The Summer Equinox

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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This was a commission for name111

Contained within you fill find the tale of a brother and sister, who both become dragons... and then things get weird.

The Summer Equinox

This is a work of erotic fiction. It was written by Iscin on Commissioned by name111. All rights reserved © 2014.


Once upon a time there were two great hunters. Men of courage an extraordinary might, they fought side by side to slay the writhen beasts that encroached upon mankind's kingdoms. They were said to be singularly unique in how they dispatched of their supernatural foes. In fact so long and tall were the tales that folks either incredulous as the years went on or suspicious of just who the two heroes really were. No mere humans could have braved the dangers they faced in a regular basis and have lasted for so many years. As such the day finally came that they were almost forced to retire, if not only for the sake of people asking too many questions. However this is not their story. Instead this is the story of their two children, a boy and a girl. And how they came to discover their true heritage.

Ryan is standing on the wooden bridge over Farrow river and stares into the clear water as it flows below. Something about the pattern of the water is hypnotic and relaxing, thus the reason for his being here. The teenager is wearing brown tweed shorts and a white rough cloth shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He can feel the summer sun shining down on the back of his neck, his short hair leaving his fair skin exposed back there. It feels like the gentle friction of a hand rubbing his back. The heat is so overpowering in the midst of the summer equinox that he could just go to sleep right now. So lethargic is the effect of the weather, he can already feel his eyelids drooping. Yet there is more to it than the warmth on a long summer's day. It is slightly disturbing as he is struggling to understand it, but it is as though something is dragging him to be under the waves of consciousness; something that wants to embrace him.

"What are you doing?" A girl's voice snaps the teenage boy out of his reverie. Ryan turns to see that his sister, Kayla, has managed to sneak up behind him and is now giggling at his startled reaction. She is dressed similarly to him, fashion is not really a concern for their family, though there is an added layer of dirty obscuring her left cheek; she is a typical tomboy even after hitting puberty.

"Something is unbelievably wrong with you..." Ryan replies bitterly. "Sneaking up on someone isn't good for their heart you know."

"I didn't know you were asleep." Kayla responds and pouts mockingly at him as she joins him looking out over the river water going downstream. "Why are you here anyway?"

Silence is all he gives his sister as Ryan slowly closes his eyes, once more focusing on the feeling of the sun, the air, the heat all around him. He is unable to place the strange feeling that has drawn him out here, but Ryan knows that it is important. However, once more he is disturbed by his sister. This time she is jabbing him in the right side of his torso with her left elbow. Kayla seems to grow all the more happy as her brother scowls, in direct inverse to his own mood. It is not that Ryan dislikes his sister at all, in fact he can never remember staying mad at her for long. But having said that she almost seems to be working from a different map than him in life, and that leads to awkward moments like this.

"If you'll leave me be I'll tell you." Ryan says and turns around, his back facing the fencing of the bridge. "Deal?" He says whilst giving it his all in staring her down.

"Hmm... I'll consider your request, but I'll have to confer with my familiar." Kayla snarks him right on back, laughing at his attempt at being serious.

That last part about a familiar, or in other words a magical companion that usually takes on an animal form, does get his attention though. His sister has been getting more and more interested into the arcane, in fact she has been pleading with their two fathers to gain access to the proper tomes and codicies. This makes him wonder if there might be something she knows that he does not. So with a hefty sigh, so as to mask the change of heart lest she get any new tormenting ideas, he begins to relate to her some unusual things he has noticed both at home and outside near the river here; both without and within.

For the past week, maybe a little more now as his memory has grown increasingly uncertain, Ryan has been receiving recurring anxiety attacks. These in and of themselves would be cause for concern with nothing having changed in his life that could cause such psychological disturbances. However, the most abnormal part of this cause of distress in his life is that they always seem to come about after dusk. The only rhyme to these attacks being that during the balmy day, especially when directly underneath the summer sun, Ryan feels at perfect ease with himself and his surroundings. As such he has increasingly found himself spending his free time either basking underneath the sun or trying to find some answer to why these new feelings are bothering him. Today he has been doing a little of both outside looking at the calming river.

He tells Kayla all this and more. Once he is done be expects incredulity to be apparent on her face, to hear a condescending "hmm" or an impatient aversion of her eyes as if convinced her brother is joking. Instead she looks even more serious than he believes himself to be at this point. An empathetic, no something more, a knowing look behind her eyes. Now he is finished explaining she coughs to clear her throat and looks around before leaning in, conspiratorially like, and says "Me too."

Bump In The Night

The siblings' house is not the most luxurious place. However it does have the advantage of having had two good carpenters, that is to say the siblings two fathers. Always having been good with their hands the two spouses had approached the challenge of building their own house with a zeal that shows in just how large the house actually is. In fact if not for the extensive use of varnished wood it might be mistaken for a mansion in both its size and splendour of architectural design. That being the case it should come as no surprise that both Ryan and Kayla have their own en suite rooms complete with balconies that face the eastern side. And right now both brother and sister in separate rooms are having some difficulty in switching off.

Lying back in his bed Ryan is unable to go to sleep. Even with the air noticeably cooler at night and keeping the sheets off of his mattress his pyjamas have become soaked with sweat. He now sits up, legs outstretched over his legs and tries to run his tongue over his dry lips. No saliva. Ryan swings his legs off the side of the mattress and gets up on to his feet. There should be water in the tank still, no way the summer heat has dried it all out since they last filled it up from the well. So he fumbles in the starlight to light his oil lamp and takes it with him back out of his room.

Making his way down the corridor to the main staircase the boy notices his hand holding the lamp is shaking. As he stoops over the first step of the staircase he tries to steady his first hand with the second. But he is still shaking. It must be because I'm so thirsty. He thinks to himself, not yet truly understanding the magnitude of his condition. Risking the lack of motor control from what he thinks is dehydration Ryan now starts descending the flight of stairs. Each one is the kind of wood overlaid with marginally coarse carpet that squeaks and creaks underneath every step. He cringes and hopes that his parents do not wake up.

Creak. Creak. Pop. That one sounded like it was out of place.

Creak. Creak. Creak. One by one he makes his way down he finally comes to the end. Ryan is keenly aware of what feels like a very physical darkness trying to encroach in around him. There is something slightly off about everything he is seeing, hearing and feeling. It is as though the world is just slightly out of focus. Or maybe he is the one askew? The kitchen is not far from here. Ryan can practically taste the hydrating liquid from the water pump already.

The house's kitchen is positioned so as it looks out on the back. With impressively wide windows it is looking out into the dead of night. In moonless night it is difficult for anyone to see the well tended garden that slumbers restfully. It in this still and dark room that Ryan finds himself fumbling around in now. He sets the oil lamp down on one of the tables, though its luminescence is far from substantial. By the window there is the pump, fixed straight into the wall. It is connected to a tank outside that is regularly topped up from a well further inside of the garden.

Ryan curls his fingers around the familiar brass handle. It feels cooler than anything else he has touched thus far and feels almost like a promising precursor to what lies within. Summoning himself from his part sleepy, part exhauster and mostly dehydrated state he pulls with both arms. His effort starts producing a sound that whines and creaks so loudly as to make the staircase seem like a dormouse in comparison.

"Come ooooon!" Ryan fumes as the handle reaches its hilt without even a single drop of water emerging from the faucet.

Loosening his grip he cringes the exact same sound plays in reverse. With the handle reset to its starting position he pulls it yet again. He notices beads of sweat are dripping free from his brow whilst yanking on the pump handle. But as he hears the metallic thunk of it finishing a second complete cycle, water is refuses to be forthcoming. All the while Ryan's thirst seems to be doubling over. His mouth feels like the flesh inside is ready to crack and crumble. Something's not right.

"Too hot... too..." Ryan finds himself gasping for air, though really he is gasping for water.

He starts stumbling around the kitchen hands stretching out for any kind of flask, jug or other receptacle for water. The pump is a lost cause now, he needs to find something, anything to drink. It no longer matters if it is water or swill. Yet as the young man starts to saunter around like a reanimated corpse he already knows that his time is up. With his last moments of consciousness he tries to call out for help, for family. But his throat is dry, his tongue feels like it is about to crack in half and all that comes out is a last, pathetic wheeze before he now keels over. His body hits the floor with a bland thump and his eyelids start to droop over his dry iris'.

First Steps

The protean power of magical transformation is a uniquely dangerous ability. Though most magic is soothing in its application, the knitting and restructuring of bone and flesh is completely and entirely destructive to the subject's original body. For a full scale transmogrification there is no numbing herbs, no anaesthetic, no soft balled magic. Total metamorphosis is achievable, but the price is always tortuous pain. So bad is the effect in almost every case that this often leads to a very curious effect.

As a preamble to the transformation proper the subject's subconscious will become aware of this oncoming pain. And the discomfort this causes both on the surface and underneath can trigger something not unlike an emergency all stop. It shuts the body and the conscious mind down, entering a deep hibernating state so as to render the transformation as painless as possible. Yet even so, the experience will remain as an echo in their subconscious, a reminder of the cost of rebirth.

The floor is the first thing Ryan notices. Its not entirely clean surface feels cool and refreshing against his bare face, arms and hands. For a moment he is caught in a moment of pure dread. Terrified of the possibility of what he may face should the young man choose to open his eyes. Choose? No, he will have to open them eventually. His last memory is of that unrelenting thirst, and the pounding of his own heart inside of his taut ribcage. He is sure that he was dying. Though the cause utterly escaped him.

The fear passes and he opens his eyes.

It is still dark. Yet as his pupils adjust the blackness does not seem as heavy as it was before. He grunts and starts to feel out his extremities. Hands, check. Legs, check. He stops as he notices something new attached to his back. Flexing muscles that Ryan never knew he had something rather expansive moves and he can feel the air waft over what almost feels like his hairless pate. Wait a minute... Something is very wrong and very different. No, make that several somethings.

Ryan pushes himself off the ground and flips over. Doing so he feels himself sitting down upon another part of himself. It feels a lot like a third leg, but he soon realises that the odd appendage is a long and substantially thick tail extending from the base of his spine. Yet even as he processes that piece of sensory experience, his eyes are beholding something entirely more impactful.

There are no words to describe the surge of emotions that are jumping around in Ryan's mind now. In the end all he can do is sit and stare at his own, massive, red, scaly body. Even the questions have to wait as he focuses on one part and then another and another and another. Even as he compiles the list of changes his subconscious has already reached the conclusion. From the red scaly belly, to the obstructing things that are hanging off his back making him uncomfortable how he is sitting on the kitchen floor. There is only one impossible conclusion.

Somehow, for some unfathomable reason, Ryan has been transformed into a red scaled anthropomorphic reptile; most likely some form of wyvern or even a dragon.

Acclimating at such speed as to surprise even himself, Ryan now stands up. Digitigrade claws spreading against the cool surface as he feels reformed joints clicking into place. He is aware of his clothes in tattered ruins on the ground. What last strips of fabric remaining on his wings or shoulders quickly fall down to join the scraps. Ryan now stretches his arms out, both of which have grown more muscular and astoundingly carved than before. His legs are similarly robust as he spreads his toes and even his wings and tail join in the satisfying action. Doing so he feels cricks in his shoulders and necks straighten out, the feeling sending a tiny flood of endorphins into his nervous system. The large beast growls with satisfaction, though he quickly interrupts himself due to being unfamiliar with the sound of his own, new voice.

There is so much to explore, so many things to try. Already he can tell that he has grown significantly taller as well as bulkier, though not to a ludicrous extent. He looks and feels lean, like a fighter, someone who can move quick and deliver a bone brunching blow or two. These claws would no doubt help too. He thinks to himself as he examines the black talons, each one being over five inches long. However there is one part that almost any teenage male has simple got to examine first.

"What the..." Ryan mumbles to himself as he looks down at his own crotch.

It might be the light obscuring his vision, as enhanced as it seems. But it looks as though he has his balls, similarly scaled up with his new stature, without the associated sausage. He reaches down, careful to incline the claws away from his pelvis. Ah, so that's it. Ryan can feel a slit as a couple of his fingers run over it. His dick must now be stashed away internally. It makes sense if this body is supposed to go in the buff, and especially in flight. Not a good thing to have your tackle dangling out should something or someone catch it.

"Hmm." The newborn dragon rumbles as he closes his eyes and pictures one of the fairer girls from the nearby village. Fair hair, cute nose, round hips, an even rounder chest. An enticing sight made all the more so by the imperfections of the teenager's imagination.

This tried and true method starts stirring things up from between his legs. It is an altogether novel experience for him. One might expect emerging from a genital slit to feel a little bit like entering an orifice. Yet a much more accurate description would be the sensation of a foreskin popping over the glans and slicking back revealing the bulbous head. However, there is something odd that Ryan is unable to account for. As he opens his eyes and looks down he quickly realises why.

There are two of them. Yes he is sure that his eyes are not deceiving him. Two penises turning turgid and throbbing outwards from his pelvis. They are both aligned roughly vertically, as opposed to horizontally, from one another. His hands inexorably move closer, fingers spreading and claws inclined carefully as he grips one shaft with his right hand, and the other with the left. They feel big, hard, and hot to the touch. He squeezes them and groans from the resulting influx of pleasure. Their pointy heads start drooling with whole droplets of pre-ejaculate dripping down onto the floor below. Productive things.

Double handed pump action is the only way to go here. As he starts working his twin dicks over Ryan soon learns about the stability offered by a thick tail resting against the floor. He leans back, balanced not unlike a tripod as he beats off. There is so much to learn and do, but right now his only thoughts are on attaining that sweet release that so many of his age are already intimately familiar with. Thankfully double the tools apparently grant double the sensitivity, and as he grunts and growls the ex-human finds himself barrelling towards a messy finale sooner than he had expected.

This being the first time he is climaxing with this new body Ryan neither predicts nor is capable of resisting the instinctual impulse to roar. He draws his breath in before letting loose with a howling wail that is piqued by a rolling rumble. The draconian voice must be reaching some pretty high decibels as the plates and cutlery shake in their places. However the auditory explosion is nothing compared to the liquid one happening from between his legs.

It is simply unnatural. First he can feel each organ swelling in thickness as large quantities of his own ejaculates runs along each of them. But as it now starts to pour out, at pressure too, he is beside himself with as much astonishment as primal sexual excitement. It is almost as if he is pissing semen, though with noticeably larger expulsions amongst the constant streams. The produce is white like a normal human, but is noticeably at a much greater heat, steaming even as it expels from out of his twin barrels. The dragon's seed reaches far across the kitchen to strike against one of the counters near the sink basin. It is going everywhere and anywhere, globs reaching the ceiling even as the lion's share pools on the ground seeping into every crack and crevice it can.

This seems to go on forever, even long after the roaring has died down and Ryan is intaking new lungfuls of air. His hands work back and forth, as if milking the bi-endowments, hoping for a cessation to the mess that is now reaching the black talons of his feet. Eventually, inevitably, it does start to die down. The pulses slow and stop, and finally the constant stream reaches a drool, a dribble and now nothing more but a few drops he shakes from the tips. Both dragon penises start to retract back into his slit even as the soften. That is it, his balls ache in satisfaction as he feels every muscle in his immense body relax.

Shit, now what?


Dragons are very real and very powerful creatures that have been extant in both the old and new worlds since mankind was very young. Contrary to some of the more popular myths, dragons are rarely "evil" and they come in many shapes and forms. Many even chose to spend a spell among mankind, mostly out of curiosity. However as the years progressed genuine sightings and contact with these ancient beings became less and less frequent.

Some believe that the dragons have been leaving this reality. Others say that they are a dying kind and that mankind is still young and growing. But the truth is there has been no verified answer to this relatively recent change in the last couple of centuries. However many believe the draconic legacy continues in humans that were granted gifts. These people became dragonkin, able to transform themselves at will into great and powerful beasts. Again though from the perspective of a natural philosopher, this is nothing more than speculation.

Ryan wonders if he woke anyone up. He must have been heard, yet there are no sounds of footsteps. With a guilty look at the floor, and the walls, and the drapes, and lets not even mention how messy the dining table has become, he decides to depart the scene of his not so little mess. He has larger priorities, like figuring out how he has suddenly become a seven foot tall anthropomorphic dragon, and why? At least his intense discomfort from the summer heat has subsided, or perhaps he has only passed out and all of this is his dreaming mind.

I have to get a good look at myself. Ryan leaves the kitchen and rubs his feet on the carpet in the hallway. With streaks of semen now having made their way outside of the kitchen he carries on into the lounge room. As he ducks in underneath the doorframe Ryan realises he no longer needs the oil lamp to see. There is enough residual light, even from the stars alone, making its way inside of the house that is new vertical pupils are able to pick up on and see. Nevertheless he goes over to the centre lamp and ignites it, not wishing to have to squint for what he wants to do next.

There is a large standing mirror in the lounge room. It is an antique with an ornate carved wood frame. Apparently it has some small amount of magic imbued in it which played a factor in when his parents decided to display it in the lounge room; though exactly how the magic works or what it even does Ryan has never found out. In any case it works perfectly fine as a dress mirror and as he stands in front of it the naked dragon man finds himself both in awe and slightly fearful of the sight reflected back to him.

"Is that really me?" He whispers to himself.

There is something intrinsically alien about the face that stares back at him, and it's not just the red scales. His entire head has become elongated, with two nostrils indicating a broad and fairly flat snout at the end. He opens his mouth to see an array of sharp and unabashedly protruding teeth, not unlike a cavern full of ancient crystals glinting in the light. Each one looks like it has a wicked edge that can cut through bone. Ryan startles himself a little as he sticks his tongue out and the serpentine thing rolls out, looking remarkably like a monstrously large snake's might. Something else of note are his ears. His lobes have changed to become strange protruding webbed spines. They look not so very unlike folded fans.

His torso has become much more muscular than before, but is still mostly human in shape, though its texture is of those red scales. Looking carefully he can tell a subtle difference in shading from one set of scales to the next, though as a whole he is pretty much all red all of the time. Except for the talons and the horns atop his head, those are obsidian black, and equally as vicious looking as his teeth. He flexes his arms and grins as the biceps and triceps flex accordingly. Performing a couple more poses he enjoys the sight reflecting back to him. He was no slouch before, but now it looks as though he has put on more than a little more muscle.

Ryan now turns halfway for a sideways view. He starts checking out a set of wings and the fat tail. It is remarkable how compact they are folded in really. However with some experimentation he finds the right set of nerve impulses and unfurls them. Fuck. One of them knocks over something on the table behind him, a book or something. The wingspan is significant, as one should really expect. It might look a little goofy but Ryan suspects these wings are not for mere show. Could I fly? The thought excites him far more than the muscles, though perhaps the two go together. I bet I'll need practice though.

"Ryan? Is that you?" A familiar voice distracts Ryan from his continuing self-assessment.

Even as he starts turning around Ryan is wondering what his sister would be greeting him in such a casual manner. Maybe the light is too low for her to clearly see the massive, winged, though two legged beast standing just the other side of the room next to the mirror. Perhaps she is drowsy and even more incapacitated than he was when he made his way downstairs. However, as he now finally turns to see his sister by the entrance to the lounge room it is all so perfectly clear.

Kindred Spirits

If she had not spoken Ryan would have not recognised his sister. Yellow eyes seems to shine in the darkness as the thing that was his sister haunches down to get through the door. Much like himself, she has not only grown larger, but scalier too. Except instead of the darker, nearly crimson shade of his scales, Kayla appears to be a pink magenta. As she draws nearer and nearer to him without speaking a word Ryan feels a little agitated, and not just because of the surreal moment. Despite being a reptile, or at least a hybrid of mythic reptile and human, Kayla still has breasts. And they have grown too.

He stares at Kayla's chest as they jiggle and bounce. Words are falling from her mouth as she draws closer, but Ryan is not paying attention to what she is saying. Between his legs the twin endowments are coming out again. They spit pre, slobbering over themselves as they rapidly grow tall and fat. As he becomes aroused it is now Kayla's turn to stop and stare, standing only a metre or so in front of him. For a moment both of the newly transformed dragons do nothing more than eye each other up. Filters that might have been placed on their thoughts are one point do not seem to be working anymore.

Of course Ryan's eyes have to move sometime, but as they scan downwards they soon find another surprise. It takes him a moment to recognise exactly what he is staring at. He might be a virgin, but the young man has seen enough pornography and noticed enough girls both barely clothed and not at all to understand female anatomy. However what he is gawking at now is most definitely not female anatomy. Similarly spitting and drooling over itself, Kayla has a very phallus looking piece of anatomy sticking out from between her legs. And underneath the base of the organ there are the soft fleshy folds of what one normally expects of a female.

"Err..." Ryan murmurs, not quite knowing what to say.

"Complicated. So it is you then Ryan?" Kayla replies, her eyes still on the male dragon's double barrelled erection.

"Yeah, it's me." He replies.

Both of them hold out a talons-tipped hand to each other. Spreading the digits they push them against one another. Tactile contact. This is real, or as real as either siblings' senses can tell. Looking into one another's eyes they see a reflection of each others emotions. The features are human enough to register unease, concern, intrigue, and excitement. Kayla no doubt wants to find out what has happened to them. But for Ryan his head is in places far less intellectually lofty.

He is the first to act. With both arms out stretched he moves in to not so gentlemanly grasp for the two pumpkin sized mounds protruding from Kayla's chest. She gasps as his fingers slip over the more sensitive scaly flesh of her breasts. A flush of heat runs underneath her skin and there is no resistance. In fact she starts to move closer still. His fingers rubbing over with a considerate squeeze whilst his thumbs rest just so on the nipples the cap of both scaly mammaries. A couple more steps and Kayla's body is now pressing against his, their heat reflecting off of one another.

"We should really stop." Kayla says with her head hanging down, eyes avoiding his and hands pressed against his chest. They feel smaller than his own, almost petite as they rest against his pectorals.

"Should we?" Ryan asks sceptically. His hands area already moving from her breasts to her shoulders. "Why not indulge? I can tell you feel the same way." It is more of a guess than any real intuition, but a good one.

Ryan shivers as he feels her body slide down his chest, her hands trailing down over his abdomen that flexes with a sharp intake of breath. His excitement is peaking. The sensation of heat building up in him returns, running underneath his skin like a wildfire. As he feels her hands grab one dick each he almost stumbles back into the mirror behind him. None of this is normal, as sensations not meant for any human being rack his brain and every nerve ending along his large, flexing body.

Looking down at her, Ryan wonders if Kayla feels the same way. She purposes her lips and leans in to nuzzle against both of his shafts. Her fingers stroke and thumbs stroke up and down and the heads spit again, smearing pre-ejaculate over her face and between her eyes. They are like pythons, wild and untameable. Yet she handles them with a confidence Ryan would never have expect of her. Even her tail is employed, riding up between his legs to tickle at his aching sac. Nothing could be more exquisite than this moment. Poised on the edge of a hairline trigger.

Kayla licks her lips. A hungry look is in her eyes as she opens her mouth. The teeth look uncomfortable, but the tongue that rolls out is another matter. She holds both of the male dragon's dicks tightly together, their own auto-frotting action only serving to further increase his arousal. But now she is bringing her mouth down, hot breath casting over them before her lips are sliding over both of his firm examples of dragonhood. This is different from before. So much nicer than any self-stimulation that Ryan has been indulging in as a human.

It is too much for him. His claws curl around into fists. Body shaking, muscles tensing up. There is nothing Ryan can do as he throws his head back and roars. The glass, and everything else in the lounge room, are shaking from the volume of his cries as his erections erupt. Kayla is taken by surprise, but adapts quickly. With an almost practised amount of work she keeps pace. Catching his loads as they spew out one after the other. Steady pulses accompanied by a constant twin-barrelled stream. Of course there it is getting everywhere. Splashing over her face and down across her plump breasts. The extent of the mess that is starting to soak into the carpet is in every respect as substantial as the one that Ryan generated in the kitchen.

"Ah, fuck... I'm sorry, I didn't..." Ryan starts gasping an apology as his draconic orgasm dies down.

"It's okay," Kayla is quick to soothe. "I'm sure there is more to come." She giggles at making her own pun.


There are legends, or rather wild fables really and dark myths, that tell of the dragonkin. Tales relating to their sexual proclivities. Stories of an insatiable appetites that results in their partners becoming subjugated in a way that is too horrific to speak of. However the whispers persist, the wicked legends traded in the seediest of taverns and the less reputable brothels.

Among these is the myth of the third, or hunger, or simply a ravenous greed. Something that few have witnessed, and any who experienced are no allegedly no more. According to the myth some dragons possess a remarkable ability and hunger. Whispered tones speak of entire people being consumed to the backing cries of lustful roars. And that is to say nothing of what some of what happens to them after the point of consumption.

After creating far too great a sticky mess downstairs, both Ryan and Kayla decide it is best to return upstairs. So it is that Ryan finds himself grinding up against her substantial ass whilst stooped over his bed. Kayla insisted that they use his room for this. She has no intention of getting hers in such a terrible state as the kitchen and lounge room are now in. Some lofty double standards there, but Ryan could hardly protest when his horniness outweighs hers two to one and there is little or no concern in his own mind about ruining his bed or anything else in his room. What does he care? He has grown so beyond external materialism by this point.

His strong arms push her down onto the bed. She flops down with her tail hiking into the air and ample bosom cushioning her fall. A wicked grin flashes over Ryan's elongated face as he reaches out for the curvaceous hips, and full bounteous buttocks. Any reservations he may have otherwise had up until this point are driven away by the underlying gemini passions throbbing from between his legs. It is enough for him to throw his body against hers now, hoping to hit his mark and slide on inside of her.

The red dragon climbs up over the bed and it creaks underneath their combined weight. Touching her, he is surprisingly tender with Kayla. His hands slide up over her wide hips as his neck cranes down. Soft kisses are planted between her wings, near the top of her spine and Kayla comments on his gentlemanly ways. Her body has a way of responding to his every touch and movement. Their new forms feel naturally enamoured with one another on a level that neither one of them quite understands. Is this what it's like to be meant for one another? This thought and others like it seem to bubble and froth underneath what is otherwise a solid layer of harmonious lust.

By this point Ryan has become harder than he ever knew in his time as a human. Both of his painfully turgid erections are rubbing up against her bulbous butt. It would be so easy to adjust his hips, finding either or perhaps both holes, and thrusting inside of her. Hard or soft? Somehow there is enough self-awareness for him to think about this. Poised on the edge of this momentous occasion, to finally be ride of his virginity. But now something cool and firm is slithering between his testes, riding up to coil around one of his dragon dicks. He both looks and reaches down to find that Kayla's long, prehensile, and magenta scaled tail is wrapping itself around one of his prominently throbbing phalluses.

He groans over her as the herm tightens her tail's grip around him. However, the girl is far more perverted than Ryan could have ever conceived of his own volition. Without any indicator of what she is about to do, the other dragon's tail positions its tip against the tip of the organ it finds itself wrapped around and pushes against it. Ryan gasps as he experiences for the very first the sensation of being sounded. Though most of the prehensile limb is thick and muscular, the tip is thin enough to slip inside of his penis' slit at the tip. He growls and rests one hand on the invading tail, whilst the other goes to nurse the yet further agitated twin erection.

Yet the discoveries are nowhere near ceasing. As Kayla pushes her tail deeper into one of the male's manhood, she soon discovers a problem. There is a tugging sensation, something that at least at first she elects to ignore. But after a few more seconds of wriggling struggle to retreat her tail the anthro magenta dragon starts to worry. She pushes against the mattress with both hands as she tries to straighten up and turn to address Ryan. But even before she explains what is bothering her the red drake already knows what is happening.

Altogether the entire experience occurs over a mere couple of minutes, and no more than that. However for Ryan it feels as though every second is poised on the edge of eternity. The physicality of the sensations he starts experiencing go beyond the confines of nerve, flesh and bone. It is as close to a spiritual experience as he has ever had and probably will ever know. As with all such awakenings, it starts gradually. A tugging, almost gently pull against Kayla's tail. One hand still on the other dragon's spinal appendage, whilst his other nurses the drooling length of the unoccupied penis.

Next comes the quickening of his heart. Every fibre, ever ounce of muscle tenses up as he feels his genitals jump. He looks over Kayla's winged back with an expression that is stuck somewhere between perplexed and unrestrained thirst. Without either of them keeping track he has managed to introduced his pre-ejaculate all over her wings and back. Now that pre-ejaculate is starting to harden, nut unlike the web silk of a man sized spider in both tensile strength and flexibility. All of these new forming strands glistening in the low illumination provided by the bedside oil lamp are all interconnected like a net cast from his unoccupied penis.

Though he does not yet understand what his own body is doing, Ryan understands enough to know that he wishes for it to continue. The actual position of their bodies quickly takes on a nearly impossible shape. They roll in a tussle, Kayla's concern quickly turning to panic as she starts realising that not only is her tail trapped, but her wings and upper back too. Ryan sinks his claws, both those of his feet and hands, into the wood floor for some degree of balanced purchase. It is all he can do, or wishes to do, as his twin phalluses star to reel in their first catch.

Kayla's body bends backwards, her vocal protests turning into growls and roars of defiance. She tries to fight it, as anyone would, but this is not something that is easy to slip away from once in the grasp of it. Her tail is slurped up by one dick, whilst the other is pulling her back further and further until now she is staring at it. Whatever subconscious impulse is governing this voracious impulse it definitely understand what its prey is and how best to consume it. Curiously enough as her body is being twisted in this manner it starts presenting her ample and bare naked bosom to Ryan. Though his claws are busy keeping his back and torso straight, the male does take a moment to lean forward and motorboat the chest puppies. He does this just as Kayla's face is enveloped by the net-casting dick.

It is unbelievable. Truly. Nothing in a thousand years could have prepared Ryan, nor Kayla, for any of this. He stares in not so much horror, as a combination of fascination, hunger, and lust, whilst her body is slowly consumed from both ends. After a minute and thirty seconds, or just about, most of her body from head and shoulders to tail and legs are gone. Both of his cocks are displaying an unreal level of prehensile flexibility as they slowly inch closer and closer to meet one another. Their heads stretched out wider than should ever be comfortable as they continue to engorge themselves on what was once his own sister. All the while he can still feel her inside of him, squirming and shifting around. Sometimes he can make the outline of a hand or elbow trying to poke out from underneath either one of the leviathan like and unnaturally elastic phalluses.

After two minutes the process is complete. His feast is done. Ryan is panting heavily as he slumps back against the wooden floor. His balls, scaled red just like the rest of his body, have become swollen to the size of some shrubberies he has seen. Reaching out with one hand each he rubs over them, feeling their heavy weight sloshing underneath their scaly surface. Both of his dicks have returned to a relatively normal size, at least what he takes for normal in teenage dragons. Then again what does he really know about teenage dragons?

And in all of this the bed is surprisingly still in one piece and untarnished. Ryan takes a moment to sit there on the floor, still processing that has happened. The mixture of hormones and some deep ache now subsiding he realises that he has done. His eyes wide with fear, he stares at his oversized nuts. What will I tell our dads? It is a terrifying reality that he has probably just killed his own sister. Little does he know, that there is more to come.

As he stands up Ryan can feel his scaly balls dragging on the floor. They are ludicrously heavy at this point, swollen to an unnatural size. Even so, he is starting to feel horny again. Ryan whines, inwardly begging for a cessation in this. But nothing can stop the twin malehoods from rising up. They are throbbing for attention whilst the dragon looks around, as if attempting to find an escape. However as he curls his fingers around one each, he knows there is only one way to relieve the pressure.

And so he starts masturbating, again. With his swollen family jewels serving almost as a seat for him to cushion against; legs bowed either side. He works both shafts with an increasingly experienced action. Doing so he starts to pant and growl again, reaching his peak faster than before. Ryan realises that something more is happening, some kind of release that his body requires him to bring to term. It is all he can do to squat on his own engorged testicles and beat himself off as best he can.

"GRRRAH!" Ryan groans as both of his dragon dicks leap in his grasp. They swell thicker and longer, even as he feels the cushioning sac underneath him start to shift and shrink.

Twin jets of cream white pour out of both phalluses. Waves of paralysing pleasure crash over his nervous system as his fingers and thumbs curl around. They come splashing down, some of it going in any direction, but the lions share stars to congeal very quickly. To both his horror and amazement the mass of globulous semen starts to take on a form all of its own. This is some truly protean magic, the kind of stuff that is usually employed by wizened masters. Yet here he is, randy and balls deflating as his spunk starts to reform into the shape and features of a certain hermaphroditic dragon. The outermost layer quickly sets, becoming magenta coloured scales. Ryan however is too busy starting to lose consciousness, his body slumping over against his back and wings.

"Is that you Ryan?" Kayla asks as she leans over him. "What... what just happened? And why does the room smell so, musky?"


# Toymaker > This is a work of erotic fiction. It was written by Iscin on Commissioned by Selth. All rights reserved © 2014. ## The Goo The dark entrance lies ahead of Selth and every spark of his conscious wants to get away from it....

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Jaydi And The Underworld

Jaydi And The UnderworldThis is a work of erotic fiction commissioned by Bento. It was written by Iscin on All rights reserved © 2014.Departing WaysGuest Room, Dark FluxJaydi rolls and immediately falls into the now familiar fleshly...

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Domestic Temp Act 2

# Domestic Temp Act 2 > This is a work of erotic fiction. It was written by Iscin on Commissioned by GuyThreepwood. All rights reserved © 2014. ## Sauna Paul's face is a flush, his cheeks shining redder than a mythic reindeer's nose....

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