Stronger Than Blood

Story by ThatOneGuy15 on SoFurry

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Horrible title, but all I had

Anyways, is a request/trade/something with

Dusk is mine

Thalion is

All others are me too

Stronger Than Blood

Thalion's heart beat heavily as his breathing did the same. His blade came up to parry a thrust aimed at his right. Flowing with ease, the teal-like colored avian brought the blade back around and delivered a slice through the feline's throat. Having cut the cat's jugular vein, Thalion took a small second to rest.

Thalion had his hair brushed back and held in place by a headband right behind his ears, its intricate gold color flashing in the sunlight. His frame was a bit lean, balancing him out as his grey scaled feet moved quickly. The gauntlets his grey marked hands protected them from blade attacks as well. He kept his wings folded tightly to his body under the creaking leather armor he wore. His yellow gold eyes swept the scene of devastation that was the battlefield.

The war had started only a few years before. The felines thought that the avians in the mountains were a nuisance and decided to kill them all off. The avians, only trying to make a living, were caught unprepared. A lot of the birds were killed in those first weeks, and the felines thought it would be easy. They were wrong, as the avians got together and made their own army. Now it was just senseless killing because cats just despised the birds.

Hearing heavy footfalls, Thalion tried turning to his new attacker. His leg, however, had other plans. Having been wounded and left without any respite, it locked up and caused the teal bird to stumble to his knee. A shadow passed over him as he looked up. A jaguar looked down with hatred, smiling a horrid smile as he raised his sword for a kill. Thalion dropped his head, knowing he was close to death.

There was a faint whistling sound as Thalion waited for his fate. He heard a garble of half-sounded words and looked up to see what was happening. As he did so, another whistle sounded nearby and a second arrow, to the right of the first and up higher, sunk into the feline's chest. The cat fell backwards to the ground, his breathing labored as he struggled to draw breath before his chest ceased to rise.

The teal avian felt a hand under his arm pull him up. Looking at his rescuer, he gasped his exclamation. "Dusk!"

The gryphon grunted in response to the other avian's shocked word. Dusk, true to his name, was a dusk colored gryphon, with his head being a fiery red fading into an orange down his body until his mid-thigh as it faded again into a soft yellow. The dusk colored avian's ear tuft held a small emerald green piercing. His own forest green eyes bore into Thalion's yellow eyes.

Thalion slowly stood on his own as he looked into Dusk's eyes. He felt a small chill run through his spine. Those green eyes had always frozen him in a way nothing ever could. Breaking eye contact, he looked at his friend's armor. It was simples, mostly leather in a breastplate, leather leggings, boots, and a strap for his quiver. His bow lay over his shoulder, string crossing his neck.

"Dusk, what are you doing here?! I thought you were with the king's rangers!"

"I was." a somewhat gruff voice responded. "I left them when I saw that they had it handled. Thought I'd surprise you with some help." His voice trailed off as he looked at the black cat's lifeless body. "Appears that I had to save your ass again."

Thalion blushed a bit at that. It was known to the two of them that Dusk was the superior, as he had lived a hard life on his own. He was a survivor. Thalion had learned the sword when he could, but it had only been a few years back. Kneeling, the teal avian retrieved his weapon he had dropped in his stumble.

"It's time to go."

Thalion stiffened a bit at that. "The battle is over already?"

"For the day, it appears so."

The avian sighed in relief. His muscles were sore and all he wanted was to relax. Grinning to himself, he knew exactly how he wanted to relax. "Dusk?"

The gryphon tilted his head. "Yes, Thalion?"

"Is there anything needed for tonight?"

"There is the banquet the king wishes to hold for his best soldiers."

Thalion raised his eye ridge." And we're invited?"

Dusk just nodded his red head. Grinning lightly, Thalion responded, "Well, that is a change for once." The two avians had a short laugh with each other.

Thalion started down the hill with the somewhat bigger gryphon trailing along behind him. He felt the other's gaze on his lower back, towards his gray tipped teal colored tail feathers. Obviously, Dusk's thoughts were in line with his own.

At the bottom of the hill, the two separated into their respective category groups, the archers towards the rear and the soldiers ahead of them. As much as Thalion wanted the gryphon next to him, he knew the king's protocol was not to be disobeyed.

Trudging back through the mountain terrain was tiresome to all. It took the better part of the late afternoon to get back to the small city. It was the only city the avian's had as they were more solitary by nature. All able fighting bodies were required to sign into the militia for the good of the people and most did.

Thalion shrugged his shoulders as he walked under the gray, cracked stone that made up the main gate with the portcullis hanging daggers down at them. As soon as the army had entered the stronghold, the gate was closed behind them and the iron gate came down.

The teal avian saw the archers split from the main group, heading towards their own barracks as he went towards his. However, another bird, a pale gray canary ran up to him. "King Nelam wishes for you to wear finery and to come immediately."

Thalion was a bit flabbergasted. "Right now? Can I not bathe before?"

"No time, the king wishes you and the color-shifting gryphon to come as soon as possible for dinner. The others are already arriving."

"Alright, go tell Dusk." Thalion turned and all but ran to his assigned building. Upon entering, he saw some of his comrades look his way. Most went back to what they were doing but some passed greeting. He returned them as he stripped off his armor. First the shoulder pads came off, followed by the leggings. He wore only a simple loincloth, made of soft cloth covering his groin loosely, the strips thinned out towards his rear, the cloth over the front also thinning to tie to the back. The chest piece and headband came off next. Now nearly naked before the others, he felt a small surge of lust. Some of his comrades knew what he was and enjoyed sharing his bed.

Shaking his head slightly, Thalion banished those thoughts from his head. They were few and far between here. After all, he thought to himself, I already have the best lover in the world. Smiling widely at his thoughts, he dug under his bed for his trunk. Pulling it out as it ground against the floor, he flipped the two latches and opened the lid.

Inside were just a few simple things: two pairs of tunics and trousers for normal wear, a few knick knacks and mementos of his life, some more loincloths, and finery for occasions such as he was going to. Taking out the clothes carefully, he laid them on his bunk. Closing the lid, he placed the trunk back as he lifted his chest piece. He placed it on the stand near his bed as well as the other parts of his armor.

Thalion scratched at his chest, over the grey squares near his heart. He slipped into his gold trimmed forest green trousers before he pull the tunic over his head. His hair fluffed a bit as it went over and settled over his chest. It was gold trimmed, a bit lighter than his lower clothing. Nodding to himself, he started for the door and opened it.

His beak fell open as he looked at the two outside the door. The pale grey canary was there, but Dusk was what held his attention. He was dressed in a deep blue with a more ocean blue shirt over his chest. A blue earring was in his ear tuft. His wings were somewhat spread. It was a dramatic display. A chuckle was issued by the grey bird. Thalion, conscious now of his staring, blushed lightly as he closed his beak and stepped outside.

"Come, we must not leave the king waiting." The grey avian said as he turned and walked down the street. Shrugging, Thalion followed him followed by Dusk.

The streets were smooth, considering that they were carved from the mountain itself. Most of the land was this way. The buildings and walls, however, were made from blocks, to better fit it. The places the three passed were a bit down scaled, some of the stone fading and cracking, even a few of them abandoned as they began to cave in.

Soon, they passed a thinner wall with another portcullis in it. The transition from lower to upper class was phenomenal. The houses and shops were now painted and decorated in fine colors. They all looked new. Thalion was staring a bit, before a nudge from Dusk brought his attention to the hybrid bird.

"Stop gawking, you look like a five year old."

"Excuse me for being of a lesser class."

Dusk rolled his eyes. "I'm lower than you, but this doesn't surprise me."

Thalion sighed. He wasn't going to win this argument. "Fine, let's just get through dinner."

The walk was briefer than the one from the lower district. The king's building was three stories tall and maybe five wide. Thalion wasn't good at measuring buildings like this. It was colored in gold and yellows and whites, with splashes of other colors around certain areas. There were two guards in front of the door. They uncrossed their javelins and let the three of them through.

Thalion stopped and stared at the inside. It was mostly white, splotches of yellows around, and it was practically shining. There was a smell of lilacs in the air and water could be heard splashing nearby.

Feeling a taloned hand grab his, he looked at the gryphon holding it and smiled. Dusk smiled himself, a bit shyly it seemed. Thalion's heart beat a bit faster when he saw it. Dusk let go and turned to their guide and followed him down. The night would be long it seemed.

Soon after following the canary, they came to the main dining hall. It featured mahogany chairs and the table was sturdy oak. Most of it was probably imported before the war had ever broken out. The table was set and some of the more well-known lords and ladies were in attendance. There were empty spots to the left and right of the king.

The canary walked up and bowed to Nelam, before moving to stand behind him. Dusk walked forward and bowed as well, at a less angle than any other. Grinning lightly, Thalion knew Dusk would never fully submit himself to another. The color-shifting gryphon moved around the table and sat to the kings right.

Thalion walked up and bowed as well, lower than Dusk had before taking his place to the kings left. King Nelam raised a glass in his taloned paw. "Thank you all for coming this evening." There were a few small responses. "Tonight, I am showing my gratitude to two men who have on multiple occasions helped the avian race." More small responses.

Standing, the dark-green hippogryph continued in his carrying voice. "These two," he indicated Dusk and Thalion, "Are not even part of the military." That brought out some surprised chatter and questions. Using a fork, he hit the glass lightly. "That they have deemed to help us in our need shows that the common man," he pointed to Thalion, "And even a criminal," he pointed to Dusk and more exclamations were made, "Will not let our race be killed off."

Sitting again, he waved a hand, "And now, to the main event. Dig in." The tops of many platters were removed and meats and fruits were revealed. Thalion reached forward and grabbed the leg of a feral lamb that was cooked and was covered in an herbed glaze. Dusk took a small portion of the lamb and grabbed much fruit and a bit of bread. The wine was poured to all but Dusk, who had water.

Thalion began to enjoy himself by the third drink. Sometime after that, every one stood and began to mingle. He conversed with many of the lords and ladies as he continued to drink until his fifth. When he went to pour another, he felt a paw on his arm. Dusk had grabbed him and shook his head no. nuzzled into his neck.

Dusk moved his arm around Thalion's waist and supported the swaying teal colored bird as they went towards the king. Inclining his head, Thalion heard Dusk say, "Sorry to leave so early, but I'd rather not have this bird have a headache tomorrow."

Nelam nodded his head and just smiled. "I understand," he winked and continued, "Don't stay up too late with your fun." Thalion blushed at that. "Take tomorrow off too, you've earned it. I'll send dispatches tonight."

Nodding, Thalion and Dusk started off, being escorted out some doors. Thalion walked towards that doors but was pulled off the main path to a small stairway. Looking at Dusk, he followed the more coherent avian.

They came to a balcony on the third floor. Dusk started to pull off Thalion's shirt. Moaning to himself, he let it be taken off, letting his wings go free as they returned to their natural state of rest. He leaned into the gryphon after the shirt was removed as well. Chuckling softly, Dusk stepped back with his hands on the other avian's shoulders as the teal bird whined softly.

Grinning deviously, Dusk took both shirts and wrapped them around his waist. A clouded part of Thalion's mind stated that what the sunset avian had done would not be good for the shirt, but he dismissed it out of hand. Dusk stood on the railing before casting himself into oblivion.

Thalion gasped as he rushed to the railing before being pushed back by a strong gust of wind. Looking up, he saw the gryphon flying in circles leisurely. Wanting to laugh and cry at what Dusk had done, Thalion opted for standing on the railing before jumping, his wings wide and pumping. As soon as he was airborne, the sunset bird started to move towards the south.

Following the gryphon, Thalion decided he would follow above and behind. He just watched at the other bird's long feline tail swished slightly in the wind. His eyes were inevitably drawn upwards as he looked at the rump at the tail's base. How he would love to have it, but Dusk was extremely proud of his untouched tailhole. Only his mate would have the honor of having the first plunge.

Thalion looked up and saw the almost full moon shining down as he closed his eyes for a second as the cold wind blew through his hair and feathers. To be free like this was the most amazing feeling in the world. The next was when his senses and emotions were driven to the sky. Feeling his face flush, the teal avian opened his eyes to gasp lightly at the sight.

It was beyond any words. The forest spread out in all directions, a fresh dark green filled with swaying shadows as a silver snake of a small river wound through the delicate trees. A pool, with the moon sinking further into its depths, shined with light as a small bit of foam gurgled around the base of a small waterfall. The waterfall itself was a thing of natural beauty, as the moon's light seems to be absorbed to make it glow as it reflected to shine brightly.

Thalion's eyes watered as he wished to cry in joy at such a wild beauty, but saw as Dusk began a landing descent, spreading his wings lightly to slow down until he touched the ground. The gryphon folded his wings as he waited for the other avian to land. Thalion landed not far from his gryphon as he walked up to the sunset avian.

Dusk turned to look at Thalion as the smaller avian hugged the gryphon as he nuzzled into his chest. His words were hoarse as he whispered, "It's beautiful."

Dusk just let his finger claws trail through the soft feathers between teal avian's wings and shoulder blades. "Tonight is special."

Thalion looked at the gryphon in askance and confusion, before being led by hand to the side of the pool. Looking up, he saw the trees somewhat cover them as they stood in shadow. The teal bird looked back down as he felt his paw being let go before seeing the familiar gestures of someone undressing. The wind blew softly as Thalion let out another gasp.

The moonlight played across his toned body. The shifting light also revealed the gryphon's sheath, a lighter orange than the area around it. Thalion swallowed as he saw that, feeling his own groin stir in his pants. He watched as the sunset avian walked over to the waterfall and stood under it, drenching his feathers as he brought his taloned paws up to scrub against his feathers.

The teal avian wasted no more time in removing his pants and loincloth and throwing them over the branch with all the other clothing. His own flaccid member hung freely over his scrotum as he worked his way over to the waterfall as well. Stepping under, Thalion shivered as the cool water flowed over his feathers and skin. He stepped up to Dusk, whose back was to him, and put his hands between the wings. Dusk stopped what he was doing as the teal bird's fingers ran through his back feathers.

Thalion slowly moved around the gryphon, leaning against the strong orange colored chest. He let his fingers wonder through the feathers and scratch Dusk lightly. The sunset avian rumbled as he let out a small thrum of pleasure. Leaning back, he looked up at Dusk and saw his forest eyes watching him with a gleam that made Thalion shiver.

The teal dove let out a heavier breath as he leaned up, watching the gryphon's eyes close as he lowered his head. Thalion closed his eyes as well as their beaks ground against each other. Sliding down the length of the beak, the pointed ends of both beaks came to rest on the others crevice. Thalion felt as Dusk's tongue probed his beak, feeling it run along the sharp curve before curling around his own. A moan escaped into the sunset avian's beak as the dove let it out.

The tongues moved into Dusk's beak as their hands roamed the others body. Thalion let his go up and down his lover's chest as he felt the comfort of talons running through his back feathers between his wings. The tongue broke apart as the two drew back, breathing heavily as they stayed there a minute.

"I want you, Dusk," Thalion breathed out.

Dusk crooned lightly. "I want you too."

Their beaks meshed together again as they had the battle for dominance. Their bodies responded as Thalion's cut cock stiffened in the heat of the moment, proudly jutting against Dusk's sheath in its pink five and a half inch glory. Breathing moans escaped both as Dusk's sheath pushed out from his body as it split open, his maroon shaft slowly coming out and hardening.

The teal avian gasped as he felt the head of the sunset's avian's shaft slip up his smaller length and push past his own. He pulled back from the kiss and looked into Dusk's slitted lusty eyes. The gryphon grabbed the dove's hand and pulled him away from the waterfall, both throbbing painfully as he stopped by the pool's leaving edge.

Dusk grabbed Thalion and laid him down on the banks edge, the teal bird's legs in the water. The gryphon kneeled over the dove's head, letting his member rest on his lover's beak tip. Thalion took his cue and opened his beak, letting his tongue run along the six and three-fourth length.

A gasp was ripped from the dove's lover, feeling the wet tongue run across his sensitive flesh. The tongue wrapped around the girth and slid from the tapered tip to the slight bulge near the sheath. Thalion shuddered at the thought of what the bulge meant and where it would be. He moaned as he continued to run the tongue left and right.

Dusk had slit his eyes in pleasure as the pressure built slightly. After a minute, he removed his malehood from in front of his lover's beak and splashed into the water. He grabbed the teal avian's ankles and brought them to his shoulders. Thalion's lower half was lifted as he used his arms to lever himself.

The gryphon gave a small smirk as he let his tongue lick from Thalion's tail base to his balls. The dove gasped as it ran over his tailhole. The tongue came back down and circled the soft flesh before pushing against it to seek entry. As soon as it did, a loud moan came from Thalion. It had been some time since his last mating, nearly a week. It had been longer still since someone had rimmed him in such a way.

Dusk's tongue went in as deep as it could and lapped at the insides, a croon issuing from him. Thalion whined a little as he felt the wet appendage retreat from his hole. His legs were spread out to a wide V shape as his hands grabbed his thighs. He let out a groan as he felt the head of Dusk's cock rub against his hole.

The teal dove let out a squawk as he felt the tip hit the center of his tailhole and split him wide. Inch after delicious inch lowered into his awaiting body as he moaned loudly, his claws digging into his skin. There was a grunt from Dusk as he shoved the rest of himself inside of Thalion, hearing the gasp that brought. Grinning, Dusk slowly moved his hips back to let his shaft slide out of the teal bird, leaving the head in before shoving it all back in.

Thalion moaned deeply as the shaft inside him slid back and forth, his own member letting out a bead of precum. He felt as Dusk shifted his position a little and arched his back with a short screech as the pleasure spot in him was pressed. The dove lay panting as he saw the smile on Dusk's face as he kept that pose, letting the tip press and scrape his prostate. He couldn't do more than moan in bliss.

A small spurt of pre was released inside of Thalion as Dusk continued to plunge into his lover's tight rear. He couldn't contain his own breathy moans as he felt the pressure starting to build at the base of his shaft. It had been a while since he had played with himself and longer with another. He made another grunt as he shoved inside again.

Thalion wanted to grab his shaft and pump it to add to his pleasure, but the position wouldn't allow it. He was at the mercy of his lover, and he loved every minute of it. As the cock pounded into his rear, he felt a pressure at the back of his own member. The teal dove shuddered and moaned louder as he realized it was his impending orgasm.

Dusk was starting to growl in his chest as his knot started to swell, pushing it in and out of his friend's rear and causing the other bird to gasp and squawk. His thrusts were hard and deep, as fast as possible to finish in his lover. Once his knot had grown to a bigger size, he grit his beak as he pressed it against Thalion's anal ring.

Thalion was gritting his own beak as the knot was attempting to force itself inside of his body. He tried to relax a little and let his head fall back as the knot started to get in. He screeched to the heavens as it got in him, his pleasured and ravaged body no longer willing to hold out. His cock pulsed as his seed sprayed out, coating his chest, neck and beak as some landed in his open mouth. He lay panting as he felt a warm rush of liquid in his rear to indicate his lover's release in him. The teal avian's ears rang with his screech and that of his partners.

Both lay as they had for the mating, breath ragged as they panted for air. Soon, Dusk picked up Thalion, both shivering and moaning as the over-sensitive flesh was stimulated further, and moved farther up the bank. Lying on his back, the gryphon set the dove on his chest and let his arms and wings enshroud both.

Thalion let his eyes lower to slits as he let his afterglow take him over. He was warm, loved and listening to the rapid beat of his gryphon's heart. A clawed talon scratched at his back as he crooned softly himself, enjoying the feel of Dusk more and more. He always loved being around Dusk. He didn't know why, but he enjoyed it more.


The breathy whisper of his friend caused the dove to raise his head ever so slightly to look into the sunset avian's forest eyes. The eyes held a yearning that Thalion was not familiar with and it scared him a bit.

"Thalion, remember the vow we took?"

The teal bird remembered. They had met and became friends, and through many adventures, to lovers. The vow Dusk was speaking of was the one to remain lovers only, not to be involved any further. His eyes held confusion as he responded, "Yes, why?"

Dusk took a deep, trembling breath as he let out in a whisper, "I want to break that vow."

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