Its lonely in space ch 2

Story by jepic on SoFurry

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#2 of Its lonely in space

The story continues, a bit more plot is revealed and Jared gets the jump on Garth.

Chapter 2

Garth ran to the helm of the ship, his mind was wracked with all kinds of thoughts, mainly "What in the name of the grand god alabaster did I just do?" He said aloud as he leaned against the pilot's seat. The taste of the human's cum was still all over his mouth. As much as he hated to admit it, he loved the taste. He looked at the computer panel in front of the pilot's seat and turned the swivel chair around and sat down in it.

Garth turned the chair around the face forward and looked out at all the buttons and panels. Everything looked fine to him, of course it did. The ship's AI ran the ship very well and kept things in order. Though Garth was a good pilot and liked to keep things in working order and at least keep some semblance that he was the captain of his ship. Garth kept on working, trying to keep the thoughts of what he had just done out of his head.

Garth had just sucked off a human and a male one at that. The thought kept on pestering him as he typed into the computer console in front of him. The dragon sighed and looked up at the ceiling where the red ball that reminded him of an eye was, the ship's AI could hear and see everything on the ship but was designed to have those red eye's to be a focus point, giving it a more personal feel.

Garth remembered that the ship's AI knew exactly what had happened. He looked back at his computer screen and started to speak. "AI, can you bring up all the video and audio recording files for the med bay for the last 20 minutes?"

A soft female voice responded back as a few files showed up on the dragon's computer screen. "right away sir. Also a reminder sir that the patient in the med ward is waking up again, should I keep him in the room?" The computer had a fake personality but wasn't self-aware or anything. Garth nodded and started to type furiously on the computer as he watched the video the AI had of him giving the human a blow job, he couldn't help but get aroused as he watched it again before he went and edited the video to get rid of the offending actions.

It was against pretty much every rule in the book to have sexual relations with a rescued slave. Usually he would just retrieve the person, keep him under stasis, and bring him back to his planet before the person knew anything. They would just wake up back in their lives and get back to the way things were with only a few flash memories of being abducted by aliens. However slavers had become cleverer recently and mutated the crud out of the human. This sort of thing is very new, while the ship's AI was able to reverse a lot of the mutations his med bay was limited.

The only way he was allowed to bring the human home was if he could bring the guy to the galactic fleet to have his body properly fixed up however the galactic fleet was two months away even at their current faster than light speed. The sector earth was in was way out of the way, and he is the only one who patrolled it. He finished editing the videos so that the next time he was audited by his superiors they wouldn't catch him... hopefully.

Jared woke up with a nice yawn, he felt great. He slept like a log after getting one of the best blow jobs he had ever received. Somewhere in the back of his mind he would have of thought that he would be grossed out by having some alien suck him off, but he was horny, used to it, and for some reason his mind didn't seem to worry. He got up out of his bed and looked around at what reminded him of a hospital room. "Wasn't I on a spaceship?" He said to himself out loud while looking up idly.

"The room has been altered to look more like an earth hospital for your convenience" Said a soothing female voice from out of nowhere. Jared jumped a bit in surprise looking around the empty room before remembering what the dragon had told him. He looked up at the ceiling again and responded.

"Oh, well thanks for remodeling the ship for me. Uhm, I am hungry, is there any way I could get some food?"

The computer responded "The captain had me seal the room. I can patch you through to him if you want."

"That would be great. Could you put me through then?"

"one moment..."

The AI made a few beeping noises before Jared heard the voice of Garth on the intercom. "H-hello? The AI said you wanted to talk to me?"

Jared couldn't help but smile as he heard from the dragon. "Yeah, I am hungry, can I get some food?"

"Oh yeah here, I will give you a light path to the kitchen area, just follow the yellow light band on the floor and it will lead you to the kitchen, and please don't go wondering off. I will meet you there." Jared heard a lot of quick typing before he heard some click as the intercom cut out. A few seconds later Jared saw a yellow band light up the floor and heard the swoosh of the door out opening up.

Jared looked down and realized he was still wearing the dumb hospital gown he was in. Jared looked around the room but seeing as there was nothing else to wear in the room he shrugged and walked to the doorway, and followed the yellow band. The ship was rather colder than he was used to, though that was probably because of the hospital gown he was in. He walked down a few hallways, although all the side doors were shut, Jared was surprised at how big the ship was as it took him five minutes to get to the kitchen.

When he got to the kitchen he was assaulted with the sweet smell of pancakes cooking. Garth, the black dragon he had seen earlier, was at the stove cooking apparently. He was still wearing the same jumpsuit as before though since he was facing away from Jared; all Jared could see of him were his wings and his tapering tail sticking out above the dragon's bum. Jared smiled as he felt his cock shift in his hospital gown. He took a moment to look around the kitchen and it looked like a fancy earth kitchen with a few appliances that he hadn't seen before. Overall he thought it looked like your typical sci-fi space kitchen.

Jared saw the dragon start to turn towards him and feeling a little self-conscious about his forming tent, he quickly sat down at the table in the middle of the room and tucked himself into the table so his waist was hidden. The black dragon turned around and jumped a bit when he saw the human there.

"Oh! I didn't see you there, I made pancakes,. I would have made something from my planet, but I thought you would appreciate having some earth food. Besides you people know how to cook. I love most of your food." Garth admitted, smiling as he put the plate of pancakes down on the table for both of them to eat.

"Thanks! It isn't often that I get a sexy guy making me breakfast, most guys I am with kick me out the door afterward" Jared blushed a bit, his lust crazed mind bringing him back to less pleasant topics. He chastised himself for bringing that sort of thing up, so he tried to quickly change the subject. "This is a big ship, are you the only one here?"

Garth blushed at Jared's earlier comment but stuffed a pancake in his muzzle and smiled as the human changed the subject. "Yeah I am the only one here, I patrol earth's sector and since so few people come out this far even for slave trade. It gets boring here but there is an entertainment center, a pool, a library, and all sorts of things for me to do. Though I do get lonely out here" Garth sighed as he decided he needed to bring up what he did. "Ok, so I gave you a blow job, I think that's what it is called right? It is against all regulations for us to have any form of sexual relationship and even though you are very good looking. I think it best to refrain from any more acts like that. It has been five earth years since I had last had any physical contact with any person let alone another male. Part of your mutations was a musk that you release when you are aroused, it got the best of me but I assure you when I say that this will not happen again."

Jared nodded, he was disappointed that the sexy dragon didn't want to be with him but he understood what the dragon had said. Though he thought he could probably seduce the dragon into sleeping with him he couldn't help but want that dragon's cock up in his bum. He looked down and started eating, he was famished.

After a while of ravenous eating Jared asked "As much as I like this gown are there any clothes I could get?"

"Yeah here let me take your plate and put it in the automatic washer, there are some extra clothes in the wardrobe." Garth took the plates off the table and put them in the sink that started to automatically clean them with little robot arms. "I would usually keep you under stasis before I took you to your planet and place you back into the population but because of the mutations I have to take you back to the fleet to get proper care." They both got up as Garth leaded Jared down a hall through the ship as he continued talking. "I will show you around the ship, but since we will have to live with each other for two months, you should get comfortable. This ship is built for a lot more people than just us two so there are a lot of places for you to hang out in. Anyway here is the wardrobe there should be some clothes here for you to wear just look around."

The wardrobe was basically a huge walk in closet Jared looked around at all the weirdly shaped and fancy looking clothing hanging up around him. "Not much of this is meant for humans is it?"

"No but there should be some stuff that could fit you, if not you could always walk around naked." Garth stopped mid statement blushing at what he had just said. Jared just smirked and looked through the clothes. He wondered into back to the end of the walk in closet, which ended up being a lot deeper than he had expected. Jared took a few minutes picking out some nice looking outfit that looked like it would fit him. He put on the outfit and noted that the pants had a small hole in the back, probably for some alien's tail.

When Jared turned around to look at Garth he noticed that the dragon was fully naked apparently in the middle of changing his clothes. Jared couldn't help it he looked down between the dragon's legs before Garth noticed. The dragon's slim body was coated with black scales that were polished to a shine. Between the dragon's legs was a long tapering red cock poking out of a slit in the dragon's groin. Beneath the cock were two fist sized balls. Jared felt his own cock grow fully erect as he saw the dragon fully naked. He guessed the dragon's cock was a full foot long and two inches thick. At its base there looked like a small knot, it really looked alien to Jared, but he didn't care, something switched in his brain and he had to have that cock, he had to suck it.

Garth noticed Jared staring at him, but before he could do anything Jared had slammed into him, and knocked him down to the floor. Garth grunted as he hit the floor before moaning loudly as he felt something warm and wet lick against his cock. Garth moaned as he lifted his head up and looked at Jared who stared at his cock hungrily. He knew he had to stop Jared but all thoughts of stopping the human were washed away when Jared took Garth's entire long cock into his mouth and clamped his lips around the dragon's knot.

Jared's tongue lapped across the dragon's cock head hungrily, he loved the taste of the dragon's cock and went to work. His throat relaxed reflexively allowing him to take the long cock into his mouth, normally Jared was good at deepthroating, but he had never been able to take anything this long before. He idly thought that it was probably one side effect of his mutations that let him do so, but he didn't care. He closed his lips around the dragon's knot tightly and started to suck on the dragon's member.

Garth couldn't help but moan and squirm all over the floor as Jared expertly sucked him off. He had never thought that another male could make him feel so good like this. As the human started to suck on his cock he felt something in his lower stomach change as he started to pump some fluid into the human's mouth. Jared had thought the dragon had started to cum and started sucking harder swallowing the surprisingly good tasting cum. Jared liked the taste of human cum, but this was much different it reminded him of milk but warmer. Jared was easily able to drink and breathe at the same time, as the Dragon pumped more and more of his load into the human's throat. The flow wouldn't stop and Garth kept on spewing for a full five minutes before the dragon's knot started to swell up a bit. Garth roared out a triumphant roar as his cock spasmed, and shot a more tasty cum shot into Jared's mouth. That's when Garth finally stopped cumming into the human. Jared lifted his head off of the dragon and fell onto the floor next to Garth, breathing heavily. He moved over and snuggled next to the dragon who was lying down in enjoying his great afterglow.

Jared licked the roof of his mouth tasting milk, and looked down at Garth's groin, noticing that the dragon's cock had retracted into its owner's body, leaving just a slit where the dragon's cock used to be. Jared chuckled before leaning his head against Garth's chest noting that the dragon had no nipples before going back to snuggle against the sexy alien.

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