Cock ‘n Tail Party!

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#4 of Blue Paws Amateur Showcase

Darius wants to make a few bucks, and he's always been curious. So...why not?

Cock 'n Tail Party!

by Gruffy


This is a YCH porn star commission for avatar?user=45071&character=0&clevel=2 Riverweasel and features his character, Darius, who belongs to him. I've just used him with his permission.

Hope you like the read, and do leave me comments if you like!

Story by avatar?user=39198&character=0&clevel=2 Gruffy

Darius is by avatar?user=45071&character=0&clevel=2 Riverweasel

Jockstrap selection by SecondGruffy

Bad porn dialogue consultation by thedobiedude


"Why do you want to appear in hardcore gay pornography?"

Darius' eyes flickered between the polar bear's black, beady eyes and the shiny shaft of the novelty e-cigarette dangling from his fingers, a moment after the bear had taken a big puff from it before continuing to glare at the weasel sitting on the chair in front of his desk.

Darius simply shrugged.

"Just thought I'd try it out," the weasel said.

The bear harrumphed, and his big paw, free of the e-cig, clicked on the computer mouse to bring up a PDF file accompanied by a few attached photos that splashed out onto the screen, showing the weasel in a variety of poses, with or without clothes. The gaze he gave to the blatant nudity on screen was rather distant, like he'd seen it all. He probably had.

"You do know that once it hits the internet, it's there forever?"

"I've nothing to hide," Darius replied. "I don't fucking care much."

The bear's eyes scanned the text for a few moments before he leaned back on the chair and brought the e-cig back to his muzzle again for a thoughtful puff.

"What do you get from it? Personally?"

"Besides the cash?" Darius asked bluntly, his eyes lingering on the pretty casing of the vile nicotine inhaler the bear was handling.

"I know very well that the guys who come here do it either for the money, for the kicks of showing off, or for selling more of their booty when they escort," Max the polar bear replied with a grumble from his ample chest, "so don't give me any crap about how you think it's am important way to express your sexuality or whatever bullshit you have come up with to convince me to let you fuck on camera."

Darius grinned, his tail flicking about behind his lean frame.

"That's not what I expected you to say, to be honest," the weasel replied.

"Hmmmmmph?" the bear raised his brow.

"It doesn't sound like something the fur who's trying to convince me to do porn would say."

"I'm a people person," Max huffed. "I can very well see that you don't like bullshit, so I'm just giving you the facts. I don't have to draw onto your exhibitionism or onto your greed this time around, because I don't see that would do me any good."

"I'm impressed," Darius spoke after a pause.

"When you do this as long as I have, you learn the types," the bear snorted. The air that escaped had a vague scent of pear to it, Darius discovered. It seemed oddly unappealing to him. It was like the big macho polar bear was smoking bubble gum-flavored cigarettes. It made the weasel want to giggle.

"So money it is, then," the bear mused.

"And wanting to try it," Darius added.

The bear chuckled roughly.

"So a bit of a show-off, too?"

"I'd just like to know what it feels."

"Ever sold your booty, little guy?" the bear blurted out.

"If shaking my booty for tips counts, yes," the weasel said, "besides that, no."


"I like to make an honest living," Darius replied.

"Do you think porn is an honest job?"

"I think it's a job."

"So you plan to fuck your way to success, then?" the bear pointed out.

"Just want a few extra bucks to put into my 'get the fuck out of Detroit' fund," Darius said. "That's about it. "Don't really care where this takes me, I just want to make a little bit of money."

Max clicked his tongue.

"I like an honest man," he said, "it's only worthwhile to work with divas if they fuck like beasts and are hung like the proverbial horse. Especially if they're not horses, of course."

The polar bear laughed to himself and sucked on his cig again. Darius' nosepad wrinkled at the lingering fruity scent.

"I dunno about that but I do give a mean fuck when needed," Darius told, deadpan.

"Well that is what our customers like to see," Max said. "And that's what I want to hear, of course."

"Sure," Darius smirked.

Max's eyes shifted to the photo of the weasel on his computer, sitting on a chair naked with one paw caressing his bare chest, highlighted by the sapphire stone-adorned piercings on his nipples. A healthy boner rested against his white belly, almost shockingly red upon the white fur. The polar bear puffed out his cheeks and then inhaled noisily.


"A friend took the photos," Darius noted, "as per the request on the website for the pictures."

"Nothing wrong with the pictures," the bear said. There was a rustle when he put his e-cigarette into a desk drawer and then popped and oversized peppermint lozenge into his muzzle. Darius' ears flicked at the sharp click of ursine teeth against the hard candy, while Max's tongue slurped against his gums. Darius wondered the point of consuming something that must've taste so bad that peppermint was required to get the flavor out of his taste buds.

"They're actually quite good."

"My friend likes photographing stuff," Darius said. "Nature scenes, mostly."

"Quite the nature boy here, too," Max tapped the plastic rim of the screen.

"You asked for naked pictures."

"It's a necessity, as much as the HIV test certificate and the copy of the driver's license to make sure you're not causing us some unfortunate liability issues."

"I didn't think I was such a babyface to warrant such suspicion."

The polar bear's next puff of air smelled like a grandmother, which made Darius smile secretly.

"Hmm..." the polar bear rumbled to himself while tapping on his keyboard. "Hmmm..."

"So what's the verdict?" Darius asked once he started feeling too impatient to stay quiet for any longer.

The polar bear glanced away from his screen.

"Just checking the calendar, little guy," he said, "it's a busy operation we run here. Have to keep it running at full capacity or we aren't bringing the dough in."

"I work on most nights, so it should be during the day," Darius said, "the shooting, that is."

The bear chuckled.

"I didn't mean we shoot 24/7!" he grumbled. "Hmmm..."

Darius started to feel like he was sitting in a doctor's waiting office.

"You know what, let me make a quick phone call to an associate to see what his schedule is, and then I can say something concrete, okay?" the bear said while taking a phone from the desk.


"Great." the bear flashed some yellowed teeth before lifting the phone to his ear.


It was a Tuesday when Darius, after securing his bike onto a lamp post with a chain, wandered over along the sidewalk to the front of a grubby-looking bar called "THE TROUGH". He could not see inside, due to heavy drapes covering the windows. The singular door had opening times stenciled on it in a rather unimaginative manner.

The weasel contemplated knocking, but then remembered the instructions he had been given, and took out his phone instead, to dial out a number the polar bear had given to him.

The mobile only rang once.


"This is Darius Serrano," the weasel said, "I'm at the spot."


Darius held the phone away from his ear at the loudness, but before he could speak a word of reply, there was a rattle and the door opened. A bleary-eyed badger appeared at the doorway.

"You part of Max's gang?"

"For today," Darius replied while pocketing his phone. "Hello."

"Come in," the badger said.

It looked like an ordinary small pub, at least to Darius' professional eye, simply with way more cables on the floor and some kind of stage lights being set up in front of the handsome polished wood bar counter that resided in one corner of the room. Chairs and tabled had been piled to the side, and some sort of a mat had been spread to protect the floor, he noted, while observing the number of furs milling around. He did recognize Max, still holding his phone, as well as the horse he had met before, who was now setting up a tripod and a camera.


The bear turned around and assumed a position to stare at the weasel, now.

"Yes," Darius said, "like I was told to come here."

"You sure were!" Max grinned before waving a paw at the bar behind him. "How do you like this?"

Darius glanced at the rows of bottles and glasses, and shrugged.

"It's a bar."

"Howard has some shit here you can use to play around, don't you, Howard?" the bear hollered.

"Yep," the badger replied while turning his attention to Darius. "Max tells you are a bartender."

"Yeah, I am," Darius said. "Do you want me to mix you a Copacabana Tailtwister?"

"Only if that's a virgin one," Max coughed. "No substances on my set! It's bad practice, whether it's crystal meth or booze!"

"No e-cigarettes either," the badger pointed out a sign on the wall with various NO! symbols emblazed on it.

"You always remember," Max huffed.

"I don't want to risk my license."

"Well we're doing everything by the book here," the polar bear replied. "JOCK!"

"Yup?" the stallion looked up from his camera.

"You ready?"

Just have to do the lights check and the soundcheck and we'll be good to go."

"Is Ethan still getting himself done?" the polar bear asked.

"Well he's still in the back with Marry so...could be that or...hehe..." the horse nickered, tail swishing about behind him.

"I sure hope that lion is keeping it out of his muzzle..." the bear grumbled. "Ethan needs the stuff for his money shot!"

The furs in the pub laughed, with the exception of the badger who did not seem amused.

"Well, let's go and check out your co-star, Darius," Max said, "You sure you want to be called that? Still time to come up with a stage name."

"I don't see a reason," the weasel replied, "I think it's good enough, no?"

"Whatever you like," the bear shrugged, "we can still change it later on. Come on, let's go to the back."

The polar bear had to squeeze himself behind the bar and then through the swinging door that led into a musky back room that seemed to be mostly a storage area. There was a desk, too, with a table lamp on it, and there was a tall lion standing there in a loud-colored shirt and fussing around a red panda who was sitting on the corner of the desk, wearing a loose silk dressing gown. A thick, bushy ringed tail hung out from the hems of the gown and brushed against the floor.

"...just a hint of liner to make your eyes look bigger..."

"...oh, shush you, you always say that, do you really think they're not big enough?" the red panda pouted.

"Just a little, and it'll make all the difference!" the makeup brush-wielding lion snickered. "Trust me!"

"Ahem! Boys, meet Darius!" Max slapped a paw down onto the thin weasel's shoulder.

"Hello..." Darius grumbled.

The lion was all purrs and paws, shaking Darius', while the red panda remained sitting on his corner of the table and just smiled and flicked his ears in a hello.


"Hello," Darius replied while trying to brush away the noisy and nosy lion.

"So you're gonna be the bartender, aren't you?" the red panda asked. "Name's Ethan."

"Nice to meet you," Darius mused.

"You look fit," the red panda said with a knowing grin, "do you work out?"

"I do a lot of cycling," Darius replied.

"I can tell by those hips!" the red panda said. "Nice!"

Darius knew that his body was well visible, since he had opted to wear his cycling shorts and a T-shirt for his arrival to the place where he was supposed to show up.

"Thanks," he said.

"Darius, here's Ethan, your co-star for the scene, and Marriott, our make up and accessories specialist."

"Heeey," the lion purred again. "Nice to meet you! Call me Marry if you like! You know...Marry me!"

Darius winced quietly at the lame pun, but nodded still.

"I'll keep that in mind."

"You ready here soon?" Max asked. "Everything is pretty much ready out in the bar so we just need to get you ready."

"Oh, this baby here only needs a little bit of powder onto his brow and he's good to go!" Marriott purred, though he was mostly looking at Darius now, "though you...hmm...will have to see the whole package to know what needs to be done to get you ready."

"Do you need me to strip now?" Darius asked matter-of-fact.

Max waved a paw before the lion could speak, which left Marriott's muzzle gawking open.

"Once Ethan is ready," the bear said, "meanwhile, when Marriott's working on him, we can go through some of the details for the scene."

"I'd like that," Darius said, "I pretty much only know that there'll be sex involved, but not much more."

The big bear chuckled.

"Well, you can probably guess that our scenario takes place in a bar!" Max yelped. "The idea is that our professional bartender, who is Darius here, of course, is mixing drinks behind the counter, practicing a new drink for the upcoming night, and then Ethan here will come over, shall we say that he's a co-worker...and then Darius lets him taste the drink, and Ethan makes a move, and then we move on to the good stuff, of course!"

"Heheh," the red panda mused.

"So what we're thinking is some basic sex, oral and anal, with Ethan on the bottom in a variety of positions, and some nice money shots and creamy kisses to round it all up!" the polar bear detailed. "We'll be going at it nice and slow so that Darius can pick up to speed, and we'll make sure everything will look good for the cameras."

"I bet it will," the lion winked while puffing his makeup brush over the red panda's forehead, causing his ears to flap back and forth.

"Any other details, we can see to them when we're at it," the polar bear continued, "and we'll just see what happens. As long as it looks good and there's a lot of cum, I think everyone on their computer screens will be happy."

"Really looking forward to working with you," the red panda said.

Darius nodded.

"I'm sure it'll be alright," he said.

"We don't want just alright!" Max barked. "Everyone's gotta give 100% or it won't sell."

"You can trust me," Ethan grinned. "And I'm sure Darius is open to it, too."

"I'll just do what feels best at the time," the weasel replied, "that's how I tend to - "

Everyone's ears bounced when the door opened, and a malamute entered.

"Hey," the fluffy dog said, "Howard told me to tell you that if he finds any empty enema bags or anything related equipment from the gents he's gonna be closing this place for business for good if you know what I mean."

The polar bear scowled.

"Humph, must've been that shoot we did with Benny and Damien here..." the bear scratched his muzzle, "right, so if anyone needs their asshole douched, remember not to leave a mess, okay?"

"I'm all ready down there," the red panda said, "better to be safe than sorry."

"I've washed, yeah," Darius said, a bit off put by the roughly worded statement from the big bear.

"Good," Max huffed, as if he didn't really care for the topic, himself "Reece, you can go and tell Howard that we're not going to be using the men's room for anything this time around, so he doesn't have to worry about any anal surprises at his facilities."

"Okay, boss," the malamute rumbled before he turned around and disappeared through the swinging door.

The bear harrumphed and shook his head.

"What does the guy think we're doing here, running a bingo?" he grumbled. "If he lets us hire his place for porn shoots on a regular basis, he could give us some slack or tell us to find a more porn friendly pub to film in."

"One with proper dressing facilities, I'd hope," Marriott mused, "I'd almost need to wear a miner's lamp or something so that I can see what I'm supposed to do..."

"Oh just keep powdering him, and you, Darius, get out of those clothes," Max waved his paw dramatically, "Marriott, where's the clothes? I hope they're the right fit, otherwise we'll have to waste time to get something new..."

"Can't I just wear this stuff?" Darius pointed out his shorts and his T.

Max clicked his tongue.

"Would you tend the bar wearing that?" he asked.

"During sports night, sure," the weasel replied.

Max made a face.

"Well, I've got a vision for this scene, so you gotta wear something else. Marriott!"

"Just a moment!" the lion declared as he put away his makeup tools and then picked up a battered suitcase from the floor, which he placed onto the desk next to the spot where the red panda still relaxed. "Here we go...I think you'll like it..."

The lion piled items over one arm and then showed them off to Darius, who looked at it all curiously.

"Well I can tell those are leather pants, but...I'm not sure what that other black thing is..."

"Well, this is a top...kind of..." the lion giggled, "Max showed me your pictures and we decided that you have to wear something that highlights your body as much as possible, not to mention those nifty piercings you have, so we don't want to hide them under any baggy clothing."

"Those pants don't seem to be like they're gonna hide much either," Darius pointed out.

"Well, let's get you into them and we'll see!" the lion yelped.

"I bet it'll look great," the red panda added.

"So what will you be wearing? A thong?" Darius asked.

"Don't diss thongs!" the red panda snickered.

"Chop chop!" Max smacked his paws together. "We've got porn to make!"

"Okay, okay," Darius stated simply before pulling his shirt over his head.

"Hmmmm..." someone murred, he wasn't quite sure who, his eyes covered in cloth for the moment.


" two...ACTION!"


Sexy Critters Series - "Darius and Ethan's Cock 'n Tail Party!"

Studio: Blue Paws Productions Ltd.

Duration: 29 minutes

Direction: Max Field

Starring: Ethan Tayler, Darius

All rights reserved.

All performers were over the age of 18 at the time of cinematography.


Darius was minding his own business behind the counter, bottles and glasses and shakers and measuring cups strewn along its polished length while he kept himself at work on testing out his latest experiment for the upcoming night. The weasel hummed quietly to himself as he toiled, dressed in some tight leather pants, a studded leather collar and a black mesh top that bared his perfectly white, toned body. The sapphire piercings on his nipples glittered like beacons on his otherwise clear chest, acting as visual highlights for anyone who might happen to be watching the busy-moving guy working his trade.


The weasel looked up from his mixing glass to see a casually dressed red panda standing at the door to the pub, head turning about curiously.

"Yes?" Darius asked.

"You in charge here?" the red panda asked. "I'm Ethan, I'm the new waiter..."

"That so?" the weasel looked at the fluffy newcomer sharply.

"Yeah!" the red panda replied.

"The boss was talking about a new guy..." the weasel gave the red panda a suspicious look.

"Well I suppose that's me!" the red panda smirked. "So where do I start? Do you want me tending the bar or working the tables?"

Now the weasel smirked.

"Nobody touches the bar here except me," he spoke solemnly, "executive orders."

"Oh yeah?" the red panda's ears flicked forward suspiciously.

"Yup," Darius leaned over his work and stared at the red panda, though he had to look at him from the downwards angle, considering the red panda was taller than he was.

"Aww, but I have a few mixes of my own, they've liked them in the previous places..."

Darius folded his arms over his chest.

"So why aren't you in your previous places, dude?" he stated.

"Maybe I was looking for something new?" the red panda suggested.

The weasel eyed the fit critter with a small smirk and wagged his own tail briefly, snapping against his leather-shrouded butt.

"Well, let's see what you've got, then," Darius said.

The weasel put his glasses and bottles and cups aside and swiftly replaced them with a new array of cocktail-making implements he stacked expertly onto the polished wooden counter.

"Come on here then," the weasel said as he stepped away from the bar, "show me what you can do."

"Oh?" the red panda stated. "So now you actually want me to fool around with your bar?"

The weasel smirked.

"Whoever said anything about fooling around? Come on!"


The red panda's tail swished behind him as he headed over to the bar and stepped behind the counter. He had to squeeze past the weasel who did not move to give him space. Darius waved his paw at the arrangement of bottles.

"There, come up with something with that."

"Hmmm..." the red panda stared intently on the bottles, as if imagining already mixing the world's most impressive drink out of them.

"And if it's crap, there'll be compensation."

The red panda's ears jumped.


"Just get to it, dude," the weasel grinned, arms crossed over his chest again.

"Alright..." the red panda stated, cleared his throat, and picked up the nearest bottle, "this is good stuff..."

"I picked it, of course it is," the weasel said, deadpan.


"Don't pour it like that!" the weasel yelped as soon as the first drops hit the bottom of the glass in front of them both.

The red panda jumped and spilled booze onto the bar, which made the weasel's frown deepen.

"It's pricey too!"

"Uh, sorry..." the red panda put the bottle down and picked another one, "and a little bit of this..."

"And you're not planning to measure any of the stuff?" he said. "We've got rules here, you know."

"I'm just playing," the red panda said, "Isn't that how new combos are found?"

"I do my playing elsewhere," the weasel smirked.

"Ooookay..." the red panda's tail tapped against the shelves behind the bar, "so...ehm..."

Darius snorted.

"That much tonic? Really?" the weasel snapped. "Have you been taught to water it down or something?"

"Uh...just making it...balanced...I'll add a bit of this pear liquor, now - "

"That's really fruity," the weasel 'warned' while watching the red panda's proceedings with his permanent smirk of amusement on his lips.

"You don't say?" the red panda stirred the drink with a plastic stick.

Darius stepped closer to the red panda behind the bar and put a paw down onto his back, just above the base of his tail. He could see the said bushy, ringed tail bristle a little at the feeling, and the male glanced at him. That was definitely getting into his personal space, after all.

"Just how fruity, though..." the weasel mused.

"What do you think?" the red panda smiled wryly.

"I think..." Darius spoke as he massaged the red panda's poking tail, "I think you might just fit here alright...some things considered."

"Yeees?" the red panda's paws went flat onto the counter.

Darius let go of the red panda's tail and squeezed down on his rump instead. Ethan let out a soft yelp.


"Thought so," Darius declared victoriously.

The weasel jumped nimbly onto the section of the bar counter not occupied by messy glasses and bottles and grinned at the red panda, his own tail swishing gently from side to aside as he wriggled into position.

"Come here, now."

The red panda did as he was told and stepped in front of the weasel, now perched on the bar. Darius winked and ran his fingers along the thin, braided strings that created the mesh-like top that framed his gently toned muscles. He let out a soft murmur at the feeling of self-stimulation, and his cock already throbbed in anticipation while his fingers moved over onto his pectoral muscles and sought out the pierced nubs of his nipples.

"Take that shirt off," Darius breathed, his thumbs stroking on the hard, blunt tops of his nipples.

Ethan did not hesitate, he simply pulled off the simple, colorful T-shirt he wore to expose a slim, thickly furred body. It pleased the weasel's view, as much as the eager, curious look on the taller male's eyes. It made him feel more aroused, and prompted his fingerpads to tug gently on the sapphire studs adorning his nipples. He let out a satisfied hiss when the familiar sparks of pleasure entered his nerves from the sensitive buds.


"Sexy," Darius commented.

"What if someone...comes in?" the red panda whispered as he watched the weasel play with himself in full view on the bar counter.

"Nobody else will come...they know I'm here with the new guy..." Darius spoke meaningfully.

"Well in that case..."

"Gimme your paws," Darius commanded, "I know a better place for them."

He folded out his paws and got fluffy red panda paws in them, and immediately the weasel directed those limbs into the direction of his chest, to make the soft, warm pads press against his pierced nipples. The metal under the pads was already warm from his own touch, but now, the new guy's fingers took over, and it felt good.

"There...see what you can find..." Darius encouraged.

"Wow..." the red panda muttered, still looking as curiously as before, "these are wicked...had them long?"

"For a while," Darius leaned back on the bar counter, paws on its edge for balance, though he hardly felt woozy by the relatively steep angle he used to expose his chest to the red panda's fondling. "You like them, new guy?"

"They're sexy..." the red panda breathed out, "I've never seen ones like these..."

"Well you can play with them as much as you like," the weasel smirked confidently.

"Do they ever hurt?" Ethan's fingers rolled the nipples carefully, which brought some rather topical hisses from the starkly white male sitting in front of him.

"Only when I want to," Darius said.

"Cool..." the red panda stared as he manipulated the sapphire rings, sending further gasps and rumbles out of the weasel's throat.

"No, hot," Darius clicked his tongue, "don't be shy...they can take a lot more than that!"

"If you insist, bro..." the red panda stated before he simply...twisted.

"Nghhhhh!" Darius yelped uncontrollably as the sensations from his nips suddenly grew about a dozen fold with Ethan's maneuver. The rings tugged onto his nipples, teasing the pierced flesh much more intensely than before. The red panda might've been what appeared to be a newbie when it came to nipple play, but he was a quick study. Maybe he really would fit in...but he'd still have a few initial tests to pass. "Eager to please" box was already being filled.

"Wow...sure that doesn't hurt?"

"_Don't _stop!" Darius hissed when he felt the tension in his flesh subside a little with the red panda's alarmed look. His command caused the critter's fingers to squeeze harder again, and that only made the weasel's cock pulse more intently in his obscenely tight leather pants.

"Okay, man..."

It was sweet agony, the stroke of those questing fingers, how they mauled the weasel's nipples with increasingly adventurous twists and turns.

" rub the tips too..." Darius demanded.

"Is this a whole science or what?"

"Just keep playing!" Darius snorted. "You haven't earned your keep yet."

"Is this legal?" the red panda chuckled.

"You talk too much," Darius huffed, reached out a paw, and tugged the red panda's muzzle down onto his chest.

"Breathe that in, boy," the weasel commanded, once the squirming muzzle had set onto his practically bare bosom.


"And don't stop playing with those nips!"

"Mmmmhh!" the red panda meeped.

"Good...yeah...just use your fingers reeeal nice..."

Ethan wriggled his head and managed to tilt his muzzle up enough to look at the smirking weasel.

"You really into this stuff aren't you?" the red panda asked, his fingers still busy rolling the weasel's pierced nipples between his curious pads.

"Good know what you like, no?" the weasel stated in reply.

"I think I'd like you to suck on this hot tit here," Darius grasped his right pec and winked to the red panda.


"That's not what your future boss likes to hear," Darius replied, "taste it...get it nice and wet..."

The red panda leaned forward obediently, a bit surprised when the nipple ring clicked onto a tooth, but that did not stop him from doing his best at nursing the weasel's tender nip between his lips. His tongue twirled around the little bud before he licked up and down, feeling Darius' chest heave up and down under the deep teasing. He even decided to scratch the top of the red panda's head as a way of thank you.

"Hmmm...yeah, good and wet...don't stop with that paw..."

The red panda rumbled something incomprehensible, but it did nudge him to continue fondling the ringed nipple that wasn't currently being sucked on by Ethan's thin, dark lips. It felt great but he remained relatively quiet, but for the occasional pleasured grunt. The red panda's cute sighs of pleasure turned him on almost as much as the tongue action...which was too good to let his other nipple go without some.

"Time to switch up."

The red panda moved obediently, one paw on the weasel's butt while he lavished another nipple with his tongue, the other paw still playing with the new spit-polished pierced nip.

"Hmmm...feel how hard my cock is for you, newbie" Darius whispered, suddenly, getting the red panda's eyes upon him momentarily before the paw stroked slowly across his hip, from its previous position on the weasel's ass and then onto his crotch.


He stroked, a bit awkwardly, even through the fur-tight leather.

"Feel it all hard for me..."

"Oh I wanna taste's making me so hard too..."

Darius wagged his tail pleasurably against the bar counter.

"Take it out then, dude."

"You want me to?" the red panda winked, still groping at the weasel's shaft through the pants.

"It wants you," Ethan leaned back onto one paw while the other kept playing errantly with a nicely twisted nipple.

"These pants are hot..." Ethan declared as he began to rub his paws over Darius' thighs and rump, "and you feel so hot, too..."

"I'm sure I'll like what we find under your clothes, too...but get me out first..."

Ethan was licking his lips when he found the weaselr's fly and opened him up, folding the leather apart to find a shockingly pink shaft resting on white cloth, highlighted by the perfect black of the leather. He gasped at the sight of the throbbing snake and chuckled.

"Man, you go commando at work?"

Darius grinned.

"Who's gonna be fucking bothered if I'm the only one who knows?"

"Nobody, I suppose...but aren't they going to see it?" Ethan wondered.

Darius chuckled.

"Ninety percent of the guys who come here come in to see a bit of crotch," he said. "Mine's as good as any, isn't it?"

Ethan gingerly wrapped his fingers around the weasel's length and gave it a nice, hiss-inducing squeeze.

"Definitely...I think it wants a kiss..."

"As long as you'll spare a paw to play with these -" Darius pointed at his nipples, "I think he won't mind."

"Oh I'm good at going paws free..." the red panda winked.

Darius made his shaft jump in the red panda's grip and smirked.

"Let's see then. Barely have the time to paw off these days so it's going to be really sensitive..." the weasel spoke while idly rolling his right nipple between his pads.

"I've got a soft tongue," the red panda crooned as he leaned down and took the tip of the weasel's cock into his maw, gently sliding its length between his smiling lips.

"Ohyessss..." the weasel bit his sharp teeth together at the warm, slurping sensation the red panda's muzzle provided for his most sensitive organ.

"Hhmmmhhh..." the red panda's warm muzzle vibrated while he tasted the weasel's tool.

"Don't forget the nipples," Darius spoke gently while he let the red panda go down on him, slowly, himself slowly playing with himself too.


Ethan grabbed as much of Darius' scrotum he could into one paw while the other migrated onto the weasel's unoccupied pierced bud. The metal felt warm under his pads, solid and welcoming by now as he gave it a twist that made the weasel buck his dick deeper into his gently suctioning muzzle. The critter did not miss a beat, though, not even when a few drops of saliva slid down the length he lapped upon, a soft murr coming from his throat at the pleasure of its taste and shape.

"That's good..."

His paws were busy, holding on the warm nuts in their sac, rolling them to bring more murrs, from their owner, a thumb tickling on the weasel's perineum, the fingers of his other paw teasing around the by now not at all alien piercing on Darius' nipple. The obvious pleasure it brought to the bartender pleased Ethan too, and made him more bold in his exploration, tugging on his balls, giving a more powerful yank on the metal penetrating the weasel's nipple.

"Oh yeah...that's the spot..."

Ethan looked up to the weasel with a pleased expression on his muzzle, mostly conveyed by his eyes, considering how busy his lips were at the moment. Darius smiled and ruffled the red panda's carefully groomed head furs.

"Hmm..I want to do something with my muzzle, too," Darius said, "stand up."

The lithe male stood up, lips leavingthe weasel's cock with a slurp. He was licking his muzzle by the time he straightened his back and looked at the weasel, curious and eager for what was to come next. Darius hopped off the counter, cock bouncing about, and grinned to the red panda.

"Kneel up there, butt towards me. Let's see that cute rump of yours."

Ethan's tail was swinging happily when he climbed onto the counter and then presented himself, bushy tail hung over his butt while he glanced at the weasel standing behind him, cock lolling out of his pants.

"Like it?" Ethan wriggled his butt and smiled.

"You can see what this is thinking," Darius pointed out his cock just as he prepared to shuffle out of his leather pants.

"It likes," Ethan smiled.

Darius stripped off quickly, leaving himself only with the stringy vest that did almost nothing to cover any part of him, and faced the red panda then.

"Open your zipper. And do try not to fall down when we're pulling your pants off."

"I've got good balance," the red panda waved his tail teasingly.

Darius' eyes did not sway away while he looked at the red panda's shuffling act of removing his pants so that more and more of lime green cloth emerged. His cute, firm butt was covered in tight fabric, and the boxer briefs were emblazed with a loopy, white 'KIWIBUM' logo across the elastic waistband. The underwear hugged the red panda's pretty buns and rode up into his crevice between them, which left his balls to bulge in the seam of the boxers. Throw in that swishing tail and Darius had plenty to feast on. The kneeling pose made it all strut out, and the tail going about like a windshield wiper was a mating signal for anyone watching.

"And a tight ass, too," Darius commented while copping a butt cheek in his paw, eliciting a yelp.

"You like?" the red panda smirked sultrily.

"Show-off," Darius accused while lifting another paw to fondle on the red panda's presented butt.

"It usually gets me what I like."


"Done enough buttless briefs waiting at parties to know what girls and guys like," the red panda chuckled. "Damn those middle-aged women at hen parties...gosh...their paws..."

Darius snorted.

"Gah, boner poison!" he said before giving the red panda's friendly tush a nicely distracting slap.

"Meep!" Ethan yelped playfully, his tail bristling for good effect.

"Have to recover quickly..." Darius declared as he eyed the red panda's rump, feeling it up at the same time much to Ethan's murmuring pleasure.

"Do I still have a lot of tests to do to prove that I'm a good fit?" the red panda asked breathlessly once he felt the fondling take onto a more firm, erotic, tone.

"I can think of something..." the weasel smirked to himself while fondling the red panda's nuts through the sexy undies, "and it does involve fitting something somewhere alright..."

"Ohhh hmmm..." Ethan grinned, panting softly while he was toyed with.

The fabric stretched once Darius hooked his fingertips under the elastic and drew the low-riding underwear down to explore the red panda's fuzzy taint, balls plopping out, shaft sticking straight forward, hard and firm, and his tail rising upright to reveal the full curves of his butt and his hole nestled amidst all the darkish fur. The sight of it made the weasel lick his lips, and to rub his thumbs over the critter's welcoming buns.

"Yep..." Darius declared.

He leaned forward. His belly bumped softly against the edge of the countr, and his muzzle sought the crevice of the red panda's butt so that he could sniff the scent of an aroused male deep into his nostrils. Darius let out an approving rumble and squeezed hard on a butt cheek once more, making his partner for the moment yelp out.

"Easy there..." Ethan chuckled breathily.

"I'll make it easy...and wet..." Darius let out a determined snarl while he eyed the red panda's tight pucker hiding in its crevice. "Need to be very wet..."

"Give it to me," the red panda replied luridly.

Darius pulled his head back a little and aimed before he hocked up a wad of spit and let it splat onto the red panda's bud. The critter let out a gasp and swished his tail, feeling the wet, frothy saliva flow onto his taint, mat and wet the furs. The weasel pried his ass cheeks apart and pushed his muzzle close, nosepad to tailbase, and lapped up and down, hoping to make everything wet enough for another, more concentrated attack on the rd panda's nethers.

"Uh fuck..." the red panda's head was held as high as his tail, perched so neatly on the counter while the barkeep sampled his new waiter's ass.

Darius did a thorough job, albeit relatively quiet at that, slowly exploring Ethan's welcomingly warm rump. His chin was wet and his lips glistened, covered in saliva while he spread more and more of it onto the red panda's rump. His paws mostly concentrated on keeping his ass cheeks open to receive the slick rimming, although occasionally he spared a few fingers to tug on his balls, to tease his cock or maybe to spank that cozy rump. His own cock jutted out proudly and dribbled pre-cum, worked into a frenzy by the sensual, forbidden pleasure of eating ass. Defiling such an intimate body part in such a manner was a massive turn-on to the pierced weasel who kept slowly breathing through his nose, both to keep the warm air teasing the red panda's junk and so that he could enjoy every single whiff of his deep, clean musk. His tongue made rounds on the red panda's ring, to tickle it open and to relax and lubricate him for what would inevitably be a deep, fast penetration of his hole once Darius was ready to bury his shaft into the red panda's gripping warm anus.

For now he enjoyed the slippery job of claiming a rump with his tongue, and it kept the red panda murring and thrusting his butt backwards into the presence of the teasing tongue exploring his rear playfully. His cheeks were as warm as the halves of his ass after several rounds of swatting frm the weasel. Ethan's hole pulsed and oozed under the tempting teasing and made him rumble every now and then, or gasp, or wave his tail cutely while getting eaten out by the naughty pierced mini-stud. The weasel's nipples itches and he wished he could spare a paw to do some little further tugging before he'd lay it hard for red panda butt -

"Oh, maaan...if every day working here is gonna be like this..." the red panda slurred.

Darius decided that it was enough now. His cock felt steel hard and as pent up as it ever would be, and the red panda's hole was invitingly pink and slightly open when he withdrew to admire at the mess he had made so far with just his tongue.

"Let's find out, shall we?" he hissed, one paw on his cock, the other grabbing onto a nipple.


"Get onto that bar stool. Ain't enough room here for it, y'know."

"Oh...oh alright..."

It took a bit of fumbling, but soon the red panda landed on all fours on the bar stood, head held up and butt bent backwards, tail still wagging about. The weasel rounded the counter and settled behind his bottom, one paw pressing down onto his spit-slickened cock to plunge its tip against his hole.

"Here it comes...your final test."

"Hmmm...fill me...big boy..."


Darius' chuckle swallowed out the first grunt from the red panda, getting oh so slowly spread open by the tip of the weasel's cock. His body leaned forward a little, but the weasel grabbed his tail to make sure he was not escaping before another thrust, another small gain made into the red panda's hole.

"Hmm...nice and warm..."

"Oh yeah...fuck me...fill me..."

The lurid dialogue faded away once he was settled in and could actually nudge his cock in and out of the red panda's hole without fear of slipping away from its heat. He went through the tight, gripping ring and then beyond, deeper and then back, feeling that same pucker suck on his tip at its very rim before it was time to sink back, compact weasel balls colliding with the red panda's scrotum.


He leaned over the red panda's back and nuzzled him, a small gesture of gentleness amidst the rough action of the fuck, all the while his hips collided repeatedly with the red panda's rump. The little squeaks and huffs were inevitable, and the continued pumping motion propelled more of them out, Darius' muzzle twisted n concentration while he kept working through into the critter. His nipples stroked nicely over the silky fur on Ethan's back and sent wonderful pleasurable tickles along his chest and onto his spine, tail gently whipping about while he claimed his ass for the night.

It might have seen an uncomfortable position but Ethan stayed on it admirably, practically bent over and steady even while he was getting fucked relatively hard by the naughty weasel filling his rear repeatedly with his spearing length. Pre-cum mixed with the spit that had been deposited in his rump and made for a more swift thrusting. It allowed him to fuck harder and to get deeper, too, spreading new inches open while Darius rolled his hips and teased the red panda's opening and pleasure spots with his tool.


Suddenly the weasel stood up and stepped back, which pulled his cock out with a lewd 'schlop' before it slapped onto his belly, glistening and jerking, while the softly panting male stared at the red panda's briefly gaping hole purse itself shut.

"Let's try something else."

"I'm really close..." the red panda panted.

"Soon, new guy," Darius grinned as he tapped the counter. "Climb up, kiddo."

The red panda stretched out his somewhat stiff limbs before he hopped onto the wooden bar counter and presented his rear once again, paws this time landing and spreading his weight so tht his butt jutted out and his head hung low, tail wagging once again eagerly in invitation for the weasel to join him in fun.

"Come on..."

Darius did not waste time in taking onto his now defiled workspace, to line himself up and sink himself into the warm buttery folds of the red panda's rump. Ethan let out a pleased trill and lifted his head up, obviously enjoying the penetration anew.


Darius gave him a few quick humps before setting onto a more easy pace. One of his paws scratched along the red panda's back while the other slipped down under his belly and began to play with his slowly swaying cock.

"Hmmm...someone's hard..."

"Oh yes..."Ethan panted. "So close...b-boss..."


The weasel was a kind man but not beyond playing with his partners, and this time around, the excruciatingly slow jerking motions were definitely increasing Ethan's pleasure, getting thrust into firmly from behind, prostate nudged and bumped and humped while the slo-mo jacking kept him on the edge...and it seemed that his partner plowing him knew just how to keep it going.

"Oh...oh my goodness...oh...oh maan...oh..."

"Someone's noisy..." Darius taunted mildly while his thumb played with the poor red panda's piss slit.


"Leaky cocks are fun," Darius commented as he rubbed pre-cum onto the red panda's swollen tip.


Darius got an evil glint to his eye at that point, hips still moving fluidly while he listened to the red panda's almost desperate moans.

"Alright then..."

His squirmy body practically twisted into a tie at that moment, spine popping really as he dipped his body sideways and then, head muzzling up, to wrap his lips around the red panda's jutting cock while he still kept his hips humping merrily into the red panda's tight rump.


The acrobatic stunt made glasses rattle in their holder above the bar when the weasel now fucked the red panda while also sucking on cock. The slurping added to the slapping of balls and hips together, and Ethan, eyes closed and muzzle held high, almost mewled as he was pleasured from both ends at the time.


It couldn't really go much longer, not with so much heated action going on at once, and soon the red panda shuddered, pleasure coursing through him as it boiled over the point of no return and he let out a deep moan, hips thrusting to try and get his cock deeper into Darius' suctioning muzzle. The weasel was sure not to miss a single thrust into his ass either, even when the red panda started unloading.


He shot strings of cum into the weasel's muzzle, but Darius kept his tongue in place so that the globs landed upon that slippery muscled appendage that then channeled the red panda's seed out of his muzzle and to drip onto the bar from the corner of his maw. The red panda's tail jerked with each pump from his balls, and with further seeding, more and more drooled from Darius' hollowed cheeks.


The red panda had barely stopped cumming when Darius too was about to peak. He slurped away from Ethan's perky member and hunched up as much as the room allowed without his head smacking onto the glasses above. A few rapid humps later he pulled out,his paw flying over his cock for only a few moments before pearly globs shot out in sharp pulses and painted the panting red panda's rump, hole and back with the weasel's pent up cum. Darius bit his teeth together and hissed a few times, making sure he was pumping every bit out before slapping the red panda's butt and grumbling...

"Consider yourself hired, panda boy."

"T-thanks, boss!" the red panda replied, sounding quite dazed alright.



Darius hopped down from the bar counter and looked over to the polar bear, sitting at one of the little tables of the pub with his eyes trained on his Apple laptop.

"How was that then?" he asked, matter-of-fact.

"Top notch!" someone else answered the question, which turned out to be the stallion that Darius knew had been filming up close when he spewed his cum all over the red panda's butt.

Darius simply nodded, and kept on looking at the polar bear who was still busy with his computer.

"I'm sticky!" he heard the red panda speak from behind him.

"Bet you are!" the horse nickered. "The new guy sure did a number on you!"


Darius wasn't really sure what to think about it all now. Things were...quiet, somehow, now, and nobody in the crowded room seemed to pay any attention to his nudity or his hard, cum-covered cock drooping slightly as he'd started to wane after his orgasm. It'd felt pretty good, too, especially since they'd just spent about three hours filming this damn thing, he thought.


The lion bounced out of the back room with a big grin on his face, holding a green box in his paws.

"Someone called for another touch-up?"

"Bet you'd like to touch me up alright!" Darius heard the red panda reply in a teasing tone.

"Owww don't sit with that...that...ass on the counter now..."

Darius realized that the badger had popped into the room again, having left about the time when they were actually starting to shoot porn, and had been hiding in the back since. It obviously wasn't his thing to look.

"Better get those baby wipes in quick then!" Marriott giggled.

"Hope you're cleaning it all up properly this time, Max!" the badger glared at the polar bear.

The porn producer finally lifted his heavy countenance from the computer screen and gave the few associated staring furs a look.

"What?" he grunted.

"How was it?" Darius asked.

The bear shrugged.

"We'll see in a bit. I'll have to review the footage of the money shot."

"And I'll definitely want a review of some lemon pledge on my bar in about a minute," the badger huffed. "It stinks here."

"YO, REECE!" the horse cameraman hollered towards the mysterious backroom. "QUIT RUBBING ONE OFF AND COME HERE!"

Darius glanced over at the bar where Ethan was dapping his cock and balls with a baby white while Marriott the lion oversaw the action with a purring gaze. The weasel wasn't sure whether he'd like the lion to help him clean up. He did feel like he could use one of the baby wipes alright. His sheath was starting to feel itchy.


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