Cody's Love: Part Four

Story by SlyLemur on SoFurry

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Alex sighed deeply, the Arctic wolf twisted and turned restlessly on his bed. It hadn't even been that long, and Alex already missed him. He wanted to be close to him, to feel his soft fur, to rub his fingers through it and inhale his scent. He didn't want to admit it, but Alex loved him. He wanted to spend the rest of his life holding him in his arms, and being held in his. Alex sat up on his bed, a confident fire blazing in his soul. He had to, he needed to go to hm.

Suddenly, the dark bedroom was flooded with light from the hallway. The door opened slowly and Alex shielded his eyes from the invading brightness. Then the door closed, darkness returned to the room and Alex removed his paw from his eyes. A large grin graced his muzzle as he stared at the panda leaning against the door.

Toby returned the stare, his brown eyes sparkled wildly despite the lack of lighting. "I'm back," He chuckled.

Alex jumped up, "Did you get it?" the young wolf yipped.

"I sure did," Toby reached into his backpack and pulled out a video game case. "I had to do a lot of sneaking around to get this! I had to steal it from my brother's room and I had to sneak past your dad! You owe me big time!"

"Is my dad still asleep?" Alex said, taking a single step closer to the panda.

Toby's mouth split into a sly grin as Alex got closer to him, "Y-yeah, he's passed out on the couch. Beer bottle in hand."

"So I 'owe' you, huh?" Alex took another step towards Toby, "What exactly do you have in mind?"

The panda blushed furiously as the wolf advanced, their muzzles were nearly touching, "Oh, I d-don't know..." Toby gasped and dropped the game he had worked so hard to get when a wayward paw grasped his privates.

Alex licked his lips as the panda closed his eyes and moaned, "You don't know? Then I have a few ideas," The wolf gently squeezed the panda's sack through his thin cargo shorts. He could feel Toby's thick member hardening in his paws as he worked it through the fabric. "I went on the internet last night," Alex whispered as he leaned close to the moaning panda, "And I saw two males mounting each other," Toby tried to speak, but was quickly silenced when Alex reached his hand inside of his boxers. "I want you to mount me, like they did in the video," Toby whined pitifully as the wolf smeared precum on the head of his sensitive manhood.

"I-I don't think we should, your dad-"

The panda was interrupted by Alex' invading tongue probing at his lips. With a reluctant sigh, Toby opened his mouth and allowed the needy canine entrance. Their muzzles locked together in a fit of lustful passion, the panda continued to moan as the wolf unrelentingly stroked his stiff cock. Pre smeared all over the wolf's paw, and more was being added constantly. Toby yelped when Alex suddenly staggered backwards, sending both of them tumbling onto his bed.

Alex grinned evilly as the panda landed on top of him, the bear's erect penis poking at his covered tail hole. "Looks like you're ready," Alex chuckled as he reached down and unbuttoned Toby's shorts, which elicited a short moan from him.

Toby closed his eyes as he felt both his shorts and underwear being pulled off of his body. He gasped as he felt the wolf's torturing paw guide his throbbing cock down to his virgin tail hole. The panda bit his lip to keep from yelling as pleasure surged up his spine. Precum dribbled out of his thick, four inch penis as it rubbed against the wolf's cherry. The feelings pulsing through his entire body were so new, and quite enjoyable. Despite the pleasure that raged through his body, he couldn't help but think against what he was doing. He knew he cared for the eager wolf that was panting furiously below him. He knew he loved the canine, but he was about to do something he didn't even know how to do. What if he hurt the wolf?

Those thoughts were banished from Toby's mind when Alex became impatient. After what seemed like an eternity, the wolf decided to take matters into his own hands. He slowly lifted his hips and thrusted towards the panda, shoving the first inch of the bear's penis into his passage. Alex instantly regretted his actions as a nearly unbearable pain ravaged his tail hole. Toby, on the other hand moaned so loudly the bed seemed to vibrate. Lost in a state of utter bliss, the panda started to push more of his cock into the wolf. He began to growl lustfully as an unbelievable tightness and an orgasmic heat surrounded his dick.

Tears streaked Alex's face as the pain grew, the panda's cock becoming wider as he pushed in deeper. Alex bit his lip and squeezed the bear's arms to prevent from screaming. With a satisfied grunt, Toby pushed his cock to the hilt into Alex's tail hole. Then, Toby stopped. He looked down into the wolf's face, which was twisted and contorted with pain.

"Oh my God?! Are you okay?" Toby panicked as he leaned down towards the wolf, who continued to cry.

"N-no, it hurts," the wolf whined.

Toby cocked his head to the side, it felt so good for him; How could it hurt Alex? Toby began to lick the sides of Alex's teared muzzle, as an apology for hurting the wolf. The panda would stop every few moments to moan as the canine's tail hole contracted on his penis.

Over time, the fiery pain in Alex's tail hole left him, only to be replaced by a tingling pleasure. With a content sigh, Alex gently rubbed the panda's ears. "You can go ahead, I feel better now," The wolf whispered.

The panda blushed, breaking eye contact with the wolf. "How do I...What do I do?" He asked, embarrassedly looking away from Alex.

"All you have to do is pull out and then push back in," Alex said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Toby nodded, "Eh, okay," He licked his lips, 'If you say so."

With that, Toby began to pull his hips backward. His penis began to slip out of the warm glove that surrounded it and into the seemingly chilled air of the bedroom. Alex squirmed uncomfortably as the 'full' feeling that was in his anus slowly left. Strangely, he missed that feeling, even if it caused him so much pain just moments before. With an exasperated grunt from both boys, Toby forced his cock back into the canine's moist tail hole. "Uhnn, you're so...Warm...And tight," Toby moaned into Alex's ears.

Toby started out painfully slow, being unsure on what to do. Though, as time passed and the heat increased, instincts took over the boys. Toby humped rapidly into Alex's warmth, desperate to cum. As the panda increased his pace, his cock constantly rubbed over the wolf's prostate, threatening to send Alex over the edge. With a yip from the canine, Toby grabbed his dick and stroked it furiously. Precum leaked all over the panda's paw, dripping down to Alex's aching balls. The wolf began to buck his hips into the panda's paw, masturbating himself with it. With a lustful howl of sexual satisfaction, Alex's balls pulled up close to his body, and cum spewed out of his throbbing cock.

The wolf put a pleasurable amount of pressure onto his knot, prompting more hot spunk out of his sack. Cum splattered onto his and Toby's chest, coating both boys with a layer of fresh wolfcum. Toby couldn't take it anymore, the smells, the feeling of the wolf's passage pleasurably clamping down on his thrusting cock, the panda slammed his manhood into the wolf one last time.

Toby leaned forward, taking Alex's neck into a fierce mating bite. "Nngh! I'm-" The panda's muffled screams were cut off by the most powerful orgasm of his life. His cock swelled inside of the wolf's anus, then a relentless flood of semen poured from his member. Toby screamed from sheer pleasure into the scruff of the wolf's neck as he spilled cum into the canine's ass.

Alex felt the bear bite his neck, it was painful, but he didn't care. The pleasure from his orgasm combined with the swelled cock balls deep in his tail hole was overwhelming. His world shrunk down to the four inches twitching and spurting cum inside of him. It was a perfect moment, time seemed to slow down as bliss overtook the boys.

A loud bang shattered that bliss. Alex's father, a tall, dominant, drunken timber wolf threw open his bedroom door. Light flooded into the dark bedroom, the shroud of darkness lifted, revealing Toby blissfully coming into the timber wolf's son.

"What the fuck is this?!" Alex's father spat at him.

"Dad! I-I-" Alex stammered.

With a furious growl, the wolf grabbed Toby by the back of his neck, "So this is what you do when this little fuck sleeps over! You faggot!" He picked up the panda with just one arm and tossed him aside like trash. Alex whined as the panda's cock left him, and his seed began to leak out of his tail hole. "So you're his little bitch, right?! Not only are you a tail-raising fag, you're a bitch too?!" Alex's father screamed at him, then threw a painful punch to his jaw. Even Toby could hear it crack.

With a savage yell, Toby charged the abusive wolf, hoping to drive him away from the wolf he loved. Although, the wolf saw the small panda coming and replied with a punch to his nose. Toby was instantly knocked unconscious by the assault.

"Toby, no!" Alex screamed, which directed the attention of his father.

The wolf raised his paw again to punch his son once more, but looked to the panda on the floor. He grunted, "I'm going to get rid of your little boyfriend. While I'm gone, you better get your ass dressed and ready to leave!" He turned towards Toby, who was now trying to crawl to the door. He screamed when the wolf picked him up off of the floor by his headfur.

In a fit of pure rage he roared as he leapt onto his father's back, "Don't you touch him!" He growled as he bit at his father's ears. The larger wolf released Toby in surprise from his son's attack, sending him falling once again to the carpet. Alex's father howled in pain as his son bit off the tip of his right ear. With brute force, the wolf grabbed his son's legs and threw him into a full length mirror, shattering the glass against the smaller wolf's back.

Alex yelped pitifully as he felt small shards of glass stab him in the back. The smell of blood was starting to fill the room as Alex's father picked up both of the cubs, one in each arm. He stormed downstairs, threw open the front door, and with a powerful grunt he tossed Toby outside. The panda bear was still completely naked as he rolled down concrete steps and finally came to rest on Alex's front lawn. The injured bear groaned as he rolled around in the grass. Tears began to fall unchecked down his cheeks, both from the physical pain he felt, and the pain he felt in his heart.

Alex began to stir in his father's grip as the abusive wolf grabbed his carkeys and left his house. Alex shivered as his naked body was exposed to the cold, he opened his eyes to see Toby groaning in pain on the ground.

"T-Toby," He said weakly.

As Alex's father approached his truck, the panda began to slowly rise to his feet, "Toby!" Alex said a little louder this time. His father looked back to see the bear standing up. With another angered growl, he threw open the truck's door and tossed his son insde.

Toby felt blood along his nose, and he knew at least one of his ribs were broken. Despite his injuries, he got to his feet and started to limp to Alex. "Alex!" His voice was hoarse, "Alex!" He yelled louder this time, it was becoming harder and harder to speak as he increased his pace.

Alex's father started the igniton, and the truck sputtered to a start. Alex felt the truck slowly move forward, he sat up in his seat, looking out of the rear window. "Toby!" He screamed as the truck lurched forward.

The panda broke into a run once he saw the wolf he loved through the window of the truck. He had to save him, he had to try. Breath came to him in short gasps as the tuck sped down the street, "Alex!" He screamed as he stumbled over his feet.

Alex's face was streamed with tears as he looked into the panda's eyes as the truck sped off into the night. The look on his face was that of true dispair. The fur on his cheeks were soaked from his sobs, he pathetically followed the truck down the street until it became too fast for the bear. Without warning, the panda collasped onto the street. Toby wept as his face was buried in the asphalt, his lover being taken away from him.

Alex turned around and shook his dad's shoulder's, "Dad please!" He begged, "Stop the car! I think he's dying!" He sobbed as he furiously rattled his father.

The abusive wolf simply shoved the cub back into his seat, "Shut the fuck up, you little bitch!" He barked.

Alex finally did what he was told. He leaned back in his seat and winced when the cuts from his mirror made themselves known. He had just lost the only person he had ever loved. He never knew is mother, and his father was...He wiped his eyes an continued to cry quietly; Defeated.


Alex sat up on his bed, sweat beaded his forehead and he was breathing heavily. He sighed, he had been plauged by that horrid nightmare for years now. Every once in a while, that event would play itself over again in his head. It haunted him, it gave him the emptiest feeling in his heart. It always made him think of that poor little panda that collapsed in the street. Alex convinced himself that Toby was dead, he had to be. If he wasn't, he would be with him. They would hold each other in their arms and make sweet love. The wolf let out a shuddering breath, if Toby was still with him, he wouldn't have done anything with Cody.

Suddenly, his bedroom door opened. Alex looked up, hopeful to see Toby's chubby form walk in. Instead, he was greeted by the face of his uncle. He was an Arctic wolf, like himself. He was tall, and his fur was snow white. All in all, his uncle was almost an older version of himself.

"Hey kiddo," He said softly, "Did you have that dream again?"

Alex only nodded.

"Are you going to be okay?" He asked genuinely.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Alex leaned back in his bed, his expression was utterly blank as he stared at the ceiling.

"Okay, just let me know if you need anything," His uncle closed the door and the room became black again.

Alex closed his eyes as the echos of his father's screams played over and over again in his brain. He wasn't going to get much sleep that night.


Cody entered the lunchroom, later than usual. His table was already filled with his friends, who all looked at him strangely as he sat down. The lemur didn't say a word as he began to eat his sandwich. Devin was the first to speak,

"Where have you been? We haven't-"

"-Seen you in days!" Colt finished his twin's sentence.

"I've been sick, so I stayed home for a little bit," Cody said quietly before he took another mouthful of poorly prepared ham and cheese.

Damien looked around the table in confusion, "Okay, I'll be the one to say it; What's up?" The lion asked rather loudly.

His voice attracted other furs from the tables nearby to glance over, but only for a second before they returned to their own conversations. "Seriously, it's nothing." Cody said sternly, his friends decided to leave him alone at that point.

Cody's ears perked up to the sound of the cafeteria doors opening. Alex and the rest of the baseball team flooded into the lunch room. The stormed into line, cutting in front of quite a few furs. While the team picked on a small husky, Alex stayed behind and just watched. His expression completely blank as he simply cut in front of his distracted team-mates to get his food. Cody needed to talk to the wolf, he might as well do it when he is seperated from his team. Cody stood, which attracted the attention of his friends. Sam called, "Where are you going?"

"I-I'll be back in a second," Cody said as he made a B-line for Alex.

Just as Alex set down his food tray at his usual spot he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Cody, the last person he wanted to see, looking back up at him. "Can I talk to you for a second?" The lemur said just loud enough to be heard over the chattering voices of the cafeteria.

"Eh, sure. W-what's up?" The wolf said peacefully, hoping Cody wouldn't bring up what happened in the bathroom.

"I forgive you for what you did in the bathroom a few days ago. You don't have to tell me why you did it, I don't need to know. I just want to make things right between us, because I really do like you. How about we go to the dance together? Next Friday?" Cody's tail waved behind him, a grin appeared on his face.

Alex gulped, he needed to get rid of the lemur. He couldn't go out with another male. His heart couldn't take it, he needed the lemur to understand. "I-I'm not gay," He said lamely.

Cody scoffed, "Of course you are! Or are you forgetting when you had your cock in my mouth, or up my ass?!" A few furs nearby looked towards the pair, making sure they had heard correctly.

"That's not true! You're just some...Faggot, who's obsessed with me!" Alex raised his voice, making sure others in the cafeteria had heard.

"What did you just say?" The lemur asked, completely shocked.

"You heard me! You're just some tail-raiser who's trying to get into my pants! I'll prove it to you!" The wolf walked away from Cody, heading towards the cheerleading table. The girl's talked amongst themselves, completely ignoring the wolf. He tapped a fox with flowing red hair on the shoulder causing her to turn around and give Alex a cheeky grin.

"Hey there Alex," She purred.

"What's up, Leah? You know I was wondering if you wanted to go to next Friday's dance with me," He said confidently, seeming to know what her answer would be.

"Sure, that sounds like fun. You have my number right?"

Alex nodded, "Yes I do, I'll call you tonight," He said as he patted his pocket for emphasis.

He turned back to Cody, and raised his arms up in a confrontational manner, "See? Now stay away from me!" With that, Alex stormed out of the lunch room. Cody was left standing in the middle, everyone stared at him. Hundreds of judgmental eyes, looking over him. His eyes began to water as he ran out of the cafeteria.

"How could that son of a bitch do that to me?!" His thoughts screamed as he ran out of the building, "Not only does he leave me on the floor naked, but now he humiliates me in front of the whole school!" Cody threw himself into his car, and put the keys in the ignition. He leaned against the steering wheel and began to cry again. Why can't somebody love him?

Alex sat on a bench, alone in the locker room. He looked down at his paws as he fiddled with them. His mind wandered, he broke Cody's heart for Toby. Why? The panda was probably dead, why did he have to turn down the lemur? He layed down on his back, he had been so cruel to him. The whole school would be spreading nasty rumors about the lemur after what happened. Even after everything he did with and to the lemur one thing worried him the most. While he was yelling at Cody, for one moment, he sounded like his father. The wolf shivered at that thought before the locker room flooded with sweaty furs, he buried his face in his paws; He didn't want any of them to notice him crying.

Cody's Love: Part Three

It had been about a week since the incident between Alex and Cody. Neither of the boys could take their minds off of what they did since it happened. Cody thought over the encounter fondly, remembering every sweet moment. He even was so bold to...

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Cody's Love: Part Two

Alex and Cody sat next to each other in Alex's living room. It was more like a home theater, the television was almost as big as Cody's bedroom, and the couches were so comfortable. He sunk into the soft suede, he wished his own bed was that...

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Cody's Love: Part One

Cody Graham opened his bleary eyes to the sound of his blaring alarm clock. He slammed his hand on the alarm, instantly silencing his small room. He murred happily as he stretched his arms and legs, his toes pressed against the wood paneling on the...

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