
Story by LiquidHunter on SoFurry

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#4 of Victor (Completed)


I always loved birthdays, there was something about the idea of making it another year that just made me giddy, especially since it was Henry's. I didn't care that he didn't like birthdays and constantly insisted that it was just another day of the year. As much as he wanted to just have a normal day, I wouldn't be a good boyfriend if I didn't bake a cake and get him a present. I did this each year and no matter how much he fussed, he just couldn't resist my puppy dog eyes.

It was Wednesday so Henry had work which would get him out of the house for most of the day and let me prepare. It was funny that he had left a note on the pillow when I woke up warning me that he wasn't going to tolerate another cake and shower of presents. I, of course, tossed it in the trash and went to get started on getting all of the ingredients for a vanilla cake. Being a dog had its moments, but I still miss chocolate.

I wasn't much of a cook or even one to be able to make anything edible. Did I tell you about the time I burnt rice? Set of the fire alarm and forced a temporary evacuation of the entire apartment building. I still get glares from the neighbors who were woken up early in the morning. C

Cake should be easy enough, right? Because I couldn't be trusted with many baking utensils, I had bought one of the box cakes. Not classy, but I do believe that it's the thought that counts and if that failed, I knew where to get a good premade cake.

I looked down at the brightly colored box that had a picture of a rather delicious looking cake on it. I flipped it over and looked at a short list of instructions which to sum it up was, mix everything and put in in the oven at 350 degrees for half an hour. Seemed simple enough to me, however, rice was supposed to be simple as well.

I looked down at the floor and made sure that the fire extinguisher was there, which it was. Precautions in place, I tore open the top of the box, using my claws and not caring to use the flaps. Inside was a plastic bag that held the flour like substance. I gently tore it open, knowing that force would only create a powdery mess and poured it into a waiting glass bowl. So far so good, nothing was on fire.

Three long and slow hours later and I had a cake, sort of. I don't know what went wrong, but the cake was more of a lump of half cooked sugary dough. When it first came out of the oven, it was slightly crumbly and I had tried to force the bits back together which only made things worse, but I panicked at that point and pretty much punched it. Note for those who come after me, don't punch a cake, it gets into your fur. After the fiasco, I put an entire can of icing onto it, trying to cover up the nasty bits, which was all of it.

I finished it up with some candle that I had managed to fish out of the cupboards. I wasn't entirely sure how old they were, might have been left over from the previous year... or the previous occupants of the apartment, but they looked fine so I plopped a few into the top of the malformed cake and let it sit. It was still another several hours until Henry came home which gave me time to plan dinner. With my partial success at a cake, I decided to just hop online and look at any nearby restaurants that did take out.

Scrolling down the search engine, several places came up which I had ordered from before and found to have good food. Henry tended to like whatever I liked, and years of college had made that easier so I wrote down the number of a BBQ restaurant that had some of the best chicken wings I had ever tasted and went to check on the presents I had gotten Henry.

Henry hated gifts. He disliked the feeling that he owed someone or a person went out of their way for him. It made him feel guilty which I never understood, but it made him all fussy which could be hilarious at times.

I pulled a box out from under out bed and brushed off the random pornographic magazines off of it. Henry already knew about my stash and so he never looked into the box which made it the perfect hiding place. Even if he did, he would assume that nothing was amiss since I hid the gifts inside of a box that had the label of a dildo on it. Long story short, I had been into toys for the longest time before I met Henry, then I simply didn't need them anymore for very obvious reasons.

Opening the second box I looked at the two gifts. One was a gag gift, to get a few laughs, a fleshlight that I had lying around. Before you get all disgusted, it had never been used since I got it only days before I started dating Henry and I couldn't bring myself to throw it away since it was still brand new. It was pretty standard, a soft silicon cylinder with a ridged tunnel going through the center.

The second gift was more serious in a very special way and a not so special way as well. It was hard to notice that Henry got more kinky after I had been changed into a walking carpet, not that I was complaining, in fact I did my fair share of things to egg him on as we seemed to have sex in more and more bizarre ways except one which really should have come up sooner. I reached into the box and pulled out a leash and collar. Not just some boring thing that one would buy for a pet, but something that I had to custom order online. Both the leash and the color were made of a red velvety material.

Some would say that the gift was made more for me since it was going to end up around my neck, but it was to symbolize that I was his. It only occurred to me when I had seen some other like me, furry that is, with collars on. Not wanting to go out and be rude by asking, I did some research and was surprised that there was an actual subculture of Canis that were into the whole collar thing and it was gaining popularity. At the moment it was just sort of a joke thing mostly, people would wear a collar for laughs, but some were very serious about it and those who got married would let their spouse, collar them.

Yes, in a sense, I was going to propose to Henry.

I looked down at the collar which had a small dog tag on it with both of our names engraved on it on one side and just for some more laughs, the other side had instructions to return me to the address of the apartment if I were to be lost. I couldn't resist. Also, dangling next to the tag was a small ring. Nothing fancy, just a gold band. I doubt that he would have really appreciated a diamond. The simple gold band would suit him just fine.

Henry usually came home around 6 o'clock, depending on traffic, so I ordered the food at 5:30 knowing that it would arrive right after he got home, most likely when he would be taking a shower.

"I'm home!" Henry yelled out as he walked in the door like any other day when I had a day off.

I came running to him with my tail going like a whirlwind. Before he could even throw his jacket off, I lifted him up into the air in a massive bear hug. I did similar things each day that I could, just having him home made feel so much better even though I was rarely in a bad mood.

"Good to see you." He squeaked out as I forcibly squeezed all of the air out of him. He patted me between the ears as I put him down before he could passed out. "Now before you start." He was about to warn me about his dislike of celebrating birthdays until I interrupted him.

"Too late." I happily yipped and he rolled his eyes. "Already baked a cake and ordered dinner."

"You?" He pointed at me and gave me an astounded look. "You baked and the building is still here." He gave the area a quick look around, searching for any scorch marks that I may have hidden, but the whole place was clean.

"I'm not that bad." I lied and grinned.

"Tell that to the rice." He gave a chuckle and walked past me to investigate the kitchen. He stopped as the cake I made came into view. It was sitting where I left it, on the counter with the candles sticking out of it and odd angles. He gave me look, you know, the one with a raised eyebrow and slightly agape mouth.

"Sue me." I said and went over next to him to look at the sweet, sugary abomination. "Just ignore the shape, the damn thing wouldn't hold together."

"So you, what? Tried to mold it back together like clay?" He got close to it and gave it a sniff which was supposed to be my job. I had already sniffed it on multiple occasions and I knew that it only smelled like sugar, the eggy bits were covered up with the frosting.

"Hey, I put effort into it." I shrugged.

"I guess that's all that matters." He smiled and threw and arm around my waist before looking at me. "No matter how many times I tell you that I don't do birthdays, you always do something sweet." As if to prove his point, he got some icing on the tip of his finger and smeared it on the tip of my nose.

"You know me." I replied and licked the frosting off of my nose. "I'm the perfect house dog."

"That you are." He confirmed. "You keep burglars away, fetch the mail and now you bake." It was an old joke we had going since I had developed a lot of dog like qualities. He had even caught me once licking my balls. Hey, I'm sure any man would do the same. Long story short, he got upset because he felt that it meant he wasn't doing a good enough job himself.

"I also got you presents." I nuzzled him under his chin and he tried to push my wet, cold nose away with a snicker.

"You really are a stubborn dog." He managed to get his palm between my nose and his neck that was now slightly wet. "I keep insisting on not needing presents and you keep buying me stuff."

I could only lean into him as we walked over to the couch and sat down. He scratched at my ears and kicked up his feet while I enjoyed to attention and took in his scent. It was nice, but of course, things had to keep moving.

My ears perked up as the doorbell rang and I pulled myself up onto my feet. A quick check confirmed it was the food, an order of chicken wings, other meats and stuff which I didn't care for but came with the order anyway. Henry made his way to the shower as I paid the delivery boy. The food made me drool slightly and I had to suck up a bit of spit before I put the several boxes down on the small table the Henry and I used to eat at.

Less than twenty minutes later, Henry came out in a pair of shorts and a white tee that he used as his pajamas when he wasn't going around naked, which I greatly preferred. We sat down and enjoyed our dinner. It wasn't anything special other than the usual, sharing a meal with someone I loved. All I could really think about was what I had in the box under our bed.

When we finished eating, I went ahead and brought out the cake and a lighter. Henry gave me a questioning look.

"You don't have to eat it." I told him and set the cake down. I fumbled a few times with the lighters, flicking it several times before a small orange flame appeared. "But, I still expect you to blow out the candles." I leaned over and lit the candles.

Henry watched as I did so silently until I was done. I backed away and looked at Henry expectantly.

"Don't you dare sing." He warned and I could tell that this was a warning I should heed. He looked at the candles for a second before taking in a breath. He held it just for a moment and then the candles were out. There was a moment of silence. "That's that."

"Yep." For some reason I thought that it would be different. I don't know how, maybe more special in a way. "Time for presents." I got back into a giddy mood and ran off to our room to fetch the very special gifts. When I returned with them, Henry was poking at the cake with a plastic fork. He was really thinking about eating it, but my arrival stopped him.

"Ok, let's see them." I handed the first one to him. I had quickly wrapped them in brown paper since we didn't have any actual wrapping paper. It came away easily and soon Henry was holding the fleshlight. He held it out at arm's length as he tried to figure out what it was. The moment when the realization appeared on his face was priceless as his eyes widened and he looked back and forth between me and the sex toy.

"You're kidding me." His body began to shake as he tried to hold back a wave of laughter. For all the seriousness that Henry showed most of the time, he could still take a joke at the right times.

"You know." I smiled and sat down in the chair next to him and pushed the cake off to the side. "For those long days at work."

"Right because the office is a great place to whip this out and jerk off." He shook the toy that jiggled with each movement. "All that aside. Thank you." He reached over with the toy still in hand and wrapped and arm around my neck so he could kiss me on the side of the head.

"That's not it though." I had the second present in my hands which were actually shaking a bit. I shouldn't have been nervous, I was absolutely confident that he would say yes. I guess that when proposing, anyone would also get the shakes.

Henry didn't seem to notice the shaking, or he chose to ignore them when he took the package that I held out to him. He gingerly tore away to brown paper until the collar that had the leash hooked onto it was shown.

"Aren't you the one that's supposed to be wearing a collar?" He joked, but I didn't laugh with him. I silently reached over and undid the ring that he hadn't noticed that was dangling from the collar. He watched as I moved in front of him and got onto my knees.

"What are you..." It was then that he saw the ring and he went completely silent, the blood draining from his face.

"Henry." I said in a bit of a choked voice, holding back the waves of emotions that were flooding me. Fear, anxiety, hope, excitement, I was feeling them all. "We've been together for five years now. Through better and worse. When I was human, when I was turned into this, and now." He bit his lower lip, all his attention was on me as he gripped the collar tightly in his fists. "I want you to be there with me for the rest of my life." I took a breath in. "Will you marry me?"

"Victor." He managed to ebb out. "I thought we were already married in every way except in name. Of course I will you silly dog." I jumped up at him, knocking him off the chair and we both fell to the floor in one of the most passionate kissing I've ever had. We almost forgot about the ring that was now stuck between both of out palms and I broke away from the kiss long enough to slip the small golden ring onto his finger.

"Now what about this." He held up the collar, a sting of saliva that still connected us wobbled with each word.

"That is to show the rest of the world that I'm yours." With two fingers, I undid the latch and pulled his hand up to my neck. He got the idea and the collar around my neck and latched it.

"Sexy." He fingered the dog tag. "Very sexy." He then pulled on the leash, forcing my face down to his for another kiss. His tongue slipped into my mouth. I could still taste a hint of hot wings on his breath and it nipped at the back of my mouth. I eagerly ate it all up as I also chewed gently on his upper lip.

"We should take this somewhere other than the kitchen floor." He said with a hot and heavy breath and I nodded my head as I slowly kissed him down his neck, nibbling along the way.

Keeping a hold of the leash, which in turn kept my head close to his, he got up and slowly walked backwards out of the kitchen and led me to our room. There, he pushed me onto the bed. "You know I don't like owing people for anything. So..." he put on an extremely suggestive grin that I knew all too well. "Why don't you let me repay you?"

Before I could nod or agree, I was hit in the face with his white tee. When I managed to get that off of me, I was then hit with his shorts which managed to hang off of one of my ears like it was a hangar. I looked at him as he stood before me. He wasn't wearing any underwear so I was left looking down from his devilishly handsome shaved face, down his chest which had a slight bit of hair on it to his well-groomed groin that was already half erect.

I myself was beginning to tent as I felt my sheath begin to tighten. Henry crawled onto the bed, on top of me and took a hold of the leash again as his other hand traveled down my chest and into my pants where he gave me a tight squeeze. I gave off a low whine at the feeling of him man handling me. I was already beginning to leak and he let the wetness lubricate his fingers as pushed them into my sheath to stroke at my hot member.

I gave off another whine and he pulled me up into another kiss. The next few minutes were a bit of a daze, but I ended up naked like Henry with my tongue lapping at his mouth as my hands roamed over him. He kept his fingers firmly wrapped around both the leash and my cock, keeping a firm hold over how I moved.

Then I felt something slip over my member. I looked down between our bodies and saw the familiar shape and color of the fleshlight as he slid it over me.

"That was meant for you." I moaned out as he gave it one good jerk. A shlicking noise came from it as he used my own juices to get the inside of it nice and slick.

"Don't you fret." He poked me on the nose with a finger. The leash was wound around his hand, no amount of tugging was going to make him let go. Like I was going to try an get away anyways. "Let me do the work." His hips rolled up and with a single thrust, he speared himself into the other end of the fleshlight until both of out tips met and then some as he wedge his own cock under my own.

Without another word, he began to hump into the toy. Each thrust rubbed his rod against my own, mixing his pre with his own. I soon found myself pushing in and out of the toy that was help between us only by our meat. We got into a working rhythm quickly with both of us thrusting and pulling at the same time.

A dog's cock is different in many ways that a human's. There's the knot of course which was too large at this point to do anything other than act as a stopper, then there's the rod itself. A human's dick is most sensitive at its tip. Mine on the other hand is equally sensitive along its entire length so can probably imagine why I blew my load well before he did.

"Fuck." I growled and grasped onto Henry's arms as I felt my entire body tense up. My balls hugged themselves tightly to my body as they began to rapidly churn out seed. I gave one final thrust, feeling every ridge that brushed past my member until my tip met Henry's. It was then that all of the tension that had been building up inside of me was released. My hips violently jerked as my first shots painted Henry's member.

He moaned as my hot jets covered his cock, quickly flooding the little room that was left inside of the silicone tube. Bits of the white fluid quickly began to seep out of both sides as the pressure rapidly increased with each orgasmic pulse of my red cock.

Henry took a hold of the toy and began to shake it up and down both of our lengths as he brought himself to the edge as my orgasm began to peter out. It wasn't that much longer before his hold my leash tightened and he cried out in pleasure.

I felt the first stream of his own reproductive juice hit my tip. It was warm and got me to hug his body tightly as his hips pounded into the toy for several seconds. He then, with a satisfied groan, rolled off of me, his completely covered dick sliding from the tube, dragging a long string of cum with it.

We both breathed heavily, staring up at the ceiling. The toy was still on me, sticking straight up and surprisingly, nearly filled to the brim as my canine balls continually churned more and more of my cream into it.

"Joined in holy matrimony." Henry said between a heavy breathe.

"There was nothing holy about that." I countered and turned my body a bit, spilling the contents of the fleshlight onto both of out bellies. Neither of us gave it any mind.

"What do you mean?" He rubbed his hands through my chest fur and down into the sticky mess where he made swirls. "For, me that was quite divine." He gave a nice hard yank on my leash and pulled me in for one last kiss until we fell into a sex induced slumber, not caring about the mess that was getting thoroughly rubbed into the bed sheets.

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