Family Love, the story

Story by ThatOneGuy15 on SoFurry

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Story to go along with

I mostly did an outline, wrote it really

On one evening's twilight, a young bush tit walked down the street, his blue eyes staring at the ground as he made his way home. Large white rings over his eyes contrasted against the black feathers around it. Almost all of his head was black; the feathers near the back of his head had white stripes. A single feather strand curved up and forward and was fully white, which he liked to accent. His beak was black and a stripe of red went from the center out atop the beak's joining.

He wore a sleeveless vest, green in color with the right side being darker than the left. His rusty orange feathers that covered most of his body gleamed brilliantly in the evening light. His wrists and hands shifted to ebony feathers. His vest he wore was a little short, showing off his creamy midriff.

Around his waist was a linen wrap, the majority of it being dark green on the front as it brightens to a light green when it comes back around. It is held by a red clasp as his hip, a family crest his father told him. The emblem was shaped like a kite shield, cut in two with gold boarder, dividing the two halves, one side a light red, the other side a deep scarlet.

Niat padded his way down the street on his scaled feet, his ebony tail feathers swayed behind him, as his mind lost itself in his classes. Being nineteen, he had started classes at his local college. He had decided to do culinary arts as his man focus, but also taking business classes on the side. He wanted to help his father, Reid, with running the family bakery that they ran together. His father had spent a lot of time and money to help him into college and Niat wanted to repay him that.

His mind wandered back to his childhood when he thought of his father. Cheeks turning red, he remembered that his dad had brought home many men and women over the years. After all, his mother left his father with him at a young age, unable to bear the burden of raising a child unwed. Niat also remembered his father bringing over men and drinking together. Then after discovering his father having sex with these men after they thought he had gone to sleep.

The day after, Niat learned all about sexuality and all the things a young kid probably normally doesn't know, but he wanted to know what his father was doing. He also found himself attracted to his father. Shaking his head, the avian sighed and wondered why he didn't find others as attractive as his father.

Rubbing his shoulder, the bush tit finally looked up to see himself at the doorstep of his family shop. The Tasty Loaf Bakery, how his father came up with that, Niat didn't know. Most likely drunk, he thought to himself with a slight smirk. All the avian knew was that it was home and work. Pushing the door open, the bell jingled above the door, and his father's head peaked out from the window to the back.

The shop front was very rustic, but had a homey charm. A wooden rack filled with breads and pastries lied mostly empty, like normal at the end of the day. Niat smiled at his father as he entered the back. Reid looked very similar to Niat. His head feathers were longer and he had white feathers along his jaw that came with age. His beak was shaped more sharply and his eyes always shined brilliantly orange. A scar started between his eyes and dragged down the side of his face to the side of his beak, even his beak having a scar on it. Other than that, they mostly looked the same, though his father was much more stocky and with a gut.

His father wore a similar linen wrap, though it was a solid tan color, with the same scarlet clap that Niat wore. Over that he wore a dark green apron, with a homemade logo emblazed across the front.

"Hey kiddo," he said as he wiped his feathers on his kilt and walked over to his son and hugged him tightly. Niat squirmed a bit, getting his arms around his slightly chubby father. "Hey dad," Nait replied back.

The blue eyed bird watched his father walk back to the long table in the middle of the small kitchen. He followed soon after, seeing his father busy rolling dough to bake in the morning. The young bird leaned against the wall as his father dusted the table with flower.

"So, how was school?" Reid asked as he picked up a clump of dough and started to roll it out.

"It was the same as always." Niat said. Reid finished rolling out the dough into small rolls and placed them on a baking tray, sliding pass Niat, his rear brushing Nait's groin in the tight space. Niat shifted nervously, finding it hard not to be turned on.

"So how were sales today father?" Niat asked. His father shrugged as he passed by his son again, causing Niat to shiver and blush more; thankful his father had his back to him.

"It was alright, we have saved enough for rent this month, and we can put the rest away." Niat smiled lightly before shuddering as his father passed him by, another tray full of rolls ready for the oven in the morning. Niat's mind raced, thinking of his father's body. He rubbed his head feathers thinking he shouldn't be thinking this.

"Th-that's good dad." Niat replayed, feeling his cock stiffening under his wrap as his father passed him again. It didn't help he hadn't gotten off in a while, but it was a bit weird to him. Again, his father slid pass him, he knew he was practically about to burst from his wrap. He attempted to shift it down without drawing attention, but it wasn't working.

Niat couldn't help it. It felt so good. His father placed the last tray in the rack, then turning and leaning on the edge of the table. He then asked, "Where is your mind at? Don't think I didn't feel that."

Niat swallowed the lump in his throat as he turned his gaze down. His cheeks flamed as he moved his hands to hide his arousal. "I-It's n-nothing. My m-mind was just wondering."

Reid raised an eye brow. "You're nineteen years old now. At your age I couldn't stop swinging mine around. Nothing to worry about." The young bird's face burned hotter. "But you don't?"

"There are not too many I am attracted to." Niat said quietly to the floor, feeling his father's gaze upon him. His father came in with few pats on the back and "It'll be ok, you'll figure it out." helped to calm the younger bird. Niat placed his head into his father's board soft chest.

Niat smiled softly as his father's soft voice reached his ears. "You'll always have me as a wing man." The young bird looked up into his father's eyes. Without thinking, he acted on his more basic desires. He pressed his beak with his father's, pressing his tongue into this father's beak. His father flinched, but to Niat's surprise, he did not move away.

His father pulled back slowly, letting Niat look into his father's half lidded eyes. He knew that Reid was feeling the same as him, lustful, embarrassed, and a little guilty. The young avian's eyes watched as his father stripped off his apron and stood baring his chest. Niat's eyes trailed down to his father's belly as the older bird's hands moved down the slightly chubby stomach before grasping the clasp of his kilt and undoing it. It fell to the floor with a light rustle sound and the young bird gasped softly.

He never had seen his father naked, let alone sporting an erection. Around the base feathers stuck out thicker and fluffier than the rest. His member jutted out and a bit up proudly, the black shaft throbbing eagerly while the pink cock head leaked out a spurt of pre, letting it travel down the underside to the white balls.

"Is this ok?" Niat asked softly, as Reid smirked, slipping his son's vest off and unclasping the kilt as well. It fell to the ground and he stepped back a bit to eye the younger one. A faint blush ascended the young avian as he knew his own black shaft bound up free, his uncut cock mostly hiding his pink head. Niat sported a longer shaft then his father, whose was more thick and stout.

His father spoke then. "Only if it is ok with you, son. It is nothing but expressing physical love, and no one can take that with us." Niat shivered and felt a fierce desire in him that led him to press forward, grinding his cock up against his father's and smashing them between the feathered bodies. He wanted this, they both did. The elder bird smirked and the young bird took that time to lock his beak with his father's. Niat then pushed his father back on to the table, pulling his father's legs into the air, leaving his ass exposed to his cock. The taste of his father was extreme and the young bird pressed harder into the beak.

The hand had moved down to rub at his neck as Niat pulled back, staring at his father's shock at his son's boldness. His beak was curved slightly in a smile however. Placing a hand on his father's shoulder, the young bird leaned in lightly, shivering as his cock tip brushes against the elder bird's rear. Staring at the bigger bird, his other hand slid over to a jar of cooking grease and he gave a slight smile.

Reid gasped softly and cooed in please, as he son slipped two greased fingers into his ass, lubing it for penetration. Niat had watched a good amount of videos, but he had not done this before. He watched his father arch his back, table creaking under his weight, as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of his tail hole.

The young avian then covered his throbbing shaft in a thin layer of grease. He then pushed forward, sending the whole cock head and some of the shaft into the old bird. Both gasped with pleasure, the son for his first time feeling anything like this. He shuddered, feeling his member throb and leak pre into Reid. The elder bird just rubbed the younger's arm lightly, cooing comfortingly to him.

Niat looked to his father, who nodded softly, giving him the ok. Blushing a bit, the small bush tit began to push more and more of his erection into his father. Niat pushed his shaft in slowly until his groin was flush with his father's soft rear.

Shivering, the young bird spurt more pre into the elder bird's ass as he felt the warm tightness around his girth. The rasping husky tone of Reid broke through into Niat's mind.

"T-take it eas-easy, don't fi-finish too soon. Take your time"

Resting for a minute, the bird under him shifted a bit, getting more comfortable and causing another shudder to rack his young body. He wouldn't have believed he'd be here fucking his father, his first time no less! Slowly, he shifted and let his hips pull back, another rack of pleasure shooting up his spine. He left the tip in, not trusting himself to pull back more, and slowly pushed back in.

He felt as Reid clenched his inner walls, moaning as he sank back into his father. The young bush tit pushed in a bit harder this time before pulling out again and pushing in. The rhythm being started, he gasped and grunted.

Reid's beak slacked open, as he panted with his tongue lolled out to the side. His eyes were closed tight with pleasure. Niat now was completely sure he made the right choice of fucking his father. They loved each other, and this was the ultimate way of showing it. His thrusting into his dad also picked up, ramming harder into the tail hole.

"A-aaaaaah, fu-fuck, son, th-that's it." The bigger bush tit's words made the younger blush, as he panted and groaned. He couldn't hold long, the feeling of his father around him, the first time he ever felt it. Taking his hand off his father, the young bird dips it back into the grease and lightly smothers it on the elder avian's cock. He shuddered as his father arched his back, as he began to pump his father's thick cock.

In and out, in and out, he listened to the creaking of the table, the labored gasps they both were making and his own heartbeat thundering in his ears. His nose picked up heavy scent of male musk mixed in with the fresh smell of bread, the scent of love making and work. He wanted to smell it more.

Surprisingly enough, it turned out to be Reid that finished first. Maybe it was just the added pumping to his cock while being drilled, but the elder bird hit his stride first. He gasped, cawing loudly as he arched his back again, his cock throbbing hotly. His first shot flew over his head and landed on the table, the next trailing down from his beck to his chubby stomach. The young bird's hand became sticky with his father's seed being smeared between them.

His father's orgasm egged his own on. With his own cawing gasp, he pushed hard into his dad's clamped down ass and let his own seed flow. Much of it leaked out, running down his legs and balls but he didn't care as he stayed in his father.

Shudders racked both avian bodies as they came down from their highs. Panting filled the air before Reid chuckled softly.

"Been a good while since I've had a fucking like that! Never would have expected it from my son." explained the older bird between ragged breathes. He slowly pulled out of his father's ass with a satisfying wet pop. Reid stood up, stretching out and moaning.

"O-oh, gods, Niat. That was great for your first time. It was your first time right?" A blush spread across Niat's face as his father hugged his son tightly. Both started to clean up the mess they made, after all, it was a place of business where they made food. What they did can't be sanitary.

"So, Niat, how do you feel about all this?" The young bush tit let his cheeks be red again, gripping his arms lightly as he thought.

"I...I don't know. I liked it, and it didn't feel wrong to me, but other's wouldn't think the same" A soft sigh and a light grin from his father before the young bird's dad responded.

"It doesn't matter what they think. What we do in our home is none of their business. Plus they wouldn't know regardless. Now go shower son, we have more work to do, and I'll finish cleaning up here." Nodding softly, the smaller avian scurried into the bathroom, leaving his clothes behind as he turned the water onto a warmish hot setting. He got in without regard and noticed it was a bit hotter than he liked, but in all, Niat didn't care as he let his thoughts race around.

He enjoyed this, he wanted more and his father seemed willing. Filled with more confidence than he ever felt before, he smiled to himself. His father had a lot to teach him, and he was willing, ready, and wanting more.

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