Cruising For Some Tail

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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This is a commission for avatar?user=47374&character=0&clevel=2 frozenthrone who wanted to see some interesting hot and dirty action...which is just fine. Last post before Christmas. Do enjoy!


With the time a bit past 11 and with the beer buzzing in his stomach already, Tyler was starting to think that the part was a bust, and it officially sucked, and not in a good way.

The jaguar gulped down cheap kegger beer from his Solo cup and let his eyes once again scan the noisy frat house living room. He lingered on anything he liked, mostly the rumps of the guys doing embarrassing attempts at dancing or chatting up the girls around the room. The couch had already been taken over by members of the football team, each with a cheerleader-like girl on their lap or under their arm, exchanging lurid grins to one another and dragging puffs from dreadful e-cigarettes and acting like they were hot shit.

With such buff muscles and attitudes to match...why not, Tyler thought, one paw scratching over his belly.

What a bust. Go to a party the Facebook advert had been boasting as "SUPER LGBT FRIENDLY!" and not a single gay hunk around. What was the point, if the only gays he'd seen so far were those pussies from drama department, who had somehow dared the odds and come to a party full of rough sport jocks and were now holding court in their corner of the room, dancing and drinking and giggling and having their own entourage of geeky girls hovering around them. The presence of the giggling gaggle made Tyler unhappy to even consider approaching any of them. They didn't even really seem to be doing anything party-like, such as making out or dirty dancing...what was the point in that, Tyler thought, his tail snapping with displeasure. Furs came to these parties to get drunk and have fun, which mostly included trying to gain insight into the mysteries of sex many of them had been deprived of during their high schools years.


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Tyler's ears perked at the noise and turned to look over again, almost hopefully. What he saw was certainly not displeasing - a couple of the football jocks had ended up pouring beer on one another, probably during a bro fisting tournament, and now the guys were standing and grinning and comparing their bodies while their shirts clung to their ripped bodies. All the girls aware of the activity were watching...hell, some of the guys were watching, enviously, most like, especially when Rico, the quarterback wolf, took off his loud T-shirt and began to swing it in the air above his head like a lasso.

"PARTY! PARTY! PARTY!" the wolf went, tail wagging.

Tyler shook his head and returned to drinking from his own cup, feeling a bit pissed off by the attention-stealers, not to mention aroused from the sight of the muscled wolf's body twisting and turning while he spun the shirt and got everyone's eyes on him. Tyler sneered at the ogling crowd and tugged his tail between his legs. Idiots getting all the attention with their dirt antics. Why couldn't you just -

His idle looking suddenly stopped. Standing around on a very similar pose but on another part of the room was a Doberman, quite lithe and not at all an imposing looking canine such as the footballers, and seemingly just keeping to himself. He didn't even have a drink with him, just had his paws tucked into his pockets while he looked around the room. Tyler was almost surprised that the dog wasn't playing around with his phone or something.

The jaguar's brain might've been muddled by alcohol, but a memory connected, of the very same Doberman once sitting in the library with what everyone knew was the unofficial gay-straight alliance club...considering he wasn't giggling around with the gaggle of handbags whom those stupid girls thought to be so damn cute and interesting...

Danny, he remembered. The dog was called Danny, or something like that...

And he wasn't looking at any of the buxom girls dancing around, no, no, he was definitely taking quick looks at the quarterback horse who was puffing up his muscles and showing off to the swooning audience.


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Tyler kicked himself off from the wall, puffed out and his chest and swaggered in for the kill. This was going to be too easy...shy and withdrawn...obviously gay...he wasn't going to raise noise about the jaguar approaching him with such intentions...and if he played his cards right, he might be sinking his cock into a warm muzzle before midnight.

The jaguar's tail swiped, his paw brushed over his head furs to tousle them pleasantly, cup in one paw, as he crossed the room using the mayhem caused by the semi-clad footballers as distraction to make his way over to the brooding dog.


The dog's ears jumped up at the voice, the sudden address to him, and he looked curiously at the broadly smirking cat who had appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

"Get you a drink?" Tyler lifted his cup in offer.


"Tastes likes piss but gets you drunk," the jaguar took a quick sip and let out a long 'aaah' afterwards to tell the dog just what he was missing out on since he was not drinking the terrible cheap kegger beer.

"Oh, no thanks," the dog said.

"Not dancing?" Tyler asked.

The Doberman's paws fiddled in his pockets.

"Not really my thing," he said, "and the music's a bit loud."

"Yeah, the party ain't so great," Tyler mused, leaning casually onto the wall by the Doberman so that he could get closer to him without arousing all that much suspicion.

"Oh, I guess it's okay," the Doberman said, "a bit crowded."

Tyler's cock throbbed in his pants. Could it really be that easy? He wasn't even sending that strong signals out yet...but was the dog already reading him? He wasn't even that bad looking...not very built, but not ugly either. He'd be fun...

"Maybe we should go out for a bit?" Tyler said. "Catch a breath?"

Now the dog's eyes looked surprised. Tyler put on his most charming smile.

"Nicer to stand outside than here with all the noise and all..."

"I dunno," the Doberman rubbed his neck quickly, "not sure, really."

"Oh come on, this party is dead," the jaguar winked, "we should get somewhere where something fun is happening."

"Like what?" the Doberman asked.

The jaguar leaned forward, close to let his scent linger in the dog's nose, to really rub it off on him without actually touching the Doberman. That was something even he would not do quite so casually.

"Well...good kind of fun?" Tyler's tail bounced behind him.


"Come on," Tyler elbowed the Doberman, gentle enough that he wouldn't get too jumpy about it," we should go...better things to do than this..."

"Well I'm not - "

"You won't regret it," Tyler winked, and made sure to lean even closer to the Doberman.


The walk from the party house to Tyler's own frat house was not very long, but it seemed to take forever. The Doberman kept voicing doubts about their sensibility of the action, even after Tyler copped a feel of his crotch and found it to be nice and hard, after a hasty nibble on his ear and a whispered "y_ou won't regret it"_ to further entice the shy dog into being his bitch for the night.

"..what if we wake someone up - "

"They're all out," the jaguar replied while letting them in," went to another party."

And hopefully getting lucky so I can get lucky here, he thought.

"Come on, let's go to my room..."

His cock rubbed awkwardly on the fabric of his boxers while he led the Doberman by paw into his room. He turned on the lights to illuminate the room, two beds, both unoccupied, Tyler's messy since he hadn't really cared to make it, his roommate's immaculate as always.

"Welcome, dude," Tyler winked, as he grabbed the Doberman, properly, finally, his balls, his cocky nature, and the beer giving him as much randy feelings and forward behavior as possible, even for a frat boy.


He stuck his tongue into the dog's muzzle and eventually the geek actually started to kiss him back, all the while his paws awkwardly tried to pet the jaguar's fuzzy neck. Tyler's paws were more bold and determined, however, grabbing the dog's tail, his butt, trying to get between their bodies to squeeze on that inviting bulge of his cock.

"'re pretty hot," Tyler told the Doberman while he pushed fingers under the hem of his shirt, "gonna have a lot of fun..."


"Don't be shy...we'll have a lot of fun..." Tyler repeated, a bit dully. The beer was hampering him a bit, definitely ,but it didn't stop him from feeling up the Doberman's belly.

The jaguar led them over to the bed and pushed the dog down there, where he landed with a clatter, and then he attacked him again, to get on top of him.


The jaguar ground onto the Doberman hotly, cocks sandwiched between their bodies and doing a hot, warm rocking motion n one another. Tyler was starting to feel pretty fact, his earlier feelings of rejection and displeasure with the party were soon gone. He had a warm body to play with, someone who had a cock and surely a nice tight little doggie hole under that tail that kept wagging at the sheets.

"Time to get naked, dude, I'm pretty pent up," Tyler rumbled, purred and panted all at once while he began to pull off his T-shirt, "let's see that bod!"

He got naked quicker than the Doberman and stood there, showing off his toned body and his hard cock, which he stroked a couple of times to make sure the Doberman would not be missing out on any single sexy detail. He felt extraordinarily horny and was pretty sure he was not going to last very long once they'd get to it...but he hoped to recharge soon and get another go...or two...the Doberman was better going to agree with that...and he looked like he would, since he did have a big bulge on his own underpants, after those jeans had finally been pushed down onto his knees.

"Come on..." Tyler grinned, "sexy time..."

The Doberman stood up to get his undies off, which gave Tyler a sight of a cute enough a butt...he sure looked forward to grinding his cock into that ass before slipping inside...


The urge got the best of him and he stepped forward, arms about he Doberman, nibbling on his fuzzy brown neck.

" taste good..." Tyler slurred, tongue lapping on the dog's skin.


Tyler humped against the dog's warm rump and panted a little more. His cock left a trail of pre-cum against the Doberman's silky fur and he only wanted to fuck him even harder for the feel of that hair stroking all over his heated groin.

"Hmmpphh...yeah.." Tyler grabbed the Doberman's cock and squeezed.


"Lemme get the lube," Tyler grinned.

He let go of the Doberman, grudgingly, and retrieved his KY jelly from the bedside table. As he turned around, he saw that the dog was still standing there, looking at him curiously.

"This is good stuff, I promise you," Tyler boasted while fiddling with the cap, "works like a charm and it'll slide right in."

"Uh...I'm a virgin..." the Doberman said.

Tyler almost lost his load right there and there, hearing the Doberman's shy voice and the message it carried. It sounded almost too good to be true.

"You are?" Tyler almost gasped.


"Well..." Tyler swallowed, "don't you worry...I'll...I'll take good care of you...I'll get in nice and sloooow..."

The Doberman's ears jumped up and then back.

"But I'm not really into that, though..." the dog said.

Tyler's own ears popped down.


"I'm not a...a bottom..." the Doberman said.

"But you..." the jaguar rumbled, "you came with me"

" were offering sex...right?" the Doberman said.

"Hell yeah," Tyler said.

With me plowing your butt, he thought.

"So...uh..." the Doberman avoided his eyes, "what are we gonna do?"

Tyler glanced at the open bottle of lube on his paw, at his own hard cock, the dog, and let out a deep breath. This wasn't turning out quite the way he thought it would be. He wasn't happy about it, either. Here he was, blue-balled and the Doberman was suddenly backing out of it...

"Well...I really need to get off, dude," Tyler breathed," and...well..."

"Could...could you..." the Doberman said.

Tyler's tail jumped behind him.

"Not really my thing, sorry," he defended.

"Well not mine, either," the Doberman said, "so...maybe...blowjobs or...or paws or..."

Tyler snorted.

"Well I was really looking forward to it and - "

"So..." the Doberman was looking at his own toes, not the jaguar," maybe if I did you and...maybe you could know...maybe try and..."

Tyler blinked.

"You suggesting I let you fuck my ass and only then you'll let me fuck you?!" the cat hissed.

"Uh...sure, why not?" the dog stated. "Seems fair to me."

"Well I don't really ..."

"I'm willing to try," the Doberman said, "first time and know..."

Tyler frowned. This really wasn't something he had contemplated...sure he'd thought about that occasionally, but he really wasn't into it, and he didn't like the idea all that much...then again, the Doberman didn't seem too big in the cock department, and his ass would surely be satisfying once he'd get in there...but it really did seem like an awfully big thing to do for a simple fuck.

But he was so damn horny...and a blowjob...that probably wasn't going to do it all.

What the hell, he thought.

"Uh...okay then..." Tyler snorted, "but don't...don't make me regret this, okay?"

"Uh...alright..." the dog sounded equally nervous, "but no funny business, ok?"

"First time, remember?" the Doberman said, "I don't really even know any tricks."

Tyler snorted as he handed over the tube of lube to the Doberman, took a deep breath, and settled onto all fours onto his own bed...the first time in such a position, and he hadn't even really contemplated it before, either. His tail twitched from side to side, and he felt awkward...and the Doberman was behind him, suddenly.

"So I'll just..."

"Haven't you seen enough porn?" Tyler grunted over his shoulder.


The Doberman splurted lube onto his fingers and jammed them under Tyler's tail.

"That's cold!"


"Just use a lot of it...and don't take too long in it..." Tyler grunted. He decided to stare right ahead of him instead of watching what was going on at his ass in order to avoid at least part of the inevitable embarrassment of the act he was agreeing to

It felt weird to have those fingers there, all cold and sticky, but not as weird as the warm cock that was suddenly placed where the fingers had been before.

" we go..."

Tyler bit hit teeth together.


The dog stopped pushing. He hadn't really gotten anywhere, but Tyler's asshole already smarted. It probably wasn't supposed to feel like that. Hell, it wasn't designed to do that in t first place...

The Doberman pushed again.


Hot, thick cock pressed against his hole and little by little started to enter into the jaguar's virgin rump.


" hot..."


"Damn...," the dog chortled.

Tyler's claws dug into the sheets while his tailhole was spread further and further by the thick lump of flesh sliding so suddenly into his rectum. He was entirely unused to the feeling and he'd never done anything like this, not even with fingers, and he was really starting to get filled up.


The Doberman's cock felt huge. It went deeper and deeper...the dog's paws clasped onto his hips...and he was really in.

"Oh God..."

He pulled back, suddenly, and then thrust in, which made Tyler yelp.

"Wow!" he shouted. "Fucking hell!"

"S-sorry..." the Doberman said...but didn't stop thrusting into the jaguar's tight, virgin butt.


The dog fucked him with the enthusiasm of a beginner, more lust than skill, really. He even slipped out once, but he was quick to dig his tip back onto the jaguar's hole before his muscled ring managed to even close again. The cock went back in was really churning something back deep in there...the jaguar couldn't explain it, but his cock remained hard despite the smarting pain. It kept building up...not exactly like he was having an orgasm...more like needing to pee...but it felt...distracting enough from the feeling of the huffing dog's cock plunging into his ass.

" damn..."

Tyle's ears flattened.

"Don't...uhgh...get too cozy back...ah...there," the jaguar mumbled, "I...ah...need my turn...nhhh..."


The Doberman's hips suddenly jammed forward, and Tyler felt something hot press against his hole..then again, and again, since he kept thrusting.

The Jaguar's eyes widened.

"OH...fuck no..."

He tried to scramble forward, but the Doberman's paws gripped on his hip tight, and he couldn't really move away when he felt that seemingly huge lump crash onto his hole...again...and suddenly it was in and he wasn't sure whether it was pain or pleasure, but his ass felt fuller than it ever was and could ever the dog crashed on him, and teeth rushed against his cheek and suddenly...


The dog was practically howling, and his cock pumped hot cum into the jaguar's no longer virgin back passage. Tyler was gasping and grunting all the time, with the dog's slobber on his neck and his cum in his ass.


"Uh...fuck..." Tyler snorted and grumbled.


Tyler's ass felt like it was on fire.



"Shut up," Tyler grunted, "get off my back."


Tyler felt pressure on his itching tail ring, and he sudden realized -

"WAIT - "

But the Doberman was already pulling, and his poor tailhole couldn't really put up much resistance to the dog's motion. The knot passed through the hole it had pierced earlier and stretched to its limits, and now he popped out with a dirty, slick 'pop' that accompanied a trickle of cum over the jaguar's pent-up balls.

"Owwww fuck..." Tyler snorted.

He crashed onto his belly and rolled to his side. His arousal was quickly forgotten while he laid there, and he barely noticed the bed moving, too. Tyler opened his eyes and suddenly saw the dog's slick, red cock bouncing right in front of his face.

"What the hell?"

" licking it clean when I'm done...'I'm...kinda flexible enough..." the Doberman said, "could you..."

"Dude - "

The dog put his paw onto Tyler's muzzle and pushed his tip against the dazed jaguar's lips. By instinct he opened them and accepted the foul-tasting shaft in, or at least some of it, while his tongue lazily licked over the panting dog's tool.



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Tyler spat the cock out of his muzzle and lifted his head, just in time to hear the further trample of steps coming from a bunch of frat boys coming back from a boozy party...and the door into the jaguar's room was open.


The first one at the door was the tiger, Rick...



Thank you for reading! Hope you had a good time reading, and I look forward to seeing your comments! Happy holidays!


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