Red Moon: Chapter 10
#16 of Red Moon
So, I'm trying to set up Trevor's personality as being more submissive. A person who is often just along for the ride because he can't think of anything better to do and is easily manipulated because he often thinks better of people which makes him trusting. Let's see where that trust gets him.
Red Moon: Chapter 10
The following day had one by relatively quietly. For the first time since arriving, Trevor had some time to go out by himself and explore the city. He was still unsure of what exactly was going on between Dmitri and Sergei and he didn't really want to know anymore. All he knew was that it put Dmitri in a sour mood and that he was moping in the hotel room. Not wanting to be caught up in that, he grabbed some cash and left after getting breakfast at the hotel.
It was sunny out which was a nice change and let Trevor really take in the sights. It would have been even better if he hadn't been suffering from headaches. They started as nothing more than a minor nuisance at the back of his head, but by the time it was the afternoon, it was really getting to him. Just blaming it on stress and dehydration, he went ahead and stopped at a food vendor that had set up and was selling some kind of sandwich.
After a bit of a struggle to try and tell the vendor what he wanted with his limited understanding of the Russian language, Trevor got one of the sandwiches and a bottle of water and found a bench at a nearby park that had some children playing in the snow.
He quickly found out that he didn't really care for the sandwich and opted to just drink the water and relax. It was a nice change in pace for him, no bickering, no werewolves, just him. So he thought.
"Excuse me." A man in a business type coat with a red tie seemingly appeared right next to Trevor. He spoke with an American accent and a friendly tone that one would hear between neighbors.
Trevor jumped a bit. "Sorry, you scared me." He put a hand to his head as another wave of headaches hit him. "What can I do for you?" He asked the man who invited himself to sit down on the bench. Trevor didn't mind so much since it was a public bench in a public park. It wasn't as if he could just tell him to fuck off. He could, but he wasn't' going to since it wasn't like him.
"It looks like you could use an aspirin." The man said with a laugh. "Russia... never know how much vodka you've drunk until you wake up the next morning." The ease at which he spoke to him, a complete stranger seemed off to Trevor, but comforting as well. He was never one to automatically assume the worst in any one, so he took the friendly banter as nothing more than that.
"Haven't had a drop in over a day and yet this headache." He squeezed the bridge of his nose and took a sip of water. The headache faded a bit, but was still strong enough to never leave his thoughts.
"Here take this." The man reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a normal Tylenol bottle and shook out a single pill. He handed it over.
"Why so friendly?" Trevor finally asked since it was getting to a point where it was even weirding him out.
"We Americans got to stick together." The man leaned back onto the bench and watched the small puffs of fog he was breathing out. "Before you ask how I know." He grinned and stowed the pill bottle back in his coat pocket. "I saw you struggling at the vendor back there." He looked over to Trevor who still had the pill in his hand. "I thought my Russian was bad."
It was good enough for him. Trevor popped the pill into his mouth and washed it down with the last of his water. He squished the bottle down to make it easier to carry around until he could throw it away. The man looked down at a rather expensive looking watch and fiddle with the knob on the side. Trevor thought he saw the logo for Rolex on it, but either way, it definitely had gold lacing. It made him a little jealous, to own nice things such as that. He had spent a good chunk of his saving on this vacation.
"It's not as expensive as it looks." The man said, catching Trevor staring. "Barely a gram of gold on it and the rest is just steel, but it's a good solid watch." He raised his wrist to let Trevor get a better look.
"Still probably more than I can afford." Trevor said when he did see that it was a Rolex. He raised up his own watch which he had bought off of Amazon for $100 during a sale. It was a Swiss watch with the little white cross marked just above the 12.
"As long as it tells the time accurately." Trevor gave him that, both of their watches seemed to only have a clock on them, except that the man's watch was showing an entirely different time.
"You set for back home?" Trevor pointed out the difference between their times and the man looked down.
"No, it's set for a certain event." He said casually as the minute hand approached the twelve. "I didn't really need to set it, it just makes for a good conversation starter."
Trevor's headache had faded which was good, but it was starting to be replaced with waves of nausea. His vision swirled and he couldn't focus on the man who kept a friendly smile.
It took some time for Dmitri to realize that Trevor had left and when he did, he felt guilty. He had promised to show him a good time, to bring him around the city and yet all that he got was drama that should have been resolved years ago. He had also claimed him as his mate which made him responsible for his wellbeing.
Now that he thought about it, he didn't know exactly why he claimed the human so fast. He barely knew anything about him past his name and that he came from America. Trevor didn't know anything about him either. The man constantly had a look of confusion as he dragged him from one disaster to the next.
Sergei. He thought about him, not only because he was currently the source of his ails at the moment, but because Trevor would be facing a similar situation. He couldn't remain a human, he would have to change him. He had no idea how Trevor would react. He could end up being just like Sergei, torn away from everything he knew and would end up resenting him in the end.
There may not be a choice anyways. He had deposited a rather large amount of his semen into the man from their night of mating. Usually a human's immune system, from the few times that a werewolf claimed a human and mated, was able to fight off the transformation of the human was healthy, but there had been a lot of stress flying around recently. If he was put under enough pressure to affect how effectively his body could defend itself, the change could already begin to take hold.
Dmitri didn't want that. He wanted Trevor to have a choice in the matter. He didn't want another incident like Sergei.
He left the hotel with only a slight idea of where he was going to start looking. Trevor had wanted to go visit all of the major tourist attractions. He would go and try the areas that he knew he hadn't been to before first.
Dmitri knew Trevor's scent well, but too much time had passed and any scent of him was too faint for him to pick up. He cursed his poor sense of smell, almost wishing that Sergei was there since he had the better sense of smell. No, anyone would do. He didn't want to deal with Sergei. That wolf had been nothing but trouble for him.
'Let him go.' Dmitri thought as he pushed through the flow of people, letting his size and brooding look do all the work for him. No one wanted to get in the way of three hundred pounds of muscle.
"Hey watch it!" A tall guy yelled out as he was shoved out of the way. He reached out to grab Dmitri's arm, a feeling that barely registered to him. When that didn't get Dmitri's attention, the man who was now getting red in the face opted to run and give Dmitri a shove. That stuttered his steps slightly.
"You shouldn't have done that." Dmitri stopped dead in his tracks and turned around to look at the man who, surprisingly had a few inches on him which probably was the reason why he was confident enough to have done what he did. Most people gave them a wide berth, but a few of the tall guy's friends were watching close by, unsure of they should intervene or not.
"You should watch where you're going you shit." The man looked down at Dmitri with a bit of uncertainty now that he had a chance to see who he was dealing with, but he still backed his words with a bit of vodka laden confidence that even Dmitri could smell on his breath.
Dmitri also had a chance to see what he was up against even though there wasn't a single person that would be able to take him on in the city in a fist fight. The man was tall and muscular, but not in the way Dmitri was. He wore a pair of blue jeans that looked imported and a white tee under an unzipped designer coat. This was just some prick who had some money and felt all powerful because of it, no problem what-so-ever for Dmitri.
"I don't have time for this." Dmitri rolled his eyes and began to turn only to see that the man's friends had finally decided to step in. They blocked his path, it was one vs. six. He glared at them with his golden eyes that seemed anything but natural and one took a step back, but with the others there to support each other, they all stood their ground. "Have it your way." He sighed and cracked his knuckles. It had been a good while since he'd been in a confrontation like this and he needed to vent a bit.
The fight wasn't as good as Dmitri would have liked it. After he broke the tall man's face and arm like a tooth pick, the rest scattered quickly. He left the man screaming bloody marry on the pavement with blood pooling out of his nose and the open wound where his bone was sticking out his elbow.
Sadly, fighting the police that showed up within minutes wouldn't have been healthy. Soon, Dmitri found himself sitting in a dank cell where he was going to end up spending the entire day. He should have just controlled himself, but between losing his mate and everything else, it was hard to focus.
He sat on the metal bench with his arms hugging his chest and his back leaning against the brick wall. There was two others in the cell that had been brought in on minor offenses and both of them did the smart thing by keeping their distance.
A guard approached the cell, eyes tired and uncaring towards the people he considered to be filth. He looked at Dmitri. "Get up, someone's here to get you." He reached for the key ring on his belt which was held there by a retractable wire to stop people from snatching them from between the bars.
Dmitri complied, shocked that anyone would come for him so fast. He didn't make any calls to let anyone know that he had been arrested since he wouldn't really know who to call. Sergei most likely wouldn't come and he didn't want to call him anyways.
The guard opened up the cell door which had seen better days. Rust flaked off in numerous spots where the grey paint had come off years ago. It squealed as it was pushed aside with a grunt from the guard and Dmitri stepped out.
"Who's here?" He asked the guard who just looked up at him and gave a shrug before walking off to lead him to the main waiting room. "Some guy who had the proper paperwork." He said as he pushed open the door and stepped through into a room a largely vacant room that smelled of cigarettes and a bit of vomit. In one of the chairs, reading an outdated nature magazine was a middle aged man.
"They have it all wrong." The Alpha said as he put down the magazine. "It wasn't a wolf that killed the farmer in 1964. It was a bear." He pushed himself off of the chair and stood up before walking over to Dmitri who was trying to figure out why his father had come. Before he could say anything, the Alpha patted him on the cheek and frowned. "Why don't you tell me about this Trevor."