Mighty Darius and the Fearsome Werewolf!

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#50 of Commissions by Gruffy

Darius is a wandering sword, a hero, an icon, an idol to many. How shall he tackle the problem of a werewolf harassing a peaceful village?

Hello, folks! This is a commission for avatar?user=259&character=0&clevel=2 Teiran I did ages ago but didn't post here yet...I think it's time to give it an airing now :)

Inspired by this art, as per Teiran's request:


Do enjoy!





The village of Riverbend was abuzz with excitement once the shepherd boy had run in, his cloak astray as he landed upon the village square amidst the bustle of village women going about their business, suddenly having to face a breathless, ruddy-cheeked boy, struggling to speak up.


Windows were opened as villages peered out to the square to see what the commotion was about, and soon the word was out, spreading mouth to mouth, children and women scuttling out to the farms to deliver the news as well.

The hero was coming.

Riverbend was a village held in fear, its once happy laughter and songs having died down months ago, ever since the first sightings of the mighty beast in the night. The full moon had been, up course, casting its deadly shadows, and the blacksmith, coming home from an eve at the village tavern, had heard the terrified screams of the sheep on the field, and silhouetted in the moonlight...the beast had been sighted for the first time. He'd rushed back to the village to deliver his news, gaining laugher - he surely had taken too much mead into him, no monsters had prowled Riverbend in living memory, and the stories the elders had received from their own parents and grandparents seemed to be just that...old wives' tales that carried very little truth.

Once sun rose and the shepherds returned to their fields, the bloodies remains, jagged bones and rags of wool strewn across the messy field had told another tale indeed. No night passed from them on without torches burning, windows bolted, doors locked, and with mothers clutching their children at the hopes that prayers and crosses at the doors could keep beasts at bay.

The monster, half-man, half-wolf, was everything anyone could talk about. Boisterous youth rampaged through the forest with pitchforks as their weapons, making claims about sightings and narrow escapes, but none had managed to bring even a single tuff of fur as proof of such contact with the fiend. Desperate pleads to the town magistrate to ask the King's men to come over to help the villagers had been in vain...the pompous uniformed figure claiming that myths were none of his business, nor the King's, whose armies were needed elsewhere, not chasing ghosts in the village of Riverbend.

More blood had been spilled, with lifestock going missing, with bones and blood the only remains they could find on the fields, even on enclosures, forcing even further fears among the simple folk of the town. Amidst their feelings of impeding doom, however, hope had been sparked by the arrival of a travelling merchant, whom had told the villagers of a wandering hero, a man of sword and great deeds, to whom he had personally told about the harrowing of Riverbend, and the hero had made a noble pledge to see it through.

Weeks had passed in fear, and many had already cursed the merchant for his grand words, but today, with the cries of the young shepherd, it seemed that the merchant had been proven right. Everyone who could had gathered to the village square where the shepherd had been told to repeat his words over and over again, so that there was quite the frenzy going on by the time they sighted the man on horseback.

The horse might have been huge, but the man sitting atop of made it look like a pack mule or a pony. Blonde hair shone in the afternoon sun, and his leather armor was magnificent, studded, strengthened and marked with intricate symbols signifying his deeds. His bold gaze, dark eyes and the shockingly bright hair left the peasants in awe as he approaching, hooves clopping on the stones while the horse, in perfect control, came to a halt.

Everyone gasped. The horseman lifted one gloved hand, followed by a rapid, loud unsheathing of his sword...the largest anyone had ever seen, held up high with a single arm, bringing another rush of "ooooh!"'s from the gathered peasants.

"BEHOLD!" the man's booming voice came out. "FOR I AM DARIUS!"

His name was soon repeated by curious mouths, making waves in the throng of people that soon surrounded him, longing to touch him, as if some mystical aura surrounded the shining figure in armor, greeting his minions in such a noble manner.


Gasps and cries filled the crowd, everyone's minds filled with fresh terror upon hearing the hero speak of the creature stalking their lands.


They all erupted in spontaneous cheers, the promise in the blonde man's voice all they needed to set them alight with new excitement. Finally here was someone who could do something about this, to stop the blood being spilled, cutting into their livelihoods.


Everyone within their ability rushed into the tavern, following the hero who soon sat at the best table, with endless tankards of mead being brought over to him, flutes and drums playing cheerful tunes to uplift everyone's spirits after months of austerity. There was laughter, dance and song, and the hero enjoyed his audience, regaling them with tales of his past deeds between tankards of drink and whole chickens that were carried to his table, his preferred meal. Even his horse received such a heroic treatment as well, receiving best oats and hay and a place in the great stables where the magistrate's horses were kept, and now they had to share their lodgings with the beast of burden that had brought the hero in.



It was only the next afternoon when Darius finally left the town - the hangover had been as tremendous as the amount of food and alcohol he had consumed, and now, trudging down the path, his sword swinging on his hip, he couldn't help but yawn every now and then. The sunlight was kinda hurting his bleary eyes, too...but it wasn't really much of a worry for him. Being attacked by a werewolf in the middle of the day was unheard of in the annals of heroics, which meant that he could saunter in freedom, seeking clues to its possible whereabouts.

The valley the village occupied indeed had a river flowing through it, going upstream, through the forest before it surely had its source somewhere in the nearby mountains. They seemed like a perfect hiding place for a wolf, Darius though, peering at the ragged peaks in the distance - surely the monster would find them suitable for his vile blood rituals while greeting the moon, the giver of its curse and its powers. They were a few hours' walk away, however, and Darius felt loathe to wander that far away from the village that had offered so much drink, food, and a warm bed to sleep in. He hadn't brought equipment for making a camp with him, only a small amount of drink and food - he had very little appetite after the feast last night, but he was hopeful for another one - surely the villagers would want to make sure that he would have the sustenance to continue on his quest of defeating the monster.

Maybe in a week...or two...Darius was in no hurry as he wandered off from the path, into the forest, to seek for paw prints or claw marks in the trees. Perhaps the beast would leave marks, indeed, the Great Werewolf of Darkwood would leave strips of human skin to tree branches, as signs of its captures of helpless villagers. Apparently this one hadn't even eaten any villages...how boring, Darius thought, kicking on a mossy tree stump as he walk along a ridge. This would make poor boasting opportunities...Darius, the saver of the sheep of Riverbend sounded much less impressive than DARIUS, THE SAVIOR OF DARKWOOD! The muscular hero yawned again, stifling it with a glowed hand. He might give it a couple more hours today...maybe climb that nearby hill and seek for further signs of monster activity before he could call it a day and return for a meal of a couple of chickens and a few good tankards of the local brew.

He got halfway up the hill before a mossy stone slipped under his right leg, for a moment suspending the hero in mid-air before he plummeted down, rolling the hill like a log before his head smashed against a tree and light went out his eyes. Small birds fluttered into the air, shocked by the sudden noise, and their scared cries echoed in the otherwise quiet forest that enclosed the prone figure.


This hangover sucks, was Darius' first thought as he opened his eyes. His head felt so heavy, and there was a deep pounding on the back of it, like someone was knocking on his skill with a hammer from the side, rather than the other way around he used to it, while dodging blows from his mighty foes. His mouth tasted awful, like after losing his meal, and he was thirsty. The bed at the tavern sure felt worse now, too, rock hard, really, and itchy...not better than sleeping on straws, he thought, idly.

And the smell...something rank, almost putrid, in his nose that made him snort when he made the mistake of actually breathing through his nose. The tavern wasn't nearly as nice as he'd thought...maybe he'd rouse the pudgy wife of the tavernkeeper and ask her why it smelled like shit in there.

Darius opened his yes, finally, even if it hurt looking at...fire...he could see fire, nearby, a pit on the floor with flames coming out of it, putting fierce, cragged shadows to the rock walls.

It was a cave, tall enough for him to stand, more like a tunnel than a great burrow set in stone, with a bend ahead of him and sheer stone behind him, which meant that this was the end of the cave, and that somewhere beyond there its exit loomed. Smoke lingered on the ceiling but seemed to be going towards the opening, which meant that air must come in from somewhere...and there was straw on the floor, some of it clearly marked in black, dry blood.

Only then did he realize something was wrong.

Only then did he go for his sword, which he realized was nowhere to be found on his hips on its usual place.

Instinct kicked in, and he tried to sit up while one hand reached for the dagger secured to his calf at all times, for emergencies such as if he'd happen to lose his magnificent bone crusher...but it was gone, as were the greaves that protected his legs...in fact, he realized, in a moment of terror, that his armor was gone, too!

"AH!" the hero called as he climbed to his legs, feeling faint for a moment before he steadied himself, and took his bearings.

What horror...the bloodmarks...the...PILE OF BONES....this could only be...

Darius had only just managed to stabilize his legs when the sound of a growl roused his senses again. It echoed off the stone walls and made it impossible to truly track its origins...but surely...somewhere close...his eyes widened when a shadow on the wall suddenly moved in a lurch...and the sound renewed itself...

"WHO IS THERE?" Darius called out, booming up his voice in the hopes that it would intimidate his captors and give him time to device a cunning escape plan, without his gear or not...

Scraping noises came as the shadow moved, and then it emerged, taller than him, its head almost touching the ceiling, eight feet, perhaps, though Darius wasn't quite sure...covered in the shaggiest furs imaginable, smelling of things he couldn't even fathom...


The werewolf let out a long grumbling flow of unintelligible muttering that made the hero stand up more straight, his shoulders thrown back as he tried to appear as strong and inedible as possible...he was not one to be easily intimidated, not by hairy monsters he had disposed of in the dozens in the past. The Sheephoarder of Riverbend might not make an illustrious song in the ever-growing tale of his heroic deeds, but perhaps going back to the village dragging this thing by its tail would at least impress the locals to give him as much gold, mead and other spoils that it would make it worthwhile.

"HOW DARE YOU ATTACK ME?" Darius bellowed, holding his hands up, drawn into fists and ready to strike if the monster lunged at him. "I AM THE HERO SENT HERE TO BEST YOU, YOU VILE CREATURE!"

The werewolf glared at him, its eyes huge, yellow things that stared down at the muscled human, its breaths rough huffs. The creature was naked but for a ragged loincloth made of scraps of clothes that might have belonged to the man whom had been transformed into this vicious foamy-muzzled creature who used sheep bones as toothpicks, at least if judged by the number of such broken bones littering the floor.

"HHRRUM BURR BMHMHHMEEM SHRURURUGMMMR!" the wolf's guttural groans offered a dark reply while he kept on staring at his human captive, eyes burning with rage.

Darius swallowed - he was unarmed and unprotected, meaning that all his skills as a warrior would have to be put into good use should he even attempt to fight the wolf-man. He knew that the curse made them beyond reasoning, beyond any sensible words he could offer to a simple highwayman or a bandit...no...the blood curse holding this monster captive would serve only to fight the hero...and he would rather spill his own blood than to become one of these creatures himself.


The werewolf flicked its tall ears upon listening to the human's taunting call again, its muzzle opening, letting out a bloodcurdling growl and a bellow that almost made Darius step back...but knowing that the only way out of the cave laid through the tunnel in front of him, he would have to get past the wolf and then make a run for it...not something he would ever share with a bard recording his deeds...

"YOU HEARD ME!" Darius yelled.

He was eyeing the fire pit...some of the burning sticks were still long enough that he could grab one, use it as a weapon against the wolf...surely it would share the primal fear of an uncontrolled flame that all beasts held...maybe if only to get its furs singed by fire...


It was laughter, it was unmistakable, Darius thought, the creature was actually holding its belly with those nasty paws, shaking with laughter that made its tail bristle and shake in the air behind him. Darius stared, his heart pounding, ready to make the bolt for the fire pit and then into the darkness beyond...


His legs were already tensed for the leap when the wolf suddenly moved, propelling himself into the air and jumping clear across the fire pit, landing so close to the monster-slayer that he had not a moment to defend himself before the wolf-man's bulk threw him backwards against the wall, the wolf landing on top of him, snapping teeth and paws grabbing onto him.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Darius let out his mighty battle cry and began to kick at the creature, tearing his arms away from its nasty grip, fighting the foul monster with all his strength. The wolf growled and huffed, hot, rank air flowing over his face while the monster pinned him to the rough rock wall...

...and then it licked his face, hot, heavy, leaving a nasty trail of saliva from his forehead all the way to the carefully trimmed beard over his jaw, everything covered in slick, thick werewolf saliva. It dribbled over to his chest and made his neck burn, and Darius let out a gasp at the surprising sensation, turning from hot to cold so suddenly that he had no time to think about it, while still keeping up his struggle.


The creature snapped its teeth only an inch away from Darius' chiseled jaw, forcing a whimpering silence from whim while the werewolf stared at him, tilting its dark head and snorting hotly...


Darius wasn't sure if the monstrous creature was trying to speak or not, it certainly made no sense with its long, deep grumbles. He was helplessly pinned down, and his attempts at struggling had failed - the wolf had sustained his kicks without trouble, and showed no signs of tiring even with the strong hero's constant effort...perhaps if he fell limp on purpose, briefly...lull it into a false sense of safety...thinking it got his prey...and then he'd strike...


The wolf yanked on his arms and threw the man down to the pile of straws on the floor, Darius landing on all fours, but so hard that air was almost knocked out of his lungs. He scurried forward, hoping to climb up before the wolf acted, but the hope was in vain. The massive, furred creature landed over him, grabbing his hands so that claws almost tore fingers, and the huge, tense body covered Darius' bare frame from head to toes.

"RELEASE ME!" Darius struggled, yelling, his muscles burning with the effort he tried to put into escaping from the grip of his captor.


Darius' eyes widened when he felt something hot and...and thick press against the small of his back, something unnatural, something so huge that he almost gasped...terror...the smell of the wolf filling his nose, furs tickling him, making his skin itch...

"HRUUUUUUMM..." the wolf vocalized, jerking its hips forward so that the strange weight moved over Darius' back...and the hero...the hero realized....with a groan...

"NOT AGAIN!" Darius bellowed.

The wolf rocked its...his massive cock against the human's bare back, smearing its musky fluids there in a way to mark his captive, much like he was doing with the drool constantly dripping from his muzzle, over the hero's head and neck. Darius knew that he'd been taken in by the wolf, and now he would have to submit himself to the creature's whims...the same dark desires he had had to face time and time again when dealing with some of these beasts. At least it promised that perhaps a peaceful resolution could be possible...sometimes these creatures were sufficiently impressed by him that he didn't even have to kill them in the end.

"Uhhhhhh..." Darius moaned, feeling the thick slab of meat poke onto him. The wolf was making his intentions clear, and the warrior knew that he would have to endure...and perhaps use a trick or two to make it easier.

"HRRUMMMMMHHPPP!" the wolf crooned, licking his ears and grunting overtly, big, thickly furred body rolling on top of the muscled hero.

"Guess...guess that mean you like it huh..." the hero muttered, starting to feel aroused himself, surrounded by heat and a warm body unlike many others he'd experienced...different, say, from that troll-like orc that had put his very personal tax of mead and boars on that village up north, and it'd take a whole week of intense...negotiations before the orc had agreed on new terms that didn't terrorize the villagers...


Darius wasn't sure what to make of that, but the insistent humping against his ass was telling another thing...

"Ahhhh alright then..." he mumbled.

The wolf kept it up for minutes until Darius felt he was soaked with spit...his hair surely felt wet, and his back...and backside were covered in goo the wolf was spurting out of his dick...the organ the hero hadn't even seen yet, but he'd felt it, and knew that it was going to get very interesting very quickly, with furry arms hugging his torso and with those rumblings still coming from the wolf...


"I don't know what that means..." Darius said.

The wolf suddenly got off him and stood up, towering over him...Darius soon turned around, getting to his knees in the hopes of standing up, he was face to face with the wolf very suddenly...standing there, unquestionably grinning like the beast he was, and one of his paws grabbed on whatever flimsy strip kept that loincloth in place, for a simply tug pulled it off and a huge erection bounced into view.

Darius almost spluttered, spying the massive rod that oozed a glistening trickle of fluid out of its angry red tip. The wolf's balls hung low between its splayed legs...he was pretty sure could see them swinging...as if flapping in the air...

"HRUUUUUUUUUUUM!" the wolf pointed at his fleshy tool, and licked his lips, over those massive, nasty canines scowling out of his muzzle.

"Alright..." Darius replied, scooting a bit closer so that he could put his hands around the base of that massive schlong. It made a squishy sound, being wrapped in his grip, and the wolf let out an approving rumble, having his flesh manipulated upon in such a manner by the warrior who had very little choice between sating the beast and becoming a luncheon...


"Okay, okay, I'm going to..." Darius spoke to the impatient wolf-man, "eh...this is a big one..."


"Yes, yes, it's huge..." Darius muttered, slowly leaning towards the tower of flesh he knew was expected to fit into his mouth...


The wolf's paw landed on the back of his neck and pushed him forward, and he barely had the time to open his mouth wide before the tip was unceremoniously thrust between them. The taste and smell were strong enough to make him gag, even if it wasn't for the huge girth that already made it a struggle. Darius' hands groped over the wolf's thighs in the vain hope that it might make the beast to show a bit of patience with him, but that didn't seem to be in the wolf's mind...as soon as he felt the warm mouth on him, he pushed extra inches into the human's mouth, going for his throat.


"HUUMP!" the wolf said.

Darius wasn't sure what it meant, but the wolf seemed to be intent on fucking his mouth, thrusting that fat thick wolf-sausage as deep as it would go. The hero was glad that he was no novice when it came to over-sized members, but the wolf was really putting up a good fight with his fleshy were-snake, poking his tonsils as if trying to punch them.

The wolf growled and drooled still, so tall over his captive human, proudly grinning down while he gave the occasional jerking thrust, to feed some more cock into the hero's eagerly sucking throat. The sweaty human kneeling in front of him had already proven to be a good prize, or so Darius wanted to think so...if this was going to get the world spare his life, he would do anything...pretty much anything, anyway, and if swallowing a quart of wolf-juice was the key...bring it on. He'd had worse, sometimes in tankards in taverns...it wasn't bad...better than that minotaur, a few months ago...

The wolf's tail swung exitedly behind him, its furs bristling, and suddenly Darius was left with his mouth gaping open, sucking breath instead of cock, that big organ bobbing in the air, briefly unattended. Darius swallowed a musky mouthful and got just about enough time to clear his throat before the wolf's furry paws grabbed him, pulled him up to his feet and thrust his against the wall. He had enough of presence of mind to put his hands against it to prevent any worse bruising, but the wolf-man was probably not thinking about anything of the sort, it simply stepped close to him and battered his cock against his ass with yammering thrusts...obviously seeking to penetrate the hero with his slick spear.

Darius began to pant much like the wolf; he knew this was going to happen, but the reality of it all only started to dawn on him with that same hefty shaft humping his tailless ass with abandon. The horny creature growled and kept on going, balls smacking while he primed himself for the final strike...Darius could only hope that it wasn't too swift, or he would suffer the consequences surely on his ride to the next village...next mission, perhaps...though surely the peasants here would let him stay and rest for a while...perhaps a month, if he promised to make sure that the wolf wouldn't come back...though there were no guarantees yet...

"BHUUUUR!" the wolf snorted.

"Ehh....yeah..." Darius muttered, unsure what to say when a werewolf was trying to fuck you dry in a dank werewolf cave...


"I don't know what that means in werewolf language...sorry....WHOAH!"

Now the wolf hit close...his spurting, drooling tip slipping right between his ass cheeks and prodding against his asshole...it went down and poked his balls...forcing the hero to spread his legs wider...he knew the wolf was going to find its mark soon and already shivered at the possibility of being so thoroughly dominated. It'd been too long...though he usually ended up remembering these kind of sessions for quite some time to come...


"Whatever you say..."

The wolf grabbed his hips and pried his ass cheeks wide open, cold air getting to his sensitive bits before the cock slammed back there, went up down his hairy crack and smashed his hole again. He felt himself pucker up, but the wolf, with a frustrated grunt, kept on jabbing him, clawtips digging into the thick, callused skin of his hips...almost drawing blood...


"Yes, yes, dreaauuuuuh to you too...ahhh....damn...shhiiit..."

The wolf-man's cock punched his hairy crease once more and suddenly gained some ground, freezing the hero in place, clutching the stone wall as he felt the wolf's dick press in...bending a little from the sheer force...and then there was no more resistance, and the werewolf, with a victorious snort, got in.


The wolf was BIG...he hadn't even quite realized the true extent of the wolf's endowment...and his ass wasn't his throat, it was quite the different experience to be gagged in one end, or to be wolf-buggered in the other...



At least the wolf sounded happy, Darius thought dully as pain shot through his ass...brief as it was, before his body just relented and accepted the fact that it was going to get fucked. The wolf burrowed into him, going deep without much concern for the receiving party...not that Darius had expected anything else, coming from one of these beastly, merciless creatures he dealt with on a regular basis, it seemed.



The wolf began to lick his neck, tasting sweat and skin and getting more and more excited, if judged from his huffs and grunts, and the drool that ran down the human's back, all the way to the jut of his ass which was spread wide open by the thick, nasty shaft pumping in and out him. The wolf's paws gripped him tightly, bruising muscles and contribution to the flow of sensation in his body. The less he resisted, the better it would feel, Darius knew, and tries his best not to disappoint the wolf...just standing there and taking it like a sword-man helped...the wolf hunching into him and licking his neck and shoulders like tasting some prime beef.

Darius' own cock was hard by now, despite all the earlier discomfort, and bobbed and smacked against the stone wall with the rocking motions of his body, back and forth, sending little surges of pleasure whenever it hit the wall...not the best feeling ever, but oddly erotic, with his body almost being lifted off the ground by the wolf's heavier thrusts. He was pounding deep, thick, dirty furs stroking all over his human captive's skin while he held him tight, paws, dick, teeth, too, scraping skin and almost tasting blood. Darius knew that if the wolf bit him, there would be consequence...the curse...but perhaps he could be spared, if the wolf got off quick enough...

"Ohhh fuck me you beast," he grunted, not sure if the wolf understood exactly or not, but he did buck his hips backwards so that the dick was buried to the hilt into his steamy hot ass, "take it, beast, and be ggggghhhooooone..."

The wolf didn't answer with words, but he did seem to ramp up the speed of his thrusts...those big, heavy, pendulous balls smacking onto Darius' poor fuzzy taint whenever he smacked forward, over and over again, filling the human to the brim. The rhythm seemed less controlled now, however, and Darius could tell it would happen soon...the wolf's snorts and grunts and those paws holding him so intently....


The wolf was gone, thick, hot spurts shooting into him, so heavy and copious that he could actually feel them being pumped into his bowels. The sudden, alien heat was too much for his battered insides, as if something snapped, and suddenly he felt seed being forced out of him, not exactly in orgasm throes of pleasure, more like a pleasant...throbbing, deep within, and his own white spunk splashed onto the wall and dribbled down, spectacularly white in the firelight. Darius shuddered, wondering if he'd be able to walk afterwards...the wolf still holding onto him, drooling against his shoulder...that big cock churning and twitching inside him, making sure he'd be bred properly, filled and marked.

The wolf didn't remain in the mount for long...soon he stepped back and removed himself from the hero with a loud plot that ended in a deep sigh from the hero...as a rush of wet heat covered his thighs with the wolf's seed splurting out of his body.

"Uhhh...." he rubbed his battered ass, feeling the claw marks there, groaning at the raw sensation in his ass, too.

The wolf had already gone down by the fire, lying there, smirking briefly at the human before he rolled into a remarkable angle and began to lick his own cock, cleaning it of his glistening fluids. Darius' eyes widened at the spectacle, and wondered if the wolf was going to be distracted...his eyes were closed...murring as he enjoyed giving himself a wash.

Damn it, Darius thought, naked or not, he'd make a run for it...as he began to creep towards the exit...

A loud bark echoed off the walls.


He turned around and saw the wolf looking at him, teeth bared, ears flat.

"Ehhh....need to piss?" Darius suggested.

"HHHLIIIIARRRR!" the wolf boomed. "SHHTAAAY!"

A massive paw waved in the air, and Darius realized that this might not be quite as simple as he thought.


Heheh, what a story! Thank you for reading, and I look forward to your comments!

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