TreatHunterz 2: Gato Have It (Double TF)

Story by Nequ on SoFurry

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#2 of TreatHunterz

A concerned homeowner and his dog rush upstairs when his wife cries out. Contains F/H, F/Sm/F, BDSM, double TF, and an unjustifiably smug cat.

I can't go any further than this I want you so badly, it's my biggest wish -Black Eyed Peas' "Meet Me Halfway"

The night had been going so well.

She had been corsetted, blindfolded, and tied up, and Ranger was right next to her, watching Scandal. Then he had sat up, going "I swear, I heard someone down there." Then he went downstairs, and he hadn't come back upstairs yet. She thought she heard shuffling at one point, but that was probably just the AC.

"Honey?" she called. "Is everything okay?"

No answer.

"Yellow light?"


Now, where was that catch?

She managed to get one hand free of its cuffs before something caught her wrist. "I don't think that's a good idea," said an unfamiliar, rumbling voice. Almost purring.

"R-red light?"


Camilla thought about the matter. Her husband was incommunicado, and he had been inconsiderate enough to leave her trussed up like a turkey for a complete stranger who didn't know their safewords..

So she screamed.

"Oh crap," her unknown companion said, their confident tone gone. "Hey, lady, stop, cut that out before -"

If the stranger had noticed the pounding on the steps, they probably would've tried to make good their escape instead of putting her rubber-gloved hand over Camilla's mouth. As it was, they were caught flat-footed when Ranger's heavy footsteps entered the room.

There was a brief silence.

"Hey," said the stranger, awkwardly.

"Hey," said in Ranger's voice.

"Mmph," Camilla said, glaring at the approximate location of their uninvited houseguest. The taste and smell were not pleasant.

Coco growled.

The interloper paused, then said in a nervous-sounding voice "I can explain."

"Get away from my wife," Ranger growled, in the tone that always sent a surge of electricity through Camilla's chest.

They did. The Latina used her newly-freed hand to rip off the blindfold, and found her boyfriend wearing an absurd female dog costume. Yes, it had his broad shoulders and muscled arms. If anything, the shirt was even tighter across the chest. It even had the same expression that he wore while angry. The ridiculous part was the bulge between his legs.

Ridiculous and a little hot.

"Mi Amor," she sighed, "I thought we said that we wouldn't make any radical changes, like costumes, or new people." She nodded toward the cat, which was, similarly, intersex and, differently, apparently made of black latex, with varicolored highlights, like the inside of its ears, or the nose, or the remarkably lifelike tongue that was hanging out of its open mouth as it stared at her.

"The makeup is very good, though," she added. "How did you get it on so fast?"

"Err...I didn't."

The woman's brow furrowed. "Is there someone else downstairs?"

"It's not a costume. It's real. And she's not with me."

A wet nose pushed past Ranger, and he absently reached down and scratched behind the dog's ears. "Also, that was Coco downstairs. Just...not as we know her."

"Very funny."

"I'm serious." He stepped into the room and spun, so his wife could get a better look at him.

Now Camilla's mouth was hanging open. She turned to look at the intruder, who gave a little wave. Both husband and dog cringed as she drew in her breath, waiting for the scream.

"No. No. You do not get to drop this on me just like that." She turned to the cat. "You. Miss Kitty. Who are you, and what were you going to do with me?"

"Uh..." The feline looked surprised at being out on the spot.

Camilla eyebrowed at her.

She sighed. "Yes, ma'am." A moment to think. "I'm contagious."

"That makes two of us," Ranger muttered.

"Mi Amor," Camilla chided.

"What I do," Kitty continued, "is improve lives. Give the people what they want." Beat. "And maybe enjoy myself a little. "

"Well, they say you have to love your work," Cam said dryly. "I take it become like you, afterwards?"

"Not exactly. Different species, sometimes, or size, or shape. But they're always latex."

"There was something in the paper about a prowler."

"Uh...yeah. I wasn't as subtle as I could've been, scouting."

You were stalking my wife, Ranger thought. His dog gave out a low rumble of her own.

"How do you choose anyway, hmm? Do you just go in any house you see with an open doggie door?"

The cat blinked. "You wanted it."

The Columbian's eyes narrowed. "No I didn't."

"Yes you did. On Facebook. You said Ranger wasn't responsive enough, how he needed to listen to you more."

"You said what about me?"

"I wasn't talking about sex, I was complaining about how he hasn't cleaned out the gutters!"

"I'm...I'm gonna get to that! Soon."

"It's been soon for a month -"

"Wait. How did you even see her posts?"

"Friend of a friend."

"Ranger, don't even say 'I told you so.'"

"I didn't say anything."

"I know that look." She turned to their interloper. "How many people have you converted?"

The cat coughed, embarrassed. "That's not important right now. What is important is whether you want me to go through with it. I won't influence your opinion in any way -"

"Liar," Ranger growled.

"I can smell the pheromones you're putting out. Trying to get into Camilla's head."

"Oh, like you're any better."

"What? I'm not -"

"You really can't smell that?"

"Isn't that Coco?"

"Unless you have a really weird name for your dog-funk, no. Either way, you're influencing her just as much as I am."

"Quiet, both of you," grumbled Camilla. Her head was starting to swim. "How did you get in here?"

"Someone left the upstairs bathroom window open."

"That opens, what, an inch?"

By way of demonstration, the cat spun her upper body 360 degrees, without moving her feet at all. Smug grin. "I'm very flexible."

Coco's eyebrows rose.

The cat snapped back to normal.

"So what you're saying is that you cyberstalk and really stalk people, ambushe them, turn them into people like you, and then just leave them alone to infect others without any sort of checking up on them?"

The cat looked like she had been hit by a poleaxe. "I don't - I never -" she sputtered.

"Have you ever considered that you are someone with a disease, Senorita Gata? Because you would not be the first person to care more about getting off than the people whose lives they're affecting."

"I thought you -"

"Quiet. Tengo la caracola. Beloved?"

Ranger had used his prep time constructively.

"Well, Coco came in, looking kinda like a human, and then she kissed me -"

"You what?"

Her dog shrank under her glare.

"It was a dog kiss, not a human kiss. Well, not exactly. Anyway, she must've infected me, I changed, I heard you scream and ran upstairs and -" he gestured down his body "- here we are."

"I see. Were you planning to...share, like kitty here?"

"What? No, I was just checking on you."

"Are now that I am safe," she rolled her shoulders in a manner that showed off two of her best features, instantly captivating both her husband and the gata "what are you going to do?"

"I'd like to think that my raw sexy would overwhelm you before you got out the door," Miss Kitty said. She looked down her muzzle at the canines. "They can watch."

"Who says you get first dibs? My husband is my husband, even if he's no exactamente a "he" anymore.

"Thanks, honey."

There was a brief silence.


"What, right now? With her watching?"

"We've let Coco watch before." (That worthy canine barked.) "It's not really so different."

"You're comparing me to a dog? You have noticed I can speak, right?"

Coco gave Kitty a very dry sort of look.

"You know, honey, you're taking this muy fantástico situation very well."

"Less talking," she snarled.

"Are you sure? You seem upset. Maybe I should give you a chance to cool down -"

"Good news, Gata, my idiota of a husband is forfeiting his turn."

"No, wait!"

"You know," said the cat, "for someone tied to a bed, you seem to be in control of the situation."

There was a hint of a smile on the Columbian's face. "Did I give you permission to speak?"

"No ma'am."

She turned her attention to Ranger. "You smell like wet dog."

"That's - oh, I get it." He cough. "Well, I'll just have to get you soaked too."

He had always thought of her as regal, as su reina, and when he closed her eyes, she smelled like purple, and red, and gold. The purple was her base state, the red a rising heat centered on her stomach, and the gold cautious, but growing, anticipation. And maybe a little fear.

Her heart beat faster.

"Corazon, what color am I?" she whispered.

She knew him so well.

He didn't answer.

Her lips tasted pink, the rest of her mouth a faint coppery tinge. He nearly cut his tongue on her sharpening canines, before her tongue wrapped around his hungrily.

Her corset-bound chest pushed against his, hungrily. Though there wasn't skin contact, the fabric of his nipples still responded to the stimulation from the satin. He wondered if it was like this on the inside as well, if there was some way to modify it, then realized he was thinking about the next time he would have sex with his wife while he was having sex with his wife.

Focus, boy. "The present is a gift", remember?

Suddenly, she yelped, and jumped.

"Something wrong?"

"Cold nose."

"But I didn't even -" he looked down, at the Pomeranian eagerly trying to push her head between them. "Oh. Coco, what do you want?"

What she wanted, looked like, was to use her tongue to -

"Oh," Camilla breathed, "good girl."

"Hey!" the cat protested. "No fair double-teaming!"

"The judging will be - mmm - adjusted." Her foot swung around, scratching Coco with nails that were growing increasingly dark and long.

This posed a problem for Ranger. He didn't want to interrupt the dog, but he didn't want to stop, either.

"Hang on. Coco, give me a second."

He shifted behind Cam, so he could better bury his muzzle in her hair, to smell her purple being shot through and overlaid with a rich, buttery brown.

He put his hands on the inside of her thighs, and levered them apart. "Spread 'em."

She squirmed. Overplaying it a little, maybe.

"You'll just open your legs for anyone, won't you?" he whispered. This was basically what he had planned for the evening before their dual interruptions.

"Even a dog. "

Maybe he should've put the blindfold back on. Then again, it wouldn't have fit for very long anyway.

Coco took her cue and began to lick away.

He kneaded her thighs as he felt them change, as he felt the muscle shift. He would've had a good view of her feet as the claws on her feet were joined by swelling toes, when she flexed them so her new pointy bits popped out.

Which she promptly used to pull Coco's head towards her.

She smelt like some sort of half-dog satyr. Except for the teeth, of course. And the corset. And the ears.


He sniffed at them. Yep, definitely pointier. And they seemed to be migrating. She wasn't wearing earrings, lest they got tangled up in her hair, or the blindfold, but the piercing holes weren't getting filled in. Good.

He cracked his neck, and licked her face, which was changing as well. The brown fur spread up and over her face like a blush, like a rash, and met her growing muzzle. Her arms, one flexing in the cuff, smelled, tasted of red and brown, a hours tong played over it. She was using her free hand to pull at Coco now, who flinched as the growing claws pricked her.

The tail shot up between them, and promptly began to wag. Ranger suddenly realized that he had been wagging for the duration, and so was Coco, and even the cat's tail was whisking.

Just the tip.

The rich scent of her, of sweat and red and purple and _gold_wafting from the corset drive him, almost without conscious thought, to reach down and add hits own expertise to Coco's amateurish - but enthusiastic - efforts.

And then, when a particularly long lick and a precisely applied stroke drew a lip-biting whimper and a gush of warm red out of his wife, then, and only then, did he open his eyes and let himself view the results of his work.

Their work.

She was brown, mostly, with big black eyes. Just like usual, actually. Her paws and ears were all black, though, and she had a medium-length coat as opposed to her husband's short, or her dog's long. Her figure was slightly shapelier, but the most obvious change was -

"Stop!" she giggled, as he ran his hand down the inside of her corset, feeling the two extra pairs of nipples. "That tickles!" Beestings, really. My organization is small, but with room for aggressive expansion.

That was a silly thought to have, in a fundamentally silly situation that by all rights he should've dismissed as a hallucination by now, or at least panicked over.

So why was he having so much fun?

Camilla's tail beat against the headboard, and he looked into his wife's glowing eyes. She kissed him, then, smiling, nuzzled into his neck.

Something landed on his leg. Cam, without even looking, used her free hand to rub the dog's head in an affectionate manner.

After a while, Ranger glanced at his wife, who nodded, then said "you're up."

The cat, who had somehow gotten her hands on his copy of Quiet, looked up. "Oh, is it my turn now? You were so quiet, no pun intended, I couldn't tell."

"What, you dont mind my sloppy seconds?"

"Beloved, gata, please, no fighting in the bedroom."

Ranger, reluctantly, left the stage (even though he was if the firm opinion that the cooldown was the best part). The cat approached the mistress of the house, and then paused.

"Why are you letting me do this? After that speech -"

"Because I have a big strong guard dog who will rip you to shreds at a word from me. And my husband."

Coco wagged her tail.

"Ah. Yes. Well." The cat clapped her hands.

"I was going to make you beg for it. But you're too proud for that, aren't you? I think I'll make you beg me to stop." Beat. "Kidding. Cats have several advantages over dogs. We're smaller, eat less, and, of course, are more intelligent."

Coco rolled her eyes.

"But what I've found the most useful in these little situations," she said, as a whisking appendage loomed up over her shoulder like a cobra, "is my tail."


"And my tongue, of course." She stuck it out. "Toh -" She raised it. "- Ah boheh."

"Why is only the bottom latex?"

"Because that's where the magic happens. Literally. The stuff I use to change people is secreted from there.It's activated, if I want it to be, by water. I could just dunk you in the tub and spit in it, but where's the fun in that? Needless to say, I don't take much showers in this body, in case I get a little distracted and end up having to find an excuse for my plumber."

The corner of Cam's mouth turned up a little.

"There we go! Now," Kitty said, "where should I start?" She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "I normally lick, hence the tongue. Buuut...with you in your current state, I might get a hairball. So, no tongue-lashing. Regular lashings may still be on the table. Or the bed. Or the kitchen counter."

She reached into her mouth, ran two fingers under her tongue, and came out with a gobbet of black. "Open wide."

Camilla stubbornly clamped her mouth shut. A bit of play-acting.

"I didn't mean your mouth."

She forced the Columbian's legs open with one knee, reached down, then paused. "'s been done."

All three of the others looked confused.

Kitty cradled Cam in her free hand. "Now, is there any part of you that's not furry, or do I need to get a bucket or - ah!"

She applied the goop to the single drop of sweat that had made its way onto the woman's nipple, and turned it into a grope. Her subject jerked upright, gave her something that wasn't quite a glare.

"You know you like it. Now, where's that book?"

"Cat, I'm not very impressed."

"What? Oh, we're not done. Look down."

The black stuff was spreading. Where it met her fur, it turned brown.

"Don't worry. Just think of it as a very shiny massage."

The tendrils reached across her breasts, and began to envelop her body.

Despite her attempts to enjoy herself, Camilla's tail had curled up close to her body. She whimpered as the latex wrapped itself lovingly around its length, making it something slimmer, more feline.

This produced conflicting feelings in Ranger. On the one hand, that tail was a product of the combined efforts of him and Coco.

On the other hand, it was really hot.

Coco let out a low whine.

"Yeah, girl," Ranger said, ruffling her neck, "I know."

His wife was tugging at the gunk, gingerly, then she gave up and resigned herself to the experience, with a look on her face like that of someone who didn't like needles contemplating an oncoming booster shot. She even held her breath as it covered her face.

"Don't worry, she can still breathe under there. Which reminds me," she mused, "I never got around to that experiment with the diver's rig -"

She was interrupted by a sharp crack.

When the latex had enveloped Camilla, it had covered her leggings, her hair, but oddly enough not her corset. Now, oddly enough, the garment was cinching in at the waist. Ranger wasn't sure if the cracks were his wife's ribs or the corset's -

"See, me, I'm adaptable," Kitty said, her voice a low rumble. "And now, so are you."

"What are you doing to her?" Ranger snapped.

The cat had produced a nail file from nowhere - no, wait, it was the one Cam kept on the side table - and was ostentatiously filling her nails. He recognized the trick; more than one pleasant evening had been spent pretending to do paperwork while his bound wife was nearby. Sometimes he actually did do paperwork.

"Me? I didn't do anything." The cat smirked in a way that indicated they had seen The Dark Knight recently. "She's doing all the legwork. What it does is respond to her needs, thoughts, desires."

She ran the back of her hand down Cam's face, or at least her facial area, with tenderness Ranger wouldn't've expected of her.

"Within limits, of course. Like the philosopher Jagger said -"

"You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you might find you get what you need. So all that talk from earlier, about making her beg -"

Kitty gave him a very condescending, and therefore very feline, look. "I have the paints, now I'm just waiting for the canvas."

Cam had been completely covered, and was now a sexless mass of dull, muddy brown and dark grey rubber. Albeit one that occasionally gave a disgruntled and slightly impatient "mmph".

He couldn't even smell her anymore, under the black and grey.

"Is it always like...this?" He gestured at the lump that had been his wife.

"Results may vary. Apparently, your wife was into encasement, sensory deprivation, and extreme corsetting. Or maybe she just thinks you are, wanted to make you happy." She looked a little wistful. "You know, funny thing, but I actually hate the taste of rubber."

The abrupt subject change left Ranger with conversational whiplash. "What?"

"I'm not sure what happens next, but I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to help her through it. Which will involve a lot of licking. Texture I'm fine with. But the taste...eurgh. It's like eating burnt tires. 'Course, there are things I can use other than my lips. Remember what I said about my tail?

She leaned over, applying her tongue to the blank spot where Cam's slit would be, and languorously drawing it upward. And then, like a magic trick, there it was. Along with the purpleredgoldbrownblack -

The cat looked over her shoulder at him. "Yeah, I remember my first time." She sat up, her tail came around, and she grasped it in one hand before guiding it to the woman's -

Ranger couldn't tell for sure, but he was pretty sure his wife leaned into it. Was she that desperate for stimulation? After those few seconds? Must investigate further. He breathed deep. Oh yes.

The cat paused. "Oh. Wait." She wrapped both hands around Cam's thighs, and drew them toward the feet, "skinning" off the excess latex, which she flicked onto the floor. Off the glare from the house's residents - the ones who had visible eyes - she went "what? It doesn't soak in; you can just pick it right up when it dries."

To her paramour, she said "now, let's get those ears."

"Is the tail really necessary?"

"For me it is." She reached for the lumps on the top of the woman's head, wicked away to black to reveal a pair of ears that immediately oriented on her. The cat scratched behind them, causing them to flick with pleasure. "Can you hear me now? Good!"

The muzzle was next. A kiss this time, a long one that Ranger's wife seemed reluctant to leave. When the rubber feline finally did pull away, a long string of latex trailed between their mouths, until it was wiped off. The cat's whiskers twitched in satisfaction as she sucked it off her fingers. "Good girl," she purred. "We'll get you out of there in no time."

Her tail, instead of pistoning in and out, was slowly swirling around Camilla's lower entrance at an angle, like someone stirring a bowl full of cake mix.

"I suppose you're wondering why I'm eating it," Kitty said absently, to Ranger.

"Actually, I was wondering why you haven't cleared my eyes yet," Camilla said.

"Patience. As it happens, the bottom of my tongue absorbs the stuff, as well as makes it. But I can't lick you all over without getting a sore jaw, as much as we would all like it."

"Speak for yourself," Ranger said curtly.

The cat looked over her shoulder at him, and half-smiled. "I can smell you, remember?"

Oh, that's right, she could.

And now that he concentrated, the master of the house could smell her too. A darker, prouder shade of purple than Cam's, which was quite a feat, mixed, but not overwhelmed, with the black.

The hips had been mostly taken care of by the amazing transforming corset, needing only a quick swipe, but Gata cradled the woman's breasts in her hands anyway. "Sure you don't want any more alterations to these? Nipple rings? I like nipple rings."

"I'm already going to have back problems."

"Actually, that's one of the benefits of what I do. No back pain. Unless you like that kinda thing." She squeezed at Cam's left nipple, and the woman grit her teeth and hissed.

"I love your arms," Mitty said, as she cleaned them. "How do you work out? Pilates? Zumba?"

"Tae bo."

"Wow, that's still a thing?"

And, finally, her eyes.

Cam blinked a few times. She ran her free hand over her body. Was it Ranger's imagination, or was she lingering on her waist? Suddenly, she stiffened.

"Cat..." she gasped.

La gata de goma put one hand behind her ear, theatrically. "What? Didn't quite catch that."


Whether she was saying "don't stop" or "don't, stop" would be left to the ages, as she suddenly screamed, and pushed her crotch upward, thrusting into the air. Ranger was on his feet in a second, surging toward the cat -

Who stopped him and Coco in their tracks, just by holding up a hand. She didn't even look at them.

"Camilla? Do you want to stop?"

She shook her head frantically. "No. Green light. It burns so good -"

"How do I know you're not just making her say that?"

Now the cat looked at him. "Because then I wouldn't've let her scream."

"Wooow," Cam said, followed by rapid Spanish. "It's just..." She looked up at her husband. "Corazon, you should feel this."

Ranger looked at the bulge growing above his wife's slit. "I think I already have," he said faintly.

"Not like this."

She coaxed it, drew it out, not unlike, well, a cat hiding under a bed. It seemed rather sizable, with a bunch of colored spines that were presumably from the cat half. And the bulge at the base? Yeah, it was obvious where that was from.

Hopefully, the spines were soft rubber. They were arranged in an...interesting spiral, though.

Ranger looked at his wife's face as she clamped her paw over the tip, bit her lip, and just...

So that's what we look like.

Eventually, she finished, panting, her chest heaving, and gave a little giddy laugh. She ran her soiled finger through her hair, looked at it in surprise, gave it a sniff, then a lick, then licked it clean. She looked down, looked at her two suitors, smiled wickedly, and bent over -

Ranger cleared his throat as she finished her cleanup. "So...who won?"

Camilla had, at some point, released herself from her bonds. She wore the cuff on her ankle, like a bangle. There was probably some meaning in the fact that she hadn't just removed it entirely. Willing submission, maybe?

She sat on the bed, cross-legged, chin in hand, elbow in lap, looking down upon her...subjects?

And the view from below, in Ranger's opinion, wasn't bad either.

The cat privately thought that Camilla looked quite...edible. She had already been a shapely woman before - it was part of why she was chosen in the first place, after all - but the combined enhancements had pushed her figure to ludicrous proportions. It was like all the flesh that had been cinched in by the altered corset went straight to her boobs and hips and -

I do good work.

Maybe it was just jealousy over her build. Not that it wasn't attractive, but she would've preferred a more balanced setup to work with.

Ranger, on the other hand, was looking for his wife. Even though she looked like a rubber dog with a cat's tail, he saw her in the slight frown on her face as she thought, the way she tapped her face with her middle finger, the little things that proved she was still in there, that went deeper than a coat of paint. Shiny paint. Shiny dog-cat-human transsexual hybrid paint. With slitted eyes.

Funny. He had been so worried about her that he hasn't thought of himself. They were freaks now; how could he go to work? How could he go out in public? How could he -

Well, you can just leave that all to her, can't you?

Somehow, the idea didn't seem so unappealing as it would've about an hour ago. He didn't have any idea how _Herself_would take care of it, exactly, but he was willing to find out. Maybe the office would let him telecommute. (As long as he didn't have to videoconference.) And with his wife's new equipment, in addition to what Ranger privately thought of as "Camilla Classic", all sorts of new possibilities were opening up before him.

Not literally, of course.

"A tie," she declared imperiously.

Both Ranger and Gata groaned, and even Coco gave a frustrated whine.

The cat's ears flattened. "That's not fair! You said you'd say which one of us was better!"

Ranger and Coco, knowing better to argue, wisely kept silent.

"I'm sorry, I don't recall asking your opinion on the matter," Camilla pointed out. "And for that matter, I didn't have to give you a turn at all, remember?"

"Yes, ma'am," the cat grumbled.

"Now kiss and make up."

The cat and the dog glared at each other.

"That wasn't a metaphor," the woman added.

They did. Both mistress and pet enjoyed the spectacle.

Suddenly, Camilla grimaced. "I'm scheduled to do a house showing tomorrow. Did either of you two idiotas bother to think about how I'm supposed to explain looking like -" she made an emphatic gesture "-this?"

Neither of the house's other two residents pointed out that she had chosen to submit to the change.

"Well," the cat drawled, "you could always combine business and pleasure."

Ranger's hackles rose.

The woman's eyes narrowed. "This was a one-off, Senorita Gata. I don't plan to do this for a living. Or, um, with my living."

"Oh," said the intruder in a small voice.

"So, what do you do when you need to pass in polite society?" Ranger asked.

"Well, I can...compress down to the shape of an actual cat, though it'd be a really shiny one." She took a deep breath. "Ooor..."

As they watched, the black sickness peeled away from what turned out to be the head of a young woman with grey eyes, short red hair, and freckles.

"You should be able to change back to your boring old body for about an hour, at least. It gets easier the more you practice."

Ranger gave her a thoughtful look. "You're cute."

The woman blushed. "Thank you." The rubber flowed over her head again, and she regained her old poise. "Actually, don't you need to go out too...?"

"Ah-ah-ah. I'll take care of that." Camilla's glare clearly broadcasted stay away from my man with a sideband signal of get out of my house.

The cat, being a cat, withstood the Columbian's feelings out of sheer contrariness. Cattishness, so to speak.

"Well, what about Coco here? I mean, since we've become such good friends." Kitty reached down, and the Pom eagerly leaned into the scratches, tail wagging. Then she looked hopefully from Ranger to Camilla.

"Can we keep her?" Coco asked.

TreatHunterz 2: Gato Have It 2014 Eulalie "Nequ" Quentin

Creative Commons By-SA-NC

TreatHunterz 3: Morning Shift (Oblivious TF)

I drive these brothers crazy, I do it on the daily, **-Black Eyed Peas' "My Humps"** The young woman got out of her car and nearly stepped on a black cat. It danced aside, and looked at her reproachfully. "Sorry," she said, and stretched out a...

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TreatHunterz 1: The D (Dog TGTF)

I feel stressed out I wanna let it go Let's go way out spaced out And loosing all control **-Black Eyed Peas' "I Gotta Feelin"** Ranger edged into his kitchen, wondering why he hasn't gotten a bat - or even a gun - for situations like this. It...

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Bad Dog, No Biscuit

_We will never be, never be anything but loud _ _And nitty, gritty, dirty, little freaks_ **- P!nk, "Raise your glass"** To any observers, the young woman walking through the mall would've appeared completely normal. Light blouse, skirt, arms laden...

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