This One Time at the Club...

Story by SlyLemur on SoFurry

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This story contains sex. If you're under 18, or the legal age limit to view pornographic material in your area, try not to read this. But, if you're already here, that is probably not going to stop you.

I wrote this story as my part of an art trade with Super Dave. I tried to make it extra-long and satisfying for him as a reward for drawing me such a lovely picture.

Feel free to check out more of his art!


This One Time at the Club...

Oh gods, did Dave hate clubs.

The midnight-black German Shepherd stood his ground for as long as he could against his girlfriend. For the past two weeks she nagged, and persisted, and begged, "Please?! You've never taken me out clubbing before! It will be fun...New friends...Dancing...Blah, blah, blah." Eventually the mare got what she wanted, Dave broke down. With schoolgirl-like anticipation, Christie began to dress herself up for the sure to be thrilling evening. The horse squealed with excitement and ran off for the bathroom, Dave enjoyed the view of her rump as it and Christie practically bounced out of the room. Another buoyant yelp came out of the bathroom after she closed the door. Dave sighed, perhaps his girlfriend's delicious ass would be a reward for subjecting himself to the pointless club life.

The canine followed in the horse's footsteps into the master bedroom, and diverged from them when he stepped into the walk-in closet. His paw reached up to pull the metal cord dangling just above his snout and the closet was suddenly flooded with light. Despite its size, Dave only movement was limited to spinning around. Boxes filled with miscellaneous items that belonged to the mare took up the space in the small room that wasn't already filled with her clothes. With a short grunt, Dave climbed on top of the box just in front of him. The shepherd felt the box sink in slightly as he reached for his section of the closet: a small, two foot long rack where a few shirts hanged among pairs of jeans and a few belts. The canine wrapped his paw around a hanger which held a blue and white striped shirt. With a victorious puff of air, he dismounted the box and left the closet, leaving the light on for his girlfriend who would surely be searching for an outfit soon after.

He pushed the door to close it, but it simply bounced against the door frame and stayed ajar. Dave found himself staring into his own amber eyes. The full-length mirror-drilled into the door, reflected the canine's thin, yet toned form. His biceps bulged out just slightly out of the sleeve of his white t-shirt, and it was not hard to see the outline of the 22-year old's muscles under the thin fabric. His abs created small, individual bumps along his tight stomach. Satisfied with his figure, Dave's paws pulled up his jeans so they looked right in his reflection. With a smirk, the canine pulled on the button-up shirt and did the first few buttons, which covered his abdomen. He quickly ruffled up the fur on his head to make a cute, somewhat messy appearance. Once the shepherd was happy with how he looked, he hopped onto the bed, bouncing slightly as his form settled into the mattress. There, he waited until his girlfriend came out with her long, brunette hair elegantly straightened and dyed just a shade or two lighter than her chocolate-colored fur. She was also naked.

This elicited the rapt attention of Dave, as well as the attention of his suddenly swelling sheath. "If you go out like that, maybe clubbing won't be so bad..." The dog teased, earning a playful glare from the horse.

"Oh, hardy-har-har!" She grinned, turning into the closet and picking through her vast choice of outfits. Dave was quite proud of what a catch Christie was. He had known the mare since high school but was too scared to ask her out until his freshman year of college. Now that both of them were coming onto their senior year, Christie moved into Dave's apartment. His friends loved to remind the shepherd exactly how lucky he was to have such a sexy girlfriend, not that he wasn't good looking, because he was definitely a comely canine. What prevented him from dating was that he was normally too shy to bother with asking anyone out. It was not in his best interest to make a fool of himself. Christie was a different case though. Something about her made him compelled to ask her out the first time they met in his Psychology class. And when he did, the mare agreed. After many dates and the loss of each other's virginity, they ended up where they were that night; picking out clothes to go clubbing.

The horse went through at least twenty outfits, breaking out the clichéd, "Does this make me look fat?" once or twice. Dave had given half-hearted answers to the mare's questions, focusing more on her naked body. His amber eyes looked her up and down, noting her supple and perky, C-cup breasts. They went down further, gazing at her sexy hourglass figure and her juicy, spotted rump. For a while, his eyes remained plastered on her sex; sandwiched between two deliciously plump areas of skin. Christie realized she had lost her boyfriend's interest when he was panting lightly and rubbing the bulge in his jeans. She arched an eyebrow and chuckled.

"Don't expect me to take care of that, we're leaving as soon as I get dressed, we'll be waiting in line forever if we're late," the mare said she stepped into the closet and closed the door.

Dave's mouth shut and his aroused member throbbed lightly in his underwear. The horny canine thought about pawing off in the bathroom, but decided against it. It was likely that he and Christie would have sex when they got home from the club as a sort of...apology. The German Shepherd simply laid back on the queen-sized bed and waited for his erection to go down and for his girlfriend to emerge from the closet. After a few moments, she did so, bearing a lovely, black cocktail dress. The silk fabric clung to her skin perfectly and it stopped on the middle of her thigh. Dave's erection was already starting to come back.

"Y-you look good," The shepherd muttered, climbing off of the bed to get a closer look.

"You don't look to bad yourself," Christie purred, her finger tracing the canine's chest as he approached her.

"Are you sure you want to go to a club tonight? I mean, we could just go to dinner or something," The canine subtly pleaded with the mare.

"C'mon, babe! Live a little, a little dancing never hurt anybody." With that, Christie slid on a pair of black high heels as Dave put on a pair of semi-formal dress shoes. Soon enough, they were out the door and on their way to the club. The one they were going to, Pulse, was one of the most popular hotspots for young couples. It lay in the center of the downtown club district. It was reminiscent of the sun, and all of the other clubs revolved around it. If Pulse lived up to its reputation of being the wildest club in the state, Dave was going to have a horrible night.

The German Shepherd parked his car in a parking garage a block or two from the downtown hotspot. From there, Dave and Christie walked hand-in-hand to Pulse, earning a few wanting looks from passing strangers. It was a refreshing thing to see two, good-looking, nice people together. But it was a whole other thing to be jealous that you cannot have them.

Eventually, the club was in there sights. Christie nearly squealed with glee as she could feel the pulsating bass thumping against her hooves, even from across the street! This, on the other hand, made Dave groan at the sure agony that was ahead.

They waited in line for a good ten minutes; each found their own way to pass the time. The canine simply played games on his phone, his tail wagging as the distraction was working well to help him forget the muffled music coming through the brick wall of the club. Christie instead took in the whole atmosphere, marveling at the elaborate neon lettering of the word 'Pulse' above the thick metal doors that lead inside. Just in front of the doors was a broad Grizzly bear acting as the bouncer. As the line was held up by a boyish-looking lemur who insisted he was 21, the mare had a lovely conversation with the white rabbit standing in line in front of them. His name was Connor, and he claimed to have been dumped by his boyfriend the night before, so now he was looking for a new man. Somehow, that turned into a conversation about martinis by the time the bouncer asked for Connor's I.D. Once the rabbit flashed the bouncer his driver's license, he waved goodbye and bounced into the club, his tail bobbing excitedly.

"You're I.D., miss?" The bear asked politely, flashing a cheesy smile. From his height, he could see directly down the mare's dress.

With Christie none-the-wiser, she got Dave's attention by nudging his arm and reached into her purse. She pulled out her own driver's license. Dave buried his paw into his left pocket and pulled out his leather wallet. He flipped it open to show the bear his license as well.

"Go ahead in," The bouncer grumbled. Adjusting his crotch, he intently watched the mare's rump swish side to side along with Christie's hips as she walked into the club, with Dave not far behind.

Once Dave and Christie got past the thick metal doors, they found themselves in a small 10x10 foot room, lit completely with backlights. The mare turned around, she was almost invisible in the dark blue color of the room, and only her teeth glowed when she smiled. The music was louder now; the bass throbbed with more vigor as they were closer to its source. Christie grabbed her boyfriend's hand and pushed open the door into the main room of the club and the music hit Dave like a brick wall. Within seconds, Christie was moving to the fast, repetitive beat of the blaring techno. Her tail jumped along with the music, Dave reluctantly found himself doing the same. The walls, the floor, everything seemed to jump with every beat. The mare turned to the German Shepherd with a large, satisfied grin on her face, "Isn't this great?!" the mare had to shout over the music, but she didn't seem to mind.

"Yeah...Just great," Dave replied in a quiet grumble. The club was as obnoxious to his senses as he expected it to be. The whole building throbbed with sound and lights. The heavy beat drowned out everything else, voices were whispers. Dave leaned in close to Christie so she could hear, "What now?" He nearly shouted.

"We dance, babe!" She exclaimed as she grabbed a hold of the canine's paw and led him to the crowd.

Before he knew it, Dave found himself in the center of the clustered dance pit. The shepherd looked up and around, lost in the sea of furs. Above him, the roof twisted into a dizzying display of red, blue, yellow, and green lights then a hundred different colors as the colored lights twirled shapes and patterns across the thrashing dancers below. The floor shook as the music pounded into everyone, and people brushed and danced against each other. His vision blurred as strobe lights began to flare, sending everything spinning for a few seconds before the lights returned to the regular colored lights that spun patterns on the wall. Dave blinked dazed, his grip on his girlfriend's hand tightening as he tried to regain his bearings.

Christie took no note of this however, she continued to dance a sway to the beats of the music. She, along with the crowd of furs moved as one with the rapid beats. The mare swished her hips with an electronic grace, matching the music in her manner. Her hair thrashed about as she jumped around as many others did. The pulsing music, hypnotic lights, and the plethora of scents coming from all directions did well to distract her from Dave's distress, until the shepherd yanked on her arm to pull her close to him.

"Can we please sit down?! I'm feeling..." Dave stopped as he felt a paw brush against the side of his hip, "nauseous." The canine was reduced to begging with his girlfriend, the cluster of furs tightening around him made his claustrophobia set in. Christie obliged, noticing the growing fear in the dog's amber eyes. The mare began to push her way through the thrashing crowd of dancers, pulling Dave behind her. The shepherd's plight was not over yet, as he tumbled through the pit. Paws caressed him, tails lashed at him, faces winked at him; he could barely breathe until he and Christie were sitting in a booth a few feet away. The booth was much more secluded than the dance floor. Instead of blazing club lights and single pendant dangled above the table. Dave was much more comfortable there, sitting with Christie than packed together in a cluster of sweaty furs, although the raging, electronic chaos of the club was still there just in front of him. The techno beat seemed to pound against the inside of his skull, throbbing in time with his aching temples. Dave ordered a beer.

"I'm sorry," Christie muttered her voice was barely audible over the music, "I should have never taken you here." The mare looked off into the sea of dancers, their spastic movements reminding her of the waves in the ocean. She longed to join them, but she cared about Dave more than a good time.

"It's..." The canine stared at his girlfriend, catching her forlorn look into the crowd. Christie was a free spirit he was holding back, it always seemed that way. Ever since they started dating, the horse wanted to attend the parties and bonfires held by the fraternities, but Dave always convinced her to go to dinner, or dancing, or bowling instead. The German Shepherd didn't want to hold her back from being who she wanted to be. "Go I'll be here when you get back."

"Dave," Christie placed her hand upon his paw and intertwined their fingers, "I'd rather be here with you, I lo-" Something suddenly caught the mare's eye; the bathroom. A couple had just emerged from it. The female, a busty vixen pulled her dress strap up and over her shoulder while the male, a very handsome tiger, adjusted his crotch. An idea whirled through her head, an idea that she knew both herself and Dave would enjoy. "How about...I make it up to you? Here and now..." The girl said in a sultry tone as she bent forward.

"W-what?" Dave asked, his cheeks burning a light shade of pink, "N-not here! There are t-too many people!"

"You're right, but I've got the perfect place." With that, Christie yanked Dave up off of his rump and towards the unisex bathroom. There were rumors about the unisex bathroom at Pulse. It was often empty, except for couples looking for a quickie. It was almost as if the designer of the club intended the bathroom to be used for this. Especially since the men's and women's bathrooms were on either side of it. Women often avoid it for how dirty it is, most men steer clear regardless, unless they have an extra special someone to go in with. Christie giggled in delight when she remembered the rumors, but Dave stared at the horse like she was an escaped mental patient. The canine was not going to object, though sex was nothing to complain about. The mare pushed open the door and was immediately overwhelmed by the musk that laced the air of the bathroom. The shepherd, with his keen sense of smell took in every detail of the sinful scent. He could smell the arousal of at least ten different species of furs, including his girlfriend's. He couldn't blame her though; the musk in the bathroom was making quick work of giving Dave an erection in his jeans.

With a swish of her tail, the horse spun around and pressed herself against Dave, feeling his hard member against her thigh. Without missing a beat, Christie seized the moment, locking lips with her boyfriend and using her paws to undo his jeans and zipper. Dave's ear twitched at the sound of the metal teeth clicking, and then sighed contently at the pressure in his crotch being released. Soon enough, Christie had pulled out the canine's length through the slot in his boxers. She stroked it gently, taking her time to feel every familiar vein on the throbbing shaft. The shepherd moaned into the other's mouth, his broad, canine tongue wrapping around hers in a fit of passion. Although, despite the pleasure, the fear of the bathroom door swinging open remained in Dave's mind. Without removing his tongue from the mare's mouth, Dave lifted the other into his arms. His paws squeezing and kneading her rump as he carried her into the handicap stall. The dog carefully set her down and broke their kiss, a string of saliva kept them connected as their lips parted.

_Click. _

Dave locked the stall door and returned to his wanting girlfriend. He pressed himself against her, his hips humping against her slightly as he went in for another kiss. Christie accepted, parting her lips for the canine's tongue to enter. Dave's tongue snaked into the mare's mouth. It sensually caressed the other's tongue, causing the other to purr lustfully into the kiss. They separated once more by Christine's doing. Dave panted hard, the sexual tension climbing to ludicrously high levels. His freed cock throbbed and drooled pre in anticipation. Seeing this, the horse smirked gently; pushing her love down to sit on the toilet. Dave whined, already starting to feel the pleasure that was ahead. Christie got on her knees before her boyfriend, his pulsating flesh stood tall in front of her snout. The horse opened her mouth and breathed hot, moist air over Dave's cock. The dog shuddered in response, whimpering in wanton lust.

Finally, Christie gave into the canine's needs and flicked her tongue over the leaking tip of the dog's shaft. This sent an electric spark flying through Dave's brain, and a moan was produced on the second lick. The horse's thick tongue lapped all over the other's shaft, tasting the familiar musk with every lick. Dave knew from experience that his girlfriend was a master at teasing him. It was torturous at times, but they payoff was always glorious...And plentiful. The Shepard had to bite his lip to keep from barking in pleasure. Christie continued to simply lap at the seven-inch cock before her muzzle for a while, until she decided to move onto the next level. Without warning she placed her lips on the leaking tip of Dave's member and began to slowly push down, letting the dog's thick meat part her lips. The canine was biting down so hard, his lip started to bleed. He couldn't hold it back anymore. With a long moan, he rolled his head back and placed his paws on the back of the mare's head. "Ooh...F-fuck," Dave groaned as the girl's head went lower and lower on his cock.

Christie stopped when her lips came flush with the canine's sheath, which still held his inflating knot within. She made quick work of using her paw to pull back the sheath so it rested behind the swelling bulb of flesh. This drove Dave wild, his hips beginning to buck up against his lover's head instinctively. Using this as leverage, Christie moved her lips up the dog's cock and let the other do most of the work. Dave worked on autopilot, thrusting his hips hard against the horse's maw. He groaned loudly as he watched his long, red shaft disappear behind his girlfriend's lips before reappearing as he pulled out his saliva-coated cock. Christie moaned as well, a wayward paw wrist-deep in her panties as Dave face-fucked her. Her tongue swirled around the pumping member as she sucked powerfully. It wasn't much longer until the German Shepherd was growling and snarling into the air as his orgasm neared. He continued to hump into Christie's maw, feeling his cock throb and twitch as a familiar fire burned in his loins. "I'm gonna...cum!" Dave shouted as he was about to climax. Though, the mare pulled away. She wasn't finished with him yet, besides, her jaw was starting to hurt. The air was cold around Dave's pulsing cock, but he knew it was going to be warm again very soon. Christie stood up, and folded her dress over her thighs, revealing her moist underwear. Dave licked his lips and stood up as well, pulling off his jeans and tossing them to other side of the stall.

With a primal lust he hoisted his girl up into his arms and slammed her into the metal wall of the stall. The mare whinnied, pulling her underwear out of the way. Dave growled in satisfaction at the sight of his girlfriend's damp and engorged lips. He leaned forward and began to lick the girl's neck, then began to nip at it dominantly as his cock started to rub against the horse's slit. His precum smeared and mixed with her juices, tempting the canine to plunge his meat as far as he could inside of Christie. But he was patient. He teasingly prodded the hole, just barely entering it. This made the mare squeal and shiver in ecstasy and sheer want. "Fuck me! Please!" She whined, but her plea fell on deaf ears.

Dave continued to gently roll his hips against Christie's dripping cunt, but his lips moved on to teasing the young woman's exposed breasts. He licked her nipples, sending goosebumps all over the female's body. Then he nibbled on them, pulling at them slightly with his teeth, driving his partner wild. The shepherd did this for a while until the scent of the mare's sex drove him insane. With a low grunt, he began to push his way into his girl. The resistance was strong at first, despite the opening being fairly lubed by the abundance of her juice. Though, as Dave pushed further into her, the tight hole finally gives in, letting the dog's shaft slide in smoothly. Christie moaned and clenched her entire body as the canine pushed into her. Dave growled, the pleasure of the tight passage surrounding his cock, shaking as he pressed himself flush with Christie's crotch. His eyes closed tightly at the feeling of her hot pussy clenching around his cock.


Connor had heard the rumors and hoped they were true. The white rabbit was sick of being dumped and rejected by other guys. He was good-looking, and lithe. He was 5'7", young, and single. He couldn't understand why anybody wouldn't want him. The rabbit pulled up his daisy duke shorts slightly. Maybe he would have better luck in the 'Unisex' bathroom as everybody called it. Perhaps a strapping male would come in and fuck him senseless. Yeah, that would be great. With that in mind, the bunny navigated his way through the crowd of dancers, making sure to 'accidentally' brush against a few guys on the way. Eventually, he reached the bathroom, although, he did not go in right away. For a moment, he simply watched the door and bit his lip. His mind mulled over what could go wrong. What if a rapist was in there? Or a gang? Or an ugly guy? Connor shivered, and reached out for the door. He was desperate enough to take his chances. The rabbit pushed the door open slowly, the worst thoughts still fresh in his mind when suddenly, the scent of sex hit him in the face.

The sheer amount of musk in the small room sent a rush of blood to the rabbit's face and crotch, and Connor nearly fainted from sheer delight as the smell filled his nose. Connor's cheeks turned bright pink and burned, and he suddenly wished vanity did not demand he wear such tight shorts. It smelled like someone had scheduled an orgy in the restroom and didn't bother to clean up afterwards. The room reeked of sex from a hundred different furs and it made the rabbit hornier than he could ever remember being. A wet spot of precum was already leaking through the rabbit's shorts, and Connor hadn't even touched himself...Yet.

The white furred rabbit leaned against the wall, panting heavily as the smell made him want to be fucked so bad his tail hole ached for it. As he panted, the scent filled his senses completely, and Connor's big ears caught the sounds of two furs still in the process of adding to the musky smell. They were in the last stall, fucking as quietly as possible.

Both Dave and Christie failed to hear the bathroom door open in their throes of pleasure. The German Shepherd pulled out slowly with a long moan before burying himself back into Christie's pussy with a primal grunt. The horse was enjoying the feeling just as much as her canine lover. Her loins quivered and throbbed in pleasure at the feeling of Dave's cock pumping in and out of her, the thrill of doing it in public made the feeling even better. She cried out as the shepherd frantically pounded against her cunt. The tapered tip of his cock began to swell slightly and it repeatedly rubbed against her special spot. Each spastic and penetrating thrust was like a contained explosion in her crotch. After a few minutes, she was purring like a kitten and purposely contracting her passage around the welcome intruder inside of it. This caused Dave to groan in ecstasy, pushing his cock as far as he could inside of his lover before pulling it back out again.

"Oooh...You like that baby? Lemme give 'ya some more!" The black-furred dog growled as he shoved his swelling knot inside of Christie. He was tempted to finish there, but he wanted to make the horse wait a little longer. He pulled out again, his knot quick growing to its full size. It wouldn't be much longer until Dave would take her fully.

On the other side of the bathroom, Connor listened intently to the couple in the last stall. From the scent, the whimpers, and girlish moans, the bottom was clearly a female...Possibly equine. The top, however, was hard to figure out. Connor's keen scent would have been able to pick it up if the air in the restroom wasn't so thick with the musk of so many different males. Though from the sound of the strained grunts, the rabbit guessed the male was a canine. That particular scent was the most prominent in the room anyhow. The rabbit let a paw run down his chest, his breathing growing louder as her heard the canine talk dirty to his female partner. Connor closed his eyes and whimpered quietly, his paw grasping the head of his cock through his jean shorts as the female began to beg and scream for more. Typically, the rabbit wouldn't even consider pawing to a female, but the canine top provided enough manly grunts and musk to make him forget she was ever there.

Connor wanted to be fucked by the dominant-sounding canine so badly. The rabbit rubbed his paw up and down the front of his shorts, rubbing the rough jeans against his trapped erection, gasping a little as he pleasured himself. Just the smell of so many sweaty, hot guys in one room, their semen all mixed together with the sounds of people (Even if it was a straight couple) fucking drove the rabbit insane. Connor shivered and bit his lip, his balls pulling up close to his body. The rabbit's other paw moved back to his butt, a finger sliding into his needy tail hole, which flexed around the intruder as Connor was overtaken by the sheer desire to have someone fuck him just like that dog was fucking that horse.

Dave barked in pleasure, pulling his knot once more out of Christie's sex. The dog was panting heavily and sweat from his rough and dirty lovemaking gathered on his brow. He couldn't take much more until he blew his load. The mare, on the other hand, was approaching her second orgasm quickly. Her clenching and trembling passage just made it harder for Dave to not bust his nut. Christie's juices made for an excellent lube for propelling the shepherd's cock in and out of her tight, conforming hole, and his oncoming flood would surely make it even easier. After two more hard thrusts, Dave could feel his balls pull up close to his body and his bulbous knot throb hard as he was about to climax. With a dominating growl, he held onto the horse's waist and forced his knot into her. The shepherd put in one, two, three more short humps before he closed his eyes, arched his back, and roared in ecstasy as he took Christine fully, pouring his hot cum deep inside of the mare's cunt.

Christie gasped as she felt the knot pop inside of her once more, but to her pleasant surprise, it would stay there. She opened her emerald eyes just slightly to see Dave arching over her, his handsome face contorted with a fit of orgasmic pleasure. The equine shuddered as she felt her boyfriend's hot seed spurt deep inside of her. Christie cried out in lust as her vagina contracted around Dave's engorged cock and orgasmic. Her juices coated Dave's shaft and mixed with his semen as they shared the euphoric bliss of orgasm.

Unknown to the copulating lovers, a third shared their pleasure. Connor's large ears perked up when he heard the powerful roar come from the male in the last stall, and he could just tell from the extra squishy thrusts that the canine had came deep inside of his equine lover. Connor opened his mouth in a silent 'o', his tail hole squeezing down on his fingers and he jerked himself off to climax with the dog and the horse. The bunny's cock twitched and throbbed gently in his shorts, making a mess of the denim. For a moment, Connor wished he had worn underwear. He gasped quietly, coming down from his sudden orgasm. Connor blinked in surprise, rubbing a paw through his hair while trying to get a grip on himself. He looked at his paws, suddenly realizing he had just smeared his own cum in his head fur. There was a large wet spot leaking through the front of his shorts now and his other paw was covered in his own anal juices.

As Dave's orgasm tapered off, he gave a few light humps into Christie in time with the muffled techno leaking in from the club outside of the bathroom. The mare was panting hard after her second climax, looking up at Dave with tired eyes and a charming smirk. "Not bad, horn dog, not bad," She muttered, her finger tracing Dave's clothed chest.

"Oh please, you know this is best sex we've ever had, right?" The black German Sheperd chuckled, giving another short thrust into Christie for emphasis.

"Maybe," she teased, leaning up to kiss Dave before falling back against the metal wall.

"Whatever," Dave groaned as he pulled his knot out of Christie with a loud 'pop'. He flashed the mare a cheeky smile before slipping his jeans back on. Christie stood, but almost felt her knees buckle as she did. She placed a firm hand on the wall of the stall to keep from falling. With a little help from Dave, she got her panties and dress back into place. Although, she could already feel the shepherd's seed oozing out of her.

"C'mon, let's go home and get clean," Christie said, her finger tickling Dave just under his chin as she opened the bathroom stall.

As Connor heard the couple getting dressed, he knew it wouldn't be much longer until they emerged from the stall. He couldn't go back out into the club with his cum staining his shorts. So the rabbit ducked into the nearest stall, barely making a sound as he did. Connor locked the door and leaned back against the cool metal just as the last stall opened up. He looked down at himself and his white, rabbit ears turned pink in embarrassment as the couples footsteps walked past him and out of the restroom. Once they were gone, he took a deep sigh of relief. Watching was the fun part, not getting caught.

Connor grinned, his head pressed back against the cool metal of the door as he began to paw himself again, his cock filling up and getting hard quickly. It didn't matter if the couple had left; he would to be able to get off again on the smell in there alone. His legs shook as he stroked himself, and his breath kept getting louder and more labored. He flared his nostrils, drinking in the scent of so many males who had came in that room before. His white paw was a blur as it moved up and down Connor's six-inch, pink cock. He could feel it throb and twitch in his paw, responding to the thick musk that permeated the air of the bathroom. It wasn't long before he felt his bunny balls tighten up once more, about to blow another load of Connor's seed. With a girly cry, the young rabbit climaxed again, his scent mixing with the plethora of others.

His paw stopped stroking and squeezed the base of his pulsating shaft. He could feel his cock swell before his cum spurted from the tip, landing on the tile floor with a quite tap. Two more taps followed, as well as the sound of Connor's euphoric moan. The rabbit began to stroke, letting the rest of his climax dribble out over his paw. With a satisfied smirk, he brought his cum-covered paw to his lips and licked off the mess. He found his own seed to be sweeter than most of the guys he had been with, this made for easy clean-up duty. The rabbit smirked, rubbing his finger through the wet spot on the front of his shorts, gathering up the cum that had pushed through the fabric and licking his fingertip.

Once the rabbit decided he was clean enough to emerge from his stall, he looked at himself in the full-length mirror above the sinks. The dark spot on his shorts was beginning to fade, and his hair was ruffled up cutely, despite having his own cum in it. Connor chuckled, he may not have hooked up with anyone, but he surely was satisfied. And besides, the night wasn't over. The rabbit stepped to the basin and turned on the sink, and began to wash his paws of the scent of his own cock. As he thoroughly cleaned his paws, his mind wandered. He thought about his last boyfriend, a Siberian tiger he was with for a good year. Everything seemed to be going fine until the tiger broke it off after finding another fur more suited to his needs. Connor sniffed, but then straightened up. He was out to have a fun night, not reminisce on his lost love. He smirked, and he was already doing a good job. Just as he turned off the water, the bathroom door swung open and a tall, wild-indigo dragon walked in. Connor turned around to face the muscular reptile. He locked his baby blue eyes with the other's periwinkle-toned orbs.

The dragon smirked, closing the door behind him.


I hope you enjoyed it, and by 'you' I mean Super Dave. Although, comments are welcome from the rest of you as well! I did a thorough spell-check on this one, so please forgive any errors that I may have missed.

Cody's Love: Part Four

Alex sighed deeply, the Arctic wolf twisted and turned restlessly on his bed. It hadn't even been that long, and Alex already missed him. He wanted to be close to him, to feel his soft fur, to rub his fingers through it and inhale his scent. He didn't...

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Cody's Love: Part Three

It had been about a week since the incident between Alex and Cody. Neither of the boys could take their minds off of what they did since it happened. Cody thought over the encounter fondly, remembering every sweet moment. He even was so bold to...

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Cody's Love: Part Two

Alex and Cody sat next to each other in Alex's living room. It was more like a home theater, the television was almost as big as Cody's bedroom, and the couches were so comfortable. He sunk into the soft suede, he wished his own bed was that...

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