Dragonetta: Selth's Submission

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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This was a commission for Selth involving a dragon version of Bayonetta, called Dragonetta, and his character of Selth Blackwings.

Dragonetta: Selth's Submission

A work of erotic fiction written by Iscin from www.sofurry.com commissioned by Selth. The character of Bayonetta (parodied as Dragonetta in this work) and the fictional city of Vigrid are the intellectual property of Platinum Games. They are used here as a work of fan fiction and no infringement of copyright is intended.

Arriving In Vigrid

The train ride had not been nearly as pleasant as he thought would be. Selth stretches from head to tail before making his way down the carriage and climbing out onto the station platform. The dragon's wings jitter a little, feeling different bones creaking from being folded back for too long. The first thing he is greeted with on the platform is a bracing wind that sweeps in along the station, channeled by the archaic architecture. A thing mist clings to the platform, only a couple of people milling around, ignoring the dragon as he looks at them. He shivers, wrapping his arms around themselves and keeps on walking.

There is no queue inside the station, so he walks right on up to one of the booths where a man asks for his ID and visa. The black dragon has to search around in his pockets a little before procuring his wallet, containing his ID, and the visa which has so much small print it requires its own little leather bound case. It takes the person on the other side a couple of minutes to verify eve ringing before handing the credentials back to Selth. The drake takes them and puts them away as he is told

"Welcome to Vigrid, may Paradiso smile down upon you."

Selth is a little put off by the greeting having never come across it before. He just nods, smiles weakly and starts making his way to the gate that opens for him as he approaches, and out into Vigrid's winding roads. Though he does not know it, Vigrid is devastated right now. However this devastation is not of a physical nature but a spiritual one. What the clerk at the station said about Paradiso smiling down upon him, well in truth it was more than a little force; something said more for covering his own ass than that of any outsider. A few months back now Father Balder, who up until then had served as the city-state's de facto ruler, mysteriously disappeared. Along with his disappearance something changed in Vigrid and the Ithavoll Group that made this city what it is today.

None of these things even slightly register on the black dragon's thoughts though as he starts to feel some cold pricks on his scales. He looks up just as it begins to downpour with frigid, mood drenching rain. Selth pops up his white shirt's collar and sets foot down the road going deeper into Vigrid. To the best of his memory the woman he is looking for is staying at one of two major hotels in the city. Five stars, so they say, with all the amenities and ancillary flamboyance you could wish for. He hails down a cab, thankful to be getting out of the rain before he becomes completely soaked, and tells the driver to head to the closest of the two hotels called Regent Gardens.

"Are you sure sir? Halcyon Towers is a much nicer hotel." The cabbie says, apparently averse to the other hotel.

"Really why is that?" It definitely fails to match up to what little information he gathered beforehand. Although even before the replies Selth can feel a shiver come over him and a part of him just knows...

"Like I said sir, it's just nicer, Regent Gardens is a little overrated." The cabbie shrugs, suddenly not seeming to be quite so serious as before.

"Well I'm paying the fare and it is the Regent I want to go to." Selth says tersely and the cabbie nods before pulling out and begins driving to the hotel.

Regent Gardens

Gothic. That is the word Selth would use to describe the hotel's grim exterior. Black spires and stoic gargoyles are built up from its rooftop and walls in a way reminiscent of some horror movies filmed in the Czech Republic. As the taxi pulls up outside he thinks he can catch a look, a foreboding grimace from the driver, reflected in the rear view mirror. There is an exchange of money and whatever look he thought the driver had seems to be gone again now. Selth clutches his luggage, two bags one in his right hand and the other lifted up by his black tail. Opening the door with his free remaining hand he squeezes out of the car with his bags in tow. Barely out of the car he can hear a screeching of tyres as the cab driver pulls out, the door slamming shut from the momentum.

"Well, that wasn't odd at all," Selth says for no one's benefit but his ironic self.

Now inside, Selth can see that the theme from the exterior is carried through on the interior. Steep, dark walls with engraved pillars hold up an inverted dome ceiling. Straining his neck Selth gawks a little at an intricate chandelier suspended far too high to be of any practical use for illuminating the foyer. Just as he is staring at the ceiling someone coughs, just the once and when he fails to notice they cough a second time before asking if something is the matter. The dragon looks back down to see a dormouse half his height and dressed in black petticoat with frilly violet accents. Her face is as soft as her rounded ears and altogether she almost looks like a little girl wandering from place to place; it is all slightly confusing in an eccentric way.

"Is everything alright sir?" She asks in a voice that seems to go barely above a whisper.

"Yes, sorry, I was just looking... at the ceiling... because." Selth says awkwardly and blinks, a part of him hoping that was cute whilst the rest of him winces with revulsion at his own actions.

"I take it you are here for a room?"

"Yes, yes I am." He is about to say something more when a couple of black fur rats come out, apparently having been hanging somewhere just behind the dormouse. They rush in a flurry of activity, taking the excess luggage from Selth and disappearing before he can even get a good look at them, though their features would have something to be desired even if he had been able to make any kind of cosmetic assessment.

"Room 12A." The dormouse says as she places a keyring, with two silver keys clipped onto it, directly into one of the dragon's hands as it was grasping fruitlessly in the direction of where the rats disappeared in. "Room service is 24/7, the room is ensuite, payment is not due until checking out and out of town guests are advised not to go to the bar after midnight. Enjoy your stay at Regent Gardens." She flashes him a smile before spinning around, her skirt swishing breezily and begins to practically goose step away.

"W-Wha... Wait! Who are you?" Confusion is turning into frustration indicated by his rising voice. But he gets her attention as she turns back to him.

"My name is Lady Gelder, I'm the manager."

Room 12A

Perfection everywhere he looks. Selth Blackwings is amazed by just how, what is the right word to use? Professional? No, this is beyond a profession, it is simply remarkable in every possible way. From the foyer, up along two flights of red carpeted stairs and now his room. Regent Gardens seems to be built of uncanny quality in its service and rooms, without any detail missed and an efficiency that is frightenly effective, though borders on violating the autonomy of its very guests. Those dark black blurs have not only brought his luggage to the room, but took the liberty of unpacking and sorting it for him. He is as bewildered as he is shocked by seeing a fresh set of clothes laid out on the king sized bed. King sized? Was Lady Gelder anticipating something? Though judging by the lavishness of the entire hotel and its eponym it would not surprise him if every room contains such a bed.

"I guess the rumours were all true. This place is unnatural." Selth mutters to himself and sits down on the edge of the bed to reflect.

It had been almost two months back when he had first saw her. A brief, chance encounter had set his mind on a direction he had never thought possible for it to go before. Infatuation might be the proper word to use in describing it, but this feeling, this urge is almost beyond the norm. When her eyes had met with his, fixed by black rimmed spectacles she was wearing, it was as if she had peered into his very soul and had proceeded to somehow claim it. Ripping emotions to the fore, and discarding the rational part of the dragon behind. There it was, pure and unadulterated desire, no something else too, belonging maybe?

He falls onto his back, wings spread out, and sprawls a little as he continues to run the events preceding his being here. After that fleeting moment of clarity he did not see her again. So he did the only thing that he could do, he searched for her in that sea of computerised communication. Or more accurately he tried running searches based on variations of descriptions of her. It had not taken long before he found reports and even fan groups that followed her. The mysterious woman in black, packing heat and fashion in one skin tight one piece. There were even wild reports about unnatural abilities, something about her hair and grotesque creatures appearing out of thin air as if conjured by a witch. Yes, a witch who doubles as an expert marksman.

Selth opens his eyes again and sits up. There are things he need to do first, preparations to make. He has this idea, the perfect picture of how he will introduce himself. They had all come in dreams to him, his subconscious mind being remarkably lucid ever since that night. This, more than anything else, is why he has needed to find her, to meet her, to realise his vision. However, something is wrong. Even as he stands up the black dragon stumbles, his knees giving way from next to no weight. Selth performs a strange half-spin to come back down, collapsing back on to the bed on his left side. His mind is racing, even identifying this strange phenomenon troubling for him. Is this fatigue? Paralysis? Something else?

Just before his eyes close, the dragon can hear someone else in the room with him. For a moment he thinks he can hear the voice of that Lady Gelder, but no, it is someone new. They talk about another room, which sounds a little clandestine from their choice of words, and instructs helpers to take the incapacitated dragon to this mysterious place. Selth is trying to open his eyes again, to move an arm or wing, something, anything! But alas it is no use, his mind remains alert whilst his limbs remain impotent and his senses dulled to the point where all he can sense is touch and sound through a dense sensory barrier. He also notices that in spite of his obvious alarm, his heartbeat remains normal, everything about his body seems to be in an almost relaxed state, in contradiction to his increasingly worried consciousness. It is as if he has been put into a living stasis, an alien sensation.

There are hands upon him now. Large ones and smaller ones. They lift him up and begin to carry him like a sack of meat. No one bothers to tie down his wings or even droop his tail over his shoulder, he knows this he can feel it drag along the ground, though the sensation is dulled like he has been shot up with painkillers. There are steps now, a staircase that goes on and on and he can hear their footsteps echo, there must be at least half a dozen for his entourage. Selth's imagination is racing, scenarios of bondage and torture swapping places with sacrificial rituals and indentured servitude.


His senses start to return, though his body remains limp. The dragon's eyes flutter open, blinking into the brilliant light shining down from above. A brilliant blue flame, ensconced in several pieces of glass serves as an overhead light fixture. He stays on his back for now, not that he has any choice, until someone looms above him obscuring the light. The soft features of the dormouse manager stare down with an expression that is approaching concern until he blinks and she just smiles deviously down at him. Leaving Selth paralysed she begins to explain the situation. Apparently someone noticed him the moment he entered the Regent Gardens, someone very important. Before he even made it to his room they told Lady Gelder to make the arrangements for a private meeting. All of it without asking the black dragon if he wanted to meet of his own volition of course.

"W-Wh-Wh..." Selth tries to speak, but there is no motor control to properly manipulate his lips and tongue.

"Hmm, I'll have to fix that before they are ready to receive you."

The dragon can feel something being applied to the back of his neck, a crisp crackling sound and now he can move again. His limbs not being bound the dragon springs up to his feet as quickly as possible and immediately regrets the hasty action as his head starts to spin. In spite of his dilapidated state he looks down at the diminutive Lady Gelder and thinks about doing something rash yet justified. To his confusion the dormouse holds up a finger finger and waggles it back and forth as if guessing what he is thinking about; not that such a leap in deduction is especially great. She informs him with the same faux hostess tones that if he does anything against her or any member of the staff in this place there will be sudden and dire consequences. As unhelpfully vague as that sounds, the fact that they so effectively incapacitated and then moved him makes Selth pause; he is no action hero, even though he is a proud drake.

He takes a moment to note his surroundings. The wall is fairly high, with support beams criss-crossing overhead. Light fixtures are hanging down casting that horrible artificial light whilst the walls are a deep royal red with ornate oil lamps that are not yet lit. There is only exit, to his right and it is closed with a lock which he guess needs unlocking if he is getting out of this place. Overall though the room is spacious enough and there is a lounge sofa behind him with carved wooden armrests. Selth looks back at his captor, eyes narrowing and wings stretching as he idly tests all of his limbs.

"What is it you want of me?" Selth croaks, swallowing hard as only now noticing his throat has become dry and coarse.

"It is not for my volition that you have been invited down here, sir. No, it is the mistress who wants you." An emphasis there on the piques some hidden cache of curiosity inside Selth. And as he follows Lady Gelder's gestures to look somewhere to his right he stops and stares, mouth agape in disbelief.

The door is now open and it reveals a long red carpet leading out into what can only be described as a throne room. At the other end of the carpet there is an elevated seat, empty and waiting for someone. Selth finds himself inexorably being drawn outside of the tiny room he just woke up in and into the high rise ceilinged chamber beyond. It is gothic in design, obviously matching the hotel which he assumes lies above, or then perhaps the hotel was made to match this. Lady Gelder remains behind, watching the dragon stumble out into light. Yes, there is illumination, everywhere like christmas lights climbing up the walls and arching with the roof. The dragon is taken back by just how vast and empty this place is. He looks back and sees that the room he was in is now gone. A tinge of fear and doubt rattles through his bones and ebbs in his gut.

Now there is no sign of any other soul but him inside the expansive, gothic throne room. His eyes scan for an exit but unsurprisingly there is no obvious one. The mystery that began with that encounter continues then, but he is excited. Provided he is not losing his senses, this all points towards the same supernatural path. The path that the dragon chose to treat, and now he chooses so again. Selth turns back to the throne and stops. His mouth hinges open, his eyes transfixed and the rest of his body freezes as the reptile feels something in parallel to what the mammals call a cold sweat.

The throne is now occupied.

Selth's jaw hangs open, his eyes wide and his whole body freezes in place, tail straight and wings pulling tightly against his back. All those dreams, the journey, this was the final destination. She sits there, statuesque, and clad in a tight fitting white leather dress that drapes from her shoulders down to just above her digitigrade feet. She is loosely grasping a cigarette holder in one black claw, the other resting on the chair's right armrest. Her body is that of a black dragon, like Selth, but then again so much more. Those sharp, soul piercing, cold grey eyes behind slim black rimmed glasses cast over and down to look upon the meek drake before her. Something new to play with. It has been sometime since she has had an adequate dancing partner.

"I- W-" Syllables begin to form but never completely roll off of Selth's tongue.

"Is he trying to speak?" The figure asks someone standing behind Selth.

"It appears so. Will you be needing a translator?" Lady Gelder replies facetiously. Selth stares past his own shoulder at her, but the dormouse does not meet his gaze.

"No, I'm sure that we can find a suitable... language." The way her lips curl around that last word causes a shiver to run all the way down Selth's spine and along his tail laying on the ground.

"Very well, m'lady." The dormouse takes a curt bow and turns around, making a straight march for the exit.

He has to say something, do something, and possibly remember to breathe. The dragoness is standing up now, but Selth remains fixed in place, paralysed by his slipping grasp on reality. She is descending the short steps from her seat down onto the same level as her guest, every motion is with a choreographed grace that gives her a regal auspice. As she grows nearer and nearer to him, the male's legs are growing weaker and weaker. Only a few feet away now she stares down at Selth as if eyeing up her prey. He falls forwards, his knees connecting with the red carpet cushioning the impact. Selth stares on up at her, eyes watering as he begins to sob every so slightly, but he is not unhappy, quite the opposite in fact.

"Why do you weep?" She asks him with one hand reaching out to play with the tuft of hair on top of his head.

"I don't know!" He manages to splutter, his treacherous emotions are beginning to calm now.

"Well at least you can speak now." She laughs and takes a drag on her cigarette, puffing wispy white clouds out.

"I've come to you, to... to..." Selth stumbles as his mind reaches a blank.

"No need to strain yourself darling. I think I know why you've delivered yourself to me." She replies, rescuing the flustered dragon from his failure to express himself. "Come. Follow."

The statuesque woman glides on past Selth, a slinger slender finger stroking up and against the tip of one of his ivory horns making him tremble within and without. Selth turns and starts to follow, staying roughly seven steps behind, a distance he feel is appropriately respectful. At first it seems as if Selth's idol is merely leading her quarry back from where he came. That is until suddenly her hair whips out around her. Selth stops as it swings back over his horns and he feels a gust of air blow down over his head and face. The thin, platinum blonde strands of hair seem to have a life of their own like thousands upon thousands of razor thin prehensile limbs. Whipping around the follicles vibrate with a dark energy as his goddess uses them to cast a black magic incantation. Selth watches from behind her, almost cowering really, as some sort of mystic portal appears out of nothing but air.

"Here we are, our little playroom lies beyond." She says over her shoulder to the dragon. "If you still want to play, all you have to do is step through the threshold. I'll be waiting."

And after giving that challenge for the little black drake she steps through the collection of swirling purple discs and disappears from these space-time co-ordinates in the blink of an eye. Selth is now standing all by himself, his wings hanging over his arms, as if ready to create a shield over his face and chest. Nothing has happened to him yet, but his heart is pounding in his chest like a caged beast looking for an exit to dash through. He should not be shocked by now, he knows about the supernatural, he knows this entire place is odd, disjointed from the reality that the everyman knows. But the vivid arcane runes, and odd, terrifyingly alien sounds emanating from the portal are hitting a thread in his soul that is yelling at him to turn back, run, flee!

Yet there has only ever been one answer with her. So he walks closer, wings folding back behind him. There must be infrared radiation being given off by the portal, for as he nears it Selth can feel his scales glowing with warmth reflecting upon them as if out sunbathing on the beach. Screwing his eyes shut Selth decides that the best way to do this is to simply dive on in. First he takes a couple of steps back before charging forward into the unknown, doing everything but yelling a battle scream at the portal. However, as he makes contact he can feel his feet lift off of the ground and not make contact again. Gravity shifts and a falling sensation makes him uneasy. Selth tries to spread his wings out to gain resistance on the air he knows he is breathing. Yet for some unknown reason he is unable to sense the familiar sensation of air cushioning underneath the membranes.


Getting To Know You

Trapped. It is the worst word and concept that comes to Selth's mind once emerged from the translocation spell. The alluring Dragonetta is standing in front of him right now, staring him down with her piercing eyes behind those spectacles. Yet all that the mortal can think of is all the other eyes staring. A twisting, sickening feel writhes in the seat of his gut and he thinks he is going to throw up right here and now on the spot. Somehow that physical reaction subsides, but his unease has only just begun for the evening.

It is a wide open space, not unlike the fighting pit of the colosseum. Rows and rows of seats built out of polished obsidian like satanic pews are all around him in consecutive rings. Naturally the pews are full of daemonic figures on more mortal looking faces that are almost certainly recidivists at best; ever last one have their on eyes on both him and Dragonetta as she waits for his reaction. But the worst part is how silent they all are, with only soft murmurs and the wind in the black sky creating any noise. Not unlike a deer in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle Selth finds himself stuck in the ground, wide eyed and paralysed from the eyelids down. It is a reaction of omission anyway.

"Come now, don't be shy." The white leather clad witch says as she starts beckoning him away from the scarred ground where the portal was. "I've got something for you to wear."

Her hair whips around until something appears in their prehensile grip. He immediately recognises it from his very own luggage he packed. Dragonetta holds out a pink dress, almost like something a little girl from a fairytale might wear replete with a frilly skirt that goes down to knee length. The fact that it is in Selth's size is no coincidence. Her lively hair swishes the dress around in a clean circle, letting the patrons of this bizarre and depraved locale see the girly outfit for themselves and the sounds of hollering soon shatter the previous calm. Again she beckons him forward knowing he has no choice.

Selth draws his right foot up and takes his first step forward. He covers a couple of metres closer until he has at the foot of Dragonetta's little platform at the centre of the colosseum. The embarrassingly hot pink dress is now in arms reach for him. Selth looks sheepishly up at Dragonetta and she nods, letting him take the dress from her black follicles. The dress feels silky smooth in his fingers, his claws barely catch on the smooth fabric. The internal dressing is silk, but the external fabric including the frilly skirt is specifically a satin weave, either made of silk or polyester; Selth is not exactly sure which as it has been a recent acquisition.

"Wear it, for me. And only wear the dress." Dragonetta commands him without breaking eye contact.

The black dragon does as she says, first stripping naked from his casual clothes. As his scaly rump and crotch are exposed he feels embarrassed from a second uproar from the crowd. In his desire to cover himself again he starts pulling the dress up over his horns. It takes him a few tries, his butt wiggling out all the time eliciting more wolf whistles and depraved words from the onlookers. Dragonetta is laughing too as he tries to keep his tail low until finally managing to start pulling the dress up over himself. As his arms thread through the short sleeves he can feel it clinging to his chest nice and tight. The lace behind his wings is going to need some help though.

"Here, let me." Dragonetta says, stepping down from her platform and making a twirling motion with her index finger for the black drake to turn around.

He does as she wants and is promptly giving a hefty smack on his butt. Selth yells out, his red eyes alert with fear as he tries to turn around but her hair is upon him, like a makeshift harness keeping him with his back turned. Dragonetta tells him not to be so hasty and that he will get to worship her in but a moment longer. After that she does up the lace, pulling it tightly so that he can feel the dress cling even tighter around his chest. She even does a nice bow with the white string between his wings, though Selth is unable to appreciate that small flair.

"Alright then, show me." She tells the lesser dragon as she stands back and poses the back of her palm against her chin.

"Yes..." Selth responds nervously.

The effect is thoroughly emasculating. It is bad enough to be in such a frilly pink dress, but she also made sure he would keep his underwear removed so underneath he can only feel the clammy hot air of this hellish landscape drift between his thighs and tickle his tackle. Dragonetta strokes his cheek with a smile, enjoying the way he is torn to both lean into and flinch away from it; the spell is starting to sour as he gains an inkling of just what kind of bitch she intends to make out of him. Indeed she intends to take him for a little walk in a minute, but first there is something she needs to do.

A collar is produced from somewhere on Dragonetta's person, perhaps tucked away inside of her sleek white leather coat. It is black leather, with a purple strip and runes on it. She looks at it for a moment in her hand, turning it over so that Selth can see a very obvious dog tag on it which reads: "Property of Dragonetta". It fails to surprise him and when prompted to he extends his neck as she fastens it around his throat. The male dragon gags a bit as the dominant female yanks the collar closed, eyes bugging with instinctual reaction to the feeling of imminent strangling. This too elicits wry amusement from Dragonetta; how many times has she done this?

"Good boy. Now follow." She commands with a couple fingers hooked underneath his collar, dragging him with her back up onto the couch.

Selth's first instinct is to sit down besides her, but as he turns his back to do so she stops him with a firm lash of her hair whipping against his bare ass underneath the frilly skirt. He yelps in surprise but dares not raise his voice, only turning to look at her with a beseeching expression on his face. If he is not to sit down besides her then what is he to do? Apparently his free agency is something that will need correcting. It just so happens that his new rightful mistress has something to help in that regard: a matching leather leash. She throws one end of it to him and he just barely reacts fast enough to catch it.

"Put it on." She tells him and he looks down at metal clip.

"Yes, mistress." Selth replies half expecting another whipping for using his tongue but Dragonetta allows this.

He clips the leash onto the front of his collar. Immediately after he does so he can feel it hum and vibrate ever so slightly as it mystically locks. He will be unable to remove the leash, nor the collar, unless his new master deems him worthy of his freedom. She tugs on the new tether and Selth is pulled closer, not besides Dragonetta but by the foot of her feet. She tells him to bend forward whilst climbing up onto the seat. After half a minute of awkward clambering Selth finally settles belly down over the dominatrix's lap. He peers past his left shoulder to see her grinning down at him.

"Besides the collar and the leash I have a third gift to grant you." Dragonetta says and reaches up above her head with her right hand. That black hair also rises, twirling around until it ends with a powerful incantation, mysterious runes appearing around it as Dragonetta invokes something very special into existence; something intimately tied with her very own will.

Selth struggles to get his white hair out of the way that keeps falling over his eyes from his awkward position. But as he finally see what Dragonetta has made for him he starts to writhe and struggle in her lap. Of course showing his obvious discomfort is a mistake, he has already gone too far. Dragonetta quickly lifts his skirt up flashing his shiny black buttocks for at least half of the audience in line of view to see and brings her free hand down smacking him clear across both cheeks. She tells him to quit his squirming or her benevolence will run dry before they have had a chance to really get to know one another.

"Y-Yes, I'm sorry." Selth says coweringly and quietly questions just why he let himself be drawn to her.

Yet it is unsurprising to Dragonetta that the object she now holds in one hand would cause such a reaction from her new pet. The best description for it is as an all-in-one male fit sex harness. Something like a skin, and organ, tight leather jockstrap doubling as a chastity belt with a couple of different zippers and a very obvious metallic anal plug incorporated into its design. Yet as kinky as this new piece of underwear for Selth is the real value in it is a psychic link with the owner, his owner, her ladyship Dragonetta. In the circles of the daemonic and the possessed contemporary sex toys are quite quaint by comparison.

This last piece of Selth's new uniform is put on personally by his owner. It is convenient enough that it sort of opens up and refastens around the back, allowing her to slide it underneath and around back again without having to thread it up between his legs. As she does so the feeling of her hands touching his genitals and dipping in between his thighs and brushing his taint suddenly brings a thrill to the little black dragon. He has to resist making a noise, but the way his wings and tail shiver makes it obvious how much her touch electrifies him to Dragonetta. She chuckles at this whilst bringing the pointed tip of the anal plug to bear down just underneath the base of his tail. As it slides up inside of him Selth yips, snarls and whines, the claws on the ends of his hands gripping into the armrest as his eyes squint at the creatures still watching this; the visual reminds of his humiliating emasculation only makes the his discomfort all the greater. But now he can feel the metal inside of him, warming up to him, whilst Dragonetta fastens the back shut and makes it locks with the same psychic link that has bound the collar and leash to him, before pulling his skirt back down and telling him to stand up.

"There, you're dressed properly now. Are you ready for the last step?" Dragonetta asks the question with such an air of disinterest that Selth is momentarily confused if the question was serious or not. "Well?" she prompts him again.

"Yes..." Selth says, meeker than a dormouse.

The Ceremony

This is finally it. Will he got through with it? Does he even have a choice at this stage? The dragon feels so far removed from the world he knows that it is some sort of paradoxical inversion that the exotic thing that lured him here is now his only anchor of familiarity: Her. Dragonetta is standing over him with his leash in her left hand, a position that in all likelihood he will now know until the end of his mortal life, and a cigarette in her right puffing on it every so often. There is a daemonic creature standing in front of them both, something that looks almost human like yet with features that are practically a stereotype of the red skinned and bull horned Beelzebub.

"So this is your thrall?" His voice is a sickly sound that feels as much as it sounds unnatural when rattling in your skull.

"Yes, he is. Is there a problem?" Dragonetta asks the creature sharply, her eyes already narrowing dangerously.

"No! No, no, of course not." The creature is fast to cover himself from any inadvertent slight or perceived ill-judgement. Selth is quickly realising his initial feeling about Dragonetta was not only right, but an underestimate. She must be feared by all the devilish things here, from ghouls to succubi.

Something else, other than the enviable status of his new mistress, has been give new clarity to the mortal dragon as they now stand at the foot of an impressively ornate obsidian altar. The people gathered in the pews all around have not come here to just watch Dragonetta emasculate her newest fleshly acquisition, not not at all. He, she and they are all here to be a part of or witness the ceremony that will solidify Selth's position as Dragonetta's new thrall, so they call them. It stands to reason that creatures of desire and debase impulse require something a little legally binding before they will refrain from raping anyone's "pet" and that includes him.

And so in this manner the ceremony commences, with Selth sitting by the feet of his mistress like an obedient hound might. The demonic preacher, or whatever the thing is, starts to recite from memory words in a language that is both foreign and frightening to Selth's ears. He tries to resist from fidgeting as the speech drones on, incantations are spoken until the ceremony comes to a point which requires both his and Dragonetta's affirmation of their new arrangement. Selth is told which words to say and in what order, of course he does as he is told and the creature nods before procuring what looks like a small phylactery in the shape of a tiny vial. He opens it and splashes its contents towards both Dragonetta and Selth. The liquid stops in midair, forming arcane runes as more words are spoken.

As the ceremony draws to a close Selth feels a tingling sensation along his extremities. Something crawling underneath his scales? Whatever it is must be part of the joining, or rather contract making. He is marked now, to be willed to action and respond to the beckons of his new mistress, his new master. Of course now that the ceremony is over the attendees burst out into an uproar of volume and frenetic energy that Selth has seldom seen at any formal events. But he can now feel his leash being tugged on and he looks up from sitting on his haunch legs to see Dragonetta ready to take him away from this place; ready to set him to work on his first task.

Stepping away from the altar now Draonetta whips her hair around with a rolling motion of her head. It comes forward with a snapping sound before opening a second portal in front of both of them. Swirling light with black edges sucks up the ambient heat; tis portal is different from the last, cold instead of hot. Dragonetta is the first inside of it, whisking her away from this place whilst the leash remains suspended in midair to Selth's neck before being tugged on again and he stumbles forwards. With the sounds of the jeering crowd still ringing in his ears he passes the aperture's cusp and is once fall falls through the void.

First Task

As the strap is tied around his muzzle and fastens shut behind his head Selth whines. It is the only sound he can really make, apart from grunting and groaning with the gag blocking his mouth. Yet even whilst Dragonetta finishes the final preparations for his evening with her, the only thing that Selth can think of is the funny taste the ball gag has in his mouth. It is waxy, yet with an ever so mild acidic taste like citric acid watered down. He blinks a couple times and looks around, being careful not to crane his neck too much as Dragonetta finishes up getting something he will no doubt find demeaning prepared.

The room Selth is in looks like it could belong to a noble of some sort. There are oil paintings on the walls and statuettes that looks just the right mixture of complex and aged enough for even the layman to know that they must be valued at an ordinate amount of money; perhaps even in gold bars. However there is one piece of furniture against the wall opposite him that the dragon is still trying to figure out. It looks a little like a guillotine, but with obvious clamps to hold someone's head and arms but there are differences with the apparatus near the top.

Now Dragonetta is finished with her preparation and she tells Selth to turn around with a soft tug on his leash. He does so and stops, stares, and carries on staring. The white leather coat is off now, the witch's slender, toned arms exposed. Her bosom is held tightly against her chest by a sleeveless white corset that is so tight and thin that Selth can see her nipples from underneath the material. She glowers down at him as his own eyes wander a little too long over those pert teats of hers. However his mind already registers something far more alarming upon her person than the change of attire.

"Mmmh!" Selth mumbles as he sees that which lies jutting out from between Dragonetta's legs.

"Yes." Dragonetta says in response. "This is to consummate our special bond."

It stands roughly thirty centimetres, maybe more, from her crotch. Affixed with a series of very sturdy looking leather straps, bound tightly around the outside of v shaped bottom of her corset tying right around to her buttocks. It is a slick looking black colour, maybe latex, or something else judging by everything else Selth has seen so far. Yes, there is no denying it, Dragonetta is wearing the largest strap on dildo Selth has ever seen, and she is pointing it at him. He gulps with the gag in his mouth, the awareness of that mildly acidic taste all gone now. In place of it he is now only aware of the sudden bump from down where his phallus should be throbbing from out of its slit; only now realising just how uncomfortable his new "chastity jockstrap" really is. He whines looking at the front of his frilly pink skirt and starts moving his claws down to address the growing bulge in the tight leather underneath.

"I thought so, now you will get into your place and ignore your... predicament." She says with a cold sharp snap in her voice.

Suddenly the collar feels as though it is tightening around his neck. As it does so Selth begins to experience his vision darkening with the unmistakeable sensation of an oxygen starved brain. Yet for some reason his hands do not go for the collar like he keeps telling them to. Instead he turns around and bends forward. He slides his hands into the clamps and positions his head underneath the contraption. Now prostrate before his mistress the clamps snap shut and the collar slackens and his vision and self-agency immediately return as if it was nothing but a bad dream. Some form of mind control? No, his mind had not been subverted, only his body and senses. This is something more akin to black voodoo seen in bad movies.

"Mmmf!" Selth says muffled.

"One last thing before we get started." Dragonetta says as she grabs his black tail and pulls it up, attaching it to some part of the above part of the guillotine like thing. "That's much better."

With his face to the wall and his body locked in the most exposed position possible Selth braces himself as he feels his skirt lifting up. Her hands are upon him, stroking over the black leather and his exposed flesh that seem to meld into one another. Her thumb and finger hold around the top of a zipper and she begins pulling it down. Selth can feel the warm air breeze along into his crack as the zipper reaches his taint and she starts pushing her thumbs inside, spreading him out for inspection and flicking the plug out of his little pink hole. Dragonetta seems pleased with the goods back there, but she is hesitant to undo the rest of the chastity-jockstrap, rather letting the other parts beneath his waist remain trapped with their own sweat.

Next she leverages the tip of the artificial spear she has attached to her pelvis. Like a piece of hard rubber it squeezes jerkily into and between the male dragon's black buttocks. The claws at the bottom of his feet, the only part of his body not restricted right now, are digging into the plush carpet as he braces himself. Yet the penetration is prolonged as Dragonetta starts to hotdog him, making various concerned sounds as she sizes him up. She wants him to feel this, and he will, but she might need just a little lubricant. It just so happens she has a summoning spell for something that will suffice and Selth can hear her hair and watch the shadows on the wall in front of him dance as they produce something, a creature, that he can hear wheezing but really does not want to see directly himself right now.

Sickly lubricating fluid, that flows like treacle coats down over his ass, the dildo and down over the back of his legs and seeps into the carpet below. Selth makes a share intake of breath through his nostrils as he feels it burn at first, not unlike some sort of antiseptic, before gradually subsiding. Dragonetta chortles at this reaction before whisking the creature away, content with the amount of stick goop now rolling over her slave's plump and exposed rump. It glistens in the light, slick black and now every bit as ready for its first breaking in as the witch could ever hope. Her claws squeeze around both sides as she draws back just like any other male would before suddenly thrusting forward with no care to allowing her partner any time for adjusting.

He wants to scream, to spit out the gag and roar to the heavens, or whatever hellscape exists out there. Yet all he can do is grit his teeth over the gag and squeeze his glutes as the oversized dildo spears inside of him. As it fits all the way inside, on the first try no less, he can feel some sort of artificial testicles pressing up against his taint. Dragonetta laughs over him as he groans and whines, her hands feeling his rump as it tries to pull in around the invading rod. However there is no time for rest as she pulls back and forces the tool back inside of her pet, repeating the movement over and over again, building up the rhythm with the way he writhes and moans in his confines.

There is an odd thrumming vibration against his prostate each time the strap on is buried to the hilt. At first Selth thinks it is only his imagination, but as the fucking continues he swears the dildo is dynamically vibrating against his most sensitive region, encouraging his own arousal. As it so happens it is working too as Selth feels his cock straining against the leather chastity-jockstrap. Without sufficient room he starts to feel pain coming from his would be turgid penis. Tears well in his eyes as he tries to bare the pain whilst his tail hole is violated again and again.

"How are you feeling?" Selth barely understands the words as his discomfort is growing to tortuous levels. "A little pent up maybe? Well, just hold on a little long and I'll let you come. Honest."

Her playful promise is all that keeps Selth hinging on to his endurance, or what little remains of it. However after soothing him Dragonetta now lays into him with more vigour than before. Her own tail lashing behind her as she drives into him harder and even a little deeper than before. Selth's teary and muffled cries for release go unanswered as she builds him up. His claws tearing up the carpet underneath, the sticky lubricant that pooled below resulting in the fabric sticking to the soles of his feet and claws. Every sinuous muscle along his body strains against the restrains as the wood creaks against his strength but does not yield. Dragonetta continues abusing and loosening his anus until Selth starts to grow quieter and quieter, that part of his brain that still has a modicum of freewill choosing unconsciousness in opposition to this constant torture.

"Now you may come." Dragonetta says as she pauses with her thrusting into him and reaches down between Selth's legs. He feels her fingers stroke and grasp for the zipper, teasing between his thighs a little more as he whimpers and shudders underneath.

Finally he can feel the zipper coming down and his dragonhood springs out, its entire length dripping wet with its own pre that it had been backing in. With immense relief the backlog of spunk rushes out, his eyes a flutter Selth might be sighing right now if it not for the gag still locking his sore jaw in place. Strings of thick, white dragon seed spills out in a steadily growing puddle below him as Dragonetta runs her hand underneath the pulsating member.

"Good boy, what a good boy you were there. But I hope you're not feeling sleepy now. After all, we haven't even begun yet."

Kitty In The Den

# Kitty In The Den _A work of erotic fiction written by Iscin from www.sofurry.com commissioned by Fyrdragon. All right reserved. 2014_ ## Farmhouse It looks so very pastoral. Verdant green fields go out in all directions from the farmhouse. At a...

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Growing Fun

# Domestic Bliss The cottage is not entirely rural nor rustic, repairs and alterations having been made over many years; yet it does have the vibe of being quaint. Up above there is black smoke billowing out from its chimney stack in contrast to the...

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Lunar Dream Dating

Lunar Dream Dating # Browsing Wes scans his eyes over the horrible Web 2.0 stylesheet design of "Lunar Dream Dating" and almost closes the tab. Overused gradients and gimmicky HTML menus tarnish its entire presentation. Why people though homogenising...

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