His Favorite Shirt

Story by SlyLemur on SoFurry

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It's been a while since I've written anything substantial. I find that weird because I love writing. I suppose it's like my art, I just have to find the time/energy/patience to get it done. That being said, I hope you enjoy my latest writing escapade (special thanks to Oblong Pomegranate for some helpful advice!). This story is about two buddies spending a rather...interesting afternoon together. Said afternoon involves some naughtiness, so if you're under 18 you shouldn't be reading this. But, shit, you got this far. You've probably earned it. Enjoy~


You know that feeling when you're leaning back in a chair? Comfortable, right? You might even have the front legs off the ground and you're just gently teetering to and fro. That is, until you tip back just an inch too far and you have a mini heart attack as you realize your ass is going head over heels. Well, I'm right there. I'm stuck in a perpetual free fall with my best friend standing in the doorway, my aching cock in-paw, and I can't even manage a whimper.

I've had some close calls before when it comes to having a wank. Usually, it's just my mom rap tap tapping on my chamber door as I scramble to yank my sheets over my dick and act like I was napping. Best friends don't knock. They like to catch you with your pants down (not literally in most cases). Only now was I really caught; tossing off in my desk chair, naked and with precum drooling over my knuckles. For the first time, I felt the red blush of shame creep up my neck while his eyes lingered on me for what seemed like a damned age.

Finally, time caught up with me as Chase guffawed and I finished my tumble to the floor. The chair and I hit the fading, blue carpet of my bedroom with a thud. Chase kicked the door shut. I barely heard its lock clicking over his snorting laughter. I seized the moment to snatch the comforter off my bed and cover my erection. I shot him a biting glare, but it flew over the rottweiler's head as he gasped for air.

"Fuck, dude!," Chase heaved, leaning against the wall, "You...you should have seen your face!" He treated me to a quick imitation, whipping his head towards me, his brown eyes stretched open bigger than I'd ever seen them, before he broke out into another breathless fit of laughter. I can't say whether I was red from embarrassment or anger at that point, but I just wanted the dog to shut the hell up. So I hurled a pillow at him, which he caught with his mouth. He winked and flashed me a nice, shit-eating grin as he drooled all over it. What a fucking mutt.

My slobbery pillow fell to the floor as he opened his mouth again, this time to scold me. "Whoa, whoa! I told you I was comin' over. You're the perv for giving me a private show!" That's what I get for thinking that text could wait until later. I didn't even bother to check my phone after hearing it buzz. Lots of things get put on hold when you're trying to bust a nut. It's a nice way to procrastinate on homework too, I'll tell you that. But even with Chase standing across from me, my distraction from Calculus problems wasn't settling down one bit. The dog's eyes dawdled over the tent in my blanket and his nostrils flared. His face relaxed into a knowing smirk as his arms folded over his favorite t-shirt; an airbrushed design of his and his girlfriend's names done in bubble lettering. He got it at the carnival.

"You're still hard?" He mused as I read his shirt, unable to look him in the eye. Chase + Rachel 4 Eva. "Dude, just finish up so I can kick your ass on COD. You know I get bored playing by myself." Just like that, he finally takes his eyes off me to grab an Xbox controller. With a whirr, the system starts up just as the big canine plopped down on the edge of my bed. The mattress dipped heavily under his weight. My knees mimicked those aching springs and I practically collapsed on the the bed behind him. My face was no doubt in some perplexed expression as I stared at his back.

This was wrong, all wrong. Chase didn't lob the word "faggot" at me like any decent person would. I mean, what kind of friend was he to ask me to do that sort of thing next to him? Honestly, I was angry with him at first. I felt like it was all this big ruse just to frame me as some kind of queer. I imagined as soon as I touched my dick, he'd whip around to shove his fist into my shoulder. With that kind of fear instilled in me, I had no clue how he expected me to get off with him right there. That was until he started talking.

"I always wondered whether or not yer nuts were above your dick." He yammered, already gunning down virtual terrorists. "Don't it hurt though? When your hand comes down? I mean your nuts are right there." Over the years, I've adopted an underhanded technique to avoid just that kind of collision. It's the sort of thing I have to watch out for as a kangaroo. When he asked me, though, my mind was blank. I never really thought of the intricacies of how I wanked, nor did I think anybody did it differently. Looking down, I just gripped my erection and cautiously stroked it. I had to work in slow motion to get back in the groove of things.

Chase peered over his shoulder, chuckling as he saw me beating off, albeit timidly, for the second time. "Aye, no homo, but you got a nice one." His attention flicked back over to the game, the sound of a grenade bursting was the soundtrack to a gob of pre slithering down my length. "Yer gonna make some sheila real happy with that some day." The rottweiler did his best impression of my pop and laughed again. He liked poking fun at my heritage. I was born in America, and only have a slight Aussie accent from my folks. Still, that didn't stop the wisecracking mutt from mentioning "shrimp on the barbie" every now and again. It made my cheeks flush. The smell of my arousal, along with the wet sounds of my bashful stroking becoming much more apparent than any sort of pixelated violence Chase was occupying himself with, didn't help either. Half of me wanted to retreat to the bathroom for a cheeky finish - spoof in some tissues and flush it away. The other half didn't see me making it to the closest one (downstairs) without bumping into a parent. Having a visible, raging boner in front of my best friend, who seemed to be fine with it (if not a bit too curious), was what I was more keen on. If I had to put up with him looking over his shoulder every minute or so and making some sort of comment, so be it.

Having made up my mind, I picked up the pace a little. My eyes, half-lidded, again fell to Chase's back. The solid wall of muscle blocked my view of the TV, but his favorite shirt fit nicely over the curves of his sculpted lats. I found myself spacing out over them, my hand gliding over my wet cock. We both hit the gym together on weekends, but he was shaping up much better than I was. I'd joke how he must be taking roids because of how bulky he was getting, but really I was just jealous. My eyes followed his rippling back muscles as the dog luxuriously rolled his shoulders. I bit my lip to hold back a pleasured huff as a messy wad of precum spilled onto my balls, soaking the short, brown fur there. Chase sniffed the air and chuckled to himself, shaking his head softly.

"You always this productive, man?" I'm surprised your folks can't smell this shit." There was a certain pride in his voice. He and I both knew the exact reason I was making a mess of myself. He always was a smug little fuck. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to picture Lisa from gym class just to spite him. I could almost faintly see her nude image against my eyelids, her tits like furry, beige melons...she's ready to bend down and take my dick in her mouth...and...all I could see was _his_silhouette. Lisa wasn't going to help me, not with my best friend on the edge of my bed. His wagging stub of a tail nearly tickling my feet was a lucid reminder of his presence. After a long, defeated sigh, I knew what I wanted. The thought of it had my dick pulsing more than any fantasy with any girl.

"Hey," I managed, my voice hoarse as tingles of pleasure coursed through me, "Can I see yours, mate?"

Chase paused his game, pulling my bedroom into the deepest, longest silence I had experienced in my entire life. My heart stopped and my stomach shimmied its way into my dry throat. I'd crossed the line! Tossing off behind him was just fine, but pulling him into the fantasy? What was I thinking?! Needless to say, I was silently losing my shit. Not very rational is it? But fuck, I was a kid. Overreacting was in my nature. The haze of fear evaporated once I felt that lovely stump whacking my toes again.

Without a word, he stood up and turned around to reveal a huge lump in the crotch of his cargo shorts. He said something like, "it's only fair" before he unzipped himself and tugged out his fiery red dick, knot and all. Chase gave himself a squeeze once he was out, and his cock thickened slightly before spewing a rope of pre that felt like steaming lava on my fur. It was thick and milky as it dribbled copiously out of his length. It left me salivating. My eyes were glued to his leaky shaft, framed on all sides by the beige of his shorts. Sure, it was no monster, but it was this taboo thing about this guy I'd known forever. It was something about knowing the most private thing about him that excited my senses so much. I found myself shivering and again teetering on the edge, but this edge was an unfathomably pleasurable one.

Chase seemed to be close too, one of his paws was alternating between firmly and loosely gripping his knot. His scarlet cock seemed to surge and drool with the varying grasp. By the way he was growling deep in his throat, the pleasure he got from that far outweighed the fast stroking over his shaft with the other paw. His testosterone-fueled, sexual display was definitely fucking hot, but if anything got me off, it was the realization that he must of have gotten worked up knowing I was jerking off behind him. He was really into it too. His teeth were clenched hard as he pumped out a practical waterfall of precum over my feet. The hot bath of his clear spunk made my balls pull closer to my throbbing cock, ready to make a mess of their own. My face wanted to scrunch up all the same with the pleasure I was feeling, but there was no way I was missing even a second of this action. I forced my eyes to stay open as my legs reflexively began to thump against the bedsheets and my entire lower half trembled as climax washed over me.

My gonads throbbed with an electrifying force, sending my first shot of cum right over my head to spatter hotly against the wall. I gasped, then whined as rope after rope painted my face and descended down my shaking body. As my orgasm came to its finale, Chase barked and firmly humped his paws. His wide hips collided into them with wet smacks as he began ejaculating on top of my own mess. A hot, incredibly male snarl formed on his lip as he painted my body with his canine spunk. I drained out the remnants of my climax by using his to lube up my feverish stroking. In those few seconds, I couldn't be sure if I was anything more than a spare tissue to the coming dog, but I didn't care in the fucking slightest. I took every rope of his steaming, white cum in stride. By the end of it, he had all but emptied his nuts on me. I felt like I needed a hot bath - yet I had just taken one. If I was his cum rag, I was a happy cum rag.

Suddenly, something dry hit my chest. Noticing what it was, I used it to clean myself up. I wasn't going to miss a white undershirt, especially if I could keep it for the...occasional whiff or two. By the time I was done with it, it was a cotton sperm bank. I tossed the shirt and figured it would get acquainted with the carpet.

"Whew," Chase panted, stuffing his waning erection back into his shorts, "That was awesome. Sorry about the mess, dude, but it's been a while since I busted a nut."

I looked up to him with a goofy smile only to realize he was shirtless. My head whipped around to the floor only to read those bubble letters again. I nearly shrieked. Thinking there had been some terrible accident, I sputtered, my eyes glued to the dog's favorite shirt, "Fucking Christ man! Your shirt! I-I didn't notice! I swear!" His laugh trumped out my babbling, catching me off guard for the third time. He slipped a black v-neck he'd forgotten at my place a week earlier over his thick head, then his wide shoulders pulled up into a casual shrug. "It ain't shit, dude. There's gonna be another carnival next year, right?"

I was dumbfounded, pulling a pair of sweats over my modesty with a slack jaw. This dog had been wearing that fucking shirt once a week since the day he got it made and just like that, it was a cum-soaked mess on my bedroom floor. I could barely believe it, but he went right back to playing COD on the edge of my bed. His head turned in my direction, that playful smirk I've known for so long greeting me. His heavy, brown paw patted the space beside him. "Grab a controller, I'm tired of teabagging these other dudes." My gaping mouth slowly closed into a grin so wide it made my cheeks tingle. It was just like old times - almost.

It had started with what I thought was a one-time deal, but I knew something was different about the way he looked at me. Or, how long he looked at me. Some days, when were just hanging out watching a movie or something, I'd catch him staring at me. And I don't mean those space cadet looks, he'd eye me up and down with a dumb sort of smile. First time I caught him I figured he must of thought of some funny joke. It wasn't until the second time that he asked me to whip my dick out again. Since then, it was like a regular thing for us. Chase would swing by, grab a bite, give me a wank, and play a round of Xbox before he let me return the favor. When Rachel dumped him, he took my virginity to celebrate. I took his after beating him in an online deathmatch. We never decided on this sort of thing - it just happened.

You know that feeling you get when you find money you forgot you had in a back pocket? All this time it's been under your ass while you pined for the things you couldn't buy. Suddenly, you pull it out and realize it's the only thing you've ever wanted. Well, I'm right there.

This year, at the carnival, Chase got his new favorite shirt. I think our names look great on it.

This One Time at the Club...

This story contains sex. If you're under 18, or the legal age limit to view pornographic material in your area, try not to read this. But, if you're already here, that is probably not going to stop you. I wrote this story as my part of an art...

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Cody's Love: Part Four

Alex sighed deeply, the Arctic wolf twisted and turned restlessly on his bed. It hadn't even been that long, and Alex already missed him. He wanted to be close to him, to feel his soft fur, to rub his fingers through it and inhale his scent. He didn't...

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Cody's Love: Part Three

It had been about a week since the incident between Alex and Cody. Neither of the boys could take their minds off of what they did since it happened. Cody thought over the encounter fondly, remembering every sweet moment. He even was so bold to...

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