Epsilon Labs

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Epsilon Labs

This is a work of erotic furry fiction commissioned by Cornel of FurAffinity and SoFurry. It was written by Iscin on www.sofurry.com. All rights reserved © 2014.

Lysander's Arrival

Ship: Diplomatic Envoy "Lysander"

Astro Coordinates: J376F x W2024W x J7442L

Ship time: 1611

Tiberius makes a deep, snarling sound as a high pitched alarm call sounds inside of hir cranium waking hir up. In parallel with the alarm, the sedative mixture of gases in the airtight sarcophagus like bunk are exchanged for normal ship atmosphere. The drasha, or in other words a dragon and shark hybrid, terran can innately tell that the alarm has gone off early as hir body clock is near perfect and every fibre of hir being is telling hir to remain in the enclosed bunk. Opening hir eyes, Tiberius blinks twice before a graphical interface overlays atop hir vision. A notification for the alarm is prominently displayed, having been moved forward by the ship commander for an unspecified reason, such is the prerogative of the Lysander's captain. Using the focus of hir pupils and basic mental commands Tiberius dismisses the alarm and commands the bunk to slide open. Servos whir into life as the view above hir slides until shi can see the ceiling of hir cramped cabin.

Lights ramp up from low light levels, gradually getting brighter and brighter over the span of sixty seconds so as the occupant's eyes can adjust. Tiberius sits up, hir legs touching the cool rubbery texture of the floor and rubs hir eyes. If the astronavigation projections are accurate, and they always are, hir ship will be reaching its destination within the hour. So first the drasha has to prepare hir body whilst hir mind still wakes up. Shi stands up and yawns again, arms stretching out hir fingers touch the bulkhead ceiling. After that Tiberius goes straight for the adjoining shower built into hir luxury quarters. It is a small and pokey thing, but having real water wash over hir body is a wonderful thing to have when in deep space.

Tiberius' naked black and red body shines in the artificial illumination and as shi steps into the shower alcove rivulets of water begin running over hir tall and shapely body. The front of hir torso and face are a dark black, which includes hir amply sized breasts, toned abdominal muscles and hir entirely back digitigrade dragon's claws for feet. Between hir legs is both a slit for where hir penis lies and hir vagina, also black. There are red stripes along hir back, along hir elbow fins and long tail like warning signs. They even extend to covering hir smooth domed pate. And speaking of hir head the drasha has a strange set of eyes, one pair red and another pair blue behind them, along with third orange eye all by itself set further up and centre. Finally there are hir wings, just as any dragon terran has, but instead of just the two wings, shi has two pairs of four wings altogether.

Shi can feel a subtle undulation in the gravity field which ever so slightly displaces the flow of the water. They have arrived. Now the ship is coming into orbit the over two metres tall drasha finishes hir shower as quickly as possible. After the mildly soapy water the alcove turns to blasting warm air from hidden vents at several angles. Not too hot, not too cold. Tiberius pulls hir breasts apart and positions hirself so that the warm air channels down between them. Shi also shakes hir wings and generally wiggles and shakes hir limbs until they all feel sufficiently dry.

Tiberius now comes out of the alcove and uses a few vocal commands telling the integrated room service to summon fresh clothes. A mere five seconds later and there is a chime. Hir fresh apparel is waiting for hir in a compartment just opposite hir bed. A red on dark blue leather uniform indicative of the role shi serves. The dark blue represent hir role as a diplomat and the red hir service as a military adviser when things inevitably turn sideways.

"Oh well," shi says to hirself as shi does the last button at the top of hir collar, "lets see what fresh hell they've concocted."


After the unification of the disparate terran peoples who had spread out into the solar system, a new way of organising society was devised. A system dependent upon detailed psychological profiling compiled by quantum computers, this new system governs every terran individual, assigning them careers, habitation space and fiat currency. It has removed self-determination, but granted a lasting peace that has prevented society from undergoing any atavisms since escaping the boundaries of the home star.

Location: Epsilon Labs, The Spiral

Arcology Time: 1942

"So how many survivors have you identified?" Chief Researcher Dr Harez asks the weary looking face on the other end of the superluminal channel. She has been in communication with the recon team dispatched to U34F.

"Well, technically they all survived. The problem is what they survived as." The striped face shakes from side to side. It is obvious to Harez that this officer is not cut out for xeno contact. "They're not our people anymore Doctor. If you want my recommendation. I say we nuke the poor bastards."

"Thank you Captain but I didn't ask for your recommendation. Continue monitoring them. Only make planetfall under express instructions from myself, I don't want your troops exacerbating their mindset." Dr Harez cuts the communique off at that point and reclines in her chair pondering the situation there on U34F.

It has been nearly a whole week since they lost contact with their outpost and a recon team was sent in. From orbit they have been making careful observations as the entire planet has apparently become radically different in its ecosystem. First assessment would make one think that the terrans somehow brought a new contagion that has spread across all the flora and fauna of the planet. But Harez suspects otherwise. Although it is difficult to gather much data, a couple remote probes they sent have returned interesting results from analysing samples from the less aggressive lifeforms. It all has a root biological makeup in the planet's native life and yet has only now revealed itself as if blooming in a particular climate.

What few educated individuals, not the military knuckleheads, have access to this information have been having more than a few words with the chief researcher and vice versa. They all agree that they need to study this thing more, and that they do want to take one of their own transformed people if possible for study. Of course the brass will want to know two things. First if they can cure their people and second how they can kill it without scorching the entire planet. U34F is still a great candidate for a colony, especially now that the military has an excuse to remove the natives with overwhelming force. Yet they miss the big picture.

The teal coloured lizard sits up again and brings up the kinetically interactive holographic UI of her workstation. She brings up one of the few animated nucleic level optical scans of the alien cells. This sample came from one of their own terrans, a guard if she recalls, who was one of the first infected if the security recordings are right. It astounds her how the parasitic particles have fused with terran cell biology to so intimately subvert them. The parasites are closest in structure to mycelia back on Earth, but shed things that are not unlike retroviruses that it makes custom tailored, each batch uniquely made for its host organism.

"You're beautiful..." Harez whispers to the now still image.

"I know I am. But carry on reminding yourself like that." A second voice suddenly calls out from behind her. The research jumps back into her chair before now spinning around in it to see their resident giantess crouch to get through the lab door.

Luna Sykes has been working with Doctor Harez for the past three months now. The hermaphrodite tiger-wolf hybrid is something of a mystery to not only Harez, but everyone else she has asked. The consensus is that shi is a bit of a loner and has probably made sure that hir history is, at least mostly, off all of the official records. It irks the lizard; she likes knowing. As Luna stands with hir back straight again shi runs one hand through hir long blonde hair to ensure that it is straight back again. The only thing as impressive as hir stature, being over three metres tall, is the tiger-wolf's humongous chest pillows and muscular physique that makes hir look like a mythical goddess or something.

"Who invited you in I wonder." Harez says acting unwelcoming.

Eve of Embarkation

Location: Somewhere on U34F

Ever since discovering the underlying, almost subconscious mind of the hive Cornel has been slowly adapting. It seems that the hive requires a queen. Because of that necessity Cornel has been uplifted to a supreme position in their hierarchy. So much of the alien parasite and how it works remains a mystery to Cornel even though shi has become its de facto leader. Having been a leader of any significant calibre before, suddenly being handed the reigns of an entire world seemed stupendously daunting at first. However, as the days have gone by Cornel has been learning that a great deal of what their. Their what? Their kind shi supposes? A great deal of what their kind do can be delegated to networks of minds, like outsourcing to parallel processors.

As a token for accepting the responsibility of being their queen Cornel has been given a gift. The free will and body of hir lover, Alex. And it should go without saying that their new bodies, both powerful and resilient, have proven very entertaining in their "off hours" together. But even during their most passionate and intimate time together the hive has been waiting, in the shadows of hir mind like something in hir periphery vision. Now that the entire planet has been converted and that their hive mind knows that there are yet more to be drawn into their inclusive fold they have begun work on a series of bio-mechanical vessels.

The mutagenic "pine cones" that started all of this have been given a new name by Cornel. Shi and the rest of the thralls in the hive mind now refer to them as "Hu'uns". These Hu'uns have not only acted as the catalysts of this new race, but they will also now serve as the seeds of their new spaceships. Setting aside sufficient nutrients a Hu'un can be instructed to germinate like a seedling and grow a carapace like material into any shape and almost any size desired. Along with added details such as compartments and corridors.

Unfortunately the original terran base did not have FTL capable spacecraft with it. Fortunately there were components that have now been cannibalised and are being used to help construct FTL jump capable engines. These and several power systems are serving as the heart of otherwise mostly biologically grown hulls. This allows for more efficient use of their limited technical resources, and a more resilient skin for what will eventually be their shock troop transports.

Cornel is standing on a cliff top. From here shi is watching the construction of hir vessels on the shoreline. The sea is helping to provide ample nutrients from this ecology's parallel of algae. First the Hu'uns were spaced thirty metres apart along the sand. Now they are a handful of days into their growth. Sprouting not at all unlike flowers, their petal like growths have extended and grown hard to form almost the ribcage outlining the new vessels. Now increasingly more dense webs of fibre issue is growing between the spines, building layer after layer of a new carapace. It will not take long now as their terran thralls are already finishing the engine assemblies deep in the great forest, under the cover of the leafy canopy.

There are several advantages to this never before seen design for the spacecraft apart from the obvious efficiencies from synthetic material and technical labour cost. If it works the way that the collective intellect of the Hive Mind is telling Cornel then their boarding ships will be able to resist a great deal of fire and heal almost just as fast. Even if individual ships get blown apart, chunks of it will turn into clusters of Hu'uns like cancerous tumours. Each one acting as a different biological bomb that once it makes planetfall or hits the surface of an artificial structure it will fester and consume any useable material before it can release the smaller spores onto suitable biological targets.

One sole idea added to the design is something that Cornel had on her own. A sort of shock pod. Each one is adapted so as to carry one of their four legged Hu'un-dogs. With a strong acid pouch these pods can make contact and very quickly breach any armoured target, ideally space stations and the like. After which the dog inside will be released to stalk and hunt down prey, disabling them until they can be transformed into a loyal thrall under Cornel's will. Even as shi thinks about the potential of their rapidly growing vessels a tingling sensation runs all along Cornel's body, making hir armoured tail twitch and thud against the ground making the topsoil jump from the impact.

"How are you feeling?" A voice says from behind Cornel and shi immediately knows who it is. The tall alien figure of what had once been a petite little white cat named Alex strides out from behind a handful of trees and stands besides hir lover near the edge.

"I am well." Cornel tells hir psychically. "The adjustment has been easier than I expected."

"Well you were the fortunate one, Dear Leader" Alex replies and looks out with hir beady red eyes spotting a contingent of thralls carrying metal parts.

The first engine modules are ready, along with scaled down reactor units which will only last an extremely finite duration. With hir technical background Alex is now thinking about the logistics and emergent strategies that are being employed for these invasion plans. Cornel must be drawing upon the knowledge and experience of all of them to orchestrate this. As shi looks over at the eight legged giant shi wonders how much of that aggregate information has filled hir mind and how much Cornel has been changing both physically and psychologically under the pressures of becoming the queen of this growing hive of theirs.

"Do you think we will have a night to ourselves before departure?" Alex asks, trying to avoid a nagging tone in hir voice; though exactly what such a tone sounds like with hir altered vocal cords is unclear.

"Yes," Cornel says and turns hir bony head towards hir partner. "And what a night we will have."

Red Tape

The Spiral is an "orbital" type structure. In contemporary vernacular that is to say that it is sufficiently massive so as to be considered an entire self-contained world and not a mere outpost or deep space station. It consists of multiple superstructures, some cylindrical shaped and others like trapezoid pyramids. All of which are wrapped around in rings that provide ancillary ports and generate a consistent artificial gravity field. Curiously most of The Spiral is designed so as to be an "arcology", a megalith that houses thousands upon thousands of people who can go to their place of work on foot. Although The Spiral does have an extensive internal transportation network.

Location: Docking Bay B5, The Spiral

Arcology Time: 2005

Soft vibrations can be felt under hir feet as the magnetic docking clamps attach and the vessel comes to a relative stop inside of the docking bay. Tiberius checks hir uniform one last time, happy that there are no blemishes, creases or tears of any kind in the warm leather. First impressions are everything and shi hates having to revisit them. The other person with hir in the airlock is a male mobula some 180cm tall and dressed in a technical dark yellow leather uniform. He is the drasha's attache who insists people only call him Kapila. Though the other aquatic terran's role on the Lysander has been as a technical attache to Tiberius, shi suspects he would like to get far closer to hir. He has a small implant attached near the base of his neck which provides oxygenation for his circulatory outside of his naturally aquatic environment. Seeing it makes Tiberius think about how fortunate shi is being a hybrid with an above sea based terran, though the mobula could probably get a biological modification if he really wanted to.

The final stage of the cycle is an enveloping blue light, ultraviolet that sweeps over them. It makes two passes that feel ever so slightly warm on the surface of hir skin. This part is to protect against foreign contaminants. Even a major installation likes The Spiral has a very strict policy in regards to incoming and outgoing biologicals as enclosed spaces are the worst places for virulent diseases and more than one terran facility has found itself crippled because of an especially nasty strain of flu. The light now fades and the doors roll on open. It is quiet here. Usually a facility of this size is always active, nearly a hundred thousand people constantly moving around.

"Is everything alright?" A voice suddenly asks over Tiberius' private intercom. Shi looks over to the far left of his vision and Tiberius' ocular implant brings its heads up display into focus.

"Yes," she responds after focusing on the appropriate glyph. Kapila watches hir carefully, struggling to find a tie in to the comm line.

"Good because you're just standing there. If you're wondering why it's so quiet we cleared B5 out before your arrival. Please follow the directions being sent to your implant now; the facility is rather too large to simply go wandering around in without an escort."

Tiberius is about to ask a follow up question when suddenly the call terminate son hir cold. The rudest part to all of this is tat there was no name attached to the voice. Hir own particular style of drasha prudence is telling Tiberius to wait by the Lysander and try sorting out their contact here. The Spiral has a civilian population in conjunction with the military staff. Because of that it really is large enough for Tiberius to be concerned about anarchistic groups or worse festering. Diplomatic envoys like hirself usually make tempting targets to send a bloody message. Shi is about to turn back to re-enter the airlock when Kapila just saunters on by descending down the ramp before turning around and waving to hir.

"So are you coming or staying with the ship?" He asks as his eagle ray wings flap behind him from the act of waving.

"I guess..." Tiberius curses underneath hir breath as shi too starts descending the ramp. All five of hir eyes are darting around looking for something hidden.

Almost by instinct by this point the drasha calls up a small program stored in hir cranial implant. Shi has no special cybernetic sensory implants, but the program can analyse and aggregate data from hir normal senses. It uses this to quickly identify amiss things such as the nearly imperceptible sounds of soften feet or the slight shimmer of light indicating a photon bending cloak. Hir heart feels like it could strangle itself into a myocardial infraction as shi reaches the base of the ramp and Kapila looks like he is about to bound ahead like some happy kid. He seems very excited for some reason, though it might just be the chance to get out of his quarters aboard the Lysander that are considerably inferior to Tiberius'.

They both pass by the automated disembarkation point and the computer identifies them. Their names are now registered along with hundreds of thousands of others on The Spiral. Such a record is not precisely public but is nevertheless needed to be accessible by the orbital's staff such an emergency occur and they need to verify the saved and the dead. Yet another possible weakness by which one of the many different faced assassins Tiberius is now imagining might exploited to alert themselves to hir presence and make their move. Hir eyes look up at the ambient lights, imagining them flickering as a major conduit is taken out, cutting off a myriad of functions and preventing security from being able to rapidly deploy.

Some ten metres behind the checkpoint are a series of three doors, currently closed shut. The middle one leads to the corridor beyond, and the other two either side are alcoves for two, three directional elevators; a premium service for those who pay extra. Tiberius walks up to one of the elevator doors and stands there waiting for it to open. After a few seconds shi starts to realise that the door is being unresponsive to hir presence either due to a lack of power or something else. Shi turns around and beckons at Kapila who has probably been staring at hir ass all this time knowing him. The officer uniform is really not decent for someone with a womanly figure.

"What's wrong with it?" Shi asks him.

"I don't know. I'm not orbital maintenance." He replies in snark before removing a small metal tool from his jacket pocket and pointing it at the door. "Hmm, it has power running to it but its optics are disabled."

"Well I'm not walking." Tiberius says turning to him with hit arms akimbo and foot tapping. "So fix it."

"Like I said I'm not orbital mai-" Before the mobula can finish his sentence the middle door opens and someone impossible imposing steps out into the docking bay.

The hybrid mutant Luna Sykes has been in deep consultation with Dr Harez. Yet in spite of the mental and physical exhaustion doing hir time with the exotic lizard, shi has managed to find time to come and greet Tiberius and Kapila. Shi is standing before them with hir hands clasped around the front of the substantial bulge from hir crotch. Luna's purple eyes look as though they are eyeing up choice cuts of meat, looking up and down one and the other.

"Hello." Luna's first word slices through the silence with a measured tone, one that shi hopes the pair will find friendly and not frightening due to hir impressive size.

"And who are you?" Tiberius asks as shi folds hir arms and takes a couple steps sideways to get a little nearer to Kapila.

"I work with Dr Harez. The name is Luna Sykes. Now, you're here about U34F, right?" Luna asks and shifts hir weight from one paw to the other, causing hir ample bosom to bounce in front of hir.

"Yes I am. My name's Tiberius and Kapila here is my technical attache." Tiberius says with a gesture of hir hand at the eagle ray who smiles back at the furry hybrid whilst crossing his palms over the front of his uniform pants

"Good, then you can both follow me to Epsilon Labs. You'll love the toys we have there." Luna says with a wink to the mobula.

The herm turns on hir paws and hikes hir tail up, making sure the pair of them get a nice long look at hir bubbly buttocks as shi walks back through the doorway. With a look over hir shoulders shi beckons them to come follow hir before shi walks over to the left breaking line of sight. Tiberius is shaking hir head as Kapila hurries to catch up. This Luna person was not in any of associated dockets. Shi is already running through hir security protocol options to contain pertinent information. Dr Harez will have some explaining to do in regards to the big tit bitch in front of them. Though Tiberius suspects that however that conversation goes shi will be needing to work around Luna Sykes.


Location: Low Orbit U34F

The monitoring station was one of the first structures setup above U34F even before the expedition forces started on a base proper down below. It is barely twenty metres across and is intended to serve as a mainly scientific outpost with only life support systems and various instrumentation equipment. A pre-space age civilisation is hardly any treat to something outside of their own atmosphere. The recon squad has opted to use it to help them keep eyes on the Hu'un lifeforms with a small four man support team staying aboard the observation station with at least two awake and on duty at all times. Aside from those aboard there are two separate fire teams of four each working planetside.

"What is that?" The first dog soldier asks the man next to him. He thinks that he just saw something new moving around on the planet's surface below.

"What was what?" His comrade asks, eyes narrowing from across his snout as he looks around their small compartment at the.

"There was something just outside of the for-," Suddenly the proximity alarm starts to sound in the tiny compartment, deafeningly loud to the two canines. "SHIT! WHAT IS GOING ON?"

Down below bulbous shaped things with black leathery hides are moving out across the beaches and from underneath the forest. They are being transported on a thousand spindly legs each, but that is far from the most creepy thing about them. As the two soldiers try to get a clearer image from the satellite optics they can see that there are metal parts jutting out from these surprisingly fast moving leathery turtle like things. They must be a few dozen metres across each, one after the other emerging out from either underneath the forest canopy or the beach tide. The metal components of their techno-organic design are clearly exhaust ports, thruster assemblies and instrumentation that has probably been scavenged from the expedition's facility.

Questions are rising up like too many bubbles inside the first soldier's head. This all the while his friend slowly starts to realise that they have to contact the fire teams on the surface. Whatever these fresh spawns of hell are they can not be good. So he holds his fingers to one of his pointy ears and opens a channel to the fire teams. A second after he does this he receives a notification: NO SIGNAL. There are two possibilities, either the fire teams comms are not functioning for any number of increasingly terrible reasons, or their signals are all being jammed. He reaches out and shakes the first soldier, as he is the more technical of the two, and informs him that the fire teams are unreachable by comms.

"Y-Yeah, let me check." He replies, eyes not going away from watching the odd bulbous shapes skittering around on the display.

A quick diagnostic runtime only takes a five second refresh for it to return the results. Geostationary satellites confirm the latter possibility with what few ground stations they know remain functional on the planet's surface. Somehow the entire planet has become enshrouded in a specific electromagnetic field. Amazingly the Hu'un have found a way to create an EM mask all over the planet, cutting off any radio frequencies. Of course the visible light spectrum and more still work. So if they can get a line of sight to any of the fire teams they may be able to trigger the optical receptors on their armour; an emergency comms protocol specifically made for situations of this nature; although the specifics of this are far more natural.

The two on duty suddenly realise that they should wake up their shift counterparts and together work on re-establishing contact. However they will never get their chance as something small and fast suddenly collides into the side of the observation station. It is fast and sharp enough that it pierces through one side of the small station to the other as if passing through a thin sheet of paper. More follow it and the breach alarms soon fall silent, not because they have stopped working but because there is no medium for the sound to travel through. A swarm of debris that was previously the observation station is now starting to spiral out in low orbit. All four now nothing but dead husks of flesh, those parts that have remained attached from the high velocity impacts anyway.

Meanwhile down on the surface of U34F Cornel is getting confirmation from hir many eyes of the destruction of their would be watchers. There are two fire teams of course, shi has been fully aware of their activities ever since they arrived here. But shi has neither the time nor interest to hunt them down. As shi climbs up onto the largest one of the bulbous techno-organic vehicles, hir very own flagship, the mutant dragon taur sighs as shi sits down in a specially designed acceleration chair. Tendril like and leathery biological safety harnesses rise up from the floor wrapping up and around the bulk of hir body and fused tail.

"Are you ready for a ride?" Shi asks hir partner in perversions. Alex is already on one of the other nearly identical spacecraft, acting as a kind of sub-commander. Although they are a hivemind, there will be a need for the hive to split off and when that happens a nexus is required apart from Cornel.

"Yes. Tell me again these things are going to fly." Alex does not so much sound as radiates hir concern over the psionic wavebands. It brings a smile to Cornel's alien features as hearing hir lover's concerns reminds hir of what shi was like not long before their lives took this radical new turn.

"I'll do better than tell you. I'll show you." Shi promises and closes hir eyes as shi sends the same signal to over a hundred different arks of Hu'un vectors.

Although relatively localised, their spacecraft are spread out enough that it looks like over a dozen different launch sites. They are spread out just in case there is some hidden anti-air system somewhere on the planet. Although even if they do get shot down there should be no real loses of "personnel". Cornel is just that confident in their robust biology. It looks quite unreal as powerful engines ignite underneath each of the bulbous vehicles. They are arranged at four separate corners making them appear a little like rocket powered leatherback turtles. Headless ones anyway.

And thus their sojourn begins. Their destination is the closest high terran population.


Location: Harez's Apartment, The Spiral

Arcology Time: 0018

Her soft blue skin looks like a sheet of a thousand separate jewels glinting in the light. Each scale is shifting around with every movement, every breath, every shiver. And as they change so too does the way that the light reflects, shining up into Tiberius' eyes. The drasha bites hir bottom lip as the good doctor prostrates herself in the most unprofessional way shi has seen in a very long time. These is her private room on the arcology's flashier level. What is some fun between old friends?

"So you didn't forget me." Tiberius says as shi lays hir hands along the naked woman's round, firm buttocks. The lizard's prehensile tail lifts up, stroking up along the drasha's chest before the tip hooks inside the front of hir collar and starts trying to pull the zipper down. "And I see that you've learnt a new trick."

"I've learnt many things." Harez calls back as her tail pulls down and the drasha's leather jacket comes undone.

Tiberius helps hirself out of hir own clothes. Hir large black mammaries are uncovered, as are the many red stripes going down hir back and tail. Shi bends forward, tits bouncing, as shi works hir pants off and already the shyest of black tips is poking out from hir penis slit, right above hir vulva. All the time Tiberius has been stripping Harez has rocked her body this way and that on top of the self-adjusting mattress, flexing her large round blue butt in front of the hermaphrodite. The sight of it has been slowly driving Tiberius' excitement up and up even as hir phallus rises on to greet the underside of the lizard's tail that rubs against it, coiling ever so gently to hug it.

Body temperatures, along with heavy breathing, are rising. The dragon and shark hybrid grabs the lizard's tail and yanks it towards hir. Harez screams in surprise and her head thuds into the soft clean sheets. Tiberius laughs, enjoying the opportunity to exert hir physical strength over the small lizard woman. Shi pulls the doctor up and away from the bed. Hir strong arms visibly bulging as the biceps flex to hold hir partner up facing towards the drasha's body. The lizard is wriggling around just as her chest meets the drasha's and their breasts squish up against one another. A smile spread as wide as any great white's on Tiberius' face as hir phallus throbs longer and thicker from above hir vagina.

Dr Harez stops her playful wriggling when she now feels that hot, black organ press up against the side of her thigh. Tiberius awkwardly moves the smaller terran around a bit, her legs spread out around the drasha's waist, until shi can feel that hot wet place touching hir shaft. Harez makes a lizard hissing noise up at the half-reptile and drapes her arms over Tiberius' shoulders. She tries to lean up to embrace the hermaphrodite in a loving kiss. At the last second Tiberius pushes her down and the blue lizard cries out in surprise as she feels the drasha spear up inside of her.

The pointed tip of Tiberius' organ enters easily enough, a small amount of resistance from an otherwise tight snatch. However as more of it enters her Harez's virgin like resistance becomes obvious. The drasha's claws sink into the blue woman's butt cheeks as shi continues pushing her down, making her sit on it. Both of their tails are whipping around in matched excitement, the lizard's slender prehensile one and the drasha's far larger and fork pronged one. Harez starts to wriggle again, but this time for the purpose of working in Tiberius' throbbing male hood. It takes about twenty seconds of moaning, whining, tear inducing effort before Harez finally feels herself being filled up by the herm, from tip to thick and knotty base.

"Fuck... Ah... Yes!" Harez is only managing to say one word at a time with each laboured breath. Tiberius leans back on hir tail, providing an inclination so that the blue lizard can sit on her own. The drasha's hands move up away from hir partner's firm ass and strokes over her sides and shoulders, feeling the scientist trembling with that dick lodged firmly inside of her.

"You're... tighter than I remember." Tiberius says struggling to keep intelligent thoughts bubbling to the surface of hir mind. "Don't you... ngh... engage with that cat-wolf thing?"

"Luna..." Harez begins to say looking back at the drasha as her hands reach up to start playing with the herm's heavy chest puppies. "Shi is... a friend... nothing more." Harez can manage two words at a time now as her pussy is starting to adjust along with the rest of her body.

"Shi doesn't know what shi's missing." Tiberius replies before barreling into the mattress with a screaming lizard girl stuck upon hir fat phallus.


Location: Near The Spiral

Arcology Time: 0732

"They say it has nearly a million people at any one time inhabiting it." Alex's words travel over the immaterial to Cornel's cognition. "But it's the technology we need the most. Right?"

The Hu'un Hive mind queen agrees with hir lover's assessment. Even without retrieving whole bodies, they have enough biological matter to quickly generate an army of immense size back on U34F. Personnel is not their bottleneck for waging their campaign to subvert and dominate the galaxy; it is the critical components to create more interstellar vessels like the ones they are in now. Although for the first generation of the bio-mechanical starships, these creations of theirs have been performing very well.

Right now the fleet of 69, the tried to make a whole 70 but they just ran out of parts, is positioned on the outskirts of the system that the space arcology exists in. Very few planetary bodies exist in this star system, as the star itself is far too massive to have shared much matter in their creation. The reason of The Spiral's existence here is more for tactical and logistical reasons, and less for material ones. Yet the facility has an inordinate amount of pre-fabricated components for the Hu'un to use for their own devices.

Cornel now shuts off the optical information from a thousand eyes and instead focuses upon the minds inside of hir finite collective here. There must be one possessing what shi now needs. Ah, there it is. A terran engineer among their ranks, a previous member of the expedition forces. Armed with a new appreciative understanding of orbital construction Cornel starts to assess The Spiral's structural weaknesses and ideal entry points for breaching. Importance lies in hir ability to select locations that will balance the opportunities for hir vectors to start capturing and changing the terrans against the risk of killing said terrans by exposing them to vacuum. Cornel is not overly concerned with exposing the Hu'un to deep space as they are resilient enough to survive until they can be recovered.


The shifting shapes of their invasion vessels move forward in the black of space. One very intentional design the almost blubber like material their hulls are grown from. This is an intentional feature as the Hu'un ships start to shunt all of the wasted energy they are producing into their thick hulls and shut down every engine and thrusters now that they are on their trajectory course. Stealth is a key factor here. As they slide across the barren vacuum. They close in metre after metre, kilometre after kilometre until they are about to make physical contact with The Spiral.

Slow down. Activate cutters.

Thrusters built into the fore of their vessels light up once more. At this range The Spiral's proximity alarm will be going off, they are well into the "Oh Fuck" perimeter around the metal monstrosity. Simultaneous to their slowing their relative velocity the Hu'un invaders opens up, four sides each, to reveal things that are not unlike some kind of great gnashing mouthes built into the fronts of their ships a good nine or ten metres across.



Terra and its children have cast their net far and wide heading towards the galactic centre. With great sleeper ships and self-sufficient orbitals they have managed to reach and establish themselves almost everywhere in the Milky Way galaxy. Part of the reason is due to a resounding lack of other intelligent life, or at least life which stands on the same stage of galactic civilisation as Terra. This has also resulted in several unique colonies having the room and time to grow. One of the most famous, or infamous to some, is a planet that has achieved what they describe as a "sexual utopia." They readily expose their flesh in public and sex is considered as normal in public as going for a pint. However they have come under fire from other worlds for a form of indentured servitude they use.

Location: The Spiral

Arcology Time: 0726

Both the drasha and the lizard are resting in Dr Harez's bed together. Although for Tiberius hir feet are dangling precariously over the bottom end. The discomfort is not helped by the smell of sex and sweat that the pair of them have managed to work up and that the air ventilation system has not yet managed to completely expunge. Shi turns hir head to the right and frowns as shi sees Harez staring up at the ceiling with dead eyes, too obviously inside of an augmented reality trance.

"So..." Tiberius says and coughs as Harez realises that the drasha has come around from a light snooze after exhausting hirself loading the lizard up three separate times.

"Sorry I was just. Umm. Reviewing something." Harez explains with a thin smile, her hand brushing up against the drasha's chest, her thumb cheekily flicking the left nipple at the end of the mound.

"What is the deal with the other herm?"

"Luna? Ah yes, shi's a special case you see. Apparently shi was transformed from a far more normal appearing male into possessing the body you met earlier. Something to do with very advanced and very old nanotechnology. We've been working together until the U34F incident happened."

"And now?" Tiberius asks using hir most serious expression.

"We've been trying to figure out what the deal is with the alien mutagen. Difficult to do without any direct samples though." Harez trails off before she can reveal the existence of the recon team she has sent out there. Their presence being only on her own authority.

Tiberius knows and understands the importance of Harez's work in Epsilon Labs. Or at least shi believes that shi understands it to a sufficient complexity at hir station. But that does not excuse the doctor's impulsive and often deceptive nature that the drasha remembers from back in Nalcon. There is more to this strange Luna Sykes, and why shi has been entrusted not only with access to sensitive information, but also personnel such as Tiberius hirself.

"You do realise that there will be consequences on your behalf if shi poses a threat. And that those consequences will be out of my control right?" Tiberius says in a measured tone with just a hint of a growl behind hir words.

Harez makes a chuffing noise and rolls away from the drasha, swinging her naked legs over the side and feeling the floor. Intelligent synthetic fibres in the carpet detect the pressure of her naked feet and rapidly warm to body temperature. The lizard is not at all concerned with Tiberius' warning and she shows this with a rude wiggle of her butt as she stands up. Despite a genuine concern for hir friend Tiberius already knew to expect such a reaction. Shi watches the lizard pull a loose fitting white tunic over her head and thinks about getting dressed hirself. One evening postponing hir task is all that shi will be granted. By now delegates from the outlaying colony worlds should either have arrived or be doing so within the next twenty four hours. It will be a long and gruelling next week for hir. Politicians are so needy.

Suddenly there is a slightly tremor. An undulation felt by the pair of them as part of The Spiral's megalithic structure is given an unbelievably kinetic shock. The modular nature of the space arcology allows it to resist most light impacts with no such noticeable tremors. However, more alarming than hir knowledge of The Spiral is the wide eyed and jittery look Harez shoots bak at Tiberius. Something is wrong. Very wrong.


Location: The Spiral

Arcology Time: 0735

Pandemonium is the word of the hour. On multiple levels and different sub-communities inside of The Spiral klaxons are blaring. Urgent notifications are being sent across to all of the denizens, informing them of an incursion that has been launched along multiple points along the exterior. Now that they are aware of the threat The Spiral's security forces are mobilising and drones are being deployed bringing intelligence on just what is happening. But even before the drones can get into position the exterior hull is already breached and the Hu'un attack dogs are already tearing into the corridors at an alarming pace.

Good. No pressure loss yet. Cornel congratulates that part of the hive mind with them that helped create the resin their invasion ships are using. Shi was unsure if they would be able to seal their incursion points off in time, but so far The Spiral's integrity and internal atmosphere have remained unaffected whilst hir hounds have begun chasing down terrans for conversion.

With a soft shudder hir own vessel makes contact with the orbital. A sizzling sound like burning flesh is made by the breaching apparatus before the resin is applied and just like that shi has hir own personal gantry way into The Spiral. Cornel spreads hir body, feeling every fibre in every limb flex, smooth joints limber for the fun ahead. For hir entourage Cornel takes six hounds and three naga guardsmen. The others will disseminate in squads and the only other two terrans are the technical personnel who will remain aboard.

From the psychic ether Cornel watches and multi-tasks the micromanagement of their domination. The hounds are more effective than ever with better training and co-ordination provided them by their terran counterparts. They corner individuals, herd groups, and begin pinning one down after the next before the nagas or terrans come closer to introduce them to the hu'un mutagenic seedlings. Cornel feels a shiver run down hir long spiked tail as shi feels new minds begin to merge with the whole. They are feisty are first, full of fire and individuality. But deep down they are weak willed and servile. Shi assaults them with the same techniques shi used on the expeditionaries before.

Mammals and mammals, reptiles and avians, and so many diverse subjects. Men, women and hermaphrodites feel their bodies being to burn with a deep passion. A fire that both heightens and arouses ever sense along their bodies, within and without. Cornel stops in place as shi feels the first wave of new applicants begin breaking down. They tear their clothes off, even as the flesh ripples and surges underneath their skin. The poor things lack understanding, just as much as they now lack their own inhibitions. In a matter of seconds shi watches and feels them begin as they begin rutting against one another.


Their hips gyrate, their organs throb or squeeze down, and their flesh finally begins to tear itself open, revealing a new one kind underneath. Carapace armour and grilled bat-like ears are the dominant physical feature of these new whelps as they finally reach their crescendo. Cornel holds one hand against a bulkhead as shi feels their psychic energies spike and they finally become one with the hive mind of the Hu'un. A good beginning. Yet even as their knowledge of The Spiral grows, Cornel understands they have a lot more to convert. Exponential growth is so much fun.

Walls Fall Down

Location: Epsilon Labs, The Spiral

Arcology Time: 0754

"What the fuck are those things?" Kapila asks in a voice that might be thought of as whiney if not for the obvious terror that hangs heavy in the room.

Both Tiberius and Harez hurried to the labs the moment Harez received notification about her recon team. It just so happened that the orbital began to go into a full WHAT THE FUCK state as they were halfway in transit to Harez's lab. Both Luna Sykes and Kapila are present, with the mobula apparently partway in the process of trying to smooth talk his way into the hybrid's shockingly indecent leather pants. A part of Tiberius' cynical mind wonders just how good the eagle ray's life insurance is as shi is sure that if he got his wish the hybrid would tear him apart in the first five minutes.

"Are those what I think they are?" Tiberius asks the lizard with hir hand coming to rest on the good doctor's right shoulder.

"I umm... yeah... we're fucked." Harez says as she watches the security feeds from the compromised habitation zones.

"Wait, are those them things. The ones from U34F?" Kapila asks in a less frenetic and more hushed tone.

"Yeah. Those are the mutants." Luna answers him.

The drasha realises that if the xeno mutants are here than no one is safe, including the four of them here. No security measures will keep a force of nature like this at bay. Their only option then is to find a way to evacuate and hope that the strange bio-mechanical spaceships being show non the external optical feeds do not hunt down every fleeing capsule. Whilst Dr Harez is busy doing whatever it is she is doing, probably backing up her research to secure storage, Tiberius turns around and addresses the hybrid and the mobula.

"We need to find a way off The Spiral, and fast. Ideas?"

A couple of less than favourable suggestions are made in regards to reaching the docking ports. Using hir cybernetic augmentation it only takes Tiberius a few seconds to dismiss that possibility as hir security clearance allows hir to check and see that the mutants are already homing in on those areas of the orbital. They are displaying some remarkable tactical planning as they know that people are flocking towards their crafts, both commercial and otherwise, to find escape. Yet those hounds are already preparing to intercept them, along with the naga guardsmen drawing up the rear.

However Luna does have one possibility that spikes Tiberius' interest. Epsilon Labs possesses several sealed compartments intended for dangerous materials, including biological weapons. They can be detached from the superstructure and set adrift into the black of space. With their own power supply and life support systems intended both for preservation of materials and to give any quarantined personnel a chance to survive the jeopardy. However, if they are to have any chance of surviving they will need to have a way of contacting a recovery team once they come to investigate.

"I think I might be able to set something up. If I have the right tools." Kapila says, already scanning the lab with his eyes looking for parts.

"Good. Water reclamation should be easy enough too. So apart from food provisions is there anything else we know we will need?" Tiberius asks the pair of them.

"I need to get something from the habitation level." Luna says and starts walking towards the exit before shi feels Tiberius hand clasp around hir right arm. Shi turns and looks down at the smaller hermaphrodite with a not entirely pleasent expression on hir face.

"You realise that if you get caught we're not going to come get you." Tiberius warns hir. Kapila might try to say something too but he is already busy scavenging through the lab equipment and Dr Harez is still preoccupied with her all too precious research notes, along with scrubbing records of her little recon team who she knows is now lost.

"I'll be fine. Just worry about yourself... and her."

Curiosity. Something, Something. Cat.

Location: Corridor 98-B, The Spiral

Arcology Time: 0846

One of the Hu'un vectors, the pine cone like biological artefacts, is sitting against one of the bulkhead walls. Some sort of sticky resin is keeping it in place. The nagas have been placing them around the secured areas of the orbital, intending to find the odd individuals who have managed to avoid the hounds until now. They are also prepared to distribute an inordinate amount of pheromones into the orbital's atmosphere beyond the capacity of the life support system to filter out.

As Luna rounds the corner shi smiles as hir eyes find the Hu'un mutagen proliferator. The tiger-wolf had been almost begging Harez for the past two weeks to let hir go to U34F, but the blue lizard had insisted on sending a military recon squad first to assess the danger. Although Harez was brilliant, she had never been Luna's real interest in hir time on The Spiral. Many years ago now, far too many years, Luna had the good fortune to be exposed to some form of nanotech, exactly what shi has never been sure, that resulted in a series of increasingly more pronounced transformations. That was before hir body seemed to naturally settle into hir present and very enjoyable form.

Now though there is something new and exciting. Something that Luna Sykes wants for hirself. Shi slowly approaches the vector and a shiver of anticipation runs up along hir spine. It looks almost identical to an oversized conifer cone. Though as shi gets nearer to the object Luna begins to notice a difference to the way that the light is scattering off its surface, almost as if it is moist or ever so slightly reflective. A couple more steps forward and the ambient lights flicker. Luna stops. The flickering ceases and the lights resume their normal luminance. Nothing more than a power fluctuation. Shi takes another step.

Too close. It senses hir body heat and opens up. Airborne spores are release, along with that same pheromone used to excite the right neural receptors. Cornel has been working on improving the vectors, fine tuning them for terran physiology. Luna tries to turn away and is already lifting one paw to try and cover hir snout. Unfortunately the mutagens have already been introduced to hir bloodstream, or then again maybe this is what shi always wanted. Even now shi can feel it beginning to work underneath hir skin. Shi stops and looks at hir paws, outstretching hir digits and claws shunting out. Memories from so long ago return to hir. The exhilaration of the moment causing hir to smile. But what happens next is nothing for the hybrid to be excited about.

Crippling pain quickly renders Luna Sykes down to the floor. Shi loses all motor control and hir limb muscles start to spasm out. Hir eyes wide, jaw locked down with teeth barred, shi tries to understand what is happening. This is not like the others. Something is different. And in that difference shi draws the attention of another. The first mind to reach out and touch hir own in this intimate, boundless way immediately both amazes and terrifies the immobilised herm.

"You're new. Don't worry, I have you now."


Location: Corridor 98-B, The Spiral

Arcology Time: 0902

This is an unexpected surprise for Cornel. As shi finally lays hir eyes upon the creature previously known as Luna Sykes there is a brief pause as shi takes the sight in. The first of hir kind, Luna has become something of an altogether different scale, with a feral mind suspended inside of an intellectual cage. The Hu'un's mutagens have reacted with the Ly still present deep inside of hir bone marrow to create a scaly beast of immense proportions and fearsomely equipped in more ways than one.

Now Luna is hunched over on all, not fours, but sixes. Four legs act for the lion's share of hir own locomotion, and two in the front that shi can lift up and use to do terrible things. There are hints of hir heritage, like a dire wolf mixed with a sabre tooth cat. But there is no fur, and no normality here. Hir entire body is comprised of the same fused bone armour as Cornel's tail. It travels along hir broad, muscular back to a tail that is relatively short but spiky looking. Luna's head has changed to become something vaguely insectoid, with both horizontal and vertical jaws that can cut through just about anything. Shi also possesses the grilled bat-like ears like almost every other Hu'un; something that has a significance Cornel still wonders about. And yet shi has retained hir mammalian features, with two swollen breasts hanging heavily from a torso that hinges at an odd ventral angle, making hir something like a pseudo-centaur. As for that which lies between hir hind quarters, if shi had a flush response Cornel might blush for the outrageously oversized male and female genitalia that lies back there.

Overall the transformed Luna Sykes is larger than hir already immense stature. Shi might be compared to an elephant in overall body mass, but elephants are smaller still. Now shi is no less than the size of a small whale. Hir multitude of limbs bristling with bulging muscles and sinew that allows hir to move and react with lightning speed. Everything about hir screams power matched with a feral nature that Cornel can sense boiling underneath a veneer of sanity that yet clings on. Cornel now reaches out, digging deep to find that kernel of self-awareness inside of the growling beast's mind.

"Hello Luna."

No response.

"I said hello Luna."

Again no response.

Cornel wonders if there is something else shi can try before Luna suddenly moves. With hir back pressed against the ceiling and denting the walls around hir the beast has a mind all of hir own, but beyond Cornel's purview. The Hu'un dragon-taur decides to follow, accompanied by hir guards of course. After a couple minutes in pursuits shi catches up to see that Luna has managed to corner a couple of terrans that had managed to evade capture until now.

"Good girl, that's exactly what we... wait."

The terrified screaming from the terrans is all too justified as that largest phallus Cornel has ever seen starts to throb underneath and against Luna's belly. It is horrifying not only in its length and girth, but the many contours and barbed grooves that pepper it, making it look less like a shaft and more like some sort of over the top dagger. Shi bounds forward, pinning two terrans beneath hir. One pair of legs bow around, holding them against hir as the beast starts to rut, grinding backwards and forwards.

It is quite a show for the other Hu'un as they watch their newest cohort pleasure hirself on the writhing, screaming bodies of hir victims. A thick, almost mucus like fluid that is like pre-ejaculate quickly smears over both of them. As it does so their screams die down. Now the terrans are throwing their arms and legs around Luna's mammoth organ, rubbing their whole bodies against it to help stimulate hir. It must be some kind of change to the pheromones, an aphrodisiac that has drugged and is controlling hir victims actions.

After a minute of this display Luna makes a sound less like a roar and more like the grinding gears of some immense machine. It is a terrible sound that is all the worse in the heightened auditory senses of the other Hu'un. And as shi makes this sound hir organ convulses, hir testes releasing their load that spills out like a water jet. It covers the terrans and splashes back against the far wall. More and more of it pools in the room, until Cornel can feel the soggy mess run over hir feet below. The stench of it is something else too. Yet shi stands there, watching carefully as the two terrans begin to change.

"Good girl." Cornel psychically says whilst setting aside a part of the hive mind to work on the next stage of acclimating their newest and most exciting member.


Location: Blue Commercial District, The Spiral

Arcology Time: 0918

Thought no small effort of their own, Cornel's naga guardsmen have managed to bring Luna into the spacious blue commercial district. Here the ceiling is high enough and the walls sufficiently wide apart so that there is enough room for what Cornel has to do next. Shi flicks hir ever extended tongue around, tasting the air as both hirself and hir guardsmen are secreting the sickly sweet pheromones that might yet help in reaching and training this animal's burrowed intellect. But before shi begins Cornel takes a moment to look over what Luna has become.

Although only having six "feet", one pair shy from the eight that Cornel possesses, they all end with curiously mammalian digits. They are similar to a gorilla, with opposable thumbs on each and every foot, although with claws that look more like an ancient dinosaur's talons. What is most fascinating though is the fact that Luna seems to be on the cusp of growing nascent spines, or wings, or something else from out of hir back yet they have stopped growing before really amounting to much of anything. That is not all usual for these transformations that are normally more practical. Shi also lacks the pheromone secreting glands that Cornel and the nagas possess; although they do not appear very often on the other transformed terrans either. Cornel dips hir disc-topped head to look underneath the six legged beast to see the genitalia that just barely avoids dragging across the ground.

"Quite the specimen for me aren't you?" Cornel psychically tells hir. There is no response, not even a feral one. So shi moves back around to Luna's hindquarters. "Lets see then."

The rest of the Hu'un hive mind starts to bunch up, the individual physical actions of its constituents slowing to a relative crawl. A myriad of minds become focused on Cornel as shi draws up the latent forces that hang upon the ether of collective consciousness. Shi uses this overwhelming force of will to penetrate deep into what has become of Luna's mind. She finds layer after layer of instinct drawn up in defence. As Cornel does this the beast stirs, shifting around on all six feet. With a cursory command Cornel has the nagas come around and try to hold Luna down. Their efforts are only partly successful as Luna becomes increasingly restless.


Hir skull feels like it is vibrating with the frequency of biological processors behind hir operating in parallel. But finally, before the moment of losing their grasp on hir Luna's last barricade falls. Behind it Cornel finds the kernel of self-aware intelligence fast asleep. Shi takes a closer inspection, moving it around inside of hir headspace like a fascinating jewel glinting in the warm light radiating from hir own consciousness reflected inside of the other herm. Even though the walls are gone Cornel still needs to provide a sufficient jolt before Luna fully reawakens.

Hir body already knows what to do even before Cornel has chosen to do so. From between hir legs shi can feel hir alien tool push out from its resting place. Asymmetrical ridges thrums against hir belly as shi eyes up those hind quarters again. Alex is watching, but shi knows hir lover will not mind even as hir body starts sliding up over Luna's far broader back. Luna rumbles but does not protest. The short tail that protrudes from Luna's back, the only thing that has remained more or less the same as before, lifts up and is pressed down against hir back.

Cornel mounts hir beast. One mind still immersed in the other the Hu'un dragon taur can feel the ripples being made as hir phallus presses against Luna's moist folds of flesh. The ripples are becoming waves as shi squeezes hir legs around the larger body, feeling the physical and neurological intensities rising from inside of hir. Such a powerful thing to have underneath hir, submitting to hir, it is an intoxicating feeling on par with hir first acquisition of this new authority within the Hu'un.

A hollering scream erupts from Luna as Cornel plunges in with a sharp, deep motion. There is nothing gentle here now. The mutant Luna quickly becomes agitated with heavy breathing and a rapid pulse. Shi is being screwed from behind hard. With enhanced strength, speed and most importantly of all stamina, Cornel works Luna over hard. There is no quarter given as Luna's cries and moaning becomes louder and louder in the spacious area, deafening to the sensitive ears of the Hu'un really. And yet the real cacophony is inside hir mind, where Cornel is pressing in on all directions.

Luna becomes so needy on a deep primal level that the tiger-wolf taur back ups until Cornel is pressed against one of the district walls. Pinning hir there as if more for Luna's use than the other way around. This breeding goes on for a whole ten minutes before a spark catches Cornel's attention. Yes, finally. Luna is awakening, and with good timing too. Cornel can feel hir body reaching its limit in tolerating having hir phallus stimulated so well. Indeed it is as if shi is fucking a rutting leviathan; which in and of itself in an insanely good turn on.

"FUUUUUCK!" The first word to come out of Luna's mouth since hir transformation is barely even comprehendible, yet comprehended it is.

From underneath the beast's belly a penis shaped cannon blows one load after the other clean across some fifteen or more metres before hitting a wall at the other end of the room. Thick mucous like wads of the stuff go splashing out everywhere, covering tables and stalls. And riding on the coattails of Luna's own ejaculating Cornel has hir own. Hir multitude of limbs squeezing around and digging into the other herm as shi feels hir pussy up so much that Luna can feel it spilling out into the womb beyond.

"Good girl." Cornel congratulates hir. "Now we can really put you to work."


Location: Epsilon Labs Module 1B

Arcology Time: 1000

There is a hissing noise as the pistons come into life and the clamps slowly detach. This is now followed by an immensely unnerving shuddering as the artificial gravity acts upon and dislodges the module. After this final sequence the module will break away. Tiberius, Harez and Kapila will then drift off. With only a limited amount of provisions and a deep space transponder for when someone comes snooping around whatever will remain of The Spiral.

However Tiberius is not so much concerned with that as what shi is looking at via hir optical implant. Some of the security feeds are still active, and on one of them is the unmistakeable transformed body of Luna Sykes. The drasha is watching what was once the tiger-wolf hybrid as shi moves from one group of terrans to the next. There is an odd pattern to hir actions indicating that shi is probably not so much under the Hu'un hive minds control as just being used as a beast of, well for lack of a better term, rape and pillage.

Every time that the six legged creatures ejaculates, shi introduces a virulent version of the mutagen that causes chaotic and wild mutations among hir victims. They become Hu'un, but not quite like the rest. Dr Harez is watching too, a blank and neutral expression on her face as she observes the intensely aggressive actions of what was once her friend. Does she have any feelings of remorse for what has happened to all of these people and those who were close to her? Maybe, but Tiberius would not be surprised if the lizard is in actuality a sociopath.

Ignition of the thrusters now and module shunts away from the orbital. It falls against the gravity and everyone inside can feel their stomaches rising up against their chest. That is until finally it passes the edge of the artificially gravity field and they stop accelerating; along with the sensation brought on by intense inertia. They are tumbling into the vacuum now. Away from The Spiral and away from the horrors they have seen. Tiberius looks over at the other two and finds hirself smiling at Kapila as he looks back at hir with a sheepish expression.

"Don't worry. They will come for us. And afterwards we are going to end this madness." Tiberius says, using firmer words that shi had expected from hirself. Yet the terrifying truth is that this thing is now organised against them. They need to figure out a defence or it is only going to keep spreading out among all terran worlds as the worst plague in their entire history.

Time's Crucible Part One

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Dragonetta: Selth's Submission

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Kitty In The Den

# Kitty In The Den _A work of erotic fiction written by Iscin from www.sofurry.com commissioned by Fyrdragon. All right reserved. 2014_ ## Farmhouse It looks so very pastoral. Verdant green fields go out in all directions from the farmhouse. At a...

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