Lunar Dream Dating

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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A commission for WesFox.

Note that Lunar Dream Dating is unable to guarantee a perfect romantic match in everyone's lives, but we can still try.

Lunar Dream Dating


Wes scans his eyes over the horrible Web 2.0 stylesheet design of "Lunar Dream Dating" and almost closes the tab. Overused gradients and gimmicky HTML menus tarnish its entire presentation. Why people though homogenising style was the key to improving web design only a few years back is a mystery. But that is neither here nor there for the function of the site, in spite of its poor design choices, is to bring people together. Somewhat uniquely it does this by encouraging its users to engage in a bit of roleplay duality. Along the themes of transformative lycanthropy and other such fantastic myths; it encourages its users to invent an alter ego. This other-self is supposed to represent their innermost thoughts, desires and ultimate passions. It is of course full of cliches and egotism born from the lonely and right now Wes is finishing up making his own profile.

The instant he clicks to save the changes he is introduced to the homepage. A selection of illustrative images represent the profiles of different people, all pretending to be different beings in turn. Scrolling through them he wryly compares it to a cryptozoology safari. He can see werewolves and gryphons, unicorns and centaurs. And then there are the dragons, he pauses over these for a moment. The greatest beasts of all lore, whether you choose your western or eastern varieties. Wes mouses over some and opens up some new tabs. He goes through a couple before one really catches his eye. Her name is Helia Airbagia, which sounds like it is supposed to be a pun. Reading through her description she claims to be a seven foot tall dragoness with golden scales and figure that would put some fertility gods to shame. There is a smile on his face as he keeps scrolling and clicks through to a gallery of illustrations of what this "Helia" looks like.

He clicks on the write message icon.



In a disorganised room, with no other soul in sight, a lone, pudgy individual mentally prepares themself. The change to come is welcome but sudden. A nervous sensation rises in their stomach but it is pushed down with a knowing resolve. On a table there is a can of common brand soda and a plastic packet of pop rocks. These two inconspicuous items are the trigger for what is soon to come. Moving on with their ritual the person grabs a fistful of rocks and stuffs them in their mouth. The candy is already fizzling as they now bring the can to their lips, quickly taking in a couple of greedy gulps. They swallow the mixture of sweet drink and sweet food down as a flash of heat knocks them back. Different objects are knocked down onto the floor below as they flail, a little unsure.

The air crackles with energy, the transformative change is nigh. It starts with a very slight swelling, almost as if they are puffing out their chest. This quickly accelerates into a clothes ripping expansion. Chest, arms and legs, back and butt, it all bursts out in a cacophony of shredding sounds. Some of the remaining fabric reminds draped across their shoulders, or wedged in laces which they should not be, but the majority is now in tatters on the floor below. Our mysterious individual stretches out, fingers reaching and then pushing up against the ceiling. Their stature is too much for this tiny room but there is one last thing they need to do before they go out. It is time to dress up for the role they were born to play.



Wes is dressed in something which he thinks might be seen as the right breed of casual and relaxed with a red polo t-shirt, khaki shorts and sandals. It might not be the most complimenting look though, but he has never been one for following trending fashions. After brushing his hair and giving his teeth the brushing of their existence he grabs his keys and goes out to his car. As he gets in his car he starts to load the destination on his smartphone. "Helia Airbagia" had given him the address of a restaurant middling somewhere between common and fancy. The food is going to be a little pricy but nothing that is out of Wes' budget. And she has already made the reservation in her name and his. As he backs his car out of the driveway butterflies start mayhem in the pit of his gut and he hopes there are no sweat pits before he even gets there.

About twenty minutes later he pulls up into a parking lot only a block away from the restaurant. The light is already starting to fade which seems unusual at this time in the middle of summer, a couple of nearby street lamps are already beginning to glow. West locks his car door and starts a brisk walk around the block. There are other people out on the sidewalk, some of them obviously out on the town for the night. He smiles to one or two members of the fairer sex as he passes them by but none of them reciprocate, and this small thing only serves to bring the nervousness back. Whoever this Halia Airbargia person is, he hopes that she is not nearly as vain and picky as some of the other girls he has had experience with in the past. It is a sad thing perhaps, but Wes is remarkably self-conscious about his appearance, or more accurately how he is viewed through other peoples eyes. Wes has blond hair and green eyes, sure, but his actual facial features, body type, and personality are almost textbook average; ironically it is averageness more than anything else that can cause someone to fall off of other peoples' radar. If he was a little on the negative end of cultural definition of "beautiful" or "interesting" that might serve to make him more noticeable.

As he approaches the restaurant Wes notices the name of the establishment, Corneilo's Bistro, and a part of him scoffs. The name might try suggest a humble little place setup by an immigrant italian family, but its exterior suggests something much more like a franchise. Wes enters the bistro and looks around. His assertion that it is a franchise is confirmed by the same wallpaper and flooring he has seen before. Wes feels a bit like a snob, but people dressing something up as being original when it is not is just plain deceitful. He walks straight on up to the waiter-clerk and masks his disdain for the establishment as he explains the reservation for two under his name and hers.

The clerk, a brown haired, short and middle ageing man dressed in the black and white clothes of his profession. He looks up from his desk and with a thin smile he nods in acknowledgement of what Wes has just told him before looking down at the reservations book. He flicks back and forth between two pages before pausing as his eyes widen. It is a reaction that Wes is not entirely sure what to make of as the clerk looks back up at him and clears his throat before speaking to the new arrival.

"So you're the lucky gentiluomo." He says in a tone that confuses Wes. It almost seem as though the clerk is nervous about something, but about what is bed Wes' discernment. "This way please."

The clerks steps out from behind the small desk and leads Wes deeper into Cornelio's Bistro. The first thing Wes notices is just how big the restaurant actually is. There must at least a hundred tables here between two separate floors, one slightly elevated but adjacent to the first. Clearly franchise money to afford such an establishment. The second thing he notices is her. It is obvious that she is the one who has been waiting for him the moment Wes' green eyes casually scan over to, and immediately recognises, their table. The hum of the other patrons in the restaurant fall away from his awareness as the young man stares, a little rudely perhaps, at a real life anthropomorphic dragoness sitting at table 63. He might have lost control of his jaw there there a moment but the waiter is now snapping his attention free.

"I see you can tell which table is yours air. Good luck." The clerk-waiter says in a snarky fashion and turns, walking back to his post.

He looks down at his red polo shirt and straightens it. Wes also runs his fingers through his short blond hair as he walks towards table 63, which is positioned on the elevated floor nearly the other side of the restaurant. It seems to be a slow night, so not many people are on this side of Cornelio's Bistro. Just as well really as he can already feel the stares from the far side as he finally steps up to the table and smiles weakly at his date. She is big, very big, stupendously big really, and not just in stature. Helia Airbagia is a good seven feet tall, or just over two metres. But more than how tall she is, her halcyon scaly body is bursting with musculature that conforms to an accentuating "tone" around her feminine form. And moreover the two, well what Wes could only describe as airbag cushions with his internal monologue swell from her chest barely contained in what might is probably a custom tailored red ladies jacket. They are casting a distinctly immense shadow over the edge of her side of the table and only now does her human date wonder if he has been staring too long now.

"Ahem, my eyes are up here." She says with a strong yet sexy voice that pierces through Wes' reverie.

"Yeah, yeah, of course." Is all he says as he looks up, realising even sat down her face is on level with his standing up. "Umm, I'm sorry. I just... Well."

"Surprised? It's all over your face there." Helia interjects and laughs before pointing at the chair opposite. "Sit down before you fall over form vertigo."

He decides it is best to do as she says and not ask too many questions. So he sits down, now feeling small as she seems to loom over him like a mountain at the other end of the table. One thing that Wes is most definitely unable to avoid obviously noticing is the way that her nipples are standing out from the behind the lapels of her red leather jacket. Something tells him that she is not wearing anything underneath that as his eyes slowly drift back to the golden cleavage between the two great medicine balls. However she waves her claws in front, each one tipped by an ivory white talon for him to look back up at her.

"Can't keep your eyes off 'em?" She says as he looks back up, only now noticing that she has crimson eyes that feel hot even looking upon them; though that might just be his blush response kicking in right about now.

"I'm so, so sorry. I just didn't expect..."

"A real dragoness?" She offers.

"I was going to say beautiful a person, but yes, that too." Wes trails off looking down at the napkin and the menu waiting over it now.

"That's quite sweet of you, but maybe we should order something now." Helia says and stops before leaning over the table, her breasts rubbing against the cloth. "I think people are staring." She whispers.

"Yeah, they might be." Wes replies, once more staring at the way her breasts are swaying from side to side in front of him. She now leans back down into her chair and waves for the waiter.

A different man approaches the couple. They both look at their menus as he seems content to wait and also stare at Wes' date. Amazingly the human's appetite seems to have been left behind at home, so surprising and distracting his evening has already become for him. So he decides to eat light, opting for a salad and something with prawns in it, yet with a price tag that belies how little is actually being served if not for the weight measurement next to each dish. Helia orders something with a bit more substance on it, and more than one choice cut of steak too; that small thrift part of Wes which lurks inside of him is hoping he does not have to foot the whole bill. They fall into idle small talk as the waiter walks off to have their food prepared.

As they talk Wes learns much about his unexpected date, and questions very little as to how any of this came to be. She lives by herself and apparently has had difficulty finding people willing to date her, which almost seems like a surprise to Wes despite her unorthodox species. Helia also surprises him by a sharp, yet twistedly bad humoured wit as she makes puns in almost every other sentence. All the while Wes was beginning to develop a creeping suspicion that his date is putting up a mask of some kind, but why and to what end he is unable to fathom. It might just be that she is eager, maybe even desperate, to connect with someone after having turned to a network like Lunar Dream Dating, but there is still a warning bell, an instinct setting off in the back of his skull.

"Here you go." Their waiter says as he returns with their dishes. They both thank him as he sets the plates down. "Not all of it yet, another couple of plates for your date sir."

"Really?" Wes says but the waiter is already walking back to the kitchen. He turns back to see Helia grinning stupidly at the pile upon pile of protein heavy meat in front of her.

"A growing girl needs a good stuffing now and then." She admonishes him before Wes can open his mouth to make a comment about it. And then immediately starts tearing into the first slab of roasted flesh.


"Her" Place

The evening is passed more quickly than Wes had expected before he had left his apartment so many hours ago. Between them, though mostly due to Helia, they collected a tower of dirty dishes before the Corneilo's Bistro had to close. It was a bittersweet affair, as the staff were as fascinated by Wes' date as he was, though for differing reasons as all he could think about was her womanly body, and all they could think about was her scaly body. Nevertheless they both made it out and are now sitting in Wes' car. Well, siting might the wrong for Helia who has had to cram herself in at angles that do not look at all comfortable. Her buxom figure makes it impossible for her to see past out through the windshield. Though she assures Wes that somehow she is quite comfortable, and he has to admit that it seems odd that she can fit at all.

"Where do you want to go now?" Wes asks a little nervously.

"Home. Do you drive stick?" She asks him slyly and he can feel her large left hand clasp around his right thigh.

Wes squirms in her grip as she tells him the address and proceeds to start the car. The drive is not very long at all and they reach the apartment building where Helia Airbagia lives in under fifteen minutes. He pulls up and opens the door on his side, getting very self-conscious of the tenting action going on downstairs as her big golden hand has continued to hold his thigh and Wes has not dared move it. She lets him get out before exiting the vehicle herself and stretches. All of a sudden there is a popping sound and something goes flying off into the darkness of the street. Wes looks to see the red jacket Helia has been wearing up until this point come flying open. From out of this explosion of clothing come two great, round, golden spheres bounding out from their confines. She blushes and giggles. He stares and subconsciously covers his growing erection. The street remains dark and deserted.

"Umm, aren't you going to..." Wes starts to say but trails off as she turns around and he receives a full on view of her huge bouncing mammaries positioned over the car roof.

"What? You think I should be ashamed of my own body?" She replies bitingly which causes him to shut up and shake his head. "Alright then, lets go inside it's chilly out here."

The golden dragoness walks back around the car and all the while Wes' eyes are following those wonderfully energetic love puppies. She has to reach over and grab him by his arm and practically drag him to follow her. It is at this point that Wes also realises just how physiologically built up the female is. Broad shoulders, muscularity arm, a six pack that hides in the shadow of her ample bosom, and of course her immense stature means that she has incredible physical strength. And yet she retains an hourglass curvature about her waistline and what Wes is subconsciously interpreting as soft, welcoming features along her long face. Wes thinks about this and much more as she leads him like a stray puppy inside of the building and wait in frot of the elevator doors.

"Hmph, this is taking too long." Helia says and looks over at the beginning of a flight of stairs. "Come here little man."

Without anymore forewarning Wes is hoisted up and becomes buried in between Helia's buoyant boobs as they squishes together around his face. The dragoness leaps up and into the air, spreading her wings out so as to guide herself, but not really beating them as she is somehow able to propel herself as if having become near weightless. Her arms keep a strong hold on Wes as he kicks his legs and cries out looking up under her chin. This is an altogether frightening and bizarre experience as he feels the motion of them both ascending up through the levels. And yet all he wonder is how she is able to do this, dragging his curiosity back out of the lewd and into the more serious about how Helia Airbagia even exists.

"My floor." She says and puts the human back down.

"How did you do that?" He asks.

"I'll explain later. Come on, or do you want to wait until someone comes and sees me like this." She says and jiggles herself with both hands as Wes stares.

"O-Okay." Wes says, but only because he wants to see even more.


Helia Airbagia's apartment is the antithesis of what Wes had expected. But then again, by this point his expectations are well and truly skewered. There is nothing a person might describe as being girly on display in the main living space. In fact altogether the place looks grungy and untidy, much like a guy's "man cave". As Helia shows Wes inside he starts to watch his step carefully with only his socks on so as he does not tread on anything that might trip him up or worse. Yet his eyes do not wander from her for very long as she turns around, showing off her impressive female endowments as her butt pushes open the door into her bedroom. In here there is a queen sized bed, normally big enough for most couples, though for her it might only just be for one.

"So this is where the magic happens." Helia says and waves does an odd twist motion with her right hand.

Wes feels a breeze and hears a whistling sound and suddenly his shorts come down. They reveal that he is only wearing plain black boxers that have become tented, and a little damp, from his engorged phallus. He cries out in shock and tries to cover himself but Helia performs another gesture and they too slip down without him even touching them, both articles of clothing reaching his ankles in but a second. Wes looks up at Helia, confused, scared but still horny, very, very horny. She licks her lips, aroused and predatory like as she walks up, towering over him. Her hands grab him by his shoulders and spin the human around, shoving him back so as he falls ungracefully against the worn bed covers. He kicks a little with his feet, only to have her grab them and run her fingers over his calves and now his thighs. Getting closer and closer until he feels her hands on his erection.

"I like my men with some fight." She tells him as her tongue snakes out and licks over the bulbous head of his penis. The human shivers to the touch and he understands who is the one wearing the pants here, literally too come to think of it.

"I've never... this is..." Wes' voice is meek and shaky. The better half of him decides the best thing to do is submit and see where this thing goes. And the other half is just thinking about those huge golden gloves as they rub against the front of his thighs.

Her tail slicks back around to support Wes' back. She wants him in an upright position as her lips curl back and the dragoness starts to suckle meaningfully on the human male's endowment. The way his body is responding to her touch tells Helia everything she needs to know. Opening wide she starts with fellatio, sucking long and hard from the tip to the base of his cock. Wes moans and rolls his head back as she deep throats him from so quickly and without any prompting. He reaches out to hold the twin silver horns above her head. Of course all he is really doing is using them as handlebars for himself, as the dragoness' strength and passion overrides anything that Wes is doing, with even her tail helping to regulate the way he thrusts into and down her throat.

After five minutes of carefully coaxing the human to the edge of his tolerances Helia changes positions. Wes feels like a boytoy, but he does not mind as they both flip over on the creaking bed and his face is buried between those great big halcyon love mountains. Her hands reach around his hips and she carefully guides him until Wes can feel the hot, moist sensation of the dragoness vagina rubbing against his engorged length. When did she get undressed? So little of this whirlwind of passion makes any sense to Wes, maybe he is only dreaming but does any of that really matter by this point? His body moves according to the instructions of hers, grinding and panting against her flexing, magnificent form.

"Go on, you know what I want." Helia tells him with that deep sultry voice. Wes feels as if he wants to come right here and now, but he has to keep it in, he has to make love to this goddess.

"Yes, yes m'am." He replies after removing his face from her bosom and falls back down on one of your teats, his face leaving an impression as his lips wrap around the erect nipple.

It feels like a collection of hot, moist and tight pages wrapped around in a cone pressing in at all sides, yet living and quivering to his entrance. Wes has had sex before, sure but not like this, not with someone who so completely and utterly embodies the idea of an "alpha woman" as opposed to an "alpha man". Her hands press down on his buttocks and the human plunges, throbbing inches follow one after another as he groans squeezes his arms against her buxom breasts. After he feels himself hilting inside of her Wes stops and tries not to move, every fibre of his body desiring an early outcome and his balls are burning up where they rest just underneath her vulva.

"Come on baby, you can do it." Helia's words act like a soothing anti-aphrodisiac, giving him some much needed control over his primal urges.

Wes pulls back slowly and the expression on his face is falling somewhere between bliss and anxiety as he tries to avoid losing it. All the while as his dick slides back out he can feel Helia's powerful body pressing down and gripping around his cock as if she needs it to carry on living. Just as the head is about to come free Helia's hands pull back on his back and Wes is slamming back inside of the dragoness as she moans and arches her back in response. Now he starts to get into it, developing a rhythm which is kept to Helia's own tempo setting. His cock slides out almost effortlessly as she helps him to pull free, but is treated to a vice like grip as he thrusts back inside of the sexed up dragoness.

Heat, sweat and the scent of sex fill the tiny room as the bed creak and groans underneath them. After a couple more minutes of fucking it finally gives away, with the end legs buckling and snapping away. However, the human and reptile carry on, ignoring this as they change position once again. Now Wes is mounting Helia from behind. Her ass rubbing up against his crotch as her tail coils around him and he reaches out for her wings, using them as assists to keep himself from falling back down her long thighs. This allows Wes some more freedom at the pace and intensity with which he fucks his partner, whilst Helia digs her claws into the wall, tearing up the wallpaper as she growls and pants hard.

As their bodies grind, and the room trembles at Helia's gyrations, their climaxes are syncing up. Though Wes is not aware, let alone understanding, of the odd magical powers that Helia has demonstrated up to this point, she has the abilities of what can best be described as an "air sorceress". With these powers she has invoked a spell that connects his orgasm to her own. So as her sweaty, flexing, jiggling body reaches its tolerance level for stimulation, so does Wes feel the heat in his loins grow once more. It is these crashing waves of synergistic sexual energy that now cause Helia to create the kind of sound Wes has only previously heard fabricated in hollywood movies before. A dragon's roar pierces the dead of the night, with every person on the block, let alone the apartment building, hearing the cries of passion as Helia Airbagia rears up and nearly throws Wes off her like a horse.

Yet it is in this very moment that her pussy clamps down hard around a hilted Wes. His arms holding on tight as she bucks underneath him. Wes' balls lift up against his scrotum as they bubble over, his cock twitching and pulsing deep inside of the dragoness, his dragoness. One load, two loads, three, four, five, Wes has never come this much in his whole life. He reaches a number somewhere between ten and fifteen, not that he is able to keep count by this point before collapsing on top of Helia's broad back. Nestling between her wings the human sighs as all the energy seems to fall off of him, just like his clothes before, and he enters a deep, satisfied, sleep.



It is the morning after the most amazing sex he has ever had and Wes is starting to rouse from his slumber. The first thing he feels, before he opens his eyes, is an ache all over his body, probably due to the immense physical exertion from last night. This realisation now brings a smug sense of satisfaction and the twitching of his limp member before he now opens his eyes. A pause as he takes in the first thing he sees. Confusion now, followed by an intent revulsion. What he is looking at is a man, short and fat in his twenties, possessing a stubble, greasy short hair and completely nude laying next to Wes. More confusion now as Wes shifts around on the covers, looking around for the person he met, and fucked, last night. Where is Helia Airbagia?

"Morning lover." As the whining voice from the other man says these words Wes' horror intensifies.

"The fuck..." Wes mutters as he stirs in the broken bed and rolls out, one hand catching one of the sheets so as to cover his crotch with. "Who the fuck are you?!"

"Maybe we should take this slowly." The other man starts by trying to calm Wes down but he is not having any of it. Fears of having become drugged or too inebriated, maybe faulty memory from last night, crop up and terrorising his belief in reality.

Wes manages to storm out of the bedroom whilst taking the duvet sheet with him and snatching his pants on the way out. He trips on something, probably a discarded food package, and lands a little oddly on the couch in the living room. He snakes his legs through either pant leg whilst the overweight, short, man nerd in the bedroom slowly catches up with what is happening and comes out from the bedroom, standing butt naked and tackle out. Wes averts his eyes at the genuinely repulsive sight of the other man whilst managing to fasten his pants on and standing back up. More for his own benefit than the other man he tosses the duvet sheet across for the stranger to cover himself with instead.

"I'm Helia!" The man exclaims and Wes stops from storming out of the apartment altogether as he stares with confusion at the either human.

"What?! That doesn't make any sense!"

"And a yellow anthro dragoness does?"

"That's... actually a good point." Wes concedes as his eyes wander around taking another look at the room again.

Despite the distracting night before enough of the room is familiar for him to know this was the same one he was dragged into by Helia. As such the way it is decorated with furniture and nicknacks either too functional or too nerdy for the personality Helia projected, and the generally messy way it has all very much not been maintained support the idea that is it in fact this man's apartment. So was Helia just a fiction created in his own mind? No, because what the man is telling Wes is very much true and as they both sit down he explains.

Jim, as that is his name, used to always be the way Wes sees him now. Well, maybe a little thinner and younger, but otherwise the same person since leaving high school. He stands at a diminutive 5'2", shorter than Wes' 5'7" and has never been one for keeping up his appearance. But during one fateful Dungeons & Dragons session he was given what Jim describes was an enchanted d20 dice. When he rolled the dice it landed on a number at first, but they soon turned into ancient and esoteric runes. There was a light show, and not much else. The campaign members were confused and annoyed by this, but later on that day Jim discovered just what had happened. His character, the air sorceress Helia Airbagia, had become a part of him.

"So err, how does it work?" Wes asks.

"I'll show you." Jim says and, whilst holding the sheet around his body with one arm, walks over too and do reaches out to grab a bottle on the table in het he centre of the room.

Wes watches from a distance as Jim pours out a glass of soda before adding a handful of pop rocks to it. The sound of soft fizzling comes from the lip of the cup as Jim holds it to his lips. He gulps the mixture down, even as it fizzles in the cup and his mouth, tickling the back of his throat as it slides down. Jim drops the cup and stumbles a bit, hiccups and the process begins anew. The air crackles with energy and Wes can feel the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. Suddenly Jim's body starts to balloon out in every which way. The duvet sheet rips and tears as he was still holding onto it, now talons hooking into the fabric as he throws his head back and howls with exuberance. Muscles balloon out in all directions, but the most impressive thing is the way that two bouncing mammaries burst out, very much like the emergency airbags in a car, from out of the guy's chest as he turns.

It is over so quickly that Wes is unable to keep track of the changes and is left flummoxed whilst sitting down on the grungy couch, looking perplexed at his suddenly reappeared date from last night, the statuesque, buxom and buff Helia Airbagia as she flexes and checks out her transformed body in front of Wes. The human's eyes soon start flickering between her chest and what lies between her legs, with no sign of Helia wanting to get clothed. There is an almost bored, lazy look on Helia's face as the different restructuring of bone and expansion of flesh settles down and she watches for the human's reaction.

"I'm not sure if I believe any of this." Wes says, the only response on the tip of his tongue.

"Well here I am, before your own eyes cutie." Helia says whilst flexing her arms, showing off a bit before running her hands down her curves.

"Yeah, I can see that." Wes replies as he stands back up and walks over to her.

Helia reaches out to guide Wes' hands up and over the large, perky nipples at the ends of her massive breasts. The fleshy nodules feel hot to the touch and they soon warm his hands as he spreads his fingers around and grasps them in either one. Thoughts about last night return to him and Wes can feel his cock straining in its holster that are his pants. The dragoness continues to guide his hands, taking them off the erotic fleshy parts of her chest and instead down her sides, and now across the front of her abdomen where he feels the packed up muscle underneath a layer of tough yellow scales. Her grip loosens as his hands continues down until Wes is now probing the folds of her sensitive nether regions with the stubby ends of his fingers.

"Doesn't this feel real?" Helia asks with a gasp, feeling his fingers stroke and press in against her clittoris.

"Yeah, it does." Wes replies as he now feels her tail slide up between his legs. It strokes up until he gasps and stands on his toes as the tail rubs up against his crotch, where his pants are tenting.

He quickly retreats from probing her nether regions and smiles looking up at the giantess as his hands move to try and push her tail away. She seems annoyed by his aversion to not falling into lust again right now, but stops poking his crotch with her additional appendage. The human seems to have calmed down now, but there is a pensive look on his face as he takes a couple steps back and looks away from Helia Airbagia. He has to accept a great deal very quickly, so many questions about the reality he has always known and accepted as self-evidence now in doubt. And yet, there is one thing he is sure about. This woman, or man, or mythical creature; whatever she is wants him. It is too early to say for sure, but he wants to give this new thing a chance, and if nothing else he is unable to avoid the raw sexual attraction to her when she is in this form.

"Okay then," Wes now says after Helia has left him to think about it. "What other surprises do you have for me?"



As it so happens, Helia Airbagia is capable of a great many impressive magical feats. Sitting down together in the messy, cramped apartment space, Helia now explains to Wes that whilst in her dragon form she possesses all the powers of an "air sorceress." That is to say that she can manipulate material objects using an ethereal power, as defined in the rules of her fully actualised Dungeons and Dragons character. Wes however, seems to be only perplexed once more as she lists examples, including the somewhat minor miracle last night where she ascended the flight of stairs by flight, despite not having the actual physical strength to propel herself and Wes into the air with control; despite her equal parts robust and busty physique.

"So you can manipulate the air?" Wes asks.

"Yes, but more than just that. Here let me show you." Helia says and gets back up.

She bends forward, tail lifting as Wes stares, and picks up what remains of the torn bed linen that she had been covering herself with back in her male human form. It looks tatty to say the least as she folds it up and turns around present the duvet sheet for Wes to inspect. There is barely enough cloth to cover a normal sized person now, let alone someone of Helia's bountiful size. Now she unfurls the exhibit and puffs on it, the air expelling from her mouth strong enough that it is causing the cloth to flap about wildly. By using her magic in this manner Helia offends the laws of nature by turning what remains of the torn cloth into a large, frilly, white wedding dress. Wes stares in equal parts amazement and confusion as she throws the puffy dress into the air and lets it slide down over her, the cloth weaving and tying itself as if it is a living thing. The way that it seems to squeeze extra tightly around her waist pushing her already humongous breasts out almost makes it seem like it does this intentionally.

"There we go." Helia says with a smile and spins around for Wes to see.

"Very interesting. But..." Wes starts to say something but stops himself.

"But?" Helia prompts the human with a pouting look.

"It's not that impressive, really. I mean..." Wes stops again as the dragoness is holding up an open hand.

"Say no more! For my next trick..." Helia looms over the human, a toothy smile unnerving Wes as she leans in.

Their mouths meet, lips touching in a kiss, but this is no ordinary kiss. Wes' eyes go wide as he feels an odd tingling sensation and now a rush of heat, which is in fact magic being transferred from her to him. He feels it spread over, inside and outside his skin, like scalding hot water. Wes wants to pull away but her tail and hands come around to lift him out of the sofa and hold him in place. At the moment he thinks that he is going to pass out Helia breaks off from the kiss and lets him go. Raw energy radiates underneath his skin, a burning sensation in his veins with every heartbeat. The experience is utterly terrifying.

Wes leaps up from out of his seat. His eyes burning with betrayal at Helia. He starts to try and run, walk, crawl, any kind of movement away. The only imperative on his mind now is to find a way to cool down. Go outside, find some ice, just run his head underneath a faucet, anything! But all he manages to do is fall, head thudding loudly against the grungy carpet underneath; though thankfully nothing breaks. Wes barely even notices the pain of his fall as he gasps for air and holds both hands out, trying to drag his torso over the floor. Helia is starting to look worried, unsure of what she has done to him. Could a person have an allergic reaction to magic? This lone thought spreads doubt and fear in her mind as she stoops over him, too afraid to touch him for fear of making it worse.

Suddenly, Wes' whole body goes limp. Yet his eyes remain wide open, his body having become gripped in a magical paralysis. Helia is about to touch him before his body begins to move again. A protean ballooning starts to rip apart what little clothing he is wearing. His arms and legs return under his control as he thrashes about, flipping over onto his back and screams at the top of his lungs. Yet this is the last time Wes feels pain, as the resistance his body has been showing towards the magical energy, burning up inside of him, is finally vanquished. On a cellular level, as well as an anatomical level, the transformative power with which Helia has imbued the human now has free reign over him.

With the same inflation like metamorphosis, Wes feels his thighs and calves burst out of his jeans, shredding them with effortless application of volume. Not to be left behind, his torso, including his arms, also swell out in every direction. Despite the cartoonish manner of this change, underneath the skin his bone and muscle is being replicated at an incredible rate; along with other internal organs growing inside of his expanding ribcage. Simultaneous with the changes to his overall size and increasing the muscle mass across his frame, the magic is also making changes of a far more radical variety.

Though Wes is unable to see the changes, he can feel every last one of them. First his face starts to distort outwards, growing a long, fat snout from which his mouth is also extended out upon underside. His ears shift from being at the sides of his head to on top, where they grow longer and with pointed tips. Elsewhere on his body he can feel the ends of his hands, which have grown both longer and thicker, as the fingernails on the ends develop into large black "caps" on the ends of each digit, like miniature hooves. Similarly his toes shrivel back into his feet, as plantigrade becomes unguligrade. But there is one final piece left of his transformation before Wes is "complete."

Short, nutmeg brown fur, sprouts all over his body. Wes wriggles on the floor as he feels hair follicles shoot out of his back and down his spine before a tail erupts from the base of it. Even his normal locks of blond hair change into a much longer, dark shade of brown that droops down past his now obviously equine facial features. With this final protean shift the magic settles down, to remain dormant inside of his very bones, as he relaxes on the ground staring up at a curious looking golden dragoness. Helia blushes as her eyes are so obviously scanning Wes' new body, up and down. Her intentions for making Wes more appropriate a suitor have been successful beyond even her imagination; though a part of her had hoped for a male dragon. This will do.

"What happened to me?" Wes asks almost rhetorically whilst still lying down on his back. Though as he does so he immediately notices the deep, baritone voice that speaks the words he chose. For a second he wonders if there is another person in the room before realising it is his own voice.

"Something exciting. Here, let me." Helia says and waves her hand, creating a cushion of air that lifts Wes up onto his feet.

"That feels weird." Wes says as he feels the sensation of his new hooves on the floor and looks down at himself.

Wes is struggling to take his transformation in. Even the visual confirmation of the short brown matte fur and equine musculature is nothing compared to the internal sensations. From the feeling of the air between his new top-mounted ears, to the oddly dull sensations of his hooves against the carpet, it is all so alien and yet oddly comforting. Apart from the physiological alterations, his vitality has been amplified, which is probably due to more than just his obvious fitness. There is still so much to explore and learn, but one thing is certain. Helia has turned Wes into a fully realised anthropomorphic domesticated horse. And out of all the mixed emotions that are surging to the surface of his mind, the overriding one that Wes now feels is excitement.

It is not entirely unexpected, but Helia Airbagia is nevertheless surprised as Wes launches himself at her. His new, far larger frame and associated muscle mass pushes her back until they fall back onto the sofa together, tipping it over and breaking the wooden joints inside of it. With both hands on the dragoness' huge golden globes Wes starts to squeeze and rub them together, his thumbs flicking the teats on their ends this way and that. As he does this his face presses into hers, his tongue licking over her lips until they part and she accepts an impassioned kiss. Their tongues dance whilst Helia feels her man's newfound equine malehood throb into life rubbing against her thighs as it works its way up towards the already achingly wet nether region between.

There is no denying it, his new body is exciting for Wes and now he wants to test it out, all of it. Helia becomes malleable in his hands with even the smallest of adjustments to a thigh or the inclination of her head and her body immediately responds to him. After a couple of minutes Wes has rendered Helia into a position on all fours. Both hands on her big, jiggling buttocks, he lifts the frilly dress up spanks her, watching it happily bounce. Helia swings her hips at him and arches her back, both wings spreading out either side for stabilisation with their spines digging into the floor or nearest wall for anchorage. Last time it was only a tiny human, now she has someone more her size who is packing the right kind of horsepower to test her limits.

"No." Wes says in his new, gravelly voice. "I want you on your back."

He hooks one hand around her waist and pulls, although he struggles a bit with his new strength he manages to flip Helia over and she hands on her back and wings with a loud thud shaking the room. She growls and looks back up at him, wondering what he has in mind. Already he is on top of her, his torso pressing against and slightly between her massive breasts, his hands roaming up and down her sides. He kisses her square on the lips, their tongues performing a wet dance with one another. Next he starts to moving down, kissing and lightly biting along her neck, shoulders, and heading down and down before quickly reaching his prize.

"Now what are you going to do down there." Helia teases with a chuckle.

Wes lifts up the front of Helia's skirt and smacks his lips together hungrily. Last time he just dived straight on in, balls deep as it were, but this time he wants to do it right and not just for foreplays sake either. As he leans in close Helia can now feel his hot breath beat down upon her sensitive snatch. She swears he is radiating hotter than he did as a human, perhaps indicating a higher metabolism as a horse, or the afterglow of the magic she has infused him with. His lips are now upon her, touching gently as his tongue slips out, lavishing over the tender soft folds of flesh that comprise his partner's vulva. She begins to play with her breasts, having popped out from the top of her dress, teasing her own nipples to amplify the sensations coursing along her large and powerful body. It feels electric, like a million pleasant pin pricks arrayed over the nerve endings of her most erogenous flesh. Cascading waves of energy travel up along her large body and she flexes tensely underneath her expansive dress, holding back a tentative groan.

His lips are as wet as the ones he has been kissing as Wes now rises back up from between his lover's legs and grins at her. It feels hot, slick and soft to the touch as he delves into it with one finger and now two. Helia groans louder but is cognisant enough to whip her prehensile tail around. Wes feels the reptile's appendage slip between his legs, and coil itself like a boa constrictor around his turgid horse cock. With his baritone voice he tells her that she should really pace herself, that they have the entire day to explore one another. This only makes her moan even louder as he rubs a third finger, and now all four fingers are pushing deep inside of her vagina and wriggling around as it squeezes around them, as his thumb plays against the sensitive nub of flesh that is her clittoris.

"Are you really just going to tease me -ah- all day then?" Helia asks in feigned annoyance, though her body trembles in mirror of her stallion's sexual energy.

Taking his fingers back out of the female, they have grown sticky with her juices. Wes ignores the dragoness' tail rubbing his dick as he holds his fingers up, spreading them as the sticky clear substance spreads between the digits. Helia starts blushing as she sees this, but her tail tightens forcing a grunt out of the horseman. Wes smiles as he brings the fingers to his mouth and suckles on one after the other, quickly cleaning each one. He tells her to brace herself as he reaches down and pries the tail off from his dick. Effortlessly pushing her back down, flat on her back, he climbs over his mate and positions his crotch until he can feel the warmth of her sex starting to mix with his own. The first entry is gentle, his strong arms holding her against him as his chest rubs against her exposed breasts. It feels wonderful to enjoy the muscular woman's deep and tender pussy accept him, squeezing around each inch that enters as it passes the fleshy aperture.

"You know that this is only a precursor right?" Wes says rhetorically to his blushing bride. "Me like this, and you like that, together we are going to make the foundations shake."


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