Visit to the zoo 2nd part

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Be aware that I am french and as such I have sometimes a hard time with sentences, and that also suffer from a problem that plague me also in french : I write in a weird past - present tense combo that is not the best tense for stories.

This story features the Saint Fur Cub Zoo, and as such include diapers, ageplay, cub, spanking, bondage, humiliation, sissy, yiff, ponyplay, dogplay, and many others kinks that may not be to your liking, so check the tags before reading. You have been warned.

The group of cubs were finally taken to the next part of their trip : the desert section. The section's animals were pretty boring in themselves for most of them : desert lizards and birds weren't any fun, except the fennecs, which were always cute and had success with cubs and girls in general. The funny big ears had always such effect, and the fennec plushies sold pretty well at the gift shop.

But what really sparked the interest of our group of cubs, who liked to act kiddish, was the general theme of this section. It was a cowboy section : everything was decorated to looks like the far west, with wooden buildings, Indian tents, cowboy carriages lining around. Activities fitting to the theme were also available, with a classical shooting range or getting face paint to looks like indians. The pups actually wanted to go get their face painted, but Sylkis didn't want to bother cleaning their face so she said no. And enjoyed the disappointed faces of her charges.

The biggest attraction of the area, in size and likely in visitation (even if the little boat trip around half the park in a Steam powered ship was quite a contestant for this area) was just next to the stop of the Zoo express. The K.O. Corral could be actually said to be more than one attraction for what it offered. It was a ranch, with lots of cows running around and some horses and ponies with staff wearing cowboys outfits to go alongside it.

But it was the Saint Fur Cub Zoo here and nothing was just plain old nice stuff. Half the cows were furs in costume trapped, and same goes for the ponies. The visitors could go and see a milk farm in function, seeing cows of multiples sizes and both genders hooked up to milking machines to prepare the different types of milk the dairy farm produced. And those who enquired could see some part of the costumes be removed to look at the prisoners inside, trapped in a world of bondage and fed hormones so to produce milk and sperm to an industrial level. Many of them had operations to be more productive and after years in such a job and hearing constantly the audio tapes telling them to be cows, they were in their mind nothing but cows. They were easily tricked to sign again a slave contract once their original was ended, or find a place as a cow staff member for the rest of their lives. ( )

The pups liked the milk farm, but they rushed through it. The real thing they wanted to see was on the other side. A group of calves, or at least younger cows, made like all other groups of half ferals and half peoples trapped into costumes, was running around a big corral. They were staff members dressed as cowboys and a queue for the next activity. The pups were so excited, but they had to wait a bit in line for their turn.

The staff was here to teach and show to the cubs how to lasso animals. They were being shown the deed by professionals and them, riding on small ponies, to try at the job of a cowboy next. Trained dogs were there to help, and the animals were trained for it, so corralling the beasts was pretty easy and what most cubs will do. Courageous and talented ones actually were allowed to try to lasso some.

The first stop for the cubs was to get dressed up. The zoo had cowboys costume parts for all size, genders, species and tastes available to be borrowed by customers for a small fee (after all, slave work allow for cleaning those for cheap) and the lasso game was on the trip. Parents had already paid the small fee and despite Sylkis' point of view on it, she had to let the pack of pups do it. And so they started to go through cowboy hats and boots, with a few jackets over their uniform, since they didn't had the liberty to remove any part of their clothing they had to stick to things they could put over. Once there cowboy team was ready, Sylkis took a group picture and they waited a few minutes to get in. (not directly the same scene, but inspired from it : )

The cowboy was a female antelope, so actually a cowgirl, but it didn't matter much to her. She was quite the tomboy, with more muscles than usual for such a frame, small breasts and a cowboy outfit fitting for a bad guy from a spaghetti western. "Ok, boys." she said. "First we gonna see how you handle riding on ponies. If you don't fall down like a green-horn every 5 feet, we will go on corralling some of the beasts. And then, we gonna try some lasso tricks for the city pups." "I'm sure I can capture a cow in one move." said Wylf. "I'm sure I can beat you." said Marcus. "I think both of you will end tying each other like mummies." giggled Loupy. The two other pups glared at him and he backed of. The pack moved toward the ponies, which were all animals trained to handle cubs : after all, cubs are the kind of riders to do annoying stuff and at the same time the less likely to assume being responsible for any violent outburst in response to their mischief. So a bunch of really placid and quiet ferals and small furs in pony costumes were trained for such a purpose.

Loupy and the others quickly picked up an animal each, they weren't much choice anyway. Half a dozen were available at a time, and they were rotated after each group of cubs so a group never did two groups in a row. But Remy wasn't happy about it. "Can't I have a horse ?" said the dog. "I'm bigger than those babies and I can handle that." The antelope giggled. "I can see your wet diapers from the top of my horse and I can fit you whole in my boot. Yer a baby like all the others, so stop yer fussin' and climb on your ride." With a pouty face, the oldest of the group climbed on a pony and the group moved forward into the corral.

The group had mixed feelings : they all enjoyed to be a top a pony and riding in cowboy costumes, but were all disappointed by the slow speed of their ride. With two dogs, one feral and one in bondage costume, on their side the group started to corral the cows. Both antros and ferals were well trained to this ritual, and the cows quickly moved forward in the direction the small cowboys pushed them in. Once they had been moved into the next corral, the antelope started to show rope tricks to the excitement of the group.

The antelope was clearly an expert at this, and she quickly lassoed her first victim. Before the cubs could react, she had the cow hogtied in a sexy way. Marcus rubbed his diapered front at the sight of it and all the pups demounted to get close to the animal that the staff member was holding at the end of her rope.

Once they got close, they could see it was a small fur in a cow costume, securely locked inside the false fur and heavily bondaged_._It mooed all the time it was hogtied and squirmed against the rope holding him (or her) helpless. Pilou petted his head between the horns while the female slide down his diaper to show the branding mark to the pups. "Here we do things old style, not like you city girls do. We brand our animals with red-hot metal so they permanently wear the mark of the ranch. It burns also part of the costume into their skin, a perpetual reminder of their place." she giggled. "In the city you silly green-horns come from, they tattoo peoples. I bet some of you are." Loupy and Marcus blushed; both of them had tattoos showing that they were owned.

"We tattoo them too." she said, grabbing ruthlessly the ear of the animal. "But that for more detailed identification. So many animals around this zoo." The pain of the action made the animal moo more. "Wanna see what's worn under the diaper ?" but before the pups could decide if they wanted to see or not, she showed them. She showed them clearly the huge plug that filled the cow's ass, playing for a moment with it to tease the poor furry that was trapped in the cow costume.

She rediapered him quickly and then moved to the head, and opened the maw wide. Loupy and the gang could then see that a big gag kept the muzzle of the red fox under the costume unable to talk. But every time he seems he wanted to talk, a moo came out of the contraption. Remy pointed out to the breasts of the animals, that seem to indicate it was a female, and remembered the milk farm. Those animals were hooked to machines and tubes three times a day, before feed through a tube and others takings milk and sperms out of them. Not a pleasant situation he thought , shivering.

The antelope let her victim go free. "Make a line ya lil' varmints _ ." _ She said. The group made a chaotic line, Wylf and Remy fought to be first, but Marcus cut the line in front of them. Pilou was happy to be last and Loupy didn't bother to fight. The black wolf was the first to be handled a small lasso, made of plastic rope so it would grip good but not hurt the user's paws , unlike the real kind. It would also fly less and be more solid, hence less able to do the best tricks, but they didn't cared : the customers that would be lining up to try this would not be mastering the rope.

Marcus was really excited, and barely listening to the lesson he was given. he has his eyes on one of the cow, and hoped it would be an anthro under a costume. He had big hopes of hogtying it and then making him go through some of the grueling humiliations he was given every day by Marzipan and Fifi as his own little cow slave.

The young wolf's first attempts didn't go as well as he hoped. Years of being in bondage most of his days made him much less agile and with less dexterity that he imagined. At first, he barely got the rope to make a correct lasso over his head, and got himself tied up a couple of times. Which created much hilarity among his classmates and the visitors that saw it. After a few minutes, he could move the lasso and throw it correctly.

"I don't think you should try on a horse, so let's see if you can capture a cow from down here." said the cowgirl, a smirk on her face. It reminded Marcus the Bondagepup of Fifi, which had relations in the zoo. Maybe she had recognized him ? He preferred not to think about that. He focused on getting the lasso to move around his head and once he had enough velocity, to aim. The cows were placid animals, not moving much at all at the moment. It should be easy to get one.

His first attempt missed by not much, his second didn't get hold of anything he could use to drag the beast along. But the darker wolf finally got the horn of his target at his third attempt. And the cow started to run away once Marcus started to attempt to drag it toward him. With a loud "hey !!!!" he was dragged along by the animal but only shortly. The Antelope had tied up the other end of the rope to the wooden barricade and it stopped the running bovine. The Bondagepup ended up face-down in the dirt, covered in dust . Still, he got up, taking advantage of the fact that the sudden tug on the rope had also thrown his target on the ground.

Running toward his prey, feeling some repressed instincts taking over, Marcus pounced the cow and smiled when he made contact. His target was indeed a small-sized fur in a costume, which filled him with glee. Using his training with ropes (as in, being tied up with them for hours long and many days a week), the young canine attempted to hog-tie the cow he had captured. But, again, his weak body didn't worked as well as he wanted it, and it took him a few attempts before having a hog-tied cow on his hands.

He smiled and put a foot on his prey. He turned to show himself proudly to the group but Sylkis shot down his enthusiasm _ . _ "Get a move-on, runt. The others are waiting and I want to get out of here." "But Miss Sylkis, can't I keep it ?" said the wolf, before giving a spank to the cow. "I'm sure Fifi will not mind having it at home." The Bondagepup thought he could find some solace in giving punishments to the animal or distract the lesbian couple from him by pushing forward the animal. "Young lady, you are the pet, and you can't have one." the dragoness come forward, grabbed the wolf and gave him a sound spanking in front of everyone, aiming in particular for his plug. Once Marcus was bawling, he was sent away in a corner and the rest of the group moved forward to take their turn at lassoing.

Wylf was second and much more talented than his predecessors. He has been wanting to be first to show off, knowing he had done it before when he was here before with a raccoon. Pilou didn't even attempted to use the rope, while Loupy was really bad at it : he tied himself up very well when he tried to. Remy didn't aim for a cow, he aimed at his fellow schoolmates, getting two of the wolves in his rope before he got the same spanking and punishment as Marcus.

The headmistress of Fated Fur school for nurses and maids was getting tired of this day, but she couldn't let her guard down. Letting the pups go wild would only make the day worst and have consequences on her reputation. She sighed, if only she could do as she wishes with them. After a few days in her dungeon, they would be ready to be trained to be perfect slave maids, but alas, she had orders from the school. She had plenty of leeway but couldn't do whatever she wanted. But the planned itinerary was about to give her some respite : it was dinner time then bedtime. And they will be all off to an early bedtime, for sure. ( )

She got her pack back, and after a loud growl, they all lined back and turned quiet to be leashed after putting back their ridiculous cowboy outfits. She leads the pups away while peoples smiled at their diapered bottoms showing to everyone. Many perverts smiled : they wouldn't mind having one of those pups for themselves. Sylkis knew that well, it was her business after all.

"We are going to the hotel." she said and the wolves and dog looked disappointed. It meant for them that the day was over, despite the zoo closing only in a couple of hours. They reluctantly followed the dragon toward one of the zoo's hotel, knowing they would have to go and see their rooms, where their second bag was awaiting them since this morning. The zoo has three hotels. There's the Grand Luxe that looks like a palace from a James Bond movie, filled with rooms with sexual themes and all the most modern and expensive furniture (including lots of bondaged furry furniture) and a 24/7 maid service. Then there's the lodge, which is less expensive and is a series of small houses and apartments for a longer stay. Finally, there was the hotel the pups would be staying in.

The zoo was generous to offer entrance and a few others thing, including the hotel's night, but they stuck the cubs in the cheapest hotel. It was not a bad hotel in itself, just it didn't had anything special : it was a really normal hotel (outside of bondage supplies and slave service available) with average comfort, average service, average prices and so on. Not the dream house Wylf and Remy hoped for. Pilou didn't cared; he had a nice house and life, while Loupy and Marcus had plenty of bondage at home. The dragoness led the group toward the hotel, where they met with another group.

Marisol was leading her group with a gentler hand than Sylkis : they weren't leashed and seem they was tired from having too much fun. Welshie the small blue fox and his favorite dragon plushie, Nekosune toddling next to him or the big otter Amber look liked they could use a nap at the moment. "Time to check in it seems." she said. "I wish I could check them out already." answered Sylkis with a giggle. They were handed their keys by a butler with really discreet bondage and diaper. The whole school was crammed in one level of the hotel, so they would not disturb too many customers.

Going to their rooms, the pups looked at the decorations : it sounded like a classical zoo with mundane paintings of animals from the savannah, the mountain or the forest. Each different level of the hotel and section was decorated with a different theme, to make a total of 6 different themes. The pups were in the Lion section, the floor level on the right of the building : the floor was savannah themed and the other side was the Elephant section. Everything was pretty mundane and look liked an hotel that could find in any theme park in the world. Once they reached their room, the inside was mostly as mundane as they expected.

It was a family-sized room, maybe a bit bigger, with a decoration that kept with the savannah theme but staying family-friendly : nothing bondage or kinky related at all there. It has a big bathroom with a bathtub, separate restroom, a big but cheap TV and a few places to store clothes and such. What made it different from an usual hotel room were things like the fact that in the bathroom a changing station could slid down from the wall and covers the whole bathtub, big enough to fit many adults. Or the numerous rings that could be found on every wall and furniture, meant to tie peoples to. Or the safe sex guide that was near where the main bed should be.

At the moment, the room had no bed, only 5 cribs. Sylkis knew she was sleeping in another room, and the hotel staff had prepared the rooms for the cubs. Every school group had a room like this, with bondage cribs ready for the cubs to sleep in. Two were bunked, two cribs one over the other. Loupy rushed in and grabbing his bag that was awaiting with the others in the middle of a room, he threw it on one of the top crib. The bars didn't let the bag pass, but it didn't stop the wolf. "I claim the top bunk." he said. "I want the other top bunk." said Marcus. "I want a top bunk too." said Wylf. "I want the lone crib." said Remy, not liking the idea of those cribs, but he had no choice on the matter. The three wolves started to put their heads against each other's and get growling but someone put an end to it. "I'm the one deciding where anyone is sleeping and I'll decide when bedtime come around." said the oldest in the room, Sylkis. "Now, clean your paws and drop your backpack. We are heading to the restaurant and I don't want you to make me look bad at all."

The group didn't look happy about washing their paws, especially Wylf, who grumbled more loudly than the others. The dragoness quickly put an end to his complaining by grabbing him by his ear. "Go wash those paws, you naughty slave. Or you gonna enjoy an enema all night." she said before giving him a loud spank. The pups decided to shut up and go clean their paws. They rushed it, but the black dragon wasn't fooled that easily. She inspected the paws, and after a few spanks send back the five pups for a new washing. They didn't left the room until she was satisfied and headed for the restaurant.

When she said restaurant, she didn't meant the cheap fast-food like eating place that was part of this hotel, but the one next to the second hotel. She had classy tastes, and while she would have preferred the palace, she had to keep the pups with her so she settled for the middle one.

She leashed the pups and led them through the hallways then the garden. They weren't the only ones around who were leashed or diapered, but it was no surprise in the zoo. Families around here had commonly pets and slaves anthro, and the staff had some too. It took them a 10 minute walk to reach their destination.

The restaurant was a bit too mundane for Sylkis but she had little choice. It was a family restaurant, those you go on occasions like having your family over, not too expensive and absolutely not classy. The food would likely be good, and much better than the fast food joint they ate earlier or the lower class hotel they were sleeping in. Or at least, that the pups will be sleeping in. Sylkis upgraded herself to the palace for the night, despite school's policies. The pups will have to rely on another caretaker for the night.

The butler there didn't wear diapers and his bondage outfit was barely noticeable under his costume. The headmistress noticed it because she was experienced in those kinds of clothes. Sylkis wanted highchairs, and she asked for 4 and a booster, before being led to the table. Here, a diapered waitress helped with the pups highchairs and booster seat. It was a female bunny, much smaller than a teen wolf and dwarfed by the dragon. She was wearing a pink and blue waitress outfit with lots of petticoats that was going well with her light brown and cream fur, a diaper that had a printing made to looks like it was made of denim, a little bonnet that reminded the pups of a baby bonnet, a leather collar colored to match her outfit with a little name tag "Sylvie". Clearly visible under was a leather harness that covered her tummy, the nipple clamps on her impressive breasts and leather bra that go with it, but that wasn't the only bondage toys she was wearing. A remote was poking out of the waitress shirt at the middle of the X of the harness, likely connected to the vibrating toys in her ass and vagina, and her high heels were locked and clearly made to be uncomfortable. Still she smiled widely and made comments about the cuteness of the pups while she seated them in their highchairs.

Remy was really happy to have a booster seat and jumped on it before strapping it correctly. The seat felt down with the dog on the ground, getting the hilarity of the room. The bunny helped him back on it and kissed his front, which made him blush. Sylkis said that she would order for everyone and the waitress listened. The dragon ordered expensive food, the best for this restaurant (but cheap food when looking at the palace's restaurant and his exotic foods, and his rumored special of eating anthro furries) for herself before looking at what was available for kids. (

The pups were all silent, all ears. They feared what their caretaker would pick up for them. They had a sigh of respite when she ordered classical steak and fries for all of them, and some juice for the drink. They had dreamed of better but it was much better than what they could have got. Once the waitress had left, they started to discuss how much they liked the denim-looking diaper and how it would have looked good with the cow-boy outfits.

Sylkis started to get upset, but the pups didn't notice. But they for sure heard her when he said "Shut up !" And she got immediately what she wanted : silence and everyone's attention. "All five of you are going to be grounded once we are out of the restaurant. I better not hear a word from you until we leave, and you'll have no dessert." She looked at her charges, which barely made a nod. Shortly after, the restaurant stopped to be silent, but many parents used Sylkis as a threat to keep their child in check.

The pups ate and drink in silence, always looking at the evil dragon sitting on the other side of the table. They feared her and wetted their diapers looking at her. When they heard they were getting fries and steaks , they had thought Sylkis was relaxing, being friendlier, so she had to put an end to that. And so she did. No dessert, and once they got back they would be washed, diapered and put in bed in no time. She wasn't going to let them do any antics. The dinner was quickly over and she led the cubs back to their room.

"I'm gonna give you a quick shower then bedtime." said the dragon. Remy attempted to complain, but a growl put an end to it. Once the pups got into their bedroom, the headmistress ordered them to pick up their sleeping supplies out of their bags and stashed them up on the middle crib. Once it was done, she made them undress until they had only their diaper left and lined up in front of the bathroom. Wylf had to help a little Pilou while Remy pouted at knowing he was off to sleep in a sleeper like everyone else's instead of his Batman's PJs he was so fond of. Sylkis inspected to see if they had obeyed then smiled.

Pilou was the first in line, blushing deeply at being in just a diaper. Sylkis dragged him inside the bathroom before grabbing Loupy, the second in line. The second smallest wolf in the group quickly found himself with his paws cuffed over his head inside the bathroom, and Wylf quickly joined him in the same position and hanging from the same ring. In front of them, hanging from another ring in the same position, were Remy and Marcus. "I better not hear a whisper." said Sylkis once the four pups were cuffed out of troubles.

While the others were uncomfortably hanging from the rings, Pilou shivered as the dragon used her claw to snap off the diaper from him. Once totally naked, he was ruthlessly put inside the bathtub. "Can... Can you be gentle..." he asked, but Sylkis didn't seem to care at all. She picked up the hose and started to clean the wolf like a feral dog. The target whimpered as the water was really cold and barely warmed up at the end, and once he was totally wet she started to lather him with soap.

Instinctively , Pilou closed his eyes and mouth, glad that his quick reflexes had saved him from swallowing the soap. Sylkis didn't care, working rough and fast. Once he was covered in soap, the caretaker used the hose on him again until all the soap was gone. "Here you go, nice and clean. But knowing you brats, you won't stay that way for long."

Sylkis dried Pilou quickly and roughly, before sliding down the changing mat over the bathtub and setting the wolf down on it. She looked into the bag with the cleaning supplies of her young charge and picked up a plug. The Mr. pluggy toy was a plug meant for young children (as in, those treated as such, whatever their age), a small soft plug easily inserted and meant to stay in for a long time, and decorated with a clown face. Pilou wasn't a fan of having such a toy in, but he just make a pouty face and didn't say a word. Sylkis was in control.

The dragon barely lubed the toy before sliding it all up in his ass, roughly and finishing with a spank that resonated in the room. Then the pup was diapered in a cute diaper with circus animals that his mother had prepared for him and roughly sent to sit in the main room. "Pick up one of your plushies or something, and sit there. I don't want to hear a word." said Sylkis before taking up off Loupy off the ring. The slightly older wolf got the same treatment as his younger pack mate and sent to sit with a diaper with little calves on it, likely a choice from his babysitter Alice. Wylf followed next with a diaper covered with Disney Gummies bear, then Marcus with a diaper covered with paddles and finally Remy with batman-themed diapers. Pawpers offered a lot of choices regarding what printing you could have on your diapers, and parents usually picked up something that had some silly meaning for the cub wearing them.

Sylkis finished cleaning the bathroom really quickly, just enough to not be seen as a pig but still requiring some time for a cleaning crew to clean and rent the room after her, and moved to finish her duties. The cubs had been nice and quiet , whimpering softly as they waited, all plugged up and diapered. It was time to get them in their sleepers and off in their crib before she could go to her room and relax. "Help each other in your sleepers. I'm watching, you got 2 minutes." and she started to count, looking at her watch.

The pups started to get into their sleepers in some chaos, with wrong legs and all that but by the end of the time, they were all in their sleepers and they zipped each other since the zip were in the back and out of reach of the wearer. Remy was pouting in a sleeper decorated with Cars, while Wylf was quite happy with his sleeper with a jungle theme. Marcus didn't complained about the one he was wearing, despite hating it, it's just it was pointless to complain anymore about this 5 years-old worn out pink sleeper that used to have clowns and balloons over it, but that too many leaks and washing had faded off. Pilou and Loupy had somewhat matching sleepers, Pilou being in a Bright Heart Racoon care-bear sleeper with hood while Loupy had one made to looks like Grumpy bear.

Sylkis picked out a crib for each of the cubs . She didn't have to say a word, she just pointed to the pup and then the crib. A few grumbled about it, but none said a word against her. Once they were in place, the dragon came to Wylf and put the lock on his sleeper at the neck and mittens, so he wouldn't remove it during the night.

The female then picked up the last supply for the night, a gag. "But, I'll be nice." said Wylf the mischief bandit, but the reptile didn't let him say more. She forced the gag in his mouth and tied it nice and snug. "Cubs are meant to be seen, not heard." said Sylkis looking at her handiwork. She then picked up the purple-haired wolf and sat him down in the upper crib , where there were straps ready for him. She laid him down and strapped him. His feet were tied up nice and snug his arms on his side, a ventral strap for good measure so the pup would be totally helpless.

The lady looked at it, she knew it was overkill to put all those straps, but she liked the idea to enforce their helplessness. She set the plushie next to the pillow Wylf had his head on and then locked the upper crib as a cage. She then picked up Pilou, who got the same treatment but with a pacigag, then Loupy, Marcus and finally Remy (who got the central crib he wanted to have). The baby phones were on, but since they were linked to another caretaker's bedroom, the scalies didn't care about it and left without a good night.

Sylkis was in the corridor when she met Fiona. The dog lady was dressed in her business suit and it look liked she had just got out of work, which could be likely since she was working nearby in the zoo. She couldn't take a day off to be there with the kids as Sylkis or her husband Makenshi did, so it seems she was looking for her cub, Loupy. "Ah, miss Sylkis." said Fiona as she recognized the headmistress of the House of Fated Furs, from which most of the nurses and maids of the zoo come from. "Nice to see you." "Hello Miss MacSpankedBottom." answered the dragon. Fiona blushed and corrected her. "It's clan SoggyMacBottom. Makenshi told me you were in charge of Loupy and his gang." asked the dog, squirming a bit. The older lady could hear the faint sound of a wet diaper, something she was trained to hear and recognize. Still, she didn't want to show she noticed it. "Yes. I just put them to bed a minute ago, they are in this room." "Good, can I go and tell them good night ?" "Whatever floats your boat. You can even stay and read them a bedtime story if you want. Have a good night." hurried up Sylkis, wanting to go to her room and enjoy room service.

Fiona nodded and entered the room. She didn't like that they were no night light on for the cubs, and was forced anyway to light up the room. The pups were all here, clearly not sleepy at all at this early hour. Loupy smiled at the sight of his mama and she came close to kiss him and pet him. "Already in bed, little one ? Do you want a night light ?" she asked. The wolf nodded and Fiona looked into the supplies Alice packed up for him and she put a little nightlight on. She then looked through some of the other bags and took out one for Pilou and one for Wylf and set them on. (

"Here were go, isn't that better ?" said Fiona, sitting in a chair with a little squish. "Maybe all of you would like a bedtime story ?" The expected response was just a nod from the cubs, which was quickly given. She had a book in her purse just in case she needed to put some cubs to bed and had no story book available at the time. They were plenty of cubs to put down to sleep at the Saint Fur Cub Zoo in a hurry and being prepared was helpful in that. She could have called the lobby to have the hotel lend her a story book, but she didn't want to keep the cubs waiting as they were already all tucked in.

"Stories for naughty cubs." She said, reading the title. "Oh, I think I'll read you this one. They are actually playing it at the theater of the zoo right now, with Ève as the lead role. Not a movie, a theater with peoples singing and all on stage. I always imagined getting Loupy on such a scene doing ballet in his diapers." The wolf in question blushed deeply and shake his head. ( "The world had changed a lot in the past decades. War had ravaged the world and now peoples lived in a much more rural society with small villages of spread out farms. A big militia kept the land peaceful and while comfort was lacking and hardship a day to day life, peoples lived well. Goldilock was a scrounger and a con-artist, always seeing ways to not actually do any job. But on the run, tired and famished, she stopped at a house. It was open and no-one was here. She ate their food and slept in their bed before being waked up by the bears living here."

"The family was nice to her as they saw that she had been through a lot and offered to join their household and work the land with them. Goldilock didn't like the idea to work but had nowhere to run from the militia. So she accepted, bidding her time to take over the house. It quickly comes, as she worked mostly at home as the cook and maid. She drugged the family and when they awoke in the morning they were..." she paused and looked at the excited cubs. She rubbed the chastity belt of her pup through his diaper before resuming.

"Totally helpless in bondage as Goldilock told them her plan. The parents would work for her as her slaves while their teenage son would be her sextoy and her insurance they would not rebel. They complained and resisted, but the donkey girl punished them over and over until they broke." The dog lady looked at the cubs. They were starting to doze of and decided to cut the story a bit short. "Daddy bear works hardly, a chastity belt locked tight, geisha balls in his ass, neck yoke and a muzzle like a dog. He was treated as a work horse." "Mommy bear was collared, a plug permanently locked in her vagina, wearing nipple clamps and gag, forced to work in frilly outfits like a maid outfit." "The son, nicknamed baby bear by his parents, was treated as a baby by Goldilock. She found it cute and it was helpful with keeping him totally helpless to force the parents to work. Chastity belt when she wasn't using her cock, hollow plug in his ass, baby clothing and cloth diapers were his day to day outfits. Depending on her mood, the donkey added a pacigag, mittens and many others bondage supplies so to have fun with him." Fiona looked at the pups, all sleeping, and stopped there. She left silently, shutting off the light before closing the door.

( )

The morning was pretty common for half the cubs. Being tied up in your crib and waiting for someone to free you was common for Loupy and Marcus, and Wylf had his share of it. The waiting turning into wetting for those who were not already in need of a change and Sylkis didn't seem in any hurry to show up. When she finally showed up, the cubs were all in need of a change and quite hungry. "Morning, brats." she said. "You are all going down to breakfast and after that I'll change you. Is that understood ?"

She released them all from their crib and removed only their gags, before collaring and leashing them. "Since you are in your sleepers, you gonna crawl to the lobby." "But .." said Remy, and before he could say more he was next to Sylkis and getting a spanking. That quieted down all the cubs that followed on four their caretaker. Peoples who saw them smiled, and some took pictures, at those cute babies in cute outfits acting cutely for them.

The lobby had a brunch served. Lots of food of all kinds available to be picked up by the customers at will, and already 5 high chairs were waiting for Loupy's gang. Sylkis had already told the host after her group so they wouldn't waste any time once she had them out of their crib. After all, while she wasn't late on her planned day, she was a bit behind on the one planned by the school. She had decided to sleep a bit more and cut off on the diaper changes, breakfast and first activity of the day to make it up.

Being late made that the cantina was pretty empty when they arrived, peoples had already ate their breakfast and were preparing to head back to the zoo. With their mittens on, the pups had little they could eat and the dragon knew it. Once they were settled in their respective highchairs, they got a doggybowl of cereals and a baby bottle of milk. The lady put a bib on them, but more as an after-thought than real planning, and let them eat while she drank coffee (she had her own breakfast in the palace). While disappointed by their meal, the schoolpups ate it all and crawled back to their room.

There, they got a quick shower and diaper change like they had the day before, with the little change of having to brush their teeth (and the headmistress was really punctilious about it) before getting dressed up. They were settled in their school uniform, but instead of having their usual diapers, they got swim diapers. It was no surprise to the group, since they had known, but it was meaning for 4 of them lots of fun. Loupy was dressed in a Care-bears girl swimsuit over a swim diaper with dolphins on it, Pilou and Wylf wore the same one, so if they stand next to each other in a particular position, you could see the whole picture printed on the pattern. Remy had a beach printing on it made by Tavi munk while Marcus had a pink swim diaper written "I like to swim in pee." all over it.

With a pouting leader, the group left the hotel after packing their backpacks and sleeping bags (those being picked up by a staff member and dropped at their bus). It wasn't easy, the cubs being better at throwing things around than putting them correctly in a bag. But the dragon made sure the bags were presentable to the parents before anyone was allowed to leave.

Finally, the group left, leashed as usual, and walked toward the Zoo Express train station near the hotels. The station for the hotels was science-fiction style, a sharp change of style when looking at the other stations, but the cubs found it nice (and looked especially to the science-fiction toys sold here). Most of the customers from the hotels had left earlier so the station was nearly empty while they waited for their first ride on the zoo express. They would not have much of a tour, the aquapark being the next stop on the way they took. "Couldn't we take the other train and see the whole park before going to the aquapark ?" asked Loupy, hoping to delay the inevitable. "No, we are already a bit behind schedule thanks to your slow packing of your bags." answered Sylkis.

The group finally arrived at the Aquapark. It was a big place, and the only place outside the hotels you could go without actually paying an entrance to the park itself, as you could pay an entrance for just it. The aquapark was themed to looks like a tropical island, with palm trees, tiki statues and staff wearing masks and all. While the staff working here was of varied species, the lifeguards were nearly all dolphins. Outside of their natural abilities at this job, the reputation of savings lives of their species was likely used to make the customers feel more secure.

The pups smiled at the signs "Everyone under or considered under the age of 16 must wear swim diapers on the premises." before entering. They headed to the spot where their little cabin was . The school had a cabin for the trip so the pups had a place to keep clothing and bags while they swam _, instead of small lockers the usual customers rented._They removed their school uniforms and started to pick up their water wings, which Remy and Wylf as the biggest, were in charge of inflating. Loupy had cute green water wings with a troubling image of Cthulhu on it (a favorite of his mother), Wyld had orange one with Talespin, Marcus had red one with Diablo from Diablo 3 on it (a birthday gift from Loupy), Pilou kept with the cute innocent style with Fluttershy rainbow wings but Remy was pouting at the idea of wearing water wings. He said he could swim without but Sylkis's threat of a spanking changed his mind and he puts his Batman-themed water wings without more complaints.

Once they got down to just their swimwear, the cubs took a quick shower (less quick than they wanted, but Sylkis didn't let them enter until they were properly soaked). Finally, they really got in the park and could see the swimming pools and the water slides all around now . "Where should we go first ?" asked Wylf. "The slides." said Marcus and Remy. "The waves pool sound fun too." said Pilou. "Back to the cabin ?" whispered Loupy. The group didn't paid attention to Loupy's last comment and decided to go to the nearest big slide.

It wasn't the biggest of the whole park, but it was the closest and they couldn't have gone to the biggest of them all anyway. You had to be much taller than any of them to ride "The Sharkticon". The Sharkticon is a transformer-themed slide in which the swimmers have to dodge mechanical arms and sharks (the Sharkticons, transformers that turns into sharks) to get to the end of the slide as fast as they can. Anyone who got through fast enough would get a reward, depending of the time period, but most people don't even try. They just aimed to get through the yiffing machines to which the mechanical arms and sharks led their victims .

But the pups had to settle for the "Jaws of the Orca" slide, a really classical water slide with images of orca all around. One splashed the riders with his tail and it finished with a jump into an orca's mouth. The group lined up at the top and they quickly slid down. Only Loupy wanted to chicken out, not liking the idea to go into a big pool of water. Taking the slide, yeah, but not the ending in the swimming pool at the end. But as he was going to get out of the line, the staff member at the start of the slide pushed him down the slide.

The young wolf started to slide down on his swim diaper, looking at all the animatronics orcas swimming around him. They splashed him with their tail, shooting water at him until he finally reached the end where he jumped right into the mouth of a huge orca, getting swallowed whole. And then he finally stopped near his friends in the middle of a big swimming pool. That at this moment that the fun stopped for Loupy and that he started to panic.

In the middle of a group of pups giggling he started to splash around madly and wet his diaper. "I don't wanna drown, I don't wanna drown." Said Loupy. "Don't be such a wimp." said Marcus. "Just come a bit forward and you can put your feet on the ground, it's shallow." Add Pilou. The younger wolf helped Loupy dog paddle forward and finally reach a depth he was comfortable with. "So, our fearless leader is afraid of swimming." said Marcus. "I never said I was fearless. And I'm scared out of drowning. I hate those ebil Baffs." answered Loupy. "Too bad, you're stuck with us all morning at the Aquapark," said the black wolf. The silver wolf paled at the comment. "Now follow me," said Marcus, taking the lead.

Remy looked at the group of wolves. Despite many similar traits, they didn't belong all to the same subspecies of wolves. If he remembered well the class presentation, Loupy and Pilou were Eurasian Wolves, the common grey wolf, while Marcus was a Florida Black wolf and Wylf an Eastern wolf, but to him they all looked the same. He preferred dogs, at least you could see the breeds and act accordingly. But all those wolves had things in common : all sissies, all diapered and all pretty silly. That why he liked to hang out with them.

The group dog paddled toward the Wave pool, which was connected to the pool they ended in by a small canal. Marcus led while Loupy and Pilou were the end. There, they found others from their school, enjoying the wave pool under the supervision of their caretakers. The group mixed with them and started to have fun, but Loupy stayed on the shallowest part of the pool, still afraid to drown. The rest of the morning went pretty uneventfully until the pups had to head back to the cabin to get changed and dressed up.

After a long shower and much cleaning, the pups headed nakedly to their cabin, their kiddy towels barely hiding anything as peoples looked at them, some whistling at their passage. Once at the cabin, they got diapered, plugged and dressed back into their school uniforms. Sylkis appreciated the modernity of the latex or plastic chastity belts, that were tightly locked on cubs even when they were swimming, no risk of rusting. The group followed the dragon through the non-swimming part of the Aquapark, heading to the show area.

Loupy was very excited about this part of the park, because he would be sitting on a bench looking at orcas and dolphins doing tricks. They had seen them from the Aquarium but it was completely different to see them from the other side. The group joined the others Saint Fur "Kink the Wolf" school's students on the benches and waited for the show to start.

Sylkis was always surprised to see how easily they could be impressed by animals doing silly tricks in the water, finding the spectacle pretty boring overall. Except the parts where bondaged furs swam with the huge orcas, serving as toys for the whales. Bondaged into living inflatable toys, they were pushed around, thrown in the air, through circles and all that for the amusement of the visitors. All of those were good swimmers (the Zoo has a training practice that involve slaves swimming as fast as they can from anthro shark slaves in the pools) but in their bondage outfits all they could do was float around. ( While they watched the spectacle, someone come to sit near Sylkis. It was a powerful female lynx, the clear definition of a predator in her muscles and attire, dressed as a lion tamer at the moment. Only her breasts seem to be out of place in her overall huntress aura she had. "Ah, Catherine." said Sylkis. "Nice to see you." "Nice to see you too. I do not have much time at the moment, more slaves to punish and more coming in. That actually about that second part that I come to see you. You have been authorized to see some of the staff-only section of the zoo. You are to present yourself at the entrance of the auction house by 1 pm." The dragon grins and started to rubs her hands. "I look forward to it." "I'll see you there then. I better note down to punish this slave over here, he doesn't smile when the orca throw him through the ring of fire. That is so unprofessional." said the Lynx. "Don't be late."

The dragon reunited her pack and headed toward the burger joint they had planned to eat. They were tensions in the group, Marcus taking the lead when walking and then acting like the Alpha of the pack during lunch. He had taken the opportunity while Loupy was struggling with his fear of water. "Ok, slav... brats. After lunch we are heading to the staff-only area. Better be on your heels or you may never leave this zoo."

End of part 2 on 4

Puppytraining part 3

This story is unfinished and will never be finished. Puppytraining part 3 : a visit to the vet's office A yiffy story cowritten by Loupy Lupine, Diego Blackflame, Dominus Draconis and Draconil Talisfire. Edited for grammar by Twilight Skyborn ...

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Visit to the zoo 1st part

**Visit to the zoo** The "_Saint Fur Kink The wolf"_ school was booming with activity on this early spring day. Winter break had ended not so long ago and today was one of the most important days of the whole school year. One most cubs dread every...

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Sissy school

Be aware that I am french and as such I have sometimes a hard time with sentences, and that also suffer from a problem that plague me also in french : I write in a weird past - present tense combo that is not the best tense for stories. **Sissy...

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