Night Shift (Were-TF)

Story by Nequ on SoFurry

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A shopgirl, after a traumatic experience, shares the effects with another retail slave. Enthusiastically.

The girl seemed distraught.

"Let's take it from the top," the officer said. "This first customer came in."

She nodded numbly.

"Then, while you were serving him cigarettes, a man in a hoodie came in and pulled a gun."

Another nod.

"He threatened you with the weapon, at which point the first customer attacked the robber and left the store."

"Yes...attacked," she said. Her eyes were wide and staring. "Then he just...left."

"Did he say anything?"

"He said...I'm sorry."

The cop blinked.

The girl's eyes tracked the gurney, as the comatose thief was loaded into the ambulance, blood visible even under the oxygen mask. "Why did he do that? He took him down, and then he just...kept going. He even bit him!"

"I...I don't know."

"He got shot," she declared.

"Pardon me?"

"He got shot. The customer. The bullet scratched me too." She displayed the scratch on her arm. "Didn't even care. he just started laughing..."

"Well...the EMTs can have a look at that." And maybe they could treat the shock too. "I'll see if someone can drive you home."

She nodded, and then just stared.

"It's over there."



She couldn't sleep.

Which made sense, because she couldn't eat, see what was on TV, or watch cat videos either.

She rolled out of the bed which had been alternately freezing and burning, and walked to the bathroom. Her olive skin was sweaty, and as she looked in the mirror, there were bags under her eyes, her hair was limp and lifeless, and she looked more or less like someone you'd find in a cardboard box. Or a college student with a hangover.

And she was really hungry, all of a sudden.


The bus dropped her off down the street from the nearest 24-hour megastore, and she pulled back her hood to breathe the night air. Maybe all she had needed was to get some fresh air.

As the full moon poked its head out from behind a cloud, she sniffed. Didn't smell like anyone was in the area. In fact, she smelt food around. Rotten, stale, but still edible.

And...that wasn't the only type of meat nearby.

She rolled her shoulders and grinned.


It wasn't until he had dumped the third box of fruit that he noticed the woman standing there.

"Hiiiiiii," she drawled.

"Can I help you?"

"Well, let's think." A flash of teeth. "I'm walking up to a stranger in the dark." She proceeded to do so.

"Dark-ish. We're gonna fix that light soon. Aaany day now, Corporate says." He edged toward the door.

"Don't interrupt. Since neither of us are trying to mug each other, that leaves - where are you going?" She pushed him toward the wall, held him there.

Why couldn't it ever be a guy who offered him random sex? Of course, he'd still refuse - his version of "don't stick it in crazy" included "don't let crazy stick it in you" and "you don't know where it's been" and "strange men in alleys distributing cocksuckings was no basis for sexual intercourse" - but it'd be nice if someone made the offer.

"Look," he said, pushing off the wall with his considerable muscles. "You're not my type, and I have to get back to my exciting job of throwing crap away -"

She slammed him back against the wall, hard. When the stars cleared, she was about an inch away, her breath hot, her eyes intent and wide and...yellow?

She licked him.

Uh, okay.

Somethign tugged at his waist, and he looked down to see the woman's hand fumbling with his belt. She seemed oddly clumsy, like she hadn't done it before. Or maybe she was just right-handed, like most of the people on the planet. Her hand looked kinda big-

He carefully felt the hand that wasn't quite around his throat. She didn't notice, as she was...sniffing him? (As long as she didn't bite. This was so weird.) Her right hand felt smaller than the left looked, but the lighting back there wasn't exactly gr-

She tore the front of his boxers off. he hadn't even noticed her pulling down his zipper, what was going -

And now she was licking it. Great, perfect. Some kind of freak who was tall enough to look him in the eye, and she had him by the throat and liked the smell of his cock.

The strange woman dropped the scrap and reached down, cupping his sack and dick, rubbing her thumb up and down the underside. He tried to jerk back, he really did, but there was an inconvenient wall in the way, and as it turned out, he didn't have some kind of magical phasing power. Which left him helpless when she cupped him again, this time with her sharpened nails lightly pressing against his skin, as in try that again and I'll rip it off.

For some reason, he didn't have any doubt that she could do it.

His heart beat loud and fast in his chest. He could smell her musky scent, and, honestly, it wasn't bad. And still, there were worse things than getting a handjob in an alley from a stranger. He'd just, y'know, go inside and call the police when she let him go.

What was wrong with her hand, anyway? It felt hard, calloused, and it hadn't a few seconds ago. In fact, the hand on his throat felt the same, and as he clutched at her arm, it felt...strong. He was pretty cut himself, he knew a someone who lifted when he felt it.

Okay, so he might be in the process of being sexually assaulted by some nutjob hopped up on a combination of protein shakes and sex-change hormones. Great. just great. He tried to reach for his phone, and suddenly found that he couldn't breath, and she was squeezing down below really tightly.

"Okay, okay!" he managed to chock out, and the pressure eased. He just had to let it happen. Let her get him off, than go. Let -

What was she doing with her pants?

The first thing that came ot mind was that he hadn't even noticed her growing bulge, and something that size needed to have a bulge, or else physics had some explaining to do. He had had some experience with bulges, and he was pretty sure they weren't supposed to work that way.

Or, for that matter, be big and red.

In fact, as she rubbed her dick against his - he was mildly disappointed to find that hers was bigger. Much bigger. If only his was that large.

There was something brown on her hand. Something spotted. The right arm felt like fur under his hand, which was impossible, because, ha ha, people didn't just grow fur.

Or muscles.

Or giant red penises.

What...what if she was contagious?

She took their members in one massive hand, and began to work them up and down. Honestly, it felt good. Really good. But just on the level of stimulation, because he didn't like girls-

Well, a dick was a dick, wasn't it? Even if it was on a woman. A pretty buff woman too, so she barely counted. And besides, it wasn't as if straight guys didn't get with pre-op trannies, so it didn't even count.

Suddenly, she stopped.

"Wh-what's wrong?" he heard himself say.

She looked down at him, released him. From both grips. Cocking her head in the direction of the door, she stood back.


He couldn't help but notice that her thighs were so large they were splitting her pants. There was something wrong with her shoes, too. And her shoulders...she was developing a hunched posture, some sort of fringe going up the back of her head. Her ears seemed...fuzzy.

She grinned at him, with a distinctive air of "feel free to leave".


Grin, grin.

The whole situation would look completely stupid if someone came along now. A giant, half-transformed werewolf shemale and a guy with his pants open and dick hanging out.

All he had to do was walk away.

For reasons he could never explain later, he found himself pulling his pants all the way down, kicked them in a direction he hoped was slightly less filthy than the rest of the alley, and went to parade rest.

Five seconds later, his back was against the wall, his feet were in the air, and the weretranny was somehow not splitting him like a Twix bar.

If he had time to think about it, he would think about how strange that was. But he was busy thinking about the still growing creature railing him, the raw power in its movements, the fur creeping over its body, the blunt muzzle with its nose snuffling all over his face, the tongue plunging into his mouth, the claws pricking his thighs.

Even though he normally preferred to be the top, he decided, it wasn't bad.

She went stiff all of a sudden, and he had a sudden thought about the relative proportions of the amount of jizz that he was about to get pumped into him.

They turned out to be a severe underestimate. Felt more like gallons.

And he came too. She opened her mouth wide as he did, letting out something that sounded like a cross between laughter and moaning as she accepted his donation to the horny hyena hermaphrodite fund. Her teeth gleamed in the night, her hot breath danced across his skin.

Some time later, she relaxed her grip on him and he dropped to the ground, chest heaving. He just...he just needed to relax for a second -

She, by contrast, looked ready for round two, her erection still as raring to go as it had been before she came. She didn't seem worried by the spunk on her face and chest, dripping down her member to - yep, those were girly bits under there - how much she reeked of sex and sweat and something else.

He flinched as she leaned down,and stood up with...his phone?

She tapped at it with her massive paws for a few seconds, then dropped it on his chest and mouthed something that might've been "call me", before vanishing into the night.

Leaving her paramour lying there, wondering how he was going to clean up the mess.


The second he stepped through the door, his boss nabbed him.

"Hey!" said the Hispanic woman, grabbing his arm and dragging him into her tiny office. "Where have you been? You didn't fill out your time card properly!"

Truth be told, he didn't mind. He needed a little private time alone to process what happened to him. And if that process included a cute MILF, so much the better. He eyed her wide hips and wondered idly when he had started to like women.

He kicked the door shut with his foot. The boss didn't notice, seeing as she was occupied with scratching the nicotine patches on her arm. She plopped him down in the guest chair and gave him the standard speech about how important proper timekeeping was.

He grinned at her.

"What's so funny?" she growled. He was just supposed to nod and agree, and going off-script didn't help her usual poor mood.

"I'm just wondering how a multi-billion dollar megacorp is going to be bought down by one stockboy's mistake on his time sheet, is all."

While she grappled with him going off-script, he just sat there. Presently, she said "do you smell something?"

"Only your perfume."

There was some sort of speech she was supposed to give in response to this, but what actually came out was "stop...stop trying to charm your way our of trouble. I know you're gay."

"Am I?"

Her heart leapt a little. "Even weren't, I'm married."

"Don't worry. He can come too. Or three. Or four." The stockboy leaned forward. Had his eyes always been that yellow, his teeth that sharp?

She was flushed. "Whatever you're doing...stop."

"Me? I'm just sitting here. I mean, I am flooding your office with that smell you mentioned, but that's entirely involuntary."

Her office. She needed to get out. Get out now. She staggered to her feet and toward the door, the young man watching her, not moving a muscle. As she passed, there was the sound of a zipper, and she made the mistake of looking -

It was massive. Red and massive and inhuman and it made her knees give out and she clutched at him as she fell and there were mounds growing under his shirt -

"Go on," he said, with a slap to her rear that sent sparks up her spine. "Git. I ain't stopping you. Just walk right out."

The door was right there -

But then again, so was his dick. So close she could feel the heat off of it, could_smell_ it.

She licked her lips.


"Night Shift" 2014 Eulalie "Nequ" Quentin (CC) By-SA-NC. Free to repost (with credit left in).

1 For the record, this is me actively trying to write brainless vaguely-Halloween-themed smut. I even have a generic title. And yet I still end up throwing the seldom-seen "gay-to-bi" mental change in. I mean, I've seen a few, but it was usually two guys already in a relationship, or the usual "gay guy has a crush on his straight friend but can't tell him".

2 Look, no tea again!

3 Funny. My autocorrect thinks that when I type " pre-op trannies" I really mean " pre-op grannies", which would make this an entirely different kind of story.

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