Wet Wolf

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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This was a commission for my friend yerkelayh

Very loosely speaking this story is also tied into the previous story with both him and my boyfriend "iconardex: in.

It took some time to actually write this one, due to going through several different openings. Eventually I gave up and skipped straight to the good stuff.






by Iscin

This is a work of erotic fiction.

All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over.

All rights reserved © 2014.

Ardex © His Player

Yerkelayh © His Player

Virgil Wilde © Yerkelayh


Wilde Receiver

The locker room has a white-grey tiled floor and matching walls. Much of the tiles are glistening wet from condensation of vapour that has come from the adjacent showers. A set of six wooden benches are affixed roughly a metre away from the row of metal lockers arranged besides the wall on the left from the entrance. Along the high rising ceiling there are four ensconced light fixtures. Their artificial illumination is more than sufficient to maintain an evenly consistent light that fills the entire room. To cap of the stereotyped environment there is a weak smell of sweat and musk, still locked inside from those big brutish jocks who change before and after the game here.

Only one thing is missing from the room: the home team itself is absent. Virgil Wilde smiles to himself as he looks around the empty room, still dressed in his uniform kit, minus the helmet and cleats he is holding in either hand. This is just as he had planned it, his timing as impeccable as ever. Though he suppresses the smile as he turns to face the handsome wolf standing only just behind him. No need to be too obvious about his intentions here. Though no self-control can keep him from staring a little too intensely at the furry mammal now facing him.

He had been given a description of Ardex by his orca teammate, a very detailed and intimate one at that. However there is nothing quite like getting to see the tall, thick framed, and naturally dashing canine in his presence. The size difference between the six foot tall slate grey skinned dolphin and the nearly nine foot tall grey furred wolf caused Virgil to start picturing various positions and acts he lusts to find himself in with the canine. Ever fibre in his body is telling him to pounce forward, knocking the big man onto the ground and break off the latch in front of those very full looking pants. But he resists that lustful element of himself, for not anyway, and starts his play.

This should be easy enough. Yerk said the brit can't keep it in his pants. Hope he wasn't yanking my dorsal.

"I'm so sorry," Virgil starts to say in his most sincere sounding voice. "It looks as though the guys have already left. I know you really wanted to meet them too." The false excuses are easy enough. He accompanies them with a sheepish look, shrugging his shoulders and his weight from one foot to the other. The cetacean has run this routine more than once before, playing the role has become second nature.

"So I see. I guess we were just talking too long out on the stands then." Ardex replies and smiles curtly. The smell of musk, something the cetacean is incapable of picking up on, still lingering in the locker room is distracting Ardex and confusing his usually excellent sense of empathy. "But if he's not here, where do you suppose our mutual friend has gone? Could've sworn he told me he'd be waiting."

"Yerk? Oh I'm sure he's split by now. He'll be back at his place, preparing... There's a party later you know." Virgil swings his fluke around to his side and takes a couple of steps towards the other man. "But before I go I'll need to change out of this sweaty gear. Wanna stick around?"

A smile flickers across the wolf's furry face. He runs a set of claws through his bushy mane and shakes it. This dolphin is becoming more and more interesting. Though being so short and slender, relative to the himself, Ardex wonders if Virgil is capable of handling the land predator all on his own. Spying out one of the benches Ardex walks on past Virgil, bumping his shoulder as he moves past him. The spinner dolphin turns and watches as the other man takes a seat and gestures with both arms wide apart.

"Why don't you get on with what you brought me here for." Ardex prompts him. "I'm a good observer you know."

Emerald green eyes sparkle voraciously back at the wolf. The body language speaks volumes more than the words themselves. Virgil loves to tease and encourage an eager dominant type with bubbly personality and matching bubble butt. So the show begins as the furry predator is watching. The helmet and cleats falls to the ground without any concern for placement. With a cocksure swing in his hips the spinner dolphin steps closer and grabs the bottom of his team branded jersey. His face is momentarily obscured as he starts lifting it up exposing his midriff and chest.

With the jersey and shoulder pads off, the dolphin reveals a bare naked torso. Unlike his arms and back, the spinner dolphin's stomach and chest are a white, slightly pinkish colour. Though lithe and slender, there is still muscle definition, with a firm six pack that flexes as he leans forward a bit shaking the jersey free from his head. Virgil knows his own body, and more to the point his own looks. Blemish free and near perfectly toned muscles, there are not even any bruises from the game. The confidence is displayed in his body language, hardly needing to look back up at the wolf to know that he has the other male's attention, every last inch of it.

Virgil now starts fumbling with the front of his white football pants. There is a mesh of lacing in front against his pelvis that he undoes with a flick of the wrist. He now pauses to glance back up and grin cheekily at Ardex. Both hands draw down across his naked torso before sliding underneath the pants. Now he pulls them down. They quickly drop, with his fluke tail wriggling a bit as he reaches back and undoes the back harness for the pants around his tail. Soft fabric crumbles around his feet and the dolphin chirps as he kicks them away and stretches his arms and legs.

"Pink?!" Ardex blurts out, the mild surprise catching him off guard.

Apart from the tall sports socks, all that the dolphin is now wearing are what looks like a pink jockstrap taut around his pelvis. For a second Ardex wonders if the undergarment is satin, but in reality the personal clothing is just brushed cotton. This is his secret weapon. A surefire way he lets everyone know in any locker room how he swings and what he is after; to date the pink jockstrap has never failed Virgil. Although not needing it here, he is smiling at the surprised reaction from the wolf who is now hunched over and peering intensely at the thing around his waist. The only issue is that due to his internally stored genitalia the spinner dolphin never manages to fill the jockstrap out. But then again the front view is not the one he uses the most.

With a steady arcing swing in his rudder like tail the cetacean turns around. Facing his audience dorsal first Virgil can feel the anticipating ebbing upwards, approaching its epitaph. His tail shivers as it starts rising up and up, whilst his hands are moving to grip either side of the strap portion of his jockstrap. The light shade of grey underneath his fluke tail is not the only thing Virgil now exposes. It is without a still and quiet air that the last piece of attire covering the young man's pert rear end slides down over his strong quads, only to stop as they catch on the edge of his socks.

Almost anyone else would be blushing by this point, and though his skin is a little flushed, it is not with embarrassment for the dolphin. One shake to the left followed by one to the right, he wriggles his exposed rump at his audience whilst leaning forward. His tail carefully inclines itself away from the centre of balance so that he does not collapse forward; although a part of him is hoping, wishing for the one sat watching to pounce on him right now. What seems like a whole minute passes whilst Virgil reaches back with both hands, squeezing and helping to spread himself out.

"Well?" Virgil breaks the silence and strains his neck to look back at the wolf.

"You already had my attention." Ardex states in such a matter of fact way that it almost comes across as a dry observation. "But isn't there more?"

If not for the blatant rise present in the other man's pants Virgil would be taking this as an insult. But he thinks he understands this is more of a challenge. Alright then you smug bastard. He thinks to himself whilst standing up straight, though tail still held high and twisting his torso so as to look back at the other male in a sideways position. His green eyes are narrowing and projecting a piercing sensation even from the clothed and not very clothed dynamic between the two. Without meaning to Ardex has disturbed something deep and very intense inside of the spinner dolphin; though he is about to find out just what.

In any surprise attack the most important element is to be unexpected; thus the surprised response. Such it is that Virgil now launches himself against the other man. So unexpected is the action that Ardex is genuinely shocked and already feels himself sliding backwards off the bench. He tries to reach out for something to hold on, but dolphin is all there is, tearing away at his clothes. His digitigrade legs manage to catch themselves against the edge of the bench, though insufficient to stop himself from falling back down against the floor immediately behind the bench. It is a minor miracle that the distance between the bench and the lockers is sufficient to account for the wolf not hitting his head against one of the metal doors.

"What are you playing at?" Ardex asks in annoyance even as his shirt is being discarded to join the other clothes. "I didn't ask for that!"

"Then why don't you stop me?" Virgil asks pointedly whilst his hands are already busy unlatching the belt tied around the wolf's jeans.

The experience is not unlike moving from second to fifth gear. But to his chagrin Ardex allows the naked dolphin to continue on. Consolidation comes in the opportunity to rest his paws along the dolphin's naked ass, claws prickling the smooth surface as his grip tightens. Gratuitous had been one of the words Yerk used to describe his sporty friend. Feeling his belt being whipped off in a vicious motion the bigger male now sees exactly why. The malaise now shattered he leans forward, abs flexing, to bite into the dolphin's dorsal fin, whilst his paws continue to knead and work at the smaller man's bubbly butt.

Eagerly pulling down the wolf's pants there is no shock present on Virgil's face as he sees Ardex's phallus spring out. It is bigger than any normal wolf, something more on the scale of a stallion than a dog, but such prodigious endowments are precisely what the spinner is always after and the orca was very sure about what the wolf had been packing that night. If he had lips then Virgil would be licking them right now, however all he can do is open wide, stick his tongue out, and drag it along the underside of the wolf's black flesh whilst his fingers grip it from the other side. It throbs in exuberance, happy to not only be figuratively off the leash but to be greeted by such experienced hands and other appendages.

"You might want to go steady down therRRRRROOO-" Ardex is cut off by Virgil's impatience beak lining up the angle and suddenly forcing its way down over his wolfhood.

Almost any other sexual partner would be gagging by this point, and certainly at this pace. It is not merely the length, but the thickness of the lupine's heavy member that is daunting even as it is being fed down Virgil's mouth and throat. Realisation is slowly sinking in for Ardex as he appreciates the experienced skill and excellent training involved in a first time deep-throating with practically zero warm-up time. In fact as he feels his organ become smothered by warmth, fluid and a clammy tightness Ardex's paws grow idle and he leans back against the floor moaning and growling ever so gently.

"Damn..." Is all he can think to say whilst looking down across his furry chest and abs to the greedy dolphin.

Virgil is even remembering to take care of the grey furred testes, each the size of a ripe orange. One one hand on each, with a gently caressing squeeze and rubbing them together, even pushing them against his throat so that Ardex can feel his throbbing meat stretching the cetacean's gullet. He thinks about using a line about eels, but thinks better of it while teeth are still involved. As the seconds continue ticking on something occurs to Ardex. Of course, he doesn't need to stop. Holding one of his hands over the dolphin's blowhole he can quite clearly detect the air brushing his fur. Due to the unique anatomy at play here Virgil can keep sucking down on wolf dick all he wants. Only downside is he is unable to pick up on the musk as it starts to fill up the room from saliva mixed with pre that are drooling back down onto the furry mammal's crotch.

However godmode for blowjobs is not the only trick the slate grey sea mammal has in store. The movement starts ever so slowly at first, only to gradually become more and more pronounced with each and every heartbeat. A special move in more ways than one where Virgil uses his tongue to twist between the cock throbbing heartbeats. This is done in conjunction with one of the previously full hands sliding away from one of Ardex's seed-laden nuts and start pressing gently against a spot along his taint, just underneath his scrotum. Even the simple act of noticing exactly what Virgil is doing comes slowly to the wolf.

"What is that? What are you doing?" He asks, but for obvious reasons the spinner's mouth is otherwise occupied.

Suddenly Virgil pulls back a fraction, sending an undeniably different set of sensations jolting down Ardex's turgid shaft. Never in his life before has he felt such an overwhelming sensation of pent up erogenous tantalisation flaring up from his own genitalia; not since he was a much younger wolf at least. As if sticking to musical notation that only he can see Virgil repeats the action and slides back another fraction. The hand not occupied with rubbing against the wolf's taint starts to work the slimy wet knot at the base of Ardex's erection.

"Careful I could pop. What are you doOOOOOOO!" A flurry of motions are suddenly made, cutting the wolf off yet again and much more besides.

With uncanny understanding Virgil pauses before now moving back up, lightly dragging his tongue along the underside of the throbbing organ. As he pulls away he is happy to find the wolf, panting and grunting though he is, resisting the urge to splurge right here and now. Of course the spinner dolphin giggles as he looks up at the sight of Ardex's concentrating face. Both hands are now moving to grip and slide up along the wet and sticky black pole as it twitches as if wishing to thrash free of the cetacean's firm hold. However Virgil is far from done with the woefully enraptured wolf and his engorged male endowment. As such as he is already reposting himself, squatting up and over the other man's lap, an eager grin smeared across his prolonged beak.

"Now you be a good boy and stay on your back for me." Virgil says with no hint of facetiousness. Ardex grumbles in disdain but is otherwise still recovering from the crashing internal waves of pleasures resonating deep inside.

The dolphin is precise in using one hand to help guide the wolf's black spear, whilst the other is preoccupied playing with what has started to peak out from his pelvis. An elongated fleshy slit between his legs is parting as the athlete's prehensile penis starts pushing out. The sight of it is fascinating to Ardex as the smooth and thin tip is following up with an increasingly thickening shaft that flexes against Virgil's fingers and thumb. His attention starts to shift however as he feels the head of his turgid cock come into contact with the boy's lowering buttocks. Their smooth yet firm surface parts much in counterpart to the way the dolphin's genitalia slit is and Ardex can feel his wolfhood start squeezing up inside to be greeted by Virgil's tight pucker.

Although not having taken the time to prepare himself, Virgil is sure that the wolf's cock has become sufficiently lubricated. It might just be his own hubris, but the spinner dolphin has a certain reputation to uphold even with a near total stranger. However caution is still used and his movements are made in piecemeal. Powerful quads start bunching up tightly as he gradually lowers his rump down on top of the big man's equally super-sized dick. As the first inches are cramming up inside of him Virgil starts to make an erratic series of clicks, chirps and outright squeaking sounds. It is so absurd that if not for the pressure being exerted on his manhood Ardex would be laughing right now, instead of groaning in succinct satisfaction.

Down and down he goes, his flukehole is just as voracious as the other end of him. Inch after inch of thick black wolf flesh is forced up inside of the insatiable power bottom. The turgid pole throbs against the inner fleshy wall beyond the orifice's enwrapping aperture, stretching out the dolphin's inside whilst stimulating his prostate. The effect is obvious as the spinner's prehensile cock twitches and spits across the wolf's broad and bushy furred chest. Ardex moves both paws up against the smaller male's legs, gripping into the athlete's quads as they flex and he lowers down a further couple of inches. Time is metaphorically stretching just as much as the dolphin's gaping hole is literally stretching. Something approaching awe is steadily creeping into the wolf's head as he keeps feeling the dolphin taking him in between the moaning and groaning and far more high pitched sounds the cetacean is vocalising.


Even if the action is not truly audible, there is a very visceral sensation as the wolf's gargantuan knot is pushed up inside. His eyes grow wide in disbelief, staring up at the enraptured dolphin's expression whilst simultaneously a steady guttural growl parses between the furry mammal's teeth. There is no way this six foot nothing has just taken the whole thing! But the disbelief soon melts as the enveloping, hugging sensation of the dolphin's rectum feedbacks down the tremendous throbbing length of the canine's cock. Virgil's sphincter has achieved an unnatural fit around of and beneath his partner's engorged knot.

Ardex is dimly aware of drooling from his muzzle now as he rolls his head back, eyes similarly rolling in their sockets. He takes in a deep breath before a bellowing howl blasts out of his muzzle. Its loud tone reverberating with a roaring growl that follows it emulating a thunderstorm in the relatively tiny room. The vocalisation is to signal his own erupting orgasm as the wolf feels his heavy sac lift up against his crotch and the dolphin can now feel something hot and viscous start to pour inside of him. This prompts Virgil to likewise throw his head back, with his fingers gripping tighter around the wolf's furry shoulders. Virgil's prehensile phallus starts twitching and begins shooting in its own scattershot show of sticky globules of spunk. They splatter over Ardex's chest, face and some are even arcing over his head to skim across the floor and hit against one of the locker doors.

The air is thick with the smell of sex and male perspiration. Virgil's body is glistening in the light, not unlike having come out of fresh water as he rides the orgasm to its conclusion. Both bodies are shivering, nerve endings firing sporadically as they relax into the post-coitus calm. However for Virgil he remains a measure tense as the wolf's knot throbs inside of him. A whimper is on his breath as he looks up from his slumped position on the wolf's chest to a knowing look on the other man's face. He has had canines of every sort before, but no ass busting knot larger than the one currently stuck inside of him. They will both be here some time yet. Of that Virgil is certain.


Over The Goal Line

Yerkelayh's house is located in the suburbs. A sizeable though generic looking american home with a plain yard. Unfortunately this is much to the chagrin of his neighbours for one reason: Parties. It almost seems to them that every other night the orca demands some kind of gathering, or outright party at his house. Especially after their team has won that is happening sickeningly often these days. As such some neighbours have given over to installing sound insulation in their walls. However one small mercy is that Yerk somehow manages to prevent any spillover outside of his abode. The guests come, they party, and then they leave without loitering in the street or a drunken driver ploughing through somebody's garden.

Driving in his car Ardex can more easily place the orca's home with his ears than the GPS. Turning the corner he can see the lights flashing inside of the house as he pulls up on the other side of the street, the only place there is a free parking spot. The wolf turns off the motor, gets out, locks the door and walks over whilst scanning the exterior. There is no one outside, though from some of the sounds there might be a few out back on the yard, perhaps with a barbecue. At any rate he briskly makes his way up the patio and pauses at the front door, brushing his mane a little, and rings the front bell.

After barely ten seconds have passed the door opens. Behind it is the black and white cetacean Ardex first met on their mutual assignment to Polaris. But this time their roles are reversed and the orca has a slightly unnerving smile on his face as he welcomes the wolf on to his turf. Unsurprisingly the music is louder inside, but the degree to which it is thumping inside of Ardex's head is making him feel slightly nauseous as he steps in from the portray. A strong arm comes around his shoulders and it is almost as though Yerk is taking his friend in from a cold and unforgiving storm; though in actuality it feels like the opposite.

Yerk relieves his friend of his jacket before taking him through to the room where every noise and sight is in the process of happening. In the spacious drawing room there are almost two dozen bodies, many of them paired off, some of them dancing. Ardex is aware of more than a few tall and muscular men, some faces, both equine and bovine, reminding him of watching the match earlier today. There are girls present too, a few probably girlfriends of some of the macho football players. A cup of something which is supposed to pass for beer is shoved into Ardex's paw as he continues to look about him, only one thought running through his head: This really isn't my sort of thing.

"Hey! Virgil! Get over here!" Yerk bellows whilst Ardex simultaneously nearly chokes on the first sip of whatever liquid in the cup.

Right on cue the spinner dolphin emerges from the midst of a group of muscle bound jocks. He starts making a beeline straight for Ardex and Yerk. The most striking thing about the dolphin is the lack of any shirt. A pair of short cut off denim shorts is all that Virgil is wearing; apparently intending to expose as much of his smooth, furless skin as possible. A ploy that seems to have been working judging by some envious looks the men behind the dolphin shoot Ardex's way. Of course it is only made worse as Virgil bounds up and throws his arms around the wolf's broad shoulders, hugging him tight so as Ardex has to lean forward so that the cetacean does not simply climb up onto him.

"Virgil told you both met earlier. I didn't know how well you hit it off." Yerk comments as the wolf is assaulted by beak nuzzles and quick licks against his neck, wetting the fur.

For someone who is so used to being in control, to being the decisive one, the grey wolf has to admit this situation is not at all his element. Maybe it is the pack instinct fucking with his sense of social awareness, but he gets the feeling that if he just does or says what he really feels like doing or saying, it could lead to him being thrown out. Only the knowing grin on the orca's face gives him the assurance to reach down and sink his claws into the dolphin's bubble butt. The denim shorts are tighter under touch than sight, letting him feel the perfectly smooth contour of his buttocks. His short term memory fires up and something from his crotch twitches as he thinks back to feeling that rump with something much more intimate than mere paws.

"Best keep drinking eh? Never know where the evening might go." Yerk suggests with his eyes trained on the dolphin's butt being held in the wolf's hands.


Team Play

Almost no time had past, or that is what it seemed like anyway. A couple of "beers" and some feigned small talk with a couple of the other guests is all it took before Virgil made a proposition; the one Ardex had been waiting for. He is only too happy in letting the cetacean take the lead so long as he gets to feel him stuck around his throbbing knot again. Nearly jumping at the chance in fact Ardex now finds himself upstairs and in one of the only available rooms in the house. Even with the lights off he can discern enough with his canine eyes that this is likely Yerk's own private bedroom and not the guest room as Virgil had initially suggested. However that hardly matters to him as Virgil is starts lowering his denim shorts, verifying that he is wearing nothing underneath them.

Instinct suddenly takes over guiding Ardex's actions before he even decides to make them. It begins with a literal pounce, pushing the naked dolphin face down on the mattress at the centre of the room. This time the wolf is maintaining control, his fangs nipping at the dolphin's shoulder and neck marking him. Virgil cries out in surprise, though his voice barely rises over the sound of the thumping music underneath them both. One set of claws grip into the submissive man's rump, tugging on his right buttocks. Simultaneously Ardex's other paw is fumbling with his belt buckle, eager to drop his trousers and start ploughing into familiar fields.

A little repositioning and Ardex has Virgil's body contorting forwards. In this position the dolphin's butt is hang in the air, raw and exposed. The wolf liberally wets two fingers and drives both between Virgil's taut cheeks. It is mildly fascinating how the cetacean has somehow been able to return to a close approximation of his original tightness within such a short period of time since being knotted. Could've sworn he was gaping something awful last time I saw him from this angle. Good thing then that he is taking the time to stretch and lubricate the dolphin's voracious sphincter. Though Ardex can do without the incessant wailing and other sounds coming from the other end of his sexual prey. Above him the dolphin's fluke is flicking up and down, generating an uneven breeze wafting down over the wolf's thick hairy mane of fur.

There is a genial whimper from Virgil as he feels the wolf's strong fingers plop out of him. His hole tenses and buttocks flinch as he feels the room air breeze against his rump again. Last time he got to be in the driver's seat and for that he is grateful. But now Virgil expects to get a hands on experience with what the big bad wolf is capable of. It does not help subside his aching erection that all he can think of are some of the vivid descriptions the orca had shared with him in past conversations post-coitous. Though he is brought back into the present as Ardex's throbbing black erection begins pressing against his smooth buttocks.

First thing that the wolf does is gently grind his dick against the dolphin's bubble butt. He also places both paws on the outermost curvature of each cheek pushing them gently together around himself. The organ, easily as thick as Virgil's own forearm, is becoming slick with its own oozing pre-ejaculate. Obviously the wolf is more than merely excited to get a second go on the cetacean's finely toned ass. Although this degree of pre-ejaculate is actually very normal for the canid, which is useful considering his outrageously hung penis is a daunting challenge even for the most experience of partners. Ardex smiles and draws one paw away before bringing it down quickly. The smack is definitely audible and his claws drag across the sensitive flesh, leaving marks in the blubber's outermost layer.

"Fuck me!" Virgil begs in a whiny tone. His body yearns to feel that knot again. To have it cleaving his fluke-hole wide open.

"Say please." Ardex demands and swings his hips back. The fat fleshy rod drawing back so as its pointed head is nearly lined up for penetration.


Not that any encouragement is needed but the wolf finally gives his finned friend what he most desires. A gentle push is followed up by a far deeper thrust, spearing his slippery and throbbing erection into the cetacean's prepared anus. The sphincter tightens offering a determined but ultimately futile resistance to the canid's turgid endowment. Virgil clenches his teeth and grunts, fluke tail thrashing around it comes close a couple times to slapping the wolf in the face. Ardex gets his strong arms around the dolphin's waist and climbs up over him, their weight making the springs in the mattress creak. Now he can bring both muscle and gravity to bear, sinking more and more of his black flesh into the submissive male's tight orifice.

Sharp pain gives way to the familiar sensation of his prostate being tickled, then rubbed and now teased forth in the most delectable array of carnal sensations. Bodily fluids are already staining the sheets as the dolphin's fourteen inch erection is pressing between skin and cloth, resulting in the latter sticking to the former. Not that any of this is even noticed by the dolphin. His entire system is alight with the fire of passions as the wolf plunges deeply before pulling back and plunging down again. The only external sensation that is registering after only the first minute is the constant, rhythmic impact of the big wolf's heavy loins slapping into the cetacean's bubble butt.

This is no mere fucking. With teary eyes and a slack jaw Virgil only now realises what he has invited unto himself. Ardex does not fuck his partners, he breeds with them. Not literally of course being gay, but it is the only word that accurately describes the feral body movements, with arms ending in claws locked around the dolphin's hairless body. The act both looks, and more to the point it feels, entirely animalistic. Any attempt of keeping their rendezvous up here away from the party clandestine is quickly dissolving away. This is made obvious by the wailing screams of pained joy from Virgil, and the guttural growls and grunts from Ardex.

However it is precisely the intensity with which the wolf is screwing the other man that leaves both predator and prey oblivious to a third party. Eyes and teeth glitter in the poorly lit end of the room near the door as a third monochrome male steadily approaches. A long and thick pillar of dark flesh, comparable in size and weight to the wolf's own erection, rises up in the darkness. With both hands the interloper massages his tool, smearing the pre-ejaculate that is drooling from the head down and along the rest of the throbbing shaft. It is only with the last few footsteps on the shaggy carpet floor that one of the wolf's ears twitches and he recognises the smell of someone else's musk.

"Who the fuck..." Ardex says aloud in both reaction and query.

"Guess." Is the first part of the response. The second is the rarely experienced feeling of someone else's dick being shoved up where the sun does not shine.

Yerkelayh has been waiting for this opportunity for months now. Though it is not exactly how he envisioned it, the burly orca is not concerned with the scenario being perfect. His training both as a football player and as a wrestler comes into use here. The whale's strong arms lock firmly around the wolf's torso, pinning the furry mammal's arms to his sides. A consequence of this is that Ardex's paws are pulled away from the dolphin beneath him; though Virgil shows no signs of moving with the rest of his body rapidly growing numb. The wolf is capable of resisting if he wanted to, however the rapidly changing scenario is something he is far from opposed to. That and he has only had the one orca anywhere near his butt, having a second for comparison could very well be useful referencing material.

"I was wondering when you'd make a move." Ardex says, ignoring the squirming dolphin wrapped around his dick and instead focusing on hot meat pressing against his own backdoor.

"Are you going to be a nice pup or will I have to get rough with ya?" The orca growls into one of the wolf's pointy ears.

"You'll have to find out. But hurry up, I'm already occupied."

The invitation is accepted with gusto, not that Yerk was going to let anything stop him. First he changes his arms to hook underneath the wolf's own, assured that he will not have to hold the other man down. Working quickly he reaches for a small tube tucked underneath the armband just underneath his right bicep. The cap comes off and he squeezes the tube as dollops of clear coloured gel drizzle onto his turgid cock. Ardex barely has the time to get his claws sinking into the dolphin's juicy rear before the far larger cetacean behind him thrusts forward. A howl pierces the air, louder than the music below as the wolf feels the gigantic spear bearing down on his dry little tail-hole. His fluffy grey tail hikes up a further foot or so as his buttocks and sphincter clench down around the invading dork. The slick surface of Yerk's black flesh helps a little, but ultimately his penetration is down to raw strength unleashed in full.

Both the dolphin and the orca are having to readjust their heavy fluke tails. Position almost as if in a conga line the three men could easily topple one way or the other if not for the surprising synchronised efforts of Yerk and Virgil. Their furry friend feels as if a trap has been sprung as he is being impaled from one end and engulfed around the other. This all seems choreographed, almost as if the pair of horny cetaceans had rehearsed what they were going to do with him. Tugging and pushing as best he can the wolf works his body between the two other men. ultimately though the pacing is being set by the orca now. Yerk's heavy balls are external unlike the spinner dolphin and come slapping down as he is driving his dick far into the wolf's virgin tight hole. It is not merely the physical pleasure, but the joy of having payback, a sort of mutually gratifying revenge which has been due since back on the oil rig.

Party makers down below can hear what the three men are up to of course. So vigorous is three-way that the ceiling is subtly shaking in the kitchen, directly beneath the bedroom. A light fixture hanging from the ceiling is swaying slightly and there is even a little plaster dust falling. Knowing glances are shared between the patrons whilst conversation is hushed and ears perked up listening carefully to the wails of the dolphin and the howls of the wolf coming from above their heads. A few of the guests start to collect their things, probably consigning to the fact that they were not chosen this time around.

Virgil is the first one to pop. It starts with his fluke fidgeting and jerking downwards as it smacks lightly on top of Ardex's furry pate. The wolf hardly even notices it as the orca thrusts into him again, simultaneously driving the wolf's knotty dick deep into the dolphin in front and below. His prehensile penis throbs as high pressure jets of dolphin semen travel along the fourteen inch erection and jettison out of the tip. The bed sheets are not so much sticky as drenched at this point, growing steadily more and more damp and caked in spunk as Virgil whimpers and cries out. But the most important consequence of his climax is the action of his buttocks and sphincter closing up, gripping as tightly as they can around the achingly hard erection buried past them.

What follow's is Ardex's turn. The dolphin's climax was the last straw for his own pleasure threshold as his balls lift up hugging his taint. He throws all of his weight forward, practically body slamming the spent dolphin beneath him. His movement is somewhat buffered by the snug fitting of the whale's killer erection only just squeezing backwards. However his efforts are rewarded as his knot jams up inside of the dolphin's amazingly adaptable rump. Ardex's fangs are barred, his claws carefully locked around the dolphin's arms and chest. The timing is spot on, as with his arms and legs hugging tight around the dolphin the big bad wolf starts filling Virgil up for the second time. A guttural growl grows louder and louder until Ardex is howling with passion, surprised even in himself how completely he is emptying himself into the tensed up cetacean beneath him.

Of course just like a domino effect this results in the wolf's buttocks clenching. Sphincter wrapping tightly around the hot flesh protruding from Yerk's crotch. The monochromatic whale does not produce nearly as much audible hubris, and really there is no need to. As he pulls back he pauses and strokes his left hand along the bushy mane at the back of the wolf's head. Now he grabs a fistful of that messy mane and yanks on it causing the wolf's howl to warble. His right hand presses back against the wolf's right pectoral as he pulls the other man backwards, away from the dolphin. In this manner Yerk changes the inclination and position of the wolf and if it were not for the knot he might have pulled free from the dolphin. Virgil moans as he feels the knot tug against and inside of him, pulling him back with the wolf until he is leaning back on the wolf's broad chest. Similarly Ardex is now positioned against the orca behind him, the entire length of Yerk's turgid cock buried deep inside.

A torrent surges forth as what feels like weeks worth of barely preserved spunk begins filling the wolf. His face is contorting to line up a series of surprised expressions. Something about this angle, with the dolphin in his arms and his cock, is making this a little different from normal. This is not mistake as Yerk wants his furry friend to feel him come inside. The pressure of copious amounts of orca semen building up, surging up along his anus and warming his prostate. Judging from the shivers and twitching reflexes in the wolf's thick arms and along his muscular torso, it is giving him the experience Yerk intended. This is how he imagined it, this is the way he wanted to return the favour from all that time ago.

Gradually the collective moaning, howling and grunting of the three men quietens. Their tense bodies are beginning to relax as Yerk slumps forward making sure they do not all fall backwards and off of the bed itself. Whilst still intimately locked inside of one another the three manage to lean forward and sideways, falling into a perfect spooning row of hot, sweaty, bodies. Sexual fatigue is amplified by the exhaustion of a long day for them as from Yerk draws his arms in a more cuddly fashion around Ardex, just as the wolf does the same for Virgil. Words are thought of but everyone refrains from speaking. Certainly for Ardex the intense smell of musky perspiration and sex heavy in the air is all he needs for communication.

The music has stopped now.

Oiled Up

# Oiled Up > This is a work of erotic fiction. It was written by Iscin on www.sofurry.com. Commissioned by Ardex. All rights reserved © 2014. * * * ## Turn Right Has it really only been eight months? The grey wolf looks at his watch. A little over...

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When Cats Fight

# When Cats Fight > This is a work of erotic fiction. It was written by Iscin on www.sofurry.com. Commissioned by GuyThreepwood. All rights reserved © 2014. * * * ## A Day In The Life Kenta is kicking back after spending the morning out at the gym....

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The Summer Equinox

# The Summer Equinox > This is a work of erotic fiction. It was written by Iscin on www.sofurry.com. Commissioned by name111. All rights reserved © 2014. ## Heat > Once upon a time there were two great hunters. Men of courage an extraordinary might,...

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