Kitty In The Den

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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A story commission for Fyrdragon

Kitty In The Den

A work of erotic fiction written by Iscin from commissioned by Fyrdragon. All right reserved. 2014


It looks so very pastoral. Verdant green fields go out in all directions from the farmhouse. At a passing glance the farmland, barns and farmhouse itself look to be as idyllic as they would in a movie. But this does lead to one horrible problem for its owner; the farm can get boring with so few people. That is not to say that Sasha, the blue coloured dragoness with teal highlights who owns the farm, along with her son Kao, does not find herself sufficiently preoccupied with work, or with Kao. But opportunities to meet new people and discover new relationships are hard to come by. In fact some days she feels as though she might as well be on an island. However today is going to be less monotonous than the others, for today is when her daughter arrives.

Just as the morning light is approaching a fuller afternoon brilliance suspended from the sky above, a car is winding up along the road to the farmhouse. Its occupants are Fyrdragon, Sasha's only daughter and her feline husband, Ropes. Fyr, unlike her mother, possesses red scales with yellow patterns and accents. Also unlike her mother she has spiny frills going from her tail all along to the top of her head, with smaller ones along her forearms. She is statuesque with sharp claws and a generous wingspan; this all goes to make her mate look all the more out of place. Whilst Fyr drives, Ropes, a seemingly plain looking male cougar, is preoccupied looking at his cellphone. He frowns and turns to glare at Fyr.

"You said there would be cell reception out here." Ropes waggles the device at her whilst saying this.

"Did I? Hmm." Fyr pretends to be clueless but she obviously knew just how remote the farm is before they came out here. She keeps her eyes on the road whilst her spouse fiddles with the device awhile longer.

They are almost at the family farm now. Wood fencing is rushing by either side of the red convertible. Ropes notices this and starts looking around his surroundings more. There are pasture animals like cows and sheep in the fields. Some horses too in a field on the other side which are galloping freely, their manes flowing behind them dramatically in the summer air. Speaking of which, something in that very air is making Ropes pause, he sniffs a little and makes a sour face. As idyllic as the farm might seem visually, there are still pungent vapours that will change your mind about a place. However now the car is on its final approach and Fyr takes her foot off the accelerator and turns to pull up just outside the farmhouse.

"Come on honey." Fyr says in a chipper mood. As she steps out of the car her mother already bursts into view, making a beeline for her daughter.

"My little hatchling!" Sasha exclaims, somewhat embarrassingly for Fyr. The two embrace, mother's wings enfolding the daughter's in heart warming affection.

They both make a churring noise and nestle into one another affectionately. Ropes politely coughs and Sasha let's go of her daughter to look over at the cougar. Her eyes are seem to examine him with a radiant intensity, going over every inch, every molecule with detail. Unfortunately due to the whirlwind that had been Ropes' and Fyr's relationship they got married whilst separated from both their families and most of their friends. This is the first time the mother-in-law has ever set her eyes upon him. So commonly the initial introduction to ones in-laws is the one that will define the relationship for the rest of their lives.

"So you're the one who won over my daughter," she says and leaves a pause, he stays silent, so she continues with, "Hope you have an appetite to match a dragon's!" Sasha smiles broadly and wraps her arms and wings around the cat, picking him up in a very close hug.

"Eep!" Ropes' eyes bug out as he wiggles and tries to push away. The dragoness has him in a hold that could put professional wrestlers to shame. It is at this point, with panic gripping his heart, that the cougar's less than normal appendages sprawl out from his back. Sasha lets out a surprised yell and puts Ropes back down on the solid ground. Green, almost plantlike, tentacles have emerged from his back. Of course Fyr had told her mother of his unusual status a, no what had she called it? Lust creature. But to see it is something else.

"Heheh, sorry if they frightened you." He apologises as four green tendrils shift around behind his back, each one moving like a feline's tail. Looking at them carefully Sasha sees that each demonic tentacle ends with a spade shaped tip, like a blunt arrowhead. Ropes diverts his eyes to Fyr, a little embarrassed as the mother-in-law is still staring; her expression ambiguous as it shifts between alarm and curiosity.

"So, mother, where is my little brother?" Fyr interrupts whilst hooking one arm underneath her mother's. The older dragoness looks to her daughter and smiles, remembering that her daughter here and pushing away certain, less than benign thoughts.

Together the two females enter the house, leaving Ropes to collect the luggage from the vehicle. He audibly sighs for no one's attention but his own and opens the back of the car. Several different luggage cases of varying size and colours are waiting to be moved out. The cougar stops, focuses, his demonic green tentacles linking into the surface of his conscious mind, as opposed to the subconscious they normally take their cue from. With practised ease he reaches out with one, two, three, all four of the unusual appendages. Their spade-tips hook in underneath the grips of four different cases. Coiling around, they lock tightly around before he starts to pull them out with a grunt. His paws press into the ground and his back stiffens, with his enhanced strength he takes all four of the heaviest cases out without dropping a single one.

With careful steps the cougar starts to walk up to the farmhouse. All four cases swing with him, each positioned so as to balance the others out. Ropes climbs the stairs up to the porch-way and they creak under all the weight being applied from just his two feet.

Time Alone

Catching up over the past five months is something that seems to take the two dragonesses more like ten. They are gathered in the book study, apparently dragons enjoy their reading as Ropes has already noticed. According to Sasha the book study is the heart the house. Indeed it rivals the size of most living rooms, with ample space for the bookcases that stand against every wall, even besides the two doorways. There is even a quintessential fireplace, ready for use when it gets coldest during the darkest season; though at present the weather is more than temperate. Ropes is reclining in one of the armchairs, fighting his own boredom to feign passive interest as Sasha and Fyr rabbit on about things that he really has no interest for. His eyes are beginning to wander, but there are no clocks in sight for him to check. There is his phone, he could check the time with that, but that would look rude; better to excuse himself then.

"Excuse me ladies, I need to go relieve myself." Ropes interrupts and ignores a brief flash of annoyance before he reaches the end of the sentence. Sasha nods, almost sage like, and gives him a flurry of directions.

The cougar smiles to himself as he heads on out of the book study, truly relieved to be out of earshot and given free reign to roam the house. However, as he closes the door behind him he realises that his bladder could use draining after all. So he starts to follow those directions, rummaging in his pocket and taking out the smartphone as he walks. It is past noon already and there are several unread notifications, some of them emails, most of them social network updates. He scrolls through them as he rounds one corner and starts to walk up a flight of stairs. The luggage is still waiting in the porch-way, though he expects to have to carry them up these very stairs later. But only once he is sufficiently tired and the females remember that the dusk set hours ago; as is the way of things.

As he reaches the bathroom he has already dismissed most of the messages as inane crap, especially the social network ones. However one of the emails is from his doctor, something about concerns with... now that is just plain embarrassing. He puts his phone away, not wanting to read the rest of that just yet, especially with his mother-in-law still in mind. Ropes enters the bathroom and steps up to the toilet. Of course he has to lift the seat up and unzips his fly before whipping out the old snake. It is pink, fleshy and covered with feline barbs around its head, with a line of splines going down underneath and above it. Ropes aims his junk at the basin of the toilet bowl and starts peeing with a satisfying sigh falling from his lips.

He shakes, zips, flushes, washes his paws, and leaves the bathroom; typically forgetting to lower the seat again. As he starts making his way back to the main living room of the house he starts to wonder what the two females have already begun plotting against him. He should not really think that way, he knows it is sexist, and at least a little disrespectful to the intentions of his own lover, but he has seen this story repeated too many times in the lives of his friends. There is a very good reason why just about any male does his best to avoid the girl's mother. She is invariably critical, even downright callous, and that is if you're one of the lucky ones. Although on the other paw, if Sasha is anything like her own daughter, then there might be hope for good familial feelings yet.

As he approaches the door to the book study, something very odd strikes Ropes. Although its walls are thick, he can remember hearing the two dragonesses talking after he had closed the door behind him before. Now there is nothing, no sound whatsoever, apart from that which is purely ambient to the farmhouse and animals outside. He gingerly turns the door handle and enters the book study to find only Sasha. The slender blue dragoness is standing by the window, guarded by bookcases on either side of her. As the demon puma scans the room for his wife he hears a familiar sound fire up. Fyr is outside in the car and already pulling out from the driveway in front of the farmhouse. Dread sets in the cougar as he looks back at the older drake and she turns around to smile at him. Has his beloved abandoned him to the vices and judgements of her mother? Surely there are less cruel punishments to be exacted upon his tainted soul.

"My daughter has gone to see her brother, Kao. You'll have to meet him later too, but for now..." She walks back to her chair and sits down. "I think that this is a good opportunity for us to get to know one another."

"Really? Isn't it the job of he the mother-in-law to emotionally eviscerate the one that deflowered her angel?" Ropes replies, only to realise after the fact that he might wish to be more careful in what he says, and how.

"Haha. I know you were not the one to deflower her. Though that you think you were makes you all he the cuter." She laughs and smiles, perhaps trying to disarm him. "Do forgive my behaviour though. Aren't you going to sit down?"

"Yeah, of course." He replies and walks over to the chair opposites hers and sits down in it. With some annoyance he notices how big the chair is, as the back seems to loom over him and his paws barely touch the floor below.

"So, why don't you start by telling me a little about yourself." Sasha asks and leans forward in her chair which from a big cat's perspective almost looked like a tiger ready to pounce.

"Well, where do I start?" He says and laughs nervously. "Maybe the most important thing about me is that I'm actually a demon."

"I already know that, but what kind of demon are you?" Sasha asks, but her eyes are drifting down from looking at his face.

"Some call my kind an incubus, but the old tales are not very flattering. I prefer the term, pleasure demon." Ropes replies with a toothy grin on his face. A part of hims can already sense where this is headed now and that side of his personality is gradually taking over. "We enable our partners to access the heights and valleys of pleasure and pain that they were unaware of."

Sasha runs her claws along the armrests of the chair, creating a soft scratching sound as they run over the leather surface. She slumps back into it and shifts her body a little. The puma notices the way Sasha is spreading her legs out, an all too obvious a gesture as she provocatively licks the edges of her lips. Now that the mood in the book study has changed to something more level with the demon puma's comfort zone he begins to appreciate the curvy contours and other feminine attributes of his mother-in-law. Though he will never say such a thing to his dearest, Fyr's mother is every bit the woman her daughter has become and Ropes can see evidence of the good, strong and bountiful family genes. His loins are beginning to stir from the front of his pants as he begins imagining what Sasha looks like without the denim farm clothes on.

"Why are you still all the way over there. I can your eyes, hungering." Sasha says to the cat as she stands up out of her chairs, running her hands down her sides and tugging on the working farm clothes she is wearing.

The predatory dragoness strides on over, hips swinging, body swaying, to where Ropes is sitting. Her statuesque body casts a shadow over him as she stretches, switching from a yawn to something far more provocative with her tongue once more dancing over her razor teeth and plump lips. Sasha says something about the nature of males and the ease with which it is to bring out their base instincts, but Ropes is no longer listening. His green, equal parts phallic and serpentine tails, are flicking behind him against the back of the chair. A growl rises in his throat, and is claws have snuck out from their resting state to dig into the armrests of his seat. His tail swishes once, twice, before he now leaps into action.

Being beset upon, or rather physically pounced upon, by an increasingly horny puma, who just so happens to also be a lust demon, is never the kind of experience that is feels welcomed even when it has been so deliberately engendered. The dark blue dragoness begins to fall, stumbling backwards over a coffee table. She brings her tail down and as it drags against the floor she is now regaining her balance, but none of her composure. Slithering appends writhe around and up inside of her clothes as Ropes clings to his prize, claws ripping at the straps of Sasha's dungarees. So surprised is she by this turn of events that for a moment all she does is stand there, like a lifelike statue, whilst Ropes paws busies themselves in undressing her, and his daemonic companions start to wrap around and squeeze her breasts and run between her thighs before Sasha's clothes are even off yet.

"This is all, escalating quickly." Sasha says in a gasp. She can feel one of the puma's tentacles slipping in between her thighs and now rubbing against her pussy, stroking up against the vulva lips as they tingle and she starts to grow moist with her own arousal.

"I work quickly." Ropes replies whilst now going in for a kiss, suckling, nipping and licking over her neck and chin before reaching his mother-in-law's lips.

Sasha takes yet further steps backwards, now coming close to her own seat again. Even as her clothes fall onto the ground below a part of her is wondering if the situation is already out of her control. What started as a mere whim of borrowing her son-in-law's body for an hour or so of familial passion is an unexpected role reversal before the roles had even been defined properly. Maybe he is giving off some sort of pheromone, or maybe it is just his obviously forthright promiscuity; either way Sasha knows that she is losing agency of the moment. His paws are roaming back over her bare buttocks now, the sharp tips of his claws gripping possessively and playing with her big juicy butt however he wishes. Ropes thighs are wrapped tightly around her waist as his cock starts to throb longingly against her belly. His mouth is working its way back down from her face, licking and lavishing over her right breast now, the hard nipple on the end teased whilst he brings his left paw back around to give some attention to its partner. And all of that is to say nothing of his tentacles, still diligently either keeping a firmer anchorage on other areas of her body, or assisting his hands and mouth with what they are now preoccupied with doing to her body.

Her body is quaking with anticipation, tail shivering and wings shuddering. This hormonal assault demands that she take the weight off of her feet, before she falls haphazardly. Sasha glances over her shoulder at the chair, its antiquated and worn look telling he all she needs to know. The dragoness begins to try and get the attention of the puma's more cognitive faculties, but the feline is so enamoured of his quarry, so locked into the moment of awakening the dragoness' sexuality she was flaunting just a moment ago, that it will take more than some stuttered words or prodding him between her prolonged gasps, and gradually increasing moans, to snap him out of this lust haze. The now panicking dragoness breathes in deeply before letting rip a wailing roar that feels as if it is piercing the poor cat's eardrums. Finally he stops playing with her reptilian tits and brings his hands away from her body to hold them against his ears.

"What the fuck was that!" He bemoans, head ringing like wedding bells.

"Ahem. Well err, you see ah..." Sasha is fumbling her words, cheeks flushing from the feeling of his tentacle still sliding between her legs. "Maybe we should go somewhere more comfortable for err... this." With the last word Sasha reaches out and down between the puma's legs, returning the gesture of his roaming tentacle.

"Oh. Well all you had to do was ask." Ropes replies as his toothy smile deepens.

The First Bond

The farmhouse's master bedroom suite is everything that can be expected. It even has an on suite bathroom, which seems a little out of place somehow, but is a welcome luxury nonetheless. However among the mahogany wood drawers, ornate wardrobe and lavish looking drapes, the only thing that Ropes has any interest in furniture-wise is the four poster king sized bed. It is the very first thing he notices as Sasha is now leading him inside of the room. Up until this point his eyes having been focused on her plump behind swaying this way and that. With an almost machine like focus he assesses the thick mattress and fresh linen sheets, ideal ground to enact the sexual conquest of his mother-in-law. In a rare moment of naïveté the dragoness has led a predator into her home that she will be unable to restrain; not that she will want to soon enough.

"So do you want to-" The dragoness starts to ask a question but is interrupted by the demon puma launching himself upon her. She yells in panic and falls backwards. Her wings spread out and her prehensile tail flexes, slowing her fall as she lands, chest jumping up and down, atop the spacious bed.

Ropes' grabby paws are upon her and with judicious use of his claws he removes her top and now her bra. With a single snip he has unleashed the blue woman's round, full bodied breasts happily bounding up and down. Most of them are the same shade of cobalt blue as the rest of her, but are smoother as his fingers and thumbs cup and hold underneath by their sides. Her nipples though are darker, pert and erect, which he eagerly begins playing with, one for each thumb. She gasps as the young man nuzzles into her cleavage and draws his coarse feline tongue up, leaving a shiny trail of saliva between them.

"Is this what you want?" He asks her as his head reaches up on he the level with hers. "The feeling of my body on top of yours? My hands..." He pauses as his left hand drops down and slips into the front of her pants. "Going where they please?"

Sasha's body provides all the response her lips refuse to speak. The woman's arches up at the male the claws on em the ends of her feet dangling over the end of he the bed gripping into the shaggy carpet below. She throws her arms around him, running her claws through the puma's short yet thick fur until they glide up over his shoulders and neck to hold his head against her body. This is exactly what she desires, for her daughter's husband to be enamoured so utterly with her that he becomes a slave, if not a beast, to his instincts. Sasha feels his turgid male-hood rubbing against her. He is every bit the eager partner she hoped for and more. However she soon starts to squirm uncomfortably as his green tentacles slither up along her thighs.

The insipid appendages are snaking around the lower half of her body like a squad of organised serpents. Sasha soon learns that they can do much more than coil around and poke at things. With frightening motions the fat heads at the ends of the tentacles open up, not unlike the end of a venus fly trap, and snap at the dragoness' pants. Her last articles of clothing are now pulled off and dumped by the edge of the bed, leaving her soft blue scales in the buff. Next, two of the tentacles start wrapping themselves around her legs, one each. Ropes' hands and face are still preoccupied playing with her voluptuous tits whilst his tentacles grow increasingly tight around her thighs as if preparing to hoist her up with both legs above his shoulders. He knows what he is doing, of that much she is certain, yet it is all guided by is growing desire. And although Sasha is physically enjoying the attention, there is another part of her mind that is logical apprehensive about how wild and devolved the cougar is liable to become.

"A-Ah. Steady there tiger. We have at least three, maybe four, hours. I can promise you." Sasha says as she feels his turgid flesh coloured cock begin to rub between her legs and drool over her blue snatch. She is not just saying this though, as her son is undoubtedly finding similar pleasures in his sister right about now.

"Oh I won't be finishing anytime soon." Ropes says as he moves away from her full and firm bosom. He leans up, his furry chest and abdomen sliding against her smooth scales, to make his lips reach hers.

"F-F-FUCK!" Sasha exclaims the rude word with an appropriately startled expression on her face.

There it is, she can feel him now. The demon puma's maleness is large, extraordinarily so even, but that is not the attribute that surprises and tantalises the older woman the most. No, for just like all other felines Ropes has a series of barbs that cover the exterior of his throbbing male-hood just underneath where his glans pulsate. As his hot flesh presses against his mother-in-laws nether regions her thighs cling tightly around him in reflective response. Sasha feels sharp, yet very briefly felt, pinpricks touch her vulva lips. With his torso resting against her large breasts, the male cat thrusts carefully into her. Now his barbs are dragging, raking through her flesh and setting of miniature detonations of erotic sensations that emanate from between her legs and grow outwards chasing one after the next up her spine and down her tail.

Words are meaningless now as their bodies start to merge with one another. Sasha can feel her claws reflexively curl, ripping into the carpet at the foot of the bed; and her tail swishes around too threatening to knock the big cat over if he had not already climbed up fully on top of the female. His fur bristles against her, although it is his whiskers she more easily notices tickling her as nestles into her neck and bosom, occasionally popping to nip or kiss at one of her cheeks. She is allowing him to have is way with her arms and legs now being held in his demonic tentacles to be held in place or manipulated as he so wishes. Involuntary responses come a plenty, but beyond that she is content to lie back and let the puma explore her body. Some might call this lazy, but to Sasha it is just her way of making the male work for it. Thankfully Ropes is one who understands this as he squeezes up inside of the dragoness, feeling her walls conspire against him, pressing in at all sides.

The feline makes a mrowling sound, that is to say a sound which combinations a cat's mewling and a large predator's heavy growls. He has never quite felt quite this turned on before, maybe it is the excitement of the fact that he is violating his own mother-in-law, but he is drawing on every ounce of self-control not to blow his load too soon. Unfortunately, although Ropes is taking it slow and steady with the eager Sasha, there is still a glimmer of that dragon pride bubbling to the surface. He can not be sure if the dragoness is aware of just how difficult it is for him to contain himself, but her tail is not being restricted. It pushes up, forwards between her thighs with the base of it flexing around until the underside starts brushing against his furry jewels. Ropes stops cramming himself inside of dragon muff for a second, his lips around one of Sasha's teats as he feels her start to rub the underside of her tail against his balls.

"Rrrgh, you really want it dontcha?" Ropes asks rhetorically trying to distract himself.

Sasha's sole response is to shift her tail around, one part of it setting the cat's balls swinging from side to side, whilst nearest the base it presses tightly against the surface of that part of his throbbing shaft that has not made it inside the warm embrace of her quivering cunt. Ropes chokes on his own gasp, cursing how she is not even trying to free her arms and legs, content to let him lay on top and discharge himself this early. Has she even come yet? It does not matter as his claws slide out of their digits and he swings he draws his head out from motor-boating the females ample chest endowments. A primal ever so whiny yet overall deep and resounding roar bellows out from the puma's mouth; tail thrashing as he loses himself to the dragoness' impressively tight hole clamping down around him.

This kind of thing never happened to him, or almost never anyway. Even as his balls rest between the bottom edge of the dragoness' pussy and that damn scaly tail of hers the feline's body was surrendering itself. The claws of his hands are gripping and tearing into the sheets either side of her shoulders as his head hangs back down again, haunched over her wide bosom. His tentacles are similarly constricting, not unlike angry pythons around the female's arms and legs, though not uncomfortably so, not for a dragon that is. Suddenly he can feel it, even as he is not done with his first orgasm Sasha is arching her back, wings shuddering, whilst around the feline's cock her sex closes even tighter around him, convulsing with its own orgasmic reaction.

"Oooooh," Sasha says as her entire body vibrates, tingling from horns to tail. "That's the stuff..."

As he comes off of his ejaculating inside of the reptile Ropes finally realises what she has done. How kinky of her. Even as the toothy grin spreads across her elongated face the puma glares up at her, his paws already closing in around her breasts, thumbs finding the nipples that cap them off. The dirty woman was getting off on his getting off, and apparently still is as he flicks his thumbs across her erect teats and she crashes into another orgasm. This one catches her a little off guard though as she groans loudly, just scraping underneath a roar. Sasha is holding back from him, that much the male can sense for certain. He has to remind himself that she is the one who engaged in this inappropriate horseplay; if he pants to slay the beast, metaphorically speaking of course, he will have to make sure to stay on the offensive.

"Aaah, fffuck that's good. Cream from a kitten feels so smooth on the inside. But is there any left for seconds?" Sasha asks him, her voice a little shaky with her blue cheeks a-flush.

"Don't worry about me," Ropes replies between his panting, "I've got plenty left in me."

The words are not mere boasting, the dragoness really has no idea how much Ropes can produce in the space of say a whole hour of animalistic rutting. But now his mind is falling back on that instinctual programming. He needs to break this female in and to do that he will need more than just his four tentacles. His strength is quickly returning to him now, his cock still hard and his tentacles responding without his subconscious threatening to override him. However he pulls out, for now anyway. Sasha looks down at him as the puma is once more standing at the end of the bed, with his tentacles outstretched to maintain a tight hold on her.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

"Strategising." He ominously replies.


They barely made it back to the car before Kao's black claws were reaching down the back of his sister's pants. Fyr growls as he makes a play for her ass for the fifth time, her tail swinging around to slap his arm away. Two big brown bags for groceries are in her arms, being the helpful older sister that she is. But as they finally near the car she starts to change her mind, it has been awhile since the hen night...

The bags are tossed into the back of the car as two dragons start to grapple with one another and their clothing. The blue scaled Kao manages to get rid of the belt around Fyr's pants, sliding them down just enough to see her ass crack before she spins, shoves a couple of claws down the front of his jeans, and pulls her brother forward to fall with her inside the convertible, wings helping to prop her up without being too comfortable against the driver and passenger seats.

Fyr can feel the other dragon's growing heat as he grinds his bulge against her. His arms come around, one copping a feel of her right boob, whilst the other reaches around and down to squeeze her left butt cheek. His mouth meets hers and they kiss, tongues sliding up against one another, though Kao is being a lot more sloppy than herself. As their embrace comes to a close and he leans back to whip out his instrument Fyr stops him before he throws himself unto her again and tells him he should give her another kind of kiss. The blue drake frowns at first, but soon grins excitedly as she promises him he can go backdoors later.

The red dragoness changes her position again as her brother stands back. Now sitting just inside the car Fyr spreads her legs out, exposing her sex that has already started to grow moist and welcomingly hot. Kao smacks his lips together before kneeling down, his cock thrumming against his abdominal muscles as it continues to grow even harder. His eyes are affixed on the platter being offered up from between his sister's legs, his hands grasping around her thighs as she gets a firm handle on the black horns atop his head. There is something wonderfully exciting about getting her younger brother to service her like this, almost like a position of authority; her mother is far from being the only one in the family with such carnal tastes.

Her scent is rising up from her pussy, filling Kao's senses as his snout brushes past her thighs. It is an electrifying presence swirling around his nostrils and setting fuel to the growing inferno in his brain and loins. But the blue dragon knows how to eat out a willing female, especially one as particular as his own kin. As his tongue waggles out, dripping with saliva, he carefully applies it going from the bottom to the tip, gliding over and only gently depressing into the vulva lips' folds of pink flesh. As he does so Kao draws off more of the dragoness' scent and taste for himself which encourages him on another pass and another.

The red dragoness gasps and shudders, her tongue hanging out almost in empathy, but really in loss of self-control. Her hands grip tighter around Kao's horns, pulling him in against her flowing nether regions. The blue drake's lips press against the top of her pussy and he kisses her clittoris. That gets a louder response from his sister before he opens his mouth and lashes out. His tongue is like a miniature serpent, snaking its way a good couple of inches inside of her. Broad and long, he slips and slides it around as his bottom lip grows wet with his own incessant drooling, mixing in with the juices that are starting to pour from out of Fyr's snatch.

"Fuck! That's a g-good little br-brother!" Fyr says as her eyes roll in their sockets and she can feel herself riding from one peak to the next, her vagina spasming out as she reaches her first orgasm.

Kao makes some kind of response even with his snout buried between his sister's legs, she takes it for a muffled acceptance. This goes on for yet another five whole minutes of female domination, leaving Fyr in a bit of delirious state. Her hands loosen around Kao's black horns as she slumps back into the car, feeling the driver stick uncomfortably positioned near underneath and near the base of her long tail. The male dragon comes away from between his sibling's legs, his mouth and face covered in drool and female juices, tongue swirling around the edges of his lips before retreating back inside for a well deserved rest.

Her brother does not say a word for what comes next. Maybe it is because of the implied role reversal, or maybe his tongue really is just that tired and cramped feeling. Either way as he grabs his sister, yanking her out from the car and spreading her on to the bonnet, she does not put up any resistance to him. The only responses she gives are things like flexing her round juicy ass as he grabs it and spreads her open. He wets two fingers before jutting them inside and against her rear entrance, her tail hiking even higher and a light squeal coming from the girl as he simultaneously loosens and lubricates her sphincter. Kao's cock is already more than lubed enough, having developed a shiny wet lair of pre-ejaculate in its time spent hard against his belly.

So with her splayed out in front of him Kao presses his point, literally. Fyr suddenly comes to as if she had been drugged up until feeling her brother starting to enter her so kinkily. Her claws start scraping against the paint as she forgets herself and her wings rise up, nearly smacking Kao in the face. He manages to avoid being smacked and holds her by the waist as he thrusts forward between her clenching buttocks. She had promised him this but even Ropes usually takes a little more time. As his balls come slapping against her she roars out feeling him throb inside of her tight little hole. Why is her family so kinky? The answer is lost in the sound of balls slapping as Kao fucks his sister over the shiny new car. The groceries will have to wait.

Family Dues

Ropes had not noticed the red stripes along her back until now. They are not exactly as thick nor as dense as a tiger or a zebra might have them, but they are still there, like a predator's camouflage. For now he is just standing behind his mother-in-law, admiring her large womanly figure; maybe he is coming to an appraisal. The part he really enjoys about this calm before the storm is the way she is struggling. Ass wiggling, arms and thighs bulging, mouth making all the muffled noise it can with an actual apple tied against and inside of it, unable to bite all the way down.

Over the course of ten, maybe fifteen minutes by now, the demon puma has accomplished quite a lot. There just happened to be enough durable cloth between the bedsheets and the drapes to create enough makeshift rope to tie the dragoness up nice and proper. Using the columns of the four-poster bed he has suspended her just above the mattress. Her belly sort of brushes against it a little as she sways from one side to the other. It is a little amusing to the feline really. There must be plenty of married men who want to metaphorically hogtie their mother-in-laws; he just so happens to have been given the opportunity.

"Do you remember the safety word?" He asks her as he trails one claw from underneath her tied up tail to the base of her spine.

"Mmmf!" Sasha replies.


With his tentacles now free from having to hold the reptile down Ropes can have a little more kink with paying his family dues. Sadly though Ropes will have to wrap this up soon if he does not want his newlywed and brother-in-law to interrupt them. He starts with the most obvious of things. Drawing one of the tentacles up first, Fyr can see the silhouette of it projected on the wall in front of her moments before it comes down with a cracking sound.

"MMMF!" Sasha screams with the apple gag in her mouth as Ropes starts to whip her big blue ass.

"Stationary targets are so much fun." Ropes says. Now he brings a second tentacle into play, timing the whips one a split second after the preceding one.

Ropes is unable to resist from continuing this disciplining session until the normally cobalt blue cheeks of the mature dragoness have become a slightly more subtly purple shade in obvious marks where he has been whipping, and occasionally spanking with his paws. The big cat now stands back to take in his artwork whilst Sasha is still wriggling against her bonds unable to break them. As she continues to sway the puma's ears twitch and he looks up and to the sides where the bed's wooden columns are looking less and less sturdy. Another reason to move on to the main course as his penis rises to the occasion.

Sasha can feel her son-in-law standing behind her now. His dick hotdogging between her sore buttocks. His paws squeezing both cheeks tighter around himself, claws digging in as he lightly thrusts up and down. The dragoness starts to wonder if he is going to do anal, and if so is he going to go in dry? But such a fear is quickly allayed as Ropes procures a bottle of baby oil with one of his tentacles shifted to a squid sucker head. He pops the cap and starts drizzling it over her. The clear oily liquid quickly warms as it spreads around the dragoness' bulbous rump and he starts to work it in using both hands.

"I found the oil in one of your drawers over there, I hope you don't mind my using it." Ropes tells her, sure that this is exactly the kind of thing that she keeps it for.

Two of his tentacles, shifted into their phallic heads, writhe in between the blue woman's legs and starts pressing in against her pussy. Sasha begins to squeal against the apple gag once again as her body tries to resist the violating tentacles. But her mild protests are both fake and futile. Ropes growls as he feels her squeeze around his tentacles, two at a time is marginally thicker than his feline dick and she is a tight girl. But the tentacles are only the beginning as the claws on the ends of his thumbs dig in spreading her oiled up ass cheeks apart.

More muffled noises now as Ropes starts to poke with the head of his throbbing member at her petite tail hole. Sasha's wings are trying to break free from the makeshift harness that holds them, the entire room is now filled with the sound of the creaking bed posts and the scent of male and female into their second round of rutting. Will she scream or perhaps even try to roar with the gag on he wonders. The cat's curiosity, not to mention arousal, compels him to steady himself and thrust forward, plunging into the dragoness' other rear entrance with a mostly smooth and definitely penetrating motion.

He growls, teeth barring. She roars, muted by the gag.

Her ass is even better than her pussy was, though maybe that is unsurprising considering she has already born children; or at least eggs Ropes guesses not exactly sure on reptile breeding logistics. But now his thoughts are already devolving into a collection of instinctual urges. His arms wrap themselves around the dragoness waist, pulling her back from the harness before his hips thrust forward and the motion of his cock driving into her ass swings Sasha forward again. Together they rock in this fashion, faster and faster, louder and louder still.

Not to be outdone by the feline's barbed cock drilling down into the dragon's plump rump, his tentacles are joined by their two brothers. Together they four tentacles start taking turns, like pistons, never entering more than two at the same time into her increasingly loosening pussy. Sasha tries to hold herself together, from both instinct and voluntary instruction contracting her vaginal walls and trying to keep herself from being nothing more than a used whore. And yet the demon puma's not so erratic fucking of both of her holes is quickly taking its toll out on her both physically and mentally.

Both of their bodies are damp with perspiration; Sasha's sweat is rolling off in beads soaking the bedding below, whilst Ropes' is causing his fur cling against his body. However he loves the feeling of it, and of his mother-in-law's holes. His paws start moving up along her torso as he clambers up with his paws balancing on the edge of the bed. Resting between her wings he reaches up to cup her breasts in both paws and all of a sudden the dragoness' roars. It is muffled of course, but the volume is all too obvious as it vibrates through her entire frame to a degree by which Ropes can even feel the shockwaves around his cock and tentacles.

"OH FUCK YEAH!" He exclaims, happy to finally have the blue dragoness rolling from one orgasm to the next, feeling her lose a constant action of resisting his violating organs and instead responding on pure instinct. This is where he fucks her brains out, so to speak.

With his new position closer to her body the big cat starts using more rapid, closer movements to her ass. His cock stays buried inside of her, with only short thrusts serving as any real fucking. Meanwhile his tentacles have managed to loosen her up enough that more than two are able to squeeze up inside. Of course he has to adjust them a little, but the serpentine appendages are finally coming up altogether on a buffer of drooling pre. They twist and turn together whilst inside the female, stretching her pussy out and reaching erogenous zones that the dragoness never knew she had until today.

After the quick fire earlier Ropes has enough stamina and self-control now that he carries on ploughing Sasha for the next ten minutes. But all good things must come to an end, and as the columns creak and the dragoness groans into the cherry coloured apple, Ropes is finally ready to blow. She can feel it too. His thrusting is slowing down and even his paws are less zealous with their playful time on her nipples. Ropes is panting heavily, his sweaty body almost slopped down on top of her. The cat shivers and stops for a second, his loins dangerously close to boiling over.

The blue dragoness is not even conscious enough to try and flex her ass and force him to come as she feels him pulling out. Her limbs are limp, eyelids drooping, jaw tired and vagina most definitely feeling sore now as his tentacles slow and stop, just sitting between her legs as if a knot of vines have sprouted out from her vulva. Ropes purrs as he now sets his cock between her still smoothly oiled butt cheeks. Getting up from her back he takes a moment to take in the sight of the worn and thoroughly fucked reptile. He smacks her right cheek and that gets a response in a startled though muffled shout.

"Are you ready?" He asks between his heavy panting.

"Mmmf." Sasha hangs her head forward, knowing what is about to come.


With his cock wedged into her ass crack Ropes squeezes both side together and thrusts one last time. His loins lift up and he makes a low and stead growl that builds up into a howling roar in a matter of seconds. Puma seed roils and rushes along not only his phallus, but his tentacle-cocks too and both erupt all over and inside of the tired female. It is quite something really and even from her awkward position Sasha can see the shadow of a long stream of fluid rising up before it comes back down against her back, wings and head too.

Simultaneous to his cock erupting like Mt Vesuvius over from betwixt'd the two blue half moons, there is another eruption from between her legs. Sasha's eyes screw shut as she feels the tentacles still resting, and throbbing, just inside of her pussy burst forth with copious amounts of semen all of their own, presumably from the same supply as the first. She makes another muffled roar as she feels all of that seed from her daughter's husband pour into and fill up not only her vaginal canal, but the womb beyond. Indeed it feels as if any crevice beneath her stomach is being injected with enough spunk under pressure for a hooker's lifetime.

"Ooh yeah, just like that." Ropes says with a shiver running along his spine and tail making his fur stand on end. "B-But, we ought to get you cleaned up real fast now, huh mom?"

Growing Fun

# Domestic Bliss The cottage is not entirely rural nor rustic, repairs and alterations having been made over many years; yet it does have the vibe of being quaint. Up above there is black smoke billowing out from its chimney stack in contrast to the...

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Lunar Dream Dating

Lunar Dream Dating # Browsing Wes scans his eyes over the horrible Web 2.0 stylesheet design of "Lunar Dream Dating" and almost closes the tab. Overused gradients and gimmicky HTML menus tarnish its entire presentation. Why people though homogenising...

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**The Encampment** **Loc: U34F, Quadrant B-2, Ulysses Sector** **Mission Day: 12** **Time: 0932** The compound is all bare bones right now. An outer perimeter consisting of barbed wire and metal posts serves as a simple yet effective demarcation...

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