I Was a Teenage Porn Star (6)

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#6 of I Was a Teenaged Pornstar

Crisp's going to have a lot of surprises in one day.


Hello, folks! Here's the next installment in the ongoing commission for avatar?user=311202&character=0&clevel=2 FriskeCrisps . It's been a while since the previous chapter, but the action is still hot, and there is excitement and hijinks for you to enjoy. Please tell me how you think I did, and leave me feedback! Next chapter coming sooner!

Have an interesting read!


Crisp saw the rear lights of the car pass away just when the first drops of rain dribbled onto his fur. A little shiver went through his back and he hurried over to the frat house, hoping to get back into the warm confines of his own room where a nice cozy blanket and his laptop were sure to cheer him up - especially since his tummy was full of delicious food and his naughty friends had ensured that he would not be packing any boners any time soon. Thinking about boners was a sure way to get them, though, Crisp reminded himself, and felt a small stir...oh boy...

He opened the front door and stepped into the living room, to find, unsurprisingly, the frat dudes watching some sports program on the big TV, all of the guys piled up on the couch, probably with some beer. Crisp had tried that but it made him feel funny...and blush...and pop a boner in his boxers...it was strange. He preferred other kind of fun.

The guys seemed intent on watching TV, so he decided not to bother them by announcing his presence too much. Crisp was used to slinking around the house without making too much noise about himself - most of the time it seemed to him that the frat guys simply didn't care that he was there. He preferred it that way. He didn't want to get bullied or something, not that they really even noticed he was there. He'd just go to the kitchen to grab a can of soda and then go into his own room upstairs.

The lights in the kitchen were open, and a cougar was sitting by the kitchen island, munching on a sandwich. His ears perked at the sight of the wolf in the doorway, and he gave Crisp a look.

"Well hello there," the cougar in the tight T-shirt rumbled.

"Uh...hi, Aiden..." Crisp replied quietly, a bit intimidated by the big cat, "just thought I'd grab a drink."

"From the fridge?" the cougar pointed at the big silver cabinet behind him.

"Uh, yeah, that's where I have my Pepsi in," Crisp said.

The cougar put his sandwich down to the kitchen island and wiped his paws together to get a few crumbs out.

"Let me get you one, then," he said.

"Uh...you don't have to..."

"it's no prob, bró," the cougar replied. He hopped off the stool and went to the fridge, opened it, and took out the can, "come here, I'll give it to you."

"Okay, thanks," Crisp said as he approached the kitchen island.

"Nice and cold," the cougar grinned with a can in his paw, "let me open it for you."

"You really don't have to..." Crisp mumbled, feeling a blush creep onto his cheeks.

"Why, we're all bros here...it's all cool...really cool..."

The can opened with a click that made Crisp's ears flick.

"Here you go," the cougar held out the can.

"Uh...thanks..." Crisp reached out for the can.

The cougar upturned the can in a flash and poured most of it onto Crisp's pants and shoes. The wolf jumped out of surprise and let out a yelp when the cold liquid splashed on him followed by the clap of the can dropping onto the tiled floor, with even more soda spilling out and wetting Crisp's sneakers.

"Must've slipped," the cougar said, thick arms folding over his chest.

"Uh..." Crisp mumbled.

"Sorry, bro," the cougar said, "or is that sister...sissy?"

_ _

The cougar's face turned into a sneer so suddenly that it put coldness into Crisp's belly, even faster than the soda that was now all over his shoes and pants.

"GOT 'IM RIGHT HERE GUYS!" the cougar yelled.

"W-what - "

The cougar grabbed Crisp's arm and squeezed.

"Sissy boy living in OUR dorm! Not gonna happen, girl!" the cougar yelled.

Crisp yelped.

"That's hurting me!" he stared at the fingers holding roughly onto his arm. "St-top...please..."

"Little fuck," the cougar hissed.


The kitchen door slammed in and suddenly the room seemed to be packed with frat boys.

"Got 'im right here," the cougar said coldly," he tried to feel me up so I decided to give 'im a lesson and he peed himself..."

He pointed at the wet legs of Crisp's pants, sending the fox into an even further a blush under his furs, while he felt like crying from all the verbal abuse that was being shouted at him by the cougar, not to mention the leering looks from all the other guys in the room staring at the wolf.

"I-I didn't pee myself..." Crisp mumbled.

"DIdn't your mom tell you to pee sitting down like a good girl?" the cougar growled.

"I...I'm not a girl! Let go of me!"

"Did you hear someone speak?" Nate, the brown horse, nickered.

"Not me," Jared barked out.

The big Doberman was in front of Crisp soon, looking down to him before he grabbed his collar and yanked it, hard enough that the wolf could hear the fabric stretch and tear somewhere on his shirt. It hurt his neck.


"That why you came to live here?" the dog breathed hotly in his face. "Came here to peek on our junk you pervert? Huh?"

He yanked again. The cougar let him go, at least, as Aiden stepped over to the other guys to watch the Doberman yell to the wolf.

"Pants-pissing pervy little faggot," the dog growled.

"We don' like no gay boys here in the house," Duke, the bear grunted from the side, "ain't proper to have you peeking on our junk!"

"I don't!" Crisp yelled. "No, I don't do anything wrong...l-let me go..."

"Ha!" Kyle, the brown bear, laughed. "Is he crying, dude?"

"Looks like it to me," Duke said.

"Little piss faggot," Jared shoved Crisp away. His rough push sent the wolf against the kitchen sink.


"Thought it'd be a good idea to come to live here to perv on us whenever you like, sissyboy?" Nate yelled.

"Well you aint' doing that no more," Duke growled, "get the shit, Aiden."

"Sure will," the cougar said as he stomped out of the door, "make sure he ain't running before that."

"Oh we will," Duke slapped a fisted paw against his palm, "he ain't going anywhere."

Crisp shivered, feeling cold, and trembled out of fear. Why were they so mean to him all suddenly? They'd never been bothered by him before, he'd never done anything wrong to them, he always minded his own business and didn't do anything wrong or bad to anyone. And he'd certainly never acted in any inappropriate way towards them -


The cougar was back with his arms full of stuff, the sight of which made Crisp gasp out of surprise.

"Found it in his room, "Aiden said, "some fucked up shit here...real sissy boy crap, he's a real gay boy..."

Crisp stared in horror how the cougar dropped items onto the kitchen island - stuff that belonged to him, and foremost in his eyes were his red Converse high tops and the green shorts and arm warmers from the first porn shoot he had done for the Locker Room Studios!

"Oh maaan...girl panties and shit!" Duke shook his head. "We've got a real faggot tranny here in our midst..."

"No..." Crisp said.

"Shut your yapper," Jared spat, drool clinging to his lips while the dog stared at the wolf, "you ain't talking when we don't tell you to."

"But - "

"Fucking girl panties..." Nate snatched the tiny shorts from the porno shoot onto his hands and swung them around, "you get off wearing them, girlyboy?"

"No - "

"Jacking off into them I bet...imagining someone's doing your ass..."

"You don't know that's a sin, girl?" Kyle grunted. "You go to hell for doing it up the butt..."

"If it ain't a girl..." Jared laughed dirtily.

"But you don't like no girls," Duke snorted, "little queerboy..."

"I...I'm not...I..." Crisp whimpered, "I'm g-g-g-gay but there's nothing wrong about that..."

"Shaddap faggot," Duke snorted, "you ain't got the right to talk to real men like that."

"Not when you have this...bra under your bed..." Jared poked at the rumpled green top on the kitchen counter, "fucking hell...we thought you were just a regular little kid..."

"Guess we were wrong," Duke shook his head gravely, "should've trusted me when I said you were gonna be trouble..."

"I-I-I'm not trouble!" Crisp yelped. "I just...I don't..."

"Can't even talk without a cock in his muzzle," Nate snorted, "well guess what, no faggots here to give you any of that rumpy pumpy here, fag-boy!"

"No way," Kyle snorted," no tail lifters here, boy!"

Duke smacked his own rump and growled.

"EXIT ONLY, WOLF!" the bear boomed before laughing to his own terrible joke.

"YEAH RIGHT!" Jared woofed. "You hear that, girl? No faggot stuff going on in this house, so you ain't better not be getting any ideas in that dirty head of yours!"

"I - "

"You like dressing up as a girl and shit, too...can't believe I borrowed my X-Box to you..." Nate shook head, "probably have to throw it away now, you've infected it with the gay..."

"Man, you ain't going to be staying here no more," Duke grunted, "ain't gonna go to bed with my ass towards the wall so that you can't go and fool around with it!"

""But - "

"Shut up ass bandit!" Aiden snarled to the wolf cornered against the kitchen sink, "we ain't listening to you whine here."

"But I haven't done anything wrong to you guys!" Crisp yelled. "I haven't - "

"You're fagging around behind our backs and probably taking photos of us when we shower, that means we ain't going to keep you here no more," Aiden snapped, "time to check out and go to wherever sad faggots live."

"Under the rainbow, probably," Duke huffed.

"And that's where you're going," Jared stepped forward and grabbed Crisp's, arm.


"You ain't telling me what to do, fag!"

The Doberman pulled the squirming, whimpering wolf with him, out of the kitchen and into the living room, with laughs and leers and woofs coming from behind them while Crisp tried to not to stumble onto his own feet. They felt numb, really...he just couldn't really find his step.

"Time to get you out of this place for good, fag."

"I don't have anywhere to go!" Crisp yelled. "I didn't -"

The Doberman opened the door, out to the rainy yard.

"Goodbye, faggot, don't you try to come back!"

He gave Crisp a shove onto his back and he fell onto his belly, air knocked out of him, onto a puddle of mud on the ground.


Crisp lifted his head, his chin hurting...he could taste blood, and wasn't sure if he'd bit on his lip or his tongue...the tang was all over his taste buds, and rain came down to him, pouring like from a tap.


_ _

Articles of clothing fell down onto the wet ground, the pieces from the photo shoot, and Crisp watched in horror when his red sneakers flew through the air and landed onto the mud.



_ _

Crisp tried to get up but his chest hurt and it felt difficult to breathe, and his knees wobbled when he did his best to try and turn around...just as he felt something slam against his back and push him back down onto the mud again.


He turned his head and realized that his backpack was lying on the ground now, with pens and notebooks spilling out of it.

"No..." Crisp gasped.


More clothing came over, this time thrown by Duke, and behind him there was Nate already, with his arms full of Crisp's possessions from the room.

"Hey - that's my!"

"Gonna have to shower afterwards to get the gay off my paws from handling this shit!" Duke yelled over to him.

"This isn't right!" Crisp moaned.

"YOU'RE the one who ain't right you girlboy freak!" Nate yelled, "here's for ya!"

He tossed a few books out into the rain where the slapped down onto the mud.

"Nooo..." Crisp stared at the now ruined fantasy novels, askew on the ground.

"Cry baby!" Jared called over to him, "here, you gonna want to get this so that you can keep jacking off to guys OTHER THAN US you PERV!"

Crisp saw the black item in the dog''s paws and froze.


The laptop flew through the air and slammed onto the ground with a sickening noise.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Crisp yelled. "MY COMPUTER!"



Crisp stared in horror at the remains of his computer and his possessions spread all over the yard.

"You can't do this, it's not legal!" he yelled.


Crisp stared at the ruined remains of his things with teary eyes, heard the laughter and sneers of the guys in the house, and shuddered.

"No..." he whimpered," no..."

Crisp scrambled forward to try and save at least something before the rain would destroy it for good.

Earth disappeared from under his paws in a lurch, and the last thing he knew was pain before everything blacked out.


Wow, what drama! Wonder how he'll get out of this trouble...stay tuned for the next chapter of this story! Hope you leave me lots of feedback, and remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!



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