Like a Shooting Star

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#46 of Confessions of a Gay Porn Star

Like a Shooting Star


Yay, Jimmy's baaaack! ^^


I was working the floor at my café when my phone rang in my pocket. We were covered for now, thankfully, which meant that I could slip out to the back and then through the door so that I jammed my apron-wearing self between the garbage cans in the alleyway.

"Jimmy Norton, sorry you had to wait, I'm at work," I answered the phone once it was up to my ear, "hello?"

"Hello? Is this James Norton?" a voice I didn't know spoke. It did sound canine.

"Yes, that's me," I said, "can I help you?"

"I'm Lanceford Carter, I represent the Anderson Entertainment Group. Do you have a few minutes to talk?"

The name of the man said nothing to me, but the rest was vaguely familiar. I just couldn't quite pinpoint it in my head.

"Well I am at work, but I suppose I can spare a couple of minutes, yeah," I said, "if you're selling something, though..."

"No, no," there was a brief chuckle, "I'm not selling anything to you...except work, of course."

"Work?" I stated.

"Yes," the voice replied, "as it happens, my employers own the intellectual rights to your past work with Blue Paws Entertainment, and - "

I felt a coldness in my belly at the mention of that name. I swallowed, quickly.

"I'm afraid I'm not available for that kind of work," I said," I have quit that business years ago, and I'm not interested in getting back to any of it. Sorry. Been asked in the past, and it's just not for me, anymore."

"I understand that you are no longer active, but we are talking about your catalogue of work, which we own."

_ _

Hmmph. You might as well pay me a bit for getting endless amount of income from it, whatever it might be

"Okay, what about it?" I said. "Can you make this quick?"

"We are in the process of re-arranging our VOD assets, and as part of a new range of re-released products, we are bringing back nostalgia collections of work, including your work as Lance Logan and Benny Thicker."

_ _

"Well if you own it, why do you have to ask me?"

"Because we require a legal release of the assets to your image, and also, we would like to offer you a special deal as part of this package."

_ _

"I told you, I'm not doing any more - " I lowered my voice ,"entertainment, did you get that?"

"Well, I do understand, but what I'm offering is a very simple thing, it'll only take you a few hours and it won't involve anything other than solo work."

_ _

I harrumphed.

"I really don't - "

"If you could leave me your email address, I could send you further information, and we could correspond about this? I understand you are busy, and so am I, so it would be beneficial if we could arrange another phone call or a personal meeting about this."

"I have stopped working in your business," I said, "I really don't want to be involved in any of it anymore. I've seen that life and it's not for me anymore."

"I understand your point of view, but it is my duty to make sure that our assets remain profitable, and in order to develop our portfolio, we are willing to compensate you quite generously for your efforts."

_ _

"I'm okay with money."

He mentioned a sum of money, and my ears jumped out of surprise.


"For your image in the marketing of our new VOD service. A day's work."

_ _

It was more than I made in a month. Two month's wages, without taxes.

"Are you serious?" I had to ask.

"Absolutely, mister Norton."

_ _

I really didn't have the time for this.

"Okay, can I leave you my address?"

"It would be most useful."

_ _

I rambled out my Gmail address.

"Thank you. I'll be in touch."

_ _

There's no way you're touching any part of me, you porn producer bastard, I thought.

"I'm sure you will be," I said.

"Good day, Mister Norton."

_ _

"Bye," I huffed.


The rest of the day was weird. I couldn't really concentrate on the job, which meant I almost slipped coffee twice and once did spill some soya coffee beans, but at least my boss didn't chastise me too much. It was just hard to do something even as simple as pouring coffee while my head was full of thoughts. I kept checking my email on my phone when I had a chance to glance at it, but nothing came while I was at work, or when I got out of the cat in our parking hall.


_ _

Oh God, thank for nice husband-men and their adoring ways...I was hungry, despite the uneasy feeling in my stomach, and the smell of something lovely cooking was sure to make my stomach churn for all different reasons.

"You're a lifesaver," I put my arms around him and gave him a big lion hug and a kiss in the living room, while we greeted one another, "you already off work?"

"Yeah, left some code to run and bolted, the automatics an handle the rest of it for today," he said, "and was getting hungry, too, so..."

"I like that thinking," I nuzzled my snow leopard's head and gave that a big kiss, too.

"Me too" Kurt replied, a paw playing with my collar, a warm, nice sensation that made me rumble

It was easy to forget my worries in that moment, and I did, for quite some time, while we traded a few words about work, enjoyed the dinner, and I didn't mention the phone call. It was too nice to put it out of my mind for now.

I fetched my tablet once Kurt tuned into some rerun on the television, and now there was a message in my inbox with the header "Terms of work" and the sender was someone with an address that had the letter "AEG" on it, which I presumed stood for that entertainment group.

I made sure that Kurt was engrossed in his TV and his drink, and began to read. It was quite lengthy, the message, introducing what the Anderson Entertainment Group did - (buying out porn studio catalogues and re-releasing the stuff on video on demand, basically), what they were doing with Blue Paws Studios material (which they had acquired when they had bought Silverfur Entertainment), and especially, what they wanted to do with me. They had a hundred Lance Logan and Benny Thicker titles, and they wanted to release it as part of some kind of a collection on a subscription service where you paid a monthly fee and could watch as much fucking as you could before passing out. Part of their package was something they called "Classics" range, and the wordy message boasted that they had acquitted so many good titles and good stars, they were hoping to make a good profit on the material.

What they really wanted me to do was to let them do it, really, and then to agree to a photoshoot where they'd take a few sexy snaps of me, and film a small intro video spot of me, where I would welcome them to my part of the video service, and that would be it.

One day's work, the fur had told me on the phone. The proposed payment was mentioned in the message, too, and that gave me an uncomfortable stir of...what else, but greed, and excitement? A chance to treat Kurt to something nice...a chance to put into my little nest egg for...the plan...if anything was going to become of that.

But at what cost? I'd given it all up, and Kurt was fine with my past, and we'd never talked about what happened if I ever went back to the business...because I had never thought about going back to the business...because it was no longer my place, and I didn't want to go there...I'd finally managed to make a good place for me, and I didn't want to ruin it all for the sake of money. I'd done it all for the money and the thrill, and now I had mostly gone over the thrill, and the money no longer interested me, and...

"Wotcha reading?"

I jumped.

"That good?" he asked.

I put the tablet away and gave him a bashful look.

"Was just checking some Facebook updates, "I lied regretfully as I turned to face him, "want an update on you, now."

I patted his stomach and smiled when I heard a little purr from his throat. He looked at me for a moment before his eyes went back to the TV, and I let him, because this was his relaxation time. I just needed a bit of reassurance for myself, that everything was fine now. I leaned over and nuzzled his neck, and he let me kiss him there, too, when I was sniffing him with overt familiarity that was only meant for husbands and lovers.


Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed, and look forward to hearing what you think about it!


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