
Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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A commission for Solarian on SF, with his characters Luna Sykes and Hal Veer'Khorne.

It has hot, sweaty sex and introduces the mysterious green dragon with a big schlong.

You're welcome Sol.



The first thing that strikes Luna as shi enters the room is just how big it is. Its walls just seem to go on and on forever, until they arch above like shi is standing in some chapel. Shi idly scratches her rear whilst gawking at how far the ceiling is above hir head; an unusual thing for hir, being over ten feet tall. Down on ground level there are pearl white leather seats, large ones too, positioned around the edges of the the similarly white walls, and a white coffee table with a few odd lines carved into it; the floor however is an ugly green matte colour breaking the sterility vibe. Luna glances around the room again, finishing by turning back to see that the door has shut behind her, any sign of it being there obscured into the wall.

"Oh well," shi mutters and sits down in one of the spacious seats.

Once the hybrid, tiger and wolf, hermaphrodite is seated comfortably a hologram springs up above the table. It appears as those those grooves in the tables surface are act as projectors, coalescing light into text and images. The hologram does a good job of creating a black frame and background whilst displaying teal coloured text atop of said background. There is probably some sort of trick the projectors use to absorb or otherwise redirect light from that angle to the viewer's eyes, not that she cares about such technical nuance. Shi has to lean forward in the seat to read it properly, so it fails to factor in that with a modest font size.

Note: For your convenience this message has been translated to your native tongue.

Welcome Subject Sigma-5,

We apologise for the interruption in your day-to-day life. You have been brought here, via energistic displacement, for a non-invasive study on your previously uncatalogued species. If you wish to opt-out of this process, please contact your representative at the next convenient opportunity. All data collected from this process will be made available to selected third parties only. You can find out more from your representative's office.

Now please, sit back, relax, and wait.

As soon as the machine tracks Luna's eyes have finished reading the text it shuts down the projection. Shi looks around the room again and pulls a strand of hir long purple hair out of the way. Nothing else to do, no way out, so shi leans back in the chair and props hir legs up on the table. If there are cameras, which there probably are, they are no doubt recording hir now. This brings a smile to the large hybrid's juicy black lips. Shi wriggles and writhes to get more comfortable, letting hir breasts and more male features on hir curvaceous body to bounce and swing from side to side. Nothing is being left to the imagination, from her hypersized breasts, to the even more oversized sheath and testicles hanging off of hir waist; it is all showed off by the skimpy black leather onesie shi was wearing before being whisked away to this place. Some might think that is poorly timed, but it is practically hir casualwear. Even here in this strange room, trapped and alone, there is no way that narcissistic self-appreciation is about to take a backseat; when you're sexy and you know it, you always flaunt it no matter the audience or lack thereof.

Suddenly a door opens on the opposite wall from the one shi came in. Luna is only slightly startled and gets out of the seat with deliberate lethargy. Shi stands up straight, the bubbly muscle butt sticking out from behind and the tiger-wolf starts to walk over, hips swinging, across the room and to the exit. A part of Luna really hopes this swagger IS being observed, but then again does shi really need a reason to look, feel and act sexy? No, because shi is unmatchable and that is the reality firmly established inside hir mind. Nothing and no one will ever change that, as if there were no people than existence itself would have to worship hir figure and form. Vainglorious? Perhaps, but then again is there anyone who can really challenge ten foot tall mutant tiger-wolf on that?



With crimson red eyes, Hal Veer'Khorne has been watching his new plaything. Shi is bigger than the last, which is a good thing for him since the last one gave out so quickly. The hologram flickers as shi leaves the lounge and enters the poorly lit corridor beyond. A toothy white grin spreads across the green dragon's face as he watches. Waving his green hand, a smattering of lighter coloured feathers adorning the back of his palm, over the console before him, he activates the next stage in the tiger-wolf's induction process. Inside the corridor lights turn on, providing the dimmest of light to it which Luna's feline vision adjusts to allowing hir to see almost as clearly as if it were full daylight.

The corridor is bare empty, or at least that is how it is supposed to look. It goes on and on, with plain white walls, floor and a highrise ceiling, until reaching a dead end with a closed door. Luna advances until hir rather long tail clears it all the way inside. As shi does so the way shi entered closes shut, not really surprising hir considering the same happened with the previous automated sliding door. Shi looks around carefully and for an instant hir purple eyes glance across one of the hidden cameras, Hal chuckles at how oblivious shi is. Maybe he should should use the PA and encourage his prey onwards, but before he can do so Luna is moving once more.

With confident strides the huge hermaphrodite starts making hir way down the long corridor. Until something starts to tingle on the edges of hir fur's hair follicles. A flash of light takes hir by surprise and the giantess stumbles back. Some kind of light touches hir body and strips away every shred of the leather clothing, only leaving the metal piercings sunken into hir large black nipples. As the light passes it has left Luna completely naked. The front of hir body is dominated by hir humongous cream-furred breasts, with aforementioned black nipples, and hir similarly coloured furry sheath and balls that reach up to hir navel and down to hir knees respectively. A tuft of purple fur serving for pubes that runs down around hir testes and to hir vulva positioned between hir male genitals and hir anus.

"Are you having a good show now?" Luna asks the ether, arms akimbo and swinging hir hips from side to side, making everything sway provocatively.

"You have no idea." Hal rumbles to himself. "Now keep on going."

After a pensive pause Luna does indeed start walking again. Hir large black claws make a clink clink sound on the smooth, yet oddly gripping, floor surface. Luna sniffs the air, noting a strange septic smell after, well, whatever it was vaporised hir clothing. Almost at the doorway at the opposite end of the corridor, shi is a little perturbed as the lights being to dim, not that they were at a particularly strong luminosity to begin with. Shi has to strain to make out the edges of what must be another automatic entrance. A part of hir is niggling to say turn back. Why are you doing this? You don't really believe that strange message back there do you? But curiosity and hir own self-assurance that shi can handle anything and anyone urges hir on.

Hal is watching as Luna reaches the end of the corridor, bemused at just how courageous, or naive shi is. Of course the door is not about to open right away. Defying the large hermaphrodite's presence, standing in hir way. First shi traces the edges of the door with hir paws, noting the way it arches at the top, not a straight rectangle. Grunting now as shi tries to dig hir claws into what must be a gap and leverages some force, trying to coax it open. A screeching sound echoes down the corridor as hir black claws slip and scrape across the front of the defiant door. A simple vitals readout informs the dragon that his prey is starting to get agitated with an elevated heart rate and faster breaths.

"Time to say hello." The dragon again murmurs to himself and gets up out of his seat. His body casting a shadow across everything before him. "This should be fun."



Suddenly the lights are off, submerging the tiger-wolf into a pitch black environment with not even enough light for hir feline eyes. Simultaneous to the lights turning off, the door now opens, revealing nothing but more darkness at first. Luna sighs as if bored with a monotonous game and calls out into the black, saying as much using as many expletives as possible. Mid-sentence shi hears something moving very quickly and directly in front. A gust of air blows the hermaphrodite's fur back a second before cold, scaly-feeling ligaments coil up around hir body. They wrap around each limb individually, with two gripping around Luna's waist, just underneath hir heaving bosom.

"What the fu-" Luna's exclamation is cut off as the things holding hir lift their target up and pull Luna towards the opening at great speed, knocking the air out of hir lungs.

Finally now there are lights, but the only problem is they are spinning around Luna, or at least this is how it appears from hir perspective. The objective reality is that the "specimen" is being twisted and turned as shi is drawn into a strange room. It is big, cavernous really, that much is obvious to hir from the acoustics as shi shouts and roars with frustration, every sound reverberating back on hir. Though the sounds gurgling are turning into something more indicative of someone struggling to keep their lunch down. But the ride comes to an end as quickly as it started and with a spinning head Luna blinks and starts to take stock of his predicament.

The hermaphrodite is being suspended about three feet off of the ground by means of strange bio-mechanical manipulators. Hir arms and legs are being held apart by the odd scaly appendages, spreading much of the front of between hir legs and around the back where hir buttocks flex, clenching in what shi realises is cool air, though not too cold for hir fur to compensate for. The room itself is a sterile white affair like the ones before, but this time filled with various pieces of esoteric equipment, most of it pointy looking, along the walls and across the floor. Other than that the most distinctive thing about it is how spacious the walls are and the height of the ceiling, enough for something substantial to fly around in. Oh and then there is the tall, bulky, all around imposing looking reptile man steadily approaching Luna. Wait... what was that last part?

"Did you enjoy the ride specimen 40-B? Or do you prefer to be called Luna now after that little accident?" A very masculine voice booms across the room at Luna.

Though shi is still trying to keep hir eyes from rolling out of their sockets, the kittywolf attempts to make discernment of the other person, who shi makes the logical assumption is also hir captor. The first thing shi notices is that he is big. And by huge, we mean gigantic, and by titanic we mean monolithic and frankly this might be going too far now. Although it is difficult to say, between the head-spinning and the artificially heightened elevation, Luna would guess that the green and feathered reptile is a good three imperial feet taller than hirself, and more bulky too with a thick all-male frame from which bulging muscles are positioned atop. It is with absolutely no embarrassment that the hybrid licks hir fat purple lips in expression of hir sizing up a new sexual conquest; provided of course that shi is able to make hir way out of these mechanised bonds.

Luna's head is slowly ceasing to spin round and round, but only in time for hir to gawk. Shi can now see that the reptile is a naked, two-legged, winged green dragon. An arrangement of white horns crown his pate, with long flowing white hair going down the back of his neck. The talons on his hands and raptor feet are as black as onyx. His wings span far out either side with white and green feathers going through gradients with one another. However, the beauty and splendour of his great wings all the way down to his beady red eyes are not what is causing the hybrid to stare. That subconscious part of hirself has forgotten to lick hir lips, instead hir jaw is hanging open and saliva is starting to trickle down.

"Oh dear, I think you're in shock." That deep voice bellows, as hir eyes are fixed on what is dangling between his legs, not even awake yet.

Suddenly he reaches forward and ignoring hir mega sheath -already beginning to swell- delves in past hir ballsack, tickling them on the way, and plunges fat fingers into Luna's wetting vagina. Shi gasps, shouts, moans and struggles against the restraints as they compensate and twist hir backwards, exposing that part of the tiger-wolf more easily for hir captor. A gleeful expression is on Hal's face as he fans his fingers out, whilst the finger and thumb grasp at sensitive nub of flesh at the top between the vulva lips. He laughs as shi bemoans his touch, hir fur standing on end as hir oversized erection shoots out of its sleeping bag and rising up against and between hir tits. The position and gravity are serving to keep it pressing down against hir abdomen as the head rises up to hir chest.

"You're a noisy one. But then, I do have an ever so minor electric current running between my talons. Do you find the experience... enjoyable?" He teases as he continues to explore the herm's inner reaches. His second hand threatening more manual teasing as it rubs up against hir swinging furry nuts just above.

"FFFFUCK!" Luna yells, struggling to get control of hirself. But it is not just the physical sensation, but the scenario that is awakening hidden desires, hidden passions. Never before has shi felt so helpless, so exposed. Certainly not in this body anyway.

"What's that? You want to fuck now?" He laughs, but there is no joke as he removes his hands.

Luna is panting hard, hir moans, growling and general yelling nearly immediately cutting off. Shi tries to strain hir head forward and look over the mountains of hir humongous breasts, but even the meagre valley between them is now being obscured by hir awoken obsidian erection. There is no visual indication of what is happening, however there is a scent on the air separate from hir own that is alerting the kittywolf to something... immense. Suspicions are confirmed as now shi can feel something hot, wet and god awfully super sized pressing against hir teased and primed front door entrance. It slithers and sliders up, rubbing its underbelly against hir twitching vulva as its surface area strokes up against hir aching loins and even gives a friendly nuzzle to hir still throbbing knotty cock.

"W-What are you doing? Who are you?" Are all the words Luna can string together, still restrained and suspended in the air for the dragon. He gives a command and shi is lowered down, watching him rise up horns first over the peaks of hir big bouncing fun bags.

"You can call me Hal." He says and reaches over, his big hands grasping the black caps of hir female mountain peaks. "And what I'm doing is giving you a test flight."

"No do-" Luna never gets to finish hir sentence as the hyper endowed male plunges pulls back and plunge the tip of his meat spear deep inside of hir.

Brutal. That is the word to describe it. The kind of berserker sex drive that you only hear about in fetishitic erotica and college frat boy bragging. Luna is unaware of anyone back on hir own world, even on the Lye, that is capable of such vigour and unrivalled passion as this mysterious green dragon now begins to pour into hir sore orifice. It is not even the physicality of it, but the spirit of the lust on display. His body slams into hirs, his balls coming up and hitting both cheeks of hir protruding buttocks making a satisfying smacking sound. Then he does it again, and again. Each time burying a good half of his dragonhood, which in length and girth every bit rivals hir own, but it feels like living tempered metal. As hard as anything shi has felt up there, mostly in private masturbation as Luna is not traditionally one for letting others fuck hir thusly. But the tables are turned here, and by all the gods and spirits of old is this a male to be taken by. No mercy is shown, no patch of nerves left unpounded, stretched or otherwise poked at by his overwhelmingly thick erection.

With each thrust Hal makes the strange bio-mechanical restraints sway ever so slightly before pushing hir back against him. Shi is unable to move hir hands and legs to either work for or against the male breeding Luna thusly. However, he seems to be just as interested in showing attention to hir other erotic features as much as hir now poorly disabused pussy. His hands grasp at and play with the sensitive black nipples on the ends of both hir furry breasts. Claws dig in around, whilst thumb and index fingers squeeze at and tweak the end caps. Each time he does this it sends an electric buzz, literally due to the aforementioned electricity, through hir body to crash against the oncoming wave from hir quivering cunt as it grips most fruitlessly around the dragon's towering timber. In addition to the nippleplay, Hal is leaning over to lick at the trembling ebony flesh that is Luna Syke's own erection as it continues to raging on, wanting as much attention as possible against the hermaphrodite's torso and bosom.

"S-SQUEEEZE!" Luna moans out, eyes rolling around in their sockets, tongue lolling out of hir slack jawed mouth.

"Unf! Like this? Rrrr!" Hal replies as he squeezes hir breasts together, as tighlly as he can around the aching canine head of hir penis.

"AAAAAAH FFFUUUUUCK!" Luna shouts and roars, hir big cat side getting the better of hir. An orgasm sweeps up and over across hir body, from the surface and down to the core. Hir vagina clenches hard around the male, though he just power thrusts on against that, and the herm's loins hug in close to hir body as they begin to unload.

Shot after shot of long, sticky semen is jettison against the kittywolf's face and clear past it, over the floor and even hitting the wall. Shi just keeps coming and coming, the roar turning into gargling sounds of unrepentant lust and enraptured release. All the while Hal is still fucking the hermaphrodite with all of his vigour. Paradoxically the orgasm seems to have loosened hir up just a bit, and although he has some concern that he might be overtaxing hir, the dragon now adds yet some more thrust to... well... his thrusting. After a couple tries of full action-pumping the dragon manages to squeeze in a foot more of his terrifyingly huge prick. He stops, tenses up, but Luna is still riding the wave of hir last orgasm to not even notice as the dragon's own balls lift up. He swings his head back and roars something fierce, far louder than Luna was bellowing before. His hands squeeze tightly around the herm's mega melons as his cock swells and at long last the seed of his making pours in uncontrollably to his breeding partner.

Words fail at this point. After already reaching hir climax, somehow Luna is plunged directly into a second, and now a third; and there could even be a fourth one coming. An unreal, unnatural, arguably artificially augmented amount of dragon spunk is being forced into the hybrid at an alarming rate. There must be something added to the semen, either by genetic engineering or maybe something like Ly, for the semen is acting like an instantaneous aphrodisiac; and Luna is practically being stuffed with it like a turkey on thanksgiving. It is simply too much, hir body convulsing from one orgasmic wave after the next, hir balls now dry for the first time in hir living memory. Blackness creeps in, conscious slipping away into the aether as shi passses out, wit the dragon still inside of hir, the sound of his lustful roaring also fading into the nothing.



Light again. Ambient white sterility greets Luna as the kittywolf stirs from a slumber that shi did not want. Shi opens hir eyes slowly at first, but the memories soon come racing forward and now shi is sitting upright, wide-eyed and breathing shallow. The dragon is here, shi can feel his eyes upon hir before turning to see him standing on the other side of the room to hir left. The mammoth third leg does not seem to be there any longer, and he is actually wearing clothes now, something which bears a similarity to a business suit in fact. He smiles lewdly across at hir as shi realises that hir body is still naked, though no longer restrained by those strange bio-mechanical, serpent, assisting... things.

"You fucked me." Luna states as a matter of fact, maybe not quite believing it.

"That was the plan yes." He responds, still smiling and staring hir down like a piece of meat.

"No one fucks me." Pride mixed with resentment in hir voice.

"Well I did. And you enjoyed it."

That gets a blush and averting eyes from Luna. It is true, though not asked for, shi ended up enjoying the experience and obviously came more thna once. Hir body, and especially vagina, is sore, but most of all hir balls are dry. It is an odd sensation, having given hirself to the dragon, if not at first. No one has treated hir this way before, no one has either dared or been capable of doing so. And yet still, shi has no clue where shi is, how shi really got here, or why this dragon, this Hal person did any of it. Luna could ask him, could well demand here and now for an explanation but just as shi opens hir mouth to speak again a blinding white light floods all around hir and when it is gone, so is the dragon, and the room.

Luna is growling with hackles raised, before realising that shi is on a beach. A public beach somewhere back home. And still naked, as other people are starting to notice and either stare or avert their eyes. A smirk manages to find its way onto hir face, back home again, and ready to resume where shi left off. But then, did all of that really just happen? Or did shi hallucinate all of it whilst passed out, and naked, with grains of sand underpaw? For now, it does not matter to hir. As there is a part of hir that believes that if Hal was real, he will be seeing hir again; and that part of hir is already growing wet again at the thought of that encounter to be.

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