Triple Play (Herm, Latex, TF)

Story by Nequ on SoFurry

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#1 of Triple Play


And it's one, two, three strikes you're out

At the old ball-game!

-Take Me Out to the Ball Game


Louis Parker had been holding it in all the way from the ball field, and as the rest of his colleagues found tables and placed their orders, he slipped away to the restroom, flitting like a fairy. A six-foot, 200-pound African American fairy. A six-foot, 200-pound African American fairy that needed to work on his metaphors.

After draining his Gatorade cooler, he washed his hands with the casual-dining restaurant's organic soap and the city's slightly less organic water.

His phone rang. He dried his hands on the carbon-neutral paper towels and picked it up.

"Hi, Gina."

"Daddy, Lisa from next door keeps making weird noises."

"Maybe you should ask her to keep it down. Or get earplugs. Or ask for a new room. So what else is going on? How's your first week of college?"

"Well, turns out being biracial is sexy, so thanks for that."


"I mean it. Guys just keep hitting on me, 'cause I'm all 'exotic'."

Was she messing with him? She was an almost-grown woman now, but still -

"Also, there's some big particle experiment going on, so there's a few local news vans."

"Local? Shame that uncovering fundamental truths about the universe isn't as sexy as it used to be."

"Know what? I'm going to take your advice. I'm just going to go next door and tell Lisa to pipe down. Just rip the band-aid off."

"That's not exactly what I s -"

"I'll be right back, Daddy."


Gina Parker knocked on the door of the dorm room next to hers, ready to give Lisa a piece of her mind, when the door swung open.

"Hello?" she said, peering in.

Her first impression was that she was intruding on someone's kinky sex play. Something involving people wearing latex bodysuits. Then she wondered if it was someone's kinky sex play with blow-up dolls, since the afternoon sunlight clearly shone through the one standing over Lisa.

Then it turned its faceless, eyeless head to look at her, and she didn't know what to think.

"Um," she said, taking a step backward. The transparent one - she couldn't tell if they were male or female - turned back to Lisa. It was...flowing over her? Like a very kinky amoeba. The second one in the room, in a white bodysuit, reached toward the intruder, who squeaked in a very un-adult fashion and slammed the door shut.

At which point the next door down the hall opened, and a shiny black freak stepped out.

"How many of you things are there?"

Behind the black thing, another one, in red emerged from the room. They squeaked as they advanced.

Gina bolted into her room.

Before she could close the door, a hand reached through. She slammed the door on it anyway, and it gave, like she was trying to squash a balloon with a textbook's edge. More hands curled around the door, and it was abruptly shoved open, knocking the freshman to the floor. She scrambled for the window before the things got her, pulling her back into their slick embrace.

They didn't even give her a chance to scream before one enveloped her head. It was one of the clear ones, so she could still see as the thing crawled over her limbs, encasing her in a bodysuit of her own. Oddly, she didn't need to breathe, which was a good thing, because it meant she didn't hyperventilate when her skin started to turn black.

She had been trying to pull the stuff off of her, but wasn't getting any purchase, when she realized that her fingertips were numb. Upon examination, she realized that her skin there was darkening considerably, and it was sweeping up both arms.


She tried to run, she really did, and the freaks parted, letting her out into the hall. But she couldn't escape the one that was on her, and she tripped and fell anyway when she tried. Had she hit her toes on something?

No, that was silly. She just simply didn't have toes anymore.

Gina stared at the smooth boots that had, up until a few seconds ago, been her feet.

Do not run.

Who said that?

Remain calm. You will join us.

Who was that? Who was "us"?

Confusion. "Us" was.

Gina looked up, to find the freaks silently watching her. There were several more on that floor - how did she know that?

You will join us.

Oh. Oh no. They were drafting her into some freaky hive-mind alien thing, whether she wanted to be or not.

The drone that had been Lisa stepped out of its room, completely at peace. Compete confidence, complete certainty.

Is that how Gina was going to end up?

Your form is already adapting.

And suddenly, she was seeing through Lisa's eyes, at Gina's flattening chest, her narrowing hips. Hey, she was proud of those! Give them back!

Your wishes are irrelevant. We are all.

And really, why should she be proud? It was mostly genetics. Curves were superficial. The world was so superficial. Why not wipe away the surface differences?

It was at her lips now.

No. No. She couldn't let them win. Couldn't let them into her head.

But why fight? Even if she won, she'd just be a prisoner in her own body. Wasting the effort to struggle, constantly being vigilant, never able to rest, all for nothing. All she needed to do was...relax.

And for that matter, she didn't need to be a she. She didn't need to be anyone, really.

The lack of eyes hindered its ability to see not one bit.

It didn't need a name. It didn't need individuality. They would convert all. Free them from the curse of independent thought. End conflict, end disagreement, forever.



On the table in the room of the drone that had once been Gina Parker, her phone sat, never to be picked up by her again.

"Sweetie, I can't hear you. Hang on, I got another call. It''s your mom. Give me a second. Hello?"


She was not getting paid enough for this.

Erica adjusted her blue smock as she stalked up to the customer who was drinking milk directly out of the freezer. Again. Management counted it towards stock damage, and it cost a few bucks out of their multi-jillion dollar budget but it was still a dick move.

Especially if you were making minimum wage, and some cheap loser was making your life just a little bit harder.

"Hey!" she called.

The dick turned around, surprise on his face. His stupid face with milk dripping out of his mouth. His stupid, milk-dripping chiselled jaw with that sexy short beard-

She wrestled her hormones under control. As best as she could, anyway.

"Mmph?" he said, spraying milk all over the place. Fortunately, not on her, she would have to clean it up.


The moron swallowed, and said "hi", gave her a winning smile. No sell. No pun intended.

"So...if I'm thirsty, I can't..."

She was already shaking her head.

"Oh. Sorry. I'll just..."

"Pay for the milk? Yeah, you will."

"It tastes funny anyway."

"Too bad. Let's go."

"I'm serious, my stomach feels weird."

Erica turned back. He did look a little flushed. And...what happened to his beard? With the way he was clenching his jaw, it made him look all...feminine.

And now he was clutching his stomach.

"Oh, please no. You can not die on store property!" Was there a cart nearby she could push him out in? No, that would undoubtedly go viral. This was a job for Security.

Before she could summon the jack-sneakered corporate enforcers, the guy reached up and kissed her.

Tasted like milk.

She pushed him away. He didn't seem to notice, seeing as he was busy opening the fly on his jeans.

"What is this? What are you do-"


It was big. Bigger than it should be. She had to get a closer look.

He moaned, and she looked up. There was something wrong with his chest. It was pushing out, and dark spots were appearing over his nipples. Was that...milk?

His hand tangled in her hair, and pulled her head toward his length. Which seemed like a good idea, all of a sudden. In fact, she reached up to his balls, to give them a little juggle, a little massage, and was only a little surprised to find a slit where they were supposed to be.

The heat was building in her own loins, so she reached down with her free hand, and pulled her skirt back from where it covered her own tent. Now, what would help her avoid that chafing problem? Oh, yeah.

She snatched the bottle of milk from her new boyfriend's - or girlfriend's - hand, and poured it generously all over her tool. Erica wasn't concerned with getting a reprimand from management, since she probably wasn't going to remain an associate much longer. That was fine by her, since she had a feeling that her new calling in life would involve a lot of associating anyway. And, she thought, as she imagined all those people with dicks and boobs sprouting and pumped herself just a little harder, it promised a lot more job satisfaction.

Down the isle, Rene Parker stared at them.

"Honey?" she said into her phone. Where was the nearest exit? Or for that matter, fire axe? "There's a problem..."


"Guys," Parker said, as he exited the passage to the restrooms, "something's come up, I gotta -"

The restaurant was a mess. Plates were broken, glasses of ice tea were overturned, and most of the people there were having sex.

Which was technically a valid method of post-game celebration, but mostly in Boston.

Parker stared at the room. It was staring to reek of more than just bad taste in tchotchkes, and for just a second he wondered if someone had spiked the iced tea. Which would explain why he was seeing so many people in animal costumes.

Even as he watched, Sato was dragged to the ground by a wolf-thing wearing the jersey of Pudinsky from accounting. And nothing else.

Two more creatures sat on the Japanese dude's arms, and Pudinsky slowly pulled down her colleague's pants, lowered herself onto him with a low growl. Her tongue hung out of her mouth, and as Sato started to cry out, one of the other two creatures put its paw over his mouth.

Pudinsky raised herself up, just high enough to get the tip clear, and guided it up and down her folds, and it rose it from half-chub to full. Then she slammed herself down again, and Parker saw the shock run though the man's body. When Pudinsky lifted herself again, Sato's penis was the wrong shape. Even more so the third time.

Were those...barbs?

The changes weren't limited to the dick, either. Incredibly, fur seemed to be spreading from the base of Sato's crotch. A sort of tawny fur, appearing, like magic, each time Pudinsky reached the base of her pump. As the she-wolf grasped her chest, his thighs were thickening, growing more powerful. Soon he kicked his overpriced athletic shoes off, to reveal blunt paws. He was bucking into Pudinsky, and his mouth was freed, to growl his pleasure at the changes.

Parker could imagine how it felt. The fat around his middle burning away in a fashion Zumba could never match, abs and pecs tightening in a wave of heat. Slim arms growing furred, darkening. The pressure, the glorious pressure as his face reshaped into a blunt muzzle. The pinpricks as his tawny coat darkened with spots. The raw, hot smell of sex permeating everything, the sound of -

His phone rang.

Every single creature in the restaurant turned to face him. Well, unless they were otherwise occupied. Really otherwise occupied.

Wasn't there a fire exit?

He took a step back through the door?

"Where are you going?" Pudinsky said.

"Yeah, Parker," Sato rasped. Was he some kind of...caracal? "Come join our team-building exercise."

"Increase synergy," someone else said.

"Leverage assets."

"Is that what they're calling it now?"

It was funny, Parker noted, as he bolted, but they weren't acting like predators hunting prey. They were acting like they knew that no matter what, the prey wouldn't escape. Like they were teasing him.

Maybe some of them were from Legal.



"Triple Play"

by Eulalie "Nequ" Quentin

2014 Creative Commons By-SA-NC

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