Maxton Bradshaw, the Molester

Story by Tanuskidoodle on SoFurry

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#25 of Writing Prompt Group Submissions

This is the final part to "Krampus, the Anti-Claus: A Furry Christmas Carol", A collaboration between SilverrFox and myself.

A sexual predator gets a very eventful visit from Krampus.

Warning: Fisting, blood, rape.

Maxton Bradshaw, the Molester

The high school Physical Education teacher and sports coach is ending the day in his usual manner: watching the day's footage from the boy's and girl's locker room showers to scope for his next possible victims. Licking his lupine lips, he search out the students that he has been selecting and verbally demeaning, in order to prepare them for his sexual desires when the lust hits him: the budding she dragon with the tiny breasts in first period; second period has that hippo boy who wears those Coke bottle prescription glasses; and that foul mouth Scrafty in period three. There are also the scores of nubile teens on the sports teams he coaches for the school. The strapping elk on the football team is a particular favorite of his.

Adults, parents and teachers alike, are also on his ever changing fuck list. There is a human nurse, who he happened to go to high school with, that the man has had his way with since his teenaged days. The young buck of an assistant coach has also had what the wolf considers his whole nine yards in his used to be tight tail hole. Every year, the instructor picks form the litter of new teachers the expanding institution brings in. Maxton takes them out for a few drinks; then, he slips them a mickey and slips himself into any and all available orifices that they have. Parent teacher conferences are always long awaited events for him. Parents are just as willing to be violated to insure their offspring's good marks.

He is now running his paw over the full tent in his sweatpants as he watches the video of all the ripe, impressionable, nude freshman that he teaches during fourth period. It's late in the evening and all the students who stay for sports have left, so the canine figures that he'll let his lower half have some air as he begins to whittle down his choices to his most promising and easy targets. As the coach reaches for his waistband, he hears the showers turn on. "The Hell?" he thinks to himself. "Everyone should be gone. Well, looks like I won't have to be using my paw tonight." The predatory P.E. teacher eagerly gets up and makes his way to the tiled area, where he has happened to have many of his victim's virginity over the years, and peeks around the corner.

The sight that awaits him makes his perverted eyes bulge from his wolfen skull. A nude, fleshy female figure, helplessly tied to a double headed shower faucet and bound from head to toe by glossy green ribbons, awaits him. At her feet, sits a present, wrapped in snowman wrapping paper and a fancy red ribbon. " Don't Open Until next X-Mas" is scrawled on the tag dangling from it's top.

Eyeing the busty form in front of him, the lustful coach declares, "Christmas has come early for me, and I know where I want to start opening my gift." With and extended digit and claw, he slowly approaches the figure. His nose catches a familiar scent, and Maxton smiles hungrily. "My, Flora, I didn't know you were a freak. All these years keeping your kinky side from me. I think I know a certain bad girl who needs to be punished for keeping something so fun from Papa." Papa is the name that he has had all who he as violated over the years call him. It is also the name by which his wife and cub daughters know him.

The twitching, enthusiastic claw is mere inches away from the bound silhouette's genitalia. At that very moment, the ribbons instantly unwind themselves from the captive nurse and begin whiplashing the lupine's face. Flora speaks as he staggers backward to the opposite wall of the showers. "After all these years, it's finally time for you to get what's yours, Maxton Bradshaw. Krampus is here, and he's got your punishment lined up for you." As he contemplates the angry human's words, the coach tries to cover his face to protect it from the whipping ribbons. However, his paws, as toned and muscular as they are, become tender and even begin to bleed slightly. "You're the reason I've come to detest anthros; you're the reason I've let that hate drive me to profiting from them buying drugs from me; You're the reason I use drugs and sex to dull my own pains, all of which were caused by what you've done to me over the years. I doubt a person like you can even be saved, but your fate as of now is none of my concern." With that, Flora picks up the present, tears away the wrapping paper, and opens the box. She holds the opening toward her sexual assaulter, and the lupine is sucked in by the ensuing vortex, passing out as he spins on his disorienting descent.

When the molester comes to, he is suspended off the ground by the green ribbons, which seem to extend out of mortal sight into the infinite expanse of Krampus' red sky. The tips of his toned hindpaws barely touch the cold ground. The first thing Maxton notices is the ribbon chastity belt constricting his sheath and sack, forming a delicate bow at the very base of his fleshy penile covering. Feeling the chill all over his body, the wolf realizes that his festive sex restraint is the only covering he has on his nude, muscular frame. He tries to call for help, but another ribbon is tied securely around his muzzle, preventing him from opening his mouth. He clenches his eyes shut as he struggles and causes himself to swing slightly back and forth. He soon tires. Opening his eyes, he is met by the dominating, spirit crushing, gaze of the demonic capra who has set the stage for his rightful punishment.

Before the coach can protest, Krampus grabs him by the neck and forces the man to maintain the eye contact. The corporal executioner growls from deep within his diaphragm, and the lupine begins to tremble from the increasing atmosphere of fear that is beginning to pull his very soul into the lifeless, desolate plane that the Anti-Claus rules over. The brawny goat man punches the canid in his stomach, knocking the air out of his body and causing the sex offender to curl from the pain. Gravity pulls the man's legs back down as Krampus walks behind the scared wolf.

Maxton's trepidation makes him tremble from the silence, knowing that the dominating force of a being behind him is planning something. He flinches at the sound of the demon snapping his fingers. The molester whimpers when he feels a tube pushing through his anus and a warm, thick fluid pouring into his rectal canal. The tube is forcibly removed, and the gym teacher holds his sphincter tight. Not that he needed much help with that, the instinctual fear forcing his body's every natural reaction into overdrive. Another long, slow moment of silence begins as the liquid in his body causes his virgin pucker to grow warmer and relaxed. As if the solution is expanding with a mind of its own, it starts to push against his tailhole. He wills for himself to tighten it; however, at that very moment, he feels a sharp pang on his back.

While the lupine male was distracted by the enema fluid inside of him, Krampus took the opportunity to lash at his victim's back with a cat-of-ninetails, the resulting marks cutting right through his fur and shaving a thin layer of skin from the man's back. As Maxton wrenches from the searing pain, a small amount of the fluid escapes his sphincter. The canine whimpers and tightens his ass. When the mediocre athlete swings backward, the caprine punisher begins vehemently whipping the small of the wolf's back and ass. The lupine contorts his body, in hopes of avoiding the assault. His actions are for naught, and, as the ancient adjudicator of morals lands every blow on his increasingly tender target, fluid trickles out of the weakening anus. After less than a minute of resistance, Maxton gives in and stops his struggling, allowing all the fluid to flow freely from his rectum and onto the ground. He instantly begins to cry from the physical pain and spiritual humiliation, and the tears flow as freely as the enema fluid.

The reader should note that our caprine administrator of moral restitution can be quite brutal to his more prolifically bad victims. However, everything that has taken place and will take place is necessary for the molester to learn his lesson. Krampus does believe that the punishment should fit the crime, and, for this man who demoralizes and sexually assaults his victims, the punishment must be memorable. Things will be getting rougher from here so readers would do well to mentally prepare. Remember, St. Nick's counterpart may yet come for you one day.

Maxton is so focused on his humiliation that he does not feel another set of ribbons wrap around his ankles. As his legs are slowly raised forward, the wolf is snapped back to reality by a quickening in his taint area. The flesh there is puckering and becoming wet. A familiar scent hits his snout. It is the smell of vaginal essence, a smell he is familiar with from sniffing the panties left in the girl's locker room after hours. "No Fucking way!" he exclaims in his head. "I can't have a pussy! I'm a man!" The ribbons around his wrist pull up his upper bod, and his eyes widen at the site of the female folds that have just formed between his ass and balls.

The sex offender notices something else from his new vantage point. He resumes struggling and tries to protest, but the festive shackles and muzzle make it amount to little more than wasted effort on the bound antho's part. The lupine's eyes lock on the two, thick, black, veiny, human cocks that protrude, one over another, from Krampus' fur covered sheath and sack. A quick, strong, backhanded slap from his captor elicits a pathetically, loud whimper from the coach. Before the man can recover, The horned punisher reaches up and grabs the canid by the scruff of his neck and shoots him a soul piercing gaze. Maxton feels his resistance shrink to nothingness, crushing any hopes of escape from his inevitable comeuppance.

Without warning, Krampus thrusts forward and pierces both unlubed, virgin openings in one strong stroke, decimating the freshly formed hymen. The dual sensation from his unused tailhole and freshly formed pussy force him to produce a muffled scream as they adjust to the thickness of the twin dicks that were forced inside. As the dog whines pitifully, the ancient punisher begins to violently fuck both holes of the sexual predator, with pure, unadulterated abandon. The man continues screaming, the pain growing more searing with every motion of Krampus' flesh rods.

Although he hates every moment of this violation, Maxton's cock begins to strain against its green bindings. The assumed pleasure of his victims has always been one of his best justifications for his actions. The tables are now turned. The gym teacher feels a strange mix of disgust and pleasure that fills his sex rattled psyche. His wolfen tool is now outlined by the thin but strong ribbons holding it down. Seeing his victim's arousal, even if it was an involuntary reaction, was always one of his favorite parts of his sexual conquests. He now knows the terror of simultaneous violation and pleasure in a forced participant's mind. The canine is also learning how all victims, both male and female, of his indiscriminant want of power driven sex feel simultaneous physical and mental pain from his actions.

Krampus pulls completely out of his victim and impales both holes again in one final climax inducing thrust. Demonic caprine jizz fills both the wolf's pussy and asshole as Krampus' loud satisfied grunts of pleasure overshadow the coach's muffled moans and groans of self-pity and humiliation. The moral executioner resumes his violent bucking into Maxton's tender, twin love tunnels. A mix of whimpers and moans sound off from the athlete's sealed mouth as Krampus' stoic eyes lock with Maxton's. Sensing the regret, fear, and pain in the man's soul, Krampus roughly pulls out of his victim and allows him to stew in his newfound misery for a moment.

When that short moment is up, Krampus shoves his thick, muscular hooves into the helpless fur. More muffled sounds of pain come from the fist-plugged canid. The capra begins to slowly pull out and punch into the man, alternating his fists. Tears pour profusely from Maxton's eyes as his frosted, tenderized ass and cunt are further brutalized by the demon's strong, fur covered arms. When he feels that the lust driven canine has had enough, Krampus thrust both arms, all the way to his elbows, into the gym teacher and pulls out as hard as he can. The anti-Claus waves his hoof in the sky, causing the ribbons holding the canid's ankles and wrist to dissolve into thin air.

The coach lands on his back hard and wrenches his body from the shooting pain, which is compounded by the streaks of exposed skin from the lashing the offender suffered through just minutes ago. He is unable move his arms and legs, and ribbons still bind his mouth and crotch. To his further debasement, his cock is almost suffocating against the confines of its holiday restrictions, and he feels the mix of hot cum and blood seep out of his ass and pussy. The lupine wants to run and hide, like the coward a person like him truly is. However, his agony from the suspension, whipping, and brutal fucking and fisting have left him with little energy or mobility for such an action. After centuries of practice and experience, Krampus would not be so careless as to leave any true option of escape.

Reaching for the sky, Krampus calls fourth his next implement for the wolf's punitive session. After slowly getting on his knees, the caprine powerfully lashes the man's lupine rod with a riding crop in one swift strike, giving it the opposite kind of attention it is pleading for. The searing sensation overrides every other pain, and the still crying Maxton reflexively pops up his upper body as he groans from the torture. Krampus responds with another hard strike to the canine's genitals before pushing his victim back onto the ground. With inhuman speed, the goat man places his knee on the coach's chest, applying pressure and forcing the man's scarred back harder into the cold, hard ground. The lashing resumes immediately. Soon, the deviant's knotted dick swells to the point of bursting through the ribbon confines.

As Krampus stands, the canid looks upon his hard, punishment swollen, cock as he pathetically whimpers from his situation. He's never liked the thought of the tables being turned on him. The very thought would always cause his staff to go limp and unresponsive. However, due to the authoritarian capra's control in this world, his physical arousal and moral humiliation are simultaneously maximized by his schlong's need for release.

Krampus is now on his knees over the mortified wolf's face. The whimpering wolf shakes his head vehemently as he sees that the caprine's two staves are merging into one, massive, column of a human manhood that is thicker than most horses'. A strong hoof takes the canid by the throat, and Krampus push's his masculine pipe against the snout of the sex offender. Bit by bit, the coach's mouth is forced open, soon forming a tear in the ribbon binding around his muzzle. In one decisive thrust, the demon's rigid, man cock forces its way through the wolfen victim's mouth and rips the ribbon in half.

Gagging on the fleshy man cannon in his throat, the lupine produces more saliva and tears than he ever has before. He knows why this is happening. One of his favorite things to do is pin his victims on their backs and force them to deepthroat his cock as he watches their eyes bulging and listens to their choking throats. With every centimeter that is being forced into his muzzle, more and more regret fills the wolf's soul. A back scarred with lashes; blood seeping from his fucked and fisted holes; the monstrous cock filling his inexperienced throat. He has lost any form of virginity he had left, just as he has done to his multitude of prey over the years. The gym teacher swears to never forget this punishment. Little does he know, Krampus plans on seeing to that.

The capra bucks, without any concern or reservations, into Maxton's mouth. Approaching climax, Krampus brings his fist down upon the degenerate teacher's physically toned stomach, forcing the canine's mouth to open wider in an attempt to scream from the pain as his knotted, edged cock bobs from the force of the blow. The demon's human dick hilts in the mouth of the pathetic man prostrate before him. The ancient moral punisher trembles while his thick, scorching hot, caprine seed flows, unhalted, into the deviant's body. The wolf's schlong muffled screams of terror, agony, and degradation is the only reaction his body can make.

Krampus falls forward from the draining orgasm of his physical body and catches himself by planting his hooves firmly onto the ground. The time he has left in this world is growing short. The otherworldly capra decides to finish up his last victim's punishment.

Baring his sharp teeth, the goat man bites down hard on the canid cock in front of him. As Krampus grinds his teen into the coach's knot and shaft, Maxton screams as his lupine jizz shoots forth from his man bone, landing on the lifeless, grey ground around him. The forced orgasm adds to his humiliation, and the pain in his rapidly softening member, which is pierced even more by his captor's razor like fangs, causes him to blackout. Krampus lifts himself off the ground and his unconscious victim's body. Krampus clasps his hooves together, and he along with his world disappears from the earthly plane, leaving the sexual predator of a coach in his living room. His wife and kids are certain to see his nude, scarred, violated body before he wakes up.

If the reader is interested in Krampus' previous exploits on this eventful day, Follw this link to the complete story:

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