Cursed Reception
A commission for Selth Blackwings. This was a lot of work and actually went over the word count a good deal. It includes a lot of very fetishistic stuff and a powerful villain. I hope all enjoy reading and do please leave a comment below :).
Synopsis: Selth, a black latex dragon, is invited to the dwelling of an infamous griffon lord. What he finds there will change him in ways he could scarcely imagine before.
by Iscin
This is a work of erotic fiction.
All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over.
All rights reserved © 2015.
Selth is © his player. Other characters are also © Selth and his partner.
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These are his lands, there are many like them, but these are his. Selth flicks his messy white hair back and looks out over his lands. There are verdant green fields to the south that roll one after the next, occasionally blemished by the halcyon fields of the kobold settlers. From over there he can see black smoke rising from the town as foreigners have introduced new steam engines to them. He will have to keep an eye on them if they try to cut down the forest without his consent. In the north and east there are villages and a town that are enshrouded in evergreen woodlands, providing a semblance of protection along with natural resources. And finally there are the westward plains that extend back into the distant older and grander dragon kingdoms.
Not that things were always this way for the black dragon. It was not that long ago that he was a prisoner, a slave, a subject for experimentation at the hands and tentacles of a creature that should only exist in nightmares. To be be abused and overpowered in the ways he was were as psychologically harmful as anything else for a proud dragon. Yet he had found freedom, eventually. But his time spent underground with that abomination were not completely without compensation. He had received a gift, of sorts, from the experiments that were performed on him.
Selth's entire body is of the constitution of a latex flesh. A living merger of the organic with the inorganic. Its reflective obsidian surface hints at the nature of it, though his condition is most apparent when he contorts and changes himself. Not unlike a cephalopod Selth can squeeze and fit into spaces that no normal invertebrate should be able to. Unlike a cephalopod, Selth also possesses certain resistances far exceeding the usual scaly hide of a dragon. It was these advantages along with handwork that granted him the opportunity to carve out his own territory here in the western dragon kingdoms. Somewhat to the envy of his neighbours, all of which are far older drakes, having earned their lands through more conventional means. But then nothing about Selth is conventional.
He yawns and stretches his forelegs. They seem to subtly extend, almost growing longer all by themselves before flexing back to their original measurements. The sun is still up, but Selth had been up all night flying home. As he finishes his yawn a thin smile spreads across his face as he thinks back to last night. The familiarly exotic, that is what he called him, what he was to Selth. An individual every bit as eccentric and intrigued by the strange and unusual as Selth himself is. Not that any of the others can understand that. In a way though he is grateful for his lands, they are also a burden to him. Western dragons are not known for their out of the box thinking. It is all tradition, all by the numbers. Not like those from the east, not like him.
Lost in thought Selth is taken off guard by the approach of the carrier owl. Not that the poor thing is attempting to be at all silent like its wild cousins. Hatched and magically bound from being chicks, these owls are trained to serve as a sort of robust mail delivery service for the kingdoms. Each one wears a strange sort of harness all of its life. The harness provides a series of straps ending in hooks to help them carry the messenger satchels and mail bags. Only powerful creatures such as dragons or wealthy nobles from prosperous towns can afford to use the service, but then no one else really needs them. They are really the only way for mountain cave dwelling dragons to ever receive their letters.
This one is an eagle-owl, the most commonly chosen species due to their size and stamina. Its yellow eyes meet the dragon's red ones and something rune like shimmers behind him. Its magical programming tells the owl that it has found the recipient. Selth watches as the owl seeks out a nearby rock to avoid the dirt and lowers its bag onto it. These avians have always fascinated the black drake. With attitude and understanding amplified by the spells placed upon them, the birds are almost self-aware. Since his experiences underground Selth he can appreciate the inherent cruelty of this, yet his conscience is not trouble enough so as to protest the usage of the birds. And besides, how else would he get his mail on time?
It only takes a handful of seconds for the owl to ferret through its bag before its talons pluck out a large lightish brown envelope. Selth steps up closer to the mail-bird and notices even from this angle that there is a red wax seal on the letter. The owl looks back at him, cocks its head slightly and extends its claw with the letter grasped. I wonder who it could be... An amused smirk is on the dragon's face as his tail whips around, thinning out thanks to its mouldable qualities, and carefully takes the letter so as not to bend it. With its delivery complete the bird gathers up its mailbag before flapping its wings and taking up to the skies again. Selth sits and watches it flying away, the tip of his tail gently prodding the envelope's seal.
The Dark Castle
_Ominous _is a word that comes to mind as Selth first lays eyes upon the castle. Flying in from a southernly direction he has been taking note of the way the land seemed to sour and blacken from the ones he is used to. It is as though everything in the vicinity of this one structure is being affected somehow. A disease that festers through the very ground beneath your feet, tainting everything it touches. Even the air beneath his wings feels cooler than it should be, almost as though icy flecks suspended in the air are hitting and instantly evaporating against his warm smooth skin. Of course all of this might be dismissed as a dramatic imagination, if not for the castle itself. Which apart from ominous can also be described as gothic.
There are at least five main towers, some of which are more like twisted spires. They are accompanied by a smaller network of battlements. Looking down from on high the dragon can see very rotund buildings, only for their rooftops and edges to be peppered with gargoyles and spikes that make them look almost church like. All of these constructions are built out of the same grey-black brick, many of which have become host to tangles of knotted vines and splashes of diseased looking moss across the rooftops. Its location on a small island surrounded by a natural moat just up the road from the nearby town only makes it all the more fitting for some dark lord or rather sorcerer type who can ascend the steps up the tallest tower and hurl malevolent conjurations down at the peasants from afar.
Selth realises that he is circling it for the fifth time now. The edges of his extremities are starting to feel a little numb. Yet even having traveled this far the dragon is just a little hesitant about going any further. Ambiguity about the letter he received already gave some reason to pause, but now that he sees the sender's abode for himself it is only bringing new fuel to those fears deep inside of him. However the contents of the message means that he must find out what the person down below knows, how they know it, and what their intentions are. It would be nothing short of disastrous for him if others in the western kingdoms were to learn that he is courting an eastern dragon.
I just know this isn't going to end well.
Lord Basil Tykhin is surrounded by a mountain of books, stacked either side of him. As expansive as his study and private library are, perhaps it is time he considers having an extension built. Not that having arcane tomes pilled up on floor and shelf alike are keeping him from his work. Manservants have flittered in and out of the study, mostly concerning providing regular intervals of brandy and his breakfast and now dinner. He is just polishing off the last portion of the steak and kidney pie with gravy he had the cook prepare today. It is simple food but it is prepared by the best chef in these lands; the griffon-demon should know too after having scoured them for choice household staff.
Suddenly the heavy mahogany doors leading into his study swing open. They barely stop before hitting the wall as one of Basil's many servants walks in. Peter is a green scaled kobold, dressed in smart attire tailored for his body complete with a bowtie, he serves as one the senior household staff and by that measure is permitted to intrude with due cause. The griffon-demon stabs the last morsel of his dinner with a fork, holds it up to his grey beak and snaps it up. As he swallows the kobold is walking over from the door before stopping a couple metres away from his master's desk and bows curtly.
"What is the matter Peter?" Basil asks in drawl.
"Sir, we have a visitor. The one you spoke of. The... dragon."
Finally something more interesting than ancient and devious incantations to occupy himself with. Basil practically leaps up from his chair, startling the comparatively petite kobold. He can feel his heart beginning to race. The expectation had been that Selth would have wrote a letter back, attempt to ignore his summons or even send a proxy. Really it is quite surprising that the dragon could be this careless, this arrogant after what had already happened to him once before. But then again that is the trait of these creatures. Self-importance and that air of invincibility. Nothing can touch him, especially now that he has become something more than a mere normal dragon. The vicious smile that is now beaming from Basil's black face is so transparent that Peter does not need to inquire as to what his master is thinking.
"Excellent news Peter! Just excellent! Go ahead and let him settle in. I will be there momentarily." Basil commands his servant. Glancing back at the bookcase behind him the griffon-demon starts searching for the tome he needs.
The inside of the main castle is as gothic as its exterior. Tall black walls are peppered with carvings, paintings depicting horrific scenes and mounts of slain beasts. Selth looks up and around, taking in every sight whilst being lead into the foyer. This room is slightly less imposing than the others, having an actual carpet for one, along with a fireplace and furniture that albeit is not designed for feral dragons. Nevertheless the little kobold shows him an area that is sufficiently spacious and padded for the dragon to curl up and wait for his host. Not entirely trusting of the small lizard man, Selth uses his tail like a whip, forming a late club at one end, and beats the padded flood a couple times checking for a trapdoor or other trick. Satisfied that nothing is there he now curls up and starts to wait.
With the time offered him he continues to look around and consider where he is and what this Lord Tykhin is like. Judging by the decor, both outside and inside the foyer, this lord is clearly a very rich man. He remembers hearing one or two things, down the grapevine as it were, before about him. A griffon of some infamy, Basil allegedly helped to reclaim these lands after the bloody assassination of its previous owner; a grand copper dragon who had lived for over a thousand years before succumbing to others. Assassination is considered the most dishonourable method of acquiring new lands, so when another dragon had stepped up to announce her ascendancy there was some discontent. If memory serves him Selth recalls that Lord Tykhin had helped led the inquiry into this dragoness and her legitimacy to rule this kingdom, ultimately leading to a siege of the castle before she was brought to justice. For his efforts the griffon had been given temporary ownership of these lands, which had thereafter become permanent.
Selth is staring at one of the mounted heads, something with a pair of antlers but with a face far more predatory than a mere deer, when he hears the door open. He turns to see Lord Basil Tykhin as the griffon-demon walks inside. His stride is confident, very obviously self-assured to the point of nearly swaggering as he approaches the dragon in the room. Selth notes the clothes Basil is wearing, simple black pants a while shirt and a green smoking jacket on, it all looks creased as though he has been in the same clothes for awhile now. The kobold servant slinks away, closing the door behind to leave the two lords to their business. Of course the kobold has some idea of what his master is plotting and is making sure to bolt the door, which Selth notices as a small click. Basil says something about welcoming his guest with gracious civility and that anything of comfort that can be offered will of course be provided. It is the same meaningless lip service Selth has heard a hundred times before, so much so that it barely registers.
"So..." Selth starts to say with Basil sits down in a grand armchair opposite the carpeted ground the dragon is curled upon. "Do you want to start by explaining the meaning of that letter?"
Basil grins from one side of his beak to the other, there is something behind his yellow eyes; a kind of mischief Selth has not seen in a very long time now. That look is in some ways more disturbing than what the letter had said. This is no game for him, this griffon knows something that no one should know about. Yet it is not the indirect challenge that Basil has presented which irks Selth so much as the revelation about his own arrogance. He was so certain that they had kept their secret safe, and indeed they have both had to be certain, anything less invites the kind of problems that has destroyed greater rulers.
"I want to know how you found out about him dammit!" Selth's voice is raised to the point of reaching the kind of volume usually reserved for outright roars of anguish or rage. Pottery and paintings tremble in the foyer, threatening to fall onto the ground below.
"Your friend to the east. The one with the, now how did they describe him." Basil pauses and muses for but a moment. "Ah yes, as a dragon with the mouth of a serpent. So very hungry that one. Maybe I should pay him a visit"
The implication can only be taken negatively. Selth can feel the rage rapidly build with him and without even thinking it he is already standing up. Basil raises one eyebrow as if he is more amused than concerned about the dragon as he towers over the griffon and starts walking towards him. He has not even decided what he is going to do yet, but reason is not really the motivating factor here. Selth's tail swishes from one side to the next, knocking over ornaments and furniture alike, even the carpet tearing from the mess he is making. But even smashed furniture is not worrying the griffon-demon, he remains seated and watching the dragon approach him. Like a majestic beast from legend more than reality Selth looms above the smaller male, extended wings causing him to look larger than he appears, shiny and sharp teeth glittering in the light.
"Say that aga-" Selth is prevented from finishing his sentence as something bright flashes above him.
A chandelier went unnoticed, positioned between the dragon and the griffon. Now that Selth has stepped underneath it the trap has been triggered. Arcane runes glow into life beneath his feet and underneath his belly as blue lightning zaps down from the chandelier. The crystals are seemingly the source of the power, though the trigger was Basil himself. There are many traps like these, positioned in key locations around the castle. Some are more dramatic than others. This one is relatively simple and quick with bands of light that envelope and hold the dragon in place. Even with his limited degree of latex shapeshifting the dragon is incapable of escaping this trap. It is although every atom of his body is being held place, from without and within. The ward itself is intended to help with the capture of magically imbued creatures, just like dragons, and uses this to hold them by their very essence. Even the mind flayer was not this ingenious.
"Now you sleep." The griffon states as he stands up. "And when you wake up the fun begins."
There is light all around him. Not artificial light neither, but natural light. He can feel the difference on his smooth latex skin. Even being a creature composed of living latex the dragon still has something of a normal nervous system that is slowly becoming aware of his surroundings. Selth is already stretching out, from his head to the tip of his tail he contorts before brushing up against his warming confines. At first he is confused by exactly what is surrounding him, his vision still blurred and his brain waking up. But after a moment more he comes to an accurate conclusion. Glass. He is surrounded by clear glass. The last thing Selth remembers is the light holding him in place and that griffon. He tries to move and look around more feeling weak all over, as though every fibre on his body has been sapped of all its strength. Suddenly he notices a face on the other side of the glass, roughly looking in on him from his left side. It is him.
Looking in from the outside Basil is watching his prey with a wicked smile spread on his face. The griffon looks remarkably different then before. Now he is nearly completely naked, having discarded the worn clothes he had been in while studying through the night and day. This reveals his strong and virile body. His head, neck, torso, arms and wings are all covered I the same raven black feathers with the typical falcon like upper half. But the lower half of his body is as though that of a white tiger, the largest of all big cats in anthropomorphic form. He is larger than any mortal man, in every conceivable way, and that includes the all male genitalia. Even with the feathers and fur he should feel the cool air up here on one of the castle towers, but none of it phases him as he looks through the glass at his quarry.
Selth watches as the griffon now begins walking around the dragon. It seems there is some sort of platform built around the glass sphere built expressly for observation. Somehow Selth gets the impression that even though both of them are naked, it is only the dragon who is the exposed one here. Holy on a minute. With a feeble, visibly shaking foreleg claw, the dragon reaches for his neck and confirms something clasped around his neck. Apparently he is not entirely naked after all, and someone has attached a collar around his neck. It is a surprisingly thick and probably durable thing made from black and red leather, though the inside facing side is padded with purple cloth.
Is he claiming me? Some sick game pretending I'm his slave now?
The thought of it is making the black dragon's blood being to boil in his veins. No way he is going to let some half rate magic user try to render him down into nothing more than animate property. In that thought he is clenching his claws around the collar. Even in what is probably a drugged state there is enough strength for him to remove such a small thing. Hell it is not even made of metal or anything. Prehensile claws are something every feral dragon should not be without. Three claws manage to slip between the velvety soft cloth and his neck before the dragon starts to pull in a quick yanking motion expecting the leather to snap; it does not.
What the hell is this made of? The dragon wonders to himself, now ignoring the stalking griffon. Strength feels as though it is slowly returning to him. So he pulls again, harder this time. Once more the collar remains on his neck. The only result is that he yanks his own neck forward and nearly bangs is head against the stone floor that serves as the base of this dome structure. He growls to himself, both annoyed and confused. Selth decides it is better to focus on other things, seeing as he is still technically caged. The dragon stands up, with each passing second he can feel his faculties both physical and mental, returning to him in full. Though expectant to take a leave of absence from this strange cell the dragon is wise enough not to rush about it.
A proper inspection of his surroundings reveals that this dome is situated within the castle walls, though somewhat elevated beyond any of the other towers or battlements. This is not a feature Selth remembers noticing in his flyby of the griffon's abode before. Perhaps he is just misremembering, or then again maybe this structure is new or was concealed in some manner. Regardless it surely sticks out sorely from the other sections and towers of the castle. It is almost like a strange wizard's tower, rising all on its own. Though he is unable to get a proper view from his current position the dragon suspects the tower might be a little wonky too. Such things are known to him, and any creature experienced in the magical arts. These towers are not built by men, or even kobolds as the case might be with Basil's company, they are erected by the aether itself. Technically then this is not a real tower Basil has locked Selth in, but some sort of temporary construct, like scaffolding for an execution.
However the outright strangest thing of note about his prison is the glass dome itself. It really is all there is as far as he can tell apart from the wooden gantry. Judging from the surprising integrity of the collar around his neck the dragon is wart of the real strength of the glass, or for that matter of fact even if it is glass. Possibly some kind of crystal? No apparent holes for air, but maybe there is a gap between the dome and the floor. He now stands up in the dome, stretching out more as his body finishes waking up. Testing his hypothesis the dragon reaches out with a single sharp digit. The dragon's claw touches the inner surface and nothing happens. So he now tries to press into and draws his claw along. Nothing. Not even a screeching sound and certainly no mark as he moves his claw away. Collared and trapped in a dome made of what is most certainly not glass. Possibilities and fears are now running through his mind
"Wondering what happens next?" The malevolent voice reaches inside of the dome as if it is coming from all around him. Selth cranes his neck to look where the griffon is.
"I assume you can hear me too?" Selth asks.
"Yes. You're smarter than I expected. Most would have charged or dished out a little immolation trick by now." Basil's voice replies, though his lips do not move on the other side of the transparent dome. Obviously some kind of psychic link, but to the dome or through the collar to him? That latter thought troubles Selth greatly.
"So what does happen next?"
"Sundown, actually. I'm afraid what I want from you will take a little more time." And with that the griffon extends his immense black wings and takes off down the side of the tower.
Hours have passed which have been paradoxically both mind racking and mind numbing. In that time the black dragon has tried just about everything he think of. Up to and including the dragon rampage option that his captor had taunted him about. Dishearteningly the dome, and the stone floor beneath him, both refused to break, crack or even tarnish in any discernible way. But most depressingly of all Selth does not feel as flexible as he once did. Though his body still consists of the "living latex" as he has enjoyed being for some time now, there is something stiff about it. Selth suspects that this constriction on his flexibility is due to the collar he has been forced to wear and is still unable to conceivably remove without taking his neck with it. After the first hour or so of trying these things out the dragon curled up the floor and started thinking and waiting.
Now the sun is about to set, the last light of the day barely shining above the horizon in the distance. On an his oversized pedestal the dragon can see it all. In a word the sight is beautiful. Pensiveness concerning what happens next is distracting him from enjoying the moment. What if it is something bad? Such a stupid question, of course it is going to be bad, for him at least. Anger is quickly rising up again and Selth stands up, stretching his neck out to see the last of the light fade. In an almost animalistic frustration he intakes a deep breath and roars as loudly as he can. Though the sound is only reverberating off the dome and risking to send him deaf. Ironically however this may well be the last time Selth will get to do such a thing.
With the last daylight gone the only significant source of illumination now comes from the moon above. As its radiance becomes the dominant one washing over Selth's elastic skin something takes hold over him. This is a power amplified by the collar, that much he is certain as he feels it grow in warmth around his neck. Though there is more than one source for the sensation. The feeling of warmth, an invisible heat, starts spreading across his naked body. It is coming from the direction of the moon itself, the silver orb hanging high above the tower and its dome. In mere moments the dragon is beginning to feel incredibly uncomfortable. His tongue lolls out like a canine's baking in the heat as he begins panting heavily. Selth tries to shade himself with his wings, but that only makes them scream with agony.
His fears are unfortunately about to be validated, as the invisible heat spreads all across his body. Though it began from the direction of the moonlight, it is has now become as though his entire body is covered in the same stinging presence, even the shaded underside of his body and tail. Though the moon helped serve as a trigger, it was something else that was causing this intolerable sensation. The collar! It must be the collar, if only there was a way to remove the cursed thing. But the more he endures this pain, the less cohesive his thoughts are. It is as though there are two attacks occurring, one against his body and one against his mind. Making it impossible for Selth to realise what is really going on. In reality the energy that is being sent across his body and burying into his soul was being store during the day, now that it is night, Basil's malevolent spell has come alive to use that energy.
From the outside it looks as though the dome has begun glowing. In fact more than just glowing now as the light intensifies in all directions, almost as if a mini-sun has just been born above the castle and its gothic towers. This light is coming from Selth himself. From skin to horns, from mouth to tail he is glowing as bright as a new born star. Yet oddly he does not feel bad, in fact he feels kind of good. A psychedelic infusion of new senses start washing away the panic he felt just a moment ago. The dragon cries out, not in anguish but in joy. No, much more than mere joy, but in passionate release. This transformative power is far from over however, seeing as a brightly glowing dragon is not really on the griffon's list of desires. What happens next is where the real fun stuff comes in.
Mere moments after Selth has adjusted to this new, indescribable sensation of warmth welling from his innermost being, external changes begin to occur. The first one is nothing more than a shrinkage, a slow contractions of his own overall body mass. It starts so gradually for him that at first the dragon is barely even aware of it, probably due in part to his existing elastic and mouldable nature. With the dawning of understanding so begins the rapidly growing terror in juxtaposition to his shrinking body. Fear and uncertainty compel the dragon to lash out, once more striking the dome, the floor, and even hitting himself a couple of times whilst attempting to remove the collar. But nothing is to avail him of his predicament, already having shrunk to a point where he is two thirds of his original length, height and width. However the size shifting is only one part of this strange and terrifying experience.
Bones and organs start changing places, wracking his body with pain and moving the dragon upright to stand on his hind legs. Incapable of keeping any kind of balance in his pained and changing state Selth falls down, crashing onto his side with a loud thud. From his head to his tail, bone, sinew and flesh are knitted and rearranged, and in the process are leaving him presently paralysed and vulnerable. Extreme body contortions and distortions are not the only thing that is changing now however, as with some small amount of self-awareness and a great deal of shock, the dragon realises his genitals are also shrinking. In fact they are growing shrivelled so fast that they damn near up and suck back up inside of his body.
A gargling, unnatural sound comes from the dragon's mouth. It is as though he is trying to speak but is too crippled by the transformation to actually string together the proper syllables. Instead of crying out for help he just continues to writhe as a previously four legged body structure is turned into one of a more anthropomorphic nature. Other changes are also beginning in earnest, the most radical of these being the texture and surface of his skin changing. Feathers sprout around from every surface, most of them consisting of a midnight black shade. However his wings take on a startling crimson red cover of feathers. His tail as well, shrinks slightly before now splitting and becoming a collection of long flexible tail feathers not unlike the tails of a kitsune. Even his mouth changes, whilst horns shrink, to become a pale silver coloured beak.
The final changes once more concern the most sensitive areas of what was once his body. First are two bumps along his chest that expand and grow to become two very obvious black feathered breasts. Right now none of these changes are being tracked by Selth. He, or more accurately at this point, she is lost in a mind bending psychosis, just as her body is being bended in so many more ways. At the height of this internal confusion the last alteration occurs, and with it Selth's mind snaps back to reality like a piece of rubber having been stretched too far and suddenly breaking. What is that? She thinks to herself, the pain and electrifying sensations suddenly leaving her. Both feathered hands reach down and between her legs. They brush upon something soft, warm, and extremely sensitive to even the briefest of touches right now. She gasps and in that same moment becomes distracted by the feeling of her new beak, no teeth.
She wants to continue exploring, to check everything about herself. Truth be told she is struggling to accept what has just happened. Anyone would in her present condition. However now that the energies of the transformation have passed, so too has her own vitality. Arms hang limply, as do her wings and legs as she lolls about on the floor. With a little concentration she is able to rock herself a little but is incapable of getting up. There is just nothing left inside of her. With a dry mouth and a sore, feeble body, she once more surrenders to the discontinuity that is sleep. It can wait for tomorrow, everything can wait for the dawn.
The Cycle
Basil had described it as a great experiment. Something new and refreshing from the usual method of soul extraction. Of course Peter had not truly understood what his master was after until now. After the new Selth had passed out, a couple of the bigger and stronger servants had been used to move her down from the dome and into what can only be described as a well furnished prison. Stone walls, a window with metal bars and a door that is sturdy enough to hold back a golem; at least that is what the kobold had been told once. And here she was, the reborn and resting phoenix previously known as Selth. Except now the master had given her a new name, as he gawks over her naked body on the bed Peter mouthes it.
The sound of the kobold's voice causes her to stir. Wings spread out behind her, both arms are running through the red feathers there. Peter stays a while longer, watching as she kicks her legs and rocks until she is falls over to one side. It would be so easy right now just to reach out and run his hand over one of her thighs. Going up to her curving hip and then continue up until he can cup one of her bare breasts. There are not many females around here, in fact the only one Peter has been able to lay eyes upon regularly has been Menid Tykhin, and as the master's daughter he would not dare even look for long let alone touch. The female phoenix is still fidgeting, her large wings rustling ever so gently.
A sound from behind him stays Peter's hand. Turning around on his heels the kobold watches as Basil Tykhin steps into the room. Peter is very self-aware of the slight bulge in front of his pants as he bows curtly, welcoming his master. Basil is doing his best not to smile as the metaphorically stiff kobold has become quite literally stiff and dismisses the servant without any comment. The awkwardness is only made more pronounced by the griffon's nakedness, which has been his state ever since beginning all of this there on the focusing tower. With no small amount of relief the kobold immediately heads for the door, exiting as quickly as possible before shutting the door behind himself. No doubt in his mind that the griffon-demon has something very vigorous planned for Coraline.
Now that he is with his prey Basil checks on the collar around her neck. It is a special design, crafted specifically for what Selth would become. There had been some uncertainty about just how well the dragon would take the intense magic used upon him. Those roaring screams of anguish last night had actually caused some worry in Basil. He would have been so very disappointed with another failure. But ultimately it was successful, and here she is. All one and a half metres of her, barely reaching five feet tall. She is stirring again as Basil looms over her, moving himself between the light coming from the window and the bed.
"W-Who's there?" The phoenix mutters. Her eyes are blinking open, searching and trying to focus on something.
There are two approaches that Basil can see for this. He has the option of being gentle with her, seeing as Coraline has a great deal that is new to adjust to. In fact he is pretty sure that her body will be especially sensitive and just a little sore all over making it difficult for her to respond quickly, to say nothing of relearning and coordinating her new proportions properly. However being the depraved and malicious bastard that the griffon is, especially to dragons or even ex-dragons, he decides to use the collar. With a snap of his fingers the new permanent attire comes alive. Coraline tries to say something else but is cut off as the collar shrouds her body in an odd lavender light and she begins to levitate up, off the bed sheets. Responding directly to the griffon's devious thoughts the collar's telekinetic properties pose the phoenix in an uncomfortable and exposed pose with limbs and wings outstretched as if she were posing for an anatomical digram. An angry squawk comes from the avian as she cries out in pain. The sound of her own voice is confusing and she pushes the pain away to focus on what is happening, to say nothing of processing what has already happened last night.
"What is this? Wh-" Coraline pauses and stops to consider her own voice. "Why is my voice different?"
More questions and panicked outcries now come tumbling forth from her beak like so many regurgitated cliches. Basil is going to have none of it. A single gesture with his right hand and the collar responds again. This time it starts rotating the black and red phoenix laterally until she is basically reclining back upon nothing but thin air. Yet another gesture now and Coraline scoots closer, approaching to within a proximity that is uncomfortable for her, but most comfortable for him. The griffon sighs as she continues to babble on, but his eyes are set upon the prize tucked between her feathered legs. Basil licks his beak and blows down. Warm air brushes gently against Coraline's vulva and clittoris. It starts to shiver in response whilst her inane rambling falls silent. A flush of much more than mere physical excitement runs up along her body. The epicentre that is her vagina is radiating a kind of erotic vitality that is like nothing she remembers having experience as a dragon, or for that matter, as a male.
"Want me to do that again?" Basil asks rhetorically, though Coraline nods in response, craning her neck to try and meet his gaze.
This time Basil does far more than merely graze his breath against her. Both of the griffon's strong and robust hands start to run up along her thighs. He is most pleased that the results of the transformation. Not only does Coraline possess a feminine physique, but it is a damn fine one at that. As his fingers reach her pelvis he spreads them outwards, feeling the curvature of her hips before squeezing her bountiful buttocks, talons digging in but not piercing the skin underneath. Coraline makes a curt yelp as her body physically reacts, recoiling as best she can in the collar's strange psionic grasp. As she moves so does the rest of her and Basil's eyes catch the sight of her large, round breasts rebounding back and forth from the quick movement. The griffon chortles as his hands return back around and now start homing in on her snatch.
Warm air, probing fingers and a lewd tongue now bear down upon the phoenix's brand new cunt. There are no words that can describe what strange, wonderful and overpowering new sensations this is inflicting upon her. Her altered brain structure discovers new involuntary chirps, tweets and yet more squawking as she reacts to the griffon's deliberate ministrations. Vaginal juices are beginning to flow too, in fact they are positively overflowing. Basil's tongue darts back and forth from his beak to the phoenix's sex, tasting her even as his fingers continue probing and stretching her out; the taste is both familiar yet different than the other females he has had before. Perhaps it is something to do with her unique status as an abomination now, but her nectar is more enjoyable than Basil had at first anticipated. His beak presses down slightly, careful not to catch her clittoris as he more liberally laps up her juices. Of course all of this is preparation, all to serve the lead thespian preparing for his performance down below.
Even without the collar Coraline would be paralysed in her present state. This new body is both new and foreign o her, so even the a smallest of nerve impulses are overwhelming her ability to respond as a normal mature adult. This is what happens when someone has their species, body type and sex all changed on the same day. Without context and reference coming from years of natural growth she is at the mercy of not only the griffon's probing of her sex, but also the strange oddity that is her body. Time becomes like taffy, stretched and sticky as it wraps around her. Nothing is real, everything consists of the could be there and might be's. Yet on a primal and instinctive level her body is responding exactly as Basil desires. His tongue moist and drenched in the sweet nectar of her femininity he pulls back with a smile. Now she is ready for him. All of him.
Back on the bed now. Coraline notices it is king-sized, with banisters and a mattress thicker than this castle's very own stone walls. However her attention is quickly drawn to down and in front, relative to her current not so restful position. His demonic blood grants the Lord Basil Tykhin a number of beneficial attributes beyond the expected ones for a griffon. Some of these are the less obvious or even physical kinds, such as those relating to cunning, wit or magical aptitude; those being the ones Basil has employed to ensnare, transform and generally bring about the series of events to get this beautiful defenceless bird here with him now. However it is the most physical and male of all daemonic aspects that he is now bringing down to bear upon Coraline as she wriggles and squawks upon the bed before him. All of that is to say that the griffon-demon is sporting the kind of erection that belongs less the frail body of a man and more singing in the chorus of a broadside at sea. The foreskin and sheath is white, whilst the glans and flesh underneath is a midnight black; the tip is already drooling wet.
"I-Impossible!" Coraline barely manages to exclaim.
"Quite possible my dear. As you are about to find out."
The tip is the hardest part. But lets be honest here, everything about taking the griffon is difficult. As she feels him between her legs and against her snatch Coraline screams. It is the kind of noise that shatters glass and pierces eardrums. However the phoenix's first and only real response does not deter Basil as he throws his weight forward. It is almost as if her is splitting her body in two, certainly that is what it feels like to him as his erection penetrates her tight sex. The scream is quick cut off as the air is knocked out of her. Looking down Basil can see a look of startled disbelief, the kind of expression that is less shocked as it is simply refusing to register what has happened. He now takes a moment to steady himself, concerned that quick movements could as easily result him in losing balance as much as rendering the phoenix's flesh in the wrong manner.
Coraline inclines her head forward to look in bewilderment at the sight of the griffon's tremendous male organ penetrating her accommodating cunt. Such things should not be possible, at least not without general exercises and warm-up. But the magic that has imbues her body and spirit is of a special and erotic sort. With what remains of her draconic mind the female phoenix realises that she is more than just a magical bird. However the sight is obscured by Basil's hands coming down to lay upon her chest and the breasts that jiggle and bounce there. Coraline gasps and resumes her squawking and shuddering underneath him. With more gentle thrusts the griffon now works his way inside. It is almost like a hard butter that gradually melts against his hot blade. In piecemeal he buries over half of his accumulative arousal, creating a prominent protrusion along her abdomen. He moves his left hand down and starts stroking over the bulge in her belly, enjoying the sensation of her contracting around him, milking his cock for the fruit of his loins.
"You are... most beautiful." Basil says with less than steady breath. Though usually eager to extract the souls of dragons he is thankful for his decision to try something different with this one. Perhaps he will keep her this way, yes, to serve him as part of a harem. The rightful place of any ex-dragon, serving their griffon master.
He turns her over, beak down, tail-feathers up. Doggy-style is simply the most effective for this kind of thing. As his strong arms clamp around her curving waist the phoenix shudders as he draws back only to slam back inside of her. Faster and faster he goes in ball-slapping action. His hands come around and grab at her tits once again, to tease and play with her nipples. Pure and carnal Basil is not embarrassed to admit to himself that he is enjoying this. Nothing is quite so good as being able to mix the pleasure of breeding a fertile female with the sadistic joy of fucking over one of those egocentric dragons. In fact this is such a turn on that the griffon-demon is unsure as to how much longer he can keep this up. A couple more sporadic thrusts and now he can feel his white loins fizzing as they clench up.
Coraline squeals as her tits are squeezed uncomfortably hard. But the way her breasts are being treated is the least of her concerns as she now feels the griffon's seed begin to pour inside of her. Her cheeks are flushed, her claws clutching at good linen as she feels the griffon's demonic seed flood all the way inside of her. If she were a mammal she is sure that her womb would be inundated with the griffon's hot cream right now. Basil is making a fairly loud and obvious display of filling her up, with his wings spread eagle and everything. But the only thing that Coraline can think of is the griffon's virile spunk being pressure injected inside of her and something else. Though starting as only the oddest of erogenous excitements, now she is sure that something knee weakening and jaw loosening is building up deep inside of her.
The griffon is already pulling out, oblivious to the manner in which Coraline is writhing and wailing. He is impressed with himself as his fat cock plops out and out follows a large backlog of white. The liquid love is pooling on and soaking into the very sheets her legs are spread out upon. However something is not quite right. Is that... The griffon starts to wonder but only now recognises that the phoenix is glowing hot. He starts to leap back clear off the bed only a split second before blinding light engulfs the room. A brilliant white flame that does not burn engulfs the phoenix, her voice crying out in raw passion, the exuberant release of something that she has never felt in her past life.
It burns out.
"Amazing." Basil mutters to himself, his wet dick hanging limp between his thighs.
The bed is still intact, apart from the obvious talon marks from Coraline's clawing. However the female that had been exposed nude upon it is no longer there. Instead, in the same position as the griffon's quarry had been now lies the body of an all male phoenix. Svelte and petite in comparison to the griffon, the phoenix grumbles in a deeper voice and flops over onto his side and now onto his back. His hands are running down along his torso as they explore. Confirmation is slowly setting in, even as the griffon stands over him still processing what has happened. Obviously the phoenix penchant for rebirth is alive and well. The question now is to find out if the gender altering rebirth works as a two-way street. A devilish smile is returning to the griffon-demon's face as he quickly heads back on out of the bed chambers.
"Don't go anywhere now, I'll be sending someone soon." Basil says before closing and locking the doors behind.
Coraline, or Selth, or whatever her or his identity remains is still trying to come to terms to what has just happened and who he really is. With his feathered body still stained with no small amount of the griffon's abundant seed, he gets up off the bed. He seems taller, slightly more weighty, but in a way that can only be described as the barest minimum of masculinity. He now possess a penis and testicles once again, though far less impressive in size than what he had as a dragon, even by mere proportional comparison. Apart from the gender bending difference his body and patterns remain identical to the ones he had as a female phoenix just moments ago. For all intents and purposes he is still Coraline, just with less tits and more sausage.
Unfortunately for him, Coraline is not left alone for long. The doors open again and this time Basil walks in with someone new and blue. Still butt nude the phoenix stand as if to attention as the lord walks in with his dearest daughter. Menid Tykhin is a blue feathered luck griffon; smaller than hir father though larger than the phoenix. Shi has three blue tails that end in brilliant purple tassels, and is dressed in a silken dress that is cut around the legs and waist to exposed more than a little of herself. Basil is watching carefully as his daughter and his pet first meet each others gaze. Their body language is all that he needs to know how this will go. But before he leaves a brief introduction is appropriate.
"Menid, I would like you to meet Coraline. She, or he at present, will be staying with us for a time." Basil makes the introduction so matter of fact.
"Oh a phoenix!" Menid exclaims, hoping up and down a little. "I've never seen one of those before."
"I know my dear, so do play nice. I will be just down the hall if you need me." Basil says with his hands held up in front of his daughter's happy chirping face. "Oh, though before I forget."
The momentary hopes that Coraline was having about the chance to bed the Lord Basil's daughter are quickly subverted as the griffon gestures a couple arcane glyphs in the air. His collar comes to life and the male Coraline is suddenly beset upon by leather straps that appear as if from nowhere. They consist of the same red and black leather, along with a purple inlining, as his collar. With great alacrity under the aegis of intelligent placement these animated leather straps bind and tie the phoenix down. More than that they hold his limbs and torso just so that he is gently lowered down until he comes to rest in a prostrate position on the carpet. Once more beak down, ass up, but this time with exposed male genitals bound by a couple of the same straps, hugging his cock against his abdomen. Most agonising of all is the leather around his genitals is vibrating ever so slightly, not so much as to be uncomfortable, but more than enough so as a constant erection is being maintain, whilst enough pressure is being applied so as even with more stimulation the phoenix will be incapable of experiencing a genuine orgasm in this state. There is even a beak gag.
"Daddy that's not nice." Menid comments at the sight of the tied and helpless male phoenix, though her tone does not carry any of the implied concern. "What if I want to use him for... the other thing."
"One thing at a time my girl, we have to break him in a little at a time. Now I'll leave you two to become accustomed to one another as young people do."
Basil leaves just as he said, door shut close behind him. At first the phoenix and griffon remains silent. Both contemplating what they are doing to do, or what is going to happen next respectively. Unfortunately for Coraline, though shi does not possess the same degree of vindictive schadenfreude as hir father, Menid most certainly does possess the sex drive of a griffon and a bound phoenix either female or male is very hard to resist. From his position the phoenix can watch, albeit from an upside down angle, between his legs at what the blue herm griffon is doing. Unsurprisingly Menid is getting naked and with some alacrity too. First the top and Coraline's eyes focus upon the set of feathered tits on the griffon's chest, ones which are to his own embarrassment smaller than the ones Coraline possessed as a female. However now Menid is removing the remaining lower half of hir clothing and out swings the half-erect black flesh that is the herm's male genitalia. Just like the breasts these are also larger than what the phoenix has. But the worst part is that Coraline knows where that pulsing slab of meat is going next.
"Daddy has never brought me a phoenix before." Menid says, hir breath becoming increasingly heavy as shi approaches, dick lining up with the exposed orifice beneath Coraline's tail feathers.
"Mmmf." Coraline says, cursing the gag.
As Menid's large black dong flops out onto Coraline's leather wrapped buttocks, he wonders if anal will be much different from when he was a dragon. The answer to this question is about to be made as Menid uses one hand to carefully push the tip of hir drooling erection against and into the phoenix's hole underneath his tail feathers. Sufficed to say the flesh is large, hot, and only partially wet from the pouring of pre-ejaculate at the tip. Menid seems to have no desire to put in any decent prep work, not like hir father did anyway. Instead of the careful and slow teasing of the older griffon, Menid simply lays in with strength and weight coming down and into Coraline's tight and now very much male rectum. If not for the ball-gag muffling his beak, the phoenix would right now be screeching and squawking even louder than when he was a girl. This is no walk in the park. The hermaphrodite is physically impressive, but is also inexperienced. As such as shi moves forward in jerky thrusts it is nothing less than agony for Coraline. He can feel his flesh being stretched out against mostly dry flesh. It feels as though he could be torn apart from the sheering force of it all. However Menid also seems to be having some discomfort with the dry and tight entrance, so shi pulls back, allowing hir pre-ejaculate to help lubricate the fleshy canal.
"Sorry for the dry entry. Maybe second time's the charm?" Menid says and thrusts into hir prey again.
The griffon thrusts again and this time it is smoother than the first. However there is another problem for Coraline. This body has never been stretched out before. As Menid buries more of hir large erection inside of the phoenix, Coraline's body is shaking and contorting, fighting against the collar's magic straps as an almost purely involuntary impulse to get away from the penetrating organ. His anus is being stretched wide, as a gaping hole that is airtight in its fit around the herm griffon's cock. The only lucky thing involved here at all for Coraline is that at least it is not Menid's father who is tearing up the bird's anus. Eyes already shining wet with tears that drag up across his face, Coraline merely braces and tries to loosen up as the griffon keeps on forcing more of hirself inside. Eventually an end will come, eventually shi will have had hir fill. Now he can feel the organ deep inside of him, throbbing against those regions that had been stolen from him and now returned only moments ago: tickling the prostate. All of a sudden the piecemeal thrusting stops with only a couple inches left to spare. Now there is nothing but that steady throbbing against is prostate for Coraline.
"Fuck!" Menid says and giggles. "Sorry, that wasn't very ladylike of me was it but... FUUUUUUUCK!" Shi starts grinding, up and down, left and right, in all 360 degrees.
Coraline is trapped as much as he has ever known being trapped before. Bound in this fashion he can feel his dick throbbing against the restraining animated leather straps. They shift and feel as though they are tightening even as his dick throbs harder. The phoenix's condition is only made worse as the herm griffon pulls back and starts slamming back and forth, building up a steady rhythm not at all unlike how hir father did before, albeit with less assuredness in hir movements. Tortuous is the only word that can describe this. His tears are now one of painful bliss as the phoenix's bound body rocks back and forth over the carpet. Menid even starts to tug upon hir pet's tail feathers, almost plucking them out as shi brutally drives hir dick home time and time again. If not for the gag Coraline's cries would be filling the room by this point, but the only sounds come from the steady kinetic impacts of ball slapping action made by the griffon, and said hermaphrodite's moans and unladylike grunting.
Ten, no, maybe fifteen minutes of this pass. In truth it has become frustratingly difficult for Coraline to keep his thoughts and perceptions in order. It is as though with every thrust into his being, the griffon is resetting Coraline's entire nervous system. Stalling his orgasm is doing very funny things inside the phoenix's brain, of that much he is certain. But none of this silent sexual suffering is of any concern to Menid. Just like hir father, the luck griffon plugs away, though without the rhythm or care to bring hir conquest to orgasm. Hir thrusts are becoming more erratic, less paced now. Loaded griffon loins tingle. This is it, shi gets to finish emancipating father's latest gift. A final push now, burying every inch past that tight and gripping ring that is Coraline's poor abused anus. He can feel it almost vibrating against his internal walls. Flesh is stretched, nerves are tickled and massaged into a wildfire. And now comes the cream to act as a balm for all of those aching sores and erogenous tingles. Not as much as hir father, but still plenty for the little male phoenix.
Beneath the grunting hermaphrodite something flips deep inside of Coraline's brain. A now somewhat familiar burning, an erotic immolation takes ahold of him. Menid is already pulling back out just as Coraline goes up in flames. A brilliant light and the fear of searing flesh causes Menid to jump back, tripping over and down onto hir blue ass. Not that the griffon had anything to fear, as just as before these flames are cool. It is a blaze of ethereal transformation as Coraline feels himself, no, herself changing back to where she had begun. That achingly stiff erection shrinks back inside of herself, only to be replaced by a moist and sadly deprived cunt. Even as her breasts blossom the binding leather adapts, though only so that it can grip and squeeze her oddly mammalian features tight against her chest and leaving little to the imagination. As the transformation finishes Coraline is left in the same position that she was before, but instead of an exposed anus and tied up penis, she now has two exposed orifices and both of them dripping; one from her excitement and one from Menid's excitement.
"Oh you're fun aren't you?" Menid says and scurries off to ask hir father if they will be keeping the phoenix for awhile.
He has been watching via the scrying sphere for the past two hours now. After the first gender change Coraline has gone through precisely fifteen such switches. It has been most amusing for the eastern dragon. It occurs to him that gender-bending phoenixes have been extinct for over a millennia. This makes Coraline the first in a long, long time. There might be an opportunity then to start breeding them, if they can make a second. Of course just exactly how do these creatures breed exactly? Surely in order to inseminate an egg the female would have to exist, but then at the moment of orgasm she would change gender. These exciting problems and other such thoughts swirl around in the dragon's mind.
"I wonder if we can breed her." Gabriel says, sharing his thoughts with the griffon-demon.
"I'm sure I can find a partner for that." Basil says, his eyes fixed on the eastern dragon's back.