Riding Red (latex TF, various)

Story by Nequ on SoFurry

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This Little Red Riding Hood's got a basket full of Kung Pao.

Contains; latex, transformation, hermification, administration of alcohol to a minor against their will, and summoning a gardener under false pretences.

It's got mountains, it's got rivers It's got woods that give you shivers But it sure would be prettier with you -Lulu and the Lampshades' "Cups (You're Gonna Miss Me)"

The sky above the suburb was the color of a television turned to a dead channel.

Poppy considered chaining her bike to the mailbox it was leaning against, before deciding that the area was probably not a hotbed of criminal activity. She hooked her helmet over the handlebars, and lifted the order for E. MARR out of the container on the back.

There was the faint smell of cut grass, and the young asian woman winced. That meant that...yep, there he was, in the neighbor's yard. His muscles glistening with sweat under his tank top.

She had talked to him, once.


Ramon looked up, and Poppy stifled the urge to pull her sleeveless red hoodie back up as she looked away with burning cheeks. She walked to the front door. It swung open at her knock.

"I'm in the kitchen!" someone called.

In said room, the delivery girl found a shadowy figure sitting at the counter.


"Not exactly. I'm a friend of hers, dear."

"Why is it so dark in here?"

"Felt like it. Just put the order on the counter, thanks."

Poppy did, and, on her way out, reflexively hit the light switch with her elbow.

The first thing she noticed was the fact that the woman at the other end of the table appeared to have been scratched out with a marker, before realizing that she was simply wearing some kind of shiny black skintight catsuit.

Or anteater suit, in this case.

It was doubtless a very expensive mask; she could still see the quite-human eyes in it. In fact, she couldn't see any seams anywhere, which probably meant they were on the back. It wasn't a bad figure, really, at least the bits that weren't on the other side of the table. Which reminded Poppy of her resolve to cut back on fortune cookies. Or eat more fortune cookies. Or something fortune cookie related.

Strangely, it wasn't the weirdest delivery she had made, or even the weirdest anteater related one. Still, she knew that she needed to be professional here. Freaks tended to tip well. Not that this stopped the delivery folks from chatting about them back at the office.

Nonetheless, the first thing out of Poppy's mouth, before she could stop herself, was "Anteater? You're a sexy anteater?"

The anteater blinked. "I certainly hope so." It sounded like she was speaking through a cardboard tube. "I'm a friend of Miss Marr. Call me Miss Bigsby."

"Riiight. Well, what ever furry fetish stuff you're up to is none of my business, so, here's your order."

"You're Chinese, right?"

Poppy rolled her eyes internally. "Korean. Do you ask if everyone who delivers pizza is Italian?"

"I'm sorry, let me make it up to you." She raised a teacup, and Poppy suddenly noticed the bottle of whine at the older woman's elbow. "Want a drink?"

"I'm 19, so, no. Where's Gra - I mean, Miss Marr?"

"She's around. Want some wonton?" She gestured toward the food with her cup.

"No thanks."

"Okay, so let me pay you."

Poppy turned toward the door. "It was paid automatically."

And suddenly, the Improbable Anteater was right next to her. "I know."

And then she kissed her.

Later, Poppy would try to figure out the logistics. How could someone with a mouth that was maybe an inch across get so much rice, wine, and half-chewed meat into her mouth before she could fight her off, and still have room for tongue.

"What was that?" she yelled as she wiped something wet off her lips with the back of her hand.

The other woman cocked her head. "Just your tip. Or the tip. Whichever you prefer."

"Know what? No. No. I am not getting wrapped up in-in-in whatever sick little porno fantasy you have going on here. Where's Miss Marr?"

"I locked her in the hall closet."

Poppy stared, then backed away, out of the dining room, towards the foyer. The doorknob turned easily under her hand.

The smell of sex hit her like a punch in the face.

"Let me rephrase;" said Bigsby, from directly behind the delivery girl. "I locked her, in the closet. And believe me, it took a lot of experimentation to figure out how to put her on the edge, never quite tipping over. A lot -" there was a wet noise, like something long running over lips "- of experimentation."

Someone - guess who? - had shoved a merrily buzzing sex toy into her vagina. Said sex toy was attached to a peculiar pair of pink panties, which were themselves sealed with something rather more substantial than a kiss; a heart-shaped padlock. The woman was trembling, the light making her sweat-slicked skin appear black in some places, instead of its usual deep brown. There was a blindfold tied around her eyes, and some kind of mittens bound her hands together in front of her.

She had always thought of Marr as sexless. Never again.

Very, very slowly, she turned around.

"Look," said the college student, palming her pepper spray as unobtrusively as she could, "I really don't care what sort of furry fetish stuff you people get up to in your own home. But let me just ask you a question."


"What's Miss Marr's first name?"

The anteater paused. "Um."

Poppy tried not to hum the Jeopardy theme as she edged toward the door.

"Where are you going?" The anteater grabbed her right arm, and with her left, she spun and blasted it full in the face with a very spicy meatball indeed, so to speak.

She didn't move, didn't let go.

"Really? That's your best shot? I could take a bath in the stuff, put it on cereal, rub it right into my eyes. Honestly, it's not painful at all." She smiled. "To me."

Poppy just stared at her, before something churned in her gut. Like a fever, burning inside, one that no amount of cowbell would ease.

Her teeth felt sharp. There were so many....new smells,that she hadn't noticed before. Most obviously the Aardvark and Gramps. The former had the bitter reek of rubber, and the latter, the latter was starting to.

But mostly she just smelt like sex.

She crossed her eyes, and stared at the end of her nose. Not only did it seem to be farther away than it had been that morning, but the tip looked black.

The freak's arms wrapped around her from behind, just under the girl's modest breasts.

"What...what are you doing to me?" This wasn't real, this wasn't real.

"Just gave you some of my special sauce." Her free hand unbuttoned the girl's cargo shorts, shoved them off her hips. I think you could stand to be a lot less -"

Her hands came off Poppy's body to describe something resembling a two-by-four. Which was,unfortunately, quite accurate.

"I don't want -"

"Try it," the strange women whispered, "you'll like it, or your body back."

She didn't give the college student a chance to answer before she pulled her arms behind her back, held them there.

"Don't take off her underpants."

Who was she talking to?

Poppy jumped as the black woman stuck her nose into her crotch. She could feel her hot breath on her lips, even through the cotton of her boyshorts, and the older woman smelled even more like latex. The back of her neck, where her cornrows fell off of it, seemed remarkably shiny.

There was a lick, and she writhed. What...what was that coming out of Gramps' back? What that a tail? A donkey tail? No, it was black, and had spots, like, like...

A giraffe.

Poppy's eyes jerked back toward the other woman's neck. Was it longer? And what was that sensation? Those tiny little shudders, passing through Marr's mouth, through the cotton, into her skin. Were they vertebrae growing, realigning?

No, that was crazy. That was impossible. And just to prove it, she would stop trying to wriggle out of the anteater's grasp and mark a spot on the back of the woman who was not quite eating her out. Note its distance from her hair, the blindfold -

Okay, that was an optical illusion. She tried again.

On the third try, the mole she was looking at visibly moved an inch, driving the black woman's head - it was more of a muzzle, really - that much farther into Poppy, who sagged against her captor.

There was a hot, slick feeling in her gut, and a single thought in her head.

This was real.

Something gave in her mind, and more visibly, in her crotch, and there was a surge of wetness and heat.

"Told you you'd like it," whispered the anteater on her shoulder, as it released her.

This was wrong, this was all wro - what was that...pressure feeling? Like something was swelling?

The asian reached behind her, and found herself grabbing great handfuls of...herself, along with vastly increased upper thighs. Which was strange, because she was pretty sure there wasn't supposed to be that much herself to grab.

She had a...a booty?

She whispered the word around increasingly sharp teeth, her ears twitching in irritation as she fought with her longer tongue.

Booty. It felt wrong on her, like it didn't fit. And yet - she squeezed - there it was. But she was way too bottom-heavy -

Her breasts suddenly swelled, the nipples chafing against her shirt. She gritted her teeth at the stimulation, and grabbed Gramps by the little horn-nubs, shoving the muzzle into her crotch.

Then she walked backwards.

It was impossible, like she was pulling the neck out of the woman. But she wasn't a woman anymore. None of them were. They were something much, much better.

Even though a sexy anteater was still silly.

"Well, your feet are coming along nicely," remarked the same.


"You burst your shoes. Didn't you notice?"

Poppy looked down, and was surprised to find that she had, and she hadn't even noticed. Were the changes doing something to her mind so that she missed it? Or was she just distracted by -

A wordless cry, an arched back -

"You know, you can stop any time. Just ask."

The young woman's only response was a growl, and an uneasy shifting of her widening shoulders. She didn't let go. The red flush darkened her arms, and she tore her underpants off with barely any effort. Her claws dug into the older woman's head, but not quite enough to draw blood.

As for Marr, she was actually tottering on hooves, limbs becoming increasingly slim, beyond the reach of even the most anorexic models. Her skin had darkened to a slick black, and spots were fading in even as Poppy watched.

The Anteater's black paws wrapped around the asian's face, caressing it, pulling it outward. "Let it go. Let it out. This is who you were meant to be."

Poppy wasn't completely sold on that, but nonetheless, her muzzle emerged, with snorts and sniffs and huffings. She steadied herself, her claws clacking on the floor.

Something was wrong. Something was missing.

"This is my favorite part."

Poppy gasped, bending over Gramps as her spine stretched, lengthened, and a glorious Wolfy tail burst out of her. Or, more accurately, some kind of furry fetish approximation of what one looked like.

She ran a paw down the black slickstuff on her stomach and breasts, nipples capped with red. One hand idly fondled herself, the black pads scraping against the sensitive flesh, while the other found her hair was still the same straight black bob, although she marveled at what big, pointy ears she now had.

"And there we are!" said the 'Eater. She crossed in front of the gasping young woman, and reached in between Marr's legs. The buzzing stopped, and the Giraffe slumped to the floor, her skinny chest heaving. "But I don't want to let her have all the fu -"

Something grabbed her, and the next thing she knew, her face was in between two powerful thighs, with a still-dripping slit in front of her.

"Use it," said a husky voice.

The anteater's tongue is a long, prehensile, highly flexible, organ. It is designed to seek out ants in the tight confines of an ant nest.

By contrast, finding a clitoris in the rather more open confines of a vulva was child's play.

Especially since it seemed to be getting bigger.

It wasn't long before Bigsby was plying her skills on something about an inch long. Then two, then three. The younger woman's hands greedily grasped her neck, her head, pulling her in and out with surprising power.

She felt the depression in the tip, and massaged it, as it opened up into a urethra. Sparing a second to think about how "urethra" would never be a sexy word, she immediately dove in, sending the tip if her tongue straight down it -

Poppy tensed.

Bigsby got out while the getting was good, but she still ended up with Wolf spunk all over her face. Still, it was good that she didn't have long fur like a real anteaters. There were some perks to being a furry fetish version of a real animal.

Other than the hot sex.

She gathered Marr's head into her lap, slipped the blindfold off, and stroked her head.

"Th-thank you," the black woman whispered.

For her part, the panting delivery girl stared down at the new body part. It was pointed at the tip, but still had a mushroom head. It looked kind of like a person's, but...

It wasn't human.

She wasn't human.

There was silence for a few seconds.

"Y'know," said Gigabyte conversationally, "with this neck, she sure wouldn't fit in the closet now."

"I'm hungry," the Wolf declared.

"Food's right there."

"I didn't say for food."

A few seconds later, the gardener next door heard a scream of "help, Ramon!" from Miss Marr's yard, and immediately dropped everything. He vaulted over the fence, and ran for the open sliding door.

Then a red Wolf grabbed him, threw him onto the table, and growled "hello, Ramon. I need your help with some wood".

"Aw, there goes the Chinese!" someone complained nearby. They sounded like they were speaking through a cardboard tube.

"Poppy? Is this some kind of furry fetish stuff?"

"Quiet," the deliverygirl growled. Then she kissed him, her breasts pressing against his chest under her hoodie. "Does that feel fake?"

"I've never been kissed by a regular wolf, much less one made of latex." A sickly smile. He didn't notice what was happening with his teeth. "If you could just explain what -"

She ripped his shorts down, and wrapped her paws around his member, swiftly bringing it to life. "Does that feel like a costume?"

His hands gripped the edges of the table, and were already starting to darken. "Um."

She grabbed her own dick, and grasped it, with his, in both hands. Then she began to jerk them both off against each other.

Ramon moaned. His arms were beginning to swell. already thick muscle becoming thicker. It looked like a time-lapse of a bodybuilder, except without the steroids and shrinkage.

Except for the tiny little fact that the muscles themselves were wrong.

The hair on Ramon's head turned to muttonchops, and then framed his entire face it also shifted toward green. He felt the tingle, sure, but he was mostly concerned with...other things.

The red Wolf's muzzle rested gently next to his ear.

"And does that," she whispered, "feel like a strap-on?"

And then, just like that, she let go.

The gardener laid back for a few seconds, gasping. When he recovered, he looked down, to find that he had been half transformed into some kind of gorilla, and Poppy had positioned herself right over his cock.

And then she dropped.

And Ramon came.

Nothing like that had ever happened to him before.

When he recovered from that, he found a rather irritated Wolf glaring at him.

"Y'know what? Imma give you a rain check. It's a confusing situation, and if I wasn't hungry, I'd have more to say." She tapped him sharply on the cheek. "But don't you ever finish first again. Got that?"

"Yes, ma'am," he said numbly.


The Gorilla got down from the table, trying to get used to his new feet, and the fact that his skin had all turned black, and the squeaking.

"You know," said Bigsby slowly, "you kinda ruined our dinner."

"I didn't hear you complaining," Poppy noted, with a flick of the eyes toward the Anteater's still sopping crotch. "Kind of the opposite."

"I'm still hungry," said the Giraffe.

"Me too," the Gorilla added.

"Did I give you permission to speak, Curious George? But you know what?" Poppy's eyes sparkled. "I'm thinking pizza."

"Riding Red"

(CC) 2014 Nequ

I find that Red Riding Hood TFs are a severely underserved field, and decided to plug this hole in the market. The only major ones I've been able to find are an RP (more on that shortly), and a rather gory sequence by Mamabliss, which is pretty extreme even for this fandom. Though less so that that one comic she did with heart sex.

Red's "two in the hand" frottage trick is based on something I once saw in a Bailey Jay GIF. Which I came across after researching "Bonk, Bonk!" Amazing where you end up when you look for pictures of striped stockings on Deviantart.

Other inspirations include Snow Crash, this fanart of Chloe Moretz as YT from same*, and a five-year old RP I found done by Kotep/Wobbuvashi, which I'm not linking to without his permission. And dude, if you're reading this, you got a lot of good story makings back there.

* Though Poppy here is azn, for the sole purpose of ticking every major American ethnic minority demographic box. Of course, if she was Chinese, anyone who knows even a little about The Opium Wars would be looking at her name and going "hang on a second"...

Gender shifting, hermaphrodite, m/Herm, f/f, non-con, anteater, giraffe, f/solo, latex, rubber, femdom

"Bonk, Bonk!" [Clown TF]

You don't have to be afraid to put your dreams in action You never gonna fade you'll be the main attraction - **Make It Shine (Victorious Theme) - Victorious cast** The young man nodded at the attendant as he walked into the store's changing room...

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TreatHunterz 3: Morning Shift (Oblivious TF)

I drive these brothers crazy, I do it on the daily, **-Black Eyed Peas' "My Humps"** The young woman got out of her car and nearly stepped on a black cat. It danced aside, and looked at her reproachfully. "Sorry," she said, and stretched out a...

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TreatHunterz 2: Gato Have It (Double TF)

I can't go any further than this I want you so badly, it's my biggest wish **-Black Eyed Peas' "Meet Me Halfway"** The night had been going so well. She had been corsetted, blindfolded, and tied up, and Ranger was right next to her, watching...

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