When Cats Fight

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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When Cats Fight

This is a work of erotic fiction. It was written by Iscin on www.sofurry.com. Commissioned by GuyThreepwood. All rights reserved © 2014.

A Day In The Life

Kenta is kicking back after spending the morning out at the gym. The lion's large muscular body still feels sore after a vigorous workout session, even after having spent a whole thirty minutes in the sauna. Even so the big cat is purring as he leans back into his big luxurious mattress. That is because his human servant, Paul, is busy at the other end of the majestically tall big cat with hands wet with oil working over the lion's large paws. As he runs his increasingly robust looking fingers in between the pads and skilful avoidance of catching himself on the sharp edged claws the human starts to think back to how he got here.

His new "career" has resulted in several changes for Paul, each one more radical than the preceding one. Of course it started with a playful collar Kenta told him to wear when in their dorm. That part did not seem so bad to Paul, I mean it was only when inside the dorm right? At first he started treating everything inside the dorm a bit like "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." He pretend to be their little pet, or even their bitch in the metaphorical and literal sense when Kenta or Qiang wanted him to.

However those moments of secretive fetish indulgence soon started to bleed out into their public lives. With increasing frequency Paul began to find himself taken down to. It was as though a pretend of respect and civility had suddenly dropped. Speciesism alive in the heart of his own progressive home. And yet the oddest thing was that everyone seemed to accept it. Sure some shared a look of disgust when Kenta would do something like order the human to act as a footstool in a cafe or something equally as ludicrous and publicly degrading. But no one truly challenged it. They went about their lives, whilst Paul increasingly became a pawn for his feline owners.

These changes in his public life quickly started to affect his friendships and any chance of getting a girlfriend. In an odd way he became more of an animal, less of a person, in the eyes of his own kin. But then came the luxury in recompense and boy was was it good. Not only was he getting paid for his services, but Paul was soon on the receiving ends of "treats" and "gifts" from both Kenta and Qiang. And though some of them were hardly normal, they were all exquisite and extremely expensive.

Yet the latest change to his lifestyle only happened in the last month. Paul is suddenly reminded of it as he feels the robust, claw tipped hands of the tiger Qiang grip his buttocks. The satin shorts Paul is required to wear at all times does ever so little to hide the curvature of his pert rump. Qiang is no longer merely a close friend of Kenta's and co-employer/master of the human. Now the more adventurous tiger is a roommate, having offered enough money for Paul to give up his room. Of course this has left Paul in the awkward position of having to sleep in or at the foot of one bed or the other, depending on the whims of the lion and tiger on each night.

The only thing that has no changed are his lectures and studies. To their credit Kenta and Qiang have been very considerate in that regard. Both have made it clear that whatever kind of twisted role-play this is, it is only temporary. Something for them to have fun and feel more pampered by whilst studying. In another two years they will be returning home. As for Paul though, he has no intention of his own pride or sense of dignity getting in the way of making bank, and leaving college being able to pay off his student loan. This is the thought he hugs tight in the back of his mind as his fingers grip around the sweaty and odiously repugnant lion feet underneath his nose.

As he works Qiang's hands are pulling down his pants. There is no mistake that the tiger is the more horny of the pair. He shivers as he feels the air in the room hit his naked buttocks, the cheeks tensing up before the big cat's very eyes. This part is still something he is conflicted about. The serving the two cats is still mostly a business transaction, at least in his mind. But as Paul's body arches a bit, as if presenting his rump for the tiger to sink his claws into there is the possibility that he genuinely enjoy this part. The submission to a far larger and more powerful male. As he thinks about it the human's eyes start panning up until he is looking at the front of Kenta's shorts. The tiger is already big, but the lion is the one who genuinely outmatches any human male who has ever lived.

Paul's mouth starts to water as he thinks about the possibility of sleeping with Kenta tonight. It is almost enough to distract him from the sensation of Qiang's whiskers as they brush up against his rear. Am I really the same person I was just a few months ago? Atypically his stream of consciousness reflects back in on himself. One thing Paul knows for sure is that he definitely has the narcissistic streak for the stereotype he seems to be morphing into day after day.

The King

Paul has a sullen expression as he enters the lion's private bedroom. This room is full of luxury stuffed into every corner you can look at. From the ornate dressing table to the ludicrously oversized TV that dominates one wall, hooked up to every gaming console ever. He notices designer label clothes strewn along the floor, he will have to pick those up later. But he is not here to do his house servant work. The human's fingers fidget with the collar wrapped around his neck and rocks on the back of his heels.

Kenta is waiting on the bed, his massive body noticeably sinking into the fluffy mattress. He approaches the lying male with timid movements. It is a game for the lion more than the human as he looks at his smartphone. There could be a message there he is reading, but probably not, he is just pretending to not notice Paul. This might be believable if not for what Paul is dressed in, just the right thing. It is not enough for Kenta that his servant come to him naked. No, he has to be prepared in a presentable yet evocative fashion.

In its simplest sense Paul is only wearing a collar, a spartan vest and a pair of satin silk panties that squeeze tight around his loins. But it is the monotone pattern and the tie bow he is wearing that gives it the uniform look of a butler. He is not sure if this is supposed to be a form of role-play, but Paul knows that Kenta enjoys this. Formality mixed with obviously slutty attire is a turn on for him, as evidenced by the increasingly frequency glances as the human nears the lion's bed.

Standing at the edge of it Paul is looking less sullen and more sheepish. His face blushing as Kenta puts his phone down and scans his eyes over his plaything for this evening. Truth is he can have almost anyone he likes, boy or girl, when you have that kind of cash anyone will strip at some figure. But there is something utterly adorable for the way he and Qiang have housebroken Paul. That and the fun of making his friend undergo blue balls on the nights that the human is scheduled to sleep with the lion.

With one movement Kenta removes the thin white bed sheet that was covering his body from the chest down. The massive lion man is stark naked underneath, leaving his desert dust coloured fur to be his only modesty. Over the days, weeks and months Paul has grown accustomed to and even to adore the lion's body. Sure, it does not have the exotic stripes and relatively equivalent human proportions, but the raw power his muscular body contains is so much more exciting when the big cat gets worked up. Paul's fingers are wriggling and spreading out as if in anticipation of getting his hands on the lion's adonis like chest and abs; even a straight guy has got to appreciate that physique like a grecian sculpture.

Paul's heart quickens and he already feel the two toned panties stretching from the bump rising out in front. A confident smile is on Kenta's leonine features as he brushes his mane back. He likes the way that Paul acts all timid, assuming that it is still an act by this stage. Either way as a claw hooks into his collar Paul gasps as he is yanked forward. His head comes down into the lion's belly, face rubbing against Kenta's carved abs just a short distance from his long, soft phallus resting between and agains his furry thighs.

The lion's other hand comes around to grab the thin vest on Paul's back. He uses it almost like a harness, lifting the human up so as his feet leave the floor and swings him up and over until lowering his furless servant on top of himself. Paul is squirming as he pushes against the lion's broad body, moving his head away even as his long hair falls forward getting in the way. He curses silently under his breath as he feels his erection stretching out the panties, causing them to start riding his butt crack. No matter how many times he is ordered to do this the discomfort and embarrassment is something that never fades and he never gets used to.

Kenta lets go of his back and not only has one hand resting lovingly against the back of Paul's head. This is the way it is supposed to be, with his human nuzzling and stroking along his belly. The big lion watches with that smile permanently affixed to his feline face as Paul starts to run his hands over his master. It tickles slightly as the smooth digits run over his abs, now around over the sides. Paul starts moving his hands up, his head lifting in conjunction as he finds the lion's chest and briefly teases with the nipples at the bottom of each meaty pectoral.

As he curls his fingers around the perfectly mirrored sides of that thick chest Paul briefly catches a knowing look from Kenta. It is the unspoken truth, he loves getting his hands on Kenta's naked body. To be so close and intimate with someone inordinately superior to himself, and especially in the physical way. Kenta could bench press a dozen humans like him without breaking a sweat. There is no human comparison to the titan Paul is straddling atop. Nine feet tall, and packed with earned muscles from thick neck and broad shoulders down to his strong calves and broad feet. Something about this just feels right, like a proper order of the weak serving the strong. Although in Paul's cause the core motivation is the poor serving the rich.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Kenta says rhetorically in that deep gravelly voice of his that somehow tapers into smooth and handsome inflections with subtly foreignness.

"Oh. Of course." Paul replies in all of his amplified meekness.

Paul has been trying to ignore this. The thing which he is partially straddling from his position sitting at Kenta's waist. Moving down he starts to run the usual string of comforting lies to himself. They go on and on, he has been adding a new one every week or so now. Of course he has long since outgrown the need for them, yet they have become a ritual. A series of mantras even as his blood pressure rises from the steps of his total submittal to the big cat's authority over him. An arrangement cast in action.

I'm not gay.

The organ is there, like some dormant husk of a leviathan buried at sea. He inches in closer, sniffing the air around it, rich with ambient musk. Atop his head he can feel Kenta's paw begin to extend its set of terrifyingly sharp claws as if to move from negotiation to aggressive diplomacy in this. You don't tease a tiger, not a horny lion.

I'm only doing this for the money.

Paul slides both of his hands underneath and against Kenta's junk. His balls are furry sac is heavy, but that is nothing compared to the soft phallus. It is eight of nine inches soft, depending on the temperature, and a grower to boot.

It's only gay if it's with another human.

His gentle touch is all that was needed to get a rise out of Kenta. Paul eyes widen as he watches the snake in his hand start to grow longer and fatter. The foreskin has not even slide back yet and already there are beads of pre-ejaculate oozing out from the head. The human runs his tongue over it quickly, drawing up these drops of ambrosia into his mouth. Sweet.

He still likes pussy. Lots of people go gay for pay.

The lion dick starts to grow hotter and Paul uses both hands to try gripping around the midsection. It is already so thick his fingers from either hand barely meet. Estimating the size Kenta's member has grown to are not important as the feline barbs rise up and Paul tugs down hard as the foreskin comes down to reveal the throbbing glans.

Paul licks his lips hungrily.


After attending his anthropology lecture at nine Paul is now back at the apartment for eleven. As he turns the lock he can hear voices coming from beyond the door. Inside there is Qiang, who he already knew would be in this morning, but there is another voice that is definitely not Kenta's. His curiosity peaked Paul is about to turn the door handle when it suddenly swings open by itself. Of course Qiang heard him the moment the key slide inside of the lock, pushing pins and making subtle clicks that the feline's pointy ears all too easily picked up on.

"Oh, err we've got a guest." Qiang says without any hint of excitement on his face. That is the first thing Paul notices before stepping inside and seeing their guest at the other end of the hall.

"Hello Paul! I was hoping you'd be back this morning." Though the voice is unfamiliar, the face is something that Paul vaguely recognises.

Jun is another foreign exchange student, a cheetah like the other two. Physically he is a smidgen taller than Qiang is, though is also a good deal more buff, almost as muscular as Kenta is. This is in large part due to his position on the university wrestling team, something that Kenta and Qiang have forgone as they knew it would be more than a little unfair of them to participate, even on a purely recreational level. And that is really all that Paul knows about the cheetah, though he suspects that Qiang might know him a little better, and not just because of the scowl he just caught the tiger give the other feline.

"Umm, really? Hello I guess." Paul replies, deciding to stay civil. He offers his hand for shake but the cheetah sneers a little and does not take the offer.

"I was under the impression that you were being trained to know better." Jun says as he looks down at the empty hand.

Over the time Paul has spent intimately and otherwise with the two cats, he has picked up on a thing or two. Felines convey quite a lot in their body language, far more than humans really. It is something that they struggle to hide even while being deliberately deceitful. With his experiences over the past few months the human quickly takes note of a dozen different markers being displayed by Jun, probably without him even realising what he is doing. It helps that the most powerful message is one Paul is the most familiar with: Desire.

"Umm yeah. Sorry." Paul says timidly and lowers his hand.

Paul looks back at Qiang standing behind him. Studying the tiger he notices that his ears are flat against his pate, not a good sign. Putting two and two together the human comes to an accurate conclusion as to why Jun is here, and more importantly what the cheetah wants. It was only a matter of time really before someone would move in, taking notice of his unusual domestic arrangement with the lion and tiger. Of course, Paul always thought that it would be a faculty member or someone. But here is another foreign student, here to get in on the exotic pleasures of having his own manservant; and more besides that.

Problem is that his existing employers, especially the striped one, are not keen on sharing. The tension hangs thick in the air whilst Paul looks back and forth between Jun and Qiang. He is expecting raised hackles and a genuine cat fight at any moment. But with a nervous cough he asks the two cats if they want anything to drink. This seems to cut the tension, though only partially as Qiang walks away from the door and draws a strong left arm around the human's shoulders, hugging him protectively.

"That sounds delightful." Jun says. "What tea do you have?"


Unsurprisingly the cheetah did not stay very long once he had finished his tea. Not that there was very much conversation to be had. Both him and Qiang seemed to have been playing some subtle game, mostly comprised of body language and positioning that is beyond the human's understanding, or even his ability to care. Paul was only happy that a fight did not break out. For the rest of the afternoon he set about either doing various duties around the dorm or being preoccupied attending to the demanding needs of a certain striped mammal. Now however the cat is away, both of them actually. This is Paul's moment to relax and enjoy some much needed disconnect time.

Paul starts enjoying his free time by reclining on the plush couch in the drawing room. His bare feet are resting on the leather stool, the air wafting between his toes cooly. It is kind of amusing for him to be relaxing like this in front of the TV. He feels like he is being parallel to the way Kenta and Qiang often end their days, albeit in their own case it is often with Paul kneeling down by said stool. Maybe a part of them is starting to rub off on him, and not just the throbbing parts either. He discards these thoughts however as he takes the remote and turns on the flatscreen TV. It turns on and goes straight to the first of many streaming services. Somehow Kenta managed to not only get the local ones, but international ones too. There is quite an array of shows and films to watch, not all of which are strictly legal on this service and in this country.

About fifteen minutes into some brain dead programme Paul is starting to almost feel switched off. The various wound up joints and muscles mad tense from a day running about and doing chores are twitching ever so slightly as they calm down. A high octane thriller could be blaring from the high definition sound system right now and Paul would still be sinking deeper into the couch. His eyelids are beginning to droop down, not quite shutting, but far enough so that all he can really see are his own eyelashes now. The part of Paul's waking thoughts realise that his fatigue is hitting him hard yet his brain refuses to switch off entirely.

Typical, I have a moment and all my body wants to do now is sleep.

Jun outstretches his right paw to grasp the door handle. Doing so he can feel his heart growing more frenetic inside his chest. There is a tinge of regret as he thinks back to the hostile rejection his Qiang decidedly levelled at the cheetah. This is not something he wants to do, not like this. It would have been so much easier, and simpler, if the tiger had been amiable. However now that he is here at the precipice of his own daring actions. Well, the truth of the matter is Jun feels more excited than the day he came to this country. As he tests the door with one hand, his other grips tighter around the soft cloth and a tiny clear plastic bottle filled with a clear, sweet smelling liquid.

With very little surprise Jun finds the door is locked. There was a chance that it might have found it unlocked. But this obstacle hardly really matters to him. The fundamental problem with the doors inside of this dorm building, or really most human buildings, is that they are usually designed to be secure against a human interloper. With his pointy ears, sharp claws, and thick fur covering a large and muscularly powerful body, Jun is anthropomorphic yes, but hardly human. He now spreads his legs to brace himself and twists his body to the side, presenting the shoulder of his right arm.

Gotta make this quick. The cheetah thinks to himself a moment before ramming his body against the feeble wooden door. Even hunched over as he is, so that he does not ram his head into the wall above the door, Jun is able to apply a tremendous amount of primal force against this sole barrier. The first strike creates a loud bang from the other side of the door. One of the hinges grows loose as the entire surface buckles, noticeably tending inwards to the room beyond. Impatient to get on with it before his prey is alerted the big cat throws himself into the door a second time. This time one of his feet moves from its anchored position. As it goes skidding across the floor the sharp edges of his claws rip into the carpet. But before he loses is balance the door buckles a second time, and breaks.

Jun comes crashing into the dorm room's hallway with all of the requisite noise and splinters. He has to hold both of his arms out, one of them still holding the cloth and bottle of mysterious fluid, to buffer himself as he careens into the wall the opposite side of the entrance. By this point in his breaking and entering Paul must be aware of something big and aggressive having come inside; either that or one of the garish statuettes Kenta keeps in his study has finally come tumbling down. Regardless the cheetah moves fast, much to his species stereotype and in difference to his bulky frame that just broke down the front door.

A thunderous and startling noise starts stirring Paul out of his impromptu nap. Sprawled out as he is, body half sliding off of the edge of the couch. His eyes are only just starting to open as he is aware of someone approaching him. A vague and ominous shape in the periphery of his vision, moving faster than anything of that size ought to. The two step punch of the noise and the vague presence of someone else that his senses are telling him are enough for Paul to really snap out of it.

"What... is..." Paul's words are jumbled as he pushes himself up against the couch so that he is not quite laying flat out on his back. "Jun?"

The recognition of the cheetah comes all to late. For now that the big cat is upon his prey, it is all too easy to take the cloth, damp from wetting it whilst running this way, and pressing it against the human's mouth and nose. Chloroform vapours come off of the cloth and are breathed in by the human. The saccharine odour is confusing, his mind and body still trying to wake up. But there is enough comprehension as he feels the big cat's robust hands upon him to know that this is not a voluntary situation. The last few seconds of consciousness afforded Paul are spent staring up at the grinning cat with panicked terror. But now nothing but darkness, as his nervous system quickly retreats into the numb blanket of unconsciousness.


"So then I say to her; That's not my tail poking out." Both Qiang and Kenta erupt in mutual laughter at the joke. The lion has heard it so many times before, including back in the homeland, but Qiang's delivery is always so perfect he is unable to help himself.

The two cats are stepping inside of the dorm building now. Qiang gives a sideways glance to one of the girls in the foyer. There are many different tastes for a virile young cat here, he should really think about having a fair variety of them before returning home. He follows Kenta only a step behind going to the elevator at the end of the room. Their conversation seems to die down as the machine ascends and they think about what they are going to do with Paul tonight. Qiang had proposed a rigorous new programme whilst at the gym this afternoon. But all that Kenta is really thinking about now is getting a sauna, complete with his favourite manservant of course.

Both cats get off the elevator on their floor and start walking to the expensively furnished dorm room. Secretly, in his most private thoughts, Kenta allows his growing affection for the human raise his spirits. Of course this has the added effect of a much more physical rise starting in the seat of his tight shorts. However this burgeoning elation at returning home, and to his human servant, is quickly dashed against a stark and messy reality that terrifying implications.

"Is that..."

"Oh fuck!"

Jun's raid has left the door smashed off of its hinges, and their dorm room distinctly lacking a certain long haired primate.

"Why won't you just obey me?" Jun growls the rhetorical question.

It has only been a handful of hours. Dusk is about to fall and this retarded progress is angering the cheetah to no end. His plan was at first so simple, so straightforward. Paul was already broken in, trained as a servant by Kenta and Qiang; or was he? Ever since coming to again the human has put up a defiance that he never knew was in himself. Not that his stubbornness has gone unpunished as his cheek is bleeding, a series of four parallel wounds cut into his face. The crimson red fluid is dripping down his shirt and onto the carpet below, although the wound is beginning to slowly coagulate. It is technically only a scratch, but it will definitely leave a scar, assuming he survives this.

"You thin-" Paul is about to say something, but the tone in his voice instantly incurs a vicious reaction from the towering feline.

Pain shudders through the human's body from two different directions. The first is from the abrasive and none too gentle way that Jun's foot is pressing down against his cheek, the injured one at that. He can feel the wound starting to bleed again as the cheetah grinds his paw into the human's face, friction from the pads gripping against his pink flesh. But there is also the pain from his head being slammed down against the ground. Even with the spongey carpet buffering it slightly, he can still feel his head ringing from the impact, even a little surprised that he is still conscious after the blow.

"You should THINK very carefully about the next few words that come out of your mouth!" Jun's eyes are like two fiery suns as he peers down past the black markings around his stubby muzzle.

There is an anger in his voice and an ambivalence towards the physical abuse he is causing that Paul has never seen before. As he writhes underneath the larger male's foot he tries grasping at Jun's legs. But his stubby fingers are hardly any concern to the cat as he feels them try to dig into his muscular calf. Yet as he stands there, with the human struggling and squirming underfoot, Jun starts to think about other methods of disciplinary action. Perhaps he has been all to traditional in his motivation techniques. A wicked looking grin spreads on his furry face as he thinks.


It is as though two caged animals have finally been freed. Their bodies racing down the open spaces, slick wet from the rain that started pouring only moments ago. Kenta and Qiang are rushing, but more than that they are racing against their own panic. The tiger knew the instant that he saw the door what had happened, the conversation he had with Jun earlier today returning from his memory like an ill omen he nary paid attention to. He should have been more careful with leaving the human all alone. Qiang explained very quickly to Kenta who he suspected and why. The fury this stirred behind his friend's eyes made Qiang want to cower for fear he would be the feline the mighty lion would tear into.

Of course both of them know where Jun lives. Barely a dozen cats from the homeland attend are enrolled as exchange students are the university; but only one of them lives out in the town itself. The cheetah somehow managed to get special exception from the council, something that those like Kenta and Qiang have suspected ever since learning of their kinsmen's unique situation. Either way the pair of them are running along the sidewalk, moving faster than any human can, heading downhill into the town and to confront the cheetah himself.

It is the possessive fire burning up inside of both big cats that drives them forward through the ever worsening storm. This is definitely personal, and Jun is owed a suitably intimate response for what he has done. But what he is he doing now? Kenta thinks to himself as the lion speeds down the concrete path.

He is going to rape me!

Paul can feel his heart pounding against his chest. Beads of perspiration are running down his face in a cool sweat. And as for the motor control in his hands, he does not need to see himself in a mirror to know that he is physically shaking. The terror he is experiencing is totally unexpected. Why should his lungs be constricting now, disrupting his respiration? He has done this how many times before? Pull his pants down, sway his hips and give a show. Then lean forward and start spreading his cheeks to present himself. The actions have almost become muscle memory by now. But this is different from all of those other times. How can it not be?

The bruises along his body sting as he feels the cheetah wrap his arms around him. Paul recoils both from what he knows the cheetah intends and the physical pain itself. Jun's paws come around to grip the sides of the human's arms, pinning them against his torso. It is practically no use in resisting the other male, with every action, any movement of resistance he takes is sure to incur an immediate and resolute response. He can feel his eyes start to water again, but not from the pain that was inflicted before. These are tears sourced from a much deeper source: Desperation.

For Jun this is an even more momentous moment as his pants drop. All of those times he watched the other two cats with burning envy. Sure he has found partners, both female and male, among the other students on campus. However those others have all been lacking one critical element, the thing that must turns him on. The dynamic of dominance and submission, the score between a master and his supple slave personified by their bodies rutting against one another. Even in his lack of total submission Paul is more exciting than any of the humans that have come before him. It might just be an echo of the relationship he has with Kenta and Qiang, but there is more than enough emotion on his face and trembling reaction in his body to sustain the cheetah's barbed erection.

A high pitch scream is made by Paul as Jun tumbles over onto the ground. For a moment he thinks someone has finally come to save him, but alas that is not the case. The cheetah now has his human prey suspended above him, his turgid cock brushing up against the other male's furless and smooth backside. Looking into the cruel eyes of the cheetah Paul realises the decision in taking this position. The bastard wants to watch his face, wants to see his tears, wants to bask in his misery. Everything is a game of predator and prey to these cats and deep down Paul curses the day he ever met Kenta.

Yet in his own rabid hubris Jun is oblivious to the not too distant sounds of disturbance coming from only two doors away. These sounds grow louder as the cheetah savours the moment just before the violating act he is about to perform. Suddenly the door to his bedroom here is violently broken down, finally grabbing his attention away from the human. Both Jun and Paul turn to see the outlines of their mutual feline acquaintances, silhouetted by the light coming from the room behind them. Inevitably the initially confused reaction on both Jun and Paul's faces quickly turn into their own opposites.

Actions speak louder than words, so it is action that Kenta and Qiang enact upon their ignoble kinsman. Paul falls backwards as Jun very quickly lets go and raises his paws to defend himself. The ensuing screeching juxtaposed by Kenta's roar and a flurry of fur and claws. The human backs up to the other side of the room but keeps his eyes trained on the fighting. Anarchisms to an old fashioned cock fight mill around in his head as his jaw hangs open in awe. Even two against one Jun is surprisingly adept at holding his own, being both stronger than Qiang and faster than Kenta; yet ultimately against both at the same time he is losing.

Tables are overturned, lamps smashed, closet doors busted, and an awful lot of claw marks are being made across every available surface from the walls to the mattress. This is all due to the constant dancing as the vicious cats continue to fight with one another. It is not unlike watching domestic house cats sizing each other up before pouncing to deliver an array of fast jabs, swiping claws and vicious biting before coming apart again. The metaphorical circling of wagons is nothing if not interesting to watch. The only thing that is missing in Paul's head is some cheesy battle music from a 60s show.

Qiang finally manages to get a solid grip on the cheetah's legs, wrapping both arms around them tightly. This immobilising action gives the lion a perfect opportunity to get ahold of Jun's torso. Both big cats are sporting about as much bruising and scaring as Paul incurred merely from resisting before; though his temporary captor is in a far worse off state now. With one mighty blow from a heavy paw Kenta knocks the cheetah out cold. Feeling the other cat's legs go limp the tiger finally lets go, allowing Kenta to throw the naked bastard over his shoulder like a trophy.

"Are you alright?" Qiang asks in a soft tone as he slowly steps towards Paul.

"I-I think so..." Paul says, his body still shaking as the tiger's hands come around his shoulders.

"It'll be okay now." The tiger says whilst Paul looks over his shoulder at a sympathetically smiling Kenta.


It has only been twenty fours since the worst night of Paul's life and already he is starting to feel more like himself. After a few minutes of Kenta and Qiang making sure their human friend would be okay the three of them escorted Jun to the police. No doubt the cheetah will be bailed out of jail soon enough, but for now the would be rapist is safely locked up in no small part thanks to a convincing performance by Paul. Of course they did not tell the authorities what really happened in part due to the light it would shine on both himself and his feline roommates. However the yarn he spun was damning enough by weaving half-truths in with the lies.

The subsequent hours for Paul have been spent in bed and served upon by both Kenta and Qiang. It began with a great deal of hugging, after the application of a few bandaids and more than a few painkillers to dull the general aches and pains within and without. Yet as he has rested up, drifting in and out of intermittent sleep, Paul has awoken each time to a meal, gifts or even just the shockingly affectionate presence of either Kenta or Qiang, whilst their counterpart is busy doing something else. They even made sure to arrange his absence from lectures for him.

This is something he can definitely get used to this as he wriggles his toes underneath the sheets. Rolling over onto one of his arms Paul is faced with a wall of sand dust brown fur. Kenta's pecs are like two shapely pads, creating a deep crevice in between that the human now nuzzles into. The huge cat stirs in his own half-asleep state, a soft yet deep purring sound reverberating up from his chest and to his throat. As the human nestles into one strong protector, he can feel the other shift around and groomed fur brushing against his back.

"I'm sure you don't mind a little spooning, right?" Qiang asks with a purr. Consideration for others from the tiger is still something Paul is wrapping his head around.

"No, not at all." The human replies, glad that his face is buried into the lion's chest so that the tiger is unable to see him blushing.

Though difficult to admit to himself Paul finally realises one important thing. Somewhere down the line of his seemingly one sided relationship with the two cats, something far deeper than a business arrangement has been growing. None of them really saw it until now, but whether through familiarity or something more, all three have grown emotionally attached to one another. Replaying the sight of the two stood in the doorway like shining white knights brings forth a fuzzy feeling inside of Paul. It matches the equally fuzzy external sensation of the two powerful, furry bodies pressing against him. Dusk is falling again and whatever the morning brings, Paul knows he wants to face it with Kenta and Qiang by his side; or even behind and rutting against him, as they may prefer.

The Summer Equinox

# The Summer Equinox > This is a work of erotic fiction. It was written by Iscin on www.sofurry.com. Commissioned by name111. All rights reserved © 2014. ## Heat > Once upon a time there were two great hunters. Men of courage an extraordinary might,...

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# Toymaker > This is a work of erotic fiction. It was written by Iscin on www.sofurry.com. Commissioned by Selth. All rights reserved © 2014. ## The Goo The dark entrance lies ahead of Selth and every spark of his conscious wants to get away from it....

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Jaydi And The Underworld

Jaydi And The UnderworldThis is a work of erotic fiction commissioned by Bento. It was written by Iscin on www.sofurry.com. All rights reserved © 2014.Departing WaysGuest Room, Dark FluxJaydi rolls and immediately falls into the now familiar fleshly...

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