Spell Gone Wrong Again

Story by ThatOneGuy15 on SoFurry

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First attempt at tentacles. For my friend Serule (https://serule-blue.sofurry.com).

Serule sighed as he turned the page in his book. Serule was a toucan, most of him blue. His face, down his neck and chest and angling towards his groin a bit was white feathered. He had two white bands circling his upper arm and around his head, at the base of his head and near the top. His spiky hair covered them, but they didn't cover the ones on his orange beak. The orange was also seen on his legs, from his knee down. His tail feathers were pure blue like the majority of his feathers.

He was dressed now, however, in clothing. He wore black pants that covered his legs except for his clawed feet, a hassle with his dew claw. They were help up by a light blue belt with a diamond to hold the front. He was also wearing a light gray shirt under a collared purple shirt, which he left open. His staff was leaning against the wall as he continued to search for the spell he wanted.

The avian was looking to summon his gender bent clone, though clone was a bit harsh as Lueres was her own person. Smiling, he thought of the good times with her. At any rate, he continued to flip until he found the page. Studying the spell again, he grabbed his staff and walked into the middle of the room. It was cleared of all things as to let this work better.

Serule began to recite his spell, stumbling a bit but moving on through it. When he finished, his staff's gem glowed before an explosion of magic came over the room. He coughed as the smoke slowly began to clear. When it was, he looked around, hoping to find Lu.

Sighing, he realized his spell didn't work. She was nowhere to be found. He froze and shuddered as something found a way into his pants and between his feathers, hotdogging his rear. Spinning around, he saw the purple strand that was digging between his ass cheeks and his eyes widened, but he was too late. Another vine of purple was wrapped around his waist and tightened hard.

He grabbed the vine and tugged hard, trying to dislodge it. The unsuccessful attempt was backfired are more of the purple strands grabbed his wrists and ankles before all of them retracted towards the ceiling. Serule was hoisted up into the air, breathing hard as he struggled to get free.

Small tentacles, for that was what they were, slid up his arms and legs, diving into his clothing, pants and both his shirts. He shuddered and closed his eyes as the strands slithered and caressed his chest and legs, peaking out of nearly every outlet they could find. His eyes flew open and he gasped as he heard the loud rip that came from him. Looking down, he saw he was bare chested and legged, his pants and shirts torn off his body by the tentacles.

He started to twist and turn, trying to get out but instead just found himself upside down before the vines on his legs split open his legs, his briefs shown as they also moved away, his middle bending and leaving him bent with his head towards the ground and his feet towards the wall at an angle.

More tentacles came down from the ceiling, making the flushed toucan struggle more. The strands came to his briefs and slid into them, making him gasp and start saying, "No, NO! I don't want this!" The small ones squirmed into his underwear and pressed hard against the back of the rear until another rip was heard, Serule shivering as his bare ass cheeks were bared. The vines didn't stop there as they ran up his legs and grabbed his cock, making him gasp.

The front of his briefs opened, letting his pointed pink flaccid cock flop out. The small tentacles retreated for now, but the avian's eyes widened in horror as he watched two bigger and a huge strand lower and rest on his body. The two medium ones traveled back and rested on his cheeks, the large one pressing against his beak tip. He clamped his beak shut, he didn't want that thing in his beak.

He had little control of his tailhole though, as the two tentacles pressed their slimy tips against it and pushed inside hard. Gasping, he felt the large slimy one slip into his beak and press against the back of his throat. His eyes watered as the pain from the forceful beak entry and the spreading anus as he wasn't use to this much girth in him.

The bird watched as a strange flower like vine snaked down. It seemed to look like a tube as it lowered and turned towards his cock. Struggling weakly, Serule watched as the plant's top opened and two small vines snaked out. They grasped the middle and base of his cock and held it perpendicular to his body. The tube like part of the flower pushed down over his cock, going to the base and closing on itself. The avian shivered, his eyes fluttering as the plant felt like a mouth around his member.

It started with his rear. One of the tentacles retracted to the entrance before plunging in while the other retracted. It simulated a repeated fucking motion faster than humanly possible. They wiggled around a bit before the toucan arched his back, they had hit his sweet spot. They continued to pummel it hard as his cock grew harder in the tube flower vine.

Said strand began to slowly run up and down his dick, stimulating it further and causing an arousal. The gasp he made from the pleasure triggered the tentacle in his beak to shift in further. It now fed into his throat by his gullet. The blue bird gagged as it began to fuck his beak in earnest.

His eyes watered, the huge tentacle practically trying to choke him. He didn't see the small strands again until they touched him. They run over his body again and into his underwear. Shuddering, he heard the rip and saw what was once his briefs flutter down to the ground, completely torn away.

Fuzzy blue balls now hung a bit down his pink shaft, being pushed back by the sucking flower. The small vines, however, didn't retract, but rather split apart, going to his two openings. He attempt to fend them off, but it was useless as he couldn't even move beyond tugging the vines around his wrists and ankles.

The two small ones forced their way into his full beak, going down his gullet and lightly rubbing his throat from the inside. Serule could scarcely breath at all now. He felt more tentacles spreading his tailhole before plunging in. They went further in than even the two big ones. More strands descended, the tips of the ones inside tickled his flesh as the ones outside rubbed on his feathers.

He felt something warm, wet and sticky begin to spray on his feathers. Looking, he saw an off white liquid being squirted on him by the tentacles. Understanding crossed his mind as his eyes widened again. They were orgasming and it was dripping down his feathers and falling onto the ground below him. Some stuck to his feathers though, all over him, his blue feathers were turning more white.

All the vines in his ass came together at the ring before plunging down hard on his prostate. They shot the warmth onto that little knob and made him arch. He felt it running out of his enflamed ass, the trails moving down his crack to his tail feather base and dripping down his balls to stick to the flower strand. Even through being cummed on and being filled with seed on his sweet spot, Serule could have possibly held back. But the flower vine was persistent and continued to stroke and suck his cock. It was too much for him all together.

He let out a choked gasp as his cock hardened and his seed shot out, being sucked up by the vine. Some fell onto his chest and leaked down to his neck to fall to the floor, but most of it was gathered up. It continued to play with him til he was out of seed, which made it retract off his cock.

With his beak still full, he felt the huge strand pick up speed, the little ones pulling out. A few powerful thrusts and he felt the tentacle spurt the slimy seed into his gullet before pulling back to spurt it on his tongue. The small ones did the same to his beak outside as he swallowed the load. He realized after the first shot he could taste, that it was his own seed, something he tasted often enough to know.

Once he had guzzled all of his seed, the tentacles retracted back into it's main body. Gasping and heaving for breath, the strands around his arms and legs and waist lowered him to the ground, leaving him sprawled out and used on the tentacles loose seed, which soaked into his back feathers. He watched as the main body just slowly faded into nothing, being blown away by the wind.

His ass on fire, his beak and throat sore, Serule licked his beak as clean as possible of his cum. His seed soaked body cried out as he tried to move so he just laid there and decided that he would have to learn what went wrong with the original spell and find out how to get that monstrosity back for another round on his body.

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