Further Studies

Story by LiquidHunter on SoFurry

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#4 of Random Ramblings (Adult)

Sequel to Probing 2.0. It's a bit silly at some points.

If they did anything else to him, then Walther didn't care, as long as he got to keep his new toy. The little metal rings that had been left on his night stand after what he learned to be a nearly eighteen hour abduction had brought all kinds of fun into his life. At the end of each day, he would slip one of them (It didn't seem to matter which one) over the base of his knotted cock and presto! Immediately, his rod would disappear from between his legs and would then appear, coming out of the other ring.

He didn't always use it for sexual purposes, not after a two fay long one person orgy. He soon found himself testing and experimenting with it. He tested the range of the rings by leaving his cock sitting his dining room table like some odd erotic art piece and would drive off towards town which was twenty miles away. He never seemed to get out of range since his cock would never reappear in his pants and he could still twitch it using his muscles.

It also turned out that the rings worked on any body part that he could fit it around which seemed to be any part since the rings expanded miraculously to fit around any girth. Walther had great fun waving his own arm around the house which caused him to knock over a lamp. After that, he took more care to be less of a lune with his new found power over his body parts, but it didn't stop himself from leaving an arm at one side of the house and trying to crawl to him. The possibilities were endless, but in the end, they mostly remained entirely childish or erotic in nature.

His morning runs also became more interesting as he could, with enough lube, knot himself before going out. It was a bit awkward at first, but after several days, he found the act of running two miles with his rod up his ass quite enjoyable. Each step provided the necessary movement to replicate thrusting which often brought him to climax within the first mile. Most days, he could cum inside his own ass four or five times during his two mile job.

When he got home, he would take a nice shower. During that time, soaking in the warm water that soaked his fur, his knot would deflate, letting him pull his meat out of him and let what could easily be half a liter of jizz just gush out of him like a miniature waterfall. The sensation of himself just emptying into the drain quickly became his most anticipated moment of the day.

Beyond giving himself anal and perfecting the art of deep throating, the rings could be fitted over just the tip of his cock as well which led him to try some risky behavior. One time when he went into town, he slipped a ring over the last inch of his cock and then waited for it to slip back into his sheath where it would remain hidden while he popped the other ring into his mouth. His cock didn't stay in the sheath very long, but he did go out to town like that.

He swirled the top of his fully engorged member around his mouth like a tic-tac. Sucking on it at every opportunity, his legs twitched every time his tongue passed over the sensitive tip, almost causing him to step on the gas pedal and drive right into the back of the truck in front of him. His sexual juices leaked and a bit drooled out from the side of his mouth as the light turned green and traffic began to flow again. A greedy tongue slipped out of Walther's mouth and he lapped up the bit of pre. Before, he had despised the idea of eating his own ejaculate, but that old taboo had faded quickly.

Using a one of his canine, he gingerly toothed at his opening. A slight shock of pain got him to hump into the bottom of the steering wheel and the car shifted slightly, not into another lane, but enough that the cars around him began to give him some distance. His driving had been less than optimal for the past several blocks.

The rush of endorphins that seemingly never ended with each new onset of pleasure kept him blissfully unaware of just how dangerous he was driving. He was extremely lucky that he hadn't been pulled over yet and even more lucky that he hadn't crashed. Somehow he made it to the parking lot of the grocery store where he opted to suck on the little sweet for a bit longer. He prodded at the opening with both his tongue and tooth for several more minutes. Moaning and nearly spitting out the ring as he began to get close to a climax.

Walther positioned the ring at the tip of his mouth, right between his lips where he then began to suck on his cock like a pacifier. He quickly came right into his mouth, him sucking up his own seed out of himself like one would drink juice from a straw. His hips instinctively jerked as if he were breeding a bitch, pushing more and more cum right into his hungry maw.

When the last jet of slightly salty drink finally ceased and the dog was left spent, Walther undid the ring around his half erect member which had been abusively milked for the past hour and dropped them right into his pocket where they would not be lost.

In an afterglow a positively great mood, Walther stepped out of his small 1994 Toyota Tercel to get his day of grocery shopping done.

Low Earth Orbit

The lizard like alien stood at the rear of the circular, disk-shaped craft that was cloaked from all forms of detection. If Roswell taught them anything, it was better to observe from afar rather than try and get a close up look and alert the Earth military. It was all very annoying since they were not allowed to tinker with the governments and allow them to fly their ships close to the surface on a more regular basis.

Despite those setbacks, the he was happy enough with what he was getting. His newest subject, in a complete disregard to the fact that he had been forcibly abducted and probed repeatedly was still sending in a flurry of information. The rings had done their job well. Every time the rings were used, they sent scores of information about the biology of the individual up to the ship via an untraceable signal.

There were dozens of such subjects across the planet. Most however discarded the rings as soon as they came too and attempted to forget everything about their abduction. The rings may have been expensive to produce, but the few that did keep them and continue to willfully use them either on themselves or occasionally on another individual that agreed to keep a secret kept a steady flow of information.

Discovery was always a threat. Multiple times, subjects would attempt to sell the rings or go to the police in an attempt to prove their sanity, but the rings had a built in self-destruct that could be activated, turning them into nothing but dust that was no different chemically than average dirt.

It was really quite surprising when the aliens learned that not all of the inhabitants of the planet would be against this sort of probing. For centuries, they had struggled to meet each quota of information that they were required to send back to their home world for analysis. They would meticulously watch their designated area of the planet for the opportunity to swoop in snatch a lone person and then probe him. They emitted the most ear piercing shrieks when their rectums were forcibly opened up to their devices. That is until several decades ago when a subject, a human as the earthlings called them, who had been confirmed to have been on some sort of drug emitted a different sound. One of pleasure.

It had been quickly disregarded as an outlier and studies continued until another specimen was caught several week later in a western city that was known for a large metal suspension bridge. This one was male, like the previous subject, but was a feline. The planet was home to many different intelligent beings that lived in what was thought to be the closest thing they could get to harmony. That was another reason why it was hard to meet quotas. The genetics and biology of many of the species were similar, but different enough that tons of information was constantly needed.

The new specimen was feline and it had been observed congregating among groups of the same gender which hardly a natural phenomenon. When it left its group and began to head towards what was determined to be its nest, the ship came down and picked him up.

Like most, he struggled against the anit-grav harness that kept the specimens suspended until the anal probe, which was at the time, nothing more than a metal rod with sensitive sensors on the end of it, was introduced. The specimen stopped all struggles and emitted a similar noise as the previous human.

It was then that a closer investigation into the event was opened. The purpose of the aliens being there wasn't to study culture which led to them being entirely oblivious to many of the sub cultures that existed, including the one that enjoyed anal sex and other sexual fetishes. At first it was believed that the observed earthlings were mimicking probing techniques, leading to the belief that the penis of earthlings had its own sensors which could be used.

Although the idea was misguided, it was not necessarily false. Closer inspection did show that the penis was highly sensitive and could be used. Realization over the purpose of anal sex came at a much later time. After several years of development and testing, the simple device was created and was immediately put to use.

It proved extremely successful with the community that identified as gay, a term that, like anal sex, took time to realize what it meant. Data came in at a much faster rate than ever expected, but that led to a quick realization, information regarding males was now in excess when compared to females. Something needed to be done or all conclusions from their research would be heavily skewed. They needed a way to gain information about females and fast since they were behind quota and the deadline was quickly approaching. Nothing like the threat of a pay cut to get the truly strange ideas out. Most were tossed out, but one involving their latest specimen stuck.

Jenny woke up in a daze and with a headache that reminded her why she tended to avoid long island ice teas, especially four of them. She tried to bring up a hand to rub her bloodshot eyes, but her arms wouldn't move. It felt like something was holding them in place.

Opening her eyes, Jenny wasn't met with the familiar sight of her bedroom in Spokane, WA. She was in a lab like metal room with what appeared to be a lizard watching her. She blinked a few times to make sure she wasn't under any residual effect of anything she might have taken the night before, but the lizard remained.

Her still inebriated mind tried to piece together what was happening. She didn't realize that she was naked or even that she was floating, she just focused on the lizard that studied her body closely.

Something was wrong, she had gone to bed around 1 AM after attending a party that some of her fellow college students had thrown for no other reason than to get drunk. She hadn't intended to drink so much, but her inhibitions had never been that strong. Now she tried to figure out what exactly had happened. Was this some prank by some frat students? They were notorious for doing random things to other students who were too drunk to defend themselves.

With a motion of the alien's hand, Jenny found that her legs started to part, exposing her tight pink lips that were swollen in heat. The sudden and forced movement snapped Jenny's attention away from the lizard to the rest of her surroundings. It didn't look like anything that a frat would bother to put together and stripping her down seemed like too much even for frats. Had she been abducted? The thought was more of a joke to herself that quickly became more prominent as the alien approached her vagina with what looked like a ring.

The alien pressed a small switch on the side of the ring and something began to materialize out of it. She whimpered a bit as she saw that it was a canine's cock that began to form, knot and all. What sort of hell was she in?

Back down on the planet, Walther woke up from his blissful slumber to a tingling sensation between his legs. He lifted his covers and looked down. He could see that he had his usual morning wood that had graced him since he first his puberty. Nothing seemed wrong. He took a closer look at the rings which he learned could be snapped together like magnets when he wasn't using them. They were there, but he could swear that he felt a slight breeze, or a touch of cold on it.

Jenny pleaded at the lizard that made some sort of hissing noise whenever she let out some sort of plea for it to let her go. She knew exactly what it intended to do, it wasn't hard to figure out, especially when it lowered the jolly red piece of meat that seemed like the most realistic dildo she had ever seen. The veins pulsed and it throbbed as if it had a heartbeat. At the moment she believed that she was merely at the will of some sick freak who wanted to mess with her.

The alien decided that it was best to get the experiment under way since the monitors were showing that the female was not going to be that compliant. She was already making those annoying noises that he recognized as distress. He wanted to avoid getting his eardrum damaged.

Jenny kicked her legs, but she couldn't move at all, whatever was holding her down seemed to tighten as she struggled more.

The alien leaned forward, positioning his hand at the base of his organic probe, he used two of his fingers to pry apart her fold leaving her shivering at the touch. The scaly fingers held her open as her pressed the cock into her, slowly.

The cold breezing feeling that Walther had been feeling was suddenly replaced with warmth, tight warmth that wrapped itself around his now drooling member. With a cry of shock, he shot up and grabbed at his crotch. He immediately grabbed at the rings, trying to pry them off of him, but they wouldn't budge. He pulled at it as he felt something slick run up his length up to the base of his knot. It was a great feeling, but not one that he was ready for.

The phantom feeling traveled up his animalist member and then down in a series of thrusting like motions. Walther bit his lower lip and spasmed back into his bed, his back arching and muscles trembling. He tried to get off his bed, but his knees buckled at another wave of pleasure that sent a shot of pre across the carpet.

Jenny moaned with both delight and disgust at having her sex violated. She could feel the rod inside of her twitching and it was hot, so hot. It felt just like the real thing to her and her body clamped down around it naturally as the lizard methodically pulled it out of her only to push it back in to the point where the knot was about to push inside of her.

She cried out for it to stop. It may have felt so good, but it wasn't what she wanted. To be taken from her home and used like some sort of toy for what she assumed was the lizard's entertainment. She only got more of the slow hissing in return and a final shove that forced the cock deep into, forcing the knot to be completely taken in.

Walther cried out at the very feral feeling of knotting something though to him there was nothing. His balls pulled themselves up to his body as they did their job and sent a stream of his hot white semen several feet into the air where it arced and landed both on him and around him. He cried out all the while, still completely confused, his mind fuzzy from the pleasure that was coming from nowhere.

The thrusting stopped at the sound of the lewd pop when the lizard managed to pull the knot back out, leaving Jenny gaping. Her love hole had been thoroughly pounded, but not bred. The secondary ring did not transfer fluids, the aliens needed data about biology, but not reproduction. Not at the moment.

The alien looked over at one of the many monitors that lined the wall and saw the wealth of information that had been collected from both the male and female. The female had struggled, but not nearly as much noise as expected. Though, she appeared most unhappy, a memory wipe would be best, but the new technique was effective. They would continue to use it, effectively doubling their data collection.

Walther laid on the floor next to his bed in a pool of his jizz. The orgasm had finally ceased and he could no longer feel his half erect cock being toyed with anymore. Walther learned to live with what would be a common experience and worked around it. He even learned to enjoy it once he figured out that it only ever happened in the early hours of the morning when he kept the ring on every few weeks.

Jenny was let go after a thorough memory wipe, her loins were sore when she woke up in her bed. She just blamed her heat and went on to enjoy her day without knowing any better.

In the coming days, many of the other people who had been given control over their rings were put through similar situations as Walther, those who responded well were continued to be used to further the alien's understanding of Earth and the creatures that called it home.

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