Living as a lycanthrope ch. 7

Story by jepic on SoFurry

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#7 of Living as a Lycanthrope

Carlos wakes up to find him self captured by poeple unknown. he also seems to have a cell mate he hasent met before but the man seems familure. As the world's first werebear Arther has to figure out how to live in the new world he now lives in.

Living as a Lycanthrope

Chapter 7

Here you guys go! I know you guys have been waiting a long time for this chapter. I am sorry i havent been writing in ages. I hope you guys like it, tell me if i need to fix things or if you love it or not.

Arther's head felt like it was full of fog, he could barely think or open his eyes. Indistinct voices could be heard as he felt like he was lying down on a hard surface. His body ached all over like he had been recently beat up and manhandled. He made some growling sounds, ones that sounded a bit inhuman.

"I think he is waking up, look his fingers are moving." a voice said as the other voices stopped.

"keep him restrained we don't want him to get out. Are you sure this one is the result of the other specimen?" an authoritative man asked

"The results are still coming in, its taking longer because this one seems to be a special case, tracking the linage is harder than most others." A female voice answered.

"Well step on it we don't want the backlash if we- oh look he seems to be opening his eyes" A man in an orange suit said as he kneeled down to look down at Arther lying down. "Get used to where you are dog your not leaving for a long while, lets leave them we have some business to take care of with the local pack of mongrels" He walked off fallowed by two people in lab coats, Arther noticed that they all had a symbol on the back of their outfits, a crossed gun like a musket and a sword.

Arther's eyes were still heavy as he watched the people leave the room, his eyes still blurry He grumbled trying to sit up before realizing that his wrists and ankles were chained to the floor. The cuffs covered in strange pictures and foreign symbols that he couldn't read. After shaking his head a few times he managed to clear his head a bit. He looked around the room to take in what the situation was.

Arther saw that he was in a large cage with strong looking metal bars. There was almost comically a doggy dish and bowl in the middle with dog food and water in them. Arther noticed that there was someone else in the cage, skinny malnourished man wearing tattered clothes and a hoodie with its hood up. The room was rather dark with only one small dim light on the ceiling right over the top of the cage making things hard to see.

A familiar smell hit Arther but he couldn't place what it was. The smell brought up something primal in the back of his head but he couldn't place what it was. Arther tried to get up his whole body aching. He only managed to get up to a light crouch with the chains around his wrists keeping him from standing up straight.

"Hay are you ok? Do you have any idea what is happening?" Arther asked out to the other man in the cage. The man looked up, his eyes flashing slightly in the light. Arther had seen the look in the man's eyes before, he knew it as a man who had given up on life. Arther had seen it in the eyes of men he would try to defend in court.

Arther wondered what they could of done to the guy and how long he was there, and even if that would happen to him. "Hay listen to me, were going to get out of this, I am a lawyer and have friends who will be looking for me, we will get out of this together ok?" Arther asked the man almost trying to reassure him self if anything. The man just looked down, a single tear falling down his cheek.

Arther tried to reach out to the other man but couldn't reach. He sat back down on the hard metal floor and sighed. He looked about again and saw a few security cameras in the room. He instinctively let out a little growl at the cameras, making a guttural bear growl sound. Arther raised his middle finger at the camera, flipping it off. The sound he made kind of startled him he looked around trying to see where it came from.

Looking at the other guy he asked "did you make that sound?" the other guy just sat there not moving much still looking down. Arther looked about "oh, it must have been me I haven't made that sound before while human... wow hard to think of it that way human and not human...:" he thought out loud to him self before looking at the camera again and letting out a sigh. Whoever kidnapped him were clearly observing them.

Arther looked over at the other man. He couldn't shake the feeling that he knew the guy from somewhere and even felt some strange connection to the guy. A connection he really couldn't explain like something primal in him thought of the guy as family. He tried to reach over to the other guy but his chains kept them apart. He felt as if he should go over and sit near the guy.

He didn't know what to do so he just sat down and waited. After what felt like hours to him during which he really needed to go to the bathroom a door opened. He looked up and saw a man covered in what looked like dog attack armor. Arther spoke out to the guy "what the hell is happening to us here? Let us out! You cant keep us in these cages like this we have rights!" he yelled out. The man looked down at him and scowled. He didn't respond as he put down a plate with two dog food bowls and slid them into the cage through a gap on the floor.

Arther squirmed in his shackles more. "at least take these chains off! I have to use the bathroom."

"Use the bowls when your done with them you mongrel. And stop making such a ruckus and get some rest you will have a full day of testing tomorrow." The man said as he left the room closing the door behind him. A moment later Arther heard a click as the shackles opened up for both him and the other man letting them go.

Arther quickly got to his feet and tried to rattle the cage bars but they were sturdy and wouldn't budge an inch. He let out an other growl but didn't seem to notice it. He looked at the dog food bowls, they were fairly big probably ones meant for huge dogs. They were only half full though. He looked over at the other guy and poured one bowl's food into the other. He then went over to the corner and went to the bathroom in the now empty bowl, blushing as he did so.

After he was finished he shoved the bowl back under the bars as far as he could without spilling it. He then walked over to the other man in the cage and sat down next to him. He looked over and cautiously wrapped an arm around the man's shoulder. He didn't notice before but the man looked to be very skinny, probably malnourished. His clothing was ragged and he had scars and even some recently scabbed wounds on him.

Arther looked into the other guy's eyes "What have they done to you? They hurt you didn't they? Are they performing experiments on us or something?" Arther asked, giving the man some time to answer. After he a bit he realized the man wasn't going to answer. "hm don't want to talk? Can you at least tell me your name?"

"Frank" was all that softly came out his lips. He barely moved still. Arther scooted in closer and wrapped his arms around Frank. "ok frank then, don't worry I we will get out of this place... somehow." He said trying to reassure frank. Arther leaned against him and closing his eyes he wasn't too tired but there wasn't anything else to do but sleep. He started to drift off a bit leaning against the cage.

Arther was having good dream, he was having a good dream. His friend Carlos was giving him a warm wolfy blow job, he loved the feeling of his new cock finally feeling what its like to have actual flesh down there an organ full of nerve endings that scream out in pleasure. The feeling of a hot wide wolf tongue on his member filling his mind with pleasure.

Arther woke up with a moan, he looked down and saw a thing gangly werewolf sucking on his human cock. He looked over to frank but didn't see him, he realized it must have been frank who was apparently a werewolf but unlike the buff strapping werewolves from his pack this one was thin and gangly. It looked like the wolf was starving. The werewolf sucked on his tool with such gusto that Arther couldn't help but let out a feral moan his legs clenching a bit as he humped up into the suckling maw.

The other wolf didn't seem to have much technique with sucking his cock, it wasn't as good as when carlos would suck him off but the wolf did have fever The wolf's tongue lapped at his flesh like licking at a Popsicle during a hot day the warm breath feeling heavenly against his groin. Arther grabbed the wolf's head by the scraggy ears and pulled down humping up into the werewolf's mouth. The wolf gagged a bit on his cock but quickly started to lick and lap at his tool, hungry for Arther's seed.

The werewolf didn't have to wait long as Arther's new cock was very sensitive and he had been working on it a bit before he woke up. Arther let out a feral growl humping up into the wolf's mouth as his balls pulled up to his groin. He came hard, the wolf clamping his lips around Arther's shaft drinking down the cum eagerly and swallowing it. After Arther finished pumping seed into Frank's mouth Frank continued to lap at his tool, cleaning it eagerly.

The door to the cage room opened, a few men wearing the same dog proof clothing walked in and they grunted in disgust "animals!" one of them said taking out what looked like a modified cattle prod. "Get them ready for testing" an other man from the other room ordered out. One of the men pulled out a dart gun and fired it into the werewolf. Frank passed out instantly, his heavy head landing on Arther's groin. Before Arther could react a dart hit him in the neck and he blacked out as well.

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