glee, so certain is he that he is going to win. He leans into Silverr and grabs his paw in his.* *Silverr sits expressionless and unreadable and does not react at all to Florian's affectionate contact. Sasha is gently nodding his head with one finger over his beak as he is pondering what the tanuki intends and perhaps divining a portion of that intent.* *There is silence in the beginning - the contrast between Florian's performance and Alexander's having been made stark in the opening seconds - but as the aggressive beat of the music builds and the tanuki shows that he can dance, the audience reacts. The illusionary furs clap their paws while jumping and dancing to the beat, expertly mimicking Alexander's moves and mouthing the lyrics along with him. Silverr's constructs are less animated at first, but when the four colored clones of the tanuki appear, his golems divide into four groups and change hues to match the four colors of the clones. They are ridiculous with their wood and stone buttocks shaking to match the dancers on stage, but the enthusiasm is encouraging to the tanuki.* *Florian is stunned, and begins to worry that he may have underestimated his rival.*

*Alexander steps through the dress screen and the clones fade away. This time, he is dressed in a black, one-piece dress that reaches down to his knees. Black, fingerless gloves which go all the way up just below his shoulders, cover his arms; and black and purple striped stockings adorn his legs, disappearing under the dress. Black boots hit the floor in beat to the music as the black, shoulder length wig, possessing a defiant red streak, sways with every step. Complete with his purple lipstick, blush, and eye-shadow on his lightly paled face, the outfit makes him appear completely different from the party girl who was just on stage seconds before. She has been replaced by this gothic goddess.* *The tanuki lip syncs the second verse perfectly, as he plays with his hair in a sign of apathy for judgment of the audience. He takes a brief second to lick a lollipop he pulls out from between his moobs, before declaring his subcultural affiliation and commenting that he can "lick good." In a chiralist gesture, he turns his hips and extends his right leg, showing off his striped stockings is a 90 degree rotation of his leg to one side and a 180 degree turn to the other. He tosses the lollipop to the side and seductively walks to the edge of the stage, swishing his tail with every step.* *At the bridge, he sits back on a stone throne, which he forms behind him with geomancy. He slowly takes off his boots and sets them to the side. At the lyric's call of "Anarchy!", he dominantly extends his left footpaw to the audience, daring a member to feel and caress it. A golem's hand reaches out, and the plump canid coyly moves it away and dips it under the snout of an illusionary member, who attempts to smell it only for the hind paw to move to the air. Alexander, keeping his position, spreads his legs wide to unabashedly reveal the chastity device to the audience. He teasingly lowers his left leg and closes in his right. He suddenly kicks off the stage, sending the throne he is seated upon sliding back behind the illusory dress screen.* *As the instrumental sounds off, Alexander's silhouette strips seductively as the light behind him flashes over and over at an increasing speed. The flickering light slows down just as the interlude to the final lyrics comes around, and the tanuki takes an unseen pose as the screen begins to dissolve.*

*As the clones dissolve into the ether, Silverr's golems turn back into their material colors. When the tanuki reemerges through the screen, they all turn black to match his outfit. Not to be outdone, Sasha's phantoms all become dressed to match the tanuki exactly. Many of the illusions follow his movements and gestures with various and divergent levels of precision. The remainder shout and cheer with their arms in the air. The fox mage's constructs stomp in rhythm with Alexander making the entire room jump and shudder from the impact of their wood and stone feet.* *There is a pause from all in the audience as the strobing light fades and the tanuki's form is hidden. An expectant hush leaves only the music to fill the audio void as the audience waits for the final act to commence.* *Florian is still holding Silverr's paw, but is now less sure of himself and his victory. There is much in this act that is very good and very original. The scene and mood changes are clever and give the audience the variety it craves.*

*The screen disappears, and Alexander walks slowly out to the crowd. This outfit is the simplest yet: a long, flowing, white gown and wig. A gold circlet hangs delicately upon his head as his naked muzzle smiles. Pure, white, wings of mana strings come out of his back and spread wide so that even everyone in the back can see them. He mouths the lyrics, and a low fog covers the entire stage. He takes off his halo and joyfully tosses it to the geomancer in the judge's couch. His wings detach and encircle him, tightening and covering his whole body like a cocoon. At the words "Wake it up! Wake it up!" the string shell cracks down the middle, and a flash of light radiates from inside the orb of strings, prompting the music to stop.* *Beautiful, multi-colored wings spring forth from the cocoon as its halves fall to either side. Alexander is in a white, ass length, recently tie-dyed sundress, random colors matched by the light-refracting, butterfly wings. His head covered with a floor-length rainbow wig, his limbs and face are bare. The chaste angle no longer exists; now the audience beholds an amorous nymph, who enticingly stares out into the audience.* *At the call of "Anarchy!" the music starts back up, and the fairy on stage flaps his wings, releasing a whirlwind of rainbow colored pheromones to the spectators in the crowd as he sways with every step towards the edge of the stage. The Butterfly Effect of the action sends the crowd into an uproar. He turns around and falls backwards into the crowd, the audience moving him around as he lays on his back. Before the final note of the song, he is tossed back on the stage, spins around on one graceful foot, and takes a fanciful pose: knee raised, open paws to the air, and a wondrous smile.* *Suddenly, Alexander slips into unconsciousness, having used every ounce of magical energy in his being for the performance. He even, unknowingly, has tapped into his reserve of chaotic mana, leaving him completely drained. Also, because of his lack of intimate relationships over the course of his years at the academy, he is unable to precisely control his mana output and fails to realize his magical limits. His illusory wings disappear as he falls over the edge of the stage. Silverrfox moves to catch him, but Florian moves faster, catching his rival before the canid hits the ground. The bat's face is painted with a stoic expression of respect.*

*As before, the audience participation level is extreme and the phantoms and constructs mimic the tanuki until he falls into the crowd, when they become more like a traditional concert audience and cheer and shout for their star.* *When the tanuki collapses, the audience dissolves away as the mages rush to catch him. No one is more surprised than Florian himself that he is the one who reaches him first and catches the heavy pup in his strong arms. He checks and is pleased to find a pulse.* *Silverr is immediately at his side; as is Sasha.* "Is he alright?" asks the peacock genuinely worried for his health. *Silverr gestures with his paws just beyond the tips of the tanuki's fur follicles, ordering what is left of the boy's mana into a stable pattern to stop the draining of magical energy. When that is complete he leans in and breaths mana into the kit as part of kiss, causing the fur on his body to sway and part like stalks of wheat on a wind-blown prairie.* "He will be fine. He needs to rest for a little bit, but he will recover within ten or twenty minutes. Florian, since you are so capable and strong, would you please carry him to Master Mage Sasha's quarters? " "Yes, Mage Silverr. It would be my pleasure." Hefting the boy with Sasha's assistance, the pup is soon lying on the Illusionist mage's bed. "He may have lost it at the end, but I think his performance was excellent, " declared Florian. "Are you conceding defeat?" asked Silver. "No...but I don't think you should hold that against him is all I am saying. It would be a pity to disqualify him for that." Sasha laughed. "I am sure Silverr agrees with me that we have no intention of disqualifying him for that. I think you should consider that his fainting may be all that stands between you and defeat, dear student. In fact I am ready to declare a tie if you are Master Silverr. I think they both excelled beyond what I thought possible from ones so young and inexperienced." "In this, as in many things, we are in agreement, Sasha. A tie it is, and a perfect resolution to this whole affair that began unfortunately but ended in glory, compassion and understanding." "A...tie?" whispers the tanuki as he begins to recover from his energy drain. "That seems beyond fair to me. Florian was excellent. What happened to me?" Silverr brushes the tanuki's forehead with his paw. "You gave it your all and more, boy. You have made me proud." *These words from the master fox mage's mouth are the sweetest sounds that Alexander has ever heard. If he was not so exhausted he would have jumped with joy and pranced about like a kit. In his current state, he could only cry with joy.* "I think you have earned your reward, boy. I think we can give you that reward and your strength and energy back at the same time," says the fox as he smiles a mischievous and somewhat lecherous grin.

"Florian," SilverrFox talks to the bat in a pleasant tone as he continues, "I think you should start cementing your new relationship with Alexander with a loving kiss." "Y-Yes, Master Mage." The avian, still clad in his make-up, scarlet wig, and lace dress, carefully gets on the bed. He crawls to the still weeping tanuki and reaches out his winged talon. He pulls the other boy in and plants an open mouth kiss on the canid's lips. *Alexander, who is still in his rainbow wig and sundress, can feel the mana flowing from Florian's muzzle into his. As energy returns to him, he brings his arms to the bat's back and pulls his rival into his soft, plump body. The students' tongues soon wrestle with each other as fiercely as the boys themselves did for the vulpine's affections. The tanuki's three day sexual hunger becomes awakened when the flying fox pulls way to catch his breath, causing him to instinctively whimper from the halted build-up of passion.* Master Sasha chortles to himself before saying, "Isn't it beautiful, old friend? Rivals turned lovers; it reminds me so much of us." The peacock reaches up to the tie of the geomancer's cloak and gently tugs on it as he turns to the greying fox and looks at him with a reminiscent gaze. With a suggestive voice and hungry stare, he states his idea. "I think their technique needs some work though. I think we should show them how it's really done, Silvy." The illusionist pulls the string and undoes the bow, causing SilverrFox's garment to fall towards the ground.* *The elder canid catches his falling cape with one paw as he returns his long-time lover's gaze.*

*At first, it appears that Silverr has caught his cape to cover himself out of modesty. Instead he folds the garment neatly and uses his powers of geomancy to convert a nearby table into a helpful animated valet to whom he hands the garment. The golem-valet places the garment on a table then proceeds to help Silverr undress until he stands before them naked. His old, but still athletic body, is impressive to behold. If it weren't for his abundant gray fur, he would look a well-toned thirty at the most.* "Move to the edge of beds, boys, and make some room for your elders." The two young furs comply and kneel at the edge of the large bed. Snapping his fingers, the floor morphs into the shape of two giant hands that dexterously remove all of Sasha's clothes. When he is only clad in the soft and colorful feathers with which he was born, the hands pick him up and deposit him on the bed on his knees. As Silverr steps up onto the bed, the room dissolves away behind him including the construct valet. Sasha creates a perfect illusion of a rugged cliff above a stormy, gray sea. The smell of salt spray can even be sensed along with a breeze that ruffles the fur and feathers of the two elder mages. It appears that the bed is perched on a pinnacle of rock detached form the cliffs with no access to shore. The fox stands in front of the kneeling peacock, and gazes down at him. "You are as beautiful as on the day that we first met. Your plumage is impeccable, and not a missing feather to be found." It seems impossible, but the peacock's feathers seem to grow brighter and more iridescent in response to the compliment. For the moment he keeps his tail feathers folded neatly behind himself. "I think you were named for your silver tongue and not the color of your fur." Sasha gently runs his talons up and down Silverr's thighs and Silverr idly strokes and fingers the other mage's head crest. *Leaning in closer, Sasha extends his tongue to the tip of the fox's sheath and is rewarded with the slow but steady emergence of Silverr's bright red member. He licks it as it grows. Once it is fully erect, he takes it inside his beak and begins to suck with practiced ease as if he is in no hurry and they have all the time in the universe to spend like this.* Silverr turns to the two teens. "Are you just going to sit there, or are you going to practice what you are being taught?" Waving one paw makes the tanuki's chastity device retract to a belt. "Practice makes perfect."

*The boys filch in surprise from the sudden change of scenery. They are momentarily captivated by the oceanic breeze, sounds of gently crashing waves, and the smell of the strong, salty sea air. Their wonder at the illusion is lonely broken by the sight of the two elder mages lovingly reuniting their bodies in sexual congress.* *The sound of the vulpine's voice and the moving of Alexander's chastity device snap the boys out of their entrancement. Without a word, Florian stands beside the object of his sexual desire, hoping that proximity will increase his chance of finally tasting the long awaited fruit of his labors, and Alexander, doing the only thing in his recent experiences, takes the submissive position as he kneels on the bed in front of Florian. The tanuki fondles the flying fox's thick sack of manhood as he laps at his ex-rival's sheath. The avian is caught off guard by the eager, wet, hot mouth organ, and his orange dick quickly emerges from his housing. The puppeteer attempts to take it all in his mouth, but he feels his head being pushed back. His eyes widen to the size of dinner plates at the sight of the flying fox's staff, which looks as if it could touch the avian's knees. Scared, he pulls away.* Taking a caring voice, Florian states, "Don't worry, Alex; I'll be gentle." *Reassured, the tanuki laps at the head, to get the organ nice and slick, before he takes it back into his mouth and manages to take it almost half way in. He feels the foretalons of the bat on the back of his head just before he experiences the flesh rod lightly impaling the back of his throat. He gags lightly from the sensation, which further turns on the avian.* *The elder canid, enjoying his own oral treatment, places his paw on one of Florian's talons and repositions it at Alexander's ear. He gently squeezes and messages the erogenous zone, causing the plump teen to moan and take the organ in a little deeper; which, in turn, made the receiving student murr audibly. SilverrFox knowingly winks to the bat before giving him a sudden, open mouth kiss, something the flying fox had been waiting a long time for.* *The peacock continues his oral menstruations on the vulpine. The illusionist caresses the fox's balls with one wing and uses a single digit from the other to tease the outside of his puckered tailhole, causing the canid to moan into the kiss he is currently sharing with the younger avian. He feels the nervous grasp of the tanuki's trembling paw on his now fully erect, red and white, striped cock.* *Alexander pumps the avian instructor's rod while he sucks on the shaft of his fellow student. Little by little, he feels the increasing ease of taking in the once daunting extension of the fruit bat as he sensation of the deep-throating and ear fondling begin to mix with his three day sexual hunger, driving him to new heights of physical bliss and frustration. He can feel the complete, concentric cycles of magical energy flowing to, from, and through himself and the other mages; which, compounded with his building lust, is making him feel more accepted than he ever has before as his red, inexperienced, rock solid teen shlong throbs, needing touch and attention.*

*Sasha helps relieve some of that tension by reaching over with his talon to tickle and tease the tanuki's overly sensitive cock with a single digit causing him to jump and yelp at the intense feeling he derives from the gentle touch. They continue like this for a few minutes in silence except for the gasps, moans and murrs of pleasure that each of them in turn make. A pod of whales cruises slowly along the shore spouting water from their blowholes and occasionally breaching the surface joyfully to crash back upon the water. Seagulls cry and glide on the relentless breeze that blows inland from the distant horizon.* *Silverr enjoys the sex, but also still has a greater purpose. He is pleased to see the tanuki is accepting and organizing the mana he is receiving. It is likely he does not even know he is doing it, or how monumental this step is for him. With a subtle gesture, he indicates to Sasha that it is time to move to the next step. Sasha pulls back and releases the fox mage's cock from his beak dripping with pre cum and saliva.* "Attention, students." Alexander and Florian turn their attention to Silverr as though roused from a trance. "This is just foreplay, so don't lose it here." *Shasha lets go of the tanuki's dick and places his talons firmly on the mattress. With the ease of decades of practice, Silverr puts his paws on the peacock's shoulders and launches himself into a handstand above the illusionist, executes a half turn and lands behind the other mage. Sahsa leans forward so he is on his hands and knees and fans his enormous and colorful tail so that it is like a screen between the two lovers. Unlike a shy woman's fan used to hide her face, the fanning of his tail exposes his tail hole to the fox, who takes advantage of the easy target and places the tip of his cock at the puckered entrance.* The peacock pushes backward and hisses with pleasure as a single inch of the fox's member enters him. "Don't hold back, Silvy. You know it will fit. You've been here often enough." "As you wish, my dear." Gripping the illusionist's thighs, he pulls himself closer in short, but continuous bursts until his cock has completely disappeared inside the other mage. Sasha pants with each forward inch of progress. When he feels the fur of the fox's stomach and thighs against his backside, he chirps a contented, warbling song with his cheek against the mattress. Silverr looks to the two students again to see they are paying rapt attention. Both look to be on the verge of orgasm. "Time to switch it up boys. Or do you want it to end here? You should skip the acrobatics by the way."

*As the boys reposition themselves, with Florian kneeling beside SilverrFox and Alexander getting on all fours in front of the bat, the vulpine gets an interesting idea. These boys are just cementing their new friendship, and it'd be a shame if their moment of shared passion ended so soon. The fox, continuing to plow slowly away at his peacock lover, waved a paw, causing Alexander's chastity device to flow some of its mass around the tanuki's cock and balls to make a cock ring and ball separator. He also uses some of the stone flooring on the flying fox, fashioning the same apparatus on the young avian. He smiled with lust at the sound of the boy's moans and sight of their sexually distorted faces.* "Come now, boys. We have to keep up our momentum. Those are just to make sure that you two remember this day." *Florian positions his saliva slickened cock at the tanuki's neglected entrance and gently pushes in. Alexander gripps the sheets of the bed and buries his head in the mattress, stifling his moans, as the bat plunges deep into his love tunnel with one solid thrust after another, stopping his long dick only as deep as his new lover can take. Soon, the plant mage's speed matches the speed of the vulpine, and the tanuki shares his moans and murrs with the illusionist getting plowed beside him.* "Alex, you're so tight! I've never had anyone take me this deep before!" the flying fox declares as he closes his eyes and stiffens his body, unable to orgasm. "Oooooh, Flo!" the puppeteer moans out in a similar frustration. "I don't want this to be our last time! Please, say it won't be." "It won't, my creative, talented, puppet master." Florian's tone is reminiscent of the geomancer's honeyed mouth. *As the boys become lost in their verbal exchange, the elder mages continues their lovemaking. Sasha pulls off of SilverrFox, who returns this action with an inquisitive glare.* "What's wrong, old friend?" Silver asks in a concerned tone. "Do you want a different position?" He elder avian replies "It's not that, Silvy. It's clear that you want these boys to remember this day, and I just had an idea of what would do just that." The illusionist leans in to the fox's ear and whispers his thought, slowly stoking the vulpine's cherry red sholng. The greying canid grins expectantly in response. "Now that's something even I've never done. As always, my blue-feathered beauty, you don't disappoint."

To the boys, Silverr says "I hate to break up such a compatible arrangement, but I believe that you will thank me when we are done here." Two pairs of giant stone hands, like those that had lifted Sasha onto the bed, rose from the floor and gently separated the flying fox and the tanuki by lifting them up off the bed and pulling them apart. Florian and Alexander whimper as Florian's cock slips out of the tanuki's ass. *Using other materials from the room hidden by the peacock's coastal illusion, the vulpine mage fashions a huge, double ended dildo reminiscent of a horse's cock. The monstrous, but gentle hands turn the confused teens about until they are rump to rump, but separated enough that the dildo is poised between them. The flared ends of the dildo rest just against their puckered tail holes teasing them with what is to come. Caught firmly in the grip of the unyielding stone hands, neither boy can move, though they desperately want to impale themselves on this mutually shared toy.* *Silverr moves to kneel in front of Florian so that his long red member is available for his mouth. The flying fox eagerly swallows as much as he can, feeling triumph and joy at this moment of special attention form the object of his secret desires. Sasha does the same for the tanuki, presenting his avian cock to his mouth. Alexander greedily begins to suck on the bird's dick as he feels the stone hands pushing him and Florian onto the floating dildo. The elder mages move so that there cocks plunge deeper into the boy's throats as the dildo disappears into their tail holes until their buttocks touch, and the mage's can go no deeper.* *Sasha bends down and licks the tanuki's sensitive ears. Silverr disperses the colossal hands, and he and the illusionist slowly pull back so that the teens can breathe again.*

*The teens muffled moans vibrate the cocks of the elder mages as their unprepared tailholes take the smooth double ended horse dildo. As the boys' mounting lust grows from the increasing volume in their holes, they suck wantonly, hungrily on the canid and avian cocks. Alexander's entire body jerks when his sensitive ear is licked, eliciting a yep from the boy. Their moans reverberate off the walls of the room when the instructors remove their experienced dicks from the eager teens' mouths, and the boys' restrained cocks and balls throb from denied release. Sasha claps his wings together to cast a blinding spell upon the disoriented students.* *Eyes closed and head raised, Florian moans out with delight, with his hole filled by the geomancer's construct. Meanwhile, the tanuki is so full of mixed emotions that he does not know what to do. The new mass in his inexperienced anus sends him so many signals: immense pain vs. intense pleasure, heightened fear vs. intoxicated excitement. Neither one is able to even speak a word as their senses, heightened by sexual expectation and blindness, make the boys feel every breeze, smell every scent, and hear every sound more intensely than ever before. As both of their holes adjust to the new toy, SilverrFox positions each teen's footpaws on the other's legs while the illusionist runs his fingers through the less experienced boy's headfur.* "Come and get them when you're ready boys," Sasha says as the elder casters teasingly present their solidified cocks to their respective boy. *Both boys lurch out at the savory flesh staves in front of them, only to be jerked back by each other's strength. They scream in unison from the pain/pleasure of their asses hitting one another when they are impaled buy the smooth but veiny stone phallus.* SilverrFox offers the struggling teens a devious smile as he declares, "Now, now, boys. Teamwork is the lesson. You two have to learn to work for each other's pleasure as well as your own." *After a moment of awkward, yet lust drunken, silence, Alexander is the first to act. He gently pushes back, signaling for the flying fox to move forward and once again taste the crimson vulpine rod in front of him. Moaning as he slides backwards on the flared stone toy, the young avian taps his ass on the tanuki's; and the puppeteer slowly moves forward, clutching the sheets as he moves forward and latches his mouth on the striped, mature manhood in front of him. The canid pushes back onto the toy and prompts Florian to start the next cycle.* *Soon, both boys get a rhythm going to the process; they don't even have to touch their asses together anymore as they work in tandem for pleasure of themselves, each other, and their elder mages. As a reward, SilverrFox and Sasha move closer to the sexually frustrated, needy teens. The two-way flow of mana from the peacock to the vulpine via the flying fox and the tanuki fills all four males with a mix of their own brands of magical energies.* *Both teens are at the brink of passing out from the sexual stimulation and passion of the moment.*

*With a knowing nod to each other, the two mages pull the nearly spent boys apart as the geomancy dildo is dissolved by Silverr. They roll the teens onto their backs and replace the dildo with their own erect phalluses; Silver in Florian and Sasha in Alexander. Simultaneously, Silverr releases the cock rings and ball separators so the boys will be free to release themselves in a powerful orgasm as soon as the mages release the tight grip each has at the base of each boy's cock. Sasha undoes the blindness spell on the boys and alters the scenery slightly so the sky is clear of clouds and it is night over an ocean with calving glaciers and floating ice. A fantastical display of the aurora borealis colors the sky above them in outrageously shifting patterns.* *As Silverr and Sasha thrust into the boys already overworked tail holes, they bend down and suck on the boy's cocks causing them to whimper, squirm and moan with out of control ecstasy. The elder mages have to carefully control the younger wizard's magical auras; they are becoming so overwhelmed with input of magical energy.* *Silverr knows how far to push them, and when they are on the verge of complete overload and can't take much more magic or sexual stimulation he forces his knot inside Florian and he and Sasha cum together inside the boys and release the pups to cum at the same time. The mages suck down all their gooey white love syrup and fill the boys' posteriors without spilling a drop.*

*The transition from blindness to Aurora was almost too much for the boy's over stimulated senses to bear. Their resulting orgasms were accompanied by high-pitched screams and moans from their muzzles while they unloaded their denied seed into the waiting maws of the geomancer and the illusionist.* *After the boys, spent and motionless, had a moment of panting, post-orgasmic bliss. The sly vulpine again constructed stone hands to lift up the boys and reposition them in a sixty-nine position, with Alexander on the bottom and Florian bent over top of him. The hands move to hold up the tanuki's legs as a smaller pair pushes the boys' faces into eachother's freshly frosted tailholes. Using every bit of energy they could muster, both teens lick the elder mage's cum out of one another, as slight muffled moans vibrate their tenderized holes.* *While the boys clean each other up. The elder mages, with quick precision, change the dirty bedding from its original blue to a deep, passionate red. SilverrFox uses his hands to reposition the boys until they are nestled in one another's embrace as Sasha dissolved is illusion. The boys, needing to digest the extreme amount of mana they received, drift quickly off to sleep. Knowing the two students would be out for a while, the elder mages go to the kitchen to prepare lunch for when they awake.* *A few moments later, the bat, who is used to processing mana because of his greater experience with sex, is the first to awake. He realizes his intimate position with the puppeteer, whose head is in his toned chest; and he cuddles with the plump teen, stroking his paw through the tanuki's curly head fur, as he looks up to the ceiling and remembers the lustful display that they were apart of just moments before.* *Suddenly, Alexander begins to tremble and whimper; he's having a nightmare. The avian holds him closer, but the canid isn't settling down. In a quick burst of chaotic insight, Florian uses geomancy, acquired from SilverrFox, to smash up some of the stone flooring beside the bed, turning it into soil. He reaches out and concentrates on making a flower grow from the newly formed dirt. Green energy seeps from his talons into the ground. In the next instant, a flower blooms, its blue and purple petals glimmering in the light. He plucks the blossom and holds it up to Alexander's snout.* *The tanuki soon calms down, his soft snoring settling back into a steady rhythm. The flying fox places the blossom next to his new friend's head just as the elder mages hurriedly enter the room.*

"You have always been the better cook, Silverr. I yield my kitchen over to you," says Sasha as he sits on the corner of the cutting table in the center of the kitchen. "You can yield more than that to me," growls Silverr as he snuggles up to the illusionist, positioning himself between Sasha's spread legs. The peacock's tail spreads in unconscious, amorous response, and he places his wings around Silverr's waist. "What about lunch?" "I can do that in my sleep or while doing...other things. Watch, and I will demonstrate." With a few quick waves of his paws, several stone golem cooks rise up from the floor. One works the stove, a second tosses ingredients out of the fridge to a third that prepares and mixes them. Silverr does not pay them any attention as his creations work his subconscious will. He is focused on Sasha. Leaning in to him, he puts his snout against the side of his beak and whispers, "Is it not funny that the old men have more staying power than the young when magic is involved?" "Speak for yourself, old fox. I stopped aging many years ago. I just refused to do it anymore. It is not attractive, except on you of course." *The two mages kiss deeply and longingly with no further words. Nothing needs to be said. Silverr becomes erect again, and his growing cock has nowhere to go except in Sasha's waiting tail hole. In response, the illusionist's fantastical tail shudders and hisses like dry grass in the wind, and he warbles a pretty tune from the back of his throat. Silverr alternately growls and murrs along with his song. It is an unusual harmony that works somehow and heightens the experience for both of them. For a moment, the kitchen vanishes and is replaced by a dizzying panorama of floating stone islands and clouds with soaring birds singing a chorus to accompany their love song.* *It doesn't last, though, as Silverr's intense focus is hauled away roughly by a disturbance form the other room. The tanuki is in trouble with his mana again.* "Sorry, Sasha. It's the boy," he says as he pulls out leaving Sasha to gasp and gather himself together to follow. The golems continue their tasks oblivious to Silverr's distraction. They are operating from a place in his subconscious memory and need no instructions from the conscious part of the fox's self. The vulpine mage senses that he need not have worried as he enters the room with the two teens. He quickly sees what Florian has done, and, catching the flying fox's eye, he smiles and nods his head in respect. "A Morpheous Blossom. Very clever, Florian. I think that I have left the tanuki in good hands for the moment. Stay with him until he awakens, then call to us, and we will bring lunch. Sasha and I have some unfinished business in the kitchen." *Assuming that Silverr is talking about the food preparation, Florian snuggles up against the plump, and shaggy tanuki and closes his eyes to doze a bit.*

*The elder mages return to the kitchen to resume their interrupted consummation of their longstanding relationship. SilverrFox, using his supreme strength, lifts the illusionist by the waist and sets him on the table. The peacock spreads his legs to allow the canid access to his feathery sheath as the geomancer leans in and tickles the sensitive area with his masterful tongue. In no time, Sasha is fully erect, and SilverrFox is sucking on the red and white striped, avian, flesh rod. Running his wings through the vulpine's headfur, the bird moans as he trembles and curls his taloned feet in nondescript pleasure.* *Using his magics, Sasha changes the scenery again. This time, the two lovers are in a Romanesque temple on a marble platform that is surrounded by columns. Echoes of their love making session reverberate across the building as the sun beats down through an oculus, shining a natural spotlight on the passionate scene in the making.* *The fox pushes the bird back onto the table and stands up straight, lifting the other mage's legs and resting them on his shoulders. He positions himself at the avian's wet, wanting hole and Slowly slides in as the peacock pulls him in with his legs. The two men kiss as their lips meet. Tongues thrashing, SilverrFox slowly bucks in and out of his decades' old lover. They resume their melodious ritual of growls, murrs, and whistling, the sounds melding into a chorus of ecstasy with every thrust. The vulpine's knot swells bigger and bigger as both males begin to reach the pinnacle of their sexual climaxes and brushes up against the soft entrance.* "OOOOOH, SILVY!" the avian exclaims in a voice of satisfied passion. "It's been so long since I've felt that special part of you bonded inside of me. Please stop teasing this old bird and shove it in." *Smiling at the fact that his mastery of the sexual arts was enough to make his friend forget his own vanity, the geomancer thrust as hard as he could and broke through into the bird with little resistance. The vulpine, unable to hold his usual stoicism, snarled in lust as he felt his male juices flow into the tight, hot, knot choking tunnel of the avain, whose feathers practically reflected the sunlight as his own white, semen shot into the air and landed on his chest. SilverrFox lapped up the sacred fluid and kissed Sasha deeply, sharing the fruits of his lustful pursuits. After the kiss breaks, the canid collapses on top of the blue bird and nestles into his warm, comfy, feathered body as the illusion around them fades.* *The men lay motionless as the fox's phallic balloon deflated, which didn't take long due to the vulpine's mastery of every muscle in his body. The geomancer gently pulled out of his beloved bird and helps him off the table.* "Master SilverrFox, Master Sasha, Alex is stirring," Florian's voice calls to them from the master bedroom.

"Impeccable timing, eh Silvy?" "Indeed." Silver check the lunch preparations. His golem chefs are putting the finishing touches on the omelets he ordered them to prepare. "Bring him in here, boy. Lunch is ready." The golems begin to set the table and lay out the food. Silverr notices that Sasha's latest illusion is still in effect. Drawing the other mage's attention to the surroundings, he comments, "A bit much for a simple meal don't you think?" *Chuckling, Sasha dispels the illusion. "You are all about detail, order and perfection Silverr, and those aren't even your best qualities. I think I just got a taste of some of your best qualities." He licks the fox behind his ears.* *The two students enter the kitchen with Florian leading a still groggy Alexander by the paw. When they see and smell the food that has been prepared, they forget all exhaustion and decorum and pounce on the food with zeal, completely ignoring the two mages, who watch with fascination how much food teenage boys can really eat. It isn't until they have devoured even the mage's portions, that the two boys realize what they have done, and they are both instantly contrite.* Sasha speaks to mollify their shame and fear, "Do not be worried. It is obvious that the normally precise and perfect Silverr completely underestimated the needs of his guests and prepared an inadequate quantity of food." The fox glares skeptically at the peacock for a moment, then grinns. "That I did, but it is an error that is quickly remedied." Without even a gesture from Silverr, the golems go to work preparing more food. *After the second meal is fully consumed and the two teenage students at last seem to have no more room, the fox mage dispels the golems.* To Alexander, Silverr says, "You have done well on this outing, young tanuki." Alexander blushes with pride at this compliment from his master, and his tail wags unconsciously. "You have righted a wrong and turned an enemy into a friend. Those are worthy accomplishments. As a reward, I propose two events. First, we open up your shop, and you and I spend the rest of the day together working on and mastering your puppets." Alexander nearly jumps out of his chair and dances about the room at this prospect, but is even more excited by the second reward. "Second, I am considering letting you have some free time unchaperoned outside tomorrow morning. Do you think you are ready for that?" As with everything Silverr says and asks, none of it is trivial, and the tanuki knows he must answer truthfully.

*Alexander is at first speechless as the prospect of long-awaited time to himself sinks into his erratic teenage psyche. A wide smile slowly forms across his muzzle in the realization of what the Master Mage is offering him.* "YesYesYesYesYesYesYes!" Alexander exclaims as he jumps out of his seat in elation. The tanuki realizes he is acting a little immature to the geomancer's generous offer. He composes himself with a fake cough, stands up straight and politely replies. "Yes, Sir, I think I can handle it." *The flying fox lets out a soft chortle at the display the nude, chubby canid is putting on. Sasha claps his wings together at the energy of the excited teen who just finished a little victory dance before he calmed himself down. Silverr, however, is not outwardly amused by the display though, on the inside, he took joy in his young protégé's progress and enthusiasm. The vulpine gives Alexander a stern look, causing a shiver to fly up the boy's spine.* "Now, boy," the elder canid begins in a serious tone as he stands up out of his seat, "I am not just handing this to you. This is a consideration you have earned from your recent progress. Although, it is a reward, it is also something you must take with upmost solemnity. You are an adolescent male and, by nature, want and need your own space to flourish; however, you need to use this time wisely and not squander too much of it on frivolities. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes, Master Mage." Alexander replies with his head bowed to his elder. "Whatever it is you decide to do with this time, should you still enjoy it, regardless if it's work or play." The fox smiles at the teen, sending a flutter through the boy's heart. *The tanuki returns the instructor's smile with whole-hearted joy, which overflows so much that he can't stop himself from walking up to the vulpine and giving the older, shorter male a tight embrace.* "Thank you, Master Mage. I promise I will use my time to the fullest." *After a few moments of idle chatter, SilverrFox, Alexander, and Florian bid Sasha farewell for the time being and leave to go to Alexander's workshop. Not wanting to leave just yet, the flying fox walks with the two canids to spend more time with them. The geomancer hangs back a few feet and allows the two young men some space to talk about this and that: how their mana feels inside of them, how lovely the day turned out to be, how strange it is to wear clothes after spending so much time nude together.* *Everything is serene in the scene. The sun is illuminating the early afternoon sky; the plants on the school grounds are healthy and vibrant; birds chirp, and squirrels scamper about the fields.* *Alexander stops dead in his tracks as he gazes upon his workshop, which has been vandalized by a group of students who don't care much for the tanuki. The windows are busted in by something thrown inside; the outer walls are covered in dents, holes, and slash marks; graffiti of insults and obscene language is scrawled across the door in spray paint and permanent marker. This is not the first time. At least once every couple of weeks, he would have to use his magic to repair and clean the building's outside. Before, all his reports on the repeating event have been filed, but they have been all ignored by the assistant headmaster, who is in charge of workshop spaces. The plump teen has never known who is responsible, though he has his suspicions." *This time is different, however. Alexander has been in therapy for the last few days and has not had any chance to quarrel with anyone; still, his beloved workspace has been violated. There is no conceivable reason this week for this to happen. The very fact enrages him. Florian tries to calm the boy down, but he backs away, feeling an uncontrolled surge of mana about to erupt from the tanuki. The elder mage quickly grabs the avian's arm and jumps backward a couple yards, in one swift movement.* "Those bastards..." The puppeteer trembles as his eyes glow a dark purple. "How dare they do this? HOW DARE THEY FUCKING DO THIS!?" *The ground by the irate canid cracks, leaving a deep crevasse in the ground. The crevasse grows outward until it hits a nearby tree. Black mana strings burst forth from the earth and wrap themselves around the tree. As the sapling is pulled into the earth, its life is bled out by the strings. It withers to near nothingness just before it disappears underground.* *The sight snaps Alexander out of his anger and replaces it with fear. The student doesn't know he has so much negativity inside of him. He falls to his knees and begins to cry, just as the botanist and geomancer cautiously approach him from behind.* Through the tears and sobs, he manages to utter, "I'm sorry...I let my negativity get the best of me...I'll accept any punishment without resistance..."

Florian is amazed by the power and the ferocity of Alexander's anger and the pointless destruction that he has wrought upon the grounds in front of his own workshop. He is especially upset over the destruction of the tree. To the flying fox, all plants are beautiful and should be nurtured and given loving care. "Alexander! How could you? That tree never hurt anyone." Understanding his new friend's feelings and worried over the loss of his affection, Alexander crawls up to Florian. "I am so sorry. I am a terrible person. I just can't help inflicting pain and suffering on everyone around me. I will understand if you never want to see me again." The tanuki's suffering is so genuine and heartfelt and his remorse so evident, that Florian can't stay mad at him. Besides, he has heard from the tanuki's diary a small part of his tragic past and can see the evidence of the injustice that is still being inflicted upon him. Wrapping his wings around Alexander, he comforts him. "We already learned today that a wrong can be righted and any situation can be made even better than before. I will not so casually throw away our new friendship over this. " Alexander looked up to his new friend with wonder and hope. "Really?" "Really. Let me restore the grounds around your workshop. I can make it more beautiful and perhaps work in a few defenses to deter vandals in the future. I have heard it said that the best way to keep vandals away is to make something beautiful. I can clean this up." "You would do this for me? Why?" "Because you are my friend, and maybe something more than that." Before Alexander could respond, Silverr stepped forward from where he had been observing the interaction between the two students. "A noble and generous gesture, young master Florian. Please proceed, while Alexander and I discuss the ramifications of this...incident." Florian put his talon on the fox mage's arm as if to deter him. "He didn't mean to do it. It is the other kid's fault for attacking his workshop." Silverr glared at Florian's hand, and the flying fox quickly removed it as if he had been touching a hot stove. Softening his expression, the master mage said, "I know he didn't mean to do it, and that is part of the problem. Magic is a powerful force that must be controlled at all times. Otherwise chaos rules and events like this happen. Things get destroyed. People get hurt. You know that better than anyone, eh?" *Florian nodded and became aware of the twinge of pain he still felt in his wing and shoulder.* Silverr placed both of his paws on Florian's shoulders and looked up into his eyes. "Do not worry about your friend. I will take good care of him. I love him, too you know. Otherwise, I would not be wasting my time here." The flying fox accepted his comforting words resignedly, and Silverr gestured to Alexander. "Come inside with me. We have things to discuss and punishment to mete out." *The tanuki rose and meekly followed with his ears flat on his head and his tail between his legs. Florian watched them enter the workshop, then began to consider how he was going to clean up this mess and make this place more pleasing to the eye.* *The inside of the workshop contained numerous finished and partially begun puppets on shelves, hanging from racks and on tables. Piles of wood and other materials lay about. There was the smell of pine and cedar and other woods, as well as varnish and paint.* Alexander was still sobbing and shaking, so Silverr sat him in a chair and prepared him a tonic to drink. Once he had consumed it, the fox said, "There was more in that drink than just herbs to soothe and calm you. You will notice that you have limited physical control over your body, and I have created a barrier in your skin that prevents the flow of mana from going in or out. This will keep you focused inward where you need to be." "What...what is going to happen to me?" asked the student with a quavering voice. "Nothing bad, or at least nothing that isn't ultimately going to be good for you. It is clear to me from this latest...outburst, that you have not properly processed and contained your chaotic mana. So today, we will work on creating a space within you for that energy so it can be locked away and only called forth when needed. Additionally, there is a punishment for your behavior, which was not entirely beyond your control. Not all of what you did employed chaotic mana. Coincidentally, the punishment and the cure go hand in hand." *Snapping his fingers, stony golem hands rose from the floor and undressed the tanuki. There was no need for straps, since the fox had control of his body. Oddly, the chastity device remained a belt, leaving him free and exposed. Silverr removed his own clothes, and stood naked before Alexander.* "The most effective method of control of internal magical forces is to experience a very uncomfortable and unusual negative emotion and associate the force with that emotion. The emotion must be something that is rarely experienced and summoned only at great need. By making it unpleasant, it will not be casually summoned. Do you understand?" The tanuki starts to nod his head, but changes to shaking his head. He is confused. "No, sir. I don't understand." "You will," says Silverr with a sly smile, and he morphs into an incredibly attractive female version of himself. "I am bisexual, so this experience will not be unpleasant for me, but I think you will find this most uncomfortable and repulsive. Now, I want to you concentrate and focus inside as we do this act and find that chaotic mana. I will help you." *Silverr sits on Alexander's lap, and despite the tanuki's disgust for female anatomy, he is helpless to prevent his body from responding.*

*Alexander fights his body's forced reaction with all of his willpower, but the elder mage's will is much more potent and dominating. As his red, adolescent cock grows harder, longer out of his sheath Alexander tries to meditate with every fiber of focus that he can muster. However, his concentration is shattered by the oh-so-gentle caress of the vixen's paw on his canidhood.* "Meditation is an expected reaction to this therapy," the fox's now soft, seductive, feminine voice rings through the reviled boy's ears. "However, in this case, mere avoidance won't help you, my dear pup. You need to truly look deep within yourself and find the origin of your chaotic mana." Frantically, the puppeteer searched his mind for some way out of this predicament. "But," he began in a desperate, pleading, stammering voice, "wh-wh-what if I-I-I-I-I can't find i-it?" "Then we will simply have to do this exercise over and over again. That potion you drank allows me to ignore your body's natural reactions, so we can embrace, caresses, and pump as many times and as intensely as we need to." The teen shakes his head roughly. "Master Mage, Sir, I understand!" His voice begins to crack in an almost unintelligible high pitch. "You don't have to explain anymore." The instructor takes her protégé by the chin and pulls his gaze to meet hers before she delicately declares, "For the duration of this treatment, refer to me as Madam or Mistress Mage." *Alexander simply nods, and SilverrFox uses his new influence to raise his hand up to her perky, supple, perfectly rounded breast and give one of them a gentle touch. The tanuki panics and clenches his eyes shut as tries his best to ignore the soft, womanly orbs. He feels out the mana in his body; however, nothing seems out of the ordinary. He is partially distracted by the sensation of his paw slowly running over both, of the vixen's firm boobs. A jolt of dread shoots up his spine as he feels his now fully erect cock being griped and pumped slowly my the black and grey elder woman.* "I feel nauseous!" the plump teen exclaims inside his head. "I'm such a horrible person...A fucking idiot...A God damned waste of magical energy...Why did I have to lose control?...Why did I have to let this shit get to me?...I wish I could just sleep forever...It'd be better if I saved everyone else the trouble and just di..." *His train of negative thoughts is derailed by the sudden pull of his head into the elder caster's big, squishy chest boulders.* "Mast...Mistress Mage, please stop!" His pleading, frantic, trepidacious voice feels is muffled in the face encompassing dirty pillows of the vixen. "I don't think I can take this anymore!" The tanuki begins to hyperventilate and weep, his tears wetting the hot, heavy breasticles he his buried in.

*Poor Alexander thought this situation could get no worse, but he was wrong. With his snout buried in Silverr's heavy breasts, he was oblivious to what was going on below until it was too late - not that he could do anything about it anyway. The now female fox mage gripped his tanuki dick with one paw, positioned it at the entrance to her wet and ready snatch and slowly impaled herself, taking him knot and all. Silverr ground up and down on him, and he felt all of the warm tightness of her pussy and womb massaging his member, but could not enjoy it.* *It was horrible. The teen was completely lost in his own misery having never felt anything but revulsion for the opposite sex, especially having sex with the opposite sex. The experience was so distressing that he could not concentrate on the task of finding a space within himself to trap and lock up the chaotic mana. He felt he would go mad, until he sensed a presence within his mind. It was Silverr, but not as a female or even a male, but simply the pure essence of the fox mage.* "Hello, Alexander," spoke the mage essence. "This is powerful and unusual magic that allows me to share your being, your soul if you will, for a short time. The potion and the sex make it possible. I am here to help you find and create a space for your chaotic mana so that you will have absolute control over it. We may even explore some of the sources of your negativity. Are you ready to take this inner journey through your psyche, Alexander?" The voice of Silverr's essence is calming and reassuring, and allows him to at least endure, if not enjoy, the violation of his physical body. He reaches out with his own inner essence to the fox mage. "Yes, Mistress Mage. I am ready."

*The tanuki closes his eyes. The fat canid wants to gag from the feel of his hard, knotted, teen cock in the hot, wet, spongy slit of the vixen on top of him; however, the concoction he ingested refuses to let him even do that. Although he himself is completely disgusted by the act, Silverr's potion makes his cock enjoy the new sensation. This only compounds the inner mortification he feels at his situation and drives him into a heterosexual panic of his sexual identity. Panic and urgency escalate in his almost broken, adolescent psyche. He feels everything go silent, and all the sensation of his cock disappears. He opens his eyes to meet the gaze of the elder mage's gender neutral astral form.* *The two are standing upon an infinite plain of nothing but water, surrounded by a clear blue sky as they start to walk, paw in paw. Their footsteps create tiny ripples on the surface of the aqua body. After what seems like many moments of silence, the greying vulpine speaks.* "Let us start with the content of your first journal entry. Tell me about Nobu." His voice is soothing, almost melodic, as it reverberates through the puppeteer's inner being. Alexander looks down at the clear water, closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath before he speaks. "Well, you already know the situation." The water projects the tanuki's memories of the wolf/chameleon hybrid boy he was once in love with and plays the scenes as he talks. "We met in the garden. For about a month, we met in secret and most of the time would be me doing things for him: his homework, feeding him. "I even tended to his sexual needs." The water projects a vivid scene of the plump teen, on his knees, running his loving paws over the black furred, red scaled, swordsman's thick, black, knotted flesh rod, which is protruding from his reptilian slit. The fit hybrid is lying back on a chair, with his eyes clenched shut and muscles tensing in preparation of orgasm. The younger Alexander is smiling in gleeful anticipation for the handsome chamelupine's climax. Just before the pleasured young man shoots his load, the scene changes to the young canid's memory of his once beloved's deceit. "Then I found out who he really was." The teen's tone turned into one of anger as his paw began to tremble. "He wanted my family's connections and influence for his own personal gain and even attacked me to keep me quiet." A tall, jet black, elder wolf's face appears in the water, and the tanuki begins to growl as he speaks. "I ended up winning the battle, but that man, Assistant Headmaster Astral, ended up making me out to be the one in the wrong." *Suddenly, the water begins to shift; and ripples begin to grow from around the increasingly angry adolescent. Black clouds darken the sky and thunder is heard from an approaching storm. The tiny waves, originating from the teen, begin to steadily grow bigger and larger, until both casters are riding a title wave of negativity across the infinite expanse of water and heading toward the storm.*

Through the maelstrom, Silverr remains calm and unperturbed. "This is the psychological expression of your anger. You must confront it, and understand it. Right now it is like the weather - it answers to no one. It must answer to you. Focus all of your energy upon that storm ahead. Don't just wish it away. Let us ride into it and confront it. Only by surviving all the fury it has to offer can you hope to truly have conquered it. Then we can work on controlling it." "But, Master...Mistress...?" "Just 'Sir' will do in here, boy." "Yes, Sir. That storm looks dangerous. This wave we are riding could break at any time. We will be killed." As the tanuki voices his fears, the tsunami upon which they rode does indeed begin to curl and break. Silverr glares into the frightened boys eyes. In his sternest voice he commands, "Control the wave, Alexander. You created it. It is yours to command. Concentrate, damn it! This is no time to be frightened!" *The tanuki does as he is ordered and worked to control the wave, but it seems to disobey his will. Nothing he could do seems to work to stop the inexorable collapse of that wave. Feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness begin to overwhelm him again, and strangely that is where he finds the ability to manipulate the wave. All of this disturbance is born out of his anger and self-loathing. By confronting those feelings, and groping for their source, the power to control the wave comes to him and the wave stabilizes.* "Excellent, Alexander. This wave is a representation of your self-hatred. It is carrying us towards the storm of your anger. These emotions are tied up with the events you just described. Inside the storm, we will find resolution or destruction." *Alexander is not comforted by these words but does as he is bid. The wave enters the storm, and rain lashes their pelts and the wind tries to knock them from their wave into the seething and swirling waters far below.* "Listen to the wind. What does it say," yells the fox mage over the thunderous roar. *As Alexander listens, the wind becomes voices. He hears Nobu and Astral mocking and tricking him and laughing at him. He tries to cover his ears, but Silverr holds his paws.* "I said listen and understand and realize that this only exists inside of you. It is the past, not the present or your future. Do not let it control you. Control it. They make you angry at yourself and you project this anger on others." *The intensity of the storm increases as Alexander lets the hateful words and deeds be spoken openly in his mind. It is as if the events sre happening again. He feels the familiar sensation of losing control to his anger.* *Silverr suddenly grows to giant proportions. He raises his right paw above his head and a shaft of lighting strikes upward and parts the clouds revealing a view of the female version of the mage astride Alexander and humping him for everything he was worth.* "It is all here now. The unpleasant and unusual act upon which you can focus, the negative emotions associated with this traumatic event, and the power that you and I are sharing. You have it all. Feel the mana flowing through you. You can grow large and be a giant, too. Do it! Now!" *The boy imagines himself as large as Silverr, and he grows until he is like a god of the sea, a mighty and furry Poseidon.* "Concentrate on the sex and envelop the storm with your mighty arms. You are the god of this domain. Gab it and squish it into a tiny ball!" *The storm is so loud, Alexander can barely hear the mage, even though giant Silverr's voice is louder than the eruption of a volcano. Reaching out with his mighty arms that span dozens of miles, Alexander slowly envelopes the storm and begins to squeeze. Like a python with its prey, each time the storm tries to expand, he holds it tightly in place until it collapses back upon itself at which point he squeezes it down further. The process repeats, and during it all he focuses on this being the past - not something that is happening now or will ever happen again in the future. If he can just crush it as Silverr commands, he will not have to listen to it any more. Straining with every quanta of mana and strength that he possesses, and some lent by Silverr, he continues until he holds a small, seething mass tight against his chest.* *Dimly, he becomes aware that Silverr is talking to him in a normal voice and is his real world size, a tiny flea like speck on the tanuki's vast forearm. How his god sized ears can hear that voice he does not know, but perhaps it is because the storm is now silent.* "You have done it boy. Now you have to choose a place to keep it locked away. Remember there is chaotic and ordered mana in it. The mana will be there for you to recall if needed, but the negative emotions and the sex act that we are currently performing will come with it, so you have to be ready to deal with both if you do use it. I will teach you techniques later for that. Until then, find a place in your body to store it. The location is for you to decide."

*He looks momentarily down at the normal sized vulpine mage as he contemplates where to put his now sand grain sized torrent. The tanuki takes his digit and places the mana in the first place he could think of: his left testicle. When the torrent of magical energy made contact with his scrotum, Alexander grunts from the unexpected sensation resulting from the absorption. He grabs his testicles and clenches his eyes shut as he grits his teeth. He is calmed by the feel of a paw on his shoulder; he opens his eyes to see SilverrFox standing in front of him. The puppeteer his now his normal size, and the pain is gone.* *The smell of flowers catches the boy's nose. Looking around, he realizes that he and his mentor are now in a floating island in the stars. The only other life on this suspended land is the foliage. Multi-colored flowers of varying species cover the area, and an oversize banzai tree sits square in the center. The elder mage takes his protégé by the paw and guides him to the tree, where the two spiritual adventurers sit for a few moments of wordless rest, and a gentle breeze blows through the air.* *In the silence, the younger canid could feel his body's magical energy stabilize as he looked up at the stars with the fox. He also sensed the constant churning of the mana housed in his left testicle. He entered an almost meditative state, the serenity of the moment with the wise, older male sinking into his psyche. The boy's paw unconsciously crept to that of the vulpine's and lay contentedly on top of it.* A few more moment's pass before the silence is broken by the elder castor in a solemn yet warm voice. "You've done well, young pup. You've accomplished a great feat just now, and you have a lot to be proud of." His voice continues to keep this same manner as the tanuki smiles from the praise. "But you have to properly understand the emotional triggers for your chaotic mana before you can begin releasing it properly. Tell me why you are repulsed by women." Alexander takes a moment to gather himself. "Sir, it's not that I'm repulsed by the female form. On the contrary, I am a fan of the artistic nude female form; some of my favorite artworks feature naked women. It's sex with women I can't stand the thought of. "In middle school, as I'm sure you know, I was a loner. One day, this girl came out of the blue and said she liked me. It's not completely wrong or right to say that Nobu was my first love. He was my first male love, but my first crush was on this girl." The star filled sky flashes and plays out the scenes as the tanuki recounts his past. A white naga with back length, brown hair and glasses his shown in the sky. "I'll spare you a lot of the details. Basically, we exchanged little love notes, we hung out some, we talked. And that's it. I asked her out, but she was always busy with her religious group, and whenever the subject of my religious beliefs came up, we disagreed. I avoided her for a while; she didn't seem that wanting about our relationship. We drifted apart. "We met a couple months later, after I figured out my attractions, and I came out to her. She said something judgmental and went on her way. I was glad to be rid of her. A couple months after that, I became worried about her and had a sexual identity crisis. She'd flash naked in my mind, and I would be repulsed by any sexual vision of her. Then, it became all women that made me feel repulsed sexually." "I still think of her from time to time. I don't know if I wonder what it'd be like if I were straight, or if I still feel something--love, guilt, fear--for her, or what." Alexander held tightly to SilverrFox's paw. "I know I love men. Not just physically, but emotionally. However, this has been with me for quite some time." *As memories and feelings of self-doubt about his sexual orientation resurface, the flowers quickly dry up, wilt, and rot away, and the ground underneath them quickly crumbles away. Almost instantly, all that is left of the island is the tree, which is beginning to lose its leaves, and the ground on which the two males sit.*

"This time will be different, Alexander, and much more difficult to resolve for several reasons. Mana and sex are closely linked as you have learned. This link is not limited to just the sex act. This sexual identity crisis of yours is seething with mana. You must see the patterns where they exist and harness them to control the chaotic mana where no pattern exists. Although chaos is not without patterns; these patterns are just too subtle for mere mortals like us to comprehend. "Unlike the last time, there is no obvious right and wrong here. What Nobu and the assistant headmaster did was clearly wrong. Though this naga girl should not have said judgmental things regarding your confession of your sexuality, the heart of your conflict is your reaction to that incident. Only you can truly understand your sexual desires. It may or may not be true that you are repulsed by having sexual relations with a female, but you are having those relations right now, and it is with me, not the girl that rejected you. You should concentrate on that instead of trying to ignore it. Can you still love me if I am female? If you can resolve that question either yes or no, you should be able to find some kind of resolution. If you can't answer that question, you can't resolve this crisis. "Your sexual identity is your magical foundation. See how it crumbles around us? You must find your sexual foundation to save this landscape. Without fertile soil, nothing beautiful and lovely can grow. No love can exist. "Last time you were a controlling and dominating god; very male. This time you must be something else. You must be a nurturing, creative and life bringing force; something more feminine. This is risky, but I think you will understand it best if you see things from my perspective. Act wisely, tanuki." *In a disorienting shift of focus, Alexander finds himself in Silverr's body looking down upon his tanuki self. He can feel everything that Silverr feels and all the internal sensations that accompany this feminine form. Instead of being in his workshop, though, they are both on the crumbling landscape with the withering plants. Silverr is still grinding down on his tanuki cock with his fox pussy. Within this body somewhere is the ability to create life where there has been none before. If he utilizes that, could he restore his sexual landscape? He has the ability to end this sexual assault of his body or consummate the act. He is mentally and emotionally torn asunder, and does not know what to do.*

*Alexander's new perspective brings him so many emotions, most of which he can't even comprehend. Earlier in the day, he was simply in the vestige of a woman; however, now he knows what a woman feels like in the throes of sexual passion. Although he doesn't understand what he is feeling, he does realize one thing: what he, or rather SilverrFox, is feeling is almost identical to what he has felt for the Master Mage every time they have had sex together. These same emotions have arisen in his experiences with Lucirious, Florian, and Sasha. He now understands that love and passion are love and passion, regardless of a fur's physical sex.* *At this point, he remembers something discussed in Health class. The Kinsey Scale, a conceptualization sexuality being a spectrum between opposite sex and same sex attraction, may in fact be true. He thought that attraction could only be categorized three titles: hetero, bi, and homo. However, now he is beginning to see that sexual attraction, physical attraction, is a much more complicated matter. There is some chance that he may have some small, bodily attraction to the opposite sex, but that doesn't change who he is: a male who has romantic, emotional attraction for the same sex.* *What is important, the student realizes, is who you are with. Silverr may be in a female form, but the vulpine is still the same person who he now has such strong feelings and attachments for. Becoming aware of these feelings, the younger canid opens himself up to a new range of experiences, whether or not he decides to take advantage of it. The act with the vixen is pleasuring him physically, but he doesn't feel the same emotional investment that he does with the geomancer in his original, male form. The plump adolescent fur knows who he is now.* "Oh, Madam!" Alexander's body exclaims his newfound pleasure in his own voice. Seeing his enjoyment from SilverrFox's female body, which is feeling his own knotted, hot, boyhood knocking around all the right place inside, only brings him to a higher plane of pleasure. *As these realizations come to him and he lets go of his revulsion of hetero sex, the island begins to expand. Soon, it is well beyond its original scope and stretches infinitely in all directions. The barren mass begins to rapidly sprout new life. Flowers blossom all around the consummating furs; the bonsai they are under regains its luscious, green leaves; the stars in the galactic sky begin to fall and shower over the entire landscape. The sexual plane is now more alive and beautiful than it has ever been before.* *The tanuki and the vixen begin to pant heavily as their now mutual pleasure synchronizes within their bodies.* "Mistress Mage!" "Alexander!"

*As the tanuki ejaculates inside of female Silverr, he feels the sensation from both perspectives. It is interesting and vaguely pleasurable, but not what he prefers. In the post-coital interlude, he drifts back to his own body again, and Silverr resumes control of his own form once again, yet remains with Alexander inside of his own psyche.* "You have triumphed again, my student. Your sexual preferences are clear to you now." The tanuki is glad for the mage's praise, but secretly wonders if something is lost between them considering that the fox clearly has an equal attraction to both males and females and enjoyed their coupling as male and females. As if reading his mind, which he probably was doing, the fox mage says, "Do not worry about how I feel about the opposite sex. My love and affection for you is no way diminished by your preferred attraction to my male form. Besides, I am sworn to one female and one female only. You have one more issue to resolve successfully. When that has happened, I will return to my usual form, and you shall have a reward." Looking around the landscape, Silverr notes the abundance of weeds and brambles in this otherwise perfect garden. "There is chaos running loose here. Do some weeding, boy, and put that chaotic mana away where it belongs."

*Alexander, still sitting under the bonsai tree, takes the lotus position and closes his eyes to absorb the weeds and brambles, the chaos in his ordered garden. One by one the, the out of place plants turn small, black orbs. The masses of magical energy slowly float to Alexander and take their designated place in his left, baseball-sized testicle. SilverrFox watches the landscape for any remnants that Alexander my miss as the tanuki takes in all of the chaotic mana released from the intercourse.* *When he feels the last ball absorb into his sack, he opens his eyes. He finds that he and the elder canid are in a living room, which holds only a couch and a flat screen television. The geomancer guides his young protégé to the couch, and they both sit down.* "Alexander." SilverrFox's voice is gentle and honest while he strokes the pudgy teen's paw. "You have taken your first steps to controlling your chaotic mana. However, there is one more underlying issue we must deal with today. What was it that gave you so little self-esteem that you jumped at the chance for companionship?" The puppeteer thinks for a moment before replying, "I guess that would be the constant teasing I suffered in elementary and middle school. I was picked on for many reasons. One of the bigger ones was my prosthetic." "Then that is what we shall focus on right now. Tell me, how did you lose your arm?" The tanuki takes a deep breath before answering. The television cuts on to play the boy's memories. "Ever since I was a cub, I watched my parents work with their puppets masterfully. Mom can control an entire floor of medical staff puppets and fully take care of multiple patients at once. She has also saved many lives in local emergencies with her medical magic and marionettes. Dad is not only over many officers, but also manipulates his own squad police puppets. He uses his squad in dangerous situations to lesson human casualties. They both are master puppeteers, who epitomize every characteristic of a marionette user; they even can control their puppets with their thoughts rather than using any strings." "As a pup, I'd always wanted to emulate them. I showed promise at a young age and began training at age six, when they arranged for me to play the harp. By working with physical strings, I would learn how mana strings would feel on my paws. I worked and worked, and I was good. "When I was eight, I snuck into my parents' workshop at our house and tried to use mana treads on one of the puppets. I was working the puppet at first, but the strings snapped I lost control of them. I panicked, causing the strings to weave and tie around my left arm. I tried to absorb the energy, but I didn't have the proper training and they only tightened. By the time my parents heard my screams, the bones in my arm were broken beyond repair. "The following week, I returned to school, and the taunting began. It followed me all the way to Grandiere's. Because of it, I fell for both the naga and Nobu instantly. I guess that's also why I've distanced myself from everyone..." The geomancer interjects. "Something else relating to this issue came to you when you lost control and destroyed the tree. That is what I want you to focus on." Alexander nods to his mentor dutifully. "The fear and panic from my cubhood accident came back to me." Alexander trembles and begins to shrink. "I'm afraid of what I can do to others and myself, and I've cursed my parents for giving birth to such a wretched creature like me." Tears flow forth from the tanuki's eyes. "I pushed these things deep down inside of me, but now that negativity is back. I can't...I can't..." *The mage looks upon his poor charge as the boy's form changes. The tanuki's emotional state has caused him to take a different form, one more suitable for how he feels. Before the vulpine, is the tanuki as a cub, missing his left arm. The literal pup is curl up into a little ball of fur beside the elder mage.*

*Silverr looks down upon the cub with pity, love and understanding. He bends over and easily lifts the little fur up and places him in her lap and hugs him tightly against his chest as she gently rocks back and forth as if he were her own child.* "And now that you have the control, you still doubt your own abilities." "But I don't have control, Mistress Mage. You saw what happened to the ground and the tree." "I did, and I also saw instant regret, something you would not have shown just a few days ago. You are so close, little one, but also, like everyone else, so far away from the total control that you seek." "How am I like everyone else? I am a freak and a danger." "Do you think you are the only one to make mistakes that hurt others, even the ones you love? We are not gods, boy. We are mortals, who can only strive for perfection. We cannot expect to ever achieve it. "No doubt, you think that I am perfect and never make mistakes. Let me tell you a story to disabuse you of that silly notion. Hopefully, you will not think less of me when you learn of my past, but rather will think more of man who can recover from a tragedy, learn from it and struggle on to do good things regardless." *Silverr tells Alexander the long story of how he lost his true love to the past. He withholds his pact with and possession by the demon. He does not trust anyone with that secret, but he does reveal Miranda's strong connection with chaotic mana and the need to control it. The tanuki is shocked to learn of Silverr and Miranda's early triumph over and ultimate failure to control time travel. It is a tragic story. He is even more shocked when Silverr tells him that he shares similar traits to Miranda in the ability to use chaotic mana.* "Master, how do you live with the pain and the guilt? How do you go on knowing that what happened was at least partly your fault? What if you were to make another such mistake again?" "You are asking the wrong questions. That is why you are stuck in the past and cannot move beyond the mistake that you made as a pup. It is why you link every mistake you make to that one point in time. Consider these questions instead. What can I do to try to make amends for my mistake? Can I improve myself so that I am less likely to err so catastrophically again? Can I find those who will love me despite my imperfections and forgive me when I hurt them?" *The pup was uncertain and continued to whimper and fret over his mistake.* "Think of those questions and think of the last few days. You have made great strides with controlling your rage and anger. You have found a place to store your chaotic mana so it is only released when you want it. You have made new friends who love you dearly: Lucirious, Sasha, me and Florian. Florian forgave you because he loves you. He forgave you for hurting his wing. He forgave you for destroying the tree. Now ask yourself those questions while thinking about those who love you, including your parents."

*Alexander continues to weep in self-pity as he searches his mind for the answers. He thinks and thinks, but the teen cannot find the answers to the questions the elder caster told him to ponder. Instead of love, he only finds more reasons to despise himself for every mistake he has ever made. Again his tears spill upon the breast of the vixen cuddling him to her breasts.* *The vulpine places a gentle paw on the tanuki cub's head and gently strokes the boy's fur. The older mage then hums a soothing melody to calm the canid's frail mind. The loving motion and sound begins to let the teen relax his fearful psyche; soon, his crying almost completely fades away.* "You're thinking with the wrong part of yourself, little one." Silverr's female voice was one of understanding and encouragement. "Your mind is not what needs to lead this train of thought. Go deeper within yourself, and find the right part everyone needs to process what we mortals know as love." *The pup nods slightly and closes his eyes to look deep inside of himself and search for the love he is beginning to believe is there. Almost instantly, he sees visions, which play on the flat screen television, of his recent memories: the sleeping snuggle with Florian, Sasha helping prepare things for the drag performance, SilverrFox kissing him in the open field, and Lucirious cuddling him after his punishment two days ago. Then he remembers his parents nestling with him the night after he received his prosthetic. The warmth fills his cub sized body, and he begins to cry from the joy he feels.* "I want to be better," he declares in a shaky tone. He continues to speak in-between his sobs. "I want to make amends...I want to be forgiven...I want to better myself...I don't want to hurt anyone... "Florian forgave me...Lucirous helped me gain this new arm...Sasha supported my creativity...My parents have always wanted the best for me...You are putting up with me and trying to help me better myself, my magic, and my future..." *Alexander continues to shed tears of newfound happiness and resolve as he rest in the chest of SilverrFox, who has transformed back into a male fox without the crying cub even realizing.*

"Now you are thinking the correct way, Alexander," says the fox mage as gently caresses the pup's fur. "Concentrate on the all of the love that is in your life. Continue to focus on the benefits that you have derived from being open to others. This is the way to control your rage-induced outbursts and order your mana so it obeys your true desires and not fleeting bouts of anger and negative emotions. "You need to become comfortable with this state of mind that you are experiencing right now. You need to make it your norm, so that you spend less time with the negative feelings. The negative feelings will release the chaotic mana; the feelings of love and contentment will keep your mana ordered and calm. I am going to help you stay in this place of love and calm for a while. I want you to focus on organizing, ordering and strengthening your mana. Do not let yourself get frustrated. Do not feel any pressure. There is no hurry and no place for us to go. I am here to soothe you, calm you and provide whatever help you require." *As he made his speech, the mage's voice became quieter and more soothing to the boy. Almost like hypnosis, he finds himself focusing entirely on the fox's voice and is nearly oblivious to everything else. As the voice commands, he begins to process and order his mana, all the while reveling in the sweet, contentment of his Master's love and affection. So caught up is he in the blissful feeling, he is slow to realize Silverr was male again and is slowly, ever so slowly, exploring more and more of his body with his paws. He had started by rubbing the tanuki's stomach and moved subtly to caressing his nipples. Now he was licking the sensitive spot behind his ears.*

*The chubby pup whines softly in contentment from the loving gestures; however, it is not the physical sensations that are granting him such pleasure. It is the emotion welling up and circulating throughout his little body. Every touch from the vulpine causes more and more warmth to come to the boy's heart. He has never let himself be open to even a small fraction of the amount of safety, comfort, and love before. He almost cannot comprehend what's happening to him now, but he doesn't resist. Rather, he lets everything happen and allows himself to be open to whatever unknown destination these many, unknown pleasures and feelings fill his mind, body, and spirit.* *As the tanuki lets his emotions flow unprocessed inside of him, he organizes his mana. However, it's not conscious. He is actually letting the manna organize itself while he feels it, letting every bit of magical energy find its own place inside of his body. When even a drop of stray chaotic mana is found, he consciously pulls it into his left testicle to join the rest. He feels the ordered, regulated mana settle in and even mend some of the cracks in his magical structure, what the geomancer earlier referred to as faults in the boy's body.* *Everything flows smoothly, until an uneasy feeling overcomes Alexander. He isn't used to feeling this much warmth and love at one time, having only known anger and sadness for so long. The cub begins to hyperventilate and whimper and curl up in the elder canid's lap.*

Undaunted, by the confused pup's self-denial of his affection, the mage continues to stroke his fur and lick his head. The boy calms imperceptibly and continues to remain in this agitated state of remorse over things past. "Remember the garden island in your mind and how lush and beautiful it is, and how it became that way again. That is where you must go when you feel like this. You have the ability to return there at any time and capture the love that it represents. Go there now." *As the tanuki lets his psyche drift to that sacred internal haven of floral splendor, his body visibly un-tenses and his whimpers and whines lessen. Silverr massages his muscles using techniques of nerve control to cause the boy's body to open up. Soon he is sprawled face up in the mage's lap with his legs spread over the fox's thighs.* "Imagine those who love you, little tanuki," says the elder mage in a husky voice suggestive of desire. "Imagine them touching you as I am touching you now." *Alexander does as instructed and imagines he is with Lucirius, Silverr, Sasha and Florian. All of them are petting and massaging his fur with loving strokes. It is deeply relaxing until someone's paw moves down to the base of his tail and begins to slowly circle the rim of his puckered tail hole. He can't make out whose paw it is at first, and he is confused until he opens his eyes and sees it is Silverr's paw in the real world.*

*Alexander is at a new height of sensual experience that he can't explain. As the vulpine gently massages his tailhole, a part of the boy wants to run away in fear of what harm may come from opening himself up to this new sensation; however, he steadies himself and looks into the eyes of the elder mage, who looks back down upon him with eyes of love and desire, and nods with a mix of shyness, compliance, and hunger.* *SilverrFox raises his paw to the tanukit's muzzle and gently traces two digits around the pup's lips, and the boy takes hold of the elder male's hand and brings the fingers into his mouth, beginning to gently suckle the fox's digits. The geomancer uses his free paw to stroke the chubby cub's head and ears with loving affection, causing the boy to quietly murr and moan, while the young tongue slides eagerly over the caring, increasingly wetting digits. He feels the little canid's body grow warmer in his lap as his cherry-red member begins to grow from its sheath.* *The younger castor's little footpaw's knead on their own as he continues to wantonly suck on the vulpine's digits. His mind drifts to thoughts of the horse, peacock, and fruit bat gently caressing his body and sweetly speaking to him. Soon, his three-inch long cub cock pokes out from its tiny sheath, as his golf ball sized testicles hang relaxed from his body. When he realized the outward show of his arousal, he stops his lapping and suckling of the older man's fingers and looks bashfully away from a mix of embarrassment and timidity.*

*Alexander is sad when the mage removes his fingers from his mouth, misinterpreting this for disapproval. His contented and happy feelings return when the mage's paw grasps his little stiffy just as the forefinger on the fox's other paw slips easily into his rectum. It is a shock for the briefest of moments, then the boy murrs in response to the pleasurable sensation. His little foot paws began to knead the air again.* *The master mage is gentle in his ministrations. Taking his time, he sets a slow and steady pace for this seduction. The stroking of the boy's immature penis is designed not so much to achieve orgasm, but to tease him into a higher state of arousal.*

*The dual stimulation from the strokes of his tiny boy bone and the massaging of his hole by the elder mage further heats the boy's body as he is filled to the very depths of his soul with love and affection. His paws knead faster, and his murrs grow louder from the constant attention being paid to both sides of his body. Closing his eyes, Alexander surrenders himself to the pleasure and love that the fox is giving him. He begins to slowly grow in the fox's lap. The cub can feel the love pushing against the walls of his body, and his physical form is adapting to the sensation.* *His magical energy is also growing and shifting within his body. He feels stores of mana he's always had but never before could access open up to him, and a few more tiny pieces of chaos within him are stored in his testicle with the rest of it. The tanuki is also a lot more aware of the exchange of mana, as small as it is, that he is receiving from his mentor. The act of the sex is bringing his body and mana more in alignment with each other.* *The boy opens his eyes after his body finishes its spiritual growth spurt. He sees that the fox is still gently attending to his now more matured, twelve year old flesh staff as the boy shifts his pelvis in an attempt to feel more of the elder male's touch on his sexual areas. The wind is felt blowing through their fur. The floral field of Alexander's youthful love is in full bloom, and the two castors are consummating their relations under the bonsai tree.*

*The fox is also aroused by this activity, and Alexander can see his staff standing out between his legs and rubbing up against the base of his sizable balls. The elder mage releases the boy's puphood, and grabs his legs and pulls them up and back so that his tailhole is more exposed, allowing him guide the tip of his adult cock to that entrance.* The tanuki gasps in anticipation, the mage loosens his grip on his legs, and the boy joyful lets him slide up inside of him with a murr of deepest satisfaction. Silver playfully rubs the teen's head fur with his paw. "You are doing well, little mage to be. You have learned to control your emotions and your mana; even the chaotic mana. Enjoy your reward." His paws move down to tickle the tanuki's nipples as he shudders with delight.

Alexander murrs and moans from the loving fondling of his chest nubs as the fox begins to slide effortlessly in and out of the tanuki's tailhole. "Oh, Master Mage..." *The vulpine leans in and wraps his arms around the preteen and nuzzles his head on the husky youth's. They share a passionate kiss. The younger canid feels bold enough to run his paws down the elder mage's back and knead them on the firm gluteal globes that they find. The older male ceases his thrusts and allows the boy to caress, feel, fondle, and explore his ass, which, despite his age, is as firm as it ever was in his own youth. Breaking the kiss, the mentor nestles his head on his young protégé's shoulder, nipping playfully at the lad's neck.* *To the boy's amazement, he feels even more love fill his being. Again, mana pushes outward from his core, and the young castor begins to glow.*

Silverr smiles and rubs the boy's cheek affectionately. This is an important moment for the tanuki. He is finally overcoming his fear of relationships and emotional involvement with others. It is time for him to know that he is not just a victim and a toy to be used by others. "Tell me what you are thinking now. Tell me what you want to do next. For the next part of our love making, I will let you decide what to do."

*The plump teen is filled with joy at the sound of the fox's sweet words. Alexander wants to do something with his mentor, something he has been afraid to ask for. As he opens his mouth to speak, he instantly transforms to his current age of seventeen. With the waves of the ever expanding ocean of his emotions washing up on the shore of the floral field of love, the tanuki speaks his true wish as he gazes into the seemingly infinite eyes of the elder mage.* "Master Mage, may I...may I..." The vulpine affectionately caresses the ear of the younger canid to calm his nerves and patiently waits for the student to finish his own thought. "May inside of you?"

*The fox mage's response is not conveyed with words, but with actions. He embraces Alexander and kisses him passionately, and makes it last. As they kiss, he lowers the boy to the floor, letting his vulpine cock slide out of the boy's ass. At first he remains on top of him, but they roll together until the pupil is on top of the master.* *The boy is so caught up in the passion of the kiss that he does not even realize the slow shifting of positions until Silverr break their lip embrace, curls his knees up to his chest and lays his tail flat on the floor. With an inviting smile, he waits for the tanuki to make his move.*

*The pup never imagined in his life that anyone would be offering themselves to him, and he doesn't know what to do next. He nervously leans in and runs his tongue curiously over the vulpine's tailhole. Hearing the fox speak his name in a long, soft moan, Alexander continues to lap at the elder canid's entrance. He traces a shy paw upward towards the fox's muzzle and traces a digit around the mage's lips. He doubles his efforts when he feels SilverrFox suckle on is begging fingers.* *After a few moments of anticipatory bliss, the chubby boy sits up on his knees and positions his erected, red teen bone's tip on the anus of the elder male, but he hesitates not knowing if he is mentally, emotionally mature enough to handle the bliss that is just within reach.*

*Silver uses his geomancy to cause the stone floor to rise behind the boy, forcing his paw, or rather his cock. With a surprised moan from the teen, and a pleased murr from the fox mage, they are joined. Ready to handle it or not, he is now forced to experience what he has wanted for so long.*

*To push the point home, the elder mage wraps his paws around Alexander's head and grips the boy's headfur firmly. The teen whines from the sudden discomfort and looks into the elder man's eyes. After receiving a reassuring smile and nod from Silverr, the tanuki pushes forward, boring his inexperienced cock deeper into the geomancer's rectal confines.* *Alexander murrs with every centimeter. The elder mage releases his hold, but keeps a pillar of earth behind the teen. Forgetting his fears the puppeteer leans in and plants a kiss on the lips of the elder male as he hilts his stimulated dick in the fox's tailhole. He holds both the kiss and the position without moving, to saver every solitary second of this moment.*

Silverr returns the kiss and leans forward to lick behind his sensitive ears and whisper to him. "I want your knot inside of me whenever you are ready, and after that, I want to feel your warm seed."

*The teen's tail wags at the encouragement from the elder mage. Alexander pulls slowly out the tight tailhole constricting his boyhood and slams back in. Soon, the boy moves at a steady rhythm as he moans form the combination of physical pleasure and emotional bliss, his knot inflating with every stroke.*

*Silverr lays back and closes his eyes, allowing the boy to set his own pace. Intensely satisfied by the physical sensations of the sex act as well as the emotional wellbeing of his charge, he enjoys the strong exchange of mana between them. He breaths in rhythm with the tanuki's thrusts and purrs like a kitten.*

*Alexander picks up the pace of his thrusts as he nears his climax. Torn between knotting the fox and pulling completely out to rest and prolong the lovemaking, the tanuki pushes on only because of the pillar blocking him from behind. He gets an idea. He leans in and rolls over so that the fox is now riding him in the cowboy position.*

Sensing that that the boy is hesitant to commit, Silverr forces himself down onto the boy's knot, allowing it to slip inside his tail hole with an audible pop. "There is no going back now, son. Go ahead and finish gloriously. This will not be the only time, so do not think that you have to make this last." To encourage his compliance, the fox grinds his hips back and forth onto the teen's cock.

Feeling the fox's grinding death grip on his inexperienced cock, Alexander moans at the top of his lungs as his fresh, teen juices fire into the waiting hole of the elder mage sitting on top of him. " MASTER MAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!" he screams in a mix of surprise and ecstasy, trying to process everything that he is feeling at that isolated moment in time.

*The mage puts his paws on the teen's chest and traces mystical patters that briefly leave a tattoo-like design on the boy's fur before they seem to soak into his body. The spell helps calm he pup and keep him from becoming overly excited beyond what he can control. At the same time he orders the mana within himself without conscious thought.* *When that is finished, he takes the teen's paw and places it on his own erect staff, and together they stroke it until the mage shudders in ecstasy and cums over the boy's face and snout.*

*When the fox, orgasms, the tanuki opens his mouth to catch every drop of precious, vulpine seed that he can. He excitedly swirls his tongue around his muzzle and snout until he tastes no trace of the rich, creamy, jizz. He pulls the fox down to his chest and holds him in a tight, silent, intimate embrace*

*They lay together for a long while until there is a gentle and tentative tap on the door. Silverr creates a stone golem out of floor to answer the door. It is Florian. He is mildly surprised by the presence of the construct, but soon remembers the fox mage's talents.* "The garden is completed. May I come in?" "Certainly," replies the animated stone creature with a voice like cobbles bouncing against each other in a steep mountain river. Florian enters. He had not expected to find Silverr and Alexander in a post-coital embrace on the floor. Embarrassed at intruding he stammers and fidgets as Silverr and Alexander rise and get dressed. He manages to find his voice at last. "If this is a punishment, then I think I will go and do something bad." The Tanuki hugs his new friend. "There was more to it than what you think. I will tell you about it later. Show me what you have done outside." *The landscaping is of course breath taking. Florian had decided on a Japanese style garden theme with abundant delicate maple trees and low flowering shrubs, sculpted evergreens, winding stone paths, a waterfall, koi pond, and a stream with a bridge. There was a zen garden surrounded by stone benches. Small stone pagodas were spaced perfectly throughout the garden so that one and only one could be seen from any vantage point. It was so beautiful, that Alexander could not find words to describe it other than to stroll about arm in arm with Florian as the winged fox explained the origin and meaning of every plant and feature of the new garden.* They lost track of time, but eventually wound up in front of Alexander's workshop again. Florian explained how the protector plants he had placed around the shop worked, so that Alexander would not accidentally trigger their protective response. "Anyone who tries to deliberately damage your workshop will find themselves ensnared by thorny vines." Pointing to clusters of overly large, strange looking mushrooms, he explained, "These will make a piercing, alarm like scream after the vines activate. I don't think that you will have any more vandalism trouble after word of this gets around." *The tanuki hugged and kissed his friend as they entered the shop. Silverr was sitting on a workbench in the lotus position with a pained and sorrowful expression on his face as the boys entered. His normal stern expression reasserted itself immediately upon him noticing the two teens.* Alexander was worried for his mentor. "Are you alright, Master Mage?" "I am fine, boy," he said with a sigh. "I was just meditating over some troubling events of the distant past. Do not concern yourself with me." Uncrossing his legs, he slid off the bench to the floor. "How is the garden?" "It is wonderful, Master. Florian has created a botanical work of art." The flying fox blushes at the compliment and his tail wags uncontrollably until Alexander kisses him passionately as a reward for his efforts. Silverr chuckles. "Enough of that. Plenty of time for that sort of thing later. It is time for us to see what Alexander can teach us about the magical art of puppetry. We have the rest of today to devote to this enterprise. Show us what you can do, boy." *In his element and feeling completely whole and happy for the moment, the tanuki nearly explodes with excitement at the prospect of being the teacher to his friend and to his intimidating mentor.*

Logan and Roxanna: A New Beginning Part 1

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Teacher’s Pet Project Insert: Alexander’s Post-Breakthrough Journal Entry

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