Straight Guys Taste the Sweetest

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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This is a "Anyone Want to see..." story commissioned by avatar?user=153004&character=0&clevel=2 Aaron Blackpaw: based on this prompt - Anyone Wanna See "Straight Guys Taste The Best?" - POSTED Anyone Wanna See "Straight Guys Taste The Best?" - POSTED.

Aaron and Jacob belong to avatar?user=153004&character=0&clevel=2 Aaron Blackpaw: , the rest is by avatar?user=39198&character=0&clevel=2 Gruffy

Have a nice read, and do leave me comments, if you like!


Friday night, and everyone was on the prowl on the musky club. The lights were low, as dark as the clothing on most of the furs, seemingly appropriate for the environment. The music was loud but appeared almost sublime with its deep, pounding baseline that acted as a kind of a hypnotic heartbeat under the low, rumbling tracks. In tune to this music, bodies turned on the dancefloor, eyes glowed from the darker nooks as they preyed...paws clutched drinks or other warm bodies they sought...tails tapping edgily onto seats and rumps, ears perked...some flat...

It was a perfect place for prowling, and they were all at it. Looking at scents, body language, the angle of ears, the most fleeting of gazes compared to the more bold ones who openly stared at the others, to measure them up before the game was taken to the next level.

The black wolf shunned social conventions. The kind of furs he liked appreciated a nice grab or a body rubbing onto their own, bared teeth and a growl as much as a kind word, a whiff of musk more than an offered drink. The intoxication a strong body offered was more than enough to get them going, to whatever ending they requested.

Right now the black wolf was pissed off. His best attempts at wooing that cougar in leather had failed, and he lingered against a wall, tail snapping between his legs. The wolf in his own leathers and denim glared over the moving throng of furs in their mating dance and growled to himself.

What a cunt, the wolf thought to himself. Frigid piece of tail. If she couldn't see what was good for her...then let her sloppy pussy stay empty and dry. She hadn't even really enjoyed when he'd copped a good feel of her crotch when they were dancing dirty and making out. Just a flash of eyes and she was gone, waving that goddamn pussy ass tail like a flag to take a look at what was drifting away from within the wolf's cock's reach.

Aaron's cock was not happy in its double cocoon of leather and denim, worked up to the point of being blue-balled and with musky pre-cum staining his tip. His itching balls had been denied of their relief and he was left huffing and puffing to himself while watching the cougaress become part of the crowd, no longer at all interesting. she was just another piece of swinging ass that'd sailed into the unknown.

"Fuck," Aaron grunted to himself. He didn't like failing in his quest of dipping his lupine tool into a tight snatch until he was ready to thrust his obscene knot into their folds and pump a load of good wolf cum into their holes...preferably several of them, if the girl was open to it.

He wanted to fuck...his brain demanded it...cock demanded it...balls required it...hell, his whole instinct was on fire, and while it had been lit just fine, now he'd been left burning and it just wasn't happening. The relief had been denied, and right now he wasn't having much fun.

Aaron glanced towards the bar on the other side of the club and wondered whether his pissed off state could be improved upon by another whiskey sloshing inside his stomach. He didn't feel drunk enough yet to stop caring about his fuck failure, nor sober enough to stop trying. It was almost midnight and the kind of catch he liked was starting to whittle away from the club - the feisty ones who grabbed what they wanted, they were leaving, which only left the desperate ones, and he didn't want one of those who'd just lie there and not even claw at him a impolite. Bet that cougar would've been a biter and a clawer...just his kind of a pussycat. Now it seemed that playtime had been postponed...likely cancelled, unless he could start anew with one of the bitches still playing hard to get at this hour, just because they knew that it would give them even harder a ride with one of the riled-up, horny bastards who populated the club.

Screw it. He was going to get another whiskey. Aaron kicked himself away from the wall and stalked along the circumference of the room to avoid the dancers. Some of them were remarkably territorial for such confined space, he had learned early on after starting to frequent these kind of places, and a small tumble of such a toothy variety was not really what he was after. He wanted to nurse sex bites afterwards, not ones from drunken guys with too much booze and testosterone in their systems.

Not that he was that much different. Aaron bumped against someone in the dark and automatically bared his teeth to give a growl to whoever fur was in question. It was a fox of some sort, clad in black...what looked like some webbing that covered his red body. He even had a black fringe on his head furs, to add a touch of what Aaron was sure was meant to be an exotic flair to the otherwise regular vulpine.

"Hmmm...bump harder next time and I'll think you were trying to tell me something," the fox spoke in a tone that was not to Aaron's liking.

Fucking faggots, Aaron thought as he walked briskly along, not turning to look back at the swingy-tailed fox he had almost rammed into a booth where a three-way muzzle-nuzzling session seemed to be going on between one Rottweiler and a lioness and a doe. Now the fox was going his merry limp-wristed way, a thought that made Aaron growl.

Don't they have their own places for doing whatever they do to get laid?

Aaron brushed away any further thoughts of stupid tail raiser foxes and carefully avoided bumping onto anyone who might try to hit him, or hit on him, and ended up on the bar where his dark countenance immediately made room for the newcomer wolf to place his order. The barkeeper, a rather hot Goth wolverine girl served him wordlessly once the payment was in, which left Aaron to enjoy his drink in whatever personal peace someone could have in such a crowded, loud club.

A few moments later, the black wolf's snifter was empty except for a couple of melting ice cubes on the bottom which Aaron proceeded to gulp up into his maw to suck the last drops of booze in.


"Someone's good with his tongue!"

Aaron's head turned to the side as quickly as his ears snapped onto his skull. His brow furrowed at the sight of the fox from before, whom had placed himself next to the wolf without Aaron noticing his arrival, much to the wolf's chagrin.


"Hi," the fox said, "name's Jacob."

"Piss off," Aaron growled, not too loud, because he didn't want to get thrown out of the club without at least some sort of a proper scuffle, if it had to go that way. The fox looked like he wouldn't even sustain one punch, let alone a bite. Maybe it'd be fun if he ended up weeping like a pup who got his candy stolen...that might even be worth it. Show the fox who was the Alpha around here.

"But we just met!" the fox's ears popped up theatrically. "I usually only do that at the second date...if I get lucky..."

The fox's lurid response rendered Aaron almost speechless. He was used to all sorts of dirty talk, both from males and females, but the way this outrageous fox did it...just like that...his muzzle felt like it was slightly open, and a dribble of drool escaped from the corner of his maw, when he forgot to swallow.

"Is that whiskey you're drinking?" the fox leaned over to sniff the glass on the counter, by Aaron's paw that quickly clenched into a fist. "Hmmmhhhh..."

"Fox - "

The fox flashed a smile over his long muzzle and lifted one paw, with two fingers held up.

"Another whiskey for my friend and one for me as well, pretty" the fox said.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Aaron grunted.

The wolverine girl glanced at the two before she proceeded to grab Aaron's glass and fill it up from the bottle.

"Just doing you a favor, wolf," the fox wagged his tail, "I didn't catch your name, though."

"None of your business," Aaron grunted.

"Well I'm Jacob, anyway," the fox flicked his ears, "come here often?"

Aaron's tail snapped against his denim-covered rump.

"If you're deaf, I pre-sume-you-can-read-lips-is-that-cor-rect?" Aaron enunciated carefully, lips curled up to bare his teeth as if that'd make it easier for the fox to interpret.

"Oh, I do speak bad wolf fluently," the fox puffed out his chest and smirked at Aaron happily, "come here often, stud?"

"Enjoy your whiskey," the wolverine told both the canines as she put the snifters down to the counter in front of them.

"Thank you!" the fox told the wolverine," rocking that hair!"

"Thanks, dude," the wolverine said.

"Bottoms up!" the fox stated to the wolf as he lifted his glass in toast.

Aaron shook his head.

"I'm not drunk enough for this crap," Aaron grunted. He grabbed the snifter and downed about a half of it before the fox was going to get any further ideas, such as claiming that since the wolf was unappreciative of his free drink, the fox might as well drink it himself. Bothersome faggot or not, if he was going to waste his money buying him a drink...he'd go for it.

"Hhhh..." the wolf hissed once the liquid burned down his throat, and he swallowed, and wiped his maw.

"Damn, guy, you can drink!" the fox smiled.

"Can you?" Aaron grunted.

"Sure!" the fox's ears perked as he lifted his snifter and took a gulp...and coughed a little.

"Thought so," Aaron smirked.

"Prove it."

Aaron huffed.

"I ain't going to need to prove anything to you, punk."

"Name's Jacob."

Aaron shook his head.

"Okay...Jacob..." Aaron scowled as he grabbed the glass, "watch this..."

And he finished the glass, without letting his expression flinch one moment, even with the liquid fire itching in his throat, as he clopped the snifter down to the coaster that had a leather-glowed paw flipping the bird printed on it.

The fox smirked.

"Well...I was about to say that I do love to watch..." the fox mused, "but looks like you really like to swallow, big guy..."

Aaron chuckled roughly, a noise that easily made lesser males tremble, especially after the wolf had been on his customary dose of whiskey.

"And looks like you choke after only a little," the wolf taunted the flaming fox with a smirk satisfied of his own masculinity.

"I'm much better with drinks other than whiskey..." the fox licked his lips.

Aaron harrumphed.

"Why don't you go and play with guys your own size?" the wolf grunted.

"I stretch well," the fox replied with a flutter of his eyelids.

Aaron thought that was disgusting.

"Enough to fit this in there, punk?" he lifted his black paw and pulled it into a fist. "Ride it like a ventriloquist's dummy? Making fox barks? Wuff wuff wuff?"

"Hmm..." the fox rubbed his chin, "more like...'ruff ruff ruff', and I think you'd need a little bit of Crisco to get that in there..."

"What?" Aaron growled. "You want to cook a chicken dinner or something?"

The fox chuckled.

"You really don't have any idea about anything, do you, big boy?" the fox rubbed a fingerpad against the rim of his whiskey glass.

"I don't know what you're fucking talking about," Aaron huffed.

"About fucking, of course," the fox's tail swept from side to side.

"Find someone else, this isn't even a tail raiser bar," Aaron grunted and turned to stare into his once again empty glass.

"That's one I haven't heard in a's usually a variation of 'pansy' and 'faggot' or 'cocksucker'," the fox said, "though the last one I usually take as a compliment..."

"Tough shit for you, fox," Aaron replied, "maybe you should stop pansying around a real men's bar. We look for pussy here, you know."

The fox winked.

"Why do you think I'm not interested in pussy?"

Because you were hitting on me for the last half an hour?

Aaron grunted.

"Because you're a pansy?" Aaron suggested, the glass swinging in his paw so that the ice clattered from side to side again.

The fox chuckled dryly before lifting his paw.

"Two more whiskeys when you have the time, dear!"

Aaron groaned.

"You're going to pass out," he snorted.

"I can hold my liquor," the fox said, "also, why do you think I'm only after cock?"

The fox's eyes sharpened.

" can like both, no?"

"Nnnnah," Aaron grinned, "not you, though. You're all faggy fox methinks."

"Well only one way to find out, wolf..." the fox licked his lips.


"Two whiskeys, enjoy, boys!" the wolverine said.

"Thank you, dear!" the fox already toasted her with his.

"For God's sake..." Aaron growled.

If asked, he couldn't have explained why he hadn't propelled the fox into the nearest dumpster, because an hour later, Aaron was leaning more heavily against the bar counter with much more whiskey in his system. The fox stood next to him, chuckling and wagging his tail, and patting one paw against the wolf's leather-clad arm.

"...and then he says, duuude, are you sure those haven't expired, and I say...nooo...duuuude...and then...hahah..."

"Is" Aaron muttered.

"Yeah, hahahah!" the fox slapped the wolf's arm, loud enough to make a snap. It caused Aaron to swat his tail against his calf, but he made no other efforts to detach the fox from himself. Getting all the free whiskey wasn't so bad. It was almost as good as getting pussy. The only bad thing was that drinking so much booze made him feel even hornier. His usually weighty balls felt like they were going to burst...and there was a kind of a heavy itching in his sheath that didn't seem like it was getting relieved soon. The lack of a proper breeding meant he'd have to settle for a jack-off before collapsing in bed to dreams of escaping pussy.

"F-fuck," Aaron grunted, yawned, and belched.

"You okay there, buddy?" the fox asked.

Damn sweetly.

"I'm...*hic* not your buddy..." Aaron muttered.

"Think you need a cab, big guy," the fox said.

"I'm...fine," Aaron huffed, his muzzle tasting of stomach acid and whiskey.


"Yeah, I think you need one," the fox tugged on the wolf's arm.

"Get your paw *hic* off me you...f..."

"Fluff-tail," the fox giggled, "come on, I'll get you to the taxi stop...come on..."

"F-fuck..." Aaron huffed.

"Come's only a teeny weeny walk...come on..."

Aaron found himself walking through the room in a whiskey-colored haze, trailing the fox whose red tail was wagging over his backside. A round, quite compact, juicy backside...ass...

Aaron groaned. He wasn't supposed to be looking at any wagging tails other than those belonging to attractive, sexy, available bitches, not dirty foxes.

The cold air outside made the wolf's furs bristle where leather and denim were not covering it. His tail felt like a toilet brush, shaking in the air to get the musk of the club away. He could still smell the fox.

He realized the fox was still standing close, and holding onto one of his arms.

"Hey...get your paw off me..."

"I'm taking you to get the cab so you'll get home alright, buddy."

"I'm not...your buddy...urgh..."

"You're drunk, dude!"

"I'm - not!" Aaron breezed.

"Oh yes you are," the fox said.


"Oh come on, just a few more steps..."

Aaron staggered along the pavement and suddenly felt something cold against his back, and then his neck, a sensation that made his ears fall flat. He squinted his eyes and tried to see better in the darkness that was suddenly much deeper than before.

He could see the fox's eyes glinting.

"Fuck...this ain't the cab stop..."

"No it's not, big boy...think you need to stop here before you take a cab..."

"What the fuck..."

"Come way you're gonna want to get home before you've gotten this taken care of..."

Aaron felt paws fondling his groin, and tensed. A deep growl rose from his throat, and his teeth were bared.

His paws were frozen on his sides by his hips.

"Hmmmhh...I was right...big boy alright...hmmm..."


"I might need a bit more work to do that right now, but I know just what to do..." the fox spoke while his paws moved with further intent.

"Shit - "

" studly..."

"What the hell..."

The fox was groping at him, feeling up the metal studs that had been warmed up by Aaron's body heat...mostly from his glowing hot, red, angry swollen cock. The fox's padded fingers pushed under his waistband and touched bare flesh, which made the pent-up wolf gasp.


"Hmmm...smells so it'll taste even better...big heavy wolf balls and musk..."


" need to talk, big guy...just let Jacob...hmm...yeah..."

The fox's fingers were almost as much affected by whiskey as the wolf was, and it took him a moment to pop the top button. A further tug from the same padded paws caused Aaron's burgeoning cock to spring out of his leather jockstrap and snap against the leather of his form-fitting coat.


"'re hung..."

The fox's fingers felt too good. They weren't supposed to feel that good, Aaron thought, it was a bitchy fox and not a girl...they were tugging on his knot...


His brain might've been nearly shut down thanks to liquor, but his cock knew what was happening to it...and so did his paws, because one of them landed onto the fox's shoulder. The other soon followed and pressed over the crown of the fox's head, fingers spreading to grab onto his skull.


"Whatever you callm - "

The fox's knees hit the cold newspaper - and soggy burger wrapper-littered alley by the club, which put his muzzle in just about right height. The wolf's yanking paws bumped his nosepad against his knot just once before the fox remembered to open his muzzle. Thick, veined cock slid between the fox's lips and forced his jaws further apart, glided upon an eager tongue and then punched deeper without caring for such finesse as speed or comfort.


The fox snorted out as he struggled to breathe with the long stick of wolf meat in his muzzle, almost deep to block his airway while the fox threw his own head back and groaned a meaningless noise out of his lungs.


Aaron's fingers curled and he made an experimental thrusts into the warmth of the fox's muzzle.


The musky cock slid back and forth, scraped against smooth teeth and pushed deeper again, deep enough to make the fox gag.

"Pus-syh..." Aaron grunted, tongue lolling out, spit drooling onto the fox's once well-coiffeured head furs.

Marking him with the big wolf's musk while he bred his muzzle like the lousiest cunt in a party, his thick girth forcing the fox's lips into a tight ring that slid wetly back and forth over the wolf's straining shaft. Sloppy saliva covered the fox's chin and more and more poured out while the bigger canine roughly facefucked the cheeky fox's muzz.

The kinky noises echoed off the dirty brick walls while Aaron humped to the gagging fox's warm orifice. Whether he was struggling to take it or not, the big wolf didn't care. The swirling tongue and the interestingly squelching hole felt good on his dick, and his packed-up balls churned with delight while his knot thumped and pumped against the fox's pointy nosepad.


Chuffing breaths washed over Aaron's belly as he took the fox muzzle until his knot itched and he had no choice but to grab it and let his knuckles slap the fox's lips. He squeezed hard...


Spit flew from his muzzle while he growled and grunted, hips jamming forward a few more times before thick, stinking wolf cum poured down the fox's throat. He let out a muffled grumble and a snort before pulling his head back from Aaron's suddenly slack hold. The cock slipped away from his muzzle and the next jet of cum flew over his face, staining it with a stripe of dribbling seed.


Aaron's eyes snapped open when the heat of the muzzle suddenly disappeared. He grasped on the fox's head furs and forced him back down on him, to make sure that the rest of his cum would be going where it belonged, down the bitch's gullet.

All too soon, the high of the orgasm faded and left the wolf simply panting and grunting and cussing.



He glanced down at the fox, still kneeling on the damp ground and with cum dripping off his lips.

"Thanks, bitch," Aaron snorted, sending a glob of musky snot over the fox's forehead.

"Anytime..." the fox breathed.

His bleary eyes witnessed how the wolf's big, dark cock was stuffed back into his underwear and the jeans were buttoned up, somewhat haphazardly so that only a few of the studs were in place.


"What?" Aaron snorted.

"The street's that way, big guy," the fox pointed towards the glowing streetlights.

Aaron shook his head.


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