Birds in a Shower

Story by ThatOneGuy15 on SoFurry

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Yep, failing at titles lately o.o

Anyways, a request from of his character and two others (used with permission)

Skyeder is

Falcon is

Clueit is

Skye heaved for breath as he ran on a treadmill at the gym. His pink feathers were slick with the sweat he produced, his tail spade with blue sparkling tips swinging haphazardly as he worked in his white t-shirt and gray sweat pants. His yellow taloned feet pounded on the conveyor, his yellow beak open with his pink tongue lolling out. He kept his custom eye goggles on and right above his eyes.

The pink gryphon slowed the machine to walk and cool down, running his finger through his spiky head feathers, tipped with blue as well with 'hair' feathers falling beneath. He shifted his wings, getting them a bit more comfortable before he turned off the machine. Panting from his workout, he drank what was left of his water before stepping off and heading in the direction of the locker room.

The two sides had rows of lockers with benches down the middle. For a small gym, it was pretty well ordered and maintained. Off the bat, Skye noticed another avian in the locker room, one he'd seen in the gym. The other was more of a purple color, except down his neck and chest, where it was orange. Where the orange on his neck ended, his yellow beak took over, sideburns of a reddish brown color circling around to his short cut hair style. His long ears stood out from the hair, with more orange around the green-blue like eyes and eyebrows above the orange. Pink nipples stood out on the other bird's chest, with more of the hair sprouting between his pectorals. They were also thick on the other's lower arm and drew the blue eyes of the pink gryphon downwards.

Heat suffused the already flushed avian's cheeks. The other bird was buff enough to warrant arousal in his sweat shorts, but the way the hair on the other made a treasure trail down to the bulging briefs really sparked desire in the young gryphon. The brief's did little to leave much to imagination. Skye registered, albeit more subconsciously, that the orange continued down the bird's inner thighs.

"Hey there!" The loud voice startles the pink bird as his ears lower. The walking hunk had turned to him to speak.


"How's it going? My name's Falcon."

"I'm Skyeder. I'm fine, just had a bit of a running workout."

The purple bird just nodded and smiled widely. "I saw you working those legs of yours." This warranted a blush from the pink avian. "Hey, no need to be shy! You were doing good. Maybe sometime I could help you with your arms?"

Skye had by this point opened his locker and had taken his shirt off. Already in the act of dropping his pants, his bare ass visible as he responded, "Sure."

A shudder ran through the gryphon as he swore he felt eyes roam hungrily over his backside. He hoped his arousal scent was masked by his natural scent and was glad he had a sheath at that moment. While the sheath was plump and ready to show his black member, a regular cock would have been semi if not fully hard and on display as he walked to the shower.

"Well, we can talk after we shower. Or in the shower. Whichever you prefer."

"O-ok." Skye threw his clothes in his locker and slammed it shut, hurrying into the showers that the gym had. Turning on the shower, he set it to cold as he hoped it would make his arousal go down. Shivering, it worked a little, but images plagued his mind whenever his eyes closed.

Warming up the water some, he realized another shower was on and looked over. The other occupant seemed to be an avian as well, a dark red brown in color. His tail feathers drooped from the water soaking them, being a lighter color than his body. The bird had hair hanging freely, claws running through the same light colored strands, the ears visible on his head lightly twitching.

When the brown like bird turned around, Skyeder bite back a gasp and purr, his arousal flaring again. He could see the other bird's sculpted body better this way. The other bird's pecs were defined, light orange brown colored nipples standing upon them well as some thicker fur ran between them. Arms bulging under the skin, with feathers seemingly to stick out from the elbows, drooping from water. Water drifted down muscled thighs and calves to taloned feet, the same color as the nipples.

It was the six pack that drew the gryphon's eye though, as it lead to more of that light colored hair, obviously thicker through puberty of the bird. It was the avian's drooping member that made Skye wish to salivate though. Foreskin covering the head of the peach colored cock, it had to be longer than average for it to hang that low. The balls hung firm and round underneath, full of delicious seed to spray into another.

The pink bird's eyes snapped from the other bird's cock to his face. The beak curved down to a tip, bits of hair hanging underneath it. Eye brows arched high as light brown eyes regarded him in a bit of surprise. The cheeks darkened in embarrassment as the other bird started to stammer.

"I-I'm sorry. I di-didn't know anyone else was i-in here." The brown bird moved his hands to try and cover his nudity, yet still the tip and pubes were visible. "I-I'm Clueit."

The pink gryphon had to swallow the lump and heart that was in his throat. With a raspy voice, he spoke out, "I'm Skyeder.

Skye turned away after the other bird did, blush still dark on his brown cheeks. The pink bird knew he was flushed, as he reached down and grabbed his plump sheath. Shuddering, he tried to ignore his imagination as he washed. Hearing soft thuds, Skye's ears perked and he looked over to see Falcon standing behind Clueit. The brown bird obviously sensed someone behind him, turned and gasped as he was grabbed and pushed hard against the wall.

The gryphon couldn't stop watching as the purple bird tilted the brown avian's beak up and pressed them together in a beak lock. Flashes of tongue from both of them were seen as Skye kept watching. HIs gaze traveled a bit lower when Falcon bucked a bit and his eyes widened slightly. He could see the purple avian's huge black cock semi hard pressing against Clueit's brown arousal. He could barely see orange colored down on the bigger bird's balls.

The kissing stopped as soon as it started. A smirk graced the large bird's beak as he looked at Skye. "Looks like someone enjoyed the show." The brown owl grinned, albeit with a blush, as he too looked at the gryphon. The pink avian blushes as his ears pinned back, realizing suddenly what his subconscious had done. His black cock stood at attention, his hand wrapped tightly around the flesh and by the slight look of pre on the tip, he had stroked himself. It was hard to tell, though, as water was still running over his feathers.

Falcon lightly began to walk towards Skye. The other bird's hand was lightly stroking his erection. "So, see anything you like?" The gryphon's eyes were glued to the moving hand, watching it stroke that uncut veiny dick as he nodded softly. By now, the hippogryph was standing in front of Skye, who lowered himself to his knees and grabbed the monster cock in front of him.

Stroking softly, the gryphon let his tongue lap at the cock head and shivered as the member grew in his hands. Fully hard now, Falcon groaned as Skye took the cock into his beak, tongue lavishing it on all sides as he dipped further down. Swallow the tip, the pink avian tasted and swallowed the salty sweet pre of his to be lover.

A timid voice spoke up behind the big bird in front of Skye. "C-can I have a turn?" Falcon looked over his shoulder and nodded, grinning as he spoke. "Go ahead and have his beak all to yourself."

As the black cock left his beak, the pink gryphon whined as his ears pinned back. He wanted that black meat too! Regardless, he was also eager for Clueit's brown arousal in him as well. Before the owl stepped up though, Skye was pushed forward and he landed on his hands a bit awkwardly. Bent over as he was, his tail lashed before he felt hands on his ass and spreading them. His ears jerked upright before he shuddered violently. A tongue had just dragged across his tailhole. The gryphon was going to get fucked in both ends and he couldn't be more wanting of it!

Clueit kneeled down in front of the pink bird, gripping his base and lightly batting the other's beak until Skye took the meat in his hand and attacked the head with his tongue. A croon came from the owl as the gryphon worked, while hot air pressed on his entrance before a tongue wiggled in. Another shudder came from Skye, his hands grabbing both the brown cock and balls. Rolling the eggs in his hand, he jerked the brown avian while he lightly lashed his tongue on the tip.

His eyes had shut when he felt the tongue on his hole, but now opening them, he looked up at Clueit, his ears twitching softly as he heard all the pleasurable sounds from the brown beak. The gryphon hadn't even known the tongue was gone until he felt something larger against his tailhole. With a grunt, he felt the shove that tore him in two, causing him to scream. He writhed on the tiled floor, his hand gripping the owl's cock for all it was worth as he reveled on the pain and pleasure of being penetrated by something so large.

"Aaaaah, fuck! He's tight!" The hippogryph's words barely registered in the gryphon's hazed mind. His death grip on Clueit was released as he panted harshly. A hand lightly pet his head as he heard the owl speak up, "H-holy hell, I nearly came from his death grip when you entered!"

Forgetting slightly what he was doing, the pink avian shook himself, his tail lashing as he lapped at the cock head. He could feel every pulse and throb of the organ in his ass and he wanted more. Whining softly, he bucked back a bit and heard chuckling. "Someone's eager, yeah?"

The hand on the back of his head tightened its hold before he was shoved down onto Clueit's cock. Gagging softly, Skye's eyes watered slightly as his eyes bugged. He felt as Falcon's cock went deeper, going into rarely used, virgin like areas. The constant pleasure on his prostate was harsh, his cock throbbing and aching beneath him.

Swallowing against the owl's cock head, the gryphon wrapped his tongue around the shaft in his beak and began to bob his head. Blowjobs with a beak weren't as rewarding as a muzzle, since those had a heat beaks lacked, but all gay birds learned to use their tongues to help please their partners orally. As he did now, lapping the cum slit on the head before shoving down and lapping around the base as he continued to swallow the leaking cock head.

Focusing on the cock in his beak was difficult as Falcon slammed repeatedly into the pink bird's backside. His knees felt weak already from the big shaft in his tailhole, spreading him wide and feeling every vein and pulse of the member due to his own tightness. The panting, grunts and moans of the two birds fucking his body was barely heard above the hiss of the shower cascading down over his back and tail.

Skyeder felt the growing knot in his stomach, knowing he wouldn't last much longer with the two avians fucking his body like a toy. He bucked his hips back to meet the hippogryph's own, his beak busy swallowing the rod in his beak. Cock leaking pre onto the tiles, the gryphon moaned, hot breath washing over Clueit's member. Hands gripped his head and hips tighter as his two lovers grew closer.

The pink bird felt a thrust from the big bird ram right into his prostate and it was too much. His body writhing and his ass spasming around that huge cock, his own member exploding his seed onto the tiles below and even on his belly. His vision white and his mind black, he was distantly aware of words being said before he felt a liquid warmth in his hole. The cock in his rear throbbed and pulsed, the hippogryph filling the gryphon with seed.

Shuddering, the gryphon slowly came to his senses as he lightly saw movement in front of him. The owl had grabbed the bottom half of his member and was stroking hard. Lapping the tip, the gryphon lazily waited for his reward. A gasp and moan strung out from the dark beak of the male in front of him before his beak started to be flooded with cum.

Swallowing the spurts of seed, Skye breathed raggedly through his nostrils. He whined softly as he felt the huge cock pull out of his rear and seed practically flowing down his legs and balls. Cum also dripped from his beak as Clueit pulled away and stood. His knees and arms buckling, the gryphon went down prone, moaning softly as he felt his swollen stomach. Laying in a mixture of cum and water, the pink bird was only vaguely aware when big arms slipped under him and lifted him up.

The shower stopped it's constant hissing of water as Skyeder felt something wooden and hard under him. Whining softly, he lifted his head up to stare at Falcon, who was grinning and lightly blushing.

"So, uh, sorry I went a little rough on you." Clueit came to stand by the hippogryph as he spoke. "Would you still care for an upper arm workout sometime?" Skye began to run images of himself doing some routine with the big bird's cock shoved into his ass and groaned wantingly. Chuckling, the large bird continued, "And of course, we'd have to shower after the workout, even this shower's type."

The owl spoke up now, with a deeper blush on his cheeks. "A-and may-maybe I could h-help with your l-legs?" The gryphon moaned this time, finding enough energy to lift his head and nod eagerly if tiredly. dropping back onto the bench under him, the pink bird watched the purple and brown birds dress and leave. Before that though, they both rubbed his back and head.

Left alone, the gryphon just laid there, breath ragged with the scent of seed in it. This gym was probably the best in the country, at least for him. He'd be sure to renew his membership as long as it had members like this here.

At the MU Gym

"Brock, are you sure about this place?" "Of course Sulley! The football team likes to come here sometimes. No one comes on Tuesdays though." James Sullivan, though he prefers the name Sulley, was a thick set male. With his coarse blue fur spotted...

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Spell Gone Wrong Again

Serule sighed as he turned the page in his book. Serule was a toucan, most of him blue. His face, down his neck and chest and angling towards his groin a bit was white feathered. He had two white bands circling his upper arm and around his head, at the...

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Cum Inn

The door slammed open as the storm was heard from outside. Lightning flashed as the few patrons inside of the inn glanced up at the unknown figure. Not much was seen from within the stranger's hood. All that could be seen was the black tip of a beak...

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