Complicated Packaging

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Alpha Dog

They have slept through the night together like newborns in a cot, despite the storm and its intermittent wails all throughout. Now Ardex wakes to find Chris' large, impeccably sculpted, body pressing against his own. The rhino's chiseled chest, along with the rest of his wide torso, radiates with warmth that feels too good to ignore and the wolf fails to resist running his paws over the other male. Chris stirs a little but the rhino man remains fast asleep; it is almost as if he is even more worn out than Ardex is, or perhaps a part of him wants to remain unconscious to prolong getting on his first day of the job. Both men are filling up the bottom bunk, though one of the rhino's arms is drooping down to the floor below. Even though the bunk was made for a large person, the rhino could probably still use the next size up. From the lack of sound the weather appears to be once more in contrast to the winds and rain from last night. No doubt they will both be starting their tasks today; although the wolf is already pining to get one more night with the rhino before he returns ashore.

Idly noticing the time from a small clock on the desk, Ardex languidly gets up. Even whilst pushing himself up with both paws on the rhino's chest, the pachyderm does not seem to notice let alone mind the wolf climbing out. Back on his feet now Ardex quickly finds his clothes again and puts them on. His shirt is creased and his fur unkempt, so he pats himself down and grabs a small bag with a couple of combs and domestics in before leaving the cabin. Polaris must have a sink and mirror somewhere; now the wolf just has to find out where it is. Rubbing his forehead he remembers where the mess is and heads off in that direction, someone ought to be there who can tell him.

Just as he suspected there are people there now having breakfast. Several burly looking men are gathered, each with a breakfast that looks like they should feed two. Not a single soul seems to notice Ardex as he walks in. They are too busy hunched over their respective breakfasts and wolfing them down, some literally. Just now he feels an uncomfortable sensation, he needs to empty his bladder quickly. Ardex approaches the closest person, a wolf who is even bigger than himself though with a darker almost pure black coloured man of fur and tries to attract his attention by tapping one broad shoulder. The other wolf looks over his shoulder to see Ardex, his eyes scanning up and down before he speaks in a deep, gruff voice that almost sounds like a growl.

"You aren't the replacement Nelson, are ya?" He asks.

"Umm, no." Ardex replies and is about to mention Chris before the big guy starts talking again.

"Didn't think so. Too scrawny." This response makes Ardex feel a little offended, being no lightweight with the people he normally associates with. But he is quickly coming to realise that this place is staffed full of people like Chris; the giants among giants. "Name's Dec, what's yours?"

"Ardex," he blurts the name out a little oddly, his knees inclining towards one another now. Some recessed part of himself feels threatened, but then it is rare he ever meets a wolf larger than himself. "Listen, I really need to take a leak."

"Why didn't ya say? Better to escort m'lady, in case you wind up somewhere you shouldn't." He says snarkily and laughs. This last part also gets a rise out of those others listening and Ardex's ears flatten expressing his irritation and humiliation. He is the outsider here though and he remembers to bite his tongue, metaphorically speaking, in lieu of this escalating to anything worse.

Despite the patronising attitude, the big black wolf stands up and tells Ardex to follow him, doing exactly as he said he would. Ardex can barely see anything past Dec, who is a solid two heads taller than the smaller grey furred wolf. The pair exit onto the working deck of the oil derrick. Cloud coverage is relatively sparse now, with thin wisps streaking across the calm blue. He keeps close to the big guy until he stops on front of some safety railings that are closer to the edge of the platform than is normal. Dec stops and stands to the side with his arms akimbo as if expecting Ardex to unzip his fly and piss off of the side of the rig. The smaller wolf laughs a little and rubs the back of his head, but the laughter dies and the musclebound tower of a canid is still waiting, a smirk now curling up on the side of his muzzle.

"You can't be serious." Ardex says but already knows that Dec very much is. This is not another joke, but there is something else there, playfully dancing behind the black wolf's yellow eyes.

"It's simple, quick and easy. You're not piss shy are ya?" Dec's words have tonal barbs that makes the accusation feel more serious than it is.

Ardex shakes his head and steps up to the edge of the platform. They must have real facilities somewhere, but this probably is the easiest thing to do, even whilst being watched from behind. He undoes the front fly of his trousers and squeezes his right paw down past his belt and into his underwear. All whilst feeling those yellow eyes on his back Ardex snakes out his penis, the black phallic flesh recoiling from the open air. Eventually the stream of halcyon urine sprouts out and the wolf closes his eyes as he sighs to himself in relief of his emptying bladder. But all the while he can feel those eyes, drilling into the back of his head, or then again are they drilling somewhere further down his back?

As if on cue, at the moment Ardex has finished relieving himself he feels the big, furry hands of the other wolf touch down on both of his shoulders. A slight tug and Ardex finds himself beginning to turn around, to face the other wolf. As he does so he thinks back to the body language that had been dancing around underneath the surface. He had known it was there, but still chose to play dumb, enjoying the surprise more than anything. As he completes turning the full one-eighty and looks to see that Dec has already undone his belt and fly. From out of it a leviathan of orifice taxing proportions sprawls out, drooping down between his thighs like an anaconda hanging from a tree branch. The first thing that the smaller wolf does as he lays his blue eyes upon it is to smack his lips together with anticipation.

"I think you know this part fella." That deep voice booms and Ardex nods, already falling to his knees, the heavy paws on his shoulder pushing ever so gently.

Ardex can smell the musk even in the fresh sea air. He makes a whining sound whilst glancing up at the toothy smile that Dec is flashing down at him. Alpha and omega, this is the way that Ardex likes things and it is no more the sweeter than when it is with a fellow member of the pack. Gingerly opening his mouth he first touches the dangling flesh with his tongue, licking over its hot surface. It tastes just as good as it smells, his own cock is beginning to stand to attention and he is glad that he did not do his fly back up. Another lick and Dec's dick is beginning to rise up to the occasion, swelling with vital lust, and of course hot pumping blood too, as the smaller wolf licks its pointy head again and again. With his right paw on the back of Ardex's neck, the black wolf pulls him forward and it quickly escalates into a mouthful of half-erect canid cock.

However just as Ardex wraps his lips around roughly three thirds of the way down the other wolf's phallus he notices something odd. It is swelling again, but not in the usual predictable manner of a turgid erection. All too late Ardex realises, going wide-eyed, as Dec begins to empty his bladder. Sour piss splashes into the back of the smaller man's mouth and he is trying to pull away, but that paw is holding him steadfast. Instead Ardex pushes with his tongue and spits out Dec's member only for his urine to splash against the grey wolf's face and he closes his eyes whilst shivering with disgust. The warm, strong scented, liquid pours over Ardex's face and down his torso, wetting his fur and clothes. His ears are flat as the dominating man hold him in front of the stream it ends with a satisfied sigh and a ridiculing chortle.

"Sorry about that pup, but I like to mark things before they get too much... mileage." The former part of his words seem sincerely apologetic, but as Ardex realises what the latter were he realise it was all just sarcasm.

Either way the smaller grey wolf finds himself hoisted up by the fur on the back of his neck. Still dripping wet with the disgusting fluid refuse he is manhandled roughly. Dec spins Ardex around and yanks down his pants, shortly before dropping his own. Ardex knows what comes next, and he smiles to himself as he gingerly wiggles his butt backwards and peers over his shoulder to see what is coming from behind. Something is mentioned about bracing himself on the railing, so he does so with both paws blindly grasping for them, feeling the yellow and black hazard tape wrapped around them providing more traction than he would have guessed. The smaller man watches the larger one as he rubs his shaft a couple of times, its length and breadth approaching that of some feral horses. Pre-ejaculate is offered by the pointed head after the third rub and Dec keeps encouraging it until his entire right paw is covered with the sticky mess.

The black wolf flashes Ardex a cheeky grin before reaching down and plunging somewhere past the base of the grey wolf's tail with two fingers. Ardex moans so loudly it almost becomes a howl, his buttocks flexing hard, his sphincter contracting but his tail wagging happily. In this manner Dec lubricates and loosens his partner with practised manual skill. Of course he could've used his previous expulsion, but unsurprisingly pre-ejaculate does make for a better lubricant during sex, and Ardex will need all the help he can get. After almost a whole minute of working him, and encouraged by a needy whine from the smaller wolf, Dec now removes his fingers for the last time and moves his hands to grip his new fucktoy by his sides. Ardex only makes a louder whine as he feels the tip of the alpha wolf's erection poke between his furry cheeks. He tries to push back, arching further between the rails and the other wolf; his need is rewarded thusly.

Dec, or Big Dec as Ardex will come to call him from now on, drives forward with a rage tinted lust. With brutal force his phallus penetrates far past the clenching cheeks and drills an ever widening gap into the grey wolf's backdoor entrance. Ardex barks and yips, the sounds ending with a protracted growl that nearly matches the one reverberating from the large black wolf bearing down on top of him. Knuckles wrapping tightly around the steel bar keeping him from falling off the edge Ardex bares his teeth as Dec penetrates further and further. One throbbing, juicy inch after the next is pushing the smaller wolf's buttocks wide apart, his tight resistance doing little to stop and everything to make the black wolf growl louder. His knees shake, but the submissive wolf stays standing, his claws curling down and scratching against the deck underneath.

With a satisfying grunt the alpha wolf finally buries his bone all the way to its thick knot. Large, black furry balls swing forward to rest on Ardex's clenching ass. But that is just the beginning of what is to become a very brutal breeding. Feigning an uncaring attitude as for his partner's comfort, the towering black wolf pulls back and drives himself back in, all in the space of seconds. A howl of pain hollers from Ardex's snout, but the alpha wolf only does it again and again. Those big furry nuts come down hard, smacking with pendulous rhythm. The sea air and the sturdy safety railing are the only things that Ardex remains aware of outside of the gripping hold, overbearing weight and most noticeably of all that fat canine endowment penetrating his body over and over again.

Tears start to trickle down the sides of the grey wolf's face. But he powers through the pain, enjoying it every bit as much as the way that Dec's throbbing rod scratches that most erotic of prostate itches. In fact, as he pants hard, neck pressing a little against the top rail, Ardex can feel his orgasm approaching quickly, like an oncoming storm off in the distance. Dec for his part is only too happy to carry on pounding his claimed toy, a little erratic with his movements but with all of his intensity to compensate. Faster and faster, his grunts and snarling steadily turn to evermore panting as both wolves begin to barrel down on their respective climaxes. Provided they keep up their current pace with one another, there is every chance that they can sync their peaks, and all the more enjoyable for it.

It does not take long for either of them. Their bodies are alight with the fires of passion, musky sweat mixed with even more musky male juices fill the senses of both wolves. Sounds similarly becomes an actual crescendo of barks, snarls and moans which are rising higher and higher to the point of howling. Ardex is squeezed tightly by the larger wolf his body shuddering as he finally goes past his limits. The grey wolf howls as hot seed barrels out from his throbbing dick in long strings shooting over the side of the oil platform. But as he does so Dec thrusts hard, burying his bone all the way to the hilt and lifting his partner clear off the deck, nearly tipping him over the railing if not for the arms still wrapped around him. With a sharp, clarifying pain, Ardex is aware that the other male is now sinking his fangs into the smaller guy's left shoulder, the penetration is light but will leave a possessive mark.

Those pendulous furry black nuts rise up, gripping against Dec's scrotum, their heavy load changing places. Ardex's body is only just done experiencing its own climax, but now begins to feel the other male expand inside of him, the knot stretching his sphincter out wider and wider still. He screams just as the intense warmth of the alpha wolf's semen begins to pump in copious amounts inside of him; all neatly locked away by that agonising knot. All he can do is pant, squeeze and make various animalistic noises as he is bred. Tingling sensations run up and down his spine, fur standing on end as he feels Dec's copious amounts of spunk fill him up, making his gut protest. Yet the way that the warmth spreads is like soft butter over toast, smoothing over internal spots that had been feeling sore from the brutal fucking that has now ceased.

"Good pup," Dec finally says, his voice winded as he tries to catch his breath and his hold around Ardex loosens.

The grey wolf sighs, his body now relaxing, though still sore with fatigue and a stretched tailhole. His feet connect with the floor again as the dominant male lets him back down, not that they will separating for a while longer as the big fella has successfully tied himself to Ardex. Straining to look behind him, the grey wolf runs his left hand up along one of the larger man's arms as he licks his lips. Already gears in his head are turning, plotting the possibilities of getting both Dec and Chris together; in the same room. Such a thought is already making his cock turn turgid again, heartbeat rising and expression turning from satisfaction and back to insatiable hunger.

"When does your shift end?"



Chris has done nothing but been working all day long. It has consisted of monotonous tasks such as checking on equipment and doing some inventory in Polaris' warehouse, but that is to be expected. Until he has become acclimated to the people, the place, and the work itself work entrusted to him will be low priority stuff. Right now he is returning to his cabin as his shift has ended. The wolf who has been helping him, a big guy called Dec, is preparing to do the same after telling the rhino to clock out. Judging by the time he has spent today with the wolf, the rhino believes that he will have no problem with the rest of his new colleagues. Though there was something about a couple of off hand comments that are clanking around in the back of his mind.

Outside on the rig's deck the sun is already starting to set. Light is rapidly fading and the safety lights begin to turn on, lighting the entire oil platform up like a christmas tree. Chris shoves his hands into his jacket pockets as the air turns a mite bit colder. The rhino's thoughts switch to last night as he continues walking back to the employee area. One night stands are something that the pachyderm is used to and he does not feel the need to create any unnecessary emotional attachments to every sexual partner he has, but nevertheless he would have preferred more time with Ardex. Chances are the grey wolf has already left on one of the choppers now that the weather has cleared up. Though the rhino does not know how long the technician's work would take. But even if he has one more night with him, it will only be the one. Chris sighs as he turns a corner and ducks his head as he comes inside.

"You there, Chris! Come see me in my office for a second. I have something I need to discuss with you." Someone bellows at the rhino from across the hallway. Chris just barely catches the rig's manager, the crocodile called Frank, as he disappears back into what the rhino assumes is the aquatic reptile's office, leaving the door ajar.

His manager probably just wants to ask him about how his first day has gone, but even as he starts moving towards the office, Chris feels an easy apprehension stirring within. Maybe there was a complaint, maybe there is a test, he has heard a few stories from the others, none of which are very pleasant. Of course it is possible such stories were invented just to alarm him, but the rhino feels in the pit of his chiselled stomach not to trust a crocodile; especially not one who still has a full set of predator teeth. Nevertheless he puts his best foot forward in the direction of the manager's office. He walks right on up, pushes the door open, and is immediately struck by how tiny the office really is. Chris has to duck his head, as with almost every door here, but as he straightens up inside his horn scraps a little against what is a slanted ceiling from this side.

Frank is sitting behind a chrome metal desk. Leaning back in his creaking office chair against the wall, the relaxed posture screams of self-assurance and dominance, or at least what the rhino's subconscious is picking up from it. Frank gestures for the only other chair in the office, some cheap looking thing with no wheels and four stumpy legs. Chris pulls the seat out and lowers carefully lowers himself down whilst pulling it back up against his body. The plastic makes that creaking sound that comes shortly before something gives way. A worried look flashes over Chris' face, but the chair holds and he settles in, back straight, arms laid out across his thighs. The posture is just as much for the sake of not stress testing the chair as much as trying to look professional and alert in front of his boss.

"S'tell me Chris, how was your first day here on Polaris?" The words are formulaic, the tone calm, but the glare from the crocodile's slanted eyes measuredly unnerving. The familiar interview-style address instantly makes the pachyderm relax just a tad.

"Very good sir!" He replies enthusiastically, maybe too much so, a very quick frown flitters over his face as he thinks this. "Everyone has been helpful. Though I do feel like I want to move on to something more challenging soon. Not that I don't understand the need to orientate first and..." He trails off, realising he is beginning to ramble and just smiles and nods like a trained dog for his master. "Good sir, everyone and everything has been good."

"That's very comforting for me t'hear Chris. But please, you don't have to keep calling me sir. Frank'll do just fine."

"Okay, Frank." Chris is beginning to get more uncomfortable, unsure where the conversation is heading.

"You know, we get many sorts on this rig. Some are married men, some are bachelors, but all of them, need things. Do'ya get me, Chris?" Frank's reptilian eyes have settled on the rhino in a manner that is less scrutinising than they are psychologically invasive.

"Not sure if I do, Frank. But I know it is isolating, physically isolating, out here. Is, err, is that what you meant?" Something has just caught Chris' eyes, which have been trying to avoid staring back into Frank's. Condoms? There is a blue box by a collection of pens and stapler. Difficult to be sure from this angle, but it looks like them.

"It's part of the problem Chris, yes. But there is a solution to the hardships out here. Do you know what it is?" The crocodile's voice is almost unnaturally level now.

"Err..." Chris is drawing a blank but he can already see Frank has a follow up, treating it as a rhetorical question.

"Seems as if your wolf friend knew last night, wouldn't you say so Chris?" Frank looks smug now, the kind of confidence that belies a certain kind of dominance, as well as intent. This is making Chris even more uncomfortable than he already was, he he suppresses his initial reaction of surprise.

"Ardex and I... found a practical solution." Chris responds with what he hopes is sufficiently vague, still unsure which game is being played here.

A protracted sigh comes from the crocodile on the opposite side of the desk as his eyes drift downwards and he seems frustrated by something. After a thoughtful pause he looks back up at Chris and it is as if he is gauging the rhino very carefully, judging everything he knows and can feel inside of his gut about the pachyderm before making his decision. His eyes shift to check the door, frowning as he realises that Chris has left it slightly ajar. What he is about to do next, the move he is going to play, is a risky one for him. However, there has been something on the aquatic reptile's mind all day and if the rhino refuses it will be disappointing, but if he decides to take the issue to Frank's own boss, well then it could be the croc's head.

"Since you're dancing around it I'll just be straight up with you Chris. You like cock and I've got one that's been dry all day. D'ya wanna try it on?" Frank says all of this whilst looking directly into Chris' eyes, and for a moment the rhino is stunned, mouth hanging open.

"Umm," Chris murmurs. "I err," he pauses again. "Sure, I guess."

"Well then, why don't y'come 'round here and show me whatcha can do." A toothy grin on the croc's face as he swivels in his office chair and waits for the rhino to move on over.

Chris gets up, a little unsure, well more than a little really. He rounds the desk and looks down with only a little surprise registering on his face at finding Frank has already undone the top button and the zipper of his pants. A lewd and overconfident grin is on the aquatic reptile's face as he reclines in his seat, the leather and joins creaking loudly. Chris quietly sighs and stoops down, getting on his knees just in front of the other man's splayed legs. First he runs his hands up along the boss' thighs, squeezing them firmly before his large grey digits almost meet up near the groin. This elicits a hefty rumble from the big man and he nods in approval, wishing him to continue on.

The rhino leaves his left hand on the right thigh, whilst his left moves to cautiously dive into the opening. Immediately he can feel the large, scaly flesh coiled inside the dark opening. No underwear, Frank is going commando, and a chuffing sound is made by the green man in response as Chris realises this. He wraps his fingers around what he can and squeezes gently, more of a moaning sound no comes from the predator's toothy mouth up above. Now he carefully extracts the flesh, pulling it loose and into the light. This part is something that he has to admit, deserves a moment of lip-smacking.

Frank's long and thick malehood is larger than the wolf's Chris enjoyed last night. Its green mass flops out over the side of the office seat and dangles down, nice and low between Frank's thighs. He watches the rhino stare, but to his mild surprise Chris goes on to further remove the two heavy and scaly testes that are still trapped. They are equally impressive in scale and mass, with noticeable momentum from their contents sloshing this way and that. Chris is unable to control his own "other horn", and it stirs down the front of his pants, starting to make inroads down one of his trouser legs. Frank too is already growing hard, his dick beginning to rise for the occasion even as Chris moves both hands to start massaging it, stroking up and down its increasing length.

"It's good to see an employee who enjoys their work." Frank comments comically, but Chris barely even notices.

The pachyderm is transfixed, both hands now rubbing the reptilian shaft as it rises up and up. It is pushing past a foot, reaching at least two gloriously thick feet in length, it is mouth watering in sight, touch and smell, the only thing left is taste. Although he still feels uneasy as he runs his fingers over his boss' naked, throbbing erection, the thoughts of sexual harassment are nowhere on Chris' mind. Instead he opens his mouth as he squeezes on the hot piece of meat before him and it bucks in response. Inclining it closer his way as he rolls his tongue out onto it. Frank makes a sound that is alarming at first, with growling clicking sounds, before Chris realises that is a groan, a sign of pleasure and appreciation. Pre spurts and drools from the head, rolling down in warm beads that the rhino catches with his tongue and falls into his mouth, tasting and swallowing.

"Enough foreplay you horny kid." Frank rumbles and reaches out to grip Chris' front horn.

The rhino is tugged up by his horn and now downwards, inexorably downwards. He does not resist him as the big croc continues to pull his employee down and onto his cock mouth first. His erection is hard as steel as it slides in past Chris' lips. The rhino runs his tongue underneath, stroking it with the only part of his body that can touch it in such a manner now. To top it off the pachyderm closes his eyes and moans loudly, his entire mouth vibrating around a good third of the croc's dick already positioned inside the rhino's mouth, whilst threatening to start reaching down the back of his employee's throat. Frank moans above, louder than Chris is doing, and brings a second hand down to push on the rhino's pate behind the horn. For a moment he is a little concerned with how close the tip of the rhino's prominent facial feature is to his gut, but makes sure he has his first hand on it in a position whereby it is covering the point at the end.

"Yes, keep going. All of it kid." Frank hisses and his tail beats down on the floor, Chris feeling the vibrations through his knees.

This is not what he was hired for, but Chris is all too eager to comply, his pants growing taut around his own wakening hard on. However, now he wants to pull back, to get some air and line up for something special. Though those heavy hands resist at first, Frank allows the other man up. He pulls back, letting that which he had wrapped his mouth around slip out, its wet, throbbing body glistening in the light. With one hand he reaches into the reptile's pants, finding where the family jewels are stashed away. This distracts the crocodile as Chris now, very rapidly, goes back down on the other male. Eager lips skim over the wet section of the croc cock and now onto the part that is still dry, but that is now changing.

An expletive rumbles out from Frank as the big guy's chest heaves with a sharp intake of breath. His entire body quakes, but it is his member most of all which throbs and trembles with lust, all whilst being gobbled up by a certain cock hungry rhino. The skill and adeptness with which the pachyderm manages to deep throat him, or at least most of him, has caught Frank by surprise. And with that once more the pressure comes down on the rhino's head, but this time it works in his favour. Inch after tremendously juicy inch somehow manages to fit. Tears begin to collect on the periphery of Chris' vision as he blinks, not quite believing how he is managing to choke down on all of this. The big croc is without a doubt the largest male that Chris has ever had to tackle in such a manner, and every moment of this is turning him on. With his nostrils breathing down closer and closer to Frank's scaly crotch there is no more need for the hand that comes away from the last three or so inches not yet squeezed up between Chris' lips.

The strain of his needy "other horn" inside the forefront of his pants needs some attention. So the rhino starts to undo his buckle, all the while still swallowing and gripping down on the crocodile's dick with his mouth and throat, and his other hand cupping and playing with the seed laden balls below. In this awkward way Chris manages to release himself, Frank noticing the sound of the rhino's fly zip coming down and soon followed by the scent of rising pachyderm musk. The crocodile growls again, his length throbbing ever so slightly more so down and against Chris' tight throat. But Chris needs some air now, and with his long, erect dick hanging out and free from between his legs he brings his hand back up to grip the base of the other man's shaft as he tries to pull back up. But something is wrong, his eyes are wide as he realises that Frank is holding him in place.

"S'wrong?" Frank asks mockingly. With both of his hands having a firm grip on the rhino's head he can easily hold Chris down in place, atop his mast.

"Mmmmf!" Chris mumbles back and taps the reptile's leg.

"No, I think you should stay a moment longer. Fuck you feel good wrapped around me like that." The crocodile explains and reclines back into his seat, bringing his legs up and over the rhino's shoulders so as to gain further physical control on his positioning.

Unfortunately for Chris, he really needs some air. Maybe the aquatic reptile fails in understanding of a surface mammal's tolerance for holding their breath, but the way his lungs are burning and vision artifacting is really panicking Chris. He hollers as loudly as he can around the boss' python again and, barely thinking about it, squeezes a little too tightly with the hand cupping the other man's testes. With this he is finally let go and nearly falls back, caught only by Frank's legs, the razor sharp claws the ends of bare feet curling down and against the rhino's broad back for added anchorage. The green, scaly cock swings free and falls back to land against Frank's stomach, wetting his shirt in the process. Chris is coughing and spluttering as he tries to catch his breath, his eyes rapidly blinking to wash away the tears.

"Hmm, maybe I did push you too hard." Frank murmurs and reaches down to grip his dick, his thumb and fingers unable to connect, rubbing and squeezing it slowly. Pre is pouring out of the head of his shaft at an alarming rate now, running down over his fingers it quickly results in the same glistening sheen across his hand as the phallus itself.

"You don't say?" Chris finally manages looking back up at the croc.

"But if ya can't handle it down one hole, there's always 'nother." Frank looks down at the rhino whilst grinning.

Now aquatic reptile removes his legs from over the rhino's shoulders and stands up, cock still swinging out in front of him. Chris watches as the manager start by removing the loose fitting jacket he was wearing and now unbuttons his shirt. The crocodile lets the other man watch as he gradually works out of his shirt. Green scaled pectorals are exposed, as is a muscle gut that manages to find that perfect balance between strength and healthy packing that manages a curious form of attractiveness among men of a certain age. As the sleeves roll off his arms, Chris is actually a little surprised by just how much of the reptile's arms are chiseled muscle, some part of him always imagining them being more flabby than what the reality is. But now with his toros bare, and cock still jutting out, splotches of pre having dribbled off onto the floor just in front of the rhino, Frank stops and looks expectantly. He tells Chris to stop gawking and start doing the same. A sharpness is in his voice and the rhino stands to attention, wiping the saliva from his mouth which has been hanging there since finally coming free from the deepthroating.

"Yes sir." He says and immediately averts his eyes, feeling embarrassed for saying that.

All he is wearing around his chest is his t-shirt. Even now the form fitting fabric is not exactly doing much covering, with even the rhino's nipples visibly protruding from his pectorals. Nevertheless he pulls the thin, yet voluminous article of attire off and over his head and horn. Something like an appraising rumble comes from the croc as Frank moves around in the confining office, moving closer to the rhino, and reaches out with one scaly hand running up and along his broad, gunmetal grey chest. Chris shivers a little as the reptile deliberately allows his cock to brush up against the other man's abs and then slip along and around as he circles the rhino to position himself behind him. Frank's hands are now around the rhino's side, and glide on down and around before gripping, tightly, around Chris' hard cock, and it vibrates with attentiveness in response.

"S'kay. I'm not gonna do 'nuffin." Frank says, his tongue slithering out like a snake's to lick the back of the pachyderm's muscular neck.

He lets go of Chris' "other horn" and instead starts to unbuckle the other man's belt. Chris squirms on his feet, all the while feeling the reptile's own malehood pressing against his still clothed rear and up along his naked back. The belt comes loose, the zip is undone and now the rhino's pants fall, exposing strong thighs and calves, heavy looking tesitcles, and most of all his well defined bubble like buttocks. Another rumble is made by the crocodile as his hands retreat around, and reach down to sink between the pachyderm's glutes. Chris gasps and jumps ever so slightly, his tail flicking about and crushing against the croc's forearms and foreboding erection. Frank chastises him for being so fidgety, evidently becoming annoyed, but realising that maybe there is someplace he can put his prey down.

"Bend over m'desk." Frank says and starts pushing against the rhino's back, though the guy is built like a mountain and just like a rock face refuses to budge easily.

His feelings still conflicted, despite his needy phallus, the herbivore does as he is told. Chris leans over the table, using both arms to first scatter as much of the clutter out of the way as possible with things falling onto the floor below. Now he rests his broad chest down atop of the wooden surface, taking a sharp breath as its cold surface first makes contact, though it rapidly begins to warm. From the rear end Frank can barely control himself as his fresh faced, young, and criminally attractive employee presents himself, with that cute little tail rising up to help expose the pink pucker hidden away between butt cheeks built like a softer kind of bicep. It is not just that the rhino is a stud, hung, ripped and handsome faced; but there is always something irresistibly appealing about mounting a plant eater. And here on Polaris they have more predators than the other.

Despite his achingly hard erection, Frank remembers to recover the box of condoms which had just been tossed onto the floor below. Chris waits with patience, and a rapidly cooling sphincter, as he stares over the edge of the desk at the grimy ground below. Whilst he waits there is only one thought, apart from imagining the incoming anal sex, that runs across the forefront of his mind. Ardex, the wolf he met on the way here, the man he spent the first night here with, the first lover he has known in over two years of working on getting this high paying job. Maybe that part of him is clairvoyant somehow, at least if what happens next is anything to judge by his own perceptions.

"Chris?" The canid's familiar voice asks with moderate surprise.

"Glad ya joined us. D'ya want his mouth?"


Tag Team

Time seems to stop, suspended in an instant as Ardex stares back at Chris, prostrate over Frank's desk. The question from before is ringing in the wolf's ears, but his jaw is slack and the rest of his body is holding frozen. As for the rhino, he squirms over the desk, allowing the rhino's scaly hands to ride up along his rump and stroke along the big guy's back, their touch replaced by the distinct feel of the croc's cock riding up against his crack. Chris is blushing, but his eyes remain on the wolf's, not entirely sure what he will do, or rather to the point what his new friend will think of him caught out in this compromising position.

"Sure." Ardex finally says in reply to the aquatic reptile, his tongue languishing on his lips as his loins tingle with excitement.

It seems unreal, but then, why would his one night stand stop here? Chris wonders if he has been over thinking their relationship, that this really is just friends with benefits, and now the manager riding up against him is one of those beneficiaries. The wolf sets down his kit, having been on the way back to the bunk as well before being told to report in Frank's office. His belt comes off more quickly than the pachyderm's and he walks on up as he snakes his trousers down and whips out the front loading three cal cannon. Its black flesh quickly throbs out to a full erection, the scent of its pre, familiar to the rhino, reaching Chris' nostrils.

"I think you have some experience with this." Ardex growls down at the herbivore as he pokes his black member at the rhino's lips, his paw holding the other man's horn.

"Mmmyeah." Chris replies somewhat meekly and opens his mouth, gingerly greeting the wolf's bone with his tongue.

Not to be ignored from the other end, Frank draws his scaly phallus back and starts to poke its slick head between the rhino's cheeks. It feels oddly cool, due to the scales no doubt, though quickly warms to the touch whilst its head pokes into Chris' tail hole. His cheeks clench and he squirms in place over the desk, its legs creaking under the strain of his musclebound weight. Across the rhino's back Ardex and Frank's eyes meet, whilst here in this moment the wolf can see a maddening, lustful nature glaring back at him from behind the slit eyes. This crocodile is not the balanced natured beast he imagined him before, first impressions can be deceiving just as much as outward appearances. There is an animal there and as it smiles across at the wolf he winks and moves with great speed, thrusting with all the force he muster from his legs and thick scaly tail pushing against the floor below.

Chris does not so much have the wolf's dick fed to him, as much as he is pushed over it, fitting snugly like a sock. Ardex is taken by surprise as he feels himself slide down and into the rhino's throat, where he swallows from one end and suckles on another. The desk protests at the way it is being treated by the trio, but nevertheless holds Chris' weight. His struggle between a python snaking its up up his ass and a bratwurst lodged down his throat is making the rhino just a little uncomfortable. His whole body tenses, with muscles bulging out at appropriate angles as he groans over Ardex's male hood, making it tremble with even more arousal. A part of the wolf feels guilty, but the other part is not getting over how good the rhino feels, swallowing, choking down his cock like this. And so he joins the crocodile in this game of spit roasting the pachyderm.

As one pushes, the other one pulls. Somehow Ardex and Frank are syncing up as they work Chris over again and again. His anus feels sore, but responds every time the reptile plunges into his depths. Twitching and pulling, all to wonderful effect around Frank as he goes in, balls deep, letting the rhino feel all of him inside. The only more comfortable is the way that the aquatic reptile's claws dig in over his broad back and sides, providing new anchorage even as the desk underneath begins to sway with nails growing looser and looser, unlike the rhino who seems to be getting tenser and tighter around the boss. It is only a matter of time until the croc blows his load, those heavy balls smacking again and again into the pachyderm's bunched up flutes reminding him just how full they are, and how full he will soon be too.

Ardex is easier to swallow down than Frank was, but it is nevertheless a challenge. Chris has his face buried into the wolf's crotch as he keeps a firm hold over the rhino's head. It is a less of a mutual thing and more of a static sex toy being used for the pleasure, and at a the tempo, of the wolf's desires. It is to Chris' credit how he is growing more skillfull at managing his breathing, suppressing his gag reflex and generally becoming a better and experience cocksucker. In that way at least the forced deep-throating before has done him this much good. But it is more than that, as he moans and suckles over Ardex's rod, it is with desire, with want, or in fact with a need for what is waiting in his heavy loins, smacking again and again beneath Chris' chin. That part that they shared last nights recognises this in Ardex, and so he is careful, and cautious as his knot starts to grow, far thicker, far more dangerous than the base of the crocodile's penis.

As both dominating men are nearing their climaxes, the rhino finds himself poised on reaching his own. Despite the strain of taking two impressively large men at the same time, this is nevertheless a massive turn on for Chris. His fingers curl around the underside of the desk as rocks back and forth. His body is sweating, his heart racing, and just like the croc and wolf, his loins are burning. He wants to last until the end, more so to impress the wolf than his own boss. In pursuit of this he tries to expedite their climaxes, first by using his legs to grab Frank and pull him in, exercising all the muscles external and internal he can to milk the reptile's love muscle inside of him; and for Ardex he reaches out with both hands, grabbing the wolf's rear end and pulling him in to try and gobble up and around that thick knot. However the pachyderm loses control of himself before either of his partners do, as his muscles bunch up, his grip on the two men tighten and his balls hug closely against his body as they begin to avail themselves of their purpose.

The first climax results in a thick, gooey mess, splashing down onto the crocodile's feet and office floor. He growls loudly, though not in response of the mess the rhino just made for him. Frank's cock twitches once, twice, and on the third time erupts with a predator's ferocity. Chris can feel the boss' hot, viscous seed spill into him, or perhaps rather be pumped deep and with purpose. Despite the thick base of the reptile's phallus, there is enough pressure that the backlog escapes, adding to the mess at his feet as the croc's heavy balls unload themselves and his claws dig in even deeper into the pachyderm's naked body. Third comes the wolf, his howl piercing all other noise in the confined room. As his knot swells up Chris thinks he is going to be become lock jawed with it, even with last night's experience he really underestimated how big Ardex can get. Semen, radiating with warmth, pours down into the rhino's mouth and throat, as he swallows and swallows and swallows; consuming all that is offered to him whilst fighting his clouding vision and trying not to pass out. But his body surrenders, conscious thought fleeting as his body grows tired, worn, yet carnally satisfied.


Last Day

Ultimately Ardex's stay on Polaris has only been for three full weekdays. Somehow more worked turned up for him, but now he needs to go back to shore if his contract is to continue; and besides there are other domestic concerns too. Not that any of that is on his mind right now as his paws slide up and along the back of the rhino's thighs. The pachyderm giggles, his inhibitions and comfort around the wolf having respectively diminished and grown all the more so since their threesome with Frank. A lonesome sigh comes from Ardex as his strong paws glide up, thumbs pressing in between the rhino's bare glutes, all upturned and showing off in his still undersized bunk. He squeezes them possessively, his claws digging whilst simultaneously leaning over to kiss the back of Chris' broad neck.

"I wish I could stay." The wolf says as his thumbs push in closer to the pachyderm's sphincter.

"Ah... Not as much as me." Chris replies and rumbles as he squeezes his buttocks together for the other man.

"No idea when I'll be back." Ardex sighs again, his fingers curling around as he starts to knead the rhino's rump. "So, do you have anything you want to do before I go?"

"Mmmh, I can think of some things." The rhino replies and reaches around to stroke down the wolf's abs and over the poor thing that has been throbbing between his legs for the past few minutes. "Ten minutes?"

"You know I don't go for anything under fifteen." Ardex growls as his claws sink in deeper.


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