Its Lonely in Space (all chapters + epilogue)

Story by jepic on SoFurry

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#16 of Its lonely in space

All 15 chapters put togeather, plus and epilogue so skip down to the end if you have already read it... In Space!

Its Lonely in Space

by Jepic

Chapter 1

Jared ran down the dark street in the red light district of the city. He looked behind him as he panted heavily, the three thugs were still chasing after him. Jared quickly turned a corner into an alleyway, normally he thought he had a good idea of the layout of the city he worked in so often. Apparently he had missed a few landmarks. He ran into the dark alleyway and ran into a dead end, the ally ending in a brick wall. "Damn it!" He cursed to himself as he turned around to face the three thugs.

"Well lookie here, guess there's no more runnin' away for you eh? We got you right where we want you." The largest thug, said with a sneer on his face as he stepped forward threateningly. "I say we have some fun with the little slut before we bring him to our boss, whatcha think boys?" The other two thugs nodded and grinned devilishly. Jared could see large bulges forming in their pants as they talked about raping him.

This wasn't surprising for Jared to hear, three big guys talk about raping him; in short Jared was a prostitute, a male one at that. He was very successful at his job and would spend all his free time in the gym making himself look more attractive before going out on the streets at night to prostrate himself. He was very popular and had many regular customers. This sort of thing is very common for him, a lot of the top mob bosses and gangsters would offer him to work as their concubines and personal whores. Jared would often turn a lot of straight guys gay, it was a personal joy of his to walk over to some random guy and talk him into doing him. He would often be able to make guys gay for him and only him, the guys he turned would go right back into their lives afterward and go back to being womanizing jerks. The guys he often turned or did business with were usually druggies or your basic bad lot folk like gangsters and muggers.

Jared leaned back against the brick wall as the men advanced on him, his heart racing as he was scared for his life. The thugs belonged to a group that is known this sort of thing, being the main reason Jared didn't want to go to their boss. Jared gulped as the men reached for him, Jared closed his eyes and clenched his bum in fear.

The next thing Jared felt was not the firm grip of the thugs about to rape him but it was the feeling of being lightheaded. He first thought that he had probably died or something thinking the thug had broken his neck. He opened his eyes and looked out, a blue light first blinded his light sensitive eyes, he shut his eyes closed again for a bit before looking down blinking. He gasped and yelled out in fright as he saw the city he knew so well below him. He was floating over the city in the air, being carried weightless by the blue light. He looked back up and the blue light blinded him again and he passed out.


Jared was never sure how much time passed after he passed out. He could only remember a few images of strange looking creatures, what looked like a hospital bed with some lizard with a doctor's mask on. Even though his memory was fuzzy there was always one memory that stuck out to him, undeniable pleasure.

"What are we going to do with him; we cannot return him to earth... you know what the regulations are... Look, I will have to take him to HQ first and I am already running low on sedatives you have to... Well fine! Just don't get mad if this goes horribly wrong... fine I am sorry I got mad it's just... it will be about two months before I can get back to HQ so I will see you then."

Jared heard the conversation his head was fuzzy and he seemed to be coming to like when he came out of surgery. He was in some super comfy bed he squirmed around a bit loving the feeling of the cloth under him. Jared found out he was tied down to the bed. He quickly opened his eyes and struggled against the soft bindings. Jared lifted his head up to look down at his body and saw that he was in what looked like a hospital gown and bed. Had he been nearly killed and taken to the hospital? It looked like that's what happened.

Jared's head started to clear up a bit, usually he would have been freaking out but he didn't feel like he was, must be the drugs they must of put him on. He looked around for a call nurse button but couldn't find anything. Jared figured he was in a hospital so he thought it would have been in bad taste to scream. He felt unusually calm anyway. Jared layed his head back down on the awesome pillow he was sleeping on and looked up at the ceiling. While he was looking at the ceiling he thought something was a bit off.

Jared looked over at the sound of a sliding door opening with a cliché swoosh that reminded him of a spaceship door sliding open from sifi movies. Out of the door to his room a seven foot tall lean looking black dragon walked into the room. The dragon looked humanoid with a draconic muzzle and a small pair of wings on its back and a smooth tapered tail sticking out of the dragon's jumpsuit. The dragon was dressed up in a skin tight space jumpsuit that looked like it belonged on a spaceship. Jared remembered that he would normally be freaked out by an anthropomorphic dragon walking into a room where he was tied down but instead he noticed that he was getting a stiffy in his hospital gown that was starting to stick up lewdly.

The Dragon was looking down at what looked like an ipad looking at it like a doctor would a chart. The dragon muttered something to himself in some language that sounded sort of like Russian but more guttural. The dragon looked up at Jared and gasped a bit seeing that Jared was awake. The Dragon's gaze looked down to the erection Jared was sporting and he could swear that the dragon started to blush. The dragon started to stutter a bit as he looked embarrassed before talking to Jared.

"I-I s-see you are a-awake, please try not to struggle or uhm... be scared I am not going to hurt you or eat you. My name is Gartharzan, but you should call me Garth" Garth, the dragon took a deep breath before continuing as he regained his composure. "You must have a lot of questions and are probably wondering where you are." Jared looked blankly at Garth as he spoke just taking things in. "I should probably start from the beginning, I work for the intergalactic police, we go through the universe and make sure people fallow the laws set by the united universe. You were kidnapped off your planet by a group of slavers. They took you and well..." Garth trailed off as he blushed again and continued talking like most people do when they are nervous. "They used you as a sex slave. They even mutated you so they could get you past checkpoints and so you could well service them better. You were in a much worse state when we found you. The ships computer here fixed a lot of the mutations but you will likely experience a lot of lasting after effects. I have to take you back to HQ at the galactic fleet but the flight will take us about two months. I am the only person on the ship other than you and the computer's AI. You can talk to her any time you want by speaking towards the ceiling she is advanced enough to know when you are talking to her or not. Uhm... do you have any questions?"

Jared put his head back on the pillow as he digested this information and looked back up at Garth who was once again staring at the human's erection blushing, the dragon's cheeks on his muzzle turning a dark pink under his black scales. Jared had a lot of questions for the dragon but the biggest and first one that came to his mind was. "How do you know English?" The dragon looked up from Jared's erection and then chuckled at the question.

"Oh that's simple, I usually patrol around the sector earth belongs to, the ship's AI came up with a translation to your language and I learned it. Most agents usually use a translator device but they can get annoying and well I have a lot of free time, most people don't bother with earth, and space can get lonely I mean, uhm boring." Garth blushed again.

Jared smiled a bit thinking that the dragon was adorably cute with how nervous he was getting. He wondered if it was part of the mutations he was told about but he thought Garth looked adorably cute especially in the skintight jumpsuit the dragon was sporting. "Well can you let me out of these bindings? Its rather uncomfortable."

Garth jumped a little looking flustered catching himself staring at the tent in Jared's hospital gown. "o-oh right! Here let me undo these for you". Garth undid the bindings on Jared's hands and feet and reached for the binding on Jared's waist speaking as he did so. "Sorry for these, the ship's AI said they would be good for if you wake up and start shouting and going frantic, don't need you running about making a mess of things." Garth rambled on a bit still blushing as his hand, witch Jared saw was clawed though they looked to be dull, Garth's hand accidentally brushed Jared's cock as he was undoing the waist wrap. Jared moaned loudly as he felt a spark of pleasure shoot up his spine. Jared's cock felt super sensitive for some reason and now that he could sit up he could see that it was a lot bigger and thicker than before.

Garth blushed as he touched Jared's erect cock and stammered "s-sorry it's just... so big..." Garth blushed more as he took a huge whiff of the air in the room. Jared took a sniff too and smelled something within the sterilized smell of the room. Jared smelt musk, heavy musk that smelt amazing and smelled vaguely like his own. He could see that it had a big effect on Garth who was practically drooling as he looked at Jared's erection his hand half reaching for it.

"As part of your medical checkup I should see if you have any swelling anywhere." Garth stammered a bit as he lifted up the hospital gown. Jared smirked thinking that this was his normal charm he had on people. And as he thought about it he was unsure of what gender the dragon was, if dragons had human similar genders. But those thoughts soon washed away as the dragon gripped his mushroom head between two claws. The human's uncut cock flexed and a glob of pre oozed out of his erect penis.

Jared was far too aroused to be grossed out about being abused by an alien or like this. Also his job got him used to this sort of thing and he took the treatment in stride. Garth stared intently at Jared's cock before looking up at Jared "May I?" The question surprised the human, no one had actually asked him that before, most people assumed he was ok with being groped sucked fucked and touched. The shock of how polite the dragon was and because he was incredibly horny and aroused made Jared nod.

Garth blushed very deeply and grabbed Jared's cock in his hand, Jared guessed his cock had grown to eight inches long and three inches thick. Jared moaned heavily again as more pleasure shot up his spine. Garth jerked his hand up and down Jared's cock making Jared spurt out more precum. Garth's huge tapering tongue lolled out of his mouth and licked at the drooling cock. Jared squirmed as the dragon started to lick at his cock head Garth pushed more of his tongue out of his mouth the long wet organ reaching about a foot and a half out of his mouth and started to wrap it around Jared's super sensitive shaft. Jared moaned loudly as he bucked his hips against the tongue moaning happily with a dumb grin on his face. Garth lowered his head down pulling the human's shaft into his mouth keeping his tongue wrapped around it.

Because the dragon had a muzzle he was able to easily fit the big cock in his mouth as he sucked on it fiercely. A part of Jared's lust addled mind took into context as to what was happening. He was in some spaceship after having been kidnapped from earth having his cock witch was now much bigger and super sensitive being sucked on by some intergalactic dragon. His cock being super sensitive and receiving a particularly amazing blow job by a muzzle couldn't take much more and he felt some cool liquid drip out of his clenched bum as his cock exploded into the dragon's mouth. As he orgasmed Jared yelled out as he cummed into the dragon's mouth. His orgasm lasted a full minute as he shot out burst after burst of cum into Garth's mouth. Garth drank the cum down eagerly able to keep all of it in his mouth. He let his mouth off Jared's cock and lapped at his mouth like he had just had an exceptionally good meal. He blinked and looked at Jared who had fallen back in the bed smiling contently. Garth blushed horridly embarrassed and shuddered something before standing all the way up and turning to go out of the room quickly. The last thing Jared saw as he basked in the afterglow of a massive orgasm was Garth's jumpsuit tenting upwards in the dragon's groin or where his groin would be for a human. Jared chuckled and pulled down his gown and pulled up his blanket to take a nice aftersex nap.

Chapter 2

Garth ran to the helm of the ship, his mind was wracked with all kinds of thoughts, mainly "What in the name of the grand god alabaster did I just do?" He said aloud as he leaned against the pilot's seat. The taste of the human's cum still all over his mouth. As much as he hated to admit it he loved the taste. He looked at the computer panel in front of the pilot's seat and turned the swivel chair around and sat down in it.

Garth turned the chair around the face forward and looked out at all the buttons and panels. Everything looked fine to him, of course it did. The ship's AI ran the ship very well and kept things in order. Though Garth was a good pilot and liked to keep things in working order and at least keep the semblance that he was the captain of his ship. Garth kept on doing work trying to keep the thoughts of what he had just done out of his head.

Garth had just sucked off a human and a male one at that. The thought kept on pestering him as he typed into the computer console in front of him. The dragon sighed and looked up at the ceiling where the red ball that reminded him of an eye was, the ship's AI could hear and see everything on the ship but was designed to have those red eye's to be a focus point for it to give it a more personal feel.

Garth remembered that the ship's AI knew exactly what had happened. He looked back at his computer screen and started to speak. "AI, can you bring up all the video and audio recording files for the med bay for the last 20 minutes?"

A soft female voice responded back as a few files showed up on the dragon's computer screen. "right away sir. Also a reminder sir that the patient in the med ward is waking up again, should I keep him in the room?" The computer had a fake personality but wasn't self-aware or anything. Garth nodded and started to type furiously on the computer as he watched the video the AI had of him giving the human the blow job, he couldn't help but get aroused as he watched it again before he went and edited the video to get rid of the offending actions.

It was against pretty much every rule in the book to have sexual relations with a rescued slave. Usually he would just retrieve the person, keep him under stasis, and bring him back to his planet before the person knew anything. They would just wake up back in their lives and get back to the way things were with only a few flash memories of being abducted by aliens. However slavers had become cleverer recently and mutated the crud out of the human. This sort of thing is very new, while the ship's AI was able to reverse a lot of the mutations his med bay was limited.

The only way he was allowed to bring the human home was if he could bring the guy to the galactic fleet to have his body properly fixed up however the galactic fleet was two months away even at their current faster than light speed. The sector earth was in was way out of the way and he is the only one who patrol's it. He finished editing the video's so that when he was next audited by his superiors they wouldn't catch him... hopefully.

Jared woke up with a nice yawn, he felt great. He slept like a log after getting one of the best blow jobs he had ever received. Somewhere in the back of his head he would of thought he would be grossed out by having some alien suck him off but he was horny, used to it, and for some reason his mind didn't seem to worry. He got up out of his bed and looked around at what reminded him of a hospital room. "Wasn't I on a spaceship?" He said to himself out loud while looking up idly.

"The room has been altered to look more like an earth hospital for your convenience" Said a soothing female voice from out of nowhere. Jared jumped a bit in surprise looking around the empty room before remembering what the dragon had told him. He looked up at the ceiling again and responded.

"Oh, well thanks for remolding the ship for me. Uhm I am hungry is there any way I could get some food?"

The computer responded "The captain had me seal the room I can patch you through to him if you want."

"That would be great could you put me through then?"

"one moment..."

The AI made a few beeping noises before Jared heard the voice of Garth on the overcome. "H-hello? The AI said you wanted to talk to me?"

Jared couldn't help but smile as he heard from the dragon. "Yeah I am hungry can I get some food?"

"Oh yeah here I will give you a light path to the kitchen area just fallow the yellow light band on the floor and it will lead you to the kitchen, and please don't go wondering off I will meet you there." Jared heard a lot of quick typing before he heard some click as the intercom cut out. A few seconds later Jared saw a yellow band light up the floor and the swoosh of the door out opening up.

Jared looked down and realized he was still wearing the dumb hospital gown he was in. Jared looked around the room but seeing as there was nothing to wear in the room he shrugged and walked to the doorway to fallow the yellow band. The ship was rather colder than he was used to, though that was probably because of the hospital gown he was in. He walked down a few hallways though all the side doors were shut Jared was surprised at how big the ship was as it took him five minutes to get to the kitchen.

When he got to the kitchen he was assaulted with the sweet smell of pancakes cooking. Garth the black dragon he had seen earlier was at the stove cooking apparently. He was still wearing the same jumpsuit as before though since he was facing away from Jared all Jared could see of him were his wings and his tapering tail sticking above the dragon's bum. Jared smiled as he felt his cock shift in his hospital gown. He took a moment to look around the kitchen and it looked like a fancy earth kitchen with a few appliances that he hadn't seen before. Overall he thought it looked like your typical si fi space kitchen.

Jared saw the dragon start to turn towards him and feeling a little self-conscious about his forming tent he quickly sat down at the table in the middle of the room and tucked himself into the table so his waist was hidden. The black dragon turned around and jumped a bit when he saw the human there.

"Oh! I didn't see you there, I made pancakes, I would of made something from my planet, but I thought you would appreciate having some earth food. besides you people know how to cook. I love most of your food." Garth admitted smiling as he put the plate of pancakes down on the table for both of them to eat.

"Thanks! It isn't often that I get a sexy guy making me breakfast, most guys I am with kick me out the door afterward" Jared blushed a bit, his lust crazed mind bringing him back to less pleasant topics. He chastised himself for bringing that sort of thing up so he tried to quickly change the subject. "This is a big ship, are you the only one here?"

Garth blushed at Jared's earlier comment but stuffed a pancake in his muzzle and smiled as the human changed the subject. "Yeah I am the only one here, I patrol earth's sector and since so few people come out this far even for slave trade. It gets boring here but there is an entertainment center, a pool, a library, all sorts of things for me to do. Though I do get lonely out here" Garth sighed as he decided he needed to bring up what he did. "Ok so I gave you a blow job, I think that's what it is called right? It is against all regulations for us to have any form of sexual relationship and even though you are very good looking I think it best to refrain from any more acts like that. It has five earth years since I had last since had any physical contact with any person let alone another male and part of your mutations was a musk that you release when you are aroused, it got the best of me but I assure you when I say that this will not happen again."

Jared nodded, he was disappointed that the sexy dragon didn't want to be with him but he understood what the dragon had said. Though he thought he could probably seduce the dragon into sleeping with him he couldn't help but want that dragon's cock up in his bum. He looked down and started eating, he was famished.

After a while of furious eating Jared asked "As much as I like this gown are there any clothes I could get?"

"Yeah here let me take your plate and put it in the automatic washer there are some extra clothes in the wardrobe." Garth took the plates off the table and put them in the sink that started to automatically clean them with little robot arms. "I would usually keep you under stasis before I took you to your planet and place you back into the population but because of the mutations I have to take you back to the fleet to get proper care." They both got up as Garth leaded Jared down a hall through the ship as he continued talking. "I will show you around the ship but since we will have to live with each other for two months you should get comfortable. This ship is built for a lot more people than just us two so there are a lot of places for you to hang out in. Anyway here is the wardrobe there should be some clothes here for you to wear just look around."

The wardrobe was basically a huge walk in closet Jared looked around at all the weirdly shaped and fancy looking clothing hanging up around him. "Not much of this is meant for humans is it?"

"No but there should be some stuff that could fit you, if not you could always walk around naked." Garth stopped mid statement blushing at what he had just said. Jared just smirked and looked through the clothes. He wondered into the end of the walk in closet witch ended up being a lot deeper than he had expected. Jared took a few minutes picking out some nice looking outfit that looked like it would fit him. He put on the outfit and noted that the pants had a small hole in the back probably for some alien's tail.

When Jared turned around to look at Garth he noticed that the dragon was fully naked apparently in the middle of changing his clothes. Jared couldn't help it he looked down between the dragon's legs before Garth noticed. The dragon's slim body was coated with black scales that were polished to a shine. Between the dragon's legs was a long tapering red cock poking out of a slit in the dragon's groin. Beneath the cock were two fist sized balls. Jared felt his own cock grow fully erect as he saw the dragon fully naked. He guessed the dragon's cock was a full foot long and two inches thick. At its base there looked like a small knot, it really looked alien to Jared but he didn't care, something switched in his brain and he had to have that cock, he had to suck it.

Garth noticed Jared staring at him and before he could do anything Jared had slammed into him and knocked him down to the floor. Garth grunted as he hit the floor before moaning loudly as he felt something warm and wet lick against his cock. Garth moaned as he lifted his head up and looked at Jared who stared at his cock hungrily. He knew he had to stop Jared but all thoughts of stopping the human washed away when Jared took Garth's entire long cock into his mouth and clamped his lips around the dragon's knot.

Jared's tongue lapped across the dragon's cock head hungrily he loved the taste of the dragon's cock and went to work. His throat relaxed reflexively allowing him to take the long cock into his mouth, normally Jared was good at deepthroating but he had never been able to take anything this long before. He idly thought that it was probably one side effect of his mutation that let him do so, but he didn't care. He closed his lips around the dragon's knot tightly and started to suck on the dragon's member.

Garth couldn't help but moan and squirm all over the floor as Jared expertly sucked him off. He had never thought that another male could make him feel so good like this. As the human started to suck on his cock he felt something in his lower stomach change as he started to pump some fluid into the human's mouth. Jared had thought the dragon had started to cum and started sucking harder swallowing the surprisingly good tasting cum. Jared liked the taste of man cum but this was much different it reminded him of milk but warmer. Jared was easily able to drink and breath at the same time as the Dragon pumped more and more into the human's throat. The flow wouldn't stop and Garth kept on spewing for a full five minutes before the dragon's knot started to swell up a bit. Garth roared out a triumphant roar as his cock spasmed and shot a more cum tasting shot into Jared's mouth. That's finally when Garth stopped cumming into the human. Jared lifted his head off of the dragon and fell onto the floor next to garth, breathing heavily. He moved over and snuggled next to the dragon who was laying down in his great afterglow.

Jared licked the roof of his mouth tasting milk and looked down at Garth's groin and noticed the dragon's cock had retracted into its owner's body leaving just a slit where the dragon's cock used to be. Jared chuckled before leaning his head against Garth's chest noting that the dragon had no nipples before going back to snuggle against the sexy alien.

Chapter 3

Jacob gently rubbed the tummy of Garth as he rolled over on top of the dragon and started to kiss the alien's muzzle. Garth pushed back for a moment but gave in letting the human kiss at his lips. Garth made a purring like sound and he gave into the kissing the adept human pushed his tongue into the dragon's muzzle. Garth wrapped his tongue around the human's shorter one. Most of the dragon's long tongue stays retracted in his mouth so not all one and a half feet of Garth's organ was being used in the kissing.

Garth broke away from the kiss and took a deep breath through his nose, about to protest to doing anything else with the human but his mind was quickly clouded with the potent musk Jared was giving out and his slitted green eyes fogged over a bit in a lusty daze. The dragon couldn't help it he had to have sex with something and lo and behold there just so happened to be a something on top of him looking deeply into his eyes.

Garth pushed the human off him making Jared yelp in surprise then giggle at the rough treatment as Garth picked him up, threw him over his shoulder and walked out of the room with him. Jared giggled as he carried off by the alien, he usually liked sex when it was slow and loving but he couldn't deny that he didn't like being carried away like someone's trophy, it's part of why he got into the job of whoring himself out.

Jared couldn't see where the two of them were going but he heard the familiar whoosh of doors opening as he was carried along hallways and into some room. The next thing he knew he was tossed onto some bed so he was lying on his back. Jared could feel his bum hole twitching as he anticipated being taken by the lithe dragon looming over him.

Garth got on the bed and straddled over Jared's waist as he slowly reached his claws under the human's new shirt as he ran his claws slowly up the human's slightly bulging tummy (not because Jared had any fat but because of all the cum he had recently drank) as he ran his hands up the human's stomach he would pull up Jared's shirt. Jared moaned as the gentle caresses of the dragons claws felt amazing on his body the dragon taking time to get to know his body instead of just using it like those Jared usually was with. Garth pulled the shirt over the human's head and threw the shirt off the bed.

Garth looked at Jared's nipples quizzically before asking "What are these?" He took both of them in between his claws and pinched them. Jared let out a huge moan as his nipples were pinched. He writhed in the bed as Garth smirked and twisted them around smiling at how sensitive the human was there.

Jared couldn't answer the question cause he felt his cock in his pants poking up against Garth's groin. Garth just grinned and layed down on top of Jared and pulled the human into a deep and passionate kiss. While he had the human's mouth occupied he snuck his claws down to the man's pants and undid them and pulled them down. Garth tossed the pants off the side of the bed and gripped Jared's bulging cock. The human moaned loudly as his cock started to drool out a steady stream of precum. Garth couldn't take his eyes off the clearly potent tool, wanting to do nothing more than have that cock up inside him.

Garth lifted himself up, ready to ride that cock. He had never had someone inside him before and never imagined he would be so eager to impale himself on a male's cock let alone a human one that he had just met. Humans were considered animals in the galactic community and this sort of action was basic bestiality to most people. Garth was never gay or thought of himself as such. It might of just be because he hasn't been laid in over five years or the pheromones being put off by the sexy human but he felt the need to be filled and touched.

Garth pointed Jared's cock towards his slit, the dragon's cock still retracted in his slit and lowered his groin onto Jared's cock. Garth gasped out as Jared's cock pressed against his slit he lowered his body slowly onto Jared's cock as he purred and moaned out in pleasure. Jared moaned and bucked his hips upward into the squishy slick but tight depths of the dragon's slit.

Garth purred and moaned as he was penetrated he pressed himself entirely down onto the human's eight inch cock. The dragon could feel the thick cock in his inner folds stretching his slit wide open as it rubbed sensually against his own cock. Garth could feel his cock wanting to extend out of his body but the feeling of being so filled felt too good to let it end so he clenched his inner muscles keeping himself retracted.

Jared lay there as he let the two of them get used to the unusual feeling of the situation they were in. Jared loved the feeling of the hard piece of insides his cock was grinding against. It took Jared a little while to realize that his cock was rubbing against Garth's own cock. The very thought sent him over the edge. Jared moaned as he cummed heavily into the inner folds of Garth's slit. Jared's cock shot out shoot after shoot of cum into the dragon as his cum backflowed out of the dragon's slit as it had nowhere else to go.

Garth felt warmth flow into his groin and around his cock. He was in bliss and wanted more. So he started to ride on the human's cock quickly rising and lowering his self on the human. He had had sex before, not often but this felt much better than having his cock up inside some female dragon. Something about the human's cum made his insides warm and extra sensitive.

Garth kept on riding Jared's cock purring the whole time as the two stared into each others eyes with a depth that made them feel like they were in love. The two were connected in such a way that the felt closer to each other than they had with anyone else. The two of them started at it again and Jared thrusted into Garth's slit even harder.

Garth couldn't help his self, he wanted to hold back to make this last as long as he could but the smells of sex and the feeling of being so full and having the human's thick shaft rubbing against his inside his slit made him go over the edge. Gripping the edge of the bed Garth arched his back and looked at the wall the bed was against and roared in mating pleasure as his cock exploded against the one in his slit spewing more backflow from his overflow slit. The pressure and clamping down on his super sensitive cock hit him over the edge making the human cum once more into the dragon.

They bold came down from their sexual high as Garth layed down next to Jared, the two of then still entwined until Garth lost control on keeping his cock inside his body and it slid out of his slit forcing Jared's cock out. The two of them layed there snuggling each other as they both fell asleep from the exhaustion hugging each other and snuggling.

Above the happy couple right above the doorway a red ball watched the two as they slept together. The ship's AI went back to idly observing the rest of the ships operations now that the two's heart rates had been reduced to much more normal levels.

Chapter 4

Flashes of pain, flashes of pleasure, flashes of having every inch of his body impaled somehow by some alien ran through Jared's mind as he slept. The nightmares were terrifying as flashes of memory of being a slave ran through his mind. Jared tossed and turned in the bed before waking up with a gasp.

Jared looked over at his dragon lover who was cuddling him close to his body. The dragon's tail was wrapped around his leg and his wings were wrapped around his chest protectively. Jared had woken up scared and shivering but just feeling the dragon being so protective with him while they were sleeping made Jared feel warm and comfortable and happy. Even though the two of them had just met Jared couldn't help but have some feelings for the dragon.

This idea was alien to the human (excuse the pun) Jared would have sex with people all the time and would feel nothing, well other than awesome pleasure and satisfaction. But the guys he would normally get with wouldn't ever spend the night with him. And the very few that actually would wouldn't snuggle with him the whole night and make him feel safe. Though as he thought in the bed that was probably because the guys he would normally do were just thugs and jerks.

Jared traced his fingers along Garth's wings that were wrapped around his chest, feeling the membrane that made up the wingspan. As he felt the dragon's wings the dragon giggled and rolled over letting go of Jared as he was tickled. Jared grinned at the dragon before slipping out of the bed. He had got a lot of rest recently and after all the recent napping and cuddling he felt like going for a walk.

Jared got up out of the bed and found his outfit he had picked out earlier, which consisted of just a t-shirt that didn't show off his body like he wanted and a baggy pair of pants. He put the clothes on just out of habit and walked out of the room. The door opening and closing soundlessly without the usual swoosh. He wasn't hungry, especially after all that cum he had drank earlier, witch left him oddly full. Having free time while the dragon slept Jared just figured he should get some exercise.

Jared looked up at the ceiling of the ship and spoke up to the computer AI. "Could you please give me a path to the gym?" The floor lit up with a blue path of light that lead down the hallway.

"Path granted." Stated the soft female voice of the computer's AI. Jared smiled and fallowed the path set out before him. 'This ship is huge it must have been some kind of cruise ship or something, il have to ask Garth about it when he wakes up.' After a half hour of walking, including an elevator and some stairs Jared walked into the gym. Many of the machines looked similar like things he would find in a normal earth gym but a lot of other ones looked very odd and strange. Jared figured he shouldn't touch those so he wouldn't get hurt.

Even though Jared worked out quite a bit he never really was able to gain much muscle mass, though he wasn't going for a body builder type build. He would mainly do cardio and would keep his self in shape. The cardio helped him especially in keeping up in bed while being with multiple partners.

Jared couldn't help but get aroused as he was working out but decided to keep himself from jerking off, especially since he knew there was a dragon probably just waiting to jump on him again. Jared ended up spending a few hours working out before getting a bit bored.

Jared put the weights and things away where he found them and looked up at the ceiling and asked the ship's AI "Can you give me a path to an entertainment center? Like some place with a TV or something?"

"Path granted" Said the female voice of the ship's AI as a blue band of light lighted up a path on the floor for the human to fallow. Jared walked along the path walking a bit slower from before due to his muscles being weak from the workout. His T-shirt he was wearing had a huge sweat stain on it and his pants had a wet damp patch in his crotch, working out had gotten him worked up and he had been dripping pre a lot into his pants.

As he was walking along the path cut off and changed direction turning yellow. Jared looked up at the ceiling but not getting information from the AI he just shrugged and fallowed the path. After a few more minutes of walking he found his self in a well decorated room it looked like someone actually lived here unlike the other one that looked like an empty hotel room.

Jared saw a futuristic TV in the room and sat down looking for some remote but couldn't find anything that looked like it. He shrugged and saw a bathroom, seeing that he and his clothes were filthy he took a look inside the bathroom and saw a fancy looking shower in it. The shower had multiple shower heads looking things that were apparently floating in the air unattached to the walls.

Jared took off his clothes, used the toilet and stepped into the large shower. As Jared stepped in and closed the glass door behind him the shower heads started to get to work on their own spraying out water at the perfect temperature and sometimes spraying some kind of soap. While in the shower Jared heard the swoosh of the door to the bathroom open and squealed as the well programmed response of holding his groin when someone snuck into the bathroom while you were naked took over.

Jared saw Garth walk into the bathroom and relaxed. "Oh there you are, sorry I fell asleep it has been a long day for me. I see that you are already getting showered. Mind if I join you?" Garth asked as he started to take off his jumpsuit and started to walk into the shower. Before Jared could answer the dragon was in the shower with him. The high tech shower heads maneuvered themselves to wash the both of them.

Garth took the time while getting clean with Jared in the same shower to discuss them. "Ok, I know I said that we wouldn't do anything else like having sex anymore then I go and drag you to a bedroom and ride you so I think we should discuss us."

Jared blushed a bit, he always hated these talks he would much rather just leave the guy then get into any form of relationship. "Well what should we discuss? You said that it is against your regulations or something for us to have sex together but frankly you are a very sexy beast and I don't know why but I can't help myself around you. Even now look I am already super hard and dripping pre just being near you." Jared said as his cock was super hard dripping pre as he said.

Garth blushed and smiled at being called a sexy beast. "Yes it is against regulations but I want to be with you anyway. I put a program into the computer's AI to make it so that it won't record any of our sex anymore. I want to be with you so I will try to make this work between us if you want to." Garth looked down at Jared's erection, his own pointy dragon cock poking out of his slit just a bit. "And from the looks of it you do want to."

Jared smiled as Garth moved into kiss him. Jared put a single finger on Garth's muzzle stopping him from getting too close. "I would love to try to be with you, you're amazing and really sexy. But first I want to know if you are really sure about this, you could end up messing up your entire life from what I understand so think about it really." Jared said, knowing full well this little act was part of his charm in getting guys to fall for him.

Garth smiled and grabbed Jared's wrist to move his hand away. Garth leaned in for the kiss, the human was adorable to the dragon and he couldn't resist him anymore. Jared moaned as they locked lips and their tongues intertwined. Jared squealed as Garth's tail poked at his bum hole and moaned as it pushed up inside him. Jared was feeling thirsty again especially after his workout and all this teasing made him want more of that dragon's cum inside him.

Jared broke the sensual kiss and rubbed his hands along the Dragon's underbelly kneeling down to reach the dragon's slowly protruding cock. Jared licked at the dragon's cock head and all the way up Garth's slit making the dragon moan and his cock shoot out fully coming out of his slit. Jared wrapped his tongue around the dragon's cock and moaned around the dragon's cock as Garth moved his tail to wrap around the human's erect dripping cock.

Jared wrapped his lips around the Dragon's forming knot and started sucking on it hard. The instant he started sucking Garth moaned and pressed his hands against one of the walls leaning on it as his cock spammed and started to shoot out milky cum into the human's mouth.

Jared moaned as he tasted the milky cum and smiled happily and started to suck down. The dragon kept on cumming for three minutes with the human suckling on his cock. Jared started to moan loudly as the dragon squeezed his cock hard and made Jared cum. The human spewed ropes of cum onto the floor his orgasm hitting him extra hard. Jared took his mouth off the dragon's cock as he took a few breaths, he was able to breathe through his nose but his orgasm took the breath out of him. He kept one of his hands stroking the dragon's shaft as it still spewed the milky cum into the shower. Jared chuckled and smiled to him self thinking how lucky he was to be with such a virile male. He looked up at Garth who was panting heavily with a stupid smile plastered on his face, his tongue lolling out of his mouth.

"Why do you cum so much when I suck you off? You didn't cum as much when we had sex." Asked Jared while catching his breath.

Garth pulled his long tongue into his mouth before answering. "Males of my species are the ones that provide milk to our young after they hatch, when you suck me off it triggers my body to produce milk I'm not cumming right now I'm shooting out milk."

Jared raised an eyebrow and licked his lips, it did taste like milk, but it was still awesome and sexy to continue doing so he just shrugged and wrapped his mouth over Garth's cock and started to suck on it again drinking down the milk Garth was producing. Jared continued drinking down the cum reminding Garth of how he would drink milk from his father when he was a young dragonling. Garth never knew why his father loved feeding time so much but now he knew, this felt amazing. Garth smiled down at his little dragonling who was drinking down his milk like a good little boy.

These thoughts shot down to his cock making it spasm and him moan as he actually cummed into Jared's mouth making his flow of milk stop. Jared drank down the cum eagerly, his stomach distended a bit as he had drunk so much, when he tasted actual cum in his mouth he stopped his suckling and smiled up at Garth. "All out?" He asked. Garth nodded so Jared stood up and let the shower clean them both off again a bit before stepping out of the shower.

Garth looked at Jared and smiled "Lets get dressed and I will show you around some parts of the ship ok?"

Jared smiled back and gave Garth a peck on the lips and answered "Il be happy going anywhere hun."

Chapter 5

Here is yet another chapter, there is a neat surprise for Jared in the end. Jared shows some more personality and Garth tells Jared more about his people. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Please comment, I love to know if I am doing good or not or juts would like to hear from you folk. Happy Reading!

Jared and Garth got out of the shower and huge burst of air shot down out of the ceiling to dry them off quickly with surgical precision. Jared chuckled at the blow dryer. Garth grabs Jared's hand in his own and leads the human to the bedroom. The dragon lounges on the couch and turns on the high tech TV to some earth channel.

"You would be amazed at the reception we get on this thing. I figured you would appreciate some earth TV." Garth said as he patted the bed for Jared to join him. Jared smiled and snuggled up next to the dragon.

"So how come this ship is so huge? It couldn't possibly be meant for one person." Jared asked Garth as the dragon wrapped his wings around the human's chest.

"Well this ship was originally designed to be what you would call a cruise liner, it would take people on luxury trips across the galaxy to unique and exotic places. But the Galactic police ended up impounding it because it was being used as a sex slave ship. That's why the ship's med bay was able to reverse most of your mutations. The police repurposed it after it was taken and now I use it to monitor the sector earth is in. Though that also means there are a few places on the bottom of the ship that are rather... kinky" Garth blushes as he explains to Jared.

"Oh? I wouldn't mind checking those out with you at some point." Jared responded. He giggled as Garth snuck his tail between Jared's bum cheeks playfully. "Hay there frisky boy, let's just lay down and watch some movie or something first ok hun? I know your apparently a horn dog, dragon heh but I think we should try doing some things that couples do ok?"

Garth frowned before nodding. "Sorry, you just smell sooo good, and when a member of my species wants to claim a mate they usually just try to wrap their tails together, if the female accepts the male's offer then they go mate with each other. Due to low birth rates among my people we tend to be a bit more open with sexual partners. Females tend to rule over our society because males have to take care of the young. Gay relationships tend to be very taboo amongst our society because people want to promote having more young.

Though as you can tell we can get pretty frisky and horny. You should feel lucky, I wouldn't of even thought of being with another male let alone a human one before I met you." Garth reached around and groped Jared's balls, even though they had had sex multiple times in the last few hours he was really frisky and the musk the human was giving off was driving him absolutely crazy.

Jared squirmed as he was groped and turned to face the dragon. "Look, as much as I want to lay with you and have your huge cock up my ass I would much rather wait a bit, perhaps you could show me around the ship or something? Let's wait till later tonight and I will let you pound me raw ok?"

Garth smirked at the proposition and sat up. "Well a guy can hardly resist a proposition like that can he?" Garth got up off the bed and motioned for Jared to fallow him about. The two of them wondered about the ship as Garth showed his human mate various parts of the ship. As the two of them walked about Jared asked "Does the ship have a name? or the ship's AI?"

Garth thought about it a moment before answering. "The ship's name roughly translated is the queen's rest cruise liner. The AI doesn't have a name, we installed a new one when we took over this ship for me to use. I never decided to name it, my people are not super into naming things like you guys are."

Jared smirked then decided he should name the ship's AI. "Well then I will call her sally."

"Why sally?"

"Because sally is a nice name, and because she sounds female."

"Huh never thought of the AI as a she before, she does have an effemenent voice but its just a computer."

"Well I like sally" Jared said as he strode forward shaking his bum back and forth teasing the dragon.

"Well fine, sally it is. Computer, you will now respond to Sally ok?"

"Confirmed, new designation name is Sally" Said the ever present computer AI.

After spending some time playing around with some of the entertainment of the ship, Garth leaving Jared to have fun so Garth can go back to the cockpit (pun) to work on some of the ship's stuff. It wasn't until late that night, Jared had figured out how tell time in the ship with Sally's help, that a yellow band of light lit up on the floor from the room he was in. Jared figured that he was supposed to fallow it.

Jared walked through the ship and found himself at the fancy room he and Garth were in earlier. When the door opened as Jared walked close to it Jared gasped at the sight he saw inside. There was the sexy beast he had come to start to have feelings for, sprawled out on the bed on his side his legs open seductively showing off the dragon's twelve inch long cock. Surrounding the dragon were red flower petals in the shape of a heart. Garth had put up another set of pillows on his bed and on the new set of pillows Garth had written out the name Jared in the flower petals practically inviting Jared to sleep in the same bed with him with just that act. On the floor two lines of petals made up a path strait to the bed just for Jared to walk to.

Jared couldn't believe his eyes, nothing like this had ever been done for him before. Jared started to cry and fall to his knees, the very act of Garth being so romantic with their relationship made Jared weep. Seeing Jared crying Garth gasped and jumped off the bed and ran across the large room to hug Jared, wrapping his wings around the sobbing human. "What's wrong? I thought humans liked doing this sort of thing?" Garth asked as he tried to comfort Jared who couldn't stop his self from crying.

Jared in response pressed his lips against Garth's muzzle pressing against the dragon as he was flooded with emotions. The kiss was the most passionate one that both men had ever experienced. Jared doing everything he knew to make it more passionate and sensual. He sucked on the dragon's long tongue playing with it in his mouth pressing his lips against the muzzle of his lover. Jared pushed Garth onto the dragon's back straddling the pointy dragonhood of Garth's with his bum pressing the cock head against his hole.

Jared felt so much love from the act that he couldn't help his self he wanted to ride that huge dragon cock and make his partner so happy. Jared pressed his bum onto the large cock of his lover and moaned out as pleasure shot up his spine. He liked to be topped quite a bit but never before had being penetrated felt so amazing to Jared. His insides were pressed open like rubber as the long cock penetrated him deeply, the knot at the base of the dragon's cock pressing up against his bum.

Garth humped into Jared moaning as he was ridden the human's insides were so tight and clamped around his cock perfectly like his ass was built just for him. Garth humped against his human lover quickly and hard trying to push his growing knot into the man. Jared moaned out and grabbed ahold of Garth, he was having trouble keeping his body under control so he just held on to Garth for dear life.

Garth pressed down on Jared's shoulders as he humped up, forcing his knot into the human making both of them yell out in pleasure. Garth rolled the two of them over, positioning their entwined body's so he could hump into the human easier. Jared moaned out feeling the knot of the dragon's cock press against his prostate, his own cock being sandwiched between the two of them spewed precum soaking their lower belly's in his cum.

"Harder! Pound me harder!" Jared yelled out making Garth smirk evilly, and started to pound Jared's ass even harder grunting with each mighty thrust. Garth's balls slapped against Jared's butcheeks with a loud slap with every thrust Garth made into the needy bum of his mate.

Jared couldn't take it any more as pleasure shot up his spine like every thrust into him was like a full blown orgasm. Jared's cock twitched and started pumping seed coating both of their fronts in loads of cum. As Jared orgasmed his insides started to pulsate as a flush of incredibly warm liquid ran through his anal cannals. The heat and pressure on Garth's member made the dragon cum himself. Garth's cock spasmed and started shooting load after load of cum into Jared's insides. His orgasm lasted a full minute of his cock twitching and spewing his seed into the human.

Jared collapsed against the floor as both of their orgasm's subsided; Jared panted heavily his body drenched in sweat as he smiled stupidly in his afterglow. Garth smiled and picked up his human lover, wrapping his wings around the human and carried him over to the bed and laid down letting Jared rest on top of him. The two of them shared a long long kiss before both passing out still entwined with each other.

Chapter 6

Jared woke up, feeling Garth's knot pulling out of him and slipping into the dragon's slit. Jared wiggled around to turn to face the dragon that was sleeping next to him, snuggling his body while they were entwined. The dragon's tail was wrapped around one of Jared's legs and had wrapped his wings around the human to snuggle them closer together. Jared looked at the face of the sleeping dragon he was being snuggled by.

Jared found that he was starting to develop feelings towards the dragon. The rose petals were just so much for him. Jared chose his type of guy for a reason, he never liked to keep a steady whoring job back on earth for a good reason, Jared hated commitment. Its not that Jared didn't like monogamy or just flatly liked being with loads of sexual partners (though he did enjoy a good orgy) but Jared just hated becoming attached to someone.

Jared was told by one of the guys who tried to romance him once that he was afraid of commitment, that he was scared of falling in love or developing an emotional attraction to someone because he was scared he would let that person down or hurt them. So Jared wouldn't get close to anyone, ever. He never had boyfriends and pretty much always charged for sex. Jared would also only look for guys who would treat him like some cum dump. He lived that lifestyle for so long that simple acts like hugging and sleeping over while snuggling were a breath of fresh air after living in a smoggy city for years.

Developing feelings for the dragon was scary for Jared and he wanted out of becoming close to the sexy beast. He knew that the dragon and he would have to break up eventually so he figured it would be better if they left each other now instead of waiting till they eventually loved each other then being forced apart having their hearts broken. So there was only one solution, he had to break up with the dragon.


Garth woke up hoping to kiss and probably fool around with his lover but there was no human for him to play snuggle and kiss and... love. Garth knew he shouldn't but he was falling in love with the human. He wasn't sure of his feelings or anything and wouldn't tell the human about it yet but just thinking of the human made his tail twitch in excitement and his heart's flutter (yes he has two hearts).

Garth sat up and looked about the room, the human's clothing was gone too he must of gotten up and walked out of the room. Garth decided he should get up and make breakfast for the two of them. The dragon got up out of the bed and put on his jumpsuit. Garth walked out of his room and wondered towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen he made some waffles for two and still couldn't find Jared, even after asking the computer to path the human to the kitchen he didn't show up. Jared sat there for a few hours just waiting in hope for his lover to show up and have breakfast with him. Garth was sad wondering what happened to the human. Around mid day he gave up and ended up eating the food him self before heading off to the cockpit of the ship.

Garth looked at the console of his ship and noted something that made him frown. The galactic police had found a way to rid him of his passenger. They had sent a new ship to pick up the human from his ship and transfer him to the fleet. Garth was at first relived that he wouldn't have to travel to the fleet but then realized that it meant losing Jared. He had to talk to Jared he didn't want to lose the human especially since the human was so sweet and nice.

Garth looked up for the human on his computer and opened the intercom to talk to the human. Jared was lounging around in the swimming pool room. Garth spoke into the intercom. "Jared, are you trying to avoid me? Please can we talk with each other? If your mad at me for some reason can we at least talk? I tell you what, I will make us dinner and we can talk ok?"

"Ok" Was all Garth heard in response from the human, Garth knew from watching humans that they can be very emotional about things and very subtle about everything. His people's culture was so straightforward however that he didn't get a lot of things that human's would do but he could tell that something was bothering Jared and figured he should wait and let the human figure his feelings out.

Garth was looking forward to having dinner with the human, it was a date if he had his English correct. Garth flipped off the camera that was watching Jared and went to work doing some things on the computer console getting things ready for their date. He picked one of the fancy restaurants on the ship and set up some of the robots and interior to his liking before heading off to the kitchen.

Later that evening, while Garth was waiting for Jared to show up for their date Jared was hiding away in a bathroom. He knew he said he would go have the date with the dragon but he chickened out. He knew if the saw that dragon in any romantic scene he would be smitten instantly. He liked that dragon with his sexy scales and amazing tail. There was also that dragon's cock, man he loved that beast's cock. He wanted to eat nothing and just suck that cock for its milk for all his food and live off that dragon's milk for the rest of his life with his draconic lover.

But he knew that would never be. Jared liked the dragon too much to break his heart by becoming close to the guy. Jared moaned as he looked down at his tented shorts. He was horny and didn't want to go to Garth. So he figured he should get him self off. Jared pulled down his pants and sat down on the floor.

Jared wrapped his hand around his large cock and started pumping at his shaft. Pleasure shot up his spine as it normally did when he jerked him self off. He moaned as he was playing with him self and grabbed his sack with his other hand feeling his larger ball's heavy weight in his palms. Jared smiled at him self, one thing he liked about his mutations is that his cock and balls had grown larger. His hand pumped up and down on his shaft.

Jared's bum clenched as he imagined that big dragon's foot long shaft splitting him open. He could still taste that dragon's cum on his tongue. The human's shaft twitched as the pleasure grew in his loins his member begging for release. But jerking him self off just wasn't enough he had do something to make his experience better. He stopped fondling his balls and started to shove his fingers up his bum. His bum was so sensitive to him now he couldn't help but howl out in pleasure.

This however still wasn't enough, his cock still wasn't orgasming, he wanted to cum soo bad and his cock was twitching wildly. His groin practically on fire. His body curled up a but more as he squirmed. He looked down at his cock in front of his face. Then the thought came into his mind... he was big enough to suck him self off.

Jared arched his back and curled up and stuck his tongue out to lick at the tip of his cock. Man this was hot, being able to suck him self off gave him a great sense of pride. He bent down and took his own cock into his mouth. He could only fit two inches of his large and thick cock into his mouth, but the feeling was incredible. Normally Jared would be practically cumming out precum but nothing was shooting out of his shaft.

No matter how much pumping licking sucking and fondling he gave him self he couldn't get him self to cum. His body just stayed at that point right where you feel that just one more touch could set you off all he could do was moan and try even harder to get him self off. His balls felt larger as they sped up his cum production making him feel like he had to cum even more. He felt backed up like he hadn't cum in months. He hadn't felt like this since highschool before he started basically whoring him self.

Unnoticed by Jared a red ball was watching him failing at jerking him self off recording everything he was doing. Sally, the ship's AI was programmed to not record anything Jared and Garth do together but since Jared was jerking him self off she was watching him fully as she was worried about his heart rate and was studying his vitals while recording his situation.

Chapter 7

Garth sat alone in his room, tonight had been a bust. The dragon couldn't figure out what was up with Jared. He had planned for them to have a lovely evening together, eat dinner, see a movie, make out, and probably have sex. But the human never showed up for their date. Garth spent a lot of them before the two met looking at earth things and studying the humans. Having been stood up like that would mean that Jared didn't want to be with him afterall. Though now that Garth was thinking about it it was probably for the best.

Garth was effectively a higher life form and even in his own culture homosexual relations were taboo. Though with the expansion into the galactic republic his people had become more liberal. Still as much as Garth could come up with reasons to not like Jared he couldn't stop the feeling in his stomach that he liked the human. The human was just so cute and sexy to Garth he couldn't help but want to pound that human all day. And the smells, that human smelled so awesome it drove him wild. Just thinking of the smell of Jared made his cock start to poke out of its slit.

Jared pulled off his jumpsuit and sat at the edge of his bed. His cock poking out of his slit as he couldn't stop thinking about the sexy human. Jared put his palm over his slit and started rubbing at his slit and cock moaning as his cock twitched, pushing out of his body. Garth squirmed rubbing at his slit more making his cock poke out enough so he could grip it properly.

Once Garth could grip his cock properly he started to stroke it feeling the pleasure shoot up his spine. Garth smiled looking down at his shaft, he was rather well endowed even for a dragon. His red cock being in large contrast to his black scales as he moans from the pleasure his cock was giving him.

Garth poked and pulled at the small ridges near the head of his large member as he moved his tail up and started to wrap it around his cock.

Garth loved jerking him self off this way, often when he was younger and going through his form of puberty he couldn't go 10 minutes without touching him self with his tail. The tip of his tail was often just as sensitive as his cock is. Making him love the feeling of having it stroke his shaft.

Garth moaned heavily feeling his body clench from the feel of having his tail stroke him self off. He leaned back on the bed moaning loudly as he jerked off. Garth's knot started to swell up and press against the rough scales of his tail. "ooh Jared, Jared go faster." Garth moaned with his body layed against his bed his eyes closed as he started to fantasize about Jared.

In his fantasy Jared had climbed up on top of him straddling his waist. Garth stuck his tongue up into the air as he fake kissed the human who started to pull the dragon's tongue into his mouth and started sucking on his long organ. Jared moans as he presses down onto the dragon's raging erection. The human's bum clenching down around the dragon's long member. Garth's barbs scrape against the insides of the human's ass as the human lowers him self all the way onto Garth's cock.

Garth wraps his wings around the fantasy of the sexy human. "Harder! Ride my cock harder Jared!" Garth moaned out as he imagined Jared riding on his cock. Garth twitched and moaned on his bed as his cock exploded, shooting huge loads all over his tail and chest . Garth lay there panting heavily, basking in his warm afterglow. Garth lied there enjoying his afterglow from his fantasy. He couldn't help but want to pound that human's bum again.

Meanwhile, far away an incoming spaceship heads towards the rendezvous point for the cruise liner. The ship's captain stands to attention looking at one of the panels. The captain is a black bear anthro, the rest of his crew consists of a lot of various furs. "How long till we reach the other ship?"

"it should be nine days captain" a female wolf answered the question before typing stuff into a computer console.

"Excellent, keep us on course, I will head to my room." The captain stepped out of the cockpit and headed down to his room. Inside of his room he brought up his personal computer pad and frowned. 'Thats the ship with my personal investment on it' he thought to him self. The Bear grinned as he thought about what was to come. His gigantic cock tenting his pants heavily.

The captain bear went down to the secret bowls of his ship and grinned as he looked at his current inventory. The piles of flesh mutated people were organized but were often crammed together The new ship will make a much better place to keep his holdings.

The bear walked over to the closest cage, the creature inside of it resembled a fox but its tail had been replaced with some cock sucking tube By the looks of it the fox has about 10 different tentacle cocks protruding from its body, its main cock was left untouched as it would stand permanently erect just begging to be touched. The tentacle cocks would stroke and rub each other, an other one inside his tail cock tube as it sucked his own tentacle cock. None of the tentacles were able to touch his own main cock for some reason.

The bear reached over and gripped at the fox's main shaft groping it and stroking it a few times. All of the fox's unused tentacles wrap and stroke at the bear's arm as it reached the fox's main shaft. The shaft when finally stroked explodes making the fox moan out terribly as every one of his tentacle cocks cum at once. "Gotta pleasure them sometimes otherwise they go insane" The bear says to him self as he strokes the fox a few more times each stroke making the fox cum.

The bear walks along the cages occasionally pleasuring the trapped furs in one way or an other. The ones he doesn't pleasure whine pitifully just begging to cum as they watch others orgasm. "this load is small and unfinished once I get that cruiseliner I will be able to make a lot more money selling these sex slaves."

Chapter 8

Jared crawled along the hallways, his large cock throbbing with need between his legs. He couldn't get him self off he must of spent like three hours at the edge of an orgasm, his cock unwilling to give up even a drop of precum. His mind fogged with lust and need, unable to think of anything but the large cock between his legs begging to be touched, feeling like just a wisp of wind could set him off.

But as much as he tried, Jared couldn't get him self off it only drove him more and more crazy. His lust addled mind wanting to get off and realizing he could only get off with someone else he had no choice to crawl, as he was unable to get him self to walk, towards Garth's room in hope of finding the only other person on the ship, Garth.

Jared had told him self that he wouldn't get any closer to Garth and having sex with the dragon would go against that but right now nothing mattered more then his long needy member. Jared's balls had grown in size as they had filled up with his backed up cum. Jared crawled along the ground his knees bleeding from crawling too long. Tears streaming down Jared's face as his body and mind were filled with horrid conflict and need.

Jared collapses on the floor his body exhausted from all the stress, his cock still painfully erect pressing against the cold floor of the spaceship. Jared rolled over onto his back breathing heavily. His hand reaches and grips his cock and starts to stroke it feeling like just poking it could make him cum but as before nothing would come out.

An alarm went off in Garth's room as sally, the ship's AI, notified the dragon that Jared was in duress. Garth got up from his afterglow daze he was in and ran out of the room. The human he was fantasizing about was in some form of trouble and he needed to help him. A red band of light light up the floor guiding the dragon towards Jared automatically.

Garth ran panting heavily, his body already tired from his recent intense pawing off session. Garth pressed on anyway, he wouldn't want to lose the human he was developing feelings for. He flaps his wings heavily trying to get a bit of lift to help him run faster. When Garth finally reached Jared he was exhausted the run having taken 10 minutes. His body filled with fatigue.

Garth whines as he looks at Jared who at this point is hopelessly sucking on his own cock doing anything to try to get him self to cum. Garth looks up at the red ball that represents the ship's AI with a 'what the hell' look, before moving down to Jared and asking. "Is something wrong? Why are you naked and jerking off in the hallway?"

Hearing the voice of an other living thing Jared quickly rolled over and jumped at Garth pinning the unsuspecting dragon to the ground. Jared's eyes stare into Garth's, a white haze filling them. Jared moved his head down to plant a heavy kiss on Garth's lips his tongue sneaking its way into Garth's muzzle as he positioned his cock against Garth's bum hole.

Garth's eyes opened wide as his tail hole is pressed against by the human's thick cock. Garth may have the longer cock but Jared had him beat in thickness, the human's whole cock as thick as the dragon's knot when fully filled. Garth never had anyone try to fuck him in the arse before, and Jared had no small cock. Jared moaned and pressed his cock against the dragon's bum trying to force his thick cock up into the dragon. Even though Jared felt like he was about to cum from the slightest touch he wasn't able to cum still, but now with someone else his pleasure started to mount on its self. He moans horridly as pleasure shoots up his spine.

Garth pressed against Jared as the human started to hump at his bum forcing his virgin hole to stretch open. Garth struggled in vain as he is unable to press the human off of him, the human too focused on sex to do anything but grip tightly to the only other living thing on the ship and hump into it wildly with no abandon.

"Jared please stop! Dont! Fuck my slit, but not my bum! Please!" Garth moaned into Jared's mouth as the human ravished him with kisses. Lust crazed as he was Jared stopped pressing his cock against Garth's bum. The human was intent on taking that dragon's ass but he didn't want to be raping the dragon. As much as Jared was lost in lust he was also lost in his feelings witch prevented him from raping the dragon. Jared instead decided he should get the dragon relaxed and ready before he tool the dragon's virginity.

Jared rubbed his cock against Garth's slit rubbing the underside of his thick shaft against Garth's slit making the dragon moan. Jared pressed his lips against Garth's neck scales licking and kissing them as he moves his head down along Garth's neck and reaching the top of his chest. Jared licked and kissed at Garth's scales kissing between the dragon's pecs and trailing down his belly before reaching the tip of his slit, the dragon moaning and squirming on the floor his cock trying to poke out of his slit.

Garth gasps and arches his back as Jared licks and starts to suckle the dragon's cock. Garth moans as his lower stomach churns and his cock starts to spew out his dragon milk. Garth couldn't help but love this feeling of feeding something else, its no wonder dragon males insist on staying home with the children if his emotions would flood out like this when they would suckle on his cock.

Garth couldn't keep him self holding his cock in anymore as the human continued to suckle at the member drinking the milky cum out of it like drinking out of a really thick sexy straw. After sucking on the cock for a bit, getting a nice fill of dragon milk Jared moves up and starts to kiss Garth on the mouth again, the dragon's cock fully exposed out of his body drooling out his dragon milk. Garth, now fully into the sexual acts presses back to the kissing, his mind flooding with feelings of love and happiness towards his dragonling.

Through the teasing and sucking and kissing Garth had relaxed his bum hole and roared out in surprise as something huge and thick and hot pressed into his ass forcefully. Jared had taken the opportunity to fully hilt him self into the dragon. Garth yelled out in pain as his ass was stretched wide open by the human's big cock. Garth's own cock spewing out a stronger stream of milk as the cock inside him pressed against his prostate squishing more milk out of him.

Garth yells out in pain as he is stretched open he roars and yells in pain, as much as this hurt Garth he couldn't help his cock warming up feeling like it was on pleasure fire as more milk was pleasurably pushed out of his body. His ass felt like it was on fire the human's thick cock pressing into him. It took a while but Garth eventually calmed down from his squirming. The initial pain of having the human's cock split him open subsiding as pleasure overtook his body.

Seeing that Garth had calmed down Jared started to thrust into Garth's tail hole The pleasure around his cock reaching an even higher peak than he thought possible. It was then when he finally hit that thing he was looking for. His orgasm. Jared yelled out in ectacy as his cock exploded, his backed up balls pumping all the cum he had into his dragon lover.

Garth moans out as the human's oddly hot seed fills his bum making his groin feel like its even hotter than it was. Garth yelled out in pleasure as his cock spasms and he cums properly his cock shooting out thick seed mixed with his milk. After he cums he stops spewing milk and Jared's cock goes soft as he pulls out of Garth.

"Next time, ask before taking me like that, it hurt." Garth said panting with a dumb smile as he enjoyed his afterglow, his cock retreating back into his slit.

"Sorry, I... I am so sorry" Jared leaned over and hugged Garth tightly sobbing lightly. "I am sorry I stood you up, I am sorry I raped you I am sorry about all of this. I am not used to having feelings for someone and I just freaked out and stayed by my self. I, I was still horny so I tried to get off on my own but apparently I cant get off on my own, I tried for hours and couldn't get off so I tried to find you... sorry..." Jared said looking ashamed at his actions.

Garth frowned at being reminded he was stood up but smiled. "Well, I wouldn't say rape, just you know, give a guy a little warning next time eh? Its not rape if I enjoyed it right?" Garth said not sure about the last part but sure that he was trying to cheer up the human. "Lets go back to my room and we can have a good sleep and a nice talk, I am a bit hurt from you standing me up but I do love our awesome sex. Sorta mixed signals I think for a first date eh?" Garth chuckles before picking up the human in his arms wrapping his wings around him as he carries him back to his room.

Chapter 9

Jared wakes up in the middle of the night. Garth had carried Jared to Garth's bedroom and the two of them had snuggled till they fell asleep. Jared smiled as he noticed that the dragon like usual was hugging him in his sleep. Jared was hungry and instead of getting up to go find him self a snack in the kitchen in the middle of the night Jared had a better idea of where to get him self some food.

Jared wiggled out of Garth's grasp as the dragon was hugging him while they slept together Jared crawled around in the bed and pulled the blanket off the two of them. Jared crawled down and eyed the slit of the dragon grinning to him self. Jared reaches out with his hand and circles the midnight black scales around the slit trying to tease the dragon's cock out. Garth murred and shifted in his sleep as Jared pressed his fingers into the dragon's slit.

Jared didn't have to spend long teasing the top of the dragon's slit before he saw the sight he was looking for. The dragon's red pointy cock started to poke out of his slit. Jared stared at it for a moment before his stomach grumbled telling the human he was hungry. Jared wrapped his lips around the point of the cock as it pokes out of its slit and started to suck on it. Garth moaned his cock extends from his slit quickly. Jared grinned as the cock extended to its full length before wrapping his lips around it again and started to suck on it.

Milk filled up Jared's mouth, making Garth groan in his sleep. Jared did not want to wake the dragon. Jared smiled around the cock as he sucked on it and drank down the sweet tasting milk. Jared loved the taste of the dragon's milk and the warm feeling it gave his stomach as much as he didn't want to admit it to the dragon. After sucking down and drinking the cock for a minute he felt full and lifted his head off the cock and chuckled as the dragon's member still leaked milk out of it. Jared didn't want to wake the dragon by making him cum so Jared just snuggled next to Garth again who pulled him close in his sleep to hug him. Jared grinned to him self and started to doze off.

Garth woke up that morning with the ticklish feeling of someone licking and lapping at his foot claws He couldn't help but start to giggle at the feeling and look down at the foot of the bed. There was Jared, lapping at his feet claws Jared licked around his draconic lover's foot claws loving the taste of the dragon's scales and claws. Jared looked up as he noticed he woke up the dragon and smiled at him before licking all along the dragon's feet paying special attention to the space between the dragon's toes.

Jared switched foot claws he was working on and started licking and lathering the other foot, making the dragon squirm and giggle. Jared looked up at the dragon's cock and smiled as he saw the cock start to poke out already half way out of the dragon. Jared stopped licking at the dragon's feet as he crawled up the bed to start sucking on the dragon's cock again. As soon as the floodgates opened and Garth groaned as he started to shoot milk out of his cock Jared stopped sucking and kissed around the dragon's cock playing and licking around the dragon's slit.

Jared stuck his tongue in the slit around Garth's cock and licked around the base of the forming knot on Garth's cock. Jared sticks his fingers in the edges of the dragon's slit. He uses his other hand to stroke the dragon's milk drooling cock. Jared smiles to him self as he licks at the milk that drools out of the cock pooling around the dragon's slit. Jared felt Garth twitch and roar under him as the dragon couldn't take anymore of the teasing and came. The dragon's cock erupted spewing out a basic torrent of seed and milk out of his cock as it rained down on Jared painting the human in gallons of the dragon's milky cum.

Garth was practically catatonic after the absolutely massive orgasm. The two talked about what happened in the shower as Garth washed Jared off turning off the automatic washing part making the shower a basic shower. Jared made Garth empty his entire reserves of dragon milk apparently somehow. The dragon explaining that the human playing with his feet claws was super sexy to Garth.

The two of them spent the rest of the day together just lounging around and watching TV or playing some video games from earth. They eventually had their relationship talk. They decided that even though their relationship probably wouldn't last they would want to enjoy it to the fullest while they could. They never said they loved each other but in each of their hearts they knew they loved the other and worried about their feelings. They spent the next few days together often having crazy hot sex with each other and just lounging around the cruise ship taking advantage of the entertainment center's on it.

"Four days till way point with the other ship is reached" Said sally after Jared asked when the other ship would intercept them. Before Jared could thank the computer Garth had pulled him down to the bed. They hadent tried this before but Jared offered it. Jared moaned as Garth was on top of him and started to suck on his cock. He looked up at Garth's manhood hanging down at his face and started to suck on it too. Jared smiled as he drank the dragon's milk as it spewed out of the dragon's cock. Jared loved drinking the dragon's milk and ate almost just it only really eating other stuff cause the dragon insisted that Jared eat some solid food at least.

The rich milk had helped Jared get into shape recently his usual lithe swimmers build filling out to a more muscle bound build. The two of them lay there sucking on each others cocks for a full ten minutes, Jared having cum every minute into Garth's mouth before Garth roared out around Jared's cock making Jared cum again as Garth cummed into Jared his stream of milk stopping. One thing they learned is that Jared had no real limit to how much he could cum always able to cum more and more all they wanted.

Jared moaned as Garth climbed over his naked form the dragon's cock wobbling as he climbed up and positioned his tail hole over the human's member. The dragon lowered him self down on the human's long shaft moaning as it penetrated him. Garth started to ride the large cock with Jared humping his body while making his tail thrust in and out of Jared's apparently stretchy hole. Jared moaned as the door opened to Garth's room making them both stop and look at the door in surprise, there was the captain of the other ship, the big muscular bear looking at both of them. They looked down at his groin and saw that the bear's pants were tenting as he looked at them mid intercourse.

Chapter 10

The bear grinned as he looked upon the human and dragon mid coitus. Garth gasped loudly and pushed the two of them apart, the two of them still having raging erections as Garth quickly scrambled out of bed and saluted. "Captain Harold! This isn't what it looks like! I can explain everything that you have seen here." Garth said shaking a bit, his tail twitching back and forth in fear and anxiety of being punished for becoming sexually involved with a human.

Harold, the big bear frowned as he looked upon the dragon's form. The huge erection clearly outlined in the bear's pants. Harold glanced over at Jared and sniffed at the air, the human's genetically altered pheromones sending shivers through his body and filling his mind with lust, he had a plan to capture the both of them, say the dragon was crazy, struggled, was killed and then he could mutate the crud out of the dragon and the human. Dragon sex slaves were the new fad but nearly impossible to come across and most people want the real thing (regardless of how altered they are) not some naga or lizard altered to look like a dragon.

The bear instead figured that he might as well deal with his raging erection before dealing with the two of them, and the best way to deal with his erection would be the two other people in the room. The bear reached for his left forearm with his other paw and tapped on the mini computerish screen on it and the red orb that represented sally went black. After disabling's sally's camera for this room he grabbed the shaking dragon by the shoulders and pressed his lips against Garth's.

As much of a slave trader and jerk Harold is he did enjoy a good pounding and occasionally liked to be pounded him self. He liked being rough but also enjoyed being tender and teasing. Call him weird if you will. Garth was stunned by the kiss and Jared could only stare as the bear's huge muscles strained as Harold picked up the dragon and forcefully threw him onto the bed. Harold looked over at Jared and growled. "Take my clothes off" He growled in a commanding tone. Jared instantly went to work and pulled off the bear's shirt taking a moment to marvel at the bear's muscles. The bear had huge pillow like pec muscles, the bear's biceps bulging under his fur. The bear's muscle gut showing contracting his body's otherwise perfect build. Jared nearly drooled looking at Harold before being knocked back to reality by a sharp growl.

Jared fumbled with the bear's pants undoing the strap in the back where the bear's little tail stuck out. When Jared pulled down the bear's pants he looked up from his squatting down position and his eyes went wide. Harold was huge, his cock reached sixteen inches in length and had a nice girth. Jared drooled as he saw the gigantic piece of man meat in front of his face and licked at the red cock head. Harold moaned and pushed the human down on the ground, he picked up the prone human and placed him on the edge of the bed and slammed his huge cock home inside the human's ass. Garth sat on the bed awe struck before jumping when the bear spoke to him. "You better get over here and mount me or I will pound you to bits." Harold threatened Garth as he started to thrust his gigantic cock into Jared.

Harold liked topping but his tail hole liked getting attention too, and the dragon had the bigger cock so he wanted the dragon inside him. Garth gulped and nodded, crawling off the bed and walking around the mating pair. Jared moaned out as he was pounded raw by the big beast of a bear, everything else in the world (or space) no longer mattering to him but that huge piece of meat that somehow fit him. Garth wondered over and grabbed Harold's muscular but cheeks and poked his pointy dragon cock at Harold's hole. "Dont be shy get it in there!" The bear growled at Garth who nodded and shoved his cock into the bear.

Jared's insides clenched against the huge cock of Harold's his insides lubing them selves up, letting the bear slam his huge cock into him harder. Jared could feel Harold's cock twitch occasionally as it started to spew out precum into the human. Garth took a moment to notice how huge the bear's balls were, each one about the size of a grapefruit, he wondered a moment that wouldn't the bear's huge cock and balls be more noticeable through his clothes then they they are but the thought was whisked away from his mind as the bear thrusted his hips back against his cock, swallowing the dragon's knot.

Harold grinned as he got the dragon to knot him, no longer needing to worry about the dragon not thrusting into him he went to town on Jared. "Yes! Yes! More! More! Harder don't stop!" Jared moaned out, his untouched cock grinding against the bed as he was ravished from behind. Jared didn't care though the only thing he cared about was the cock in his bum and making it cum inside him.

Jared yelled out as the cock spasmed inside him spewing a huge amount of precum into him, Jared's body thinking the bear had just cum made him orgasm, spewing his seed all over the bed in front of him. Harold slowed down a bit letting the human recover before picking up the pace again thrusting even harder into Jared making the human scream out in pleasure. Garth wrapped his hands around the bear's chest holding on for dear life as his cock was milked by the bear's big bum.

Garth was the next to cum, his cock spewing his dragon seed inside the bear. Harold slowed down a moment again but then picked up his pace, the bear being far from close to cumming. The three of them went at it for half an hour, the human and dragon cumming like crazy, each time the bear would slow down to let them ride out their orgasm's in pleasure before going back to his rampant thrusting.

The bear finally went over the edge and cummed into Jared with an ear splitting roar, his cock twitching and pumping gallons of seed into Jared's body, the bear orgasming sent the other two over their edges too making them both cum one last time. Harold's orgasm lasted five minutes at the end of witch Jared had passed out with a dumb grin on his face and Garth had fallen back his cock having dislodged from the bear's ass.

As Harold's cock deflated he pulled on his pants that would make the bulge they would usually make in pants much smaller (though still big). Harold turned on Garth growling and picked him up by the neck and slammed his head against a wall. "This ship is mine now... slave" Garth mumbled something before passing out.

Harold tossed the human and dragon into the holding cell on the cruise ship. The dragon started to wake up and groaned looking up at Harold "What are you doing? How did you get here?" Garth mumbled as he rubbed the side of his head.

Harold laughed, his muscle gut bouncing up and down. "Oh please, once we were in range I teleported to your ship. You know you really need to learn how to control your ship's AI better. Three days ago I looked at your ship's video logs to see how you were doing and guess what I saw? I saw you and that human mating with each other, was rather enjoyable to watch. You managed to get your ship's AI to not keep the recordings of your matings but you completely forgot to stop her from watching you two. You two are rather cute together but you see, he represents a huge investment to me. Humans are a rare commodity and this ship had him perfect before you cracked down on my operation. But I do have to say you do have quite the taste," Harold looks over at Jared who is still sleeping, a small stream of cum dripping out of his clenched bum. "You know, with just a few adjustments I could make him my personal sex slave, wouldn't mind having one for my self. You however, you will fetch such a high price to cover all these expenses. You know that you are worth more money as a sex slave then this entire ship, some big weirdo's out there just want to have their dragons. Though I will have to break you in so you will be a worthwhile slave. But say goodbye to your little love there cause next time you will see him he will be nothing more than my sex slave, perfectly tailored to service me." Harold grinned and picked up Jared and dragged him out of the room to one of the mutation chambers.

Chapter 11

Garth started to hyperventilate, he hated being stuck in cages and the thought of what the bear was doing to his... love... the thought calmed him down. Garth was falling in love with the human, he didn't know why but he did love Jared. Just the thought of being with the human made his hearts go aflutter. Garth growled to him self he had to stop that madman of a bear. "Sally captains overwrite 46 alpha, open the cage."

"Overwrite accepted" Stated the computer as a click signaled the cage's lock opening. Garth pressed open the gate of the cage and stood up. He was still naked but he stood up to his tallest growling lightly to him self. He was going to save his love.

Garth stormed into the mutation room ready to take on the bear and save his love. As soon as he entered he was close lined by the bear's thick arm. Garth blinked away stars as he got up shaking his head. Harold laughed, his big muscle gut bouncing. "You think you can take me on im nearly three times as big as you whelp" Garth growled and tackled down the bear his wings flapping giving him the extra force he needed to knock the bear down on his bum. Garth's claws ripped at Harold's fur drawing blood from the bear's hide.

"Oh no you don't!" Harold roared as he threw Garth off his body and against the wall. Garth hit his head against the wall and his head went fuzzy. The next thing he knew he was picked up by his neck and slammed against the wall again. "Your too scrawny whelp you will never defeat me. And to just teach you a lesson I am going to rape you." Harold growled as he turned garth around so his face was against the wall. Harold rubbed his huge sixteen inch long cock between the dragon's butcheaks. Garth screamed as he was forced upon

Harold grinned and pressed his gigantic member into the dragon's obviously too tight tail hole, splitting it open and sending the dragon's orange blood onto the floor. Harold humped into the dragon harder and harder. Garth couldn't help but be turned on by the fact he was being taken so roughly The pain in his bum was horrible but it was still turning him on. His cock emerged from his slit as he was rapped forcefully.

Harold humped at the dragon for five minutes, the whole time Garth could do nothing but moan in pleasure. The pain in his bum hurting horribly but his cock felt like it was on fire and he couldn't help but enjoy it. He looked over into the mutation room and started to cry looking at how Jared was being mutated. Jared was forced to stop looking as his cock started to cum onto the wall he was pressed against. Harold moaned as the dragon's crazy tight hole squeezed against his cock.

But the bear was far from over. Harold spent half an hour raping the poor dragon before finally letting him self cum into Garth. His huge balls pumping his gigantic load into the dragon's rear end the cum backfiring out of the dragon's hole mixed with the dragon's orange blood. Harold tapped on his wrist computer and Jared was teleported out of the room.

Harold opened up the mutation room and picked up the horridly mutated mound of wiggling tentacle cock's that eagerly touched the bear's fur and wrapped around him in various ways. Jared had fifteen tentacle cocks protruding from his body. His regular cock now 12 inches long and his balls as big as softballs. Out of his cock wiggled a small tentacle looking cock extension reaching 10 inches longer out of his urethrae

Harold typed onto his wrist pad and teleported the mutated human out of the room before walking towards the helm of the ship. He had some reprogramming to do to sally.

Chapter 12

Garth awoke with a start looking around the pitch black room he was in. He couldn't see a thing and had no idea how long it was since he was last awake or where he was. He remembered what had happened to Jared and a growl escaped his muzzle. Garth had to save Jared he just had to. If not to set things right and punish a slaver but to save the one he loved.

Garth opened his muzzle and shot out a small jet of fire from his black maw lighting up the dark room for an instant. From what he saw he was in some kind of room. He let loose an other puff of fire and located the light panel. He got up out of the bed he was in and walked over to the panel and pressed it. Garth had to squint his eyes as the light came on very dim but decently enough for him to see by. Garth tried to open the door to the small room he was in but the door was locked. Garth looked around and noticed a computer node at the desk so he sat down.

Opening up the computer he noticed that he was not on his ship. The bear had apparently locked him out of most of the ship's systems but Garth was good with computers so it was easy to bypass the lock on the terminal. Once he bypassed the lock he noticed that it had only been a few hours since he passed out. Garth had to act fast if he wanted to save Jared but even with being able to bypass most of the ship's systems and even unlock the door to the room he was in there was not a lot he could do.

Garth had to be careful to not trip any security measures while hacking into the ship's computer. He did notice that the crew of the ship he was on did not know about the passengers in their hold only thinking that the place was holding some experimental weapon tech that was highly radioactive, so no one went down there except the captain. The ship had a good mutation system in it but not nearly as good as Garth's own ship. It was smaller by far and had a nice crew. The ship would head across the sector assigned to it by the galactic police and transfer goods or do missions. Though it seams the captain had decided to take up some extra cash on the side and started to deal in slave trading.

Garth gathered quite a bit of evidence on the bear and placed it all into a partition of the ship's computer that he created and hid from the rest of the ship. He would of downloaded the evidence to his own ship but sending the message would easily set off some security and he wouldn't be able to keep it hidden without being able to contact Sally or use a terminal on his ship. After storing away the information he needed to arrest the bear Garth activated the ship's teleport system. Garth knew that he couldn't activate the teleporter without alerting the rest of the ship and the bear would easily think he teleported back to his own ship so Garth teleported into the only real safe place he could go.

Garth opened his eyes as the disorientation of being teleported wore off. Garth looked around the hold of the same ship he was on seeing it empty. The bear must of teleported off his prisoners to Garth's ship. All the cages were empty and open, Garth noticed first the smell of the room, the entire place reaked of super potent musk and cum. The smell alone made Garth blush and his cock slide out of his slit. Garth was still naked from before and his cock slid out easily into the open air. Garth's shaft started to drip precum as the potent musk ravaged his brain filling it with lust. His precum dripping onto the already cum covered floor.

Out of no where Garth gasped and was lifted up in the air, for a second he thought the bear had caught him from behind. When Garth looked over however he instead saw a fox, well what was probably once a fox standing closely behind him. The fox had ten tentacle cocks protruding out of different parts of his body four of witch were wrapped around Garth's form holding him up in the air with surprising strength.

Garth struggled against the tentacle cock's holding him up in the air with no avail. Before he knew it he was turned around and was looking strait into the eyes of the fox who's eyes were fogged over with lust and need, the fox's main cock drooling out precum. "Please! You have to help me! I need you to fuck me! I am so horny and I cant get off!" Garth heard the fox say, the fox's voice laden with need and making Garth's heart fill with pity. The smell the fox was giving off alone was clouding his judgment and mind making him feel more horny than he had ever been, his cock aching with the need to be shoved up into something anything... and the fox was offering.

Before Garth could respond the Fox placed Garth down on the ground, though kept his tentacle cocks around Garth in case he wanted to flee. The Fox went down on all fours and turned around presenting his bum up for Garth. Garth licked his lips hungrily, he tried to open his mouth to make some comment to try to assert his dominance over the poor creature but the fox just shoved one of its tentacle cocks inside Garth's mouth. Garth shrugged and started to suck on the cock making the Fox moan more and pull Garth towards his rear.

The fox being apparently very dexterous with his tentacles wrapped one around Garth's cock and angled it and moved his rear back making the dragon pierce his needy tail hole Garth and the fox both moaned as the fox came, all of his cocks shooting seed all over as he came just from the tip of Garth's cock entering the fox. The cock in Garth's mouth shot his seed down the dragon's throat making the dragon gag a little. The seed tasted like the best candy ever and Garth suckled on it more wanting more of the sweet cum.

Garth started to pull out thinking the fox was done but the fox growled cutely and pushed his rear onto the dragon's shaft. "I said Fuck me!" The fox growls out as he starts to hump backwards onto the cock penetrating him. Garth didn't need any more coaxing and grabbed the hips of the fox and started to pound his dragon shaft into the animal. The fox's two tail tentacles wrapped around Garth's legs and opened up and sucked in Garth's two external testicles playing with them and massaging them. The fox's tentacle cocks started to stroke and rub them selves against the dominating male trying to pleasure them selves on him.

Garth's thrusting was aided by the fox who apparently wanted to be fucked like there was no tomorrow. Garth growled shoving his big dragon cock into the fox's needy tail hole every few thrusts making the fox moan and cum onto the floor and all over the dragon's body and into his mouth. After a few times of making the fox cum Garth grabbed one of the wiggling tentacles around his arm and pulled it up to his maw, the tentacle eagerly shoving its self next to the other one in his muzzle as he sucked off both of them at the same time.

The fox only seamed to be able to cum from his main cock or being pounded like normal though the Fox would moan and groan in pleasure the more Garth pleasured his tentacles. The tentacles would all cum at the same time as his cock the Fox's huge balls seemingly producing endless cum. Each time Garth would drink the Fox's cum he would feel his like he could go on pounding the fox for longer and longer, the pleasure around his body rising but his need to cum lowering.

Garth spent two hours wrapped up by the fox's tentacles as he pounded the fox to no end, the fox's cum seaming to fill his body with energy as he kept on pounding and pounding and pounding. Garth felt almost all his emotions or needs or worry's flow from his mind as the only thought in his body was that he needed to make this fox cum. Garth felt like he could spend the rest of his life doing nothing but plow this Fox. The Fox seamed to be in heaven as he was plowed from behind eventually relaxing his front paws and only being held up by the dragon plowing his rear.

A few more hours passed and then a few more, Garth lost all track of time. Something was slowly building inside Garth he felt it was finally coming close. Garth started to hump harder and harder and harder into the Fox breaking the steady rhythm he had built up. Out of no where it felt like every nerve in his body was sending signals of pleasure, his entire body convulsing. His mind lost in all thoughts but the insurmountable pleasure. It felt like his entire body was one gigantic cock going through one massive orgasm. His cock inside the fox's bum finally exploded shooting out gallons of cum into the Fox. The Fox came as well with Garth shooting constantly out of his tentacles and cock.

Garth's orgasm lasted twenty minutes as his body writhed in pleasure his cock shooting out seed the whole time. When his orgasm died down Garth's mind started to clear, the fog of lust in his brain finally clearing out a bit. Jared! He had to help Jared! Though that was all he could think before the fox started to hump against his cock again and the fog of lust clouded his mind again. Garth went back to fucking eager Fox who moaned more. The floor around the two covered in the fox's cum.

Harold grinned as he looked at the camera showing his old prison cell's. That fox was a defense mechanism just in case anyone ever discovered his secret. Harold knew that the last thing he should ever do is place his cock in that Fox's needy tail hole because that fox was made specifically for a rich man who wanted a pet he could literally fuck for years at a time without stopping. The trap worked and Harold knew that Garth wouldn't be able to escape the fox.

The big bear turned towards his new slave, he needed to break the human in and he had just the cock to do it. The bear's huge member flopping out of his pants as he pulled them down presenting his cock to Jared. "Get to work!" Harold ordered.

Chapter 13

Garth rammed his cock deep into the fox and roared out in exact, his cock spewing load after load into the needy tail hole The third orgasm into the fox lifted the lust inducing fog on his mind more than the first two. He needed to stop he needed to pull out of the fox and save his love. Every part of his body begging him to just plow his cock back into the fox just one more time to continue to play with the sex machine more. Garth's hips acted on their own and slammed his cock into the fox making the fox boy yip in pleasure.

Garth's mind was a ruin of emotions, the dark impending clouds of lust swarming his consciousness as his entire being wanted to do nothing but plow the creature in front of him. The shining light of his love however shone brighter and dispersed the clouds attempting to subdue his free will. He wanted to give in to live with this fox boy attached to him, but his love for the human burned brighter than his physical needs.

Garth spat out the cock's in his mouth the two cocks spewing their cum all over the place like untended fire hoses. Garth placed his claws on the fox's hips, the fox yipping in surprise as he thought the dragon was going to pound him harder but only to whine and whimper when the dragon pulled out of him. Garth tried to unwrap the tentacle's around his body quickly the organs just wrapping around him more wanting to rub them selves against his black scales.

The Fox boy started to growl as he turned around his tentacles looking more like angry snakes than cock's as he tackled Garth and started to rub his main cock against Garth's still protruding one. Garth Growled and opened his muzzle and shot a small burst of fire from his mouth at the fox's belly. The fire expanded in the air and hit the fox with full force making the fox yelp in pain and wrap two tentacles around his injured stomach. Garth got up and grabbed at the tentacles wrapping around him trying to shake the things off but there were too many.

Garth gave up trying to be gentle and started to claw at the tentacles, he managed to sink his claws into one of them and green blood shot out of it making the fox cum. "Of course you get off on pain" Garth growled to him self as he lunged forward using his claws to slash at the tentacles. The Fox stayed back his main cock cumming nearly constantly from all the cuts he was receiving on his tentacle cocks. The injury's on the fox's body healed nearly instantly Garth revised as the fox unwrapped the tentacles hiding his old burn mark, the only evidence of it being there was the bald patch where his fur used to be.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck meee!" The Fox yelled as he lunged at the black dragon trying to ride the dragon's cock. Garth pushed him away again and scared him back a bit with an other fire blast. Every time the Fox tried to close in on the space between them Garth would let loose an other puff of fire. The tentacles constantly probing and wrapping them selves around Garth's body trying to subdue the dragon so the Fox could impale him self on the oh so wanted shaft.

The musk in the air was almost overpowering, keeping Garth painfully erect. His body kept on screaming to take that fox boy and mate him, but the adrenalin and his will to help Jared kept him going. Garth then thought of something, hurting the fox was not helping in the least and even just making the fox hornier. He couldn't hurt the fox but maby he could out sex it. It was a strange prospect and probably the dumbest thing he had ever thought of but after fighting with the fox for a few minutes he had no other idea, the fox's tentacles were too much for him to fight against with out any proper weapon.

Garth couldn't plow the fox, that would just leave him where he was, and he had to avoid sucking on the tentacles since he had a suspicion that the fox's cum was a powerful drug. Garth shot an other fireball out of his mouth and then tackled the scared fox right after pressing him down against the ground. The fox yipped in pleasure and his tentacles started to rub them selves all over the Dragon. Garth took a hold of the fox's cock and started to stroke it as hard as he could. The fox yelled out in pleasure as with each stroke up and each down made him cum from each tentacle, hard. With the Fox unable to properly keep a hold of Garth due to his massive amount of orgasms he was helpless to the menstruation of the dragon.

Garth was amazed at how much cum the Fox could produce as he sat there fapping the Fox off. Garth knew that the only way to stop the Fox from keeping him from his love was to empty the fox completely or at least put him into a sex induced coma or something. Garth picked up his pace wrapping both of his clawed hands around the Fox's main cock making the Fox moan in ecstasy as he came constantly all of his cocks shooting out fountains of cum. Garth was turned on horribly by the display but his want to pound the fox finally diminished when he came spontaneously from watching the Fox cum.

Garth ended up spending a good half hour fapping the fox before the fox's cocks stopped cumming. Garth was panting heavily with the Fox who looked utterly exhausted The fox raised his head and looked Garth strait in the eyes before uttering "Thank you" and passing out. Garth felt sorry for the poor boy he was probably just some normal kid making his way through life before being abducted and turned into this sex crazy monster.

Garth stood up and looked at the floor, he and the room was covered in fox cum. He needed a shower before a thought overtook him. The pheromones from the cum would fill everyone's mind with overbearing lust, he him self had trouble resisting it but his love for Jared kept him going. Wiping his face clean at least Garth went over to the computer terminal and typed on it activating the teleporter. He set the destination to his old ship where he knew the bear was most likely screwing his mate.

The flash of light of the teleporter beem and after the disorienting effects from being teleported wore off Garth looked to the room he was in. He had teleported him self back to his old room, and just like the thought the bear was there plowing his huge 16 inch long cock into the mutated Jared.

Harold the bear looked over at the light and growled when he saw Garth. "I don't know how you got past that fox boy but you will not get away this..." Harold stopped mid rant when he took in the smell that Garth was emmiting, he shook his head and tried to start again only to fail the hormones in the air mixing with the one's Jared was producing making his mind fog over in lust. He turned and walked towards Garth intent on ripping out the dragon's hearts and eating them only to find that he fell to the floor and was fapping off his big cock with his bear hands.

Garth grinned when he saw the bear lose him self to the smells. Garth however sniffed as well and looked at Jared. His body flowing with emotions and hormones his cock rock hard again and aching for contact. Garth took a few anxious steps towards Jared and plunged his cock into the human's stretched ass.

Chapter 14

Harold, the massive muscle bound bear was helpless on the floor slumped against the wall with his back against it. His sensitive bear nose was on fire, the smell coming off the dragon was unbearable. Every intake of breath made his cock twitch and spew precum all over his hand witch was working furiously to fap his sixteen inch long and 4 inch wide member. His mind was full of hormones, filling his mind with lust and need. Something about the smell and the hormones was making him unable to cum, his cock was as sensitive as ever, and the pleasure he was getting from fapping him self was amazing but the feeling that he was going to cum was building painfully slow. Harold reached down with his other paw and grabbed his massive balls moaning as he squeezed the two massive orbs trying to get more precum out of them.

A loud pleasurable moan stole Harold's attention, not enough to stop him from stroking his needy member furiously but enough to draw his gaze to the bed he was sitting next to. The large bear's cock twitched as he watched the scean in front of him his muzzle opening as his tongue lolled out and he started to practically drool watching the black dragon Garth, shove his cock up into the mutated human, Jared's ass. The moan came from Jared who was completely enjoying him self as his needy bum hole practically pulling on the dragon's cock to keep it in him longer. The human's fifteen tentacle cocks wrapped up around the dragon's arms and legs and waist just to get more stimulation against the needy flesh.

In the back of Harold's mind he knew that he had to do something he had to get up and kill the dragon and possibly the human, they both had caused him more than enough trouble to be slaves. But the thoughts were pushed away as a sputter of Jared's cum, shot out from one of his tentacle cocks and landed directly on Harold's muzzle and nose. The warm sticky musky liquid filled his mind with a fog of lust making his cock twitch with so much need he just had to get off. Harold would of loved a partner to get him off but he was too horny to do anything but wrap both of his bear hands around his shaft and stroke it madly. Harold's cock drooled out precum as he stopped looking at Garth and Jared and focused only on his straining cock.

Garth shoved his cock into Jared's asshole, his member twitching inside it as he humped at the human. Garth didn't particularly enjoy the feeling of the multiple tentacle cocks wrapping around him squeezing him and rubbing them selves against his smooth scales. Nor did Jared really like being covered in cum of all sorts from the remnants of the fox's spooge and the human's drooling tentacle cocks. Jared moaned happily as he was plowed a look of absolute bliss was on his face, his now twelve inch cock twitching up in the air up high, veins running along it as it drooled out cum. The wiggling cock extension waving outside of Jared's member was waving back and forth as cum spewed out of the head of Jared's cock. The nether tongue, as it can be called was basically a red thin cock extension that extended from Jared's cock, cum didn't come out of it and it extended out of Jared's cumslit. Jared couldn't taste anything with his nether tongue but he could feel with it and it was as sensitive as the rest of his cock, and as flexible as any of his tentacles.

Jared's mind was full of lust, his mutated body and brain telling him to do one thing and one thing only, get fucked. Though as he moaned and wiggled about on the bed clutching at the sheets his body on fire with the feeling of the foot long dragon cock filling his rear a small part of his old mind remained. However his mind was much to fogged over with lust and want for huge cock in him and the need to be filled that the part of him that was his old self was simply a nuisance to his lust addled mind.

Jared, while writhing around in ecstasy looked up into Garth's face. While Garth's expression was one of pleasure and rapture as he still pounded the human's ass raw, Jared saw that in the dragon's eyes was worry. The sight went strait to Jared's old mind, waking it up from its lust induced stupor. Jared's mind fought against the cloud of pleasure and lust but with little success. His body craved the dragon's seed, no it needed it. Jared's old mind took hold over his body, but only to find that he couldn't do much but writhe and enjoy the feeling of Garth's cock in his ass. His tentacles and cock brought him enormous pleasure, yes but the cock in his rear took almost all his attention.

Garth's claws grabbed the human's rump as he slammed his cock into the accepting hole. Jared's ass felt like it was tailor made to take the dragon's cock, it was tight enough to feel amazing but slick and wide enough to allow Garth to pound into the human all he wanted. While Garth was enjoying the sex he was worried about his love immensely. But all thoughts of how to deal with the bear, witch Garth only slightly wondered what the bear was up to, and how to fix his love left as the human squeezed his ass around the dragon's sensitive cock.

Garth stopped thinking about helping Jared and figured he might as well cum first before he fixed his love. Garth slammed his shaft into the human's hole making the human cry out as Garth started to pick up his speed. Some of the tentacles wrapped around Garth's waist and one even found Garth's tail and pulled it towards Jared as it wrapped its self around the tail stroking its self on it.

Garth grabbed Jared's now twelve inch member in one of his claws and started stroking it furiously. Jared's flexible nether tongue wrapped around Garth's hand as he stroked the member rubbing its self against the claw. Garth opened his maw to let his tongue loll out as he panted only to cough slightly as a tentacle shoved its way into his muzzle. He yelped against the tentacle in his muzzle as he felt an other one slide into his rear end. Garth just mentally shrugged and continued to fuck the human even harder, his cock drooling out precum as the tentacle in his rear stroked his prostate. Garth sucked on the tentacle in his mouth, he actually enjoyed the taste of the cum the tentacle cock was producing at a steady rate.

Garth was unsure if the human was orgasming constantly or if it was all precum but all the tentacle's and even Jared's normal cock were drooling out cum. The human seamed to be enjoying him self regardless but Garth did want to make his love cum. Garth humped as hard and as fast as he could shoving his love shaft into the human's awaiting talhole. Garth continued to hump wildly, his thrusts becoming less rhythmic as he came close to orgasm, his balls starting to pull up as he could feel his orgasm growing.

Garth shoved his cock into the human's hole his sensitive knot swelling up and lodging him inside the human's entrance. With a mighty roar around the tentacle cock shoved into his muzzle Garth came, hard. His foot long cock spewing a large amount of seed into the human's rear. Jared moaned heavily as he was filled his whole body going ridged as all of his tentacle cocks and his main cocks started to shoot out cum like a hose, holding tight to whatever they were wrapped around or lodged in.

Garth heard a roar as the bear sitting against the wall next to the bed came as well, one of Jared's cock hosing his body down with his cum while the bear came all over him self as well. Garth's orgasm died down as did Jared's the bear lasted the longest before Garth heard a thump as the bear passed out from his apparently powerful orgasm. Garth's room was practically painted white, with cum everywhere.

Garth grabbed the cock in his muzzle and pulled it out, the human moaned pitifully. Saying, "nooo! Fuck me! Fuck me more!"

"No." Garth said, pulling his cock out of the human's hole. "Jared you have to snap out of it you need to wake up! I need you back."

"Please... please... fuck me" Jared responded

"Jared please, I love you I don't want you to be like this. I love you and want you back to normal. So, please snap out of it." Garth pleaded to the human looking at him in the eyes.

Jared's gaze was locked on Garth's before his tentacles went limp and stopped trying to grope the dragon. Jared looked up and uttered. "I love you too."

Chapter 15

Garth and Jared locked lips for a while, the two of them revealing in their newly pronounced love for each other. But before long Jared had to break the kiss. "I am sorry, but we have to fix you, I love you but we should return you back to normal." Garth said with a look of worry and concern on his muzzle. Jared nodded, his still mutated mind trying to take over as his tentacles started to move around again.

"Please turn me back to normal, I don't know how much longer I can keep up like this" Jared said trying to hold him self back.

Garth was about to take Jared in his arms and carry him down to the mutation rooms when he spotted the slumped over bear in the corner of his eye. "First lets take care of this bastard." Garth picked up his tablet looking device from his bed stand, wiped cum off it and typed into it a few times. Garth activated the teleporter from the other ship and was thinking of a place to hide the bear when an idea hit him. Garth grinned and entered in new coordinates for the bear's arrival. With a shimmer the bear disappeared Using the same teleporter Garth teleported Jared and him self down to the mutation rooms.

In the mutation rooms Garth hooked Jared up to the machines and went to the computer to program it. All sorts of fun things popped into his mind that he could do to make things better between the two of them and fun, the urge to turn his love into more of a cock slut came up but he sighed and knew he had to be a better dragon than that and entered into the computer to try to reverse the mutations.

Garth growled at the computer as he worked hard, the bear had been cleaver and knew how to make mutations that were hard to erase and destroy without altering the base person completely and remaking him from the top, witch would of worked except that even the pirates and slave traders didn't do that, if you erase too much of the base person what makes up their soul basically gets destroyed and eaten and whats left is a husk of a shell and no one liked having an empty fuck toy, well some people did but there were much easier and cheaper ways of getting those.

Garth removed the tentacles easily enough, those were always the easiest thing to get rid of, even if they were built into a basic part of the person it was easy enough to just chop them off anyway. Garth was able to remove them anyway. Garth did leave two things the bear did to Jared alone, he couldn't help but be a little bad. Garth left the human's cock alone, leaving the nether tongue and the enlargement it had gotten alone, he was sure Jared wouldn't mind. Garth entered in the last bits of the program and let it run.

Garth sat in the chair, the program would take a while to run and he was exhausted, the day was long and he had had more sex than he knew what to do with so he found a comfortable chair and nodded off in it falling asleep.

Harold, the bear woke up with a pleasurable moan. He had a headache but something else was starting to call to his mind. Harold felt his hips thrust forward on their own and his cock shot out pleasure up his spine. Harold's eyes shot open and he looked forward, he roared in orgasm as his cock shot out cum. Cum flowed into his mouth around a cock he was apparently sucking on.

The fox had Harold's huge member deep in his ass as Harold was sleep pounding the fox. The fox's tentacles were wrapped all around the huge bear, in his mouth, in his ass and wrapped around his arms and legs. The bear thought he needed to get out to stop pounding the fox but that thought left his mind rather quickly as he started to thrust into the fox his mind starting to lose its self in the lust of the fox's pheromones.

With a savage growl Harold, was that his name? Oh who cares the sex bear shoved his massive tool into the cock slut that was the fox mating him like there was no tomorrow. But for the beast, the bear there was no tomorrow he lost all sense of time, his mind was quickly taken over by the lust completely losing him self to the fox. Harold had made the fox into the perfect trap for anyone who would wonder into his secret hold, the bear's mind didn't have a strong enough anchor to pull its self from the depths of lust that Garth had.

All time was lost to Harold, his surroundings became irrelevant, at one point he felt him self move and being transported but with all time gone and his perceptions dampened he didn't know what happened but more importantly didn't care, he was happy or as happy as he thought he would hear voices but all that mattered was the fox, no the two had become one at some point not truly one but they became one their body's together forever and forever.

Jared woke up in the mutation room, his body feeling different, but normal enough. Flashes of memory appeared in his mind of what happened when he was mutated, a tear ran down his cheek as he remembered what had happened. He looked around and got up. Jared shook his body slightly settling him self in his body. Even though Jared was naked it felt like he was wearing a new outfit he instinctively bounced up and down on his heels a few times trying to settle him self into his body like a new outfit.

Jared looked around and went out of the only door he saw, the door opened with the familiar swoosh that Jared had gotten used to. The room Jared walked into looked like some sort of control room for some sort of testing center he looked around and spotted Garth, naked and covered in dried up cum. Jared smiled looking at his love, wait... did he just think that? Did he just call the dragon his love? But now that he thought about it it seemed right, Jared seemed to like the idea and decided that even though he used to reject even thinking of loving someone else it seemed right.

Jared shook Garth awake, the dragon stirred groggily and woke up a bit. The black dragon ran a claw up Jared's cheek and smiled saying. "Hi there sweety, I was scared I would lose you."

"Its ok, I am here lets get you to our room where you can rest" Jared responded, smiling at the dragon that had taken his heart. Jared reached down and grabbed Garth's claw and helped him up. He then helped the dragon out of the room and along the ship, Garth was clearly exhausted and tired, leaning against Jared a lot as they made their way across the huge cruise liner like space ship.

Jared reached their room, holding Garth up with him as he helped the dragon to the adjoined bathroom. Both of them already naked Jared helped Garth into the shower and hit the button on the side of the wall to turn on the futuristic shower. The water felt nice against Jared's body, the shower soaping them up and washing them down for them. Jared would of liked to take a longer shower with Garth but the dragon was already starting to nod off.

Jared pulled the dragon out of the shower after all the cum and grime was washed off both of them. The bathroom already started to dry them off as they stepped out, they were perfectly dry when Jared lay the heavy dragon down on the bed the dragon crawling up onto the bed him self and starting to pass out. Jared crawled up behind him and snuggled him close he loved the feeling of Garth's strong yet soft scales against his skin.

Garth murmered lightly as he turned around facing Jared "I love you" He moved his muzzle close to the human and kissed him lightly.

"I love you too" Jared whispered back before snuggling down for the night with his love.

Garth reprogrammed the computer sally, fixing the things the bear had done to the computer. He sat down and talked to his superiors with the intergalactic police.

"I sent in my report so you know what happened, I submitted a lot of.... ahh... evidence with it, yes the recordings look rather odd but the bear tampered with my ship's AI so theirs bound to be blips all over on my records. Ahh, no, its ok I am fine. Look, I still have the prisoner on my ship, he his my responsibility.. aahh... no I am fine. Look, my ship may be slower but I still need to return to the fleet for some repairs and things. The prisoner on my ship is fine the others are on the other one. Ooh! Mmm that's good... what? Uh sorry just ignore it. So we are en route to the fleet and will be there in two months, there the prisoner can get a proper scan and see if he can be returned to his home planet or see if we cant find him a.... ooh... uhm sorry a place to move into and see if we cant get him a job or something. Either way I am heading to the fleet. Ok good, thanks... Oh, one last thing, the bear... ooh... he is going to jail right? Yeah? Good, he deserves it."

A click ended the com call and Garth let out the pent up moan. His cock was firmly being sucked on by his human lover who was kneeling down nice between his legs. He was getting closet to cumming, his milk filling the human's maw as the human drank hungrily Garth placed his hand lovingly on Jared's hair rubbing lightly as Jared drank down the dragon's milk.

"Well I managed to convince them to let you stay on my ship, we have some time ahead of us before we get you checked out proper but with any luck I can convince them to let you stay with me, we can even get married as you humans say its ok for people to do that out here, happens all the time. But that will be for later."

Garth took off his headset, Jared wasn't able to hear the other half of the conversation because of it but he didn't care all he cared about was the cock he was sucking on at the moment. Though Jared did smile when he heard that he was able to stay with the dragon he loved. With a roar Garth came and Jared drank it all down. Jared crawled up Garth's body after Garth came and kissed his mate on the lips.


Jared stood there patiently while the green laser light scanned him. He was nervous, a lot hanged on the results of the med scan he was receiving. The light passed over every inch of his body as he stood there naked in the scanning chamber. The light was being emitted by a ring around the edge of the circular chamber. It passed down to his feet and faded as it turned off.

"Please step out of the scanning chamber please" A female voice coming from an unseen speaker in the room. Jared nodded and walked out of the chamber, and into a dressing room. He put on his green space jumpsuit that he had grown accustomed to wearing in the spaceport. He was taking the scan to see how mutated he really was and if the intergalactic police were going to send him back to earth or not.

He walked out of the dressing room and looked to the nurse, she was a female lizard looking alien. She turned her chair to him holding an ipad looking device, reading the results. "Take a seat. Well the results of the test are a bit odd. You do seem to still have an underlying dna structure of bipedal species 168b2 designation: human. But it has been significantly altered, so much so that it is almost indistinguishable from your base structure." She tapped on her pad a few more times after saying so. Jared was nervious in the seat, waiting for her to continue.

"Due to these results my conclusion is that you are techincally considered your own species are are not to return to your home planet..." She kept droning on about laws and other technical things, but Jared didnt hear any of it. He was too focused on the fact that he didnt have to go back home, that he could stay with his boyfriend Garth. She sent the information along to the intergalactic police and sent Jared on his way.

Jared walked down the corridors of the space station he was on. He was headed to a resteraunt on the station. He and Garth had a date scheduled right after the exam, there Jared would tell Garth the good or bad news of the scan. Jared had a skip in his step as he walked towards his date.

He sat down in the chair opposite from Garth who had a worried look on his face. "so? What were the results?" Garth asked, he was clearly nervious, his tail tip flicking back and forth, his leg moving like he was itching to go to the bathroom.

"Well long story short my love, I am not allowed to go back to earth, so I can stay with you" Jared said with the biggest grin he could muster on his face. Garth jumped up out of his seat and stepped towards Jared, his breathing fast. He quickly grabbed Jared's hand and put a little box in it.

"Then Jared will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me?" He said quickly and rather loudly, most of the aliens in the resteraunt looked over expectantly, waiting for Jareds resonse. Jared's heart nearly skipped a beat as he pulled Garth up to face level and kissed him on his muzzle. He pulled back and said "Yes, yes I will marry you my sweet draggy."

The Vessel ch. 4

The Vessel ch. 4 _Super sorry for the half year deley in chapter. I wont be writing a tun anymore but I hope to pick it up more now a days. Anywho I hope you guys like this chapter. As always, happy reading!_ Phil took a long shower, he felt amazing...

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The horse's slave

Horse's slave Heres a story commition from [![avatar?user=116045&character=0&clevel=2]( LoneWolf669]( "LoneWolf669") I must warn everyone who...

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Living as a Lycanthrope ch. 6

Living as a Lycanthrop Ch. 6 _Here's the next chapter. I am sorry that theres not much in it, especially yiff wise. I am even more sorry for the delay in writing anything, I have had class, especially a writing class so I am often busy. Anyway...

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