Domestic Temp Act 2

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Domestic Temp Act 2

This is a work of erotic fiction. It was written by Iscin on Commissioned by GuyThreepwood. All rights reserved © 2014.


Paul's face is a flush, his cheeks shining redder than a mythic reindeer's nose. And speaking of olfactory organs, and other kinds of organs, the human's nose is nuzzling into the front of the tiger's shorts. Even with the fabric, or maybe because of it and just how sweaty it is, there is a strong scent that a dog could get a whiff off from over a mile away that Paul can not only smell but almost taste. He closes his eyes shut, trying to block out everything else about the situation he can and imagine he is somewhere else, doing something else than sniffing at Qiang's smelly groin. But doing so only intensifies the other sensations, and not just the smell, but the sound of the big cat's inexorable purring, and the touch of his large, claw equipped, hand running along the human's long black hair.

"So, what do you think?" Qiang asks the servile human.

"It... smells quite strongly, sir." Paul replies, his face scrunched up as he hopes that he has given a satisfactory response. He does not want to mess it up having already come this far in soliciting the tiger's money.

"I should think so after the workout we had earlier. What would you recommend then to resolve the stench then?" The tiger asks. He is constantly grinning now, having some sort of purpose already in mind that the human is not at all sure he wants to discover.

"Err..." Paul mumbles whilst leaning back, away from the olfactory offending area. "A shower or bath maybe?"

"What a great idea." Qiang says and springs up on his feet, not caring that the kneeling human is pushed and falls backwards from this motion. He steps over Paul and heads for one of the three doors. "Follow human, I have a task for you."

Paul picks himself up and does as he is told. Unbelievably he is wishing Kenta to return. The lion is at least predictable, for the most part, but Qiang is the more erratic of the two; of that the broke college student is certain. Though before he does follow the tiger he makes sure to gather a few stray notes that he failed to get before and stuffs them in one of his pockets; money is a great soother, or so he hopes. Qiang walks out of the living room and heads down one of the hallways. Doors lead off into separate rooms, originally intended for more roommates, but now having been converted into different recreational rooms for the lion. Paul's favourite amongst these rooms has got to be the video games, not being the athletic sort like Kenta, but none of these are the tiger's destination.

About two months ago now Kenta contracted some builders, with special permission from the dean of course, to refit the shower room, his shower room. It still amazes Paul as he steps inside of the no expenses spared sauna room how the lion got all of this done. The floors are wood panelled, the seats are wood panelled, the walls are wood panelled, and well that is the general idea. But underneath the boxy seats built against the walls are a series coal and electric stoves, designed to slowly heat up and then have water poured over them to release water vapour into the confined room. Of course the coals are for a more relaxing sauna, the electric is for when you are in a rush and do not want to mess around with ash and soot.

"What are we doing here?" Paul asks as he follows Qiang into the sauna room.

"I need to get cleaned." Qiang says as he bends over to turn on the electric sauna stove. "Close the door."

"Okay..." Paul murmurs meekly as worried thoughts bubble to the surface in his psyche.

The human pushes the door closed and is amused by how it makes soft suction noises as airtight rubber seals squeeze into place. Of course the door has been customised this way to keep all of the water vapour trapped inside, both to maintain the sauna and to prevent unnecessary damp that might warp the walls and ceiling of the hallway beyond. All clever stuff really, which again only serves to remind Paul of just how grotesquely wealthy his roommate is that the lion can so easily afford this extensive refurbishment. But as he turns back to see Qiang, the tiger has done something that takes Paul's mind off of the lion for good. There is a pause before he realises what he is looking at and then he gasps and takes a step back only to feel the door against his back.

Standing before Paul, with his back turned, the anthropomorphic tiger has already begun to remove his clothes. In the space of the seconds the human's eyes were looking elsewhere, Qiang has managed to remove both his shirt and his shorts. All that is left on the tall feline's toned body is a jockstrap that rides up between striped furry glutes. Though the shock that the human is now experiencing is not so much at the tiger as much as his own reaction. Without expecting it he can feel something stir in his own loins as his eyes travel up and down along the tiger's broad shoulders, strong back and those bare ass cheeks. He is loathed to admit it even to himself, but there is something electrifying seeing the handsome tiger exposed in this fashion before him. Paul just freezes up before the tiger looks over his shoulder, grinning, always grinning.

"Never seen another male before?" The the way he rolls the syllables makes it sound like sultry purrs. And then there are Qiang's eyes which stare at the human behind him, their warm amber pools coming across less like a lover's warm and welcoming eyes, and more like a predator's intense stare.

"N-No... why would I?" Paul says shakily, feigning offence and hoping that the tiger does not think he is going to get any freebies.

"Get the steam on." Qiang says as he turns back to look at the benches and chooses a spot to sit down.

Paul looks at the water phobic controls for the sauna oven on the side of the right wall, facing from the entrance. He walks on over and studies them for a second, having only used this room one other time when Kenta was out; the lion knew about the "tampering" when he got back and Paul has refrained from using it since then. There is a plastic knob, not unlike one on the front of a laundry machine and an LED display that comes up with different presets as he turns the dial. He selects something called "FINN-1", shrugs, and depresses the knob which also acts as a button switch. Within a mere minute the oven's underneath the wooden panels reach a high temperature and water jets kick in, introducing the very thing they are made for causing the room to quickly fill with vapour. But now Paul is unable to avoid looking at just what the tiger is doing. With his legs spread apart, Qiang is sitting down in the sauna and has nothing covering his crotch whatsoever. But he is still grinning like the Cheshire Cat, that much is remaining consistent.

"Now that we've got some steam." Qiang says. "Perhaps you could help me relax my new servile human."

He stretches his muscular arms and legs as his tail flicks about, not unlike a cute, feral, domestic cat. But this is anything but cute as he stares at Paul the human averts his eyes downwards only to notice something poking out of its hiding place, situated just above these two, round, furry tennis balls. Qiang beckons with one hand as the other strokes down along the creamy fury of his chest and belly. He is getting off on this, that much is obvious. But is Paul enjoying it too? He agreed to being the two big cats' servant for the money, but maybe it is not so bad if gets into it a little. Regardless he will have to swallow his pride now as the human walks closer and is about to kneel down before his striped master before Qiang suddenly holds up his paw. He tells the human to strip and a part of Paul shivers at the thought. Yet his clothes are growing damp from the warm vapour, so he does so with some alacrity. His shirt, pants and socks come off so that all he has remaining now are his boxer briefs. The tiger looks him up down, at Paul's pudgy and hairless body, and he chortles. With some embarrassment Paul moves his hands in front of his crotch, shame spreading over his face like wildfire.

"Aww, don't be shy little guy. I won't look... much." Qiang tells him.

"W-What now?" Paul asks with a raised voice and brow furrowed in irritation at the tiger's obvious enjoyment at teasing him.

"Mmm, perhaps a massage." Qiang muses and nods to himself making his mind up.

As it so happens the bench that Qiang is sitting on is sufficiently long and wide enough, even for the nine foot tall Kenta to lie his entire body down on. So the seven foot tall tiger is easily able to rest his back. His entire body shifts with well defined musculature rippling underneath as he lies back, holding his paws behind his head so as to work as a makeshift pillow. Paul gulps as he looks over the front of the larger male's naked, furry body. He reaches out slowly and nearly flinches as his hands make contact with soft orange fur along Qiang's belly. It feels clammy and wet, though more due to the sauna steam than any perspiration, though the human can still smell that unmistakable scent. The tiger almost vibrates underneath him as Paul now runs his fingers down, feeling the valleys of Qiang's abdominal muscles underneath. He is not entirely sure whether that is a purr or something less positive, but in truth the human is mostly trying to distract his mind from that thing poking out of the top of the tiger's sheath.

As the room swirls with hot and humid air, Paul starts to work his hands as best he can. He remembers to use his palms as cups, spreading his fingers out so that they do not dig in and push against any bone or tendon. Right now he thinks he might be performing something more akin to a belly scratch than a massage, so he decides to move further up towards the tiger's chest. Qiang makes a growling purr as he feels the human's hands press up against his pectorals and continues to make this noise as he feels him work around the sides. Paul is not sure exactly how he is doing but decides he had best move on to the shoulders and arms. He walks around and climbs up onto the bench, kneeling down just behind the tiger's head. Those amber eyes are now staring at him again as the tiger smiles and tells him to continue.

"Yes, sir." Paul replies with meekness and starts to work on his broad shoulders.

"Get a towel for my head though."

"Of course, sir." Paul grabs one of the towels spread out on an adjacent bench and folds it underneath the tiger's head. Doing so allows Qiang to lay his arms flat by his sides and he sighs in satisfaction of this.

They feel much like a human's shoulders, finding the disc and rounded edges easily enough. But the fur is beginning to make the servant's hands feels sticky and dirty. Hair seems to want to clump around and between his fingers, but Paul ignores it as he carries on. After rubbing and kneading the tightly packed muscle around Qiang's shoulders, the human starts to work on the top of his arms. Even without contracting, the bicep and adjacent tricep on just one of these arms feels huge to Paul. Maybe they are not as massive as the lion's, who is after all a giant even when compared to his fellow feline friend, but they are nonetheless easily as big as some human bodybuilders Paul has seen, and Qiang is only a swimmer's builder for his height and species.

"Do you want to kiss it?" Qiang asks and the question immediately throws Paul off guard.

"W-What?!" He spurts and freezes up, his hands still around the tiger's left arm.

"I can both see and feel how you are sizing me up, human. Your admiration is something I most definitely approve of." Qiang states as a matter of fact, always smiling.

He starts to curl his forearm up, forcing his bicep to contract and rise up. There is truth in those words as Paul physically feels the tiger's grow larger whilst held in the human's hands. Even with both hands around it Paul is unable to fully envelop the whole circumference of Qiang's bicep. Sweat, or perhaps condensed vapour, is dripping off of Paul's fact from his chin as he leans forward. Yes he does want to kiss it. And he wants to lick it and hold it and by some twisted desire to hump against it. Maybe it is the heat causing some delirious malfunction in his brain, but there is something pure and exciting about worshipping your betters in such a manner. Perhaps he will just do that, but then again that last part did sound like an order, right? His lips meet the short, soft and soggy fur covering the tiger's left bicep and he kisses it. Or rather he practically smooches it, rolling his tongue out to lick over it and catching the taste and smell of the tiger's musky perspiration, only partially diluted from the steam.

"What a hopeless little thrall you are." Qiang growls the words, as from this angle with Paul leaning over him the tiger can see just how excited the smaller male has become in his boxer briefs. "Maybe I should show you a little compassion."

A New Game

Paul is thrown down to the sauna's wood plank floor and his long hair tumbles over his face obscuring his vision. He is winded from the fall and coughs, sputtering for a moment before gradually recovering whilst still down on his hands and knees.. Qiang looms over him and as the human looks back up it is as if some beast is standing over him in a cloudy fog. He growls down at the grovelling pet, enjoying this as everything he hoped it would be. Paul is not entirely sure whether the tiger is still role playing or has become deeply serious about this master and servant dynamic. Either way the tiger commands him to get back up and the human readily responds in haste, his feet slipping a little before he gets up.

"Now we get rid of these." Qiang says and lashes out with but a couple claws, slashing the elastic of Paul's boxer briefs. Paul moves his hands to hold them around his waist but Qiang snatches them up and away as the underwear falls down to his feet. "Did I tell you to keep them on?"

"N-No." Paul's voice is muted like a mouse, his mind racing with newfound fear and, oddly enough, excitement too.

"Now kneel." The tiger lets the human's hands go, and he immediately rubs his wrists at where the big cat's claws were digging in.

The human continues to do as he is told, kneeling down before the tiger, both of them now being naked and wet. It is only now that he realises that Qiang is sporting an erection pointing almost directly at him. The organ is unlike anything Paul has seen before, an exotic thing unlike a human male's. It was a deep red, covered with unpleasant looking spiky protrusions and the head tapered off in a spear like tip. However, the most remarkable thing has got to be the size of it all. Paul gulps and his eyes widen out as he beholds just how long, not to mention thick, the tiger's endowment is. Even from pornographic material -infamous for its exaggerations-l the human is not sure he has seen another male with quite such a large appendage between his legs; although it makes sense proportionally with Qiang being an astonishing seven feet tall, although that only leads him to think briefly on what Kenta has between his legs.

"Well? Are you just going to stare at it?" Qiang growls down at the grovelling human with impatience, his left arm akimbo as his right hand grips the base of his shaft keeping it pointing down and at the human's face.

Paul moves closer, though he does not know why he is obeying so eagerly anymore, and he can feel heat radiating off of Qiang's turgid phallus, it stands out even in the hot water vapour all around them both. He stops with only a couple of inches from his lips making contact, hovering in place as he thinks about putting an end to this now. Does he really need the money? Maybe he can still find a job and turn away from walking down this path of compromising unknowns. However here is something else at this point than just the money on his mind, and they always say that you have to try something at least once. But in this suspension of activity Qiang has become impatient. With a loud thud the anthro tiger brings one very large, and very wet, furry hand down against the back of Paul's head. He yelps in surprise and promptly falls forward and into the tiger's crotch. The throbbing, hot, organ rubs up against the human's cheek, his nose burying into the big cat's crotch fur and his lips press into the top of the other male's matted ball sack.

"Oops. Looks like you missed." Qiang laughs as he holds the human's face between his legs with his left hand, his right rubbing the side of his drooling shaft up and down against him.

"Mmmf!" Paul makes all sorts of noises, but they are muffled by his awkward positioning between the tiger's thighs.

After a moment of watching Pail squirm Qiang let's go. The human leans back jerkily and stays kneeling at the dominant man's broad paws. He licks his lips. That is it. The taste is a mixture of musk and spice, like the balance of sweet and sour used in dozens of tantalising dishes. Though he is not completely aware of what he has just been introduced to, one thin that Paul does know is that he now wants more. The tiger claps his hands to snap his human servant out of his reverie. Paul looks back up at Qiang with a hunger behind his eyes. It is of a sort that the tiger has only seen a handful of times before, but he knows what it means and the Cheshire smile on his face shows no sign of fading.

"You're right, sir. This time I'll be more precise about it." Paul replies before snapping his head back to flick his hair back. He starts going back down, no encouragement needed, all whilst ignoring the sense of dignity sapping away from him.

It feels odd and the taste is even even stranger to him as the human's lip brush gently against the tip of the spear. He can smell more easily than taste the tiger now, as its ready source is under an inch from his nostrils. Exotic might be the right descriptive word to uses here as the human gingerly parts his lips and runs his tongue up, down and around the drooling head. It tastes good though. Is he really enjoying this? He licks it a second time, and as he does so he can feel the tiger's heavy hand against the back of his head pulling him down. Paul's lips begin to slide on over with gradual ease. The first inch is easy enough to take and he feels the hot surface pulsating against the flat wet base of his tongue.

Qiang is tempted to push Paul down. In doing so he would force the human to gag on him, something that is an incredible turn on for the tiger. However he can tell that there is still trepidation, and he does not want to rush the furless male in case he decides against the path he is unwittingly heading down. So instead of shoving him down the tiger begins to stroke the human's head, running tufts of hair between his claws. It is an unusual display of affection from the big cat as he growls underneath his breath. Yet this affection is surprisingly soothing for Paul and as he starts taking in more of the big man's matching erection.

The pointy tip is now poking down the back of Paul's throat. It feels funny to have something tickling back there. The barbs are still mostly flat however, positioned so that they are facing back the way that they entered the human's mouth. As he gets every deeper inside of the human's eager mouth the tiger's paws mess up Paul's hair all the more. All that Qiang wants to do now is to use Paul as the greedy cock gobbler he is rapidly becoming, but he resists forcing the issue. Yet even without the violent action of pulling him down on top of the tiger's pride, Paul can tell that the big cat is more than eager to fuck his brains out. As his lips get steadily nearer and nearer to the furry crotch at the tiger penis' base the human is keenly aware of just how vibrantly the erection poking down the back of his throat is vibrating now.

Unsure as to if he is ready to deep-throat Qiang yet Paul starts to pull away. One hand gripping near the base of the cat's shaft whilst the other continues to fondle and play with his heavy and almost cutely fluffy balls. A less than satisfied mreowling sound comes from the tiger as he feels the human pulling back. Yet he allows the retreat, just this once, whilst advising Paul to keep his lips pursued together tight. Paul does as he is instructed and is making very audible sucking and slurping sounds as he draws his mouth back along the long and hot phallus.

"Fuck, you're almost a natural at this." Qiang says whilst cupping the back of Paul's head. The human might reply if not for the tiger halting him from removing the entire thing from his mouth. Instead he just blushes whilst breathing in heavily through his nostrils.

Five more seconds to brace himself and Paul starts moving back down. The big cat over him growling as his tail flicks in agitated lust. He knows that Qiang wants nothing more to have his way with him, but he is still respecting that borderline of rape, for now at least. But if he wants to earn that pay check Paul understands all too well that this is where he has got to earn it. So as he starts taking the tiger back into his mouth he half-closes his eyes and starts to speed up. Taking inch, after thick and throbbing inch. It is almost like a run up to the big leap here, the physical exertion that will vault him up and over his target goal.

"Woah!" Qiang exclaims as Paul's lips are sliding down like a well fitting glove. "I didn't realise you were that much of a slut." This elicits more of a blush and lowered eyes than already extant on Paul's face but little else.

For the moment Paul is content to continue is work with the facade of doing it for the money. In any case his natural is working to his advantage. Manipulating of his tongue, regulation of his breathing and even remembering to keep his lips both moist and pursed, alternating them a little over the barbs. His work is going to get him a mouthful of something very potent soon as the tiger growls and is content to lean back against the sauna wall. His claws grip into the bench and the tiger starts rolling his head around making a series of progressively less civilised sounding sounds. It is enough for him to just sit here as Paul picks up the pace, anticipating his master's desires and carnal arousal.

Before he even realises it Paul is bobbing his head back and forth. His lips reaching roughly midway down the tiger's pulsating shaft before they come back up. The human run his tongue along the underside, twisting it marginally up and with ironically feline like dexterity manages to glide the tip along the top. Elsewhere his hands caress and squeezes near the base, though with one hand he takes occasionally excursions down where the tiger's furry testicles. The tennis ball sized objects feel heavy in his hand as he rolls them against one another. But after nearly ten whole minutes of this excellent, though cautious work, the tiger wants something more from his new servant.

"You've got to really earn your pay." Qiang says ominously.

The next thing Paul is aware of is the feeling of cat claws digging into the back of his skull. It hurts, though the tiger is being careful not to leave anything more than a scratch. With a firm and painful grip around the human's head. Paul has a suspicion which he now discovers is true. Qiang first inclines the smaller male's head before he now uses one shockingly smooth motion to draw Paul all the way until his lips now kiss against the tiger's furry crotch. This must be what drowning feels like. He can feel the tiger's thick male organ as it throbs against his throat.

"Oh fuck that's a tight throat." The tiger growls.

Paul's eyes are tearing up whilst trying to pull away and dislodged the tiger's dick from his throat. Yet he remains firmly held, forcing him to stay in place whilst his throat involuntarily swallows around the engorged dick, squeezing and massaging the drooling beast from every possible angle. More than just the actual physical pleasure, Qiang enjoys the position of having another man choking over his dick. It makes him feel more dominant than almost anything else.

However if he keeps holding him here any longer the colour is going to start fading from his cheeks. So with great reluctance the tiger's grip loosens. Having been let go Paul comes away so fast that he loses his balance in his kneeling position. He falls backwards, are back and butt cheeks sliding against the wet floor. His lungs crave air which his mouth is greedily sucking in with even more tenacity than when it was firmly affixed around the big cat's big cock.

"After you're done panting like a mutt I've got another task for you." He hears Qiang sure whilst the tiger gingerly strokes the tip of his, yet to be satisfied, throbbing phallus.


This is it. The point of no return. Or at the very least the point of no more anal virginity. Paul's hands are trembling a little, that much is certain. What he is not so certain about is if he is trembling with fear or excitement. Probably a little of both. He can feel the odd tingling from the liquid soap he has applied to his sphincter, a lubricant for what is to come. Closing his eyes he now starts thinking of that money again, that sweet, sweet fiat currency. He needs this and that is why he is butt naked and has his back turned facing a very aggressive and even more horny anthropomorphic tiger. Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

Qiang is remaining seated, he has no wish to exert himself unnecessarily. But his right paw is stretched out to glide up and down one of the human's firm butt cheeks. Paul can feel the tiger's claws sink into his flesh, only barely not breaking the skin. It is as though he is being sized up on a meat market. Just the right measure of youth and age. Thinking that might like it, Paul now starts to wiggle his rear. But after a few seconds of this the tiger's paw comes down with a not too gentle smack, slapping and gripping firmly.

"Don't get too excited." Qiang growls in playful warning. "I might think you are enjoying this."

Those hands slip around to his sides. Their fur feels silky smooth against his bare skin. I bet he uses a good conditioner. Paul's brain seems to be trying to distract itself. However there is no way to preoccupy himself now as the tiger pulls firmly, drawing the human backwards. He stumbles as his feet lag behind before he now comes to a stop. Something is behind him. Hot, wet and throbbing against the back of his legs and poking at the curvature of the base of his left butt cheek. One of Qiang's hands moves away from his hips and Paul is sure the tiger is adjusting himself, aiming himself. He swallows nervously. This is the last chance to turn back.

"Sit. Slowly." Qiang orders the human servant.

"I-I'm not s-sure..." Paul starts to say, his lips and voice trembling.

"SIT!" The tiger wraps his arm around Paul's waist and presses both the command and the human's anus.

As he starts coming down onto the tiger's lap, and his waiting spear, Paul yells aloud in surprise. It is not just the size of the object that is entering his ass. No the size is bad enough on its own but there is the shape and texture. Being a feline Qiang has some of the trademark barbs, protruding fleshy spines, arranged near the glans of his shaft. The soap helps, but not nearly enough. His cheeks are clenching, his teeth gritting down as he feels himself being penetrated for the very first time. Even his junk is twitching, a strange excitement as he feels the novel phallus head enter him; it is starting to stretch and explore parts of him he never knew existed before now.

The tiger's arms is still pulling him down. Paul can feel his feet slipping from the ground as his back leans back; those whiskers tickle. He holds onto that strong stripy arm clasping around his waist but does not dare trying to remove it. Paul's eyes are watering now as another inch slips up inside of him. Now another, and one more. They are going inside, all of them. Though such a thing has not been communicated as such, he can tell as Qiang brings his other hand up to help the one already pulling him down, its task complete.

"Come on, you can do it." Qiang snarls as he exerts himself and forcing the human to sit all the way down.

Is is no small task losing your virginity to a horny and determined big cat. Paul swears can almost feel his flesh being ripped as the tiger fills him up. Yet that is not the most concerning thing to him as he now inclines his tear stained face down. He starts watching as his junk twitches and starts to, yes, it is definitely starting to become aroused. How can this be? Paul is not really gay, or at least he has never felt this way before. Maybe it is just the way that Qiang's cock is now halfway in and starting to hit the erogenous sweet spot that is the human's prostate. Whatever the case Paul starts finding the middle ground between grunting and moaning, that is to say, groaning.

Finally he comes to a stop. His legs are parsed on top of the tiger's more athletic and certainly hairier ones. Inside of him Paul can feel every inch of that beast throbbing and digging its barbs inside of him. His heartbeat is racing, his breathing erratic his dick. Jesus Christ, his dick has never felt this hard before. Not even once. Fuck, what is this? Am I gay? Yet whatever the answer truly is Qiang has no intention of taking a moment of time to "explore" his human servant's feelings on his own sexuality.

"Now we do the fun part." Qiang says with a growl and smacks his lips against the human's right ear.

There is something arousing, frightening and utterly demeaning about the way that the tiger is able to move and manhandle the human, even whilst impaled upon his own turgid cock. This is a male with both the strength and the will to take whatever he wants. And in this particular case he intends to finish the virginity taking and subjugation of Paul's still tender ass. But to do so he first has to lie the other male down, chest down to be exact, against the bench.

Paul helps to lower himself down although it is more an attempt to avoid falling and body slamming the bench. His head is now hanging over the edge as he feels Qiang adjust himself, that dick swivelling around deep inside of him. With every single tug of movement Paul is either gnashing his teeth or moaning like a porn star playing it up for the lens. For such an unnatural fit, there is something intrinsically arousing about the way that the big cat's big cock is teasing his innards. He is almost forgetting that this is a job as he bunches his cheeks together, flexing them around the fat base of Qiang's energetically throbbing erection.

"Now lets dance. RRRGH!" Is the last thing that Qiang will say for the duration of this. He is a man that prefers actions to words.

The first action taken is for the tiger to pull back. He removes most of himself in a sharp, mostly painful motion. Paul chokes on a scream and starts digging his nails into the underside of the pinewood bench. Bracing himself is all that the human can do as he feels the tiger pause before driving himself forward. It is like a spiny jackhammer being rammed deep inside of him. There is no affection or care here, only lust. The kind of primal desire that drives men wild with passion and furry, usually separately but in this case simultaneous.

Even with the ample amounts of vapour still hanging thick in the sauna Paul can start to smell the powerful aromas of the tiger's musk filling his nostrils. The tiger is unbelievably virile, unlike anything Paul could have expected in all honesty. But then again by definition Qiang is inhuman. No matter how much he walks and talks like humans, the tiger is a beast by all other physical parameters, something far more predatory and fearsome than a mere primate. And it shows as his moves with in a flurry of ball slapping anal action that is leaving Paul in a state of fluctuating pain and pleasure, his finger nails digging into the bench to the point where they might be bleeding but he would not even notice if they were.

The intensity of the stimulation of his prostate is too much for the human. He hollers and screams into the mist as his balls bunch up and his cock twitches against the bench, shooting his load against it and his own belly. This orgasm is barely even noticed by the tiger, with the only the slightest of recognition from the way that Paul's anus clenches extra tight. He just powers through that and is continuing to fuck him hard and raw. With each passing second Paul is becoming less and less secure on the bench. His body starts to shift back and forth with the tiger's thrusting, his semen acting as a lubricant to reduce the friction.

This goes on for another ten minutes before Qiang is reaching the limits of his own tolerance. His body quakes with an intense need for release. Arms gripping tightly around and underneath the bench as he presses his powerful body against the submissive servant. The entire length of his phallus carves its way to the hilt, his furry sack laying against the back of the human's legs. Peak. Qiang roars as he feels his loins start emptying themselves into the other male. Load after thick and gooey load pumping deep inside of Paul's stretched and worn hole.

"Good boy." Qiang growls as the last drops of his seed are emptied inside of Paul.

The furless primate feels weak, his legs do not seem to be responding as if the massive dick buried in his ass has cut off the blood throw and nerve endings. Tingling running along his spine intensifies as Qiang starts to get back up, letting his cock pull back out with a wet and satisfying plop. Backed up quantities of tiger spunk pour out of his anus, running over the back of his legs, over his taint and dripping down onto the bench and floor below.

"You started without me?" A third voice suddenly says from behind both the human and the tiger. Kenta is back.


Paul thought he might have a chance at a reprieve after Qiang had soiled his back entrance. Sore and oozing the tiger's copious amounts of semen he only wants a break. Is that really so much to ask for? However with Kenta's return, and seeing the state that his new servant is in, the lion is very pointedly determined in getting the same service as his tiger compatriot. And by pointedly we of course mean the kind of seemingly unnaturally large erection that is making Paul gag just from laying his eyes upon it.

He realises that in all of the months he has spent as Kenta's "roommate" he has never seen the lion entirely naked; let alone aroused and ready for a rumble. In most ways his endowment is the same type of phallus as the tiger's, only a good 90% extra in both girth and length. It is a monster of maleness to behold by anyone's standards. He can only hope that his mother was a similarly scaled lioness, or otherwise mommy lion probably had a difficult time with daddy.

His adonis-like body body towers over both the human and the tiger. Like a pillar of carved marble standing in the mists of the sauna. Yet his body is not the only thing to draw Paul's interest as he notices something that the lion is holding out in his right paw. Something that even with the obscuring effects of the vapour is unmistakable a pink collar. It is clearly large enough for a human neck.

"Ready for some overtime, servant?" Kenta asks.

Of course Paul is too far in now. Even if he was to reject the money and turn back he is beyond that point, as his aching asshole is reminding him. So he nods and steps up to the huge lion. Craning his neck out he allows Kenta to put on the collar. It has little bells that make a tinkling sound, much like you might put on a pet house cat. There is a leash in matching pink too that the lion now uses to lead Paul over to the other bench that is not occupied by Qiang.

He tells Paul to stand on the bench, so he does so. Turning around he now sees the reason why. A rapid and alarmingly oversized hard on that is rising up like a leviathan from the deep. Or perhaps a better analogy might be a kaiju emerging from underneath the shores. Having the human stand on the bench provides enough elevation so that he can do what Kenta now commands him to do. It is a simple command composed of two words and a whole lot of difficulty.

"Suck it."

The leash is coming in handy here as the lion tugs it and Paul wobbles forwards against the edge of the bench. He steadies himself by laying his hands on the lion's broad and meaty chest. Enjoying the feel of those he curls his fingers squeezing the pectoral muscles, looking up at his "master" with a half smile. Even when he thought himself straight Kenta was always handsome to behold, but now he is positively arousing. Yet his hands have to start traveling down now, over the short fur that covers the lion's muscular torso. They find their goal as the head thrums almost directly against his navel.

Both hands find their way around the thick mid section of Kenta's member. The fat and hard flesh throbs underneath his fingers as he barely fits it all in both hands. Paul now feels one of the lion's huge paws stroke over his long scalp, whilst the other is still holding his leash. Much like the tiger before, Kenta helps Paul down, hissing in response to the human's tongue lashing out to lap over the pre-ejaculate oozing tip.

Using his experience with the tiger Paul opens wide. His lips purse around the head whilst his tongue glides down underneath. It is just like Qiang before, but this time his jaw has to do some extra work due to the increased girth. His nostrils are full of the strong musk coming off from the lion's damp crotch fur. He can hear the leering voice of Qiang as he watches the human start to go down on his lion roommate. But does he really care anymore? The answer comes in the form of shoving more of the lion's cock into his mouth, already feeling the head tickle down the back of his throat.

"What did you do him Qiang?" Kenta growls. "He's err... good."

"He's a natural, don't hold back on him." Qiang replies, happily stroking a second erection whilst watching the pair of them.

Unfortunately for the human in the room, Kenta takes the suggestion to heart. The first thing Paul feels is the leash falling agains his side. After that his head is being grabbed by two very powerful sets of claws. Next? He is being pulled forward and into the lion's crotch, his mouth being forced to gobble down more and more of the lion's oversized genitalia. It is all he can do to try and take in a last breath of air before he is struggling to suppress his gag reflex. His throat visibly bulges as the lion growls feeling the human gag over the thick spire of meat.

"Oh yeah, fuck that's a tight throat!" Kenta comments with his huge leonine balls hanging off of Paul's chin.

In this fashion the lion starts to push and pull on Paul. Up and down, grinding against the lion's crotch he is forced to swallow the entire length over again and again. All the while the balancing on the bench becomes a nightmare, though not something totally beyond his own ability to keep up with the benefit of the lion acting like an aggressive furry pillar of fucking.

By this point Paul's chin is wet with the a mixture of saliva and pre-ejaculate. His hands grasping for the lion's furry nuts he tries to help the lion along, though little does he realise just how close Kenta actually is. Being preoccupied as he is with being skull fucked Paul does not notice the tiger having positioned himself behind Kenta and using his tongue to entice the lion's tail hole tucked between his large muscular glutes. The lion's growls are becoming both deeper and louder and his thrusts slower. His tongue is rolled out and panting not unlike a dog. He allows Paul to have a broad taste of his dick a couple more times before pulling out and holding it against his face.

"Keep your mouth open." Kenta commands him whilst moving both paws to start gripping his own shaft.

A couple more strokes and before either Qiang and Paul knew what to expect the lion is roaring so loudly that the entire room feels like it is shaking. He screws his eyes shut as his cock leaps in his hand. The head erupting with a near constantly streaming jet of thick and very musky spunk. It splatters over the human's face and neck, coming down in large globs over his chest and belly. The force of it almost knocks him back. With his hands still around the lion's large testicles he can feel them rumbling away as they empty themselves into his mouth and over his face.

Eventually the lion's mighty orgasm starts to slow and eventually stops. His massive dick growing softer as it droops though does not entirely drop between his thighs. Even Qiang is leaning back on his knees now whilst taking a moment to gawk at the sight he is peering at from behind the lion. Kenta opens his eyes again to behold the messy state that was once an otherwise mostly clean human servant. Even the pink collar leash are pasted white with the amount and force of the big cat's ejaculation. However Paul does not seem all too phased as he wipes some of the semen from his face and licks it.

"Can we discuss overtime rates now?"

The Kitsune

The KitsuneDisclaimer: This is a work of erotic fiction. Reader discretion is advised. It is part of a series of transformation chronicles called "metahuman".Written by Iscin on All rights reserved © 2014.AltercationDillon Taichi ducks...

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Epsilon Labs

# Epsilon Labs > This is a work of erotic furry fiction commissioned by Cornel of FurAffinity and SoFurry. It was written by Iscin on All rights reserved © 2014. ## Lysander's Arrival **Ship: Diplomatic Envoy "Lysander"** **Astro...

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Time's Crucible Part One

Time's Crucible TIME'S CRUCIBLE by Iscin This is a work of fan-fiction commissioned by LoneWolf669. Gargoyles, the character of Brooklyn and setting belong to Disney Inc. PART ONE Grim...

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