Jaydi And The Underworld

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Jaydi And The UnderworldThis is a work of erotic fiction commissioned by Bento. It was written by Iscin on www.sofurry.com. All rights reserved © 2014.Departing WaysGuest Room, Dark FluxJaydi rolls and immediately falls into the now familiar fleshly presence of Jake Cross. His very first sexual partner and the one who has lit a fire deep inside of him. Jaydi reaches out with one hand and weaves a couple fingers through the fair blond mane on Jake's pate. He continues the motion, going down until the strands of hair stop just shy of halfway down Jake's back, but his hand continues on down. His glides over the lower half of Jake's back until it meets those smooth, and wet, buttocks. It is given a light squeeze. A teasing groping gesture that makes Jake stir a little from his slumber. He earned this rest though. Jaydi brings his hand back up, now sticky with his own thick and gooey produce. He holds his hand up to look at it up close. He still finds it hard to believe that he really came that much. Proportions that seem more fitting on a huge breeding stallion than a slender human man. But then again there are things happening to and around him that Jaydi does not yet understand, but he has a feeling that the very person who has come to bed with him might have a few of the answers."Hey wake up sleepy." Jaydi gently whispers to the sleeping boy next to him. There is no reply. "Hey..." He raises his voice a bit and tries to gently jostle one of Jake's shoulders. Again there is nothing as the blonde boy is asleep like a log. "Typical."He swings his legs over the edge of the mattress and collects his thoughts. There is something very different with the way the room looks around him compared to the one he remembers entering. Subtle differences that barely register on his conscious plane of thought, but register nonetheless. A different light fixture there. Shaggy carpet instead of a short one before. The hue colour of paint on the wall is darker too. All of these little things are adding up to give Jaydi the strangest feeling. One of alienation or perhaps just disorientation not unlike the physical one before but this time something purely in the back of his head. A niggling suspicion starts to take form at the centre of his mind, some dark recess of his memories giving him the smallest of alarms or deja vu."I need to stretch my legs." Jaydi says to the sleeping boy. "Don't go anywhere alright?" He pats Jake's bubble butt with that last request before standing up.There is no more vertigo now, his head is clear and his vision sharp. Looking around he soon finds his leather pants waiting for him on the floor near one of the two chairs in the room. He bends over, picks them up, and dusts the abused leggings down. Jaydi threads one leg and now the other through before pulling his pants up, a little too quickly. He nearly yells out as he feels the zipper catch his big, soft male hood. It feels heavier. He muses about the state of his substantistive genitalia before carefully tucking it down his left pant leg and fastening the zipper. All the while being extra careful this time. Last he quickly snatches his fishnet shirt from behind the pillow Jake is snoozing on and flips on his sleeveless jacket from the hook against the door; before going through said door.Okay, something is up. The hallway beyond the private room is not the same one he remembers from before. Even if he was delirious at the time. Just small details, like the way the carpet has become a reddish brown, rust coloured really. Along the walls there are a couple portraits depicting horned beasts that look like they belong on some cover of a death metal band's album. He starts to pick up his pace, reaching a brisk walking speed as he heads towards the exit at the end of the hallway. As approaches it though he pauses with his hand upon the handle and turns to look back over his shoulder. A shiver runs across his spine as he has the odd feeling that he may never see Jake again. But it is just a feeling and as he turns back to the door he turns the handle and steps through.Through The Looking GlassThere are many unknowns in this world. Questions framed in questions. Yet there are a great many more fantastic and bizarre things extant in our reality than any mere mortal cares to even consider acknowledging. As such these more fantastic things and people have learned to hide themselves, using illusion incantations, transmogrifications, memory altering abilities or just by staying clear of major human populations. But they are still here, always here, whether they are joining in the mortal mad dash for fame and fortune or spending their nights rudderless in a small sea of alcohol. At the end of the day they are just people too.UnknownKaleek has been hitting the mead again, and hard too. His tough features and thickset limbs have become increasingly uncoordinated in correlation with his increasing inebriation. Of course with his gangly, almost unproportional arms and legs, and his significantly drooping brow his species always looks a little drunk to others. It does not help that the cowboy chap pants and sleeveless leather jacket he thought he

would wear tonight for fun are a lot less comfortable than his usual loincloth and little else. He should not be drinking tonight, not this night. Tomorrow the dark green skinned troll has to be up early. Before dawn actually, an unconscionable hour. He looks at the flagon and hisses a curse underneath his breath. Enough of him is still sober that Kaleek turns away from the alcohol and gets up on his feet. They wobble, but do not falter. He towers over the majority of the other patrons so just as well the troll does not collapse here and now. He can feel eyes watching him as he saunters over to the door.It is now that Jaydi enters this hidden den of inequity. As he does so the first thing he sees is the toothy and unnatural skin tone of the half-drunk troll's face peering down at him. Jaydi catches a scream that starts to rise up in his throat. Yet his wide eyed reaction is not the only thing he falters on. His entire body tries to rock back, getting away from the abnormal creature before him, whilst his hands is still clasped around the door handle. Three factors cause what happens next, the first is Jaydi's lack of balance, the second is his firm grip on the handle and the third is the troll's own slow reaction time. The door is suddenly and very forcefully pulled back only to smack Kaleek against the left side of his head. He recoils from the blow whilst his vision blurs."GAH!" Both men say for differing reasons. They are now both cowering from one another, neither being sure what has just happened.Nursing the side of his face, the troll looks back at Jaydi. This strange human just accosted him and yet the lithe young man looks both confused and frightened whilst staring wide eyed at the green skinned troll. What is wrong with him? Kaleek wonders. But in next instant recognition dawns on him. Isn't this the guy Jake was after? Cross had been bragging about finding someone, or even something, interesting the night before. Something to do about a human barkeep. And yet if this is the virile buck he had described to Kaleek and others, then he should not be able to even see the troll in his natural state."W-W-What..." Jaydi is tries to use his words but is petrified. He looks back over his shoulder at the corridor he just came from and considers running back to Jake's bubble butt."Slow down there. I'm not going to hurt you." Kaleek says whilst ironically nursing the bruise against his head. "You're new to this aren't you?"It is Jaydi's turn to gain the dawn of realisation. He knew that something was up, but then how can he not? His body, Jake and the strange delirium from earlier on the night, or whenever. Something has been amiss for quite some time

now. Although his inhuman visage frightens him, Jaydi can sense an honesty as the troll tells him that he is safe from harm. He lets go of the door handle and steps up to the troll, trying not to stare too much at his green face and enlarged canines. He looks like something from out of a high fantasy comic book. As Kaleek offers one extremely large hand, the one that he had been rubbing his head with, Jaydi feels off as he reaches out and shakes it. Unreal."Do you want a drink or something?" Kaleek suggests, motioning back to the bar. His original intention to turn in for the night quickly forgotten as he takes the young man underneath his arm. "My name's Kaleek.""Jaydi and err, sure I guess."AdjustmentMany moons ago the forces of the supernatural were exposed and roamed freely among mortal kind. These were the times that inspired thousands of legends and countless myths, fables and even whole religions. Yet there was no such thing as harmony during this period of pre-history. Constant warfare, mistrustful xenophobia and worse risked to destroy all life as these intelligent species knew it. So those with the most power and highest form of wisdom took it on themselves to devise a solution.The faces here are for the most part human, or rather human like, but they are most definitely not homo sapiens. Jaydi looks sheepishly from underneath his locks of hair. Somehow having them obscure his vision makes him feel a little bit safer from these strange things staring at him. Kaleek on the other hand is both jovial and bemused with meeting this strange young man who has only just discovered the world within a world. He has forgotten all about his morning duty and would rather spend the remaining night with this enigma.Right now both of them are sitting at a bar that is simultaneously familiar and yet strange to Jaydi. The overall layout and position of the bars, main dance floor and upper level are the same. But the decor and the patrons are something totally out of this world. For a start it almost looks gothic, in stark contrast to the neon techno style of the mundane world. It fits I guess. There are folks dressed her as if they come from another time. Though the more he looks around he is not sure if every one of them has come here for recreational reasons."So you're a troll?" Jaydi asks. He has a glass of something milky that Kaleek has ordered for him. Though after taking just one sip it is anything but milk."Yup, that's right. But we don't all live around bridges you understand. We're actually very smart. I'm actually a physician!"

Kaleek answers with a proud smile. The human's eyebrows go up a notch at the mention of his being a doctor."So in keeping with the theme are there any orcs here? If so I don't recognise any.""You have so much to learn."Thus begins the rundown of so many different groups that Jaydi thinks his head is going to explode processing it all. He sips his drink to numb the culture shock as Kaleek rambles after one thing after the other. The first is that there are no such thing as orcs, they have only ever been a Tolkien villain. But there are elves, fairies and magi. Judging by the way the troll's face is contorting Jaydi guesses the big guy does not care for those three groups. Then again it is not that easy to tell when the troll is smiling or growling with his elongated mouth."Mmm, so are you starting to feel better?" Kaleek asks peering down at his new friend."Yeah, I guess. So are we still in Dark Flux or what?""Sort of. We're kind of in a parallel dimension.""Oh? So you guys watch science fiction then.""Ha ha. Sort of yeah. All you need to understand is that magi often invoke powerful duplication spells, we can then create areas where we can resume our normal forms and lower our defences. It is in places like this that the supernatural denizens of the world can get together and have a good time." Kaleek explains. The troll seems only too happy to answer any question Jaydi has. Yet he has not asked much of the human himself. Maybe he wants to figure out the mystery without any hints."I can see that." Jaydi replies curtly before asking the barkeep for a refill of the milky alcohol. Only now realising that the person serving them is probably an elf, or a fairy, hard to tell for him."So..." Kaleek starts to say, rocking back in his seat. It is obvious that the troll is interested in where Jaydi came from. "Ummm..." He is trying to resist asking the obvious, maybe he thinks it would be rude of him."You want to know what I am?""Yeah. Just natural curiosity. You don't have to tell me.""So do I. All I know is that I slept with this guy and now I have gone down the rabbit hole." Jaydi realises what he just admitted to and promptly blushes. He turns to not see the smirk that is no doubt on the troll's unusual face. This milky stuff must be having its effect on him. "I mean, err..""Relax." Kaleek

says and pats the smaller guy on the back. "A sharing of passions is not something to be ashamed of.""It's not that. I was just my first time and..."Jaydi turns back, with strands of black and red hair obscuring his heterochromia eyes. Yet it is not his blushing face that troll is staring at. He realises that the green skinned man has his eyes affixed to what has been forced into his black leather pants. Jaydi had not noticed until now, but his dick really has become more thick if not long in its dormant state. Has he been taking glances all this time? Jaydi wonders about the perverse nature of the troll, but does not feel the slightest bit offended. In a moment of introspection the young man realises that he is more comfortable with his body than he has ever been. Maybe it has something to do with meeting Kaleek and seeing all of these odd meta-human species gathered around a twisted mirror of Dark Flux."Umm, my face is up here." Jaydi finally prompts the troll, realising that the big man has become a little entranced."Oh what? Yes, yes of course it is. I'm sorry." Kaleek noticeably shivers a little, the long hair long his back bristling. "Sorry, I don't know what came over me.""Hmm. You're a physician right? I think I might need a new practitioner."PhysicalityThere are many passages, rooms and alcoves that riddle the building like pests. It was designed intentionally so that people have the opportunity to find privacy even in the midst of a part well into its highest peaks, before crashing back down again. Just as well that Jaydi knows his place of work so well, even in some sort of altered pocket universe. The room him and Kaleek are in now is a little brighter lit than the rest. In the centre underneath a fluorescent light is a smooth table and multiple chairs. Originally this was intended to be the club's "poker night" room, but has seen little use since the rave scene exploded.As soon as he told him about his unique situation the troll suggested an immediate examination. Under almost any other circumstances this might be a selfless thing to do, especially having not mentioned any form of fee. However Jaydi realises that the troll will be getting a different kind of payment. The only thing he is still figuring out is if he is really doing right thing trusting with strange perverted troll as his personal physician. But then again he recognises the need to get all the help he can and there is still that part of himself that seems convinced he is about to wake up from this dream any moment, so lets just go with the flow for now.Jaydi slides his bum up on the table and hisses as he feels how cool it is even with his pants on, thankfully it is quickly warming up against him. Kaleek is busy taking out some equipment from a satchel he has set down on the floor. On item that really catches Jaydi's eye is something that appears to be a dousing rod made from bone. I wonder what that's for? Jaydi ponders, hoping that it is not supposed to be used in any kind of surgical fashion like keeping an open incision wide open, like unhealthily wide for a mere human."So, first I need you to take off your pants, obviously." Kaleek says in a cool professional tone that almost makes him sound like a real human medical doctor."What? No dinner first?" Jaydi replies cheekily, but is already unbuttoning the top of his pants and pulling that awkward zipper down."Yes, very funny. Now first we-eeeeeeeell shit." The troll is a little daunted as he turns around and sees Jaydi bottomless.The slab of human cock drooping over the end of the table is almost comicbook bad in proportions. It is as if the organ is trying to blur the line in the troll's mind between reality and his own fetishistic fantasies. He is not even sure he has seen such thing on a man three times as tall as the relatively diminutive human. Kaleek gulps and his fingers tighten around the object in his hand, a plump and ripe orange fruit. He has to start applying an immense amount of self-discipline to keep himself from pouncing on Jaydi. His struggle in not doing so is alerting one compartment of his mind that something other than his endowment is unusual about this abnormal young man. And it is enough to say that his aforementioned morning engagement has all but disappeared from his waken mind."Test number one." He says holding out the fruit.Even before the orange, or anything else for that matter, comes into contact with Jaydi's body the human's male genitalia responds. He starts moaning under his breath as his stallion grade love log swells thicker and longer, rising up from between his smooth hairless legs like a dragon waking from its hibernation. The troll is stuck in both his infatuation and intrigue as to this sudden change. Maybe it is just Jaydi's own thoughts bringing him this arousal, but something about this makes it seem as if the phallus has a feeding behaviour independent of the panting boy above it.The pale coloured flesh changes pink and deeper shades of red near the head. His foreskin is sliding back now. As it reveals the swollen head the troll can see that beads of pre-ejaculate already collecting around the rim. Jaydi hisses as it swells to full mast,

looking down at his pride with a nervousness dancing behind his pupils. It is bigger. That ain't right. And yet the human's fascination with his own penis is nothing compared to the troll discovering his own vested interest. His mind is running through the possible explanations. The best one he can come up with is that maybe this is some sort of curse. But if it is he could be placing himself in some measure of danger. However such a catch is worth the risk for Kaleek. He needs to find out just what the tolerances and production of this stranger's genitalia are; for reasons of both medical and sexual proclivities."Amazing. I've never seen a human with such a generous endowment before. And it responds so well in opposition to the unproportionate anatomy." Kaleek says, his tongue already curling up along the edge of his top lip.Kaleek is resisting the urge to expose himself directly to Jaydi's monstrous member. Instead he now brings the piece of fruit up until it is almost touching the slobbering head. His keen sight, and the rapid intake of breath from Jaydi, clue him in as to a sudden acceleration in the human's heartbeat. Pulsating more quickly now the organ seems to be positioning itself to be pointing directly at the orange being suspended just out of its reach. This indicates awareness of some nature, though it could be some subset of Jaydi's own subconscious instead of any independent magical force.The fruit is finally given to the outrageously sized phallus and it quickly snaps it up. Kaleek draws his fingers away just barely as pre is spat up in the air from the quick and violent motion. Even without teeth the way that the organ's foreskin and slit are being rapidly distended out and then contracted is frighteningly effective. But all of this is a mere footnote in the troll's mind as he watches what it is doing. It looks painfully swollen around where the fruit is now lodged inside the head underneath the glans. And yet all that Jaydi is doing is groaning with delight, his fingers curling against the edge of the table as his irregular cock starts "swallowing" the orange fruit down its extended length."How are you feeling?" The green skinned man as he squats down for a closer look."Ah... mmmh... okay. Actually, I'm feelin' pretty good." Jaydi says with a half smile near the end.It is the truth as well, there are not words to quite describe the feeling of his abnormal erection subsuming the mass of something organic. Though a rough approximation might be to say that it is like undergoing a reverse ejaculation. An intense peak at the start with a steady ache coming near the end, devoid of any refectory period. However he can feel his body heat is rapidly

climbing up as his metabolism ramps up. Kaleek induces this last part by how Jaydi's brow is now significantly more reflective in the overhead light with a thin layer of perspiration. "Want to try another?""It might get messy.""I'm more than alright with that." Kaleek replies with a toothy smile and gets a couple of ripe plumbs this time. "Lets try two at a time next."Troll TollThis is the eleventh, no, it is the twelfth piece of fruit. He barely tenses up as it touches the tip. At some point during the four Jaydi has since entered a state of perpetual anticipation. The feeling of being constantly on the edge of blowing is already unbearable. But now he is so full that his balls are aching with or without the erection, churning with the kind of production that would rival the combined efforts of twelve virile men.The room has become thick with Jayid's musk. And his ostensibly professional troll physician appears to be letting it affect him. The crotch of Kaleek's pants, cowboy like chaps made of dark leather, are getting increasingly uncomfortable. Jaydi can see this and pushes his right leg out. With only his socks on he pushes the sole of his right foot against the front of Kaleek's crotch. The physician makes no effort to stop him and instead grabs the human's leg and helps to guide it. Both of the mens' eyes lift up to meet one another and they smile."I can see, ahh, this examination is taking a turn." Jaydi says, struggling to get each word out with shallow breathing."Oh I'm still taking mental notes." Kaleek replies.But now Jaydi is the one taking note to. He watches the troll whilst nursing his monolithic erection with hand one and steadying his position on the table with the other. Kaleek stands up pulls down the front of the leather crotch piece of his cowboy chaps. As he does so out springs a ten or eleven inch schlong in matching green. Kaleek pushes his hips out as if to offer himself for inspection and the human accepts with the that had been stroking his own dick now changing place to grasp at the troll. It is already half-cocked with a firm yet soft feel to it. Jaydi can feel the troll's veins as they ripple underneath, more blood pumping into the organ as it swells longer and thicker. The head is uncut, with foreskin that looks a shade darker green as it starts to slide back. His balls are hanging out over the bunched up briefs, also a greenish fleshy tint. Other than the colour and the far above average size the troll's cock looks and feels exactly like a human one."Now that we've seen each others, what now?" Jaydi asks with a half smile, his finger and thumb curling around Kaleek's rod in front of him."As much as I'd like you to play with my cock now. It is not your smooth hands that I want to experience." Kaleek takes the human's hand that is around his green dick and pries it away gently. He brings it up to his face and opens his mouth. The sight of the strange v-shaped jawline and pronounced canines momentarily disturbs Jaydi but he does not flinch. A long purple coloured tongue rolls out, not unlike a giraffe's, and slithers in between his fingers. It tickles and Jaydi giggles at the odd sensation. The troll is smiling as he licks the young man's fingers before letting his hand go and getting down on his knees. That long prehensile tongue is still drawn out. Jaydi gulps as he looks at the mean looking face bearing down on his crotch.That tongue is the first thing to make contact. Wet and hot, though surprisingly gripping. It slides against the head of Jaydi's phallus, before bending sideways as the tongue tip curls around. As it coils around Jaydi can feel the troll's hot breath beat down upon him and the other man gingerly reaches out to cup the swollen tests that are hanging off the edge of the table. He feels so full, so satisfied after all of that forced feeding. It will almost be a shame to explode into this slutty troll's mouth. Yet as he feels the edges of Kaleek's lips against his dick Jaydi can feel his dominant side awaken and he wants nothing less than to skull fuck the horny physician.Using both hands Jaydi pushes down against the back of Kaleek's head. It doubles as balance so that he does not fall backwards on the table. With this encouragement, or perhaps demand depending on how it is viewed, Kaleek wraps his lips around the first quarter of the human's gigantic endowment. The troll has one hand fondling and playing with Jaydi's balls, whilst the other is fondling and playing with his own genitalia that bobs up and down inches from the floor. The shear amount of throat blocking meat Jaydi is feeding Kaleek is far too much for a normal person. Lucky thing then that trolls exist, with superior physical and psychological tolerances.Kaleek takes a deep breath in through his nostrils before plunging down. Hard and fast. His lips stretch out around the thick midsection of Jaydi's whilst whilst his tongue coils and squeezes, lubricating it up and down with such efficiency that Kaleek makes it look easy. Of course he needs to be use immense discipline to prevent himself from choking, or failing to control his prehensile tongue from any involuntary reactions. All the while he is jerking himself off underneath Jaydi's dangling legs, with only

the occasional brushing against his sock covered feet reminding the human what his partner is doing down below.The only thing more taxing than the excellent deep throating action Kaleeks is in the middle of delivering, is Jaydi's own internal pressures. With his eyes rolling back in his head, his toes curling and his fingers growing tight around the stringy black hair and scalp of the other man's head; it is all the human can do to keep himself from blowing too soon. If only he had known that this kind of experience existed. He thought that the night with Jake was amazing, but this is unbelievable. So enraptured with the sensation of the troll's mouth and tongue pressing in tight around his dick that he barely even notices as Kaleek now reaches his pelvis, lips slurping away creating sloppy kisses around the base of his elephant-sized erection."Fuuuuuck!" Is is the only word that Jaydi's comprised mind is capable of articulating. His tongue lolling out by the side of his mouth as Kaleek works him over with a mouth and tongue that can put a practised whore to shame.Something warm and wet is hitting his legs now. Jaydi shakes his head and tries looking over past the troll's face buried against his crotch. Enough awareness is left for him to put two and two together to reach an answer of cum. And boy did horny green man produce plenty of it. Kaleek is grunting loudly around the human's dick, stimulating it even further. However this grunting is not for Jaydi's benefit, but an expression of his own release. His dick is practically vibrating in his hand as he shoots load after load, wads of thick troll spunk hitting the underside of the table or splattering against Jaydi's legs and rolling down to wet his black socks."S-Someone got there before me." Jaydi comments and brings one forearm up to his scalp to wipe beads of sweat that are getting in his eyes.A little ashamed of his lack of self-control the troll now starts to come back up for air. Jaydi reluctantly lets him come away, his cock twitching jumpily every step of the way of that mouth, lips and tongue working their way back the way they came. Big green gasps for air with pre-ejaculate and spit still clinging his lips. He looks sits with his hands supporting himself against the floor, a guilty expression looking back up at Jaydi. But before he can make is apology Jaydi is reaching down and scoops up a thick glob of Kaleek's spunk. Brining it up to his lips he smiles at the troll before taking an appetiser."Yummy. But now I want something other than your mouth." Jaydi says with a wicked smile. One hand gripping the base of his elephant-dick and inclining it forward to point at the kneeling troll. "This time you get up

on the table."Bridge CrossingTrollkin have been one of the lesser liked supernatural species, especially when compared to the elves. However they have still become well known for their physical proficiency along with their natural intuition with matters concerning the spirit. This has earned some a measure of respect, despite the stigma os being seen as brutal and less than civilised people.Jaydi never once thought he could be turned on this much by something that seems so exotic as a green man's ass. But then again, at this very moment in time his balls arching so badly that he could even stomach fucking a girl, maybe. Either way it is an enticing sight for him with Kaleek now prostrate over the table. The briefs are on the floor now but the chap pants remain. There is something about chap pants that is making the sight all the more erotic for Jaydi. The human leans over to the left side, his right hand riding up against the troll's huge left butt cheek and his fingers curling inwards, prying him open. Kaleek shivers and tenses up, he can feel his cheeks flexing against one another, but his fingers are burrowing their way regardless as he leans over to whisper into the other man's ear."So are all trolls this cock hungry, or just you Kaleek?" Jaydi mocks him. Enjoying moment of Kaleek vibrant's green skin blushing.The examination is now a thing of memory. A part of Kaleek is aware of this and wonders if this is one of the properties of Jaydi's unusually big endowment. If he had to make an educated guess he would pin him down for being part sex demon, an incubus, but something about that seems very off. In truth Jaydi is a mystery to him, a human with a supernatural appendage and no knowledge of the magic infused mirror world. Yet all he wants now is to feel that appendage, to have it pressed up inside of his body. To have it radiating with its powerful energy and aphrodisiac like pre-ejaculate coating his insides. And finally to have it give him that he expects to be a sweet, and probably fruity flavoured, reward.Jaydi understands this last part too, almost as if he is linked on a purely sexually deviant way with the troll. He feels like a predator now as he leans back and takes a full on grasp of the troll's exposed rear cheeks. Both hands squeeze and massage Kaleek's muscular butt until he pries him open enough to lean in and take a cursory peek at the anus back here. It looks tight, unusually tight actually. Somehow Jaydi just knows that this is the first time the troll will have had anything up here, or at least anything having any substantial girth. He blows against the tight pucker and it winks at him. This is going to be so much

fun. He thinks to himself and wets one finger before plopping it up inside. The troll makes a high pitched noise, only a couple octaves off from being a minor yelp."Hey don't just play, ngh, with it!" Kaleek says and wiggles his plump derriere."If you'd rather I go in raw that's fine with me." Jaydi replies. He now wriggles his finger once before drawing it back out.Before he continues Jaydi is unable to resist reaching between the troll's bunched thighs and getting a firm handle on his green loins. Kaleek groans as Jaydi squeezes the large round objects, a little revenge from the way the troll had been playing with his own far larger testicles. Finally he lets go and reaches between his own legs with both hands. There is something frightening about his own erection. Even with both hands he is unable to get his fingers to meet around the incredibly thick fleshy cylinder that is his own male hood. This can not be natural. The blood imbalance alone should be an anatomical strain, let alone his ability to balance with such enlarged genitalia. Yet he stands and with the biggest dick known to exist in both hands Jaydi lines himself up and swings it from right to left."Aah!" Kaleek yelps as he feels Jaydi's dick bear down on him. It smacks into his ass causing his cheeks to ripple and tense in response. "What was that?"The human does not reply and instead only strikes him again. Now a third time and a fourth, pre-ejaculate smearing on the troll's exposed cheeks as he spanks him with his oversized love torpedo. It is exhilarating displaying such dominance. And with each passing second Jaydi's desire grows, if he does not make a start he is liable to hurt himself in the primal rush. So he stops swinging his dick like a bat, although now that he thinks about it that might be a good nickname, and starts getting ready for the main event.Jaydi starts positioning himself, taking care about the elevation he is to the troll's exposed rear. As his cock slides up between the green cheeks Kaleek wriggles and flexes with a small groan. It is as if Jaydi is trying to mount a rutting bitch. All of this excitement is resulting in a steady production of pre-ejaculate, incessantly dripping from the head of his oversized erection. The musky fluid is getting everywhere, making a shiny reflective surface out of the troll's butt and thighs. Such excessive lubrication does not help the human as he tries to pull himself up on top. The table starts creaking underneath their combined bodyweight, but the pair of them are too eager to heed any notice.With some help from the troll Jaydi is now up on top. He pushes himself up, almost in a position to do

push-ups. In doing so he inclines his dick down and wedges the head against where he thinks Kaleek's virgin hole lies. He had originally planned to ask the troll one last time before decimating his backdoor entrance, but now that he is ready Jaydi is too selfish to offer this last courtesy. So with both his arms and legs wrapping themselves as best he can around the half-lubricated troll man Jaydi applies his weight and pulls himself down against the other man.This is unreal. Kaleek has not been with many men, and those he has have always been on the receiving end. Yet now he is in the midst of having his virginity taken by a human with an elephant-sized erection. Every cell in his body is on edge, the muscles of sinew of his moderately muscular frame tensing up as he feels the head bearing down against his sphincter. The human is relentless in applying what feels like an unnatural amount of strength now that he has the troll exposed and begging for it. Oh gods why did I ask him to do this? One last regret before he feels the sharp point of pain emanating from his anus and near the base of his spine.It is going, albeit piecemeal. Jaydi is taking micro pauses, reaffirming his grip each time. His pants and grunting are only matched, or rather drowned, by the bellows of the submissive troll. The larger man is visibly shaking as his ass flexes and his sphincter resists the intruding giant python. In no small part thanks to the lubrication provided by his own pre-ejaculate Jaydi drills his way into the troll's ass, a wicked grin on his face as he flicks his head to get strands of hair out of his eyes.With bestial intensity Jaydi drives himself down until he can feel his balls resting against the Kaleek's thick buns. Resisting the urge to slump over the moaning and comprised troll Jaydi repositions his arms and starts pushing himself up. The only thing more effective than the resistance when entering Kaleek's ass is the resistance Jaydi now has to deal with on the way back out. His cock is far too thick and lodged deep inside of Kaleek where it is throbbing and tickling the troll's prostate. The human takes a moment to enjoy the feeling of the troll's insides squeezing in around his dick like a velvet glove, but what he really wants is to fuck the troll senseless. He tries telling him to try and relax but the troll just shakes his head in response, apparently a little concerned with the tingling sensation in his legs which might be an indicator of Jaydi's dick actually cutting off part of his blood flow."Come on, work with me here. The first time is always the hardest." Jaydi goes on encouraging Kaleek to loosen as he does not want to get stuck here.After a whole minute of grunting and even greater exertions than

before Jaydi starts to slip back out. He has to stop himself from falling backwards as Kaleek's ass suddenly lets go letting his huge member slip on out a whole lot easier than only a moment ago. But now that the initial breaking in is done Jaydi is quick to slam his body against the other man. This time the entrance is easier, the violation more smooth as he feels himself sinking deep inside of the troll's now gaping orifice."Nnngh, f-faster!" Kaleek begs, his knuckles whitening as he grips the other end of the table for purchase.The horny beast of a twink is exhilarated to comply. It is fascinating how such a petite frame can muster this much energy. Maybe it has something to do with the same reason that he can now see the supernatural, or maybe it is just the fact that his balls are so plump and full like mango fruit that pure stamina in his veins is enough to keep him reaching for that release. Either way he builds a rhythm, rocking the table's legs as he pounds into Kaleek's quivering green cheeks faster and harder, his anaconda disappearing and reappearing with frenetic speed.After what seems like an age stooped over the edge of eternity Jaydi can feel himself reaching his climax. The troll has already had several creating an ample mess in front of him across the table and on the floor below. Musk is thick in the air, but all of this is nothing yet as Jaydi draws himself up and slams in one final time. A whimper. Detonation. Wave after wave, load after thick and creamy load pour into the troll's tender insides, filling him up with a warm and totally novel sensation. Jaydi almost whines as he feels his gigantic jewels lift themselves up, gradually shrinking back down to a far more reasonable size. This release goes on for entire minutes before Jaydi finally starts to slow down now. Yet he does not feel drained so much as just satisfied, for the moment. In truth his now softening dick can probably get another erection easily; but poor Kaleek here is hardly ready for seconds.Little did either one expect a face familiar to both of them, living separate yet parallel lives.Revelations"Why?" The tone is accusatory, but also pitiful as Jake looks out across his human lover slumped over the half-broken troll.Jaydi immediately pushes himself away from Kaleek. His limp dick flopping out with a wet plop as the troll groans with excess amounts of Jaydi's seed oozing out of his ass in an undignified fashion. Jaydi's face is blushing, his hands reaching over his extensive endowment in an unthinking sense of modesty that looks more comical than anything else. He tries to find the right words to say, but even so he still needs help on

putting them in the right order."I..." Jaydi starts to say but Jake holds up one hand cutting him off. Yet his first sexual partner is not so much interested in Jaydi at present, as he is in the still to recover troll."What did you do?" Jake Cross asks, his eyes clearly focused on Kaleek's. But Jaydi can see something dark that lies behind them now and before he knows it the inexperienced young man is re-evaluating just how much he really knows and understands about this individual."One thing, mmmh, led to another and before we knew it..." Kaleek says as he gets up off the table, reaching back to rub his abused buttocks and glances over at Jaydi with a cheeky smile."He was mine. I claimed him!" Jake fumes."Incubui can only claim mortal humans. And I think we both know that Jaydi is not ordinary human." Kaleek replies, further leaving the subject in the dark."Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?!" They both turn to look at where the outburst has come from. Jaydi is now holding his leather pants in front of his waist and is wearing his best tough guy expression. "Either tell me or let me get dressed before you faggots keep on bitching!"The uncharacteristically aggressive outburst both shocks and focuses both of the other men.

Domestic Temp Act 2

# Domestic Temp Act 2 > This is a work of erotic fiction. It was written by Iscin on www.sofurry.com. Commissioned by GuyThreepwood. All rights reserved © 2014. ## Sauna Paul's face is a flush, his cheeks shining redder than a mythic reindeer's nose....

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The Kitsune

The KitsuneDisclaimer: This is a work of erotic fiction. Reader discretion is advised. It is part of a series of transformation chronicles called "metahuman".Written by Iscin on www.sofurry.com. All rights reserved © 2014.AltercationDillon Taichi ducks...

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Epsilon Labs

# Epsilon Labs > This is a work of erotic furry fiction commissioned by Cornel of FurAffinity and SoFurry. It was written by Iscin on www.sofurry.com. All rights reserved © 2014. ## Lysander's Arrival **Ship: Diplomatic Envoy "Lysander"** **Astro...

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