
Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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by Iscin

This is a work of erotic fiction.

All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over.

All rights reserved © 2015.

All characters belong to the commissioner Guy Threepwood © 2015.



Sometimes life can be cruel, other times it can be indifferent. But then sometimes, on those rarest of conflagrations, life can work out just right. And such it has done for Paul. His life did not start this way of course, in fact it started very poorly. Scrimping and saving just to be sure he could afford his next meal. For someone born into a prosperous country, there is no such thing as a freeloader here and having a less than supportive family meant that Paul was struggling just to make it this far in life. Even so he had to take out a loan at an extortionary rate just to get a proper education. But at university he met Kenta, the inter-species foreign exchange student who stands four heads taller than himself, and was told that due to some arbitrary bureaucratic decision they were going to be roommates. Thus began a series of events begun by a desire foe money which culminated in an altercation with a less than pleasant cheetah named Jun. But that was before Paul finally settled in with both Kenta and his tiger friend Qiang, as the big cats' human companion. And as a companion Paul had quite the wide range of duties to perform; though as time had gone on he has grown accustomed to and even to care for both big cats in their own ways. For though both acted as the big alpha males, there is a part of them deep inside which really is almost kitten like in their affection and even relative cuteness.

However as a new morning starts and Paul rubs his tired eyes, something is about to upset their little trinity. To his right is the naked, striped and furry body of Qiang. The tiger is still asleep, one of his heavy muscular arms pinning down the human's belly. Paul is very careful to pry himself free without waking the feline. Even so he is unable to resist running his fingers across the cat's sculpted pecs and down along his torso. Qiang chuffs contentedly, still not ready to get up, he is always the one to sleep late into the morning. But to his mild surprise Paul finds that Kenta has already left their shared bed. A deep impression is still in the mattress where the huge lion was only moments ago; checking with his other hand Paul can tell it is still warm too. What could get either of the big cats up before him? He looks back to Qiang, eyes panning to the right down the tiger's athletic body before seeing that fat furry sheath. Maybe there is time and reason for a little interlude before out of bed to find Kenta.


On the topmost floor of the Gershwin Building is the penthouse suite. Inside this penthouse suite there is at the indelible mark of extravagance everywhere. The luxury begins with furniture; plush with high quality leather chairs and couches and even cushion cases woven of fine silk. Then there is the high fidelity audio reproduction system; more expensive than most peoples' cars. In the back there is a kitchen replete with a mini-bar and walk-in fridge. Although the kind of occupant that can afford such a place hardly has much need to prepare their own food. And probably most obvious is all, on the second of the two floors of the penthouse, there is a jacuzzi tub big enough for more than a couple friends. There is yet more too, ranging from the luxurious carpeting to a fancy and somewhat ridiculous lighting system; and even automatic drapes that close at sundown. However despite its furnishings the penthouse has not been occupied for nearly three months. That is to say until today.

Elevator doors on the lower floor open to reveal the nine foot tall lion. Kenta takes one cursory look around before now stepping out into the penthouse, careful to duck and avoid hitting his head on the edge of the elevator doorway. Now inside the suite proper he is pleased to find that the penthouse ceiling is sufficiently high, even on the lower floor here, that he does not have to continue working about keeping a vigil; except for the doorways of course. However he is not here to appraise the differences and limitations inherent in human architectural design. Try as he might to project his usual confident aura the young man is nervous, even disturbed slightly, as he saunters deeper into the suite. Kenta has come here to meet someone who he has not had to deal with a very long time. So long in fact that it has almost become nothing more than a bad memory.

"To your right." A deep voice says as the lion enters the nearest adjacent room from the hallway he was just in.

Following the voice Kenta sees a sharply dressed man, sitting down with legs apart on a large and robust looking black leather chair. On one of the armrests a clawed head nurses a short glass, some light brown liquid swirling at the base of it. He starts leaning forward, pushing his fur-framed face out as a right smile appears on his face. However all that Kenta can think of right now is to keep control of his body. His hands are clenching, his jaw locking, but his tail is the worse of all. It is thrashing around like a wild snake unsure which way to dart. This should not be so unpleasant, but the truth is Kenta has no idea what his father is doing here.

"Aren't you going to say hello?" Akira says to his son in their native tongue.

"Hello father." Kenta replies.


The Deal

"So... how big is the plasma TV again?" Qiang asks excitedly.

"Big." Kenta sighs. This is not the response he really expected from his friend, and in truth it is annoying him slightly. At this rate he will feel indebted to take up the offer.

"What's going on?" Paul asks as he peeks past from behind the kitchen door.

Along with his appearance now come the smells of sizzling salmon and spice drifting in to the room. Both felines' noses easily pick up the scent drawing their attention further towards the skimpily dressed human. Per both Kenta's and Qiang's instructions on what to do on fish night, Paul is only cooking in his pardon and slippers. This of course leaves his back exposed and vulnerable to cheeky grabs and slaps when the cats come anywhere in proximity to him. After months of such degrading rules and not so subtle requests have become normalised for Paul. Genuinely he hardly even minds the groping, provided it is kept to a minimum until after he is doing cooking that is.s

"Err, nothing important. What's cooking?" Kenta says quick to change the subject.

"Don't be so obvious." Qiang chides.

In his usual forthright way the tiger quickly crosses the distance to the human still hiding behind the door and reaches down to pinch his bare ass. The claws are sharp but do not cut, they just apply enough pressure for Paul to jump as the tiger coaxes him out of the kitchen proper. The food can wait it seems as Qiang explains that all three of them have been invited to spend sometime with Kenta's father who is visiting on a business trip. Seeing as there are so few cats who live in the city, let alone any that are members of the rich cat's own family, he wants to make the most of every minute he is visiting. Something that seems innocent enough on the surface sure. But before the tiger can explain just how rich Kenta's father is, and just how luxurious the place is they will be staying the lion himself interrupts his friend.

"Hold on a minute. You don't know my dad, very few do..." He is visibly grinding his teeth, whiskers twitching so frenetically that even from a distance Paul can discern their movement. "He knows about you Paul, he invited all three of us for a reason."

Of course, now the reluctance makes sense. Over the time Paul has spent getting to know Kenta and Qiang, going from roommate to servant to friend and lover, he has picked up on a few common traits. The cheetah from before only served to confirm all of the stereotypes that he has identified as having some measure of truth to them. And of course the most prominent of these is their possessiveness and familiarity with the servile members of their households. Building off of this understanding the human now realises that Kenta probably feels a little threatened by his own father having access to his own servant, namely Paul himself. Even so, Paul is unsure whether this is because the young lion cares about him on a personal level, or if it is more of a coming of age thing and not wishing his father to assert an external dominance within his own domestic life like this.

Before he can adjust to the manner by which the tiger's paw is kneading at his rear end, Qiang is already moving away again from Paul. The human watches as the two friends start bickering, this time louder and quite openly in front of him. It seems as though the tiger is very keen on spending time in the penthouse on the Gershwin Building. Apparently the place is really something and in fact somewhere that Qiang himself noticed when he moved here for his degree. He wants it bad, even if it is only for a short duration. Complete with room service both of them may yet enjoy a degree of comfort that they have not known since leaving their homeland. However the real issue is if Kenta feels as though he can trust his own father. After ten minutes of the pair arguing whilst Paul stands and watches the smell hanging in the air noticeable changes.

"Shit!" Paul exclaims as he realises what is happening. The two cats stop and stare as the human spins in his heels, consequently flashing off his rear, and runs back into the kitchen. Dinner might be a little well done today.


There had been no exaggeration from either Kenta or Qiang about the luxury of the penthouse. Of course he is somewhat struggling to get a proper view of the room with Kenta standing in front of the human like his own overprotective bodyguard. Though it is honestly a little surprising that he at all agreed that the three of them could come and do this, what with his initial reaction being what it was. Apparently after talking on a full stomach big cats tend to have a lot less vigour in being negative. Hell they are positively complicate in anything said or done so long as their bellies are full. Of course the lion had been sure to confirm, reconfirm and practically hound Paul at every juncture whether he was sure that he would be fine coming here. Truthfully Paul is not sure what to expect by this point. But one thing about the incident with Jun is that both Kenta and Qiang have proven that they can and will go to almost any length to keep their human friend safe from harm.

Such it is then that with no fanfare of any kind the by now infamous Akira makes his appearance by one of the doors. He is dressed exactly how Paul had pictured him. It is as though Kenta had been aged thirty or so years, had developed more of a gut, then stuffed into a custom tailored suit that only served to show how much of a beast he physically is. No carefully picked cufflinks or tiepins can change the fact that Akira looks every bit the burly Kenta's father. He is the head of the pride and has a countenance that conveys that. Both Kenta and Qiang make curt bows to show their respect for their elder. Paul tries to follow their gesture but seeing as he is still carrying all of their luggage this only serves to unbalance him. Akira raises an eyebrow as he watches the human tumble forward. His efforts struggling to keep himself off the ground only helps to extend the distance he covers stumbling before hitting the ground.

"You must be Paul." Akira says in an amused tone.

Kenta quickly moves forward and grabs Paul by his shirt collar yanking him up. The human flails a bit as his feet are lifted clear off the ground until the lion gently lowers him back down and lets go. His cheeks are flushing bright red. It feels as though he could not have possibly made a worse first impression upon the mature and apparently more refined cat. He straightens his shirt and pats his hair down before looking back up at Akira's piercing eyes. A cold shiver starts to make its way from one end of his spine to the other. The experience is so intense that Paul thinks he may be physically shivering, though he can not be sure even of that. Something very intense lurks behind those eyes. In a surreal moment the human is reminded of his earliest experience with Qiang, as opposed to Kenta. Whoever this Akira really is, Paul can already tell things will be far from boring.



Akira has his shirt undone. This is the first thing that Paul notices as he enters the room. This is the first time he has ever seen Kenta's father like this, apart from inside his own imagination that is. To his own satisfaction Paul can see his estimation about the lion's pot belly was accurate. It hangs forward like a plump down underneath his chest. However even so, and with fur being what it is, he can tell that the older lion has thick strong muscles underneath the fluff and partial fat. Akira's pecs still have a healthy definition, and not the sagging kind of state you might expect them to be. The more he stares, the more the human recognises the same features and motifs in the sandy coloured fur as Kenta has, albeit with grey streaks here and there. To his own embarrassment Paul is forgetting what he was about to do when suddenly the big cat's eyes open. Paul feels like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle. Akira has both positioned and exposed himself like this deliberately. Yet somehow Paul is the one who feels out of line, like an interloper barging in on someone's privacy.

"Afternoon." Akira rumbles whilst straightening his back. "It's been a long day, I was just napping." He sits up more but makes no attempt to cover his body.

"Of course." A rude and curt response to the regal lion Paul knows. Maybe it is some sort of empathy for Kenta's own unease with his father, but the human does not feel comfortable when alone with Akira.

"Do you have many chores to do still?" The lion asks in a way that is devoid of any innocence.

"No. Not many, anyway. I was just finishing hand washing the laundry." Paul answers.

"That's good. I've noticed they work you a little too hard." Akira says with a toothy smile.

The reclining lion looks away now as if bored. With one large paw he is scratching his belly, the motion drawing Paul's attention down. For some vague reason that eludes him Paul finds himself unwilling to cease staring. He has work to do, even if it is nearly the end of his chores and Both Kenta and Qiang are absent. Kenta in particular should have already been back by now. A slight worry there as Paul considers what might be holding the lion up. But as he continues to watch the human now finally realises why he is still staring. The front of Akira's torso is not the only part of the lion's body which is being exposed. Legs generously spread the lion has something long and fat hanging out and off the edge of his chair. It is as though part of his brain were editing that part out. Why didn't I notice that first?

"Something the matter?" Akira asks with that baritone voice. His eyes have darted back and are staring down his prey again. Paul gulps as he becomes aware of the stiffening sensation in his work jeans.

"Err. I need to go get the cock-" Paul balks unable to catch the word. Not that his sudden slip of the tongue is bothering him much at the moment as Akira holds up a wad of bills.

He is fanning the notes in such a way as to very clearly be gesticulating for the human to come nearer. Paul bites his bottom lip. Beads of sweat are running down the back of his neck and he is aware that his fingers and thumbs are balling into fists, clenching and unclenching. It is all too perfect really. Unlike before with his first time "serving" Kenta and Qiang the human is not under any misguided or innocent presumptions about this merely being a formal and non-sexual offer. In any case words are no longer necessary as the human starts approaching. Akira's sensitive ears pick up on the primate's racing heartbeat. The dynamic has been set and expectations are high. Actually the lion is a little surprised himself as he feels his manhood stirring even before Paul has made it all the way across the room to kneel down before the far larger male. It is taking all of his self-control for the lion to not simply grab one end of the human or the other and start hammering into him as if he were only an inanimate object. However this is his son's pet, and he is certainly not in his homeland, so he retains a modicum of decorum.

There is no doubt about it. Even without a direct comparison Paul knows that this is the longest, fattest, and overall the most outrageously oversized penis he has ever laid eyes or hands upon. This realisation alone is enough for him to forget about that menacing smile, as well as momentarily push aside his thoughts concerning Kenta and Qiang. This is the meaning of a lion's pride. Kneeling between the big cat's legs, Paul now extends his smooth furless hands and begins running them over either side of Akira's throbbing phallus. Doing so he can hear the big cat growling up above. The intensity of the sound is such that he can even feel it through the vibrations of his clothed thighs and the ground underneath. If Kenta was Hercules, then this is Zeus. And just like the mythological god of gods, Akira is most certainly promiscuous enough to take advantage of the small, impoverished young human. Appropriate then that he has succeed in coaxing his son's plaything into his own lap, shaky hands struggling to wrap around his engorged manhood.

The deity comparison continues in the back of his mind as Paul begins worshipping it; stopping just shy of prostrating himself as some sacrificial offering. There is no more speaking past this point. All of the understanding that the human needs comes from the body language and expression on the lion's face as he beckons the human forward with one large paw. More than a few nights with Kenta and Qiang have taught Paul how to anticipate and respond to the tells of a male cat's body. Now that there is a steady drooling of pre-ejaculate from Akira's throbbing penis the human moves his hands down and slips them for from the pulsating rod. They now find a nice position, each going for one furry orb each. Incredible. These are larger than the ones Kenta sports. Perhaps there is some difference in age, a genetic mutation or perhaps Akira just has not had the opportunity to release his pent up stores for sometime now. It does not matter though as Paul starts trying to lift them up gently and is unable to resist feeling excited at the way the massive testes sag over the edges of his hands, each larger than a baseball.

An extremely heavy though gently motioned paw starts pushing back behind Paul's head. Understanding the gentle gesture the human dives forward, his warm breath hitting the erect member a split second before his lips press against it. With his head tilted sideways the subservient primate now starts using his wet tongue and moist lips to lick and suckle even as he gradually moves up and down against Akira's phallic length. There is too much for him to realistically get his mouth around, certainly from this angle anyway. Nevertheless he is doing an admirable job of stimulating the glands near the barbed head with his tongue before now running back down and up. Sticky saliva and the more taste infused pre-ejaculate mix both on the shiny surface of Akira's cock and inside the warm embrace of Paul's slutty mouth. As he employs his magic he is aware of a few notes being flicked out from the wad as they float on past his long hair. He keeps both hands playing with and kneading at the lion's massive balls, though he is using one of his sock covered feet to try gathering up the banknotes as they slowly gather around him.

This activity is a piecemeal one, though one that is paying in substantial dividends both monetarily and physically. Already the entire fistful of bills has made its way from the lion's paw to an unkempt pile of the notes gathered between Akira's feet and Paul's knees. As for the throbbing spear of masculinity that the human has been worshipping and working over for nearly five minutes straight now. It has become even more pronounced than before, unwavering to bend away from its nearly perfectly straight position bobbing against Akira's abdomen. The human finds himself having to lean further, belly flopping against the lion's lap now as he nuzzles into the big cat's big stick. However by this point Akira is growing a little tired of the mere oral supplication.

Being manhandled is something that Paul has grown somewhat accustomed to over the last few months. Even so he is alarmed by the sudden and unannounced actions Akira takes in grabbing and lifting the smaller mammal up. He sort of spins Paul around before now bringing him down against his chest. The working jeans come off easily enough, a little tearing maybe but the money is more than enough to buy a new pair. Due to the size difference Akira has to lean in as opposed to recline back so that his whiskered face comes to bear down on Akira's now exposed behind. The human shivers as he feels both the fur and hot breath coming from the elder lion against his bare and furless skin.

Whilst Akira now starts spreading the human's butt cheeks apart, prepping him for the obvious, Paul gets a different angle on the same problem from before. Yet before he grabs the lion's pulsating member Paul takes a moment to appreciate the abdominal muscles his chin is resting against. He starts by running his fingers through the short fur, enjoying the feeling of the different bumps and groves of powerful muscles underneath as his fingertips travel. Even with the gut it is obvious both visually and tactilely how much muscle Akira has packed underneath the soft fur. Even the aroma of expensive conditioner is wearing thin now, replaced instead by the strong musky smells of a male lion. Paul is working himself up to have quite an appetite as his hands curve and meet back at the throbbing meat stick in front of him.

Reciprocation is the name of the game now. Though not exactly a straight up sixty nine position, with the smaller human on top of the larger lion. In near perfect synchronicity Paul's mouth nears the head of the swollen and pre-ejaculate oozing phallus head even as he feels the whiskers and now the tongue from Akira's mouth start to run along the outer region of his crack. The taste is just as he expected, a perfect match to Kenta's breed of musky goodness. He laps it up even as he purses his lips against the broad head. It twitches in his hands. These penises are nothing like a human one. Not only the size, and the unusual anatomy of feline barbs, but the way they respond and move to the touch of another creature's appendages gripping them. In a way he almost feels like a snake charmer as he deliberately paces his movements; careful not to set of a chain reaction which might led to a result that he wishes to avoid at this juncture. Already his long hair is starting to stick even as it ever so slightly hangs forward, brushing against the wet and angrily hot erection pressed against his mouth.

As for the seasoned lion's efforts, he has far more experience than Kenta in dealing with such matters as these. However his relative inexperience with Paul specifically means that he is ensuring to perform a thorough job of loosening him up. Humans are delicate things after all, especially ones this petite and almost feminine like. Lubrication and the gentle easement of Paul's anus are exactly what he needs to ensure before attempting anything far more invasive than the rough texture of his cat's tongue. With his claws gently spreading Paul's buttocks and the general area now moistened by his own spit, Akira now starts to work on the tiny pucker itself. Circling motions are the key here, carefully tracing the ring even as he gentle pushing his tongue forward between brief pauses. It is more than a laborious but he is happy with the pleasures that the human is applying to his erect pride down below. Even as he is performing this oral excursion Akira is aware of the human's own little member, hot and dripping just at the top of his furry pecs. If Paul were one of his own kind Akira would expect a steady stream of pre-ejaculate now trickling down his chest, but as it is the small amounts Paul is producing are just being absorbed into the lion's fur.

However in their eagerness the diametrically opposite males have been growing increasingly oblivious to their surroundings. They are positively enraptured by one another's bodies; both so very different, yet both so very alive with the fires of awakened sexuality. So neither of them notice sound of the elevator coming up, the doors opening and now closing again. Paul is only now starting to work his jaw wide enough so as to nearly start fitting the head of the leonine flesh just inside, though he has no intention of actually trying to get even a few of the incredibly thick inches properly past his teeth. It is worst possible timing as out in front of him, beyond the rest of the throbbing flesh and even the huge hanging furry orbs past them that he notices the door at the opposite end of the room opening.

Oh shit.


Father and Son

"Huh..." Kenta says and nothing more. He drops the bag and is now only staring. His jaw is clenched and arms hanging limp by his sides.

Paul knows he is tensing up. In fact his sphincter is actually gripping down tight upon Akira's tongue even as it is still poking up inside of the human's rectum. As for the elder lion, he is not sure what is going to happen next. Could they have even been caught in a worse position? The last thing any father should do is steal his son's most important plaything. Not only is it bound to cause drama, but with towering giants such as these it may cause some significant property damage too. But in spite of everything going so wrong there is one constant that prevails inside of Kenta's mind. Coming back from his workout session the young lion's body is tired, but far from asleep as the now rapidly expanding bulge in the front of his exercise shorts is showing. He is still mad of course, but at the same time all he really wants right now is someway to relax and release after being held up for so long. This day is going to to have a happy ending for him one way or another. Higher road for now then, lets see what happens next.

"So you began working on him without me?" Kenta asks, his eyes fixed on his father's which are peering up above the human's tender rear end. "Just as well. I think he could use some experience with another lion. Qiang is just not of the same calibre."

Confusion is rife inside of the poor human's sex-addled mind. He was expecting some kind of uproarious display of family drama. Another squeeze on his furless ass cheeks as Kenta starts to walk towards both of them. His hands are still around Akira's erection but all he can think to do is watch Kenta's approach. Now the younger lion is standing over the human, a knowing glance shared with his father as the older cat returns to loosening up Paul's orifice causing him to shiver. Without any warning a paw grabs the blond hair atop the human's pate, he hears a growled command before now being shoved down and against Akira's aching phallus. He tries to stretch his jaw as wide as possible even as Kenta forces their house servant to start choking down on father lion's dick. Understanding why Kenta is doing this has just now become irrelevant. All that matters is that Paul does what he does best and adapt, quickly too as his body starts sliding forward against Akira.

"Come on now, this can't be too difficult for you." Kenta's words are biting in tone. Although he is not sure, Paul suspects that there is some genuine hurt behind them. Betrayal for letting himself be seduced and prostrated before the younger man's own father? Whatever the motivation of this unexpected behaviour Paul now has a mouthful, literally, with the maturer lion's engorged pride.

Even as large as this room in the penthouse is, with a high rising ceiling, it is already beginning to reek with the smell of sex. This ever present musk combined with the act of shoving Paul down on his own father's cock is really starting to get to Kenta. As his eyes water from the feel of the older lion's thick and barbed dick jammed down his throat, Paul can still see clearly enough to know that Kenta's own pride has already grown to maybe a good half of its erotic potential. With one firm paw still offering insistence to Paul's oral task, Kenta starts to pull down his training shorts. With the kind of immediacy that can only come from such a virile male, the younger lion's dick throws itself out even before he is finished pulling his shorts all the way down to his knees. Of course Paul's eyes light up even as they continue watering from the object lodged deep down his gullet. This is a new kind of torture for him as Kenta begins to rub his dick, already oozing its own musky fluid, against the human's forehead and down over the bridge of his nose and against his puffed out left cheek.

"Do you always tease him like that?" Akira's voice comes from behind, his tongue growing tired from lubricating and loosening the human's eager asshole.

"Not always." Kenta replies. "But today is a special day. Am I right?" The lion looks back down at the alarmed face of his human roommate

Even if he could reply to the question, Paul has very little awareness or consideration for the banter between the two lions. Of far greater importance to him is the lack of oxygen going to his brain, along with the rest of him. Both of his hands are rapping against the older lion's thighs as he tries to pull back and away from the engorged monstrosity stuck down his throat. But no matter how desperate he gets Paul is unable to resist the force being applied behind his head. Even Akira becomes a little shocked as he only just now realises what his son is doing. Things are going numb, control over his own muscles relinquishing as Paul realises that he is slowly but surely losing consciousness. Precious seconds hang in the air giving him just long enough to notice that finally he is being drawn back up and off of Akira's throbbing spear, but already too late to save his conscious state. The world around him fades as the human's brain switches from one state to the other. His lips slowly returning to their original position is the last thing he feels before falling limp and unconscious against the big cat's naked belly.

"What did you do that for?" Akira growls.

"If you're going to fuck my servant, then you're going to do it my way dad." Kenta says before beginning to saunter off, bottomless and dick still hanging out from underneath his shirt. "Are you bringing him or not?"


After being dick choked into unconsciousness Paul is not sure what to expect as he wakes up. However even as he begins to stir on a foetal position he becomes aware of a constricting around his hands and feet. Tentative movements followed by blinking eyes looking down at his hands and feet confirms his initial suspicion. Bed linen has been torn into long strips of fabric and then tied and knotted so as to bind his feet and hands together. Moreover he has been stripped bare of any articles of clothing, though the warm room temperature and soft mattress underneath him prevent this from feeling uncomfortable. Finally he becomes aware of the two lions, both of them standing only a couple metres away at the end of the bed. Paul hardy has to check to know that both big cats have their matching big dicks swung out and throbbing in readiness to take what they desire most right now.

"Thirty minutes? You can't be serious." Paul hears Kenta say, the fact that it is in the human's tongue unnerves him.

"Yes I can. If you don't think you can match it then we can just call the bet off." Akira replies with an arrogant huff.

"Wait is he awake?" His eyes meet Paul's as he lies on his side, still curled up and trying not to panic.

"Didn't you notice son? He's been listening for awhile now." Akira chides.

Paul tries to speak up now, though his voice is cracked and not entirely under his own command. His oesophagus is sore after the stretching it received only moments ago. However as Kenta walks up quickly he realises all too late that this is not the time to be talking back. The lion takes one of the soft pillows in hand, a smaller one, and stuffs it into the human's face before laying him face down and ass up. A growled order is to stay as silent as a dormouse whilst father and son decide how they are going to do this. With once more tearful eyes Paul does as he is told. Right now all he can do is hope, and maybe pray, that whatever happens from now on will not escalate to the point where he will not survive. Even after all of this time and all the familiarity he has with Kenta, the way that the lion is acting towards and talking down to him now has the human genuinely terrified. This is not the same exchange student he met all those months ago. Less arrogant, more determined, and it is damn obvious why.

His father quickly decides that they will have a coin toss. Whoever wins has the first turn. Afterwards the other will take the challenge, sloppy seconds and all. Just hearing them discuss this is making Paul's sphincter pucker up. He should be sobbing into the pillow or something right now, yet somehow he is more excited than scared. The coin toss is made and Kenta wins. A devilish smirk is on the young lion's face as he walks past his father and back to the bed where the human is bound and prostrated. Is it a good thing or a bad thing that Kenta is one to go first? Maybe the younger lion will be gentler with his roommate, servant and lover of the past few months. But on the other hand it is the son with everything to prove here. Either way Paul is about to find out, his fingers curling around as much of the bed linen as he can grab whilst getting ready to bite into the pillow.

It starts with a gregarious smack over his already much molested rear end. Paul tenses and shivers as the lion's claws drag across the surface of his skin. They leave a visual mark, though nothing more than a scratch with no breaking of the skin. The human can feel the body heat coming from the large lion behind and above him as Kenta draws his crotch closer. Familiarity makes it easy for him to predict the exact moment that the turgid, throbbing length that is Kenta's male hood makes contact. It is hot, slick with pre-ejaculate and evidently eager to find a snug fit deep inside Paul's rectum. Now is the familiarity of feeling that hot pole pressed between his cheeks, hotdogging the two sides of flesh as they are pushed together by one paw on either side. Paul helps as best he can, contracting his buttocks and starts to make grotesquely loud moaning sounds against the pillow. Maybe if he cooperates and encourages him, Kenta will be merciful.

No such luck for that last thought though as all of a sudden Kenta draws himself back like notching an arrow and drives forward. Doggy style. It is a damn good thing that Akira had spent so long lubricating and exercising Paul's sphincter, otherwise the human might have been seriously hurt just now. Instead of any tearing or bruising however there is just pain and flaring up of erogenous nerve endings as he hollers into the pillow. Hard, fast and deep are the operative words today as Kenta growls and squeezes either side of the tiny human beneath him. The bed rocks even as the furry orbs that are the young lion's loins come slapping down against his human servant. The kinetic force is enough that Paul feels himself slipping forward, and the sheets sliding with him, across the mattress. He tries to look up at the wall but his vision is blurring, senses merging and his muscles shivering.

Without any prompting Kenta starts to drive back and forth more like a machine than a man. His pace is steady and his thrusting deep as Paul feels himself becoming looser and looser. There are no words to describe exactly what he feels inside of himself. All those times before it was slow and gentle, especially with Kenta being the gentler of the two. But this time it is brutal and primal in every sense of the words. He is not a person to Kenta right now, so much as Paul has become a thing into which the lion may discharge his pent up passions on. A toy or a slave then are what Paul has now become. A part of him recognises this, knows what the physical actions being performed on him represent. However all of that is irrelevant in the context of the physical demands being placed upon him. Only after a whole minute has passed of this does Paul realise something; this has to go on for at least thirty minutes.

After only five minutes of this incessant pounding Paul can feel the sore edges of his whole starting to numb. At least he believes they are numbing, though the sensation is more like an odd prickly sensation that is taking over from the previous sharp jabs of pain from every motion backwards and forwards. He might be sobbing into the pillow, but all he can focus on his the feeling of Kenta's erection driving deep inside of him. After ten minutes have passed the human is aware of the odd bump appearing on his belly each time the lion has fully submerged himself into the smaller man. His bound hands lay flat against his abdomen as Paul confirms this slight distortion in his body's morphology with every ball slapping motion. The most disturbing thing is that he did not notice it until just now. How deep must Kenta be going? Dwelling on this only makes Paul feel light headed, however that might be a good thing before the session is over.

Fifteen minutes have passed now. Akira looks fascinated as he watches his son keeping up the steady and dominant work of fucking the human raw. This is nothing any primate like Paul was made for. It is unnatural, yet shockingly the human has not passed out yet. Somewhere beneath all of the grunting and growling made by Kenta, there is still the lone whimpering and sobbing voice of Paul's exaggerated moaning. He is caught between pleasure and pain, light and darkness, relief and misery. There really is something special with the way that human has remained alert and cogent to the relentless pounding his son is mustering. Maybe there are some exceptional individuals Akira can find to take home with him. He assumes that Kenta will never give up the human he already possesses.

Approaching the twenty minute mark Kenta is starting to feel the burn in his loins. Sweat feels as though it has soaked into every strand of fur on his body. He had thought that by this point the human would be passed out cold. Such a state would make it much easier to pace himself and not lose himself early. However now only is Paul still awake, but the human's buttocks still have some life left in them. From the cheeks to the ring to the colon muscles inside Kenta can feel himself bring squeezed in on every time he rails his dick home. Short of physically knocking the human's head on the wall to put him to sleep Kenta does not think Paul is going to pass out after twenty minutes of this. Yet in spite of this setback he has to keep it up, stopping or slowing down would be just as bad as blowing his load early. He intends to finish this on his terms, not on his father's.

"Starting to look worked up there son. Do you need a break?" Akira says as they reach twenty five minutes. Kenta does not reply. He dares not reply, not now.

With every ounce of concentration the younger lion tries to hold it together even as he approaches the metaphorical finish line. However even as he digs his claws down and hunches over the human he knows it is too late. Already he can feel his loins lifting, whilst his hip thrusts slow and now even pause. Of course Paul can feel it too. The big guy on top of him is struggling to keep it all in and just like an idiot Paul decides to flex his rear end yet again. A haunting roar bellows out from Kenta's mouth as he tries to do something other than move. But it is too late. His dick is throbbing even as his balls churn away unloading themselves. Paul can feel it running down the length before bursting forth. His insides are painted white even as Kenta curses and pulls back. His erection jumps out whilst still ejaculating. Long stick strings of cream jet out across Paul's back, onto the sheets and even onto Kenta's own torso. He rolls over and onto his back besides the human on his belly. Both of them are a mess whilst laughter can be heard coming from their voyeur.


Bonding Experience

Paul's hair is a mess. It drapes from his pate down over his face like a mop. Everything is moist or sticky, inside and outside. He feels like he has spent a couple workout sessions at the gym and then some. It hurts too. His butt is sore, his insides ache and his eyes sting. But somehow he has survived, even whilst being conscious through all of that. Never before has he had such an intense experience. Looking over at the lion laying next to him, similarly covered in his own spunk, Paul smiles weakly. However Kenta is not in the least bit happy, and for a second it almost looks like he could claw the human's stupid face off just to get rid of that ignorant smile. Of course at least one person in the room is in a somewhat presentable state, even whilst nursing the not at all insignificantly sized erection that he has been beholden with for the past half an hour of unrelenting love making.

"That was a great show. I have to admit you had me going there for a moment. Really looked like you were going to keep it up." Akira is nothing if not a gracious winner.

"Whatever..." Kenta huffs like a stroppy teenager. He even tries folding his arms across his chest but stops when he realises just how sticky it is there.

"However there is still the matter of this..." Akira says whilst looking down at his achingly hard daddy dick, it has been hard all whilst watching his son fucking the human servant. It is obvious he expects his happy ending.

"Go... take him then." The younger lion does not have any fight left in him.

Unable or perhaps just unwilling to resist, Paul is pulled up and over one side of Akira's broad shoulders. Like a trophy he is now being carted off and away from Kenta. Positioned with his legs around the front of the older lion and his arms dangling over his back, the human gets one last look at his roommate turn owner. Both exhausted and defeated, the young lion is curling up on the semen stained bedsheets. Something approaching sympathy is summoning itself forth from inside of Paul's figurative heart. However such a feeling is quickly suppressed as a twinge of almost crippling pain comes from his poor abused and distended rectum. Is this really all he is? Some sort of human plaything for these cats? Whatever the answer to that question is, he can only hope that Akira is more careful with his toys than Kenta.


The jacuzzi is frothing one set of bubbles after the next, reach replacing the ones that have come before as they reach the end of their short existences. Paul is watching them, even as he feels them rub and slip past his naked body beneath the surface. There is always something just a little bit absurd about jacuzzis. Like a bubble bath for rich grown-ups. And this is the first time the human has ever had the experience of being in one. The novelty is almost enough for him to ignore the other person relaxing across from him. Along with that person's male genitalia sticking up and over the surface of the jacuzzi's frenetic water. Paul wonders just how long a male lion like Akira can stay so painfully and obviously aroused for. Their physiology must be different in ways that he does not yet understand. Though their strength and stature are certainly in excess of humans, that much is obvious. Even after spending months in a room with two of the creatures Paul stills understands so little.

"Do you like the water?" Akira asks. His eyes have not left the naked human, not even once.

"Y-Yeah. It's nice." Paul replies, running one hand through a wet strand of his blond hair.

The lion had insisted that he relax first and get some of the jizz off of his skin and out of his hair. Sitting here in the jacuzzi for the past few minutes has been nice. However that ever-present erection makes it hard for him to forget what Akira wants and intends to do next. Paul suspects that Kenta's father gets off on letting smaller, and perhaps in his eyes lesser males of whatever species, stare at him. Both a voyeur and an exhibitionist then. Certainly with all of this time to look at him in his aroused state, to say nothing of his hands on time, the human is sure that Akira is indeed larger than his son. Daddy's own cock. It is shameful but the damn thing does leave him excited under the water.

"So what do you think about my son?" Akira asks in a serious and rumbling intonation.

"He's umm, a good friend." Paul replies, more than a little confused by the sudden and unwarranted question.

"And as a lover?" That tone just got deeper, his brow inclining downwards. Something not at all pleasant is on Akira's mind.

"Err, he's not exactly my lover. I mean he p-pays me a-and-" Paul knows he is stuttering and his hands are trembling underneath the water.

"I can see, hear and taste it you know. You care for him, and he cares for you. Though like always he tries to hide it from me." Akira explains and now sighs, his shoulders relaxing before continuing. "It's not right. He shouldn't get involved with people like you."

"H-Hey! What do you mean?!" The human's confidence is quickly returning, spurned on by the unmistakable sting of a demeaning judgement on his character and worth as a person.

"What do I mean? Let me show you!" Akira growls and now moves at the kind of speed that cats are known for in short bursts.

Water splashes about over the edges of the jacuzzi as the seasoned lion practically pounces forward whilst reaching out with one massive claw. He grabs the human by the scurf of his neck and not too gently drags him back until he is on the big cat's side of the tub. Naked and wet the human's torso presses against that throbbing tower in front of the lion's muscle gut belly and chest. He is not squirming. In fact Paul is bringing his hands up and grasping at either side of that gigantic beast of a phallus. It is larger. His own dick is poking into and against the large swollen orbs between the lion's thighs. Even after that abusive butt pounding from Kenta, Paul finds himself back in this position. It is like a never-ending cycle by now. He wants this and does not know if he will ever have an opportunity like it again. No partner from his own species can ever compare.

"See? You're just a slut. For money or for sex it does not matter." Akira's growled words are biting, but Paul is not really paying attention to them anymore.

Paul runs a couple fingers around and against the glans near the head. They brush the barbs there and pick up pre-ejaculate as it once more starts oozing out readily. Akira's dick jumps under the firm and experienced grasp of the humans hands as he once again starts working on the lion. Those things he is saying might be true, but none of it is going to stop Paul taking what he wants. Which in this particular case is to bring this pampered, rich, leonine man to the boil, and have him lose control all over Paul's face sat here in this tub. So with both hands clasped firmly around either side of the lion's throbbing erection, Paul now begins to rubbing up and down. He is starting slow but already starts picking up the pace, going faster and faster whilst his head hangs over the hot head of the spear. Sadly Akira does not take the initiative in pushing Paul's mouth down on top of his turgid erection. However Paul is more than willing to do this himself, perhaps in a way bringing verification to the claims the old cat is making.

"Fuck that's new. What are you doing down there?" Akira grunts as he feels the human's tongue press against the slit of his penis. Paul has picked up some tricks over all this time, especially from Qiang.

Swelling around the base is increasing, so Paul quickly moves both hands down. He squeezes the thick base of Akira's staff before now getting his hands around both of those massive orbs underneath the water. With no shame whatsoever the human grabs the wet furry cantaloupe sized testes and squeezes them around his dick, hotdogging the lion's loins. All the while his mouth is still sucking down on that fat head of course, though not daring to go down on him at this juncture. Chuffed grunts between long growls signal the growing and unrelenting sexual pressure building up inside of the giant male. No long now until detonation. In which case Paul wants a taste for sure, but he would rather not be knocked out or even drown in the gooey mess that is to come.

The surprising aggressiveness in Paul's actions are getting to Akira more than the proud lion would ever dare admit. Although not exactly one for being used for the sexual gratification of others, Akira is enjoying the way that the human is practically using the lion right now. It could still just be a performance of course, trying to satisfy Akira enough so that he will not interfere between him and Kenta. However such a thing is hard to believe. Those words spoken only a moment ago might be true, but there is more to this human than simply a willingness to whore himself out. Paul has found his calling, his talent for pleasing these giant men from the east and in the process getting precisely what he wants from out of them. Both from their wallets and from what the human is currently squeezing between both hands and around his far smaller primate dick.

A roar, exactly like the ones he has heard so many times in the past with Kenta under or over him sounds. Paul knows to pull back just in time, whilst his fingers and thumbs feel the tensing and contracting motion from Akira's testicles. His eyes dart up past the large lion's chest, looking up from beneath his brow and wet long hair the young man is grinning wickedly at the elder big cat as he comes; and boy does he come. The first volley is more than enough to fill his mouth as Paul leans in one direction to catch even a portion of the land. It splashes back whilst a second shot is already following the first. Paul closes his eyes, though keeps his mouth open, lion spunk dribbling out from it like a waterfall whilst a second charge comes barreling towards him. One thing he remains firmly in place though are his hands around Akira's balls. He wants to feel every last drop as it forcibly ejected out of him, to drain the patriarch dry.



With a satisfied and in his own way overwhelmed lion settling into the now gained jacuzzi water, Paul has slipped out and away from the overbearing father. Sore and physically exhausted though his body may be, the human still wants to make something right. He peeks into the bedroom and sees Kenta still coiled on the bed. The lion's tail is flicking idly, whilst the muscles in one thigh visibly twitch in involuntary contractions. Still in the nude, and a little wet from the tub, Paul steps inside and closes the door shut behind himself. As the bolt snaps softly into place one of Kenta's ears twitch and he turns his head, looking sideways on at the small and slightly bruised furless primate. He huffs and promptly turns away again.

"I know what will cheer you up." Paul says softly as he walks up to the end of the bed.

Hanging off the edge are both very broad set of naked paws. Kenta's feet are one of his most handsome features, apart from all the ripped musculature. But more than that, the lion's feet are sensitive to an erotic fault. So Paul gets down on his knees and reaches out both hands to grasp one of the large feet. Kenta twitches but does not pull away from the human's touch. Experienced fingers begin to massage and knead at the plantigrade arch around top. Whilst the primate's opposable thumbs rub between digitigrade like pads. In mere seconds Paul can start to hear the steady rumbling of what counts for a large lion's baritone purr. Not that he is anywhere near finished yet. For whilst his hands start working their way up to the clawed toes, he leans in and begins to lick lavishly between and against the pads on the underside of Kenta's sole.

"Why are you doing that?" Kenta says as he sprawls out a little on his back and looks down at the human kneeled at the end of the mattress.

"Because I want to." Is all that Paul says before now moving from the first foot and on to the second.

His words are not hollow neither. Not that it is the familiar taste and scent of the lion's large, almost leathery like underside of his feet. That is a long since acquired taste sure that has a certain enjoyment for Paul. But it is that purr, the enjoyment and satisfaction of a job well done in worshipping this large and powerful man which Paul enjoys. Even though he may never well admit this, Paul does feel a particular kind of attraction and care for the lion. One that is unspoken, but very much shown in moments like this. As Kenta starts getting into it the big cat presses his foot against the human's face squishing the primate's nose down. A wicked grin appearing on the cat's face as the human tries to adapt as best he can, always kneading with both hands, always licking with his wet tongue and and applying gentle kisses with greedy lips. Paul was right about one thing, this is one way to improve a domineering lion's mood. Peeking just over a horizon of claws Paul can spy something large and throbbing that Kenta is stroking in one hand. It is looking to be an extra long shift today.

Maybe I should ask for overtime pay.

Cursed Reception

CURSED RECEPTION by Iscin This is a work of erotic fiction. All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over. All rights reserved © 2015. Selth is © his player. Other characters are also © Selth and his partner. * * * ## **CHAPTER...

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Wet Wolf

| []( | | WET WOLF by Iscin This is a work of erotic fiction. All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over. All rights reserved © 2014. Ardex © His Player Yerkelayh © His...

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Oiled Up

# Oiled Up > This is a work of erotic fiction. It was written by Iscin on Commissioned by Ardex. All rights reserved © 2014. * * * ## Turn Right Has it really only been eight months? The grey wolf looks at his watch. A little over...

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