Jaydi - An Origin Story

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Dark FluxBright lights piercing into dark corners are accompanied by loud and rhythmic sounds. The club is nothing if not a haven of sensations that tease the primal and draw out the bold in everyone. Dark Flux is just such a club, full of the young and wild. Many of them are out on the dance floor even now. Some move with grace and fluidity, others less so; all of them are grinding up against one another. It is almost a primal ritual, something belonging more to the subconscious than the conscious. The music is loud, almost deafeningly so, with a base that drums inside of the dancers' heads. But they are not the only ones here tonight, there are those at the tables, on the couches and at the bar.Jaydi watches all of this and more as one of two bartenders who works the shift on these nights. He is a young man who appears to be barely out of his adolescence, possessing a face with soft features and long dark brown hair containing dramatic crimson red bands. His eyes are dichromatic, right eye yellow, left eye green. And it is common for him to wear one or two piercings along his bottom lip. However, apart from the pretty face there is something peculiar about Jaydi. The young man has a slim body of average stature, but down betwixt his two legs there is something entirely not average. This endowment, this gift, feels more like a curse than a blessing to him. Jaydi keeps his phallic attribute to himself, having not known the true touch of another pursing around that most sensitive of areas. Yet he yearns, oh how he yearns in spite of himself; truly no one is ever happy with their own body.But enough about him, for now at least, for there are many souls who come into Dark Flux. The joyous, the wild and the lonely all come up to the bar and Jaydi serves them one by one. Some are truly beautiful, others less so, but all of them find Jaydi to have that certain something. It might be the smile he can muster when somebody makes him laugh, or it could be his derning nature when they flirt with him. Regardless, Jaydi is one of the most popular members of staff, and all of this attention he receives without having to climb up on stage. But he himself is only interested in one of the myriad who come into the club. An effeminate man of the same age as himself called Jake Cross. He knows his name because he has been watching Jake for some two months now.Jake is a regular who is here

almost every Friday night. He is normally dressed in skinny jeans and a loose t-shirt of vibrant colours, an atypical twink raver in almost every way. Jaydi has observed Jake dancing or drinking, often both, with different people on different nights. Jake never solicits the attentions of the same person for a second night. From what little he has seen, Jaydi thinks that Jake is looking for someone special in his life. If that is true then Jaydi knows that Jake is wasting his time here. Dark Flux is for the shallow highs and the fleeting in heart. "Can I get a Jäegerbomb?" Someone asks at the bar on Jaydi's side."Yeah, hold on." Jaydi replies coming out of his own thoughts. He gets a highball glass, fills it with a popular energy drink. But as he gets the shot glass and unscrews the top of a Jägermeister bottle he stops and stares."What's wrong?" Jake asks. He had been so preoccupied thinking about the aforementioned twin, he had been oblivious to the guy approaching the bar."N-Nothing," Jaydi quickly recovers and fills the shot glass before presenting both in front of him.Jake takes the shot glass and drops it into the larger container with a smile. Taking the glass up to his lips he looks back at Jaydi and swings it back, chugging it all down in one go. Jaydi voyeuristically watches the obvious gulps going down Jake's slim throat and he feels something stir deep inside of himself. The now empty glass is put back down and Jake looks over his shoulder at the dancers before ordering another. As he looks back Jaydi is trying to look busy polishing a glass, clearly avoiding trying to stare at the customer. The music is droning on now, a distant memory to the very real stress the poor guy is feeling; he is wondering if Jake noticed anything odd."So I've noticed you watching me." Shit. "Was there something you wanted to ask me?""No, err nothing. I look at all the customers. What is wrong in looking at people?" Jaydi becomes defensive very quickly."Oh, nothing. But isn't

looking a bit underwhelming?" Jake tries to tease the barkeep."Looking is perfectly, err, whelming." Jaydi replies, having missed picking up the obvious line."I guess it is. Well, I'll be seeing you then." Jake chuckles and gets off his seat, returning to the hive of activity away from the bar. Something inside of Jaydi aches, though he is not entirely sure what.***Self DiscoveryReturning from work Jaydi is feeling a little off. He drops his bag the moment he gets inside of his apartment and barely remembers to the kick the door closed behind him. Stumbling through to the living room he falls back onto the couch. His apartment is moderately well furnished, with a widescreen television and an additional beige coloured chair that matches the couch. Taking off his hat he wears for his commute he puts it down on the coffee table in front of him and slumps some more. His thoughts turn to his little conversation with Jake earlier. Jaydi realises that is what has been bothering him, but as he dwells on it something else is starting to ache. In the seat of his pants somebody is waking up.He unbuckles his belt and undoes the top button of his jeans. The zipper comes down with a faint sound and he tucked his right hand inside. Jaydi pulls out what, to the few who have seen this part of him to date, one hell of an abnormality. Horses wish they had what the young man packs between his thighs. A wide, length cylinder of flesh he can barely wrap his fingers around protrudes him from his crotch like an overfed serpent. He lets it flop down, nearly reaching all the way to his kneecaps and stares. It is larger than most men's erections even when soft. Yet this thing has been nothing but a burden to him, amplifying is already shy nature to the point where he has not known the touch of another. And what would they say? Scream maybe? Be disgusted? Tell him the obvious, that there is no way that is fitting anywhere natural?These thoughts running around in his head though. He runs his hand over the top of his phallus and it begins to swell with life. Each heartbeat brings a new

rush of blood. It is starting to rise. Closing hie eyes, Jaydi imagines a scene where Jake is undressing down to a pair of girly panties, clasped tightly around his buttocks. Jaydi's foreskin slides back, exposing his glans even as the slit begins to drool with copious amounts of a vicious, clear-colour fluid. He props his feet up on the coffee table and both hands are around his dick now as it spears up like a flagpole from his crotch. His hands are becoming wet and sticky, his breath shallow and fast. Jaydi strokes faster, pumping away at his gargantuan malehood that has risen up past what should be physically possible for someone of his body size.In his imagination he is now sliding down those panties. Jake's rear is smooth and completely hairless. He squeezes the other man's ass at the same time he is squeezing his cock in the real. It bucks and oozes more pre over his hands. Keeping his left hand sliding up and down the left side he moves his right over the head. With his thumb, Jaydi begins to massage the sensitive head, rubbing the glans with careful circular motions. Dreaming of Jake's bubble butt, he spreads those supple cheeks out and licks one finger before exploring inside. Without realising it Jaydi is now pushing his thumb against the slit of his penis, until it swallows it up and he opens his eyes again."Fuck..." Jaydi says out loud to himself as his monster cock throbs and glows with radiant heat, whilst his thumb is stuck just inside the head. Yet there is no pain, so he tries pushing it in some more and the organ gladly accepts the intruder. In fact the motion of it feels kind of pleasant and Jaydi finds himself moaning a little as he wriggles his digit around inside.His thumb comes out with a wet plop and he stares for a minute at his super-sized prick. There just so happens to be some pieces of fruit in a bowl on the coffee table. Jaydi does not know exactly where he is going with this, but he wants to try something out. He leans forward, feeling the tip of his dick rub just underneath his chin. Picking out a kiwi he slumps back and rolls it around in his hand. He looks back at the python throbbing against his left hand and places the fruit on top of the phallic peak. It takes a little bit of encouragement but with a flat plop the fruit is subsumed by his turgid erection. Suddenly his body is assaulted by sensations which are as alien as they are irresistible to his senses.Jaydi wails a long moan that ends with a gasp, his body shuddering

all the while. Both hands wrapping around his organ he grips it as he feels the fruit travel down the long shaft. He can feel it from the outside and inside of him as it makes its way. Finally it reaches the base and then something even weirder happens. The fruit is, somehow, split in two and deposited in either one of his testes. Now there, bobbing around in the oversized nuts, the fruit is softened and pulped by unseen enzymes. Jaydi reaches down and feels his plumbs, noticing they have become noticeably larger and fuller. A wry smile spreads across his face, suspending his disbelief for a moment he thinks has just discovered something else about his abnormality that is actually kind of fun.Without missing a beat he picks up another fruit, this time an orange and presses it against the head of his phallus. Like the kiwi it is swallowed whole and travels along, down his shaft, eliciting a variety of strange sensations before being deposited in his engorging balls. He follows it up with two apples and his testicles are now bulging out to what are roughly honeydew melon proportions; there is a strange satisfied feeling coming from them now. Jaydi gets up on his feet, feeling a little dizzy as he does so. Swinging his hips from side to side he feels his balls move pendulously, their thick contents sloshing around in a manner that is both freakish and exhilarating for him. Both hands on his cock he now returns to pumping it. Eyes rolling back in his head Jaydi imagines Jake again. His hands around the other man's hips as he forces himself atop. Beads of pre-ejaculate becomes a steady dribble now that gets on the coffee table, pooling around in a circular shape.This period of gratuitous self-stimulation stretches out into unknown units of time. Jaydi feels as though he is drifting off into another world, never having felt something like this before. Internally It is almost a religious experience for him. Whilst externally he falls back down into his chair and  is now drooling from the mouth, staring up at the ceiling with glazed eyes. Peaks and valleys in the rhythm of his lust rise up and down in front of him, he rolls over them his whole body aching as his hands run along the pulsating leviathan. He can feel the end rushing towards him, a warm ungodly blissful sensation emanating from his loins as he struggles to keeps his hands from slipping free of the pre-cum soaked organ.Climax.Jaydi's whole body locks up, every muscle tensing, every cell of his body

vibrating in place. ***The Morning AfterEverything is different now. After having discovered himself in a new light, Jaydi went to sleep that night in an almost childlike state. Now as he stirs out of his rest he can feel every part of himself, well, vibrate with new vitality. He sits up and stretches his arms, they feel renewed, limber and toned like... well like nothing the young man has ever felt before. Maybe this is how those health freaks feel, after months of hard work depriving themselves of pleasure so as to get off on a high from their physiological purity. He swings his legs out from underneath the duvet and gets out. He stretches again, arms, legs and phallus this time. It rises up against the front of his pajama pants, creating a fearsome outline, and a wet patch where the head is already swelling."Oh dear, you too?" He says and giggles to himself. "Well, maybe later?"Jaydi first takes a shower. The pajamas fall to the floor and he leaves them in his bedroom whilst stepping out barefoot and down to the shower room. His phallus swings in the stale morning air, plump as if it is waiting for the chance to become agitated once more. He leaves the door ajar for the steam and steps inside the shower, cold floor nipping at the soles of his feet. Tap on, water pours, hair slickens down, skin teases and then relaxes as the water courses over him. The sponge now, wet, add soap, rub it this way and that over his chest, arms, legs... between. It is impossible to avoid, he smiles to himself as Jaydi's member springs into life, rising up underneath the hot water. You would not know it, but it is already drooling in such volume that it would be slick with or without the shower.The sponge plops onto the floor next to his feet. Both hands around the organ as it throbs, aching for the touch. Things are different, more sensitive yet less, raw like something has been removed that was only getting in the way. Jaydi realises he no longer feels apprehensive about his own body, he does not know what, but something has been awakened and it is telling him this is what he wants, what he needs, what has to be. And so for the next few minutes he gets enraptured in the act of self-stimulation

whilst standing under the shower head. His black and red hair sticks to his back as his hands move in a blur of motion, squeezing and grasping to tame the beast. He applies some shower soap for added lubrication, it works quite well.Heat, both from the shower and his own body, fills the room. Jaydi leans against the wall, his hair clinging to its surface as well as his back now. Somehow his feet do not slips even as his stroking hands become more frenetic, more determined for that sweet blissful reward. To his satisfaction it comes, waves of it washing over him, sticking to his chest, face and hair only to be rinsed away underneath the shower head. A smile spreads across his face from edge to edge as his dick goes limp between his smooth legs, not spent but merely content for now. The shower continues, no more interruptions until he is out and drying off with a white towel. Jaydi finds it fun to dry off between his legs, watching the beast flop around gaily.Breakfast is next and Jaydi is soon in the kitchen taking out a branded grain cereal. Add milk, stir, scoop, chew, swallow. As he eats Jaydi begins to think about last night. He has never before felt the way he felt last night. The lust, no that is the wrong word and too primitive, it was passion. The passion had wholly consumed him. Even now he can feel it lurking there in the back of his consciousness. Phallus and loins aching for attention between his loins, but this is not some mere biological response to those thoughts, those about Jake Cross. No, this is something more he is experiencing for the first time, something far deeper and older than himself. And although he does not understand it yet, Jaydi is in fact the mortal incarnation of Priapus, an ancient entity of some male renown.Jaydi shugs to himself as he finishes the breakfast bowl and gets up, taking it to the sink to wash out. After he is done he goes back to his bedroom. He goes to the wardrobe and opens it and the drawers underneath. It is time to change out of these pajamas and into something suitable for going outside. Today is his day off at Dark Flux and he needs to find out some things. He looks over the baggy pants he normally wears and shakes his head. Buried deep underneath the different articles of clothing he finds what he is looking for. A pair of skinny black leather pants, they were a gift from someone who knows him quite well, half bought as a joke and half as a tease. She would be the first to stare as he pulls them over his lower half, no underwear and suppresses laughter as the soft cotton lining inside rubs against his most sensitive areas.

They leave nothing to the imagination once pulled all the way up and fastened with a matching belt.The rest is just as skimpy in its own way, his usual fondness for black fishnet tank top shirts. A slightly more colourful sleeveless jacket. Nice and sturdy leather boots, the kind a cowgirl might wear. He looks amazing, even if he does say so himself. Jaydi grabs his keys, wallet and a comb to run through his hair. Time to meet the world as who he really is, nothing held back, and see what happens. Hopefully nothing too outrageous, but a smile curls up on the corner of his mouth as he opens the door to leave his apartment as he thinks about needing to tell people his eyes are further on up.***Raving MadJaydi has spent his day shopping, sightseeing and just generally trying to spend as much time in public as possible. The attention fallen upon him from both girls and boys is intoxicating. The previous inhibitions, the concern for his oversized endowment seems to have fallen away into the abyss. Now he revels in the attention, into the obvious desire, or at the very least the intrigue, especially from those he would label as bi-curious boys. Not that he has been flaunting himself to an extreme, and yet still he has not allowed another person to touch him in such intimacy. No, for that he has been waiting all day to see someone: Jake Cross.Darkness is falling and the nightclubs are opening. It occurs to Jaydi as he walks up along the familiar sidewalk, that he has never really gone to Dark Flux as a clubber, always as a member of staff. This time it is going to be different, this time he is different. It is not just the appearance, but the aura around him, something ineffable. This much is obvious as he approaches the entrance and the bouncer has to look twice, not quite believing this is the same young man he has seen on dozens of coffee breaks."Not taking the staff entrance tonight then." The big man mumbles as Jaydi steps past him, grinning stupidly all the time.The music is on, the lights alternating between moody dark and strobing bright, depending on where you stand or sit. Business as usual then and

for a moment Jaydi feels that old him return, faint memory. He shakes his head and looks around finding the same mixture of old faces and new. It is a Saturday night after all, Friday was his shift, and there are people specifically here to have a one off night of fun. Jaydi keeps scanning the club with his twin-coloured eyes as he makes his way from the entrance, through a lounge area and one of the floor level dance floors to the main bar.He straddles one of the bar stools, feeling a little awkward as he does so due to the way his endowment strestches down one pantleg. Jaydi adjusts himself until he feels more comfortable, tactically ignoring the other person only two seats down watching him. He now waits for the bartender, the other bartender, Gordon to finish serving someone else. Gordon dresses a little more sensibly to Jaydi, but still carries the party spirit as every server in Dark Flux has to be. Now finished with the other customer he steps down the bar to say hello to Jaydi and take any orders."Hey Jaydi, this is new for you isn't it?" Gordon says."Yeah, I know, But you know what they say, there is a first time for everything. I felt like being on the other side of this." Jaydi replies and taps the bar with his knuckles. "Busy tonight?""No more than any other night. Are you here looking for anyone?""Maybe I am. But right now I'd like a drink.""What's your poison?""Something strong and colourful."Gordon makes a cocktail that Jaydi might remember the name to but his thoughts are too distracted. He brings the salted rim of the glass up to his lips and takes a swig of the fruity concoction, the bite of the alcohol hitting as the aftertaste and the warm glow that slides down his throat into the pit of his stomach. He will arrive soon, Jaydi just knows it, and not because of the familiar pattern all this time. No, it is, well maybe not destiny predetermined by some whimsical desire, no but something else... natural. But, the person of Jaydi's desires, Jake Cross, is

not going to simply saunter on up to the bar and order his usual, as Jaydi soon discovers for himself.Finishing his drink Jaydi decides he will try some dancing. This is of course the usual progression of drinking, dancing, throwing up and embarrassing yourself and anyone who was with you at the time of the incident. He stands up and immediately wobbles a tiny bit, this is because he is not used to liquor and regular consumption creates a certain tolerance for it. With slightly loose but still functional legs Jaydi walks on over to the closest dance floor. Something frightfully loud and bassy is playing, both outside and inside his own head and he does his best to ignore the warning signs.Jaydi begins to dance, a crooked smile on his face as the strobing lights intensify around him, or maybe that is the heady slight intoxication. From his pocket he takes out a couple of lightsticks, green and amber, snaps them and grabs the cheap plastic cords attached to their ends. This is not exactly a rave, although at least a couple people are hyped up on LSD, but the people dancing don't mind the introduction of this elemen. The dance twists and mutates on the floor, some people are headbanging, others are grooving, some are joining in the raving with Jaydi, in particular the ones on LSD. Or at least this is the way that Jaydi is perceiving the scenario, intoxicated upon both the alcohol and the liberalness of having a good time. All the while he gyrates and contorts his body, the androgynous shape is betrayed by the obvious leviathan stuffed down the front of his leather pants.After awhile he feels himself finding the dancing less comfortable. The proximity of all these bodies, gyrating as they dance around him are having a nearly subconscious effect on Jaydi. Flashes of superimposed images race across his vision. Glimpses of something more, beyond what he can normally see touch something deep inside of Jaydi's mind and he recoils in confusion. He moves away from the centre of the activity, closer to the edge of the dance floor. More images come to him as faded afterthoughts. Inhuman faces, strange appendages, walls that seem to go on forever. He is unable to tell if they are surfacing memories of a dream or... someone spiked his drink!Jaydi almost tumbles back off the dance floor, clasping his hand to his forehead he starts to make his way from the mass of people. Now he is heading straight into a panic attack, fearful thoughts of someone here keeping a watch on him,

waiting for an opportunity. Thoughts are becoming muddled, he manages to make it back to the main hallway and into the mens toilets before he has to stop and lean against a wall. His heart is pounding up against the cage of his chest, his breathing shallow and with sharp contractions, barely able to speak. Jaydi slides down the wall until he is sitting down on the floor, his panic attack slowly dying down. Could this be agoraphobia? Not likely as he should have felt this way before now. It takes him a couple of minutes before he can stand again and he goes to the sink to splash cold water up on his face."Get a hold of yourself." Jaydi tells his reflection in the mirror. "Nothing is wrong with you, things are just... odd." The words are hollow, lying to yourself is never a good idea. Something is definitely wrong but can not stay in the mens all night until the music dies down.I'll just go back home. He thinks to himself and steps back out of the mens. The music is more distant from the hallway, but is still loud enough to thrum inside Jaydi's head. He walks forward, vision a little hazy, though not solely from his feeling unwell though he does not yet understand. But just as his mood has made a polar switch, the very person that Jaydi, deep down, came here for is walking in the oncoming direction. Jake Cross recognises the bartender from before and his face lightens up as they draw closer. What is going on today, am I in a really long dream?"Hey there!" His voice is saccharine, and not in the pleasant way for a change."Oh, yeah, hi." Jaydi replies with awkward stops between each word. His eyes avert from Jake's as everything feels odd now and in truth he does not want the fear in his eyes to show. This was supposed to be his night, his coming out party, in a way. Instead he is recoiling again, afraid of the oddities and changes from within and without."Is something wrong?" Jake says and reaches out with his right hand, softly grasping Jaydi's left arm. For a moment he freezes and then a serenity comes over him that is as welcome as it is in its own way subtly unnerving."Actually," Jaydi starts to say, his feelings from all those times before returning to him, "I'm feeling a lot better now that you're

here."It is soppy and yet shockingly true. Bringing both of his own hands up, Jaydi grasps the other young man's hand that was placed on his arm and squeezes it. All the while not breaking eye contact and there is no protest as the two continue to stare into one another's eyes, finding something much deeper than at least one of the two ever thought could be found there. They find themselves inexorably drawn closer and closer until, contact. Hands now around each other's back, turning south as their lips meet. They kiss, grope, gasp and words are no longer needed; but a room would be nice right about now.***First TimeHe falls backwards into the room. Jake follows him inside even as Jaydi tumbles, the bulge down his pant leg becoming a nuisance. This is a private room, the kind reserved for private shows or even something truly intimate, something like this; benefits of being an insider. The carpet is plush, but the bed is far better, so he picks himself up even as Jake assaults him with kisses They travel up and down along his neck, Jaydi shivers. Hands reach between his thighs, stroke up and down, he throbs. Somehow Jaydi he manages to find the bed and he falls backwards, Jake follows him.The fair haired androgynous young man has his fingers hooking underneath Jaydi's belt. He looks down, a nervous smile on his face. Jake uses his thumbs to pry the belt buckle and the belt now comes off. Pants now, an eager and hungry look in his eyes as Jake has seen the shadow of that thing between the other man's legs. They slide down with some effort, the leather clings on as if it does not want to leave its tight form fit around Jaydi's lower half. There it is. Jake is even more aroused than Jaydi is right now, smacking his lips together hungrily as the other man's member swings free in a graceful arc, a dribbling splotch of pre-ejaculate flinging off of the head. If they ever make a movie, it had better include lots of slomo."Careful it's seNNSSSitive." Jaydi hisses to Jake as the other man wraps his hands around the still engorging dick.What Jake now is going to do tonight will be beyond even the experience

from last night, Jaydi knows this dep down. It starts with eager, yet expertly timed strokes back and forth along the hung piece of throbbing meat. This is made easier by spreading the pre-ejaculate that is almost pouring from the head. The phallus is glistening under the artificial light overhead and Jake seems to be ignoring everything else around it. Jaydi is digging his nails into the soft cover over the mattress underneath him, he wants to reach out and pull that smiling face down on top of his endowment, engaging in a glorious skull fucking, yet he resists with gritted teeth. For some the two handed experience Jake Cross is giving the horse hung bartender would be enough to bring him to a near immediate climax; but he can tell this will need a lot more effort yet and with wet lips he moves on to the next part."Now lets have a taste." Jake says and leans in. Jaydi's hands are now fists, scrunching up the bed sheet.Contact. Soft, wet, and warm. The fair haired young man knows how to work this kind of proportion defying male instrument, which is honestly more than a little suspicious on his part. He slurps up the pre-ejaculate whilst pushing his under against the slit and then waggling it down underneath and around the sensitive glans. Jake notes the taste, his eyes glazing over as his eyelids slide half shut, it has a rich and fruity texture quite unlike a normal man's seed. Those soft, yet taut lips slide further along, wrapping around the thick head as Jaydi's foreskin slides back, his erection already reaching its full size. Long enough to reach past his navel and to nearly touch his chin, wide enough to nearly fill out an average sized sock. Jake is drooling over the beast, his soft hands runnin nimbly back and forth, as he suckles and slurps noisily over the head sending an array of sensations shooting down the long member, boiling the other man's loins and spreading fire up along his spine making him shiver and tense up all along his body."Mmm, you're very tasty." Jake says after cessing the teasing suckling of the phallus' head. Now his hands are all that are working Jaydi's shaft, with the drooling juices from it providing ample amounts of lubrication, though it is beginning to stain the sheets below."R-Really?" Jaydi says breathlessly. "I hope, mmmh, hope that you like it.""First time, right?" Jake smiles looking back

up at the other boy and Jaydi averts his eyes, his cheeks flushing in transparent embarrassment. "It's alright. Though I can't promise that I'll be taking you slow..."With that brief exchange Jake returns to suckling on the fat head and Jaydi returns to quaking above the covers. Those skilled hands seems to be growing bored with the base of the engorged member, and are moving closer and closer to the base. Before Jake moves them off of his prize, he starts to help himself to a mouthful of the thick meal before him. Jaydi looks on with disbelief as his virginity-stealing partner starts to make his way down, one inch at a time, with a jaw and lips that do not give out. He squeezes as hard as he can with his lips, thankful that the pre-ejaculate has made it easy to make haste along the voluminous, throbbing flesh. Jake closes his eyes as he focuses all of his self-control so as not to panic, not that he expects to have any real trouble with the abnormal penis. He crams more and more of it down past his mouth, and now his throat works on Jaydi's dick, swallowing hard around it, massaging all along it.Jaydi is too distracted by this to even notice Jake's hands finally falling away from the base of the oversized tool. With his right hand, Jake cups the other man's balls and then squeezes, feeling the big organic fruit that have been resting patiently on the bed. They are soft, swollen and full of a rich creamy seed that Jake can feel slosh around inside of them. Of course they can get far larger, but Jake is unaware of his partner's little party trick, at least not yet. Apart from giving some much needed attention to Jaydi's loins, Jake is also using his left hand to dive underneath him. Jaydi makes an audible gasp as he feels the other man's hand slide up between his rear end's smooth cheeks, and probe with a couple of fingers to what lies between them."Ooh that's dirty." Jaydi shivers, his voice warbling as Jake pokes his anus with one finger and then two, not forcing them in, just easing around the rim.However, for all of his multi-tasking, Jake's real talent here is in still making an advance going down the titan being stuffed down his mouth. Jaydi finally brings his hands up around the other man's head now, brushing his hair out of his face he waits until Jake opens his eyes and looks up to see a mischievous looking grin on the other girly boy's face. Without any word he now applies pressure, both hands clasped with interlocking fingers around the back of

Jake's head, and provides a little assistance with the cocksucking efforts. Nothing could have ever braced the other young man for what he has to try to stuff all the way down his throat now. It is as if he has tried to swallow a snack, one that has grown fat in captivity with a girth that makes it difficult not to catch it with his teeth. His eyes water, his lungs cry for breath, but he soldiers on going down inch after inch until... there they are."FUCK!" Jaydi exclaims, his cock twitching and raging whilst its entirety, or just about, is lodged all the way inside of Jake's mouth and throat. It almost feels as if the head is poking out into his stomach, but Jake feels a thrilling sense of accomplishment as his chin is tickled by the smooth shaven ball sack that he has been fondling.Now it is time for air, Jake uses his right hand to tap Jaydi's thigh. After a second of blissful rolling of his eyes Jaydi notices and lets go of the back of Jake's head, allowing him to pulling back off the monster with some haste. He breaks free with liquids and strong smells coming off of the fully erect pole jutting out from Jaydi's crotch. It twitches, throbs and bucks, slapping back against its owner's belly and chest, sending more new feelings burning all the way along Jaydi's spine. He wants to take it and just ram it all the way back down, but Jake is too busy coughing, spluttering, and taking in all the air that his lungs can take whilst kneeling down at the base of the bed. He holds his left hand up, now removed from toying with the other man's butt, indicating to wait a moment. Suddenly the realisation of what he actually did strikes Jaydi, the concern, the fear, and yes even the thrill of it all. Is this what he has been missing then?"I'm sorry, really I am. I didn't mean to choke you like that." Jaydi says, though even as the words are formed he must admit, there was an odd satisfaction in doing so. That barrier, that fear of who he is has vanished. The concern he is showing here is not one of shame, but only of genuine concern for his new friend, maybe even his lover? There will be time to work out these new feelings later though as Jake finally looks up, mouth sore but eyes shimmering with excitement."That is one hell of a weapon of mass erection you have there. Want to try something else with it?" No fear, no hesitation, Jaydi does not know if this guy is mad or just really, really horny, to the point of being beyond reason or self-concern."Umm, well..." Jaydi nurses his throbbing erection, no sign of it fading. "I do need to take care of this somehow.""Good. Make room!"Jake loses his clothes. His soft, supple and blemish free body makes him look like a greater virgin than Jaydi, but of course that is impossible judging by his behaviour. Of course Jaydi checks right away, but sees that the equipment dangling between Jake's legs is utterly average, not the mutant megalith of his own. But on the other hand as Jake turns around and wiggles his ass, well now that is something else. It is large, smooth, rounded and honestly almost looks like it belongs on a girl, and a very curvaceous one at that. Jaydi's other half throbs and spits fluids in approval, Jake notices this and giggles boyishly before he starts to climb on up to join in the next stage of carnal expression.Their bodies touch, smooth and perfect Jake is like a grecian sculpture. As he wiggles next to him, Jake takes the time to offer cheeky and run one of his hands along the side of Jaydi's increasingly underappreciated tackle. But this is not going to be a more sloppy kind of oral or manual stimulation. Jake has a small tube in his other hand, once he is in a nice spot besides Jaydi he removes the cap and squirts out something which Jaydi assumes must be a lubricant. For a second Jake looks at the still visually impressive erection between the other man's legs before deciding to just use the entire tube and empties it onto his other palm as a clear gel. He looks back up along Jaydi's body until he is staring into the other man's eyes, smiles as innocently as possible and now asks him if he wants to help.The speed with which Jaydi nods almost feels like it is about to snap his neck. But now he hurries, scooping the entire mess of gel out of Jake's hand into both of his and watches as Jake rolls over and presents that beautiful tush for him to prepare. Jaydi applies the lubrication with liberal squeezing and grasping with both hands. He stays in a kneeling position behind Jake, his cock resting against the back of Jake's thighs as he works. Much as its appearance suggests, Jake's ass is incredibly soft, yet firm and rigid in just the right way. If someone could make an artificial toy based of off this, it could be a new hot item, or at least that is what Jaydi is thinking to himself as he depresses two fingers into Jake's

anus and hears the boy groan in response, his sphincter gripping needily around the intruding digits.With his prep work done Jaydi looks down upon Jake's shining, soft, bubble butt and smiles. Only a few days ago this is something he would only have dreamed of doing, but now here he is, engorged monster dick in hand, his dream boy hiking his ass up for him and even those visions from earlier are... wait. Something uncoils inside of Jaydi's very soul, he can feel it only as the last parts of his slip free from him and as it does so it awakens a passion that is beyond anything any mortal can and will ever know. It compels him, and before he even knows what is driving him Jaydi is gripping Jake by his waist and riding that long, aching erection, up and down against the other man's lubricated crack."Everything to your satisfaction back there?" Jake coos shamelessly."Yes, everything is... clear." Jaydi says in unnatural tones, before pulling back and driving forward with his hips.It is less of an entry and more of a dam burst, with little consideration for his partner's pleasure or pain, Jaydi drives himself inside of Jake. Inch after thick, ass-busting inch, is driven forward and down, deep inside of Jake's backroom passage. He cries out in response, hands wrapped around the headboard, knuckles whitening. He wanted it rough, but this is unreal. Still he does not complain, not that he could from the moaning caused by the sensations his body is being subjected to. Jake does his best to hold his rear up for Jaydi to plunder, but his hung friend does not need any assistance now. There is a crimson glow in the back of his eye sockets as Jaydi finishes driving his dick inside, refusing to give Jake any time to adjust, and is already pulling back out.The sounds and smell of hot, ball smacking sex fills the roam, but nothing is more vibrant that the moans coming from Jake. His whole body is working overtime, flexing, gripping, reacting to every push and pull from Jaydi; who has apparently tapped into some source of new vigour that leaves Jake breathless. In this new, unrelenting manner of lust, Jaydi keeps pounding his partner's anus, forcing it to become looser and looser even though it could never be loose enough for the girth at is being squeezed down it with each and every jackhammer thrust. It does not take long before Jake reaches his

climax, and then again and now he is left with half of his body limp against the pillows. Drooling as his eyes roll into the back of his head and he can not even find an expression let alone the words to describe the unparalleled amounts of pleasure and pain his body is being forced to endure. Yet it is worth every second, as his mind seems to be transcending the physical, even if it is only an illusion brought on by endless endorphins and a numbing effect."Almost..." Jaydi huffs, his balls rising up to hug closer to their owner's body.Jaydi drives in with one final push, just about getting two thirds of his throbbing erection buried between the soft, taut cheeks comprising Jake's girly ass. This is followed by a grunt that almost reaches bear levels of animalistic undertones. Jake similarly makes a squealing like noise, his eyes wide open as he feels the other man's loins beginning to unload with copious volume inside of him. It is stupendous just how much Jaydi is mustering up, with each shot become more substantial than the last, his whole body on fire with a life-affirming feeling that makes him want to yell out at no one and everyone. Somehow his body is producing abnormal volumes of semen that go beyond what he was managing to do last night with the fruit. He wraps his arms around Jake as the mess begins to seep out from between the throbbing man meat and the tight love cushions wrapped around it."So sexy..." Jaydi grunts into Jake's left ear, his hands gasping around the other side at Jake's naked chest."F-Fuck. When do you s-stop?" Jake manages to ask as he struggles to take the unprecedented load which Jaydi is still pouring on into him."I don't know, lets wait and see." Jaydi giggles into the other man's ear, intoxicated on this novel experience.An age seems to pass before Jaydi ejaculation starts to stem, slowing to a level where his dick is growing soft again. Jake groans underneath him, all but passed out from the strain of being bred so completely and utterly. With gradual movement Jaydi pulls out, his long python like phallus flopping free just as a backlog of white cream like semen glugs out from the abused anus. His muscles feel relaxed, joints tired as he rolls a little so that he is laying more to one side of the upturned Jake, with one

hand still draped over him. As he buries his face into one of the pillows beside the other man Jaydi looks over, seeing the glimmer of a contented smile on Jake's face before finally succumbing to the ebb of exhaustion, and retires into a dreamless sleep. As for Jake, he soon follows into that land, but he has dreams of what is to come in the morn.

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