The Christmas Hou Hou Hou

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#51 of Commissions by Gruffy

It's the holidays at the Butt(on)hole Club and things are merry :)

The Christmas Hou Hou Hou


This is a commission to AAcid who wanted something suitably festive for the holidays, and thankfully I was able to write this one up before the big day it's a ding dong merrily o high from Gruffy, sponsored by that big black wolf, and there might even be a special guest popping in this story, too, so keep your eyes open...have you been naughty or nice and deserving of tricks or treats? Both might be in store in this holiday romp, so hope you like this, and do leave me feedback, comments, votes, faves...anything to tell how you liked it!

Have a good 'un, everyone :)




"Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells rock..."

_ _

The music was as idiosyncratic as the crowd in the club, the few swaying on the dance floor, the less choreographic spirits hiding in the darker corners, in the booths or lounging by the bar, the odd tail or an ear flicking along to the surprisingly festive music blasting from the speakers. On the small fun and games stage, the target of many eyes, two exceptionally well muscled reindeer were doing some kind of go-go dancing, with plenty of mimicked sledge pulling and a lot of shaking their goodies in the tight red long john type underwear both of them wore. Their sleek upper bodies were bare except for tinsel stripes forming a kind of a harness on both, and similar ornaments hung from their impressive antlers, along with golden baubles that swung about with their cheerful movements to the music.

The staff members about the club were similarly attired to match the spirits of the crowds. The buff, burly tiger manning the bar wore a red leather harness and a leather collar with little bells on it, which meant that every drink was served not only with a smirk and a wink, but a pleasant jingle as well. At least the black leather pants were the same ones he wore most nights...

"...take this to the booth number 4," the tiger told to one of the temp waiters for the night, a deer wearing a red jockstrap, red suspenders and a green bow tie, with tinsel hanging from a pair of fake antlers he'd worn for the occasion.

"Yes, sir!" the deer wagged his white little tail, attracting eyes from anyone seeing his cute butt swing in its red jock PIKE jock while the deer carrier his tray of drinks into one of the darkest corners of the club.

_..." jingle...aall the waaayy....!" _

_ _

The cheesy Christmas music ended and the deer on stage stood up, panting a little from the exertion before getting down to pick up the customary dollar notes that some patrons had thrown there during their performance.

"...hey, let the two boys face this way when you're doing that, not just the pretty face!"

_ _

"Earning your keep when Santa is doing his rounds, are you?"

_ _

The leering comments roused laughter and grins from the heated crowd, at least from those who were able or allowed to talk, considering that some of the patrons had decided to muzzle their better halves for the night, such as the bear sitting on a bar stool by the counter with his obedient puppy - some kind of a feline, by the looks of the tail and the body type, but clad in leather, paw mittens and a mask that shrouded his face and gave him the appearance of a cheerful puppy, with his leash going into the leather daddy bear's relaxed paw that occasionally went down to ruffle his pup's head.

The lights on the stage went down, suddenly, and many eyes turned towards the stage where the deer were now moving about in near darkness.

"And now, The Butt(on)hole Club presents...our very own Bad Santa...Master Johnny!"

_ _

The crowd cheered in their rough voices, as the black backdrop of cloth, adorned in plastic mistletoes for tonight, parted and the leather-clad polar bear stomped onto the stage while applause clattered through the club and the speakers played a suitably ominous trash metal soundtrack for a moment.


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"Good evening gentlemen and...gentlemen!" the polar bear boomed, voice amplified by the hidden mic he always wore to keep his fingerless leather glove-covered big bear paws free for any kind of action that was required of them.


_ _

"You're took kind...maybe I'll take onto that offer later!" the beer leered and winked, causing another wave of stomping and leering as everyone admired him. That included both the doms who admired Johnny's unabashed, raunchy sexuality and those of more submissive disposition, who secretly dreamed of getting a very rough treatment from someone as sexy, dangerous and daddy-like as the big bear on stage.

"My dear friends, we've all gathered here to mark the birthday of our Lord Jesus being VERY NAUGHTY BOYS!"


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The bear smirked.


The resounding chorus was more than positive, and the bear reveled in the attention, the hungry eyes, the few tongues lolling out of muzzles as if hoping something musky would slider over them, the wagging tails, the general thirst for some hot, manly action to fill their minds and senses with pleasure.


"WE'VE FUCKING PAID FOR IT!" Someone yelled.

"And no refunds!" the polar bear chuckled.

"HAR HAR!" a sneering voice commented.

_ _

"Hey, you shut up there or I'll stuff a dick in your muzzle!" the bear replied to whoever was giving such an errand comment to his statement.

"YES PLEASE!" someone else joined in.

"Alright...are you ready for the Butt(on)hole Club's X X X Christmas treat?"

The music came up again, for an expectant grumble while the excitement grew even further.

"Well in that case...give some paw for our special guest's for AARON AND HIS REINDEER, ARGIE!"

_" Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer..." _

_ _

The speakers blasted sickly sweet Christmas music as the dark cloth parted and a wolf strutted out. His furs were black, inky, really, and the stern expression on his muzzle left out little emotion, not even lust or pleasure at being the center of attention. Studded red, shiny leather covered his chest in an X pattern, and he wore little else besides a red rubber jockstrap that had a massive bulge on the front, and heavy leather boots that stomped loudly onto the stage and made it shudder under the big wolf's weight and his step.

In one of his paws he held the end of a red leather leash, and a singular tug brought in another fur, a grey fox who wore only a skimpy, bright red thong besides the red leather collar the leash attached to, a black leather harness obviously meant to resemble that of a reindeer, complete with jingle bells, and pair of plastic antlers that hung precariously from the top of his head and were already somewhat lopsided. His eyes looked a bit wild when he faced the crowd, in contrast to the stern wolf whose face didn't change one bit while the loud crowds cheered upon them.

"OUR BAD SANTA AARON IS GOING TO SHOW HIS FAVORITE REINDEER BOY HOW ALPHAS SHOULD BE TREATED ON CHRISTMAS EVE!" Master Johnny delivered into his microphone, already stepped into the sidelines to give the guest star and his boy more space to play with.

The music died down and the only noise left was the crowd, breathing, rumbling, murmuring...a few odd remarks here and there, but mostly quiet, and looking onto the stage with anticipation.

"There we go...prance for me, boy..."

The grey fox lifted his paws into a kind of a begging pose and then began to hop from one foot to another, jingling and jangling while his tail did a bit of wagging behind him. The wolf kept a tight grip on the leash while the fox did his best impression of a galloping reindeer, even with his antlers looking like they might falls off at any moment as they wobbled on top of his head.

"Hmmm..." the wolf shook his head, just once, "not good enough. "Faster."

"Y-yes, sir," the fox spoke, another microphone taped under his chin to pick up his words (and hopefully, a whimper or two, later on, in sublime quality), as the grey vulpine continued to stomp in place.

"Alpha's boy looks like he wants something...begging like a bitch for something..."

"Y-yes sir, "the fox spoke, not quite breathless yet, but with a tremble to his voice, impressed by the Alpha in front of him.

"HOU HOU HOU SANTA!" a rough voice barked out from the dark corner of the bar.

"Tsk..." Aaron the wolf clicked his tongue, "no wonder this reindeer is the cumdump to the rest of the herd..."

The wolf's ears flicked sharply and the fox's ears flattened, as he still pranced on.

"That who you are, boy?" the wolf growled.

"Yes...Alpha..." the fox breathed.

"A what?" the wolf stated softly, dangerously so, one paw slowly rubbing over the big rubber bulge of his groin. "What are you?"

"A...a cum dump...Alpha..."

"Fucking right."

The wolf yanked on the thick leather leash, hard enough that the fox stumbled and fell forward, right onto the wolf's chest. He growled and the fox yelped, and the wolf's tail shot out behind him in a clear sign of annoyance nobody in the crowd could have missed.

"There we go..." Aaron growled. His heavy paw landed onto the back of the fox's head and he pressed the helpless young male's muzzle against his strongly muscled chest, "breathe your Alpha, boy...smell his musk...feel who you belong to..."

His voice was almost sublime, egging the fox on as his nostrils flared, the only way to breathe was to do so through the thick fur on the wolf's chest, to take in the deep musk radiating from every pore on his sweaty, unwashed skin. The fox's own tail bristled and his paws, first tentative, clutched onto the wolf's furs, to hold him close as much as the wolf's own rough paws made sure that there was no escaping from his clutches.

"YOU CALL THAT ROUGH DOMMING?! " the raspy voice yelled from the darkness of the room.

"LOOKING GREAT, MASTER!" someone immediately retaliated, a sharper voice.

The wolf sneered.

"That's Alpha for you," the wolf grunted over the muffled, if amplified moans of the wolf fox huffing hot breaths onto the wolf's hide.


"Not quite yet," the wolf grinned as he reveled in the fox's helpless attention "Alpha's not done with foxy boy yet..."

Aaron relinquished his hold on the fox's neck and stepped back, which forced the panting fox to stand upright again. His muzzle hung a little bit open...drool glistening on his lips.

"Alpha..." the fox mumbled.

"Slutty little boy fox..." Aaron grinned. He grabbed the plastic antlers and threw them off to the side, leaving the fox staring at him with surprised eyes.

"Don't think you got enough, yet, though..."



_ _

"Do you want it, boy?" the wolf spoke to the fox.

"Yes, Alpha..." the fox breathed, "please..."

"Was that a please, pup?"

"Please..." the fox's ears dropped, his eyes staring to the shiny black leather of the toes of the wolf's boots.

"The wolf smirked, a flash of white teeth, before an arm was raised.

"Think you have to make sure it's well clean..." he said, "and don't make me have to pull on this leash...too much..."


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_ _

The fox saw what was coming for him for only a moment before the leash went taut and his muzzle was propelled onto the wolf's musky armpit.

"Smell that, boy...smell your alpha, boy...worship your alpha..."

The wolf's crooning filled the fox's ears, much like his musk occupied his nostrils. It was much more potent now, coming from such a source, undiluted like the variety found upon his hide. Aaron dropped his arm and caught the fox into a bit of a headlock, so that all he could do was to keep huffing the wolf's sweet, tangy musk in.

"There, now..." the wolf spoke, patronizing and slow, "take all you need, boy...alpha can be kind, too...give you what you need to serve me right..."


_ _

The wolf's head turned in a snap and gazed at the audience, the crowd of men looking at him intently while the fox chewed on the black canine's armpit, drinking in the musk that was in ample supply. The hot breaths felt good for the wolf too, his entire body warmed by the arousing heat, and the feel of the trembling fox doing his best to worship his Alpha.

"Hmmm yes...alpha knows just what do to with his deer boy this Christmas..." the wolf stated in his low, grumbling voice, "got a very special gift for you this time around, boy..."

The wolf made a sign with his paw, and even though he still kept the fox trapped under his arm to make sure he would be getting a good musk bath, his attention turned towards the clothed backdrop.

The drapes parted and the go-go reindeer from before entered, in a spotlight that followed them, and something they were pushing on wheels on stage. It was obviously the big bondage cross that was part of the club's standard equipment, but for tonight, a cheerful green wooden cutout of a Christmas tree had been added. The crowd made cat calls and yelled obscenities as the familiar, yet ornamented display was brought in and locked into place, before the reindeer disappeared backstage again, only to return with two shiny steel carts that too were decorated with tinsel.

"Hmmyes...deer boy is going to have a good time with his Alpha..."

The wolf's actions were quick and rough, to push the fox down to his knees on the plastic-covered stage, the wolf turning, with a swing of his tail, so that the newly kneeling fox suddenly got his muzzle roughly shoved onto the wolf's burgeoning crotch.

"Take that in, boy..." the wolf whispered. "Smell a real man for once and not your hay-chewing brothers..."

"Hmmrmmhmhh..." everyone could hear the fox's rapturous breathing as he sniffed and slobbered on the shiny, warm rubber that kept him so close yet so far away from the heat of the wolf's fat cock. Its outline was more than visible, the material was tight and everyone could spy the lengthy shaft and the thick knot at the base, terminating in the bulge of big balls between the wolf's beefy legs.

"There you go...ain't shameful to submit to your Alpha when you know he's a stronger male than you'll ever be..." the wolf spoke.



Aaron didn't react to the noise from the increasingly tense crowd. He was in his own world, in one made of domination and submission, of musk, leather and a fox tongue spreading heat and a wet coat of saliva onto his groin. The fox's eyes were closed, even...he probably hadn't seen his display, yet.

He'd learn, Aaron thought, as he pulled on the leash.

"Time for your present, boy...and it's not under the tree, this time..."

"S-sir?" the fox looked up, tentatively, urged on by the leash that pulled taut on the jingling collar around his neck.

"Get up, deerboy."

The fox shuffled onto his bare footpaws and looked at the wolf expectantly.

"Here you go, boy."

The leather wolf led the fox over to the tree display and pushed him against the painted wood.

"You know your place, don't you, pup?"

"Y-yes, Alpha..."

Aaron twirled the leash a few times around the top of the Christmas tree and let the end of it drop over one of the 'branches' of the tree, before he turned to face one of the metal carts that had been brought in with the tree.


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Aaron sneered, but saw no reasons to start proving his masculinity to some drunken louse. Anyone in their right minds and not senseless from conscious-altering substances would be able to see that he was a stud in his prime. He breathed, sweated and pissed sex, it oozed out of him, nobody had anything to complain about that.

"Time to decorate the tree, boy..."

He picked up a red ribbon from the cart, where several were laid down side by side and waiting for use, while everyone watched expectantly. The sight of the ribbon, seemingly flimsy, like one you'd use to wrap around a present, was still enough to rouse the level of tension in the room. The fox was going to get tied down...and that's what so many of them were interested in... to see helpless furs strapped and bound and buckled and gagged...and that was even before the real fun began.

"Have to make sure these are tight enough...otherwise, who knows, you might wriggle out of your present...hah!" the wolf barked out as he wound the ribbon around the fox's right arm.

"N-no, master..."

Aaron barked, loud enough that the fox's ears dropped against his skull before the bounced up. The wolf's paw clasped the grey fox's chin and pulled his head up so that they were eye to eye, and he breathed, hotly, another deep growl coming from his throat.

"That's Alpha for you, pup...understand?"

The fox nodded, or at least tried to, in the wolf's rough grip.

"Y-yes, alpha..."

"Yes, what?"

" alpha..."


_ _

That voice again, the wolf though in passing, but moved onto the cart, to pick up another ribbon. he took his time and applied many, to secure the fox's arms and legs well onto his new Christmas tree, to give the fox no chance but to stand still, X-bound onto the tree, and under the leering gazes of the entire populace of the otherwise dark club, their lust fuelled by musk, a grope or two, and alcohol that was still being served while the patron enjoyed the evening's entertainment.

"Now, fox...let's see if you're really enjoying what Alpha has done for you..."

Aaron grasped the red thong-covered bulge and squeezed hard, harder than necessary, as he cupped the swollen sheath and balls and gave them a firm tug.


"You like that, wuff?" Aaron leaned close to the wolf, deep into private place, nosepad to nosepad, with the fox having no choice on the matter.

"Y-yes, sir..."

The wolf kept up his grip, warm, silky cloth, sensitive, vulnerable genitals with his first, the pulse of blood rushing into a hard cock felt in his palm. His own cock grew even harder...almost painfully so, already.

"Thought know that your Alpha does his best for you..."

He gave the fox's package another rough squeeze and then let it go before, suddenly, going down to his muzzle.


_ _

The wolf's ears flattened, but the growl and the flash of teeth were part of his plan, anyway, as he approached the fox's groin with a gaping maw.

"EAT IT! EAT IT! EAT IT!" a few furs chanted, spontaneously.

He barely nibbled, though, on the fox's slim thighs, before the drooling tongue and those curled lips found the straps of the thong, and teeth joined in.

"Uh!" the fox was surprised by the warm, wet sensation, followed by rough tugging.

The elastic cord snapped with a yank from the wolf's maw and he pulled the entire thong clear off the fox, broken and chewed by his teeth. He stood up, tail going rigid behind him from the effort of his muscles flexing, while those not enjoying the show given by the wolf's physique watched the fox's hard cock bounce up onto his belly from a plump sheath.

"Hhmpph," the wolf spat the thong away from his muzzle and onto a paw, "think we need one more ribbon..."

He clashed the fox's jaws and pried them apart, the vulpine gasping with surprise and intimidation when those fingers parted his lips and the balled-up thong was roughly shoved into his muzzle.

" that you won't make too much noise...yet..."

The fox's tail swapped against the bondage tree while the wolf turned about and grasped another silky cord from the cart and approached the bound fox, then, with his green piece of cloth.

"Just right here...boy..."

The wolf's huge paws wound the ribbon around the fox's shaft, before they formed a knot, and then a couple of loops, finished into a careful ribbon that looked quite festive indeed, green against the angry red of a hard, bare cock.

"There we go..."

He patted the fox's balls with a paw, and when that brought a satisfying, whining response from the gently swaying fox, he did it again, and again, giving the fox's nads a good patting while the crowd cheered.


_ _


_ _

The wolf winked to the fox before he used a single claw to tug the thong out of his muzzle and then threw it onto the floor.

"You like having your balls played with by your alpha, do you?" he asked, grasping the fox's nuts in his palm.

"Y-yes, sir," the fox said, "yes,"

Aaron rolled the fox's balls in his palm and gave them another little tug, which made the wolf whimper.

"You think you know what pleasure is like...but you know little yet...I'll show you..."


_ _


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_ _

_"_Let's not care about them, they're just jealous," Aaron stated to the fox with a grin of his own, as he slowly began to roll the fox's sac in his palm, clockwise.

The wolf leaned close and his tongue extended, big, wet, and dripping, and swiped over the fox's muzzle. He yelped in surprise, at first, but once the tongue returned, leaving an equally wet, dirty trail, he tired his best to stand still under the assault of the big, musky tongue.

"Gonna make you smell like me, fox...let everyone know who's played with you, pup..."

The fox was quiet except for his small whimpers, his ball sac as taut as it ever could be, and held so in the wolf's grip until suddenly his wrist relieved the pressure...only for it to grow again, this time anticlockwise...

"Thought so..." the wolf observed the fox's bouncing, pulsing cock while he tortured his balls and spread his musky saliva all over the vulpine's face, "really liking this..."


His words were interrupted by Aaron's tongue plundering his muzzle, the kiss as far away from a romantic gesture as possible. All it did was to deposit a lot of saliva into the fox's maw, where it mingled with his own and let him taste the wolf's tongue on him even once he'd left from his lips...

"Yes...yes...little deer boy..."

Aaron let the fox's balls go for once and picked something up from his cart of toys...something shiny, and metallic, like tongs, it seemed, with rubber-padded jaws in one end.

"I see you enjoy some pain, too, fox...let's see how you like this..."

The wolf cupped the fox's left pectoral in one paw and squeezed, to bring out the nub of dark flesh that poked out of the furs there now that he'd brought it onto the open. The rubbered jaws of the forceps opened and found the fox's nipple, and with a sharp metallic click everyone could hear even without the amplifying forces of the microphones, he got the sharp tool locked into place.


"That's a good pup..." Aaron ruffled the wolf's head furs, but the gesture only lasted a moment before he retrieved another pair of forceps and treated the fox's other nipple to similar gesture, too.


"Hmm... noisy pup...might have to gag you..." the wolf stated as he stroked his panting lips with one fingerpad, "though that' be a shame...I like 'em noisy...and horny..."

His fingers curled around the fox's cock and gave it a rough tug.

"...horny for their alpha..."


The wolf spat on the fox's face. A big glob landed right between his eyes and began to dribble down along his muzzle. It was an invasion, an assault of scent on someone's body, nothing something anyone would take on kindly if it would happen to them suddenly.

The wolf had marked his prey.

"Alpha will take good care of you, boy..."

The wolf picked up a bottle of silicone lubricant and squirted some onto his palm. He did not wait for it to warm up, for he had no time nor care for such frivolities. He simply stroked his newly lubed fingers over the fox's shaft, making slippery noises a she pumped his paw on the fox's hard cock.

"Gonna give you a good workout, one you'll feel later on...hmmyes..."


_ _

"TEASE THE FOX UNTIL HE POPS AND RUIN HIS ORGASM!" someone offered another option.

"Gonna play with you a good, long time, fox...and you better not shoot your load without permission or these are gonna take another beating..." he patted the fox's already sore balls, which made the fox squirm, the forceps dangling from his nipples clinging against the jingle bells in his reindeer harness.

", Alpha...I...won't...sir..."

The wolf leered nastily while he jerked the fox off, giving the odd tug to the nipple forcpes or the fox's balls. He stood on the side so that everyone could see every good detail, of the hard, squeezed nipples, the red tip of the fox cock appearing and disappearing from the grip of his fingers as he jacked the fox's straining tool off, the balls, let to hang loose only momentarily before he was to massage them to the very edges of pain and back again.


The wolf caressed the fox's lips, almost tenderly, while the slippery 'hwap-whap-hwap' of him masturbating the fox only intensified.

"Pretty boy...."


The wolf pulled his paw away and left the fox's cock bouncing in the air...throbbing...

"CUM! CUM! CUM! CUM! CUM!" the crowd was chanting.

The wolf didn't hear. He was only looking at the swollen tip and the gaping piss hole there...wondering if the fox's body was about to betray him and make him loose his load...but no...there was only a trickle of pre-cum, but nothing more substantial, as the clear fluid joined the sticky lubricant covering his shaft.

"Hmm...good pup," he smacked the fox's rump as he stepped over again and immediately went back to stroking on the fox's sensitive flesh. He thrust his hips forward into the wolf's grip and moaned, in what must've been pain mixed with pleasure, now that the stimulation continued and he was once again sent back towards the way into the ultimate release.

"Oh...oh sir...oh sir, please..."


_ _

Aaron didn't like that voice.

He wondered why nobody had really gone and physically made the guy to shut the hell up. If he didn't like watching, he might as well not come to a club where live sex was offered as the main attraction. Everyone else was having a good time, in the odd moments he could steal away from the fox, to look past the glare of the stage lights. Relaxed eyes, hungry eyes, paws groping at groins, subs tending to their masters' bulges...expectation, lust and desire...everyone targeted at the wolf. He felt like the top of the world. Not only the fox was at his mercy, the crowd, too, taking in his every move, wanting the fox to suffer in his paws...getting off on it.

Getting off on the big black wolf.


He was playing with fire in the form of a fox cock, but once again, even with the fox's belly tensing so much, his hips drawn forward, butt tight, tail taut...the stimulation had ended right on the edge, leading up all the way until his balls were almost ready to give up their white, musky treacle, but stopped...only leaving the fox to breathe heavily, while his aching balls throbbed with displeasure.

"Good're doing well for your Alpha...not getting too carried away..."

"T-thank you, sir..." the fox panted, "so close..."

"That's up for me to decide," the wolf mused, simply.

"GIVE HIM A COCK IN HIS MUZZLE!" someone yelled.

"Hmm...pretty muzzle it is..." Aaron mused as he looked at the fox's grimacing lips, "and so needy..."




"Maybe need more ball play to make you cum...give your Alpha what he deserves...the choice between your pleasure and want to cum, don't you?"

"Y-yes sir..."

"You do?" the wolf clasped the fox's balls in his paw.

"Y-YES!" the fox yelped.

"Hmmm..." Aaron stroked his fingers across the fox's taint, "indeed..."

He shifted to the side and continued playing with the fox's shaft while he manipulated his free paw and slipped it between the fox's butt cheeks.

"Wonder if I should put my finger there, would I find the mixed cum of many reindeer in your ass..." Aaron mused, "everyone knows you're the go to boy when someone needs to have their balls drained..."

"Uh...sir..." the fox panted, as he felt the finger dip lower and explore between his ass cheeks, coming onto the very base of his tail where his pucker was hidden, "sir..."

The wolf's lubricated finger poked at the fox's hole, which made his cock bounce in the leisurely loose, slow grip of his stroking.

" ass slut, of course...likes it in any hole..."



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"He's mine for now..." Aaron rumbled, mostly to himself, "you can play with the others later, boy...passed from lap to lap...riding on a cock after cock...better make you ready for that...hmmm..."

He didn't as much push as he jammed his blunt fingertip against the fox's hole, letting go of his cock at the same time, too, to show everyone how it bounced while his asshole was played and messed around with. The lubricated finger pushed onto the fox's pucker and pried on its flesh. The muscled ring only managed some token resistance before the leathery pad and the stout finger invaded his hole and wriggled in, aided by the lubricant, the wolf's determination, and the fox's insistence.

"There we slut fox takes it in the ass..."


_ _

Aaron bore into the teased male under his influence, stroking slowly, teasingly, feeling every throb and pulse under his pads while he caressed the fox's meat almost tenderly. His index finger milked the fox's prostate once the spongy spot was found within his back passage, and after discovery, that very same organ of production was not left alone as he urged the fox on even further.

"Hmmm...yes...the fox is yipping..."

The noises were almost comical, coming from the wriggling fox as he took the sensual assault. The dirtily grinning wolf stared at him, blocking out everything except the fox's desperate motions and the feel of his body under his paws.


The wolf took his paw away from the fox's cock and concentrated his efforts on fingerfucking the fox's asshole.

"Come on, pup...shoot your cream for Alpha..."

The fox's cock bounced...fell rigid...and shot a pearly arc of cum that hit him in his chin before the orgasming tool swung to another side due to the fox's desperate thrusts, then to another direction, sending cum everywhere onto the stage. The crowd erupted at the same time as the fox, really, cheering and yelping and letting out their own dirty remarks while the grey fox unloaded his pent-up, sore balls.

"...what the fuck did you just did, fox..."

"You...ah..." the fox panted, as he looked tentatively at the wolf glaring at him so suddenly, "you told me I could cum...sir..."

"Yes, pup..." the wolf pulled out of the fox's ass with a 'plop', "but I didn't say you could cum on me..."

_ _

He pointed out a shiny glob of fox spunk on his boot.

The fox looked, and that gave him an opportunity to shove the finger that'd once been in the fox's ass into his muzzle.

"Suck up,'ll have a lot of cleaning up to do...before we'll make that cock pop again..."

The fox moaned around the finger he dutifully sucked, while the kinky crowd let him know what a bitch he was.



"Excuse me, sir, but smoking is prohibited in the club."

_ _

In the dark corner of the floor, shaded yet with a fine view of the fun and games stage, one of the lustfully attired waiters cleared his throat before giving the soft-spoken remark to the occupant of the booth, a wolf clad in leather as black as the seat he was settled on, knees spread and relaxed while one paw held a large, glowing stogie in his fingers.

"You don't say..." the black wolf snorted, his breath smelling of smoke and the alcohol consumed from numerous glasses piled on the table in front of him.

"It is the regulations, sir," the jaguar spoke, "I have to ask you to put that out."

The black wolf sneered before he snuffed the end of the cigar against the palm of his leather riding glove. There was a brief hiss...and nothing more.

"Alright then. Happy now?"

"Yes, sir."

"Bring another two beers while you're at it, kid," the wolf said, "one for me and my friend."

"Yes, sir," the jaguar nodded briefly before heading into the crowd, towards the bar.

"What a fucker," the wolf grunted, "but at least you are a good boy..."

The wolf let out a content sigh as he felt warm lips wrap around his engorged cock once again, under the table, and he put one paw beneath there and ruffled the otter twink's head furs with his leather-clad paw.




Thank you for reading! I hope you had a fun time reading, and I look forward to your feedback! Do remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well! I'm glad you stopped by!

avatar?user=46&character=0&clevel=2 Hawk gave me the permission to use his character Hawk, and his appearance in this story was sanctioned by the man himself. Big thanks for letting me have Hawk drop by to make this story even more fun and special for me and everyone!

Cheerio, y'all!

Convinced of Greatness (HH)

**Convinced of Greatness (HH)** ** ** ** ** ** ** **\*** ** ** ** ** ** ** Hello, everyone! I am very glad to present **The Hockey Hunk Holiday Special** , coming to your computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones. I've got something...

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Straight Guys Taste the Sweetest

\* This is a "Anyone Want to see..." story commissioned by [![avatar?user=153004&character=0&clevel=2]( Aaron Blackpaw]( "Aaron Blackpaw"):...

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Holden It in the Family (HH)

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **\*** ** ** ** ** Hello, sweeties! Another HH chapter here, finally out after two months...T\_T...good grief, so busy, commissions to finish, computer failure, all the other problems...oh well. Here's another chapter...

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